Aaron Carter on Why He Will Defeat Lamar Odom, Onlyfans, His Fiancé & More

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i'll share it with a graphic of me and you engaged in a french kiss it would be a great visual that is just horrible no yeah i don't want to do it either but the image would be provocative powerful stuff no jumper coolest podcast in the world and today i find myself reconvening with a man who is here a half hour early aaron carter what's that how do you do how do you do adam i do well i'm doing fairly well same how about you i'm good very i'm very good yeah i just want to throw something out here i was just listening to a podcast you know because we can talk about whatever at this point and we can dive more into your personal life and whatnot but i was just listening to this podcast with a stephen pressfield who's an author i'm a big fan of and tim ferriss was interviewing him and they were discussing this this theory that i found very interesting and worth discussing which is that when you wake up in the morning the directive the thing that you're trying to do before you you know start to be creative or get into your you know stuff that you want to do for that day is you're trying to create a a succession of little successes in the sense of like of course yeah it takes the little things to build the big things you brush your teeth okay you got that done that was easy you do that every day you go for your little morning it's an ordinance morning workout yeah it's ordering get that done you make breakfast you get that done and then as you build all those up then finally you've gotten to the point where you're ready to get in the studio the answer you're to to write something that's interesting yeah um because that's pretty much what i'm doing at this point okay what what is your creative discipline that you're trying to work towards every day well first first and foremost uh you know just trying to get my mind right my soul right so just um you know i see a psychiatrist who's incredible and working with him for about over a year now really yeah and um full disclosure i've been in therapy for about a year too well i mean not you know me i'm i'm full disclosure so like i i've um so i've been i've been going to uh to this this psychiatrist therapist and and seeing him and and you know yes um yes i'm prescribed to like you know xanax and gabapentin and hydroxyzine and and propranolol high blood pressure medication all these things and i'm not afraid to talk about that you know i'm not afraid because at least i can bring some sort of awareness because i've i've been able to take a step back look at myself in retrospect and be like you know i gotta transcend you know certain behaviors that i've made yeah okay so last time i we interviewed i felt like you were acting like you weren't on any drugs no has that changed a little bit no no what you mean is you you you felt like i was acting a lot like i was on drugs right no i remember like you repeatedly telling us you weren't on drugs so even though a large percentage of the comments thought that you were on drugs we were also kind of defaulting to your saying that you weren't so much well you know i think you know that's also something i talked about with my my therapist and i tend to do that i tend to take the stuff that people say about me and even if it's like you'll hear that that terminology almost like you know one person could say one thing bad and then you know you'll have a hundred good comments one one bad comment can like destroy you because it's defamation of character it's slander i've never done any of these things you know i've tried my best in every way shape and form to prove that and just you know grow up move on and and um you know just really stick to the uh the therapy aspect of of how i'm living my life now you know um things are changing in such a such a great way that i didn't expect really yeah like what's changing well i mean just how i handle stuff um how i handle stuff personally um how i let it affect me the relationship i have with my my uh fiance i know that you know we've gone through some some ordeals and the last year you know she went to jail for for uh assault on on you or on the meeting and who who called the cops on her was that who [ __ ] knows i mean it wasn't you no no it wasn't you never snitch on your boot i don't snitch on anybody not unless you you really are trying to do something stupid but you know i think people have this misconception that yes yes i am in the hip-hop world and my music is going towards that more and that's that's who i am i mean i grew up you know hipping and hopping yeah i mean i grew up rapping and on the stage just bopping around enjoying just enjoying performing you know and so the last well now it's getting close to two years with covet i've been able to to just kind of lived this great domestic life so you know i i i bought a house for 420 sold it for 600 bought another house for 600 i'm selling it right now for 8.50 where do you live that sounds i live in court's hill okay i don't know where that is but it's uh it's it's the high desert so oh okay so you're how many hours from l.a i mean it takes me 49 minutes to get here no it's not bad and it snows there yeah that's cool i was actually my sister or my girl's sister lives about an hour north and we went up there the other day and it was fully like snow everywhere was it yeah it's kind of weird well it i actually got a video i put on my instagram it was like snowing in the middle of the day it was just it's majestic people in california will be like oh i've never seen snow you know i went to new york and i saw snow for the first time it's like i just drove an hour north of l.a and i saw snow well here here let me actually educate educate you on something um palmdale quartz hill the area that i live in it's all solar powered and elon musk has a lot to do with it so they're building this city so i'm able a lot a lot of people keep asking me oh how do you make your money how do you make your money i don't need jewelry on i don't need nothing like crazy like i'm but you don't need an impulsive chain i mean that's just a [ __ ] you know just be you know it's just sort of a way of calling logan out yeah i mean [ __ ] is [ __ ] moving to puerto rico i mean his podcast sucks compared to yours he's got his goofy ass he's just goofy-ass george co-host girlfriend left them he's moving to puerto rico it's called impulsive it's it's logan's show so he's got his name i mean he's just you know logan's a good dude um but at the same time i don't i don't like his brother what he what he said he called me out was like oh you know i don't wanna he was like i don't wanna talk let's not mention that little [ __ ] but logan and jake are their own people at this it's all mine seem like they have quite divergent that's that's great that good for them but so am i but you're not related to them so of course you would be your own person well i guess it's true yeah [Laughter] you never talk to those guys anymore is there any grudge that you're still rocking the chain nah there's no there's no grudge um the only thing is is is is give me my chain back i want my other chain back so this is a call out so that's it it's that simple but okay let me just throw that scenario out there so logan's co-host mike he's date he was dating lana rhodes who's like by far one of the biggest instagram influencer model type chicks used to be a porn star she got like 20 million followers okay he just broke up with her it seems like he's the one who kind of ended it but it's kind of interesting because everybody is so like oh you [ __ ] up you know you let this girl go you gotta go what's her name lana rhodes oh but it actually feels like you know i i hate when i see that where people are like oh she's hot and you guys broke up so you took the l it's like bro just cause she's hot doesn't mean that they were meant to be together personality-wise what do you mean like i mean okay picture the most attractive girl you've ever slept with would you want to be in a relationship with her okay aside from her okay you know like you probably wouldn't like when i think about all the different attractive girls i slept in my life right now i don't i do not want to be with them no i don't know why would i no someone being hot is not a good judge if you should be with them for life and that's nothing against lana cause she might be great but you know if your personalities don't match up right um yeah i mean love language is is it's crazy it's it's hard to obtain um a relationship in the first place being in this industry i've known that for 25 years i've seen watched and it's hard to get into a real relationship where it's not it could seem like it's set up but it's not but you know people want to play in the same team when it comes like a soccer scene like when it comes to being in a relationship meaning like two singers two singers an actor an actor singer so to me a lot of that is is superficiality it's it's um it's a it's it's a facade you know they go for it they try it they see if it's gonna work but in the back of their heads truly they're probably most likely thinking how is this going to benefit my career and and that's that's where people mess up you know that's where they really make big mistakes in my opinion so i mean it took me till you know i'm going to be 34 this year it took me a long time to get to the point where um you know i'm not a cheater i'm not a bad person you know i i i could still do my music you know i got people sending death threats every day telling saying they're gonna bury my fiance in the backyard and you know they're gonna you know it's just it's just it's been nuts it's been nuts right now why would anybody want to kill your fiance they want that like it's like five there's like 5 10 15 20 of these girls are just like publicly saying this stuff like and then and then there's and then there's still like that smear campaign smear campaign like cancel culture thing going on with me where you know this this kid named gamble william james witt um you know allegedly is sending all these people through discord to keep going keep up with this narrative so like i keep talking about is it so it's so the internet is is really like um it's really bothering me so i have to like take legal action against certain people that are really just abusing the internet and you know just degrading her and degrading my my mother you know my mom's heavily back in my career and she's doing really well and just it's just crazy you know because i got this fight coming up with lamar and that that's where my focus has to be how much preparation are you doing for that what's that look like oh it's nasty isn't he i don't know exactly what his measurements are but i would say massive six nine and you're i'm 5 11 pushing six that seems like a lot to overcome just the height difference and i'm sure there's a big weight difference as well reach advantage well there was a beautiful a beautiful fight between shaq and oscar de la hoya and you beat chuck yeah right i know i don't even know if i ever heard that song i've just heard so many people refer to it that i didn't have i mean it's so funny because the producers and writers josh schwartz and brian kerloff i asked him one time i said what inspired you to make these like hobby shack and aaron's party and all these records they're like um we are now yanking [ __ ] and beastie boys [Laughter] i was like are you serious thanks i get what the childhood fantasy they're trying to fulfill there is though because i was recently saying that i remember the first time my dad told me that he was going to a basketball game celtics game and it was like impossible for me to wrap my head around the fact that my dad wasn't actually competing in the basketball game you know i was a little kid i didn't really understand like my dad plays basketball my dad's my hero of course he should be playing against all these guys right but