A.A. Allen / Miracles, Signs, and Wonders Pt. 4 / Arizona Revival / mid-1960's / #HeroesOfTheFaith

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greens are up reads are up knees are up in jesus name start walking in jesus name for the sake and the suffering now whatever one that has a blue prayer card or repeat colored prayer card stand to your feet and form a line to my left god's going to heal you today amen how many believe in god with me this afternoon in our prayer line that we've formed this woman must have a miracle that man must have a miracle in fact men in this line need a miraculous touch but god's a miracle worker amen this woman has no bone in her leg from here down [Music] because of an accident it was trust and splintered when they took it out she says she believed and put a bone in there how many believe god will do it oh god [Applause] how long has she been like this brother this has been like this it's not 58 1958 and what happened well we had an automobile accident in 1958 and she was she was in the hospital for a year for a whole year for a whole year when i got her out of the hospital she came out on a wheelchair doctor we've got to do something more yes yes i know i know he's gonna do it right now little lady do you believe doctor will do something for you this is some of our spanish friends she doesn't speak very good english but she can sure shout in spanish okay now you believe god's gonna do something for you yes i believe oh my god jesus christ yes yes you believe you put a bone in that leg [Applause] dear jesus oh [Applause] my god perform a miracle today for the glory of god let the spirit in the power of almighty god come on this little spanish woman jesus you are a miracle worker i'm asking you put a lord in this limb put a bone in this leg god for your glory in the name of jesus my god granted in jesus name touch this hip jesus touched us through the woman's head oh jesus touch her now god for your divine power you're a miracle god you made this world out of nothing you meet man out of mud and you can make this woman a new hip bone and put a bone in this land jesus granted today [Applause] in the name of jesus [Applause] i'll see if she can do something besides shout out start jumping on [Applause] amen can you talk yes i though all right look at me open your eyes why don't you talk now huh you just shout all day i want you to talk to me we believe in shouting don't you yeah can you feel it i feel this you can all right is she doing all right yeah is she doing all right yes have her come right on back around this [Applause] way everybody stand to your feet and let's just say god i believe you're doing things under this tent i just believe you're doing something jesus do you believe god can perform a miracle for you do you believe he should that's great for everybody in their homes they'll have to help that lady she can't hardly walk this little woman's been wearing a brace for five years she's in an automobile accident she's in constant pain without this brace she takes it off and she just draws over backwards and doubles up and she has to wear this brace to hold her over that's why she stands this way and you've been wearing it how long well i wear i i leave it on sometimes turn around let me see what it looks like you see this here it is clear up to her shoulders see these ribs do you see it and what happens when you take it off well if i try to do it then i can't do it you just can't do it you just fall over backwards i don't fall but i just you just you just draw over backwards and the brace has to hold you up yes and you had it on how long it's been five years since i had the homo be like five years did you try to get some help well i went to doctors and had x-rays you know but you want jesus to help you i know you'll heal me right now yes you'd like to be healed sure i want to be healed and if god heals you can take that thing over it won't draw you over no all right isn't that sweet without this brace it just draws her over now god oh jesus any hands upon this woman he's been injured in this automobile accident god for your glory i'm asking you tonight give her new vertebras give put new discs in this backbone heal her from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet lord let her take this brace off tonight and be made perfectly whole without it in the name of jesus just bend over this is it you can't can you no you can't you just can't even breathe who's there yeah it's too stiff you feel god's doing something for you i feel i'm healed you feel you're healed yes i believe it too my heart went down now your heart did why my heart isn't beating hard now was it before yes did you feel the spirit of the lord go through yes i know i am you know you are yeah [Applause] all right i'll tell you what you do uh you slip out here you can step around behind the platform there's a little place around there where you can this officer right here one of the lady ministers will take you around there you take that thing off and come back out here i'll take all my friends off well that won't take you long we'll wait how many briefs you'll come back without this brace take her out to my office here's the keys lotta you can go with her raise your hands and say thank you jesus she'll be back in a moment reporting victory this little woman had an infection in her ears and since that time she's had a horrible ringing in her ears just tall men sir you believe god will take it away yeah the lord said the night is my night god spoke to you he said tonight's your night yes thank you he's going to heal you tonight yes how many years you had this oh i i was i didn't know for sure many years yeah i was about 18 about 18 years now since i was 18 since you were 18 yeah i didn't know she was like all right father in the name of jesus i place my fingers in these ears and i command that this ringing and tormenting noise leave these ears and i command that peace and quietness and stillness come to these ears as peace came to the troubled waters when jesus spoke the words in the name of