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I'm scared hehehe they said so you think I can do this I think you can do it is it possible I can't do this don't fear the reaper okay ready yeah right now that's how you're going first excited to be here today with Regan Warner sponsored scooter rider from the from Murrieta California and Aaron Cairo sponsored skateboarder from the San Francisco Bay Area so today what are we gonna do today Aaron Cairo is gonna be learning five different scooter tricks I'm actually super super hyped on this too I'm scared five I think you've done five scooter tricks in your life I haven't done five tricks in my life on anything what except for skateboards okay okay so when I first met him he came up and shook my hand he almost broke my entire body and then I was like that's why his upper body strength is inhumane I can't I'm scared from the grips yeah exactly okay I guess we just start we'll start off easy we'll do we'll do 180 a 180 180 oh sure he they said okay now so on a skateboard I ride right foot forward okay and I go like that so a similar thing on the scooter same thing okay be regular a lot of a lot of skateboarding aspects go straight to scootering okay so you think I can do this I think you can do it honey you got it let's go we'll do it we'll just do them obviously flat so I'll do the first one I'll demonstrate it really quick just I mean I'm sure everybody here already knows what 180 is but for those of you that don't this is 180 on a scoot okay so that was it yeah so you ride this way I'm regular forward and you jump that way yeah what do you get me first try prop prop that's all wait when you started you kind of did this thing oh the barfing yeah just like this you left it on the ground yeah yeah just put your pulling foot on boom you know it's funny about that I'll have this like nervous tic might be a nervous tic it might be insanity but when I skateboard I was go like this that's like the equivalent of bars exactly the same thing it's like people just like okay first try and we drop it - oh yeah like this yeah that's another one dude you did more than a 180 here at a guy the thing that I'm scared about is riding switch I guess so when you jump yeah just just land and then instantly jump and get boom that was it we count that first right no you gotta clean it up clean it up - Gabe Oh No I push out you did push hey you're close jump a little bit higher a little higher wow I almost tipped over and hit my head should I be wearing a helmet no I feel so uncoordinated for some reason alright let's go boy let's go boy why push his nets go alrighty trick one down check it off let's go what's next next down the 5 180 we were asking earlier if you were gonna be dumping the 5 today I said no he said no thank you go into the 3 I said yes what's trick number 2 all right something about the handlebars makes me real nervous yeah I feel like I'm gonna jump and it's gonna go right into my nuts don't know why I feel the same way on a skateboard but how you feeling with Caleb's yeah maybe yeah ok for you like it's gonna be weird because you stand like like a lot of skateboarders obviously yeah like wide yeah like very much you stand I stand like this okay when you do tilt so you can flick it like with your back foot a little bit fast so like a tre flip yeah exactly Lincoln Tre foot by the way kind of funny how I first try okay so here's the whip as long as your foots like that you flick it like a tre flip okay you're in the game okay caught in the air like that you really catch it too right yeah you'll have to with your back foot or front I catch it with my back foot I feel like this might take the rest of the day guys no I feel like it's five tries okay yeah you think of tre flip in your mind oh man I know it's so much different than a skateboard though it is the jump I never tried lean lean back just a little just a little bit back pocket lean back oh is it possible I can't do this is it possible there's you can do it a tailwhip Arrington cannot do maybe like a practice that and there's nothing you do with the arms you kind of on a single like sort of it's always like a little it's so awkward with this thing dude oh yeah but like on a single it's more of your feet try like kind of tip your bars a little bit but it's mostly like and your feet on that one okay and it's very much of a jump and a leaning back should be trick 5 should we come back to the whip no we're gonna do it okay I know what I need to do whoa that feels so weird that was better that was better don't fear the reaper we're there you've probably never fallen like that in your life okay okay you're there you're there right now I'm real scared to land okay let's go let's land this I did kind of a body burial as well but that's okay never sweated so hard in my life funny the front flip okay I'm landing this right here come on I lost my speed let's come back to this we're coming back to it there's got to be something else I can do I'm dying out there okay we're gonna take it back a notch I got that I got that first Roy all right well I guess I'll just go for it [Music] okay I just saw this man how to tail with Aaron can't do it I can't I can't do it dang