i think when you're a kid that's a very appealing idea that you could be on par with these uh greats shaq being a great i i talked to shaq just the other day he he told her he said you better take care of my man real entire well you have shaq's number and you'll just dial him up from time to time i mean i i know so many amazing people throughout the industry that i've i've been in you know everyone from will smith michael jackson to bruce willis all these people coming to my shows coming to see me and it was interesting because for me i was just like whatever you know like i'm not bothered by this you know bruce willison invited me um to do uh his daughter's sweet 16 rumor and picked me up in the jet in florida keys and flew me up to animal kingdom and you know we did some we did some fun stuff and i was just like you know this is just like you know whatever and like all i asked him for was a jacket so he gave me a jacket that he had from like die hard or something you ask for a specific jacket or just any jacket you know me come on that jacket i was like i want that jen from die hard it's not like his precious collector's item yeah i didn't want no money i was like i want the jacket so right so he gave me the jacket um and they would come to my shows and uh you know so i i've met a lot of you know i did songs with luther vandross and celine dion and um so i've had some i've had some cool experiences you know that i look back on and people are like i'll have people be like my friends be like man you're you're a legend blah blah blah blah blah and i'm just like you know no i don't i don't see myself that way i don't see myself as some sort of la i'm just a person that really wants to prove myself as a producer music producer first and foremost and then you know my music and and also the controversy behind now that i do only fans how is that going what is on there i mean me you know only fans um for me personally is the meat in the dms or is it on the feed i mean it's it's everywhere bro can we see it right now it's will you drop trial laura turn around wait wait actually where are they i was just kidding no no no i mean you know what but i guess if you want to show me your favorite it was it was look at my girl's got my statements pulled up and are you guys this is like what we're doing we're every two days every two days you're making that much money or is that no no you know let me show you the monthly statement yeah i want to say the monthly okay but you're in the top point one seven percent which seems pretty pretty significant it's it's cool a lot of people have this story like oh yeah i used to do something else and now i do only fans i make ten times as much money yeah but you know i try to keep my my stuff as classy as possible so um there we go there's there's your total gross with the six not bad living good so you just started this started like eight months ago like she my girl was doing only fans and i was like i wasn't comfortable with that you weren't oh i wasn't so i was like just doing solo stuff or yeah she was doing her own and i was like nah i'm not comfortable with that so uh let me get in there so i we made kind of this arrangement so she was like all right so i'm gonna i'll i won't do it if if you can make five thousand dollars in a week you yeah okay so i opened up one and i made like seventy thousand dollars in like a week right so i was like bye-bye goodbye and i just like i took her off a bit you know i did i i have a certain respect for women that people may not understand all the time and i was just like i want i took her off of that and you know and now we're you know we're we have our second home which is it's beautiful it's 5 000 square feet it's it's gorgeous three dogs three beautiful puppies what do you need two homes for i sold the other home alright but the um the boxing match after i do with lamar um will where i'm gonna make a significant amount of money and already have i'm buying my mother house so that's you know my mom's like she's everything to me i mean that woman sacrificed you know her career and any dreams that she had for for me and my brother you know and that's very amazing that is amazing and there's a very bad dynamic right now with your mom with the family in general with my with my my mom and i are great she's like a manager to me still but we could dig in more on the mom but i just want to ask this question are you at all worried that lamar odom will subscribe to your only fan see your penis and then sort of know like the secret to defeating you in the squared circle well no to be honest um lamar odom is is he's tall six foot nine so that means he has a very long reach then athlete as well uh which is a set probably one like a second and a half reach to pull back so with a guy that big all you can really do is go to the body so he's gonna be trying to protect his body but that's still gonna leave his kidneys and his liver and other certain organs that i'm gonna have to target in order for in order for me to knock him down like i'm not gonna be able to knock him out by the face possible you know that jump right there i'm not going to need to jump i already can reach six nines you could scale his body like spider-man well i mean it's it's just no different than how mike tyson was uh you know his opponents were huge so he always all he would do was what he was do a right left right duck then he would he would hit you in in like in your spleen and then he would uppercut you and take you out you know and that's how he fought the big guys so i'm not taking this lightly at all like this is an actual real fight you know i i'm not going to be made some job doesn't matter whatever real talk i'm going to go out there i'm going to make my millions and i'm going to knock lamar odom out and i'm going to rebuild my career and and that's it who knows i might even become an mma fighter and do boxing do more stuff so why not yeah would you at all inspired by seeing jake paul knock out nate robinson no he's a [ __ ] babe can i have my you know just because you're a white guy and you're trying to fight this black guy i've been left alone now so it's really just me hello guys nujumber.com if you want to support the podcast we got a lot of great kendamas and up he's back just like that and he's got a coffee what do we got over here just some of our kendamas available at nodejumber.com you can follow at no jumper kendama on instagram no jumper.com thanks for having me back that's been great it's cool it's cool talking to you now a lot has changed man really i like talking to anybody that i can have a nice laid-back conversation with because i i end up doing all these rapper interviews where i'm sort of psyching myself out like i know you told me this last time i got an interview on thursday and i'm kind of like [ __ ] i gotta like really do my research you never feel like you have to like change your persona for these people sometimes you do you got to fit in you know you feel like you have to to chameleon a little bit well like recently i did an interview with somebody who was kind of talking down on the only fans thing and it was like why i i mean kind of irrelevant but they were sort of because you tried to do it you made 14 no i don't think they tried to do it but either way it was like me kind of having to take the fact that i do that and that my girl does that and like put it on the shelf because it's like i don't want to turn this interview into me arguing with this guy about the validity of doing only so it's kind of like right there i'm i'm changing who i am because i'm sort of just falling in line with what they say because i don't want to make it all about me whatever these people are stupid some people are stupid they're just not intelligent yeah they're just not intelligent but you know you can't you're not mathematical you can't spend your whole life trying to you know convince everybody that you know but there's a time what that only fans is is something that is helping a lot of people i just care so little about what anyone thinks of that yeah but yeah me too my mom my mom approves and that's how it matters you know my mom i think she said something like she's like oh yeah you know nick and angel they call you a porn star and all this stuff and i just tell him i'm like he's not a porn star he is somebody like i the fans that i have on on only fans i told my mom i said these people are really sweet to me they're really nice they make me they uplift me they make me feel good if i you know i'm too skinny or from fluctuating with my weight which obviously everyone knows that happens with me these people make me feel good mom and i'm like you know and i said yes you know i do things that are very provocative and she says she says aaron you've been like that since you were a little kid she's like we that that was your image and that's who you were as a little kid and you just grew up and she's like you always find a way to just keep being you know yourself like because i stopped at a certain point like 15 16 years old i was like you know what i can't handle this [ __ ] anymore i can't handle these interviews these things these these suck the these people suck these programming directors suck but let me just throw this out there it's got to be i can't it's got to be different now because when you're a pop star and you're all on mtv and you got the label breathing down your neck then you have to very much fit into a certain box and you know here's the thing making money with your hog out definitely is not going to be allowed and now you can just sort of do what you want right because you're working for yourself here's the thing i i never really was accepted on mtv i wasn't on tierra i was selling millions more records and all those other people you know um i was a young kid that was some sort of like prototype you know it was some sort of prototype and it was like there's like a couple options like okay is this person going to make it probably not that was that's definitely the general consensus you know especially a few years ago of of of who i who i am oh it's aaron carter oh it's aaron carter he's not gonna make it you know like that's something that i know that people in the back of their head it's it's like that's what they think about me you know they're like um and it's almost like they made fun of me i couldn't get my career back on track it took 15 years i did broadway i did all these kind of things to try to build my credibility and build my strength and build my vocals and you know i i come back and all of a sudden everything changes again everything everything changes i start getting it right and you know learning how to manage myself and coming out of of this um this this like like the upside down or whatever and uh uh insidious or whatever like that's what it felt like i came out of and then i started learning how to manage myself do my tech riders do my routing do you know do my accounting handle my employees get treat them like gold set up all of these things do all the concerts and focus on that and i hadn't stopped for like seven years man touring like seven years uh i mean live my life but did not ever get to the point where i actually look in my bank and i have money in it and now you feel comfortable i'm very comfortable i'm i mean my my fiance and i do very very well together so are y'all [ __ ] on there or what [Music] um he's so stupid i mean it's a fair question right like i just want to know is the hog out can we see the veins is her vagina actually having your penis it's hard for me to imagine this and i did not i actually i actually like to keep my woman very discreet okay um and and if um i haven't even seen your only fans she won't even let me look at it mine and i know you'd be blocking [ __ ] babe she said that is correct yeah my girl has only fans so you could see me piping on there that's weird mommy i don't want to do that you don't you don't you can't believe it no you're like you'd like to hold me i can't watch