Aang & Zuko's Relationship Timeline đŸ”„ Full Story | Avatar: The Last Airbender

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How did Aang and Zuko go from foes to friends? I don’t need any calming tea! I need to capture the Avatar! It wasn't an easy road, that's for sure. Considering where we started. The last airbender. Quite agile for his old age. Prince Zuko originally assumed the avatar, who had been missing for 100 years, was now an old man. He’d be about this age, Master of All Elements! But when he found out the truth... - Looking for me? - You're the airbender? You’re the Avatar? Through several encounters, Zuko would get close to capturing the Avatar in his attempt to restore his honor in the eyes of his father, Fire Lord Ozai. But while they played cat and mouse, we learn that the two actually, had somewhat similar upbringings. Both grew up without knowing their parents well. Both had lofty ambitions assigned to them by destiny. And both had painful, life altering, moments of shame. I looked away. [screaming] Of course, none of that slowed the prince's obsessive need to redeem his honor. So, when someone else captured Aang, oh, that just wouldn’t do. [screaming] Zuko, donned as the Blue Spirit, freed Avatar Aang. This was a rare act of kindness and it wouldn’t last long. You know what the worst part about being born over a hundred years ago is? I miss all the friends I used to hang out with. Before the war started, I used to always visit my friend Kuzon. The two of us, we’d get in and out of so much trouble together? He was one of the best friends I ever had. And he was from the fire nation, just like you. If we knew each other back then, do you think he could have been friends too? It sounded like Aang wanted to be friends. But Zuko? Yeah, he wasn't quite there yet. Their relationship did advance slightly in the North Pole. Just not in a good way. [grunting] [grunting] You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun. The prince had captured the Avatar, but only for a moment. Because once Aang returned from the spirit world... Welcome back. Good to be back. [grunting] That won’t be enough to escape. Maybe not, but a moon powered water bender might help. Here for a rematch? Trust me, Zuko. It's not gonna be much of a match. Talk about the importance of friendship. Wait. We can’t just leave him here. Sure we can. Let's go. No! If we leave him, he’ll die. Was Aang still holding out hope that they could be friends? Or was his inner monk just being merciful? We'll let you decide. Their two paths split for a bit. Until they hit a crossroads with another avatar hunter, Zuko's sister. Back off, Azula! He's mine! I'm not going anywhere. The Fire Nation, Royal Siblings put the avatar through the wringer. Until Azula savagery forced a temporary alliance. Well, look at this. Enemies and traitors all working together. I'm done. I know when I'm beaten. You’ve got me. A Princess surrenders with honor. That's when the princess turned her assault on her very own uncle. Ahh! Hah! Get away from us! And for a second, something else is more important than capturing Aang. Zuko, I can help. Leave! After that emotional encounter Uncle recovered and the two Fire Nation refugees made their slow way into Ba Sing Se. At the same time is team Avatar, apparently, Which only meant it was a matter of time until Zuko’s obsession resurfaced. After Zuko successfully hunted down Appa, Uncle Iroh hit Zuko with a painful reality check. What you doing here? I was just about to ask you the same thing. What do you plan to do now that you have found the Avatar’s bison? Keep it locked in our new apartment. And then what? You never think these things through. This is exactly what happened when you captured the Avatar at the North Pole. You had him and then you have nowhere to go! I would’ve figured something out! No! If his friends hadn’t found you, you would have frozen to death! Ugh! I know my own destiny, Uncle! Is it your own destiny? Or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you? It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions. Who are you and what do you want? [yelling] Not long after, Zuko morality was put to the test. When he and Azula came face to face with Aang and Katara. Now was the chance to align himself with the good side. A chance Zuko passed up. [gasping] [grunting] [grunting] Zuko’s decision nearly left Aang dead. The Prince was left to deal with the loneliness of his choices. But on the bright side he kept the idea that Aang could’ve survived a secret. I didn't capture the avatar. Who cares? The avatar's dead. Unless you think he somehow miraculously survived. Okay, So maybe Zuko is saving himself by retaining that information. No, there's no way he could have survived. But still isn't that also what a friend would do? Aside from Zico’s loneliness and Aang’s need for a firebending teacher, a massive revelation suggested that they were much closer spiritually, than anticipated. You have more than one great grandfather, Prince Zuko. Sozin was your father’s grandfather. Your mother’s grandfather was Avatar Roku. Why are you telling me this? Because understanding the struggle between your two great grandfathers can help you better understand the battle within yourself. Evil and good are always at war inside you, Zuko. It is your nature, your legacy. But there is a bright side. What happened generations ago can be resolved now, by you. Because of your legacy, you alone can cleanse the sins of our family and the Fire Nation. Born in you, along with all the strife, is the power to restore balance to the world. This tale was perhaps the most significant factor in bringing together Aang and Zuko as friends. Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the fire nation, have to be treated like they’re worth giving a chance. And I also think it was about friendships. Aang was enlightened by Roku's life story. And Zuko finally had a way to break away from his father and Ozai long lineage of hate. I’m going to join the Avatar and I'm going to help him to defeat you. Really? Since you're a full blown traitor now and you want me gone, why wait? I'm powerless. You've got your swords. Why don't you just do it now? Because I know my own destiny. Taking you down is the Avatar’s destiny. These bold words officially severed ties with his father. Now, could Zuko make the drastic leap of friendship with Aang? Hello. Zuko here. Hey. I heard you guys flying around down there. So, I just thought I’d wait for you here. [growling] Eh! Uh. I know you must be surprised to see me here. Not really, since you’ve followed us all over the world. Right. Well, uh, Anyway, what I wanted to tell you about is that I’ve changed, and I, I’m good now and well, I think I should join your group. Oh, and I can teach firebending to you. - See, I uh... - You wanna what, now? You can’t possibly think that any of us would trust you, can you? I mean, how stupid do you think we are? Yeah. All you’ve ever done is try to hunt us down and capture Aang! I’ve done some good things! I mean, I could have stolen your bison in Ba Sing Se, but I set him free. That's something. It took a little more effort than that. Like helping the gang defeat a mercenary that Zuko may or may not have hired. But before long, Zuko successfully went from enemy to ally. I can't believe I'm saying this, but thanks, Zuko. All I want now is to play my part in ending this war. And I know my destiny is to help you restore balance to the world. Their bond grew brighter through sudden desperation. Zuko lost his ability to firebend. So, he ending set off on an epic side quest. One with dancing, treasure, danger, and draw dragons? All this time, I thought firebending was destruction. But now I know what it really is. It's energy and life. That’s why my firebending was so weak before. Because for so many years, hunting you was my drive. It was my purpose. So when I joined you, I lost sight of my inner fire. But now I have a new drive. I have to help you defeat my father and restore balance to the world. That side quest further laid the groundwork for their friendship. Good thing too. Since the hundred year war was coming to its final conclusion. I said roar! [roaring] Both would need each other’s help to survive. Zuko would need Aang to defeat his father. And Aang would need Zuko’s insights. It's about to get worse than you can even imagine. The day before the eclipse, my father asked me to attend an important war meeting. Sozin’s comet is almost upon us. And on that day will endow us with the strength and power of a hundred sons. No wonder will stand a chance against us. What are you suggesting, sir? When the comet last came, my grandfather Fire Lord Sozin, used it to wipe out the Air Nomads. Now, I will use its power to end the Earth Kingdom. Permanently! What am I gonna do? I know you're scared and I know you're not ready to save the world. But if you don’t defeat the Fire Lord before the comet comes, there won’t be a world to save anymore. Now, with even more weight on Aang’s shoulders, Zuko’s friendship was refreshing. He knew the power of independence. Aang, don’t walk away from this! Let him go. He needs time to sort it out by himself. Without that, Aang might not have left to meet the mythical Lion Turtle. Yet Zuko's concern for Aang proved sincere. Almost brotherly. I’m worried about Aang. What if he doesn’t have the guts to take out my father? - What if he loses? - Aang won’t lose. He's gonna come back. He has to. Of course, as the fates would have it, Katara was right. Aang defeated Zuko’s father and Zuko stepped up as Fire Lord. I can't believe a year ago my purpose in life was hunting you down. - And now
 - And now we’re friends. Yeah, we are friends. I can't believe a year ago I was still frozen in a block of ice. The world’s so different now. And it’s going to be even more different. We'll rebuild it together. Where once the Avatar and the Fire Lord we're friends turned enemies, Without you, all my plans are suddenly possible. This Avatar and Fire Lord were enemies turned friends. With the Avatar’s help, we can get it back on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace. And their friendship continued to build throughout their lives. It was so strong, even the spirit world knew of its greatness. You know, Zuko and Aang were close friends. Lord Zuko, of course. Yes, my nephew. What was your favorite Aang and Zuko moment? Tell us below, like, and subscribe and keep watching for all things Avatar. Their relationship started off
 hmm a little rocky. But they grew to become lifelong friends, best friends.
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Keywords: avatar the last airbender, the last airbender, avatar, aang, katara, sokka, toph, zuko, azula, bending, four nations, iroh, avatar full episodes, atla, team avatar, fight, nickelodeon, appa, avatar the last Airbender full episodes, waterbending, earthbending, firebending, airbending, avatar the last airbender scenes, avatar the last airbender intro, anime, aang vs zuko, zuko honor, aang vs ozai, aang and katara, zuko and katara, avatar timeline, zuko joins team avatar, zuko vs azula, agni kai
Id: QpHst1TbmOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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