Abandoned Ghost Town | UK's Most Polluted Street Families Forced To Leave

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this is the most polluted street in the uk outside of central london over 21 000 vehicles use this road every single day the narrow road has created a canyon effect causing a concentrated toxic environment too dangerous to live in the 23 properties became homes from hell for the former residents when the pollution level increasingly worsened the government have ordered for the entire row of three-story terrace houses to be demolished without delay turfing families away from their homes that's open hey guys have that exact time oh me too did you that's a 90s kids thing wow it's a princess room oh wow look someone could come to the end of your garden and have a bath oh yeah are you scared about this trampoline jess oh oh no yes [Music] an entire street of beautiful homes condemned drowning in dirty air their windows and walls caked with black dust now abandoned a whole community gone what's going on everyone and welcome back to the channel as you can see right now we are parked on a super busy road but this isn't any ordinary road this is the most polluted street in the whole of wales and the whole street all of this is abandoned we've seen a news article on it before we better come check out see what it's all about [Music] it looks like the doors are open but they're actually uh shut pretty sure yeah they're sharp it stinks [Applause] no i'm not sure how anyone lived here i've seen it was like people were really worried and people starting to worry about their lives their children's lives i've smelled like places before this smells like it almost smells like gas it does it stinks actually see inside one of the houses uh looks all smashed up it's crazy to think that just this whole street is now abandoned all these people's homes i mean people lived here for for many decades and now they have to leave because this i guess maybe this road wasn't always it wasn't always as busy you know too many people on the earth it's getting bad right so these houses are actually three stories they're only small but you've got the bedrooms living rooms down there into the basement areas i think kitchens are absolutely actually down on the bottom so i think just saying the kitchens are down on the floor sorry about the noise but this is the most polluted road in wales oh oh my god it does stink so yeah just have a quick look down in one of these oh that cold shed oh sludge yes an old coal shoot wow [Music] it smells like bandeau people have been trying to break the door open there this is crowbarder all right let's get around the back so you can see if we can actually get inside any of these buildings [Music] it is bad i've never smelt anything like this i realized it was going to be this bad nah we should probably be wearing respirators right now it's that bad literally how do people live here oh i mean we live on the busiest road in our little village but this is bad this is next level this is stinks see this one's all boarded up okay so we're gonna have to sneak through this little gap here honestly this road oh my god wow look how beautiful the garden actually is yeah it's like a river just running down right so i think the drainage people here doing some business but we're gonna check these places out anyway wow oh my god just the whole place is abandoned everybody's gardens are stupid fruit this is insane what a lovely garden it would have been yeah right next to the river i didn't know what to expect coming to this place but it's actually quite a sad sight yeah it is all these people's homes and gardens it's a lot of homes they like obviously you get abandoned buildings with these families have to abandon their own homes every street the whole community really isn't it the whole community just gone people's sheds knocked down what a strange sight to see especially here in the in wales in the uk you don't see abandoned streets very often whoa i'm falling over these ones look pretty sealed tight but we're going to keep checking and see what we can find huh oh yeah that looks open such a big garden someone could come to the end of your garden and have a bath oh yeah looks pretty sealed though doesn't it yeah go and have a look i wonder if we can uh oh my god everything's spelled out track down any of the people that live here yeah i wonder where they all went speak to them see what uh see what was like living in a place like this just sealed up aren't they this would have been their kitchen oh yeah it's a little kitchen area pans left little drawers yeah pots and pans they've still got oil in it yes fat they've been frying stuff that is creepy it stinks yeah it does yeah what's in there isn't there maybe a laundry room yeah maybe i mean little bathrooms right let's keep going let's keep it rolling on this side the air doesn't seem that polluted it's it's quite clean actually it smells oh look at the old little gate down to the river i bet this was a lovely place to live yeah up into the woods this would have been a lovely place wouldn't it imagine growing up here the river in the woods or the back of your house they're big houses too yeah wow just trashed i mean how's it got this trashed as well oh my god the bbq is just intact still it's like i think like builders and maybe thieves have been there afternoon little kids