you do that yeah i feel like my body percentage is too hard you guys get involved with other people yes oh wow no don't get any ideas i'm not okay okay so so you do like the numbers that i do i would say that her numbers are uh her numbers encompass your numbers they're better that's good huh that's good we don't talk about specifics i always talk about specifics i know it's so weird how that thing that cultural norm of like oh you don't talk about how much money you make kind of went out the window with only fans everybody's just posting their screenshots i'm like what happened to that like because me and my girl we would never i never do that they generalized i'll say that what's the point you know like it's like people are gonna judge anyway and honestly i'm telling you you know the more you do and the more success you get and the more money you get the more problems you have right exactly and me it's been crazy because i've been boycotted blacklisted i gave you that example of these people that thought i wasn't going to make it but then i did then they have egg on their face and what i mean by make it is not like singing is not any of those things it's the person that i am it's the you know the soul inside of me that's real that's not some fake ass [ __ ] that i see from people you know yeah well the weird thing about it is that like even if you were making you know million dollars a year off only fans it's like the people who are judging your career and like are saying if you fell off or not they're not gonna care about that yeah well that's still a failure somehow yeah well you know it's interesting i i i mean i don't really hear the word fell off very often i'm not being honest with you because my music that i produced and i wrote and i did with sony it's everywhere still it's all over the radio it plays all the pool parties it plays all the malls it plays on all the playlists it gets over two million streams a month i mean the music is doing great i'm going to ask joe budden if i don't play aaron carter at the time but i don't get the credit for it and i'm just like you know that kind of sucks because i worked really hard on this too hard on these tracks and on these songs but but then there's a lot of pluses you know we went gold and platinum in over 20 countries and um you know all over the radio which which i wish i always had and i never got that because being a little kid there was a stigma you know they weren't playing aaron's party on the radio no you know it was it kind of sucked you know i would be touring with like um vanessa carlton and and you know all kinds of all kinds of people that were popping on the radio at that time and you know it was not me i would do it i would do radio shows but they wouldn't play me on the radio um you know so i my mom superwoman how did you fix that relationship weren't you guys not in good terms for a while well um my mom's been going through a lot lately it's been very draining um for like the last couple months well i don't know if they heard that it sounded like a [ __ ] sound like a cheap piece of [ __ ] um nasa just did a launch across the street jesus christ now my mom's been going through some uh some medical stuff some and i i once again am the only son that cares about her and i paid a lot of money to get her right um and i did it right i'll spend my last dollar on my mother and she's not talking to your brother at this time he won't talk to her really no see that's that and that's what sucks about and it doesn't suck i think it's funny people don't want me to do interviews especially him because i tell the truth i don't get i don't get slander lawsuits i don't get that defamation lawsuits it's because i tell the truth adam hmm yeah if i were to get hit up by nick carter telling me that we had to remove a podcast or he was going to sue me that would be a weird situation i told her i said adam would probably never even have him on here on his show i would have to do a lot of research first i know a lot more about you than him i'm not nick i'm not i didn't even have him growing up as a brother i grew up differently and i grew up sitting in big pun's chair at battery studios wow you know watching joe record his first record or not no joe all that i am oh the uh singer guy yeah i was big pun in your relationship he's cool he had this big green chair bataroo studios [Music] and then you know he passed away and they left it there and i was working and i would go uh i would do two three songs a day probably work like 10 hour days and then get like three hours off the next day my mom would give me a handful of cash be like all right you can go to 44th to the diamond district and i'll come back with some ice i think 12 years old like all the jewelry i was ever wearing you're excited about that back then that's i mean that's pretty much all i had bro like you know to get out and i would go out i would literally go out like i was um like i was kevin mcallister in homeland that's what i'm picturing yeah imagine that was your role but i got ten thousand dollars and i'm going to the diamond district i wonder how different your life would be if you had been the role that macaulay culkin played in that movie i i mean such a great role i i wonder that too like i wonder how he feels like during christmas you know when it comes on does he watch all of them like i watched him religiously yeah he was just playing background i feel like that's probably a bad memory for not a bad memory but i i doubt he wants to relive his highest highs being that it's been sort of like consecutively lower and lower throughout his career well there was a weird there was an inter network interesting um correlation between mccauley with michael jackson and then me how so did he look at him did he get dick down by mj i don't remember the who macaulay i haven't i have no idea and i don't think so you never piped him michael jackson wasn't like that no no no he no no no he wasn't a little [ __ ] like wade robson and the other little tool that talk oh michael did this and isn't it shut the [ __ ] up he passed away you stupid [ __ ] i'll come over there and smash a [ __ ] three thousand dollar louie boot in your [ __ ] face don't even come at me i'll put it on the table just no no i can't they're too tight they're brand new no but i mean just do [Music] boom designer in your face buddy dude one of those to the tv [ __ ] wade robson i know wade robson from when i was little you're gonna try to make money off of michael [ __ ] damn well he's got you in his corner so that's good who has me in his corner mj he's gone man come on yeah but i mean you know protecting his legacy no i want to protect paris who's that his dog i want to protect i want to make sure they're good mm-hmm and blanket and and makes make sure they're okay um i worry about them i see their instagrams i watch and i see sadness and i see this this this um this cult type of demon 666 [ __ ] everywhere and all these soundcloud rappers and all the two heads with 666 on their head and [ __ ] you know and i'm looking at i'm like what the hell happened i've been doing this a quarter century my opinion the [ __ ] happened it's just aesthetics none of these dudes have researched you know the aesthetic what do you mean aesthetics we're talking to read some retards here they think upside down crosses look cool they think 666 looks cool they're not really concerned with what it means right it's just an image that's my opinion i don't think like lulu's okay i have three i have three crescent moons on my face because my dad told me he's in a native american indian into uh and uh conceive uh when there's a crescent moon at midnight so that's why i have that to have three daughters with my fiance melanie right here i have love right here which also means lion lion love on my neck all the way up to the mendusa who protects me and represents karma and women being raped do you that's heavy [ __ ] man right there you know that's why i got this right do you regret the face tattoos at all because that kind of happened a lot of people said that you got the face tattoos because you were like sort of on my dick since we were doing the podcast around that time right you know it's it's interesting come on he was influenced by old 22. i like it um actually you know um i've been going back and forth on getting it removed wow just cause it served its purpose i always say the same thing everyone says oh you oh my mom everybody every everybody says when i say that oh why why why why i say because it served its purpose what was the purpose normally tattooed you think i'm cryptic as [ __ ] i keep telling all these people this i keep telling all these jokers why i mean i don't know take a guess the anti-rape thing that you got tattooed on your face i don't know keep the rapists away i mean exactly uh karma medusa the the story behind greek mythology it's and there's a story here did they even do facebook there's a story from what happened over two years ago no actually maybe some greek greeks did face tattoos we should look into that i don't think i need to what happened two years ago just come on man like the rest i had eight restraining orders on me okay last time we talked right eight every now and then i have people showing up in my comments sort of acting like i'm i'm bad because i interviewed aaron oh no no no no so what they're doing there's a conglomerate of discord people which is the cancer culture which everything i do they go to everybody and they tried to just like ruin me like and just bad talk me so that no one wants to work with me kind of thing and it's just it's a part of the cancel culture and i'm trying to shed a lot more light on that and we're going to battle we're gonna go and we are going i posted videos bro that we're crazy i don't even know if you saw probably not over what death threats to me people calling the restaurant i take it to park city utah we go to ruth chris to a beautiful restaurant and then i'm instagram living it and then i have the scanville william james witt guy record himself on the internet uh saying that there's a white guy with tattoos and then the ruth chris place gave out my alias was which was johnny bravo and that's not conspicuous at all yeah right you know it's just a normal name yeah i've been using this since i was little so i was you know whatever never got caught before so if you go to a restaurant you say you're so he so this kid did this and then and then all the waiters are coming up and he's got him calling again and saying are you okay are you okay to her and all this this crazy [ __ ] and i'm just like you know what i'm out i'm out i want to go back to the hotel i have i had my canine with me at the hotel or not the hotel the like lodge cabin thing so zelda was at the house or at the cabin dog's name zelda zelda yeah you a big zelda fan huge really oh yeah i mean you played breath of the wild yeah oh yeah i'm done that was a great month of my life breath of the wild too man yeah it's out there i'm ready man get me in there i'm gonna quit online poker for however long i've been waiting for a zelda movie how great would that be i know i know i don't know you're like oh it's going to suck but if it was done right like if the avengers people did it they'd probably be dope that is really interesting because you know i was a huge simpsons fan and the simpsons movie was dog [ __ ] i'd be totally honest with you i'm talking about the original simpsons movie well it was probably what 10 15 years ago okay i didn't know i i'm not sure if there's another one um or was there ever like a good mario movie but i guess there's there was in modern times it wasn't it wasn't terrible actually there was two mario movies what would the excitement level be for a mario movie today i i would be excited for it i wouldn't if it was high it's not no one was excited for sonic bro pixar send that you're right but send that [ __ ] to pixar have them make a really dope mario movie like i'm sure it wouldn't happen