jesus peace peace and quiet now it's all gone it's what it's gone now it's gone now it's always felt i had something in my ear thank you it's gone yeah it's all gone yeah raise your hand everybody shout thank you jesus [Applause] isn't jesus wonderful he'll do the same thing for you here's a little brother that doesn't speak english [Applause] he doesn't speak english he'll have to have someone interpret for him he's spanish you tell your friend that god's going to heal his ruptured disc tonight does he believe it see in constant pain he can't lift a thing and how many years ten ten years has been a year ten years he wants to [Applause] now there's nothing so dangerous or painful as a ruptured disc that's that little pad of bristle between the bones of the vertebras in your back and when one is ruptured they just grind together and you're in horrible shape many times even an operation doesn't help i'm gonna ask god to operate on this man here at shake the nations we love to wear our faith on our sleeve so for hoodies like this our latest messages and other shake the nation's merchandise visit our online store at shakethenations.com hold this goat now jesus here's a man that can't lift a thing but you're going to heal the spine tonight god i believe you're going to do it oh god for your glory in the name there it is right there it's a huge knot look at that you see that oh god in the name of jesus are they hands upon this man believing that you've healed this ruptured disc put it in peace make a new one and put it there god for your glory in the name of jesus granted oh god let the power of the spirit of god fall upon him in jesus name a new spine and a new disc in the name of jesus amen [Applause] shall send you thank you jesus [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] yeah it's done he feels it's done [Applause] he does feel no pain he's all right [Applause] bend over [Applause] touch your toes that's it touch your toes una mas [Applause] [Music] uh that's all right now straighten up come here down run on home raise your hand and say thank you jesus now this man needs a real miracle for 13 long years he's had tuberculosis he's been operated on four times and they removed half of this long right here half of the right lung is gone and nine ribs how many ribs does a person have anybody know 12 on each side then if we move nine from this side and only leave him three ribs on this side is that right that's right what do you want god to do i want to give him a rib back and place this lungs for me why i have a breathing problem once again [Applause] you want breathing power i want breathing power once again low give it to me i know you're good i can't climb no hill no stairs great hole in this side turn right around it's just gone and half of this long has gone heavenly love now what made you believe god can do such a thing well i don't know he can do it he can do everything he can he can trust me probably this but i know he take care of me on i mean give it to me and let me keep you yes lord i know he will yes i believe he will how many believe he will [Applause] you believe god to give a man put another lung in there and put nine ribs in yes he's got a god of miracles in the 12th chapter first corinthians god said he praised some in the church the 28th verse said first apostle secondary prophets 30 teachers after that miracles where in the church then this is the church at least one of the churches this is a great church it's probably the biggest church possibly the biggest church in the world at least it's the biggest tent in the world and i've never heard of a church being this big i've never seen anybody building a church ever see twenty thousand people this is a part of that greek church and god said in the church he preached the gift of miracles and i'm going to ask god to let that gift of miracles put in new ribs and the half of this lung that's been removed god put it back and let this man breathe again yes no oh god now god look at that hole oh god in the name of jesus that hole in his back jesus my god for your glory i'm asking you lord because this man would like to climb steps and climb a hill again but i'm asking for the glory of god put this long back in god that's been removed for these ribs lord that had been cut out oh god for your glory in the name of jesus my god oh jesus but wait a minute [Applause] something's happening something is happening this hole is filling up yes it is in the name of jesus it is [Applause] this bone's coming back in here can you feel something happening yeah feel it tightening up in there you can yeah yes lord i believe i gotta pack father i believe i got a backlog i believe i got him back again lord help us to thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord thank you lord thank thank you lord thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus lord thank you god i got once again thank you jesus what does it feel like oh i just feel different all over get down yeah feel like i got some men here now yes yes no yeah yeah he did so take a deep breath can you breathe better yeah yeah couple sides bigger than the other if they're both the same if i didn't know you just prayed for this man i wouldn't be able to tell there was any difference at all i can't tell a bit of difference at all in him yeah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you does anybody here know there was just cut out oh yeah i got a few friends around though they cut out yes lord but you go tell them that god's done something for you let's shout again [Applause] this little woman's having a job to walk but she's walking you've had a what a bottom grab in your ankle yes my bone was crushed completely in your ankle in my ankle and they grab through the taking a bone from my hip and put in my ankle and i just wrong with your ankle it was crushed in an automobile accident and they and it won't heal well it's still stiff the doctor said to be stiffed and that's you're right yes what do you think god wants to do i know god is going to heal me i threw my crutches away