The Mansion Of All Abandoned Mansions - Women's & Children's Asylum

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this has to be the best staircase I've ever seen oh my god look up top wow that's stained glass [Music] hey everyone in this video coming to you from Maryland and we had a location called the Gundry glass Hospital and this was a place that originally started off as a mansion later changed over to a hospital then a woman's asylum and it's later years was last used as a mental health facility for children clothes around 97 98 I do have more information I will share with you throughout this video button joined by Jake mr. Smith net and Jess's behind me Matt's around here somewhere and also rich discoveries they're doing videos here as well aside from that Jessica's taking photos but their videos and channels will be linked down below in the description so be sure to check them out to get their perspective of this place but this is the main mansion building here we're gonna check out which is the administrator's administrative building administration offices it's also a rec center where patients who are able to have visits with family and friends and aside from that we got like playground remnants behind us here and don't know if we could get inside the building here looks like it was recently may found a way and looks like was recently boarded up but there's no science here nothing really stopped me from coming here to check it out so if we don't get inside at least hopefully enjoy the footage from the outside and what we are able to show you so if you guys do know this place though and you do come here be respectful you know of all locations no reason to vandalize them for feety them any more than they already are so just be respectful leave it the way it is that way when other explorers come they can find it the same way that I find it so that said let's get on with the video if you're ready come along with me 2003 planner here's the old lab plaster that kind of conflicts with the dates I found so maybe they used this particular building afterwards after the asylum closed they even have a drop ceiling use this floor is not good you can see you like coming through there yeah this is a pretty bad shape won't be going upstairs probably so this was all for administration and offices so I took the radiators out of their 2002-2003 they took the effort to sure up a plywood button and as you can see we walked right into it just massive amounts of peeling paint dollars like peanut skin [Applause] fleurs roll out little rounder --corner oh this is the time to the worst room look at the light picture still there - [Applause] this is what you call natural decay no perfidy no vandalism but just tons of decay we're headed down the bottles of the building awesome this just looks like a prop haunted house link was exposed lad strips and everything Oh somebody left their mustard here [Applause] there's another bathroom replica is that blue wallpaper or paint paint it's very cold down here oh look at that 2003 conference room schedule so based on the information that I'm going to share throughout the video which you may have already saw show it close to ninety eight but they may have continues working out of this building as administrative purposes I got the purple design number think that's events or is that a speaker maybe no it's old new tone and I wasn't sure how it's an actual new tone yeah that's a all fluorescent light fixtures see the bulb in there it's like it belongs in a swanky house you know motion sensor right there got some confidence plainsong for me salt some no longer red ketchup that's a t-shirt nice exact details this is a June 23rd with no year you can't find any expiration date say his numbers on two but no expiration dates [Applause] all right we're in the next location here and this is supposedly supposed to be for meeting families and patients like a social room I think my understanding is really really bad shape hoping I don't fall through the floor here because as you can see that roof isn't not so good a shape which means on the water is falling down on the floor so I'm gonna tread lightly here that's a good barn door there I figured what it's called I know the name of that but the door that splits open like that because it had so so I'll show you in the outside of this place the reason it's in such bad shape is for the tree fall on it that's why it's all crushed in and it almost looks like these cabinets are holding up the roof yeah I wouldn't doubt it it's definitely not a furniture and I just remember that's called a stable door so couldn't think of it before okay so here's the four mentioned tree that fell on the place here and again I believe this was used for social gatherings with families and patients pretty that bad shape though we're gonna take a walk around the back though because you're supposed to be paste me access with some lighters down there if you guys are enjoying what you're watching so far give this video a big thumbs up equipment chemicals let's take it cooler over there this mine you like a train station or Depot another interesting thing about this property too is that it's not posted there's not one sign saying no trespassing keep out except for the original science and when this place was open the old metal signs but as you can see I mean it's just overgrown decayed but extremely beautiful this is one of the most magnificent buildings I've ever seen a person so let's continue checking it out this big front porch I was like a big entrance there even has stained-glass windows the old swing set right there and playground see the slide there in the background and rightfully so because it was geared towards children and it's later ears look look at the size of this most likely they had patients