toys as well just memories of the families that are left shame i'm going to try and check them all and see if we can get inside any of them off open this this one's open look at all the ornaments everyone's stuffed is left behind look at chandelier that lion there is nice had about my garden a lot of people must have just left there just left all the stuff garden gnomes be careful because there's glass and stuff on the floor here she comes cool oh my god and this is the kitchen then cupboards oh that's the front that's the front door oh yeah that's the dance this when we were on the front road this is the this is what was down the stairs oh yeah when this is the basement yeah this is a basement level without a piece of glass stuck around bathroom it's like 60s style tiles in there yeah shower still there someone's razor string there's a whole hole in the roof above all right let's keep it moving doors oh yeah we'd have a double door so until the river classic lampshade i mean look at that it's damp in these houses as well you can see the mold coming through a mixture of mold and fumes i feel really bad for the people we often live in especially families with kids and you know older generations as well probably lived here their whole life how much floor left hell oh yeah that would have been out to the um to the front another lounge move no way i've got this oh yeah totally trashed [Music] it's got the rtx ceilings as well the places have probably got riddled with asbestos oh yeah three bedrooms three bedrooms oh yeah tiny little room attack space a little crystal chandelier so if you need a wii oh you're up here did you go all the way down to the basement okay let's go down to the basement how strange should we try and see what other houses we can get into see this was going down they feel so steep yeah it's like a ladder they make them really tall and thin back across the sketchy hole it must feel a little bit different actually because the house up there he had his kitchen in the porch almost oh right yeah they're all different yeah this one's a bit more modern yeah ah see what the tv antennas and stuff the ornament still on the wall it's all just memories isn't it forgotten memories i think they even left all their plants the um government they sort of forcibly bought them all in the end didn't they yeah the government forced them and brought them so i wonder if they re-him six six million pounds i think they're spending on these buildings oh my god [Applause] oh look at them that's one of those classic glass glass tables drop it down in the comments right now do you recognize that glass garden table i know for a fact we got one in our garden that one looks pretty sealed we could go up and see in that conservatory maybe see what the deal is oh this one is open too people have been um breaking it breaking in it's getting borders soon isn't it so yeah why not people are thinking let's have a look god be careful where to put your hands oh yeah stinks in this one completely smash the bits of this thing whoa i hope these electric wires aren't still alive same layout far from on the left oh yeah decorated differently all the doors just now shuttered up strange you're thinking that you'd never got to just go into people's houses like this no now that are abandoned you can see what every house in the street looked like what they decorated like oh you got careful on these floors oh people can't even see where we're standing is it really worth it i mean the beans are also intact gosh i mean what happened to these houses yeah so if anyone actually lived in these houses i'd love to know any stories and how you felt living here in the most polluted street in wales drop it down in the comments send us an email drop us a message on instagram same room yeah bedrooms cool that's just another bedroom yeah this is smaller this one [Applause] all right let's keep it moving i don't know how many people come tumbling down these after you had a few drinks it's pretty difficult coming up and down these sad stairs waste all right all right whoa it's difficult to do that without getting your hands cut conservatory area it's all sealed up [Music] so [Music] [Music] there she is look someone's gym equipment just people's stuff everywhere aren't there is these all sealed up uh i don't know i ain't gone all the way up this looks like it's somebody's worked little workshop or something oh yeah yeah yep yeah oh people have worked hard to get into these buildings bloody hell i don't know how much longer they'll be they're falling i'm not sure i think they're getting demolished very soon they're obviously building like a decking area oh yeah chilled out area about by the river i was wondering if i slipped something don't you think someone could watch this we could be in their house how crazy is that right yeah let's do it even though they're quite similar it's nice to see the little differences in there stinks of cigars in there doesn't it oh yeah it does look so much peel that yeah i like a bit of peely paint damn yeah seam now yep this one's got lino floor this one would have had a big fireplace oh yeah it stinks in here doesn't it let's get let's get out of there quick get upstairs and yeah oh it smoked soap gently oh that stinks like moldy cigarettes it looks a little bit different careful where it's done yeah this is a good one actually wow i don't even look