yesterday because i know he's going to you've been walking on crutches i've been walking on crutches for about a year and a half oh i see and you threw them away yesterday i come down here for you to hear me and you've already been partly healed highly healed because i threw those crutches away and you don't need them now i don't need them anymore i think god is going to heal me i think maybe he's already healed you when'd you get a prayer card yesterday when did you throw the crutches away yesterday and you've been walking on a year and a half i've been on them a year and a half uh-huh well you still got it in a bandage it's in a flexible cat did you have some other kind of a cast on it i had a cast on up to my hip at first and then they're taking one down on my sheet and you want god to finish the work i want him to just heal my soul because i have two boys to raise and they're growing up and i want them to have a mother that can take care of you're not a christian i'm a christian but somehow another i got on the wrong track but god will turn you back he'll make you think yes he'll make you turn around and back god has used this let it happen to turn her around and bring her back god touch this little mother there are two boys they don't need a mother to guide them and lead them right now i'm asking you tonight that while i pray you're going to heal this limb and this broken ankle you're going to finish the work she throwed her crutches away yesterday god we believe you've already started the work sit down right there how many believe god's going to finish the work being on crutches a year and a half came yesterday and got a prayer card god spoke to her heart she threw them away it could be she's already healed but i'm going to pray oh god my father in the name of jesus for the lord for this draft and the bone that will not grow back in praise they have drafted this stiff ankle oh god in the name of jesus heal this limb tonight heal the cinco tonight god make her completely whole for your glory now god down to the very souls of these feet make her whole i believe you got right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus god [Applause] jump up [Applause] what happened i'm real for sure you are what happened did you limber up it's never the painless it's gone it's gone this is what the bible means when it says shout out to god for the voice of trying everybody stand to your feet and let's glorify the lord [Applause] let's thank him and freeze him here's our little friend he went out to my office and you took that old brace off didn't you what did you find it doesn't hurt it don't hurt you and you're able to stand up straight and it's not pulling you over and your heart don't bother you no [Applause] somewhere that's all right just keep it in the sack [Applause] everybody raise your hands say thank you jesus did i tell you god was going to heal us you're going to take that brees off raise your hands to heaven again [Applause] let's sing i got just what i wanted from the lord [Applause] i got that is now just a moment as i pray let the glory and the power of almighty god go forth you said the prayer of a righteous man to be of much o god heal the sick heal the suffering open the ears of the death my god open the eyes of the blind cause the lame delete caused the lame to watch oh god perform miracle after miracle after miracle we leave you now in jesus name at just a moment 15 years and you want god to make you hope yes therefore is the arthritis it's all over my body it's all over how would you like to jump out of this chair and start running for jesus fine fine somebody breathe god can do it do you believe god will do it [Applause] if this video has touched your life make sure to subscribe like comment and click the bell to stay updated on what god is doing at shake the nation's ministries [Music] you've come a long way to get healed didn't you yes trump's horny do you believe god's going to heal your wife yes sir and she's been sick for 17 years yes sir but god's going to make her whole amen now now god he says now now listen lady when i pray i believe in god to do it everybody please god's going to do it shout amen oh god lord for 17 years she's been in this shape in this condition oh god i believe you're right now lord yes lord i believe to undertake that is thy torture the power of god's going to go through her guide this arthritis out of a body oh god hear my prayer tonight jesus hear my try and god for your glory perform a miracle jesus i believe you oh god you said you shall be handed on the sick and this shall recover yes you said the word scientists turn into also yes greater words you've gone to the father now father in full faith of calvary's victory and standing on the promise that you can't lie holly hands upon this woman i believe in jesus the knees are up raise her up raise her up raise her up raise her up raise her up in jesus name start walking in jesus name everybody shout come on shout with me praise god amen amen praising praising amazing praise and praise everybody raise your hands and let's please god raise your hands and shout come on amen 17 years [Applause] reasons come on let's fall hallelujah in this week it missed me [Applause] everybody stand able feet raise your hands and praise the lord she's a little weak but god's healer everybody raise your hands and shout everybody raise your hands and praise the lord is it done do you believe god should do it for you oh let's raise the law and now for you that have a special peach colored prayer card if you come to your feet and lie and form a line here brother schambach will assist you to my left we're going to pray for you so much over the land we're going to do what we said works we're going to lay hands on you in jesus name and god's going to heal you tonight if you only believe how many believe that god's going to do it you do say amen hallelujah amen bless this little woman jesus bless the lord tonight yes jesus god's going to give you an overhaul from your head to your toes you believe it i assure you what's your trouble