but yeah i would i would appreciate that wiggles something about a personality-less little italian plumber who's just running around stomping on turtles who they gonna use the guy louie from louie or luigi is gonna be the napoleon dynamite guy right some italian stereotypes what if in the movie so napoleon dynamite's gonna be the italian dude for sure what if mario's like kind of like tapped in with the mafia mario's gonna have to be like joe peggy see joe pesci would be mario oh i love that idea it's old as [ __ ] but stuff doesn't matter there's cgi these [ __ ] all the time you see these rambos and [ __ ] bro that's why you shouldn't get rid of the face these movies are scary listen you know the face that's done it's done you know i don't i don't want to be that i'm not i'm not that that guy i'm it's time to grow up in time to make tend to really make a change in my life you got it like a year ago and you know what what's changed and you know what a lot can change in a year with good therapy with with good sleep with good eating what would you say are the main things that you're really working on in therapy or looking to modify yourself well my family is big it takes a big toll on me bro it really does you know they um they like don't accept that i'm on all the medications that i'm on that's what they don't accept yeah really and i mean that's like first and foremost you know and it's really strange and odd because you know and they're gonna be watching they're listening and to them i'm gonna tell y'all right now it's like you guys gotta understand that i was put on this regimented medication when i was in rehab for huffing duster cans which damn near destroyed my brain right i've been getting into that lately and you better get out i'ma punch you in your [ __ ] face i swear to god um yeah but like bro i but i i was doing it so terribly bad so terribly i mean it was there's things i cannot tell you i was doing really yeah i can't i can't and it was like this weird florida [ __ ] people some pandemic in florida people doing duster and huffing and all this but i was doing like 30 40 cans a day like doing something and so were you a whippet guy that's huge and rap now it's like a thousand times worse than that and please do not get into that i beg you guys do not even try it don't do it and i know i mentioned it and i know you're gonna learn about it you look it up and please don't [ __ ] touch that [ __ ] please i know a lot of rappers who are keeping the [ __ ] whippet dispenser on deck i watched a guy do a whole box while recording the verse blew my mind was he trying to change the sound of his [ __ ] voice and it worked because that's what he did is he [ __ ] did like mad car sounds like a [ __ ] 50 cent to do kind of like the bridge in the song it did make his voice sound different i'm not sure anyone has ever heard the song or ever willingly another song so it's probably not really worth all those brain cells but well speaking of brain cells you know i'm on a neurontin i'm on you know things that are helping rebuild my brain to where that i can have cognitive slow patient conversations with people and my energy is just it's even keeled everywhere i go even q and that was really [ __ ] hard to do man because i still got that [ __ ] fire burning inside of me and i know you know it like like we did we did interviews together and they were i was mad man i was [ __ ] mad i was mad that i was getting eight restraining orders from my family and my brother came up with a lie that i wanted to kill his wife and unborn baby just to take away the heat you know man that's [ __ ] and if our father was alive he'd slap the [ __ ] out of you nick like i couldn't even i couldn't even go and say i i i could say whatever i want now because guess what all the restraining orders are gone got my guns back got ars i got guns everywhere in my house [Laughter] and i'm not [ __ ] kidding i got m1a3 308 i got 12 gauges two of them i got ar-15s whatever i like guns aaron carter posted up in the mansion hella guns off the zans i like this mental image no i'm i take zanz how many a day four million milligrams a day what's a bar one milligram two so two bars a day yep i took two bars in a day one time and i what's wrong with that well part of the part that was wrong with it was that i probably drank about 20 beers as well so no no i mean like generally in your opinion generally what's wrong with taking two bars a day i would say that you know it's probably just gonna make you not remember anything well damn how do you make the picture flash like that i'll show you you're like paris hilton you turn all your photos into videos huh well yeah because it makes you get more views and tricks the system um let's start i'll show you 2000 comments what the [ __ ] oh because it's because you got a gun oh my last post was probably the biggest post i ever did in my life really yeah i got like 4 000 comments on this thing are you on the story like yo spam my comments bro 3 200 comments showing look at it my success isn't a result of everything do you see a problem it's a result of belief you see a problem with that photo you're kind of showing the top of your dick oh yeah look at that that's the top of your [ __ ] but guess what i mean it does have a [ __ ] if if it was bad wouldn't it be deleted by now that actually honestly kind of seems like it should be deleted based on my understanding of what instagram allows i love it it didn't get deleted we saw a little shaft on the top of the shelf it was just no there was no pre-shot that that was my like the beginning of my man pooch man pooch yeah you know those little foomping things super yeah you know the things you're awesome josh you stand up and show us your shirt right now i would like you to like no i mean i i'm working i'm working a fumba too over like that's a belly that's not a fupa fupa is your actual pube area oh is it really i believe yes i don't think i could have a fupa well i guess i could just read that the bigger the future i don't even know what this thing is now if you want that shirt man this thing check out my sister's craft page maybe i'll tag it on my story when this interview comes out allegedly in theory well hey let's talk about let's talk about mental health a little bit more i think i think that i think there's such a stigma on it uh all right so everyone was there was a clip that came out where they edited it out where i said you know everyone's saying that i'm on blah blah blah blah blah blah and they took out everyone's saying and i just said blah blah blah blah blah blah okay right i'm not schizophrenic i'm not manic depressing i'm not bipolar i suffer from acute anxiety and i you know and you know i i suffer from the huffing the duster and ruining my brain you know so i mean i i take seroquel i take things like i have insomnia really bad and this is my life that's my life you know it's it's it's great it's crazy but it's it's my life i've accepted it my fiance knows very much about it so do you aspire to be fully sober is that even a possibility do you think that that's something that could happen i don't think see that i think that's a stigma i think i don't think that taking medications that's regimented to you properly taken that's fair is and is abuse or is a drug well there's certainly something yes yes it's a controlled substance and a narcotic but it has to remain a controlled substance right and you have to be the one that controls that um so you don't find yourself sort of tempted to take more more than you should of what you're already watching why should i why would i that's kind of how drugs work people well that's that's how people work right not drugs the drug is right there they're drunk everywhere a lot of people who are prescribed xanax listen i know and you know what they take up 10 bars a day and craziness [ __ ] well that's horrible yeah i mean that makes you literally [ __ ] for three days but if they're giving it to you then you know in time you might just kind of stop getting the effect that you want from the amount that you're prescribed well yeah you build a tolerance and all this stuff and but that's why you just gotta let the tolerance build and then just stick to what you're doing you never stick to your regimen don't ever go off of that you ever get served some fake pills on the street i don't take pills off the street i take it from my psychiatrist well i am diet i die i get my you know my diagnostics from but you never uh ever never never why would i ever do that that is the dumbest [ __ ] in the world i i i i've been in the music industry for 25 years i don't care what anyone says but i like i have social anxiety i i get stage fright at times and i think my past and the things that i've been dealing with lately it's it's been very difficult for me to wake up in the morning and to feel you know you know uh happiness and all this and and my regimented medication helps me do that it stimulates my appetite you know that's why i'm bigger right now you know it it helps me sleep at night you know it i can rest my voice i can slow my mind down and really just i keep searching just for a better version of myself you know just to just just keep keep going and that's what i said just keep just keep going stay in the path you're on and and and and be a man you know and make your moves and be honest to the whole world bro i put up a drug test of me peeing in a [ __ ] thing on my instagram again just cuz like and people like oh you don't have to prove nothing i'm like man shut the [ __ ] up you don't even know what i gotta prove i gotta prove so much you don't even know where i'm from i got lamar odom saying i'm from [ __ ] oh a beverly hills street fighter shut the [ __ ] up i'm not i i never even been to beverly hills first of all lived there second of all i'm [ __ ] [ __ ] from i'm from [ __ ] dick county like and i've been i've been pistol-whipped i've been all kinds of [ __ ] that i can't even tell you yeah i've had my knuckles broken tons of times okay this guy's got a second and a half punch and i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna break his ribs he's gonna regret ever getting in the ring with me and i'm mad i'm mad now because you're talking like some weird [ __ ] like some funky [ __ ] i'm sitting here calling you a cheater and a crackhead and that you lost chloe kardashian [ __ ] so who how did this fight come about did somebody come to you a promoter and say like hey we had this idea yeah damon okay yeah damon damon wayans damon with celebrity boxing one probably a different guy okay so basically he invented celebrity boxing okay and then everybody shunned him out can you get me a fight of course i'll find a little more but but the thing is it's like now i'm so happy for this man because he you know you got logan and jake and everybody saying oh we own celebrity boxing we created it okay you guys did a great job thank you very much yes you put a good name on it but damon was one of the main guys at celebrity boxing one that started all of this stuff he did the screech boxing match and all you know underdogs man rest in peace for sure justin diamond forever yeah it doesn't die me forever dustin diamond um and you know i just i just think a lot of people need to give a little bit more credit to this man he's a hustler he's a great guy we waited a year and a half to do this fight and accept this fight did you know that a year and a half patience is a virtue he said we're not we're not ready to do any fights right now i said i'm not ready either i said i'm chilling taking some time myself which i which was very needed after i had the you know people all these crazy ass backstreet boys fans attacking me and so just really i just i took the i took the last year to relax like i said man that was very important for me um yeah i had to i had to bro i had to i had to take a look in the mirror i had to gain weight i had to i real and that was really important i'm very proud of myself i'm very proud do