up or super busy make sure i don't they haven't split it into rooms one big room lovely see how busy this road is guys i mean this isn't even at its busiest eva constant constant [Applause] oh wow they've obviously redesigned this one because i think anything this floor is not safe that's just a little cupboard yeah it's just storage i think the only thing they can do with them now is not none that they're ruined yep i'm knocking down and i mean what's the point can't build more else's ear now it's too polluted that's crazy isn't it someone's obviously playing games in there xbox 360 destiny looks like a teenager yeah with the whole colored walls that is definitely a teenager's room we were probably spent some money you know putting different making it there these are people with houses for years you'd be gutted wouldn't you yeah i mean you spent all this money on the house you you know it's your home and then you have to just leave it all behind but i guess they are rehousing them yeah do they just give them no choice to move out they wanted to move out everyone wanted to they couldn't deal with it anymore i think the noise as well people couldn't get to sleep and you know anyone with asthma living in a place like this terrible there she goes [Applause] how many more is that then oh check i think there's three more houses to check well i'm going to go back how many there are yeah so there is a trampoline there what are you thoughts do do we jump on the trampoline it looks pretty mouldy but i think we're gonna have to check it out definitely let's check this one might as well check them all this looks like this would have been a big boy oh my god yeah it's sealed yeah yeah sealed oh what shane's big one yeah it looks like people have had a go at it though hell no oh look at what point does it reach live in lifting houses i'm not sure i don't want to tread um too far i don't want to invade anyone's those that lived it yeah the bottom ones are lived in i think it's just the top that was polluted oh look at chili did we used to have that chopping board yeah swear we have that yeah we stopped using we stopped using it though don't we yeah it makes noise yeah we've got a nice refrigerator swimming pool here is that water it's filled with water yeah only one half really oh yeah oh yeah be scared about this trampoline jess i've been i had it before my cousin fell went straight through before when we were on it's dangerous the metal springs and stuff yeah all right let's let's check it out see what the jail is it's got awfully wet careful dress oh oh no yes [Music] trampoline in the bando oh we need to save this yeah we need to save the trampoline jess is having fun do i have a go yeah i better have a go i'll regret i'll regret it if i don't hopefully i don't fall through still good isn't it i don't want to jump too high because i feel like i'll just go straight through can you do a double flip oh stuff you can find in abandoned places they left that behind i know i've never owned a trampoline i don't know what's going on but we're exploring this place and we keep noticing things that we've got at home including these chairs the chopping board the smashed up table what's going on it's common stuff you know it's a cheap and cheerful stuff from probably from b m bargains or somewhere like that one last look at the riverland what a beautiful place this would have been to live it's like pieces of court river courts yeah i'd love to have a river at the end of my garden yeah me too be lovely all right do we keep going let's have a look through this last oh it does look metal sheeted actually the next one does it all right well i reckon we just keep going then until we get shouted out by um angry wealth people yeah oh yeah they all are the whole it is literally the whole street oh my god this is crazy this is so meh we have to count them this is there's tons yeah oh you can get in this one too look at this though work it it's not good stuff here exercising in the band though yeah big conservatory this is a posh one oh look yeah yeah nice smash but you can actually get out on this one it's like another call shoot up to street level wow look to the person filling my bins please stop oh my god i've reported this to the council these bins are still being used by myself as a resident over there that shows how old my neighbor next door your bins up yeah well even though this is smashed to bits it's just an unusual explore it is just a whole abandoned neighborhood yeah whole welsh village almost shouldn't have been really should it but no crazy smell remind you of like holiday this is like holiday here doesn't this one yeah oh look at that wallpaper like stars and stuff it's a careful way of treading now i don't know what happened in here why have they ripped all the floors up and just smashed holes i think they've taken all the pipes oh yeah that's it it's i sort of know outside saying don't break him we've taken everything yeah they took all the parts they obviously knew what was coming they left it that's good i think they should do that with a lot of abandoned buildings maybe professionally remove the pipes wow this is this is obviously a girl's room but they've gone ensuite birds up where there's the sun coming through probably now hey that sounds like a fan i didn't smell anything it was taped up as well oh yeah i'm not yeah i wonder if there's a