Zuko's Firebending Evolution! πŸ”₯ | Avatar

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It's 20 minutes, but if you love watching these analysis videos, then you're in for a treat. Normally videos from Viacom/Nickelodeon/corporate are just ways to get extra revenue, but this video is surprisingly great with awesome backstory info I never heard from other well-known analysis channels that have explored Avatar.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/popnlocke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- From fugitive... - This is humiliating. To Fire Lord? Let's illuminate Zuko's journey and explore how his bending evolved as a result of his complicated emotional struggle. We should first note that during Zuko's upbringing, fire burning was widely viewed as an art of destruction, fueled by anger and rage. And nobody embodied that spirit more than Zuko's father, Ozai, a merciless and violent man who wanted to rule the world. You will obey me or this defiant breath will be your last. A blatant contrast to Zuko's mother, Ursa, who was kind and nurturing. Zuko was essentially raised by a symbol of good and a symbol of evil. Because of that, a war of decency raged inside of it. And since bending required a strong emotional focus, the young prince struggled to learn fire bending. I failed. No, I loved watching you. That's who you are, Zuko. Someone who keeps fighting, even though it's hard. Understandably, Zuko found himself very close with his mother. That's what moms are like. If you mess with their babies, they're gonna bite you back. And Ursa would soon bite back after Zuko became a target. Behind closed doors, Ozai made a move for the throne, which enraged the current fire lord. Grandfather said dad's punishment should fit his crime. You must know the pain of losing a firstborn son by sacrificing your own. You're lying. Dad would never do that to me. Your father would never do what to you? What is going on here? Ozai was preparing to sacrifice his son, but Ursa secretly made a deal to spare Zuko's life. In exchange, she was banished from the Fire Nation capital. - Mom? - Zuko, please, my love. Listen to me. Everything I've done, I've done to protect you. Remember this, Zuko, no matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are. That's the last we'd see of Ursa for the foreseeable future, though her kind moral spirit would live on inside Zuko, raging a war against his father's guidance. Meanwhile, his father gained a new title. Hail Fire Lord Ozai. Iin his teenage years, Zuko tried to embrace his father's legacy by leaning into the military lifestyle, perhaps prematurely. You can't sacrifice an entire division like that. Those soldiers love and defend our nation. How can you betray them? That outburst, fueled by his mother's morality, was a massive turning point in Zuko's life. He'd be punished for this insolence with an Agni Kai, a fire duel. Time for one of Zuko's first major fire bending tests. After years of tutors, he was confident in facing the general who he had insulted. But as it turned out, Zuko would be facing the Fire Lord himself. Please, Father. I only had the Fire Nation's best interests at heart. I'm sorry I spoke out of turn. - You will fight for your honor. - I won't fight you. You will learn respect and suffering will be your teacher. Zuko was scarred by his father, then exiled, sent on this impossible mission to capture the mysterious Avatar. That would be his only hope of coming home with honor. Nearly three years later, Zuko had plenty of anger to fuel his bending. I don't need any calming tea. I need to capture the Avatar. Zuko spent his downtime training under Uncle Iroh. Though even with all his rage, Zuko's power fell short. Again. This is because Iroh was teaching the true approach to fire bending, one that was not rooted in anger and destruction. Power in fire bending comes from the breath, not the muscles. The breath becomes energy in the body. The energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire. That lesson wouldn't last. Not after the Avatar emerged. The mission from his father began to consume him, which caused more trouble when his mother's morality flared up. Do it! Liike when he refused to scar another general. That's it? Your father raised a coward. Next time you get in my way, I promise I won't hold back. His internal struggle, the two paths inspired by his contrasting parents, would split his identity. The man Ursa wanted him to be would sort of come to life as the blue spirit. During this time, we'd also witnessed Zuko's impressive swordsmanship and agility. Who are you? - Are you here to rescue me? - But why the mask? As it turns out, Ursa, a former stage actress, kept a collection of masks from her past life hidden in the royal palace. It's likely young Zuko found those and kept this one to remember his missing mother. The prince begins wearing this disguise when rebelling against his father's reign. Have you heard of the blue spirit, General Iroh? Just rumors. I don't think he is real. He's real, alright. He's a criminal and an enemy of the Fire Nation. But I have a feeling justice will catch up with him soon. Unfortunately, just like Ursa, the Blue Spirit had no place under Ozai's rule. An attempt on his life, Zuko was presumed dead, but it just made him more desperate to restore his honor, much to the chagrin of Uncle Iroh. Ever since I lost my son... Uncle, you don't have to say it. I think of you as my own. I know, Uncle. We'll meet again. After I have the Avatar. Remember your breath of fire. It could save your life out there. I will. Iroh was right. That breath of fire came in clutch as Zuko demonstrated his current fire bending skillsl to defeat Katara. He even captured the Avatar. Well, briefly. Here for a rematch? Trust me, Zuko, it's not going to be much of a match. Zuko's fire bending skill