you who have you been training with and how many hours a day and what what does the overall training look like yeah jesse jesse straiter um who is an mma pro fighter and we do about seven to ten hours a day um of training yes 10 hours a day yeah and i wanted to do that because that's what mickey said to rocky he said no he said in order to win a 45 minute fight you got to train 45 000 hours and that's 10 minutes and then whatever so that's 10 weeks and whatever 10 hours a day your body's gonna need a lot of time to heal i don't care look you can look up aaron carter training on youtube right now you can see i'm a beast man i don't play but so how many hours per like of cardio doesn't matter as many as it takes as many as it takes as many as it [ __ ] takes but you want to get in there and actually just not just be a juggernaut and just destroy his body you won't really know what it takes until the fight though like the rest kind of fight oh yeah the rest time's really important the what the rest time for your body to heal and recover you know i'm aware of that i've trained many times in my life but if you're if you're in 10 hours a day i don't feel like your body's gonna have enough time to well that's what you gotta do as a boxer i know a lot of people are training like a couple hours a day and it's still like incredibly difficult i'm training basically for a 15 round fight do you understand is it an actual 15 round five no it's three rounds i'm training for a 15 round fight on purpose right to exceed three rounds you understand what i'm saying okay it doesn't mean i have to reach that goal well i'm probably won't three three minute rounds because it takes or three five minute rounds uh three one minute rounds one minute rounds one minute rounds jesus christ yeah so i gotta get in there and i gotta rip them up real quick man like on a dip dutch you know and dive and dodge and and i'm gonna get them like i have a very very very powerful punch i don't play i mean i've been doing acrobats my whole life and dancing and did dancing with the stars and lifting people and being a man and making houses and shoveling when i was a little kid and and and scrapping with all my [ __ ] family and my having my big ass brother fighting with that that fool all the time you know like and i have my dad my dad was a beast he would he would kick the mailbox down and smash you in the face with it get arrested smile for a mug shot and then be out in 10 minutes wow legendary now you're kidding you can look my dad mug shot up right now you see him smiling a lot of people tried to turn the jake paul versus uh nate thing into kind of like a black versus white thing yeah why because jake's white and nate's black but you know and then when when nate lost it was kind of like a lot of black people felt like [ __ ] you let us down do you worry that like the proud boys are going to be let down if you lose this fight no because i think everybody we're just watching people i think i think i think i think every culture accepts me i hope they do because you have some cachet in the black community well i was a rapper i don't think it's a rapper well i mean and i'm very i'm very happy to be here you know i am i'm very happy i'm i'm very happy because you don't realize but i had 300 000 people that followed me after we did our interviews that's amazing which obviously means you know you're the best i'm happy to help uh and a lot of these kids were i said there's a kid named i'm gonna shout him out right now he's probably gonna cry because of this young stunning boy young stunting boy you know um 19 years old whatever but you know instagram with me one time i asked him how he knew me he said no jumper hey and then he said he wanted to be a music producer like me so i cashed out him 1300 and i made him buy ableton live 10 suite and nexus and and i and i helped this i helped this kid man wow and he's making beats and he has a dream that's his dream and i just i want to help people as much as possible and then i want to rip i want to rip people down who aren't helping people when i see somebody that's not helping somebody i want to rip them the [ __ ] down dude i don't it's just my mentality okay what are you going to do what you know what's the worst that can have we all live we all die i'm not out here seeking revenge on anybody i have a boxing match to worry about and i'm taking it seriously you got lamar odom talking about beverly hills and what the [ __ ] are you talking about but if he turns it racial and he kind of starts clowning your whiteness are you going to turn the tables on him no because you're not i'm not like it's not that i can't do that since i'm not stupid and i would never do that to you know to the black community but i would never i would never do that it's disrespectful you know i'm caucasian i'm white okay i i was raised it's not my fault that when i was you know 11 years old my mom hired three black funk musicians petey pete jones stan jones all right and uh i mean patrice jones so bass player and then a italian guy and these guys raised me so and then my bodyguards were all black men and you know what that's just how i was raised around just the homies you know and that's the culture i was listening to they were listening to tribe called quest and you know all certain things and i was in the car and then the vans going to the things listening to tribe called quest and listening to nwa and listening to you know easy e and listening to you know black street and you know uh just r b music new edition ralph tres van sensitivity just just you know gap band and these guys taught me this stuff then i became a jazz funk pianist do you realize i'm a jazz funk pianist i don't know i don't play around i play i mean i got i don't have a piano tattooed on my arm right here for no reason and on my heart another piano it's i i i there's a soul and it's like that movie soul you know i was watching which is a great movie and i just love music and i'm never gonna give up on it and it's just it's it's treated me really well i didn't know it was gonna happen with this this whole love album that i released you know respect but can we get the other mic set up for your girl i would like to talk to you guys together for a bit is that possible scared no you can stay right there in front of them like they're just going to pull this they're going to put one right here so you can stay right there yeah you can wear your sweater or no sweater that's the question you promote the [ __ ] out of that [ __ ] like that but sometimes girls come in here and it's like sweater on they get to stay warm or sweater off it gets to promote their only fans better i see the the conflict happening in their head same with me it's like t-shirt you see the veins in my forearms it might be better for the only fans theoretically this one she goes i don't like interviews you don't like interviews but i saw you on dj vlad talk talking to mike if you can okay how how was that experience you guys were on dj vlog together first one i i helped set that up i think i think i told vlad like you should interview aaron carter did you really yeah thank you i just wanted to see it on a personal level uh yeah everything are you going to turn she's facing away from the camera try to try to curve a little bit towards the tell you to go about her make her go back this way but oh yeah i guess you're right that would have been a good idea she probably still would how's it going what's it like dating aaron carter oh what's it like every day's got to be so exciting it is exciting dating dating is exciting well i'm not dating i'm engaging engaged right a little different yeah you got a bigger rock in your finger look at that how'd you guys meet uh we met over instagram thank you everybody else well you left a comment i just left him a dm and then uh he responded late though i think maybe like a week or two later he saw it yeah because you sent your booty and i don't know about that why'd you send me your booty i sent it i'm not gonna answer no booty shot the first message was not the booty though the first message was a booty no it was not your life no it wasn't he's lying that's pretty badass i was like i ain't answering that i never had a random booty in my dms okay and then so how did you guys fall in love ask her i'm curious yeah i'm asking her yeah i like i like this i like it relaxing enjoy the show baby she can't sit back there she goes stay close yeah whatever yeah you're gonna [ __ ] it so falling in love he's my first love really i am yeah how how am i here where are you from um just orange county but my she's from bulgaria bulgaria yeah so i moved here when i was six years old okay so i've been here ever since and you never felt love before no no everybody just you know screwed me over and just wasn't real like i know everybody has their opinions about aaron but he's so different from what everyone says that's all i gotta say like really yes wow obviously see before we came into the show i made her memorize that yes that's good no but uh damn so have you guys ever had like any uh you know i don't want to say close calls but like drama in the relationship anything that sort of threatened to separate you guys or has it been pretty smooth sailing all the time all the time i mean not as much as of late yeah everything's been everything has calmed down i think with a lot of like the internet drama and just it's calmed down a little bit right it's still there well when she came into my life it was right after you and i met right because you came on our show with jenna shea one time and then you were broken up like the next day that was a weird collab we don't like to talk about her jenna shea hit her up when we were broken up saying what and trying to get trying to get her involved in her only fans oh lord yeah you weren't and and jenna shea was sending death threats to me really allegedly with her friends yeah why i have no [ __ ] clue i think jenna shea should have linked up with brian pumper and done some content together i think that would have probably been oh yeah that guy why do you mention him all the time that's a good question a lot of my best friends ask me that a lot consider me your best friend would you let your girl work with brian pepper hell no okay just one check no you know it's the cuck thing they cuckled yeah no you never did it nah i was never even really interested in it i'm porn i think you would be the other one there would be like some guy making you [ __ ] his girl never he said no um okay so what are you guys doing on only fans and what were you doing before he got involved with you and how did that change things um it just okay so i was a bartender in my nightlife industry and everything you know he just i'm a little housewife now so everything changed you know as soon as i met him everything was just really fast i'm gonna keep honest with you yeah she had a crazy ass lifestyle before you know kind of like one of those like orange county like la like let's go out to everybody dan balzerian's houses and oh no and parties and all that [ __ ] she got she went to all that [ __ ] and i was just like in my head i'm like well you know what like she's not a hoe she's not a [ __ ] she's just a woman that's like making her way through the world in hollywood essentially and in orange county living in orange county um working whatever you know whatever she was with bartending and making money and her only fans and you know even if she was guys were taking her out on dates and buying her purses you know just to take her out on a date that's the kind of stuff that she was doing and and i found out a lot of this later and i was like you know what that's i understand i have three sisters you know one one passed away but i have three sisters and i saw some of them go through that type of world so like i don't know i think the i think the way the way we fall in love is like every day we find little meetings little ways to fall in love with each other um but then