sitting out here getting fresh air socializing see that they did at some point recently boarded up so may not be able to get inside this is a huge wraparound porch Wow well it's probably rigor mortis May 2011 I'm so glad that you then come let's scared the crap out that you'd be crying right now I'll hit up the step roof remotely we got three cats hey you guys can't solve that is unfortunately a dead cat and not the microphone dead cat on sale been here that long it was like maybe a few weeks if that yeah something like a little memorial with the flowers around it yeah mr. Thomas William just couldn't find his way out of books here is our daily bread I'm gonna do something that's pavement peeling thing here [Applause] so I thought videos I do like to extensively explore the location so I'm gonna show you a little bit of everything here maybe that's not exciting but lease it's thorough and covers everything well okay here's a little coal chute you actually see the daylight coming in here's a vacuum cleaner that's just his mops in a mop bucket bag of my pips that's another sweeper here ever having these in the 80s on a button there I found a whole bunch of teeth is it new yeah there's like a box of these I'm acting like a tunnel you're gonna need a you guys see the T in the box there's a pause over here so stowage oh this basement is like a toys it's a fishing abandon don't step on the shovel it's my boards place business and this is furnace down here I just like where they lock the bodies up holy crap it's like the movie people under the stairs well we got our toys and Christmas items so no dispute just a little closets and everything everywhere hot plate right there well I think we should i decorate this house with all the decorations here so here's that brains of the building probably telephones electrical security this is probably the most I've seen a Christmas decorations left behind [Applause] [Applause] I eat muckrakers efficiency there's stairs where do they go they go up you guys can tell me what movie that's fun let me know down below in the comment section we got kitchen here it's a big range hood this place is gonna be extensive and hard to film because it's like a maze I stick out that chandelier fixture look at the stained glass windows yeah that was four there's weights in the law yeah and a wooden net it used to be there when you would lift it up those there was ropes going to the top of the window and they would loop around the pulley go to the weights in the wall so when you put the window up that's what would hold the window there's the weights look at the shutters there's a house out towards where I live it's none too little now what they have these shutters yeah I mean think of the amount of woodwork it's got their tall was to maybe draw guys I got to tell you so thankful that we got inside here this is gonna be you top of the list one of the best abandoned houses we've ever filmed even though it's not wasn't technically uses a house since later years and you still see its original duty and a form of it I can't imagine not only living here but being a patient here it's just exquisitely beautiful unbelievable something you would see in a magazine on a TV show really I like warm into rooms of it wait to see the rest of it you're gonna be blown away so this is gonna be a long video like your until you're gonna enjoy it so let's keep moving on just unbelievable I've never seen stuff like this this is I probably the best fire cuz I've ever seen there's no room here now it's got a little cutout doorway which is just shy of 6 feet tall not sure that's used for but this is one of the patient rooms it looks like it's all stripped of course but gives you a sense could be an office maybe but I'm guessing a patient room but I could be wrong though dietary staff only so maybe the picture movie upstairs so I'm not gonna speculate too much but I just want to show you look at this height though these are like 15-foot tall ceilings probably got another fireplace here jeez look at the tile work as more of the stained-glass windows another they even put drop ceiling over the upper windows there you see to talk to the window frames there and void told to this house has sprinkler systems this is reportedly one of the earliest houses in the country to have a sprinkler system installed in it I can't verify that hundred simple that is what I read online this has to be the best staircase I've ever seen oh my god look up top wow that's stained glass it's unfortunately dirty but you can see it that is incredible I can't get over the staircase though look at this I don't know how far back these stable state but there's some of the probably most intricate and beautiful one I've ever seen so much detail and we would luckily have enough light in order to shine yeah it's perfect I don't know if it's the same girl or not I think I think it might be the same girl a deadly winter that would be spring I wouldn't be what do you think beaches would it be the fall maybe it's probably that's part of the lordís probably sorry Jake pointed out we've got this massive me right here I'll try the play to understudy it's huge probably about six feet tall and even better we got like a marble fireplace got the mantel on anything look at that design to work right there Wow have I ever seen a marble fireplace before [Music] locked at all times who'd it met whales and dolphins high school a little bit of theming to it guys check out this decorative Walker I think it's plaster but boy is that beautiful rent me a bomb iron temple has same type of decorative elements this big piece right here okay that's not like I think Dragons up there yeah these are used to look at me stand next to it like a few tall it's like its height it's me too they probably have some kind of