A Professional Mermaid's Entire Routine, from Waking Up to Saving the Ocean | Allure
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Channel: Allure
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Keywords: work it, work it allure, professional mermaid, day with a mermaid, real life mermaid, mermaid interview, elle jimenez mermaid, real mermaid, how to be a mermaid, mermaid daily routine, day in the life of a mermaid, mermaid swimming, work it allure 2020, mermaid makeup, custom mermaid tail, mermaid diving, mermaid in real life, mermaid makeup routine, mermaid routine, mermaid irl, led mermaid tail, mermaid skincare, mermaid hair, mermaid life, 24 hrs with mermaid, allure
Id: JfUjz00snVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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