Dr. Zakir answered Christian about the Ruling of Divorce by Jesus & Islam in Qatar

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click to subscribe believing beings [Music] and press the Bell icon to get notified about new videos my name is Carolina and I am a nurse I study a lot differences between Islam and Christianity and I have I have lots of questions but the main question I have at the moment you said that Islam accept Jesus as a messenger of God and Jesus when was asked about divorce if the man can divorce a woman he said that Moses gave us gave the permission to divorce a woman only because of the hardness of the heart of the people but Jesus said that a man cannot divorce a woman a man should leave the father and the mother and join the woman and they became one one spirit in two bodies so this form is difference between what we believe what I believe as a Christian and was you believe as a Muslim people just asked a question she said there may differences what she's quoting is a verse from the Bible from Gospel of Matthew chapter number five verse number 27 and 28. that's correct and and I'm giving you the quotation what you said sister is in your own word which is not Verbatim what Jesus Christ peace be upon him said it's in red letter in the gospel of Matthew chapter number 27 verse number 28 it has said of the old times that thou shall give a bill of divorce but I send to you whosoever looketh upon a woman that thou shall give a bill of divorce but I say unto you that that whosoever look at the woman to lust after has already committed adultery in his heart the two verses that thou shall give a bill of divorce but I say unto you that whoever whoever sleep with and then the woman shall give divorce that means of the Old Law sister at the time of Moses it was said that if you want to give divorce give a bill of divorce that's it but Jesus Christ Spirit upon Him says that you shall not give bill of divorce until your wife sleep with somebody else that means previously at the time of Moses divorce was allowed to give a divorce you give a bill of divorce no Jesus Christ peace be upon your messenger of God comes and changes the law and he says that thou shall not give a bill of divorce unless unless your wife sleeps somebody else so there is a change in Islam it is different an Islam sister our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallam said that amongst the permissible things which is the most hateful in the sight of God is divorce permissible but the most hateful that means in Islam you can give divorce when required when both husband and wife are not compatible it does not mean that if the wife is bad then you can give divorce or if the husband is bad then only can you be a divorce maybe both are good but they are not compatible and we have many such examples there were Companions of the Prophet male Companions and female companion we have the example of Allah along with another companion a lady companions they were married they were not compatible you can divorce or can be one is not good wife is not good husband can divorce husband is not good the wife can't take divorce can't give Kola so in Islam it is not like the times of Moses easy or at the time of Jesus peace be upon him you cannot give divorced until your wife does fornication in Islam we have to raise the pros and cons and based on that or based on that so Islam the last and final messenger came and said divorce is permissible but as a last resort and how to give divorce the details are given so that is the difference between the teachings of Moses the teachings of Jesus peace be upon him and the teaching the prophet Muhammad peace hold that throw some light on the differences okay thank you so do you agree with me that marriage in Christianity and marriage is Islam is different there are different rules yes there are different rules there are different rules but visual is better sister I have asked you a question in in in in in realm of Moses anyone can be a divorce good bad ugly in in Christianity only if your wife is caught fornicating you can give in Islam if you're uncompatible you can give if they are not good you can give not just like that it is permissible but the most hateful in the sight of Allah which would you prefer sister I prefer my religion and be with one man until the end of my life okay if the husband comes and hits you every day he drinks alcohol hits you every day blue and black your eyes turn black every day would you like to stay with him we can be separate but we cannot get married again that's different well I'm asking you a question wouldn't you like to find some other life partner we are not alive no you are not I'm not asking whether allowed or not which is preferable for a human being in Islam if you make a mistake in choosing a wrong partner I think I've got for my sister a very good person I think he's very good but after marriage he hits the he gambles he drinks alcohol black and blue I would say separate I'll give him chance try reconciliation separate so you can marry him she can marry the what was her fault what was her fault tell me why should my sister suffer what type of religion is this this is hard religion is hard religion which is a logical religion and today today but natural we have to have husband and wife we have to be correct medically you should get married otherwise if you separate what happens in America everyone happens in America in America according to statistics every person man and woman they have eight different sexual partner before they settle down with them the statistic does not say how many they have after they get married eight some have five some have ten some are twenty it is human nature so now if you feel separate what will you do so that's the reason Islam prevents the woman from going on the wrong track or the man from going on the wrong track divorce marry again what is wrong if you make a mistake it's so easy it's so easy sorry it's so easy it's easy it's easy not easy it's a test [Applause] [Music] that if he does not treat you well if it treats you if he hits you black and white and yet you want to be his wife what is the logic what time of religion is this isn't it illogical this is a religion of love love is it in you what love it's him that I will be with him until the end you're not with him also I can pray for him I can pray and ask God to change the heart of this man you can even pray after marrying someone else you can't pray but I want to pray for my husband oh you can pray for your husband any ex-husband or son Islam you can do that we all we all pray for my dad and he changed after 30 years and my mom never gave up until he died very good 30 years we all pray very good and it wasn't easy she she might say no I want to marry somebody else but do you mean to say if you marry you cannot pray for your ex-husband people religion of love I wish I wish all Muslims pray for Ex-Wives and ex-husbands I wish I have only one wife mashallah she's good thank you okay thank you sir [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: BelievingBeings
Views: 829,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muslims, Quran, Religion, Allah, Prophet Muhammad (saw), Dr Zakir Naik, Qatar, Qatar 2022, Fifa World Cup 2022, Fifa Qatar, Christian, Jesus Christ, Divorce, Bible, Qatar Lecture, Lecture 2022, Zakir Naik in Qatar
Id: E5NshZJwFUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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