statues and top yeah me I think we have to look on my signified some photos yeah those design elements please put paper towels and the trash can something any other item in something that's a toilet I don't know what also say this place is a gold mine for as far as abandoned houses go like mansions hospitals as asylums I mean three and one this place is just like no other yeah original curtains here just how it's all the doors are down the windows I mean those windows are roughly like about 12 feet high I gotta give you guys a good reference because it's just hard to explain here's a good size reference 511 these tower over me I went down here 12 feet tall their ceilings in here are probably 15 feet high just so much open space it's hard to comprehend if you can't appreciate it through the video unfortunately but I'm doing my best to show attune to describe it but it is this incredible I never been in a place like this before and just imagine patients were treated here you know not only was a hospital good women and children for mental health conditions so of all the places you can be treated this is where I'd want to come and play that so much beauty let's keep moving on this is who I think this is called a buffet if you're not mistaken we might be in a dining room this is probably where they held like the silverware and stuff maybe dishes but I think that might be able to fade if I'm wrong feel free to correct me but this I believe it is the dining room so that would make sense here's more of those built-in shutters I've never seen that before mr. Smith head over there I stand in the middle of that I've just it's hard to explain the size comparison it just towers over you you guys can seat you up close looks like it has Marvell right in the middle of it may or may not be the original colors but it's still yeah it's it's awesome all right this looks like Peter was up here possibly [Applause] get a little more sunlight and this year at least I thought it was wood from far away you got them right here to the these rooms are considerably smaller so most likely patient rooms those of you that don't want to see it on and do the toilet check so turn away down let's say to find a date on inside now it's like oh whatever has December 20th but I don't see a year maybe 85 on that number there okay from a scary shower scene here that I can see through up it that's what came to mind I thought looks like some of these rooms had shared bathrooms I guess you can be considered a jack-and-jill bathroom but here we got a fireplaces remnants of it another huge mirror got all the peeling paint so brittle I run the next room here and could tell by the theming each one has pretty much a marble fireplace I mean they literally spared no expense here and look at the design work I'm hoping we're going slow enough for you guys because I want you to appreciate everything that's here but this is by far one of the largest places like this that we've ever filmed and easily get lost in here's 29 excuse me 29 patient rooms and countless other rooms is that the stairway to heaven that guy's gonna show you something next what you may or may not want to see it is another dead cat so if you don't want to see it don't look right now that's unfortunate unfortunate nothing we can do about it I mean you can't stop stray cats been wandering into places but it is unfortunate Wow look at this that's an understatement so somebody made this into their little rec room I know somebody was doing something they shouldn't be with that yeah that's P cuz plug with dry brown play this was a third-level my patients this has a more Hospital feel period with the colors of styrofoam though you see in a styrofoam oh yeah it started from sheets yeah you see that where's the original light fixtures here's just one of those shelters to look at these shutters they're like this is the room they don't want people to jump out here this is to keep entertai it's like locked in that one's got one yeah here it's behind it be a patient where there a walkable area got people to come down the window these are for more crazy people all patient services [Applause] this is a really small room geez [Applause] that's the cold room here light the curved walls I look at the windowsills these are really thick probably three to four feet thick haters gonna suck and they don't know how to spell suck [Applause] you gotta say the third floor is probably bad echo probably the trickiest to navigate there's little corridors little rooms little nooks and crannies it's really not set up like the lower floors though this one definitely impatiens up here some of the rooms that we saw have to screen that block the window so nobody xscape really sick locked doors right here and what we discovered was another staircase up here they'll take you to roof access so hopefully we could get up there but I am literally a mind blown by this place it's just simply amazing this tour laundry room there's no staircase [Applause] here's tall from here that's probably you when you're clearing the South look it's got citizens and Michael glass oh yeah he's the owner of the building I says Bruce on it yeah dr. Michael class solving that rich point about which discoveries is that this urgently had gas lighting zero right here there's the knob to control the flow of it and then what it came out here so this was the lighting source prior to electricity be installed here because this was built roughly 1890s early 1900 and this was the original light source so really cool to find that sprinkler heads everywhere even in the closets yeah it's right here we're looking at that stained glass ceiling that we saw on top of the main staircase and here's the light source of it another steal the window top very cool okay let's go up to the fourth floor we go oh my