had grown, but his planning was weak. He could have died if Team Avatar had left him lost in the tundra. It was clear the prince had more to learn. After the failed siege of the North, Zuko was reunited with a frighteningly familiar face. Hello, brother, uncle. - What are you doing here? -Princess Azula, Zuko's younger sister, represented the offspring Ozai wanted: merciless and powerful, more powerful than Zuko, at least. She was the epitome of anger and rage. So much so that her power had grown thunderous. Thankfully, Uncle Iroh had Zuko's back. Redirecting lightning? Now that would be a skill worth learning. It was time Uncle Irohand Prince Zuko abandoned their Fire Nation identity all together. As refugees, Iroh's fire bending lessons were exchanged for lessons on humility. Spare coins for weary travelers? This is humiliating. We're royalty. These people should be giving us whatever we want. As the saying goes, you can lead an ostrich horse to water, - but you can't make them drink. - I thought a lot about what you said. - You did? Good. Good. - It's helped me realize something. We no longer have anything to gain by traveling together. - I need to find my own way. - Zuko went on his own, finding himself broke and hungry. But still, he chose a path of decency. Thanks for not ratting me out. While hiding his identity, he saw what a family could be: caring. Supper's going to be ready soon. Would you like to stay? Zuko was welcome until he used fire to protect that family. - Immediately, he was shunned. - Not a step closer. - It's yours. You should have it. - No, I hate you. This was a painful reminder of how reprehensible Ozai's legacy could be. As was their next encounter with the Azula team avatar. [screaming] Once Uncle Iroh recovered, it was clear Zuko needed to continue building his skills by learning how to bend electricity. Positive energy and negative energy. Only a select few fire benders can separate these energies. This creates an imbalance. The energy wants to restore balance. And in the moment, the positive and negative energy come crashing back together. You provide release and guidance, creating lightning. But again, Zuko's emotional struggle had a direct impact on his bending. [grunting] Why can't I do it? Instead of lightning, it keeps exploding in my face, like everything always does. Consider that lesson failed for now. Instead, they dive into an even more important lesson. Understanding all four elements is key to becoming a great fire bender. The same mindset which makes the Avatar so powerful. You see, the technique I'm about to teach you is one I learned by studying the water benders. Like the water benders who use their opponent's flow of energy against them, Iroh taught Zuko how to redirect lightening. Excellent. You've got it. Great. I'm ready to try with real lightning. What? Are you crazy? Lightning is very dangerous. I thought that was the point. You teaching me how to protect myself from it. Yeah, but I'm not going to shoot lightning at you. If you're lucky, you will never have to use this technique at all. That skill, while useful, brought Zuko no closer to winning the war inside himself. You've always thrown everything you could at me. Well, I can take it, and now I can give it back! Go on, strike me! You never held back before! This would be the height of Zuko'ss emotional turmoil. Until his obsession reemerged in Ba Sing Se, leading to a harsh reality check. What do you plan to do now that you have found the Avatar's bison? Keep it locked in our new apartment? Should I go put on a pot of tea for him? - First, I have to get it out of here. - And then what? You never think these things through. I know my own destiny, Uncle. Is it your own destiny or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you. Who are you? And what do you want? [grunting] Zuko released Appa and his alter ego. You did the right thing, nephew. The Blue Spirit sank, but his emotional struggles surfaced, causing the prince to be physically sick. As a result, we saw for ourselves the war raging inside his head. It's getting late. Are you planning to retire soon, My Lord? - I'm not tired. - Relax, Fire Lord Zuko. Just let go. Give into it. Shut your eyes for a while. No, Fire Lord Zuko! Do not listen to the Blue Dragon. You should get out of here right now. Go! Before it's too late. The two dragons represented the two sides of his family, pulling him to and from paths of self-destruction. And then another nightmare showing an obsession consuming him. [screaming] Just like his nightmares warned, Zuko was tested as two family figures pulled him down separate paths. I need you, Zuko. And the only way we win is together. At the end of this day, you will have your honor back. You will have father's love. You will have everything you want. Zuko, I am begging you. Look into your heart and see what it is that you truly want. Disappointingly, Zuko chose the path he had pursued for the last three years. Even when the Avatar escaped, presumed dead, Azula claimed her prize, her brother's loyalty. Today, you restored your own honor. They may have won the battle, but Zuko was losing the war inside himself. Welcome home. The prince's regret was obvious. Not that it mattered. He had made his bed in a den of lion vultures. As he lost sight of his mother's morality, Zuko embraced the sour lifestyle of the Fire Nation royalty. He had luxury, praise, acceptance by his father, but his true father figure, - Uncle Iroh? - You're not going to see anything? [grunting] You're a crazy old man. You're crazy. And if you weren't in jail, you'd be sleeping in a gutter. The prince had followed his darkest destiny. The one set before him by his sinister father. But there was hope. Uncle Iroh revealed a family secret that would illuminate his mother's legacy. I have more than one great grandfather, Prince Zuko. Sozin was your