A woman goes on a date with a man that tells racist jokes. Then the tables get turned. | Traction

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words are so good I mean you don't think that I keep this figure not eating Mayo how was everything mmm so good how did you like the ribs I loved them you were right oh it just falls off the bone and melts in your mouth so bad you might don't that's what she said oh one point for me I'll drink to that Cheers well I guess we blew through that rule what rule you're not supposed to talk about sex politics or religion I think we can handle it something tells me that we're on the same page here oh really yeah something tells you I just like a feeling you know I wouldn't be so sure think about all the wars that have been started just over it difference of opinion Oh game on okay prestretching yeah you gotta warm up that football okay what does a Christmas tree and a priest have in common I don't know their balls are just for decoration okay that's stupid why do women love Jesus I don't know because he promises a second coming it's one for me okay give you that one okay one more how do you know Adam and Eve weren't black I don't know have you ever tried to take a rib from a black person why you didn't like that that one's great and it's dinner appropriate I mean it's racist it's a joke yeah but it's a racist joke that wasn't serious is this joking I'm sorry yeah no yeah yeah totally i i'm just really sensitive to that kind of stuff that's great I like that you're sensitive of it I just I feel like people are so desensitized totally let's yeah to new beginnings I mean I can't be racist my shadow's black oh come on that's obviously a joke predicated on years of oppression and stereotypes that marginalize an entire group of people I was just trying to lighten the mood that's it Oh was that a joke because you're just trying to lighten the mood by telling dark jokes I feel like you're reading way too into this being a little irrational excuse me irrational please don't call me irrational you're the one that are sitting here talking about your black shadow are you kidding me do you actually think that I think all black people eat ribs it's just a joke based on a stupid stereotype it's not a reflection of how I actually feel it you're not supposed to take it seriously if I thought I was gonna be morally evaluated I never would have said it they're embarrassing just could you please keep your voice down no rush on this take your time actually hold on no I'll get it okay let me get you to me it's ok let me just we're going Dutch why don't I give you guys a minute I mean you seem like a nice guy I just I feel like we're in different places in our life you ordered the ribs I don't really see us that's a weird first day I just don't the orders gonna be a second date excuse me sorry I don't know any money no I'm just trying I really I don't even have any gas I'm trying to find first in traction I think my uber dropped me off for the wrong place I'm told to deejay like 15 minutes oh my not asking for money I'd let that sink a little bit I'm so sorry do you know where it is or not I am I just really close just go down one more block take a left and it's the next street ah miss I didn't I really I just [ __ ]
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 3,352,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: traction, comedy short film, omeleto
Id: Nl93cPDVp4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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