sometimes i'm really annoyed with her you guys get into it what are the main causes of conflict ugh just that big ass house man that we got it's too big i think it's five thousand square feet get closer to the mic sorry i'm sorry it's okay but there it is yeah it's a big house it's a lot a lot of work to do on the house and we have three dogs so we're dealing with like training the third one right now right so we just yeah we just learn each other's um she's very high maintenance 390 thousand dollars in one year is a lot of money 390 dollars on what i've been counting i don't ask her whatever she wants whatever i want oh you mean he does spoil bee you made him buy 400k worth of stuff in a year yes that is a glittery ass watch and then you get them ysl earrings dangling and a range rover and so on and so forth oh i guess you throw the ranger over in there okay now we're getting closer to half a million yep that'll do it yeah is she demanding is she using you you can tell me is she using me you know what they're you could tell me she won't care there are people that will be like oh yeah she's using you whatever and then you know i'm a pretty good judge of character you know um like little little signs are like if we're doing an interview like your hands should be on my legs not over they're sitting by yourself plus they're cold um there's there's just little things i think for me that helped me realize that i'm in the right relationship i don't know i don't know how to explain it you know it's like a love language it's like it's like when i reach for you in the dark and my eyes are closed is your hand there that's your love language basically what are because my uh what's yours my therapist was asking me about my love language recently and actually send me a link of this thing to read about it and i ended up just being like holy [ __ ] i have no idea how to process what the [ __ ] you're trying to get me to talk about right now yeah sometimes our therapists tend to give us information that we're like uh really you want us to read a whole book i think my girl's love language is that she just wants me to be present and uh emotionally connected to her and like that that goes way further than like any sort of material stuff gift how do you feel about other men with your woman uh not good so if that doesn't happen oh yeah so that doesn't happen with you guys yeah other way around how does she feel about me with other girls yeah well when we're doing content together she seems like she has a pretty good attitude about it professional professional you know if she were to find out i was getting [ __ ] from she knew that about you about you guys that we did porn no that you and lana um my friends in orange county oh nice but i never met her but i she's friends with some of my friends yeah yeah yeah it's interesting it's an interesting pair because like i think i remember talking to you about i was like i'm not gonna um i can't [ __ ] around with these like hollywood girls and all that stuff but she just has such a beautiful heart she had the ability to to really change and i had the ability to take her away from a lifestyle that was not good you know bartending you know you know uh skinny bartending like bikini bartending are you staying out with a girl from the oc who was doing the bikini bartender thing and let me tell you like that bothered me way more than the idea of my girl doing only fans or whatever just picturing all these guys coming in and just being total pieces of [ __ ] to her you know you know what i'm saying drinks in a bikini i something about that just really rubbed me though no no i never said anything about it but i really hated it i actually think back and i'm surprised he let me do it for a whole two month i i did it for two months and then i quit it's not about when that's you i can't control you no no no you can't control a woman you don't want to surprised he was cool with it in the beginning because now that i think about it you were you were okay with it in the beginning i was never okay with them [ __ ] but they all knew that i had a red aluminum bat in the back of my car all right yeah did anything shady ever happen to you while doing that kind of stuff like dudes doing terrible things they just grab a boob or something no um probably i just don't remember it blocked that i'm sure i'm the security always kicked them out if they were like misbehaving and stuff right yeah well i i i hope i didn't do anything uh bad to her by you know i i didn't take her i didn't say you know you you're forced to come be with me blah blah blah blah blah guns to your head you know you got to do me type of [ __ ] i think taking a girl out of the bikini bartending world is not necessarily a bad thing okay i think it's fair well you know i don't like to be the kind of guy that like controls what women want to do you know if they're ready to leave the industry yeah if they're ready if they're ready to leave you were ready and i and she saw that i i could provide for her how would they just start a bikini bar how do you start to work how do you start i don't know do you need a special permit for them to be serving drinks in a bikini i don't know probably not that's why probably it's kind of taken off huh i have no idea i got to be honest with you like i was never into um strippers no offense like to the strippers i never went to strip clubs and put that away i never went to bars i never went to parties i never went to clubs i never did any of that stuff i always kept away from it and you know she had kind of like a circle around her those people but um i'm here now i so now the idea of going to a strip club sounds very exciting to me because i haven't really like been out in like a year um but i saw a video of some of my friends in the studio or you know excuse me in a strip club the other day and i was like jesus christ i'm so not ready for that yeah i just i my brother took me to something for my birthday i was like 19. and it freaked me the [ __ ] out and i just ran out me and my girl have not been to a strip club together since we used to drink and do cocaine together and now we are adults with a child so that would probably actually be pretty interesting to see what that was like although i feel like me and her would be sitting on the couch like how has your life changed exponentially sorry having the baby yeah yeah amazing yeah changed you changed great how about you hi do you think you changed i'm a little more focused a little more focused yeah you gotta be a little bit more proud because you have your your child you want to enjoy those times together because you see you know it's different getting bigger and bigger they're not going to be like this for long you've got to enjoy it while you got it you know it's different it's the look in your eyes that's different from last time i saw you mm-hmm it's it's a look that my father actually had um i didn't smoke weed this morning and i feel like i'm kind of i say this with a big starbucks right here but i feel like i'm realizing the extent to which i don't need to be over caffeinating myself to do interviews i feel like like i've had people in the comments saying you look like you're on meth and i think it was because i was drinking energy drinks before i was doing interviews how do you feel when people come at you and they're like oh you're a method you're a crackhead you're a dope head you have hiv you have aids probably mostly because recently it's because i admitted that they say oh that [ __ ] well i did math one time with this girl and i talked about it on the podcast the other day okay so but you talked about it doesn't that show humility doesn't it show that i'm not a meth head that i did at one time and i'm okay with talking about it it shows humility so what the [ __ ] the problem yeah it was fun i'm glad i did well we had this conversation in the context of me saying that i wish that i did heroin once so i could talk about it okay for all you know the person that was saying that so you could have [ __ ] chopped off their best friend's pinky toe house phone yeah definitely actually no i think it was soda baby i was hoping he was gonna be here today yeah he's coming later hey and i told him that he had to watch the billy eilish documentary and have a feeling that we're going to get a big argument if he doesn't yeah do you see it already yeah but i said i'm like i want to talk about this documentary on the podcast so you guys are watching what what is um people's obsession with billy eilish i personally she's a living room singer right living room singer yeah yeah i mean i guess she probably started singing in her living room or exactly yeah they there was a terminology that came out um because a lot of these a lot of these girls um i'm actually working with an artist named dana kabuchi she's assigned to my label and we have about 15 songs done about to release on her and she's incredible and i gave her some of my dopa speeds but like um yeah i don't know i personally wasn't like super intrigued by her had heard the songs thought she sounded pretty talented read a review or two thought she was cool but then when i watched this documentary i just got a completely different appreciation for but isn't it is it amazing because i i know i'm almost certain for a fact that billy eilish recorded and produced a lot of her stuff in her living room her bedroom yeah about her bedroom he's like a really talented music producer and i think he helped her to level up and get really really good before with that being said that's the fact of the matter they weren't in a studio they were on their bedroom they were in their bedroom and they were in the couch in the studio and us as singers performers and people people who've been in the game for like 25 years we're not calling you a couch singer or or uh um or a living room singer or a living room artist couch artist as disrespect that actually is so respectful that they could actually make these smashes and these hits on their own and i have such a respect for that you know so people could turn around my words but but guess what i'm gonna turn them around right back around on themselves i don't know who billy eilish is i don't listen to billy eilish music so i don't know her from a can of paint she's pretty good well that's not what i normally listen to but uh her reaction to justin bieber when he hits her up showing fandom is like insane like she was such a big fan of him as a child that when he taps in with her it's like she's shaking she's freaking the [ __ ] out she can't believe it justin messages me up every once in a while he's really funny yeah how do you feel about him and his talent he's kind of like the one-man boy band um how do i feel about justin i feel like justin is incredibly smart um i feel like he's in like this little almost like this black hole and this black hole is like trying to suck him in and he's trying to get out of it really bad really and anybody can say what they want about me i don't give a [ __ ] like this is what i see i've seen it happen because it happened to me i went into a black hole and lost myself now he's married he's doing his music his music is great he's super talented but is he doing exactly what he wants to be doing i don't know that's the question it's got to be tough to identify what you really want to be doing once you've seen such heights of success you know i mean my new album is called identity [Music] yeah i actually wanted to play you a track i wrote this we we cannot do that on the podcast because we will get i mean you could play it it's mine chop it out yeah but drake bell tried to pull this trick on me he played some unreleased songs oh it's okay i'll get them cleared boom the interview is claimed oh no that's not how much it is i make all my [ __ ] so okay well i mean he made it too it's just he played it for us before it came out he's a liar you know you know like drake bell nope justin bieber who billy eilish who yeah he's gonna be in the