father's grandfather. Your mother's grandfather was Avatar Roku. Why are you telling me this? Because understanding the struggle between your two great grandfathers can help you better understand the battle within yourself. This turned the tide on Zuko's internal struggle. He could still live an honorable life, even if it meant setting fire to everything he knew. I know I've made some bad choices, but today I'm going to set things right. That would mean taking advantage of the eclipse, which would halt fire bending altogether and then challenging his biggest adversary yet, - Ozai. - For so long, all I wanted was for you to love me, to accept me. I thought it was my honor that I wanted. But really, I was just trying to please you. You, my father who banished me just for talking out of turn. My father who challenged me, a 13 year old boy to an Agni Kai. How can you possibly justify a duel with a child? - It was to teach you respect. - It was cruel and it was wrong. - Then you've learned nothing. - No, I've learned everything. And I've had to learn it on my own. Standing up to his father's led to a violent altercation, but his first successful attempt at redirecting electricity. A powerful leap forward and skill. And as he escaped, the prince shut the door on his father's legacy, ending the war inside himself. Finally, he had set on a path that would make his mother and his great grandfather, Avatar Roku, proud, but as a result, he needed to be rebuilt from the ground up. Part of that included joining a new kind of family. I know you must be surprised to see me here. Not really since you followed us all over the world. Right. Well, anyway, what I wanted to tell you about is that I've changed and I'm good now. And, well, I think I should join your group. Oh, and I can teach fire bending to you. The group was hesitant to accept Zuko until you helped them defeat an explosive bounty hunter. After that dangerous display, Zuko was cautiously welcomed. I won't let you down. I promise. It was time to teach the Avatar fire bending. But was the student ready to become the teacher? What was that? That was the worst fire bending I've ever seen. But a consequence to rediscovering himself, meant rediscovering fire bending as well. Maybe your fire bending comes from rage and you just don't have enough anger to fuel it the way you used to. You're going to need to learn to draw your fire bending from a different source. I recommend the original source. The original source of fire bending? Dragons. After they were assumed to be extinct, Zuko and Aand met Ran and Shaw, who illuminated the true meaning of fire bending. All this time, I thought fire burning was destruction, but now I know what it really is. It's energy and life. Yeah. It's like the sun, but inside of you. This might sound familiar. It's actually a message that Uncle Iroh had been attempting to teach Zuko all along. Power ain fire bending comes from the breath, not the muscles. Zuko's power was recharged, fueled like never before. And in the final weeks of summer, Zuko learned about courage from Sokka, mercy from Katara, and forgiveness from Uncle Iroh. How can you forgive me so easily? I thought you would be furious with me. I was never angry with you. I was sad because I was afraid you lost your way. I did lose my way. But you found it again. Now, Zuko''s journey had taken him to the end of the 100 Year War. He had mastered fire bending, he conquered the war inside himself. So what role would he play next? Zuko, you must return to the Fire Nation so that when the Fire Lord falls, you can assume the throne and restore peace and order, but Azula will be there waiting for you. - I can handle Azula. - Not alone. You'll need help. You're right. Katara, how would you like to help me put a Azula in her place? - It would be my pleasure. - The stage was set. Both siblings were fueled by Sozin's comet. Their fire burning was amplified, but Zuko still had something to Azula didn't. Fire born from energy and life, not anger and rage. The prince demonstrated the agility of air benders and the groundedness of earth benders. His fire bending could even make the dragons proud. And when he channeled the water benders and prepared to redirect lightning, he'd end up demonstrating something entirely new. Self-sacrifice. Zuko proved in that moment that he was his mother's son. He risked his life for someone else's. In turn, Katara went on to save the day. She froze a Azula in ice, like she had once done to Zuko himself. But unlike young Zuko, Azula wasn't taught breath of fire from Uncle Iroh. Eventually, Sozin's comet passed. The war was over. Zuko recovered and went on to lead the Fire Nation - as the rightful heir to the throne. - All hail fire Lord Zuko. Now, despite being a master fire bender with a strong self identity, Zuko still had much to learn, especially around politics and his mother. But that's a journey for another day. So for now, tell us what your favorite Zuko moment was. Comment below and keep watching for all things Avatar. I'm just saying that considering his messed up family and how he was raised, he could have turned out a lot worse.
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Views: 7,370,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar the last airbender, the last airbender, avatar, aang, katara, sokka, toph, zuko, azula, iroh, avatar episodes, atla, team avatar, avatar fight, nickelodeon, appa, avatar the last Airbender full episodes, waterbending, earthbending, firebending, airbending, avatar the last airbender intro, avatar video game, anime, zuko firebending, zuko battles, zuko timeline, zuko journey, zuko vs azula, zuko vs katara, zutara, dancing dragon, zuko and katara, zuko lightning, zuko vs ozai, zuko's mom
Id: CwlTFQqdI3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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