outright in your spine and then your hips you're just going to throw them away and run off without them tonight yes tell the people i believe tonight i'm going to start running i believe tonight i'm going to start running this is in your hips hold her up there she's shut in her hips and all up and down her spine she says sometimes it gets worse sometimes she can walk a little bit hobble around but sometimes you have to use those cuts is that right god's going to do it tonight you know what i believe the arthritis is a demon force i call it a crippling spirit are you going to sit there in that wheelchair and lay in that bed or sit in that hole are you going to go around with your canes and touch us when god will set you free listen to me friend believe god right there now jesus i lay my hands on this little woman in your wonderful name i pass the devil of arthritis in the name of jesus lord remove every bit of it out of this spine take every bit of it now out of these hips in the name of jesus remember the cause and the very pain let this woman be made normal tonight in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus i command it leave the spine in the name of jesus christ david elia in the name of jesus lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus devil you're a liar born sister the devil you say he's had sugar diabetes for 20 years 20 some years you've been buying for four years yeah you believe that's going to help him tonight hallelujah do you believe doctrine open your eyes so you can walk without having to be laid around that's right you believe god's going to do it tonight amen [Applause] there's a man that's been blind for four years oh thank you jesus i praise you oh glory thank you jesus i want to leave this man around here the last two days this man is blind because of his sugar diabetes when the curse the sugar in jesus name and from the moment the sugar is done he's going to begin to see many people that are blind from uh other causes who paid for mine sometime ago his eyes blown out in the mine explosion something this line tonight is a man seven years ago was in a mine explosion he's blind for that reason i believe that's going to give him instant sight this may be gradual because we found with sugar diabetes when the sugar is dead the sight returns normally and gradually even as it left but i have a feeling god tonight is going to do it definitely and instantly is a miracle how many people do it amen yes sir thank you jesus i claim it for this man cursed be the sugar demons in this blood cursed be the [Applause] lift is blind by shear gain thank you for this mountain to the people that powered in the heavens thank you and that you have never changed of jesus amen are you ready yes then you're going to tell the people what the picture looks like this man's been in this meeting for two days and don't even know what the picture looks like how many babies gonna see me [Applause] [Applause] of jesus christ of nazareth thank you command the blind eyes [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] he's been [Applause] everybody stands [Applause] together please raise your hands [Applause] [Applause] a moment this person is going to pray with me anymore give me brother shamba together god said if only two or three of us would agree touching anything here on earth it should be done to our father in heaven but just before praying here's what i'm going to tell you these people that have such wonderful divine god-given faith our people to sit in the afternoon services and receive the instruction written in this book 15 great chapters 168 pages god's hear you favorite and permanently without the help of drugs or surgery write for it read it this week god says faith coming by hearing and hearing god's word he provides in your heart when we pray over the telecast next week at this same time you have the faith this man had wait for it all you have to do is just impose an offering for the support of this great ministry and work and we'll be glad to send it to you by return mail that ask for god's guarantee to heal you the greatest book or complete inspirational textbook on divine healing but now pray god bless your hearts i feel that many of are sitting out there saying that's going to heal me god's going to heal me god's going to heal me too amen why do you happen to listen if you're seated and can stand stand thank you put your hand over on the tv so to give you a contact with this great campaign and when you touch it you're going to feel something join my hand brother oh thank you i said if we did agree together he would answer prayers i'm going to pray for you there and the two of them here are going to agree with me and god's going to heal thousands of them today before we slip out of these homes again today we'll offer you a prayer faith amen we agree together forever [Applause] now open the eyes of every blind person that would like to repeat this telecast today take it away arthritis and heart trouble sickness and disease cancer and tumor in god in jesus name thank you jesus we want to thank you for watching if you want to know more about shake the nation's ministries and our youtube channel why don't you click the subscribe button also if you want notifications of our brand new videos why don't you click the bell there's so much more in shake the nation's ministry that you can get involved in why don't you click also the link to our website to find out more to find out more about our humanitarian armed hope of foundations make sure you click the hope of all nations button where you can learn about us taking the gospel to thousands of children around the world and our work in the ground of the nation of honduras we can't wait to see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Nathan Morris - Shake The Nations Ministries
Views: 12,164
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Id: rEP0-Y_zOyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 30sec (2430 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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