background like his ghost in the background playing the drums for some reason she's got some bells and some whistles going on over here i like it no no i uh so i'm starting my album right now that was just for fun uh but it's gonna take a while nice it'll take me a while yeah i'm watching what they're everyone's doing with their game right now and it's terrible really music [ __ ] sucks right now pop music feels like it's slowed down a lot since the covet thing right you second that babe no i said that the other day what i said pop music has slowed down how you feel about that olivia rodrigo though who the driver's license song how about that honestly come get that [ __ ] in blood all i know is that zaza is our song from six nights oh we're smoking that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is horrible right that sucks but we've been smoking zaza and then shay heart oh well that song is terrible you want to smoke some za sure nice okay no right now but we'll have we'll have trevor roll up some bizarre oh i got some some za well yeah let me oh i didn't even tell you this i did some post stuff it was funny he had some no jumper wii that he gave me last time let me tell y'all something that [ __ ] had me on my [ __ ] doodly bro well it turns out that was a k2 but yeah we don't know oh shut the [ __ ] up it better not have been no that'd be tight though i don't even know what the [ __ ] this is somebody give me this the other day but that's fine you want to give it a sniff touch it looks delicious i can uh hand it to my guy traveling but it looks like everything else i've seen weed that's a good thing you want a good friend make them send us some chocolate from oregon if you get some weed and it looks like some [ __ ] you've never seen before i mean that could be good but it's no no we need some chocolate from oregon i love the kush man i'm not gonna lie so having the whole baby thing are you allowed to smoke yes not in the house um so there's the rules that i guess my girl made me stop smoking weed in the house about a week after she found out she was pregnant so wait so you can smoke but she can't i go outside she doesn't smoke weed well obviously she's breastfeeding but even before that oh well there you go that's like her it does feel kind of weird like these are the bad months of being a pothead who can't smoke in the house though because it's like cold out but that's gonna be over soon you know like i'm not gonna lie it is kind of shitty get your dick your dick was small anyway before my dick your dick was small before that yeah let me show you it was like this big okay i did so when you go out into the cold and that [ __ ] must turtle and you know mm-hmm you ever have it turned inside out i do it on purpose it's like push it in oh yeah i don't know it's called the mangina when you use it only only men know what we're talking about sometimes we've gotten bored and we can make our dicks disappear oh yeah yeah the mangina tell me tell me i'm not i'm not wrong you could you can make your dick disappear grab your sack and just put it over it boo boom it's gone is that a microaggression to show your kids your man i have a daughter so i feel like see i'm just getting started guys like i just i started off cool but he he has a way of pulling out some weird [ __ ] out of me pause you're weird if you do a man john i'm gonna pull some [ __ ] out of you i'm gonna pull the manchester leave my [ __ ] out of this all right anything we should talk about uh all those other stalkers with their their nose with my bang bang nose up your bung bung no i'm not gonna put my nose in your bun garner i don't know i don't need no 22 up in there that's what joe buddy would say no i'm not going to put my nose in your bum bum why why was joe biden so rude to me what did i ever do to him i don't i don't know i was kind of surprised they even knew who you were oh wow just because hi joe i feel like joe budden maybe suck dude in terms of his overall knowledge i would put pop star knowledge a little lower than like rapper knowledge and like white guy culture knowledge a little lower than like he made no sense just now what the hell did you just say i just don't i don't see him as somebody who pays a ton of attention to either pop stars or white people oh well cool let him do his own thing sounds like me hmm i don't really care that's why i was trying to tap you all in like i'm a huge fan of the apparently kid you don't remember pump pump it up am i doing a different song now of course of course i remember that pump it up i feel like that's a song my mom tried to make me to get me to read definitely they probably played it in your freaking break dancing you definitely had a dance class where they were you were dancing to joe budden you didn't know it now he's a podcaster [ __ ] done changed oh [ __ ] well hello joe we got to get you on there so he has a podcast yeah it's good he has co-hosts a white guy and y'all gonna be pissed off when i come up with my own podcast rory and maul uh no i think that they would be happy yeah get me in there yeah tap me in all right i'll [ __ ] [ __ ] up bro i'll come through with my girl i think that's a long like my three or four year plan we'll see how it goes we'll see how how podcasting where it progresses and what it progresses to what do you think what do you think's gonna happen with that listen if you win this fight against lamar odom then the world is your oyster you could start a podcast anywhere you need a spotify deal aaron carter and barack obama talking every day on spotify boom bro everybody money everybody keeps telling me that they're like oh if you win against lamar this is going to rebuild your career and i just think to myself i'm like you know what no i'm going to re build my career regardless did anything positive happen to jake paul from knocking out nate robinson i mean no maybe i didn't observe let me ask you this every every time someone wins a grammy do they do better than they do after they want a grammy do they do worse i mean they're sponsored they do worse okay no they do worse i don't know i don't really i've never watched the grammys i'll be honest with you well anytime ricky martin christina aguilera anytime someone anytime someone wins a grammy like 60 of them because where do you go from there where do you go you've already reached the pinnacle you've reached you've reached the top of the mountain ricky martin is my slime i live in la vida loco i'm a john i'm a john cicada guy so if i told ricky martin that he was my slime do you think you would even know what i was talking about probably i hope john cicada is listening because i'm a john cicada fan the any uh what was his song i'll tell you does anybody know who that is no i remember the name he did that i know we be wrong do you believe in us just giving up a chance inside we'll still be strong girl i believe i would like to announce that john cicada is also my slat oh he did uh he did the song ah i jumbled inside just thinking i don't know the deep cuts i don't want any changes when it comes to you i gotta put you on cmac the lock on no that's i got an artist i would like to see you working with actually i don't know does he make me i don't work with artists i don't think he's an artist i think he's just not i don't i don't i don't i don't really work with artists very it's rare that i do that you and lil xan could i put y'all in the studio together if you could stay awake for more than an hour no that could be an issue for sure yeah no um no pills allowed you know what it's dope because um ever since i came on your podcast i i kind of like got got back some of the respect i i was hoping for really yeah i did a lot of people came to me and they knew me from when they were younger you know and kids that's guys and kids that you have like 15 16 17 18 watching whatever your demographic is what nine to probably like 70 seriously nine to eleven no no no no no no okay maybe we're talking legal terms but when you sign up for youtube like you can't like be 11. so it's like that's why when they're like oh your audience is primarily like 18 to 24. it's like well no [ __ ] because it doesn't matter all the 10 through 17 year olds are lying and saying that they're 18 so that all gets stuffed into that category but whatever well it was interesting because when i did your podcast i um washed myself back watched my behavior and i was like you know what this is this isn't who i am this isn't this isn't me it's a little too loose it was it was just not it was wasn't good behavior it wasn't something that my father would would praise me for he would stop the [ __ ] out of me if you ever saw the way i was behaving and what i mean the way i was behaving i mean like i had a lot to say a lot of truth on my mind a lot of you know battling with my family ate restraining orders uh you know they don't talk to me you know um trying to set me up look they got over they got two restraining orders against me bro and then on this on december come december like three months later after they get the restraining orders on me they both send me christmas messages nick and angel merry christmas we love you uh time will heal merry christmas if i responded to any of those i would have gone to jail for 2.5 years all right so they were and then all the stuff goes by you know and i we're together and she's with me and she doesn't know what the hell is going on she doesn't know like and i'm like well it's it's clearly retaliation i mean there was a video of my brother's wife talking to that gamble kid william james with that i told you about you know about oh aaron if you need help we're here for it but they're donating them ten thousand dollars and a hundred dollars and getting them getting people to come after me and that's that's how the smear campaign culture works and that's what people need to understand a lot of the stuff you're seeing it's not real it's competitors or it's it's mostly competitors what else is it it's your competitor it's your competitor doing it to [ __ ] you up it's like if they were driving by and they saw your sign for an ice cream shop and you want to own the ice cream shop and they just [ __ ] rip it down you know and it takes 10 people to do it yeah that's what has been going on and people need to start realizing that these people coming at you a conglomerate of people is just it's crazy because this isn't the world that we need to live in like straight up i changed i had to change i had to make a change for myself i had to slow the [ __ ] down it was like my i i think i saw my dad like come come to me in my dreams and of course he had his like gold jewelry on and came up to me and he didn't say anything all he did was smile at me he just smiled at me and from that point on i was like you know what i have to make a change like also michael jackson [ __ ] like i i have to make a change like i can't be the person that i was two years ago you know i have my career i have my businesses we have the love collection that we're doing in the store which is i have a whole bag full of [ __ ] for you um for all y'all so um yeah you know we've been working on that we're doing really well with that company um would love but the it's called yeah the love collection we should do a collab i i would i would love to i love weed no you know i want i want to get into some like stores like dope and fairfax village and you know um just some just things like that but i do with my bare hands so and a love shirt with a graphic of me and you engaged in a french kiss that's just it hasn't happened but it would be a great visual that is just horrible no yeah i don't want to do it either but the image would be provocative powerful stuff i mean that's like tickling my nose with one of your gray beard hairs that would be part of this yeah well it's not going to really happen it would be an artist's rendering he thinks he can beat me with with with weird sentences he can't i'm trying to help trying to make up some money listen