grow bun up there now you would smell it you'd smell it oh look it goes straight through bathroom into um the next door bedroom oh my god that is weird yeah that is the way we've got climb over the toilet that is so weird getting to the next room it's just a tiny room with a toilet in it yeah what the hell the nice one this house isn't it this is the nicer one i think no it's screwed good stuff here crazy wow look it just goes on and on and on this is like a dream garden i love this garden you can tell we haven't got much of a garden god our garden's not even caught or the size of this this is the whole river thing i really like it yeah oh look right by the waterfall oh yeah i bet at the end of wherever this river goes there's a load of stuff load of trash building bits of the buildings and ornaments you can see it you can see it all throughout it could be some cool things again the person in the end house is not abandoned like yes free garden ornaments all year round another trampoline oh i'm not trying that one over oh yeah i thought you meant the little trampoline there swimming pool yeah oh yeah wow what a sight almost all of these houses look like they had children yeah from family houses sliders swing swinging a slide here trampolines gone to waste they're not cheap trampolines either well you want to bounce on that one as well [Laughter] [Music] it is good eyes just good eyes oh look it's like all their decorations with their light bulbs that's a lovely little watering can plant whatever it is i like that a lot pop it up there [Applause] you can decorate these with all this stuff you could clear out one of these houses gather all this stuff together trampolines lanterns the lot and you could pimp my bando wow oh wow oh ornate all night cupboards wow yeah that's good very sweet yeah it looks more um welsh than it does cool you see the old stone that's strange i wouldn't expect them to use that decoration oh yeah wow it's obviously a kid's orientated house yeah this on the door as well oh there's loads of stuff in there well not loads but look at that milanda bay wow that looks beautiful there looks like the decoration is kept quite the same because when it's going to be built yeah it looks old-fashioned definitely let's check upstairs this could be a promising one [Applause] so they haven't ripped the floors up badly in there okay careful oh wood paneled room this is really oldie that's that type of um ceiling too it's rtx and that thing i'm not sure no it's not awesome we've just stuck them on oh yeah it's a fake one yeah i thought this would have been the lounge it's cool no look amber's room oh my god princess this is a girl's bedroom she's got her own freezer oh you know what it's like when you're kid you wake up in the middle of the night but get their munchies in yeah more children's rooms how strange amber oh oh it's a butterfly oh you scared the hell out of me then oh god oh look at it it's trapped go on then go on down yes nice work jess save the modifier amber's room so she's got two rooms though oh look this is like a proper kid's room that's got winnie the pooh stuff a few children well both called amber it's downstairs said amber's room as well hey i just have that exact time oh me too did you that's a 90s kids let me know in the comments below if you had one of these with your name on it look notes wow it's a princess room what do they say make beds tidy drawers oh desk wash clothes to-do list oh it's called disney disney room oh god it's so sad even the kids drawing they left behind there's an incredibles drawing that's weird isn't it yeah i wouldn't believe any of my kids stuff behind look at that that's all nate compared to the rest of the place yeah this is a different explorer i'm actually really enjoying it yeah you never know what you can find in the next that's right look at that there as well they left all our cuddly toys someone said they rushed out i think they did i think they just said god get me the hell out of it oh yeah boring old parents room i'd rather had the princess room it's weird i keep thinking like people have been gone for ages but people didn't even live in here like that not even no not longer at all i bet this was like a really tight neighborhood as well yeah really close sounds like a kid decorated this house on the floor [Music] yeah me [Music] wow it's hot out here today it's like one of the first days it's felt like summer ah lovely out there even though we're on the most polluted street it's still lovely sealed that one someone's open the top left the top window open though strange i wonder if they're resealing them maybe yeah maybe no it looks like it could have probably been an uh outhouse toilet yeah back in the day maybe they're even expanded from the door over there oh yeah i've seen quite a few what expanded foam shot yeah no no seems quite inside a few oh yeah i've seen inside more than i expected to actually yeah that one's sealed too oh look a basketball one thing basketball hoop that's a real kids one isn't it gonna be like two foot high to play with that paddling pool how cool i want to see all the bandos oh look at that that's probably the the most mint condition thing in this whole neighborhood right now go on oh yeah doors wide open flip it here look someone's like real took the door off jesus oh it's cold in this one it's got the wooden um cover nuts yeah look at