god guys look at the view up here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let me adjust my lighting here yeah that's the stained glass window down there we look at the top of this thing man coming out here trying to sketch this visa sketch man this is probably an updated new best location I've ever been to so so thankful we got here today and we're able to get inside the outside is spectacular on its own being inside is just a whole nother world I can't imagine how this looked when it was in operation and being up here though is just icing on the cake we got a view of the whole city in town and really just can't describe it any more hopefully you guys really appreciate this video because if this place does get knocked down I guarantee this would be one of the best documented videos about itself still got some more to check out and hoping to get my drone up in the air get some drone footage of it so let's keep moving on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can see some writing on the walls by far the most confusing and elaborate place we've ever been to it is truly amaze this stuff here it may have been from kids that were staying here yeah I'm pretty sure this is from kids over here doctor laughs better that's all graffiti from the nineties after the stores all kids graffiti it's kind of sad little sticker and stuff though this is a big heavy door secure that's hanging there so I'm thinking about your head yeah like a little Jail so let's just say stay out Ross more stickers you have a friend of Jesus this have a drop selling at one time - it's gone - keep it stable warmer maybe to keep him from trying to hang off the pipes says past engineers have not always been the best but they weren't always that bad they've been through so much I've learned a lot not anybody that mistakes I've made the lessons you've taught me and everything you never gave up on me and despite all those tears fights and things we've been through I love you with all my heart you're more than just a mother to me you're my best friend someone I know I can always count on even the years to come whichever if they mean might bring just remember that one thing I'll always love you no matter what thank you for all the love and support you've continuously shown I love you Kimbo 2007 penny Mother's Day Jake actually found this in a closet tucked away so it's a piece of history I should fall it back theater we're definitely do that but that was a nice one though it just shows you know some of the heartache and pain and joy all together that kids felt here so it's a nice full remembrance of this place so let's put it back where it belongs alright guys you think we checked it out pretty much everything is this gigantic beautiful mansion so I can make our way downstairs everything goes according to the plan we're gonna throw it drone up in the air and hopefully get some good shots of it from the sky so with that said let me get down the steps here first yeah we're good I don't even check out the other side of that no effect through the door all the way across I didn't check out over there yeah so before we age that we're gonna check this out I've missed this part this is a cool bathroom here look at the size of the window I only see have a nice view while you're doing your duty [Applause] as that goes up and down big heavy door another bathroom more modern wood that beated wall stuff that we saw in that Keystone Resort something better - yeah that was normal to be broken that broken glass that's actually pretty cool see somebody somebody in this office this might be maybe a bedroom or something it's a lot of outlets yeah had been an officer bedroom I could picture me on the story closed kind of patients coming up and they're distributed manner yeah something else this is again this guy's always you know toots here we've got chandelier and a pretty cool tile [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh is this a wolf security pack here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] look at the abandoned country class house hospital and mansion nothing as sakes that this is probably one of the best finds I've ever come across and thankfully we have mr. Smith Ned Jake who was the one who to help confirm that this location was abandoned there's obvious lists as well but on Heath home here today first discoveries discoveries you'll have links to their channels and their videos down below in the description Matt going me again and Jess who took pictures she put pictures on Instagram so you can check them out I'll put a link to that down below as well you guys have any comments questions or thoughts Lewton elbow but most importantly if you come to this location please please 100% respectful because this is a gorgeous place that even though it's in bad condition already we don't want to see you get any worse than what it already is no reason to come here and destroy it anymore help preserving save it for other future explorers so with that said if you enjoyed today's adventure please give it a big thumbs up if you're new to my channel subscribe ring the notification bell don't forget you can also follow me on facebook where i do share photos to my adventures so that said thanks for watching as always I'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: JPVideos
Views: 406,906
Rating: 4.8496847 out of 5
Keywords: jpvideos, amazing abandoned mansion, best abandoned mansion, abandoned maryland mansion, abandoned asylum, abandoned kids asylum, gigantic abandoned mansion, 1800s abandoned mansion, The Mansion Of All Abandoned Mansions - Women's & Children's Asylum
Id: Cg-Mws7f20o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 43sec (3883 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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