i understand you don't think if there was a shirt of you and i making out on the shirt god this is weird [ __ ] talking the more i talk all your balls obsessed waking up at [ __ ] 6 30 in the morning to show everybody a minute [ __ ] clip of you doing all these absolutely what the [ __ ] are you doing i don't get up early to play kendama yes you do i saw your ass by your poof i said what the [ __ ] did this guy just do listen you're you're playing upon my guilt because i wish that i was committed enough to the kendama to get up early to play kendama but i don't currently you're inspired but then he's like he put the caption i've been trying to do this for a year i finally got it i'm like hey this [ __ ] is hard did you see my new clip ladies laura editing my new clip [Applause] it's hard yeah i'm sorry it was good no yeah aaron thanks for [ __ ] on my hobby man baby he had a post i swear to god he's already patrolling for a year and he does like this chinese like what the [ __ ] are you doing i think you're missing the funny part about that post which was that i shouted out like an 11 year old girl for inspiring me to do the trick no i remember that part too that was just weird right no i think it's kind of weird too no i'm going for kendama i never really a 11 year old girl inspired you to do that good shout out shout out misu she's a little japanese girl but she's a [ __ ] god but you got like a thousand of them well we make and sell them hmm okay and people buy them you want to do an erin carter kendama because it's certainly a possibility you know we can talk about that we could we actually i'm good hey so on the lamar item flight is it like a 50 50 thing or is it like a floyd mayweather logan paul thing where floyd's talking about 95 of it and also that's not fight that's not happening now how do you feel about that i feel great you think it's funny that floyd backed out well he's just putting a spotlight on my fight they're not calling that fight the biggest celebrity fight of all time the media is calling that to me and lamar floyd mayweather humiliated sorry logan paul into moving to puerto rico forced him to leave the country as a result of this fight not happening i don't know that's exactly how this happens you know you know what doesn't matter what they say jake paul got so pissed off when he when they asked him about me all right and he was like oh whatever about that little [ __ ] all right you got pissed off because you got asked about me nobody asks me about you in my interviews bro they ask you about me and now you're not no none of y'all doing your fights you did your fight i watched it it was boring as [ __ ] all right there was no entertainment to it and then logan doing whatever floyd i mean he did knock him out cold on the canvas that was pretty interesting yeah he sounds pretty dumb he's i mean but i gotta give the props right jake paul knocked his ass out but i would break his chin so but he has been in the gym he's been training for i don't give a [ __ ] i would break his chin it don't matter what if this keeps happening and then all of a sudden jake paul is just like one of the top rated boxers then i'm gonna break his chin he's playing with me he should have never ever mentioned my name like that jake stop playing with that man i'm not you know i'm not going to get crazy about it or nothing what i'm going to do is i'm going to use my fire sign i'm going to become the strongest beastiest [ __ ] you guys have ever seen in your entire life and i'm going to wreck your body after i wreck lamar i am i'm not [ __ ] playing with you i'm not i'm not you know what i'm gonna wreck your body and you know what along the way after i start [ __ ] wrecking your bodies i'm gonna become humble about it just like rocky and just be like just chill my girl needs a snow cone machine get her a snow cone machine you know you don't remember that part from rocky and dinghy it's been a while aaron carter no i'm pissed no i pissed i pissed that that that jake thinks he can come at me like dude where where is he from ohio ohio are you [ __ ] kidding me ohio who fights in ohio it's freezing there okay so so you're [ __ ] you're from ohio i'm not no not you but you're jake paul the pop logan is he from ohio i'm gonna sound like an [ __ ] yeah the logan poop brothers where are they from [ __ ] poop from um pop pop pop pulp i'm sorry pulp right pull fiction like orange juice like the orange juice i'm gonna get extra i want extra logan pulps and jake paul's and pulps in my my orange juice in the morning [ __ ] that and you know what's so funny about jake paul and logan paul they're such little [ __ ] they wouldn't even take a fight with me because they're afraid to give me clout i don't care about cloud i don't need clout all right i invented cloud i was here before i even before that word even existed if you would have said clout in in 2005 we would have been like huh clout what'd you just say what's cloud huh it's just some pasting on the wall like that's [ __ ] exactly cause i feel like you would have a problem saying that war sister warchester no worcester worcestershire worcester that's worcestershire i grew up near worcester you ever play the palladium you probably did even if you don't remember yes i did no of course i did have it on the back of three of my um tour shirts i saw cradle of filth when i was 13 and it was terrifying at the worcester play there's a metal band called cradle of filth and i saw them play there and there was just a lot of freaky people here in cambria no thankfully oh my god oh my god oh my god they're [ __ ] lit i should dive in the [ __ ] plays a dual guitar he's like six foot seven and he's got the craziest voice you ever heard in your life there's no way there's no better way to let everyone know you have a huge dick than to play a double guitar yeah i'm a fan of uh that glass jaw i don't know this too much anymore i should though hopefully they're probably great all the metal bands that i ignored throughout my life i need to go revisit you think so yeah because when i work out i like to play different metal albums that i love from my childhood but the problem is is that there's like eight and then i just run out and i can't think anything to play and then i try to listen to like new bands and i [ __ ] with some of them but i'm really getting to them well um there is some influence on my last album some rock influence i had a little bit of rock influence i've actually thought about uh going like to like an alternative route because i can i can scream oh too yeah but um i'm not in any rush really when it comes to um like doing music or anything right now i don't know why i'm not in a rush i'm like i'm good i'm like i'm not desperate for money i've got lots of that now i'm good if covert has taught us anything and said it's okay to chill a little bit right slow it down yeah you know what it taught me to slow down and tell me to slow down i mean she helped me slow down too what did you say thank you babe i love you i love you she's a sweet she's a sweetheart you know she um i was really watching that i don't know if anyone yeah this is we can use this as a reference for the sharing of me and him i didn't know if you wanted me to kiss you of course you can't you guys okay you don't give a [ __ ] good i just [Music] get the homie i gotta see y'all [ __ ] i gotta get the only fans i'm not gonna i gotta see it it's gonna be great i'm gonna try to remember this i'm gonna try to meld it all together in my mind no uh you know um does it feel weird you know i'm going to jerk off to your only fans no it doesn't if she's on there not you so much no i i understand what about lena what about her you want her only fans i'll send them the free trial i actually was so i'm so i respected you so much i didn't even watch her i was like nah that's my homie well same up until now now i'm interested oh yeah but i'll give you a free trial i'll never know you'll just be like zero three five six nine nine two right like my own when because i don't want these i don't want anyone to know adam 22 signing up and then all of a sudden always starts with the [ __ ] you yeah right [Applause] all the random names that they make up yeah or the random names sometimes they they reveal their identities but it's just even worse but you miss out on that fun thing you know when you're making a finsta or you're making an account on a site and you don't want anyone to ever know that it's you so you make like a fake name and you're sitting there trying to think of like what's a username that they'll never think of with me no no that's not me you know what that is american boy one one one oh my god everything we've broken up like four times this one oh my god dude she had like she was subscribed to my only fans like with five different accounts oh lord 12 instagrams terrible you need to learn to trust two and it was called melanie forever yeah that's all you knew we got back everybody does that [ __ ] but my theory is that my theory is that is if you have no limitations to what's on this with each other yeah that's good less problems that's a fact any uh anything you want to shout out anything you want to say before we wrap this up almost two hours in here time flies no um i'm i'm really i'm i'm cool i'm excited about that fight with lamar you know that's that's pretty cool uh you'll find kendrick lamar next i just i don't know i have no reason to say that um yeah i'm excited for that fight too hey can i be like with your whole crew when you're coming out to if you you're more than welcome i would love to have you there running next to you with the iphone blogging like i said you know what just to end it to end it really really really end it yeah i'm just i just want to say thank you just just for um for having me for allowing me to speak you know my mind my truth my honesty and then be able to look back and be able to do things like you helped me a lot more than you think so and that you know and over the course of the last year i've done a lot of thinking and you know i'm always checking up on you i'm like all right i hope you adam's doing good what's he up to blah blah blah and you're always like somebody i'm like you know what this is like one of the f like one of the only guys that really just gave me a chance and didn't didn't let me be boycotted and didn't let me be shelved like so so thank you for that man happy to help man you know i always appreciate your honesty and i will tell you guys it's like you know well thank you we gotta do like a yearly check-in for the rest of our lives no problem we'll be 18. no problem just doing this i won't be even doing any other podcast just only with you you could even bring me on uh when you if you interview little zen next or something i'll help you interview him yeah zan together come on let's do it i'm texting him right now come on let's do it aaron carter no john barrett coolest podcast on check us out youtube soundcloud itunes like comment and subscribe and please no jumper.com if you want to support and uh cop the aaron carter only fans if you want to see these two have an intercourse [Music] share it with a graphic of me and you engaged in a french kiss it would be a great visual that is just horrible no yeah i don't want to do it either but the image would be provocative powerful stuff
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 318,066
Rating: 4.497263 out of 5
Keywords: aaron carter no jumper, aaron carter, aaron carter interview, aaron carter songs, aaron carter shaq, nick carter, nick carter interview, logan paul, logan paul vs mayweather, logan paul podcast, logan paul interview, jake paul, jake paul vs nate robinson, jake paul interview, adam22 aaron carter, adam22 aaron carter recap, no jumper aaron carter, no jumper aaron carter chain, grammys 2021
Id: nf7b0_2yqx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 25sec (6205 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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