that oh yeah miner i think that's something to do the big pit maybe it's clear close to it who knows that's the radio though oh look at this staircase yeah it's like a dark wood one [Applause] see i went to the gardens uh correct this one yeah it is oh the original fireplace yes that's what we like first one of the the explore so i wonder why the other side of the road yeah hold on a minute it's a bit strange it's a bit strange was it what's up now it's just shelves oh yeah i think it might be the dump oh this is not [ __ ] bedroom in tiny bedroom yeah all right to the next one straight out the door that's what we like yeah cut across how do we get oh we gotta get down nice work two shops then i wonder what that means i think these are maybe little shops or something storage shed toilet picture of that dog as well all look like they should open why is someone written yes the builders man i'm telling you i think these might have been like little shops or something i'm not sure i'll look at this house sealed that's a shame the last house did there i'll have a look on the way back this is the last house last house on the left shame we can't see inside this one sort of had the nice deck in this would have been the groundhogs yep the last one this is a posh house a big boy yeah i wouldn't stand on that deck i wish we could get in there you know yeah something funny about jess that you might not know animals seem to just come to jets like stray animals all sorts of wildlife it always just comes to jess yeah i don't know why let us know let us know your thoughts on that why do all the animals come to dress because they know i'm going to help them out can't believe how far it actually goes it's just as far as you can see oh yeah i mean we need to be counting the houses oh what are we doing yeah we need to count so we've got one two three all right let's keep it going um four oh yeah [Applause] i think the weed again someone's around here just stinking it up man wow so lovely isn't it smells really nice river yeah it does god i'm falling all over the place right now i just love this shot with the swings it's just so cool in it are you keeping count yep okay cool number 10 is this number 10 in your head as well no 13 right now all right but the last oh yeah that's two or three aren't actually attached to this yeah that's right so that would have been someone's little workshop there ah another successful mission man abandoned neighborhood crazy yeah sad too there's such a waste well i mean the thing is we were having this conversation the other day about how many cars there was on the road like yeah the neighborhood by us it's just packed with cars it's almost starting to get a little bit overwhelming just the amount of cars on the road yeah you know there's probably a lot more cars and there is people already that's not good i think i think there's 21. 21. could be wrong though come on jess you kept talking to me i think there's 21 that's a lot there's a lot of houses there's 21 families crazy see the gas people or drainage is doing that thing still and we made it this one was big yeah it was a big one yeah pretty cool wow all right so here it is abandoned street the most polluted street and look car after car after car crazy that smells bad that smell yeah so i wonder where anybody who lived here would have parked it's only a small area yeah it's strange what's the problem these days isn't it how is it built before you needed a parking space that's right the traffic is actually less bad right now too because they've got the road the road works going on yeah so we've come to the front of the big house at the end and you can see inside it's like lime green wood it's nice it's really nice the wood it does look like it could look there's a bar like a kitchen maybe these were weird shops or something yeah like a cafe or something maybe there's a garage and stuff though doesn't it who knows much bigger this one yeah all right let's get back to the car these guys are lucky they picked the right side of the road looks like they're a bit higher up maybe that makes a difference who knows no they've even got a waterfall just coming down there down the stairs that is sketchy you know you'd fall down that late at night so we've made it back to the car and to be honest i do feel out of breath yeah i don't know if it's because we're just walking around and exploring whatever but i do feel out of breath there's a lot of lot of cars driving past right now just from when we've been stood at driving the um flying the drone just the amount of cars that have gone by and the noise it's just ridiculous i'm glad to leave i don't know how you yeah to stay here be horrible too much yeah but thank you everyone for watching and i hope you enjoyed the video and we'll catch you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Samandjessexplore
Views: 156,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ghost town, abandoned ghost town, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, sam and jess explore, abandoned places, abandoned places 2021, abandoned places 2020, abandoned town, abandoned village, uks most polluted street, wales most polluted street, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned mansion everything left behind
Id: 0yfFBcT4wXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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