you did you dirty on that one I know he's got the shove it's tease though it's like and then after I seen Nigel dude I was like let's skateboarder kids do this but you jump with your hands I'm used to no hands oh really I'm gonna give it three more tries and then I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown and cry we'll go on to the next trick well you know what you can think of it as like an ollie Late Show I wanted that so bad yeah hard let's go on to something else okay let's do like a yeah whatever you want drop off that I was thinking we go up that grind and come down you want try that gotta learn a grind here you wanna do it on them on this yeah let's do that as long as you can jump onto the ledge and just slide without falling off you're in the game okay all right the feeble first Roy okay so we're gonna have you go like a little bit at an angle just barely okay and just bunnyhop straight just try to put the deck on that coping okay and just don't freak out I'm gonna freak out go ahead all right is it easier to jump on to it yeah yeah okay okay what's next wait now you want to get you back Oh Nigel get my back sorry okay Nigel so good I see Oh try and play games now okay okay do you wanna start on down yeah please end with a helmet okay go ahead drop in dude heck no you've got this one foot ok foot first okay go ahead just one foot off and just push it laying down there okay lean forward definitely forward don't lean back otherwise you will die really yeah that sounds safe okay so you kind of jump in can I get boneless on a skateboard exactly I'm just gonna one foot it first Oh perfect like man forward a little more tell me skirt I ain't scared for that real yeah did you do it though I mean I think you tell me this yeah perfect now do the bigger one okay so now we've got 180 you gotta drop in we got the feeble grind we're gonna get the tail because that's gonna be his last one with three stair no three stair it is and we gotta get him on a skateboard this is real skateboarding after all we gotta get you on a skateboard I'll try see here's the thing like I have my select few tricks that I can do on a skateboard and then and that's where I stop heel flips the hardest trick first try false end no instruction no instruction so now we've done for really the whip is the last one at four yeah we've done 180 drop in grind three ser Te'o up dang it really trying to hold that one off I'll do a tail whip you do a tre flip okay they get the top of your foot no I was just disappointed in my own self esteem I can't believe how close I just got and then failed can you right here right now right here okay hung back straight flip three tries were junkies yeah any size or any size boy okay I know what we need to do dang okay so you got he already went so tre flip versus um tail whip may the best man win yeah you're right there dude dang it yeah my toe was touching pretty bad though I jumped on it game I'm not scared he's not gonna land this no big deal dang it dude see I do the scooter thing I wait too long it's funny the differences count about not counting how it's possible see I'm not missing my pop you're gonna lean back dude you got a pops what are you doing he's got to tell me I suck you rock Oh big part of me feels like he's not trying that all right let's land this if I land this I'm doing every trick I learned in a line right after I land it ready let's go straight into the trees there oh my gosh - oh pretty got the 180 count it let's go okay do another tailwhip - to make it true oh he's got it now alright get the tray food right he does like that same thing most people do not leaning back far enough I had to lean back further yeah okay I can't believe online of that that was legit the greatest I'm so proud of you I'm so proud of me too yes mate I got your back yeah first joy every joy dude that was quick that was awesome five tricks what was that like fifteen minutes five days we just wear the same clothes every day we haven't showered another sleeping I slit ear okay my arms are going to be sore for three months literally just from picking this up I mean this and this is pretty light it's like eight pounds something like that how have you skateboarded five and a half yeah something like that alright well that's super fun that was awesome thank you very much thank you absolutely and thank you for coming out here huh so excited to be out here he literally did like a thousand tricks you guys will see the video it's really actually completely mind-blowing yeah I'm almost at a mill to get his YouTube channel is almost out of million you guys gold play button oh man let's go so again a huge thanks it's really awesome having you out here thank you for having me again and we got a whole bunch more videos coming with this guy and it's gonna be it's gonna be a lot of fun let's go check out all the other videos right there subscribe like leave a comment below and we will see you yes you learning how to ride a skateboard boom
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 1,313,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, braille
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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