A Week on (revamped) Oasis of the Seas - Royal Caribbean Cruise Vlog

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hey everyone today is Thursday March 26th so I just wanted to a quick intro to this video and light to everything that's been going on over the last 3 4 5 weeks in the world it's kind of hard to believe that a little over three weeks ago I was on a cruise ship out in the middle of the Caribbean ocean having a great time and now here we are a lot of uncertainty in the world and really just kind of goes to show how quick things can change how quick life can change so yeah it's really just it's hard too hard to put three-and-a-half four weeks ago I was cruising through the ocean and now I'm in Minnesota and we're set to go on statewide stay at home order tomorrow man just a great reminder to always do your best to do what you want to do in life do what you want to do when you have the opportunity to do so hope this video finds you well and stay healthy we'll see you later I just got one last thing I urge all of you all of you to enjoy your life the precious moments you have to spend each day with some laughter some thought to get you emotional [Music] dreams alive in spite of problems whatever you have to be able to work hard to your dreams to be cut to come true become a reality you hold out here so here we are well let's took a digger there alright so today is Monday February 17 and just out for a walk getting ready to do another Cruise Royal Caribbean cruise and this time gonna be heading out on Asus of the Seas and actually this Saturday I fly down to Miami so I am looking forward to that and then Sunday jumping on the ship and you spend the week down in the Caribbean where it's hopefully nice and warm and humid in tropical so I am ready to go just finish up the work week and then heading down to Miami on Saturday [Music] [Music] visions contradictions why won't you [Music] [Music] so we're boarding boarding the flight gonna head down to Miami it's very early Saturday February 22nd I'm just about to get on the plane so three and a half hour flight hopefully be in some other completely underneath you leaving the area around your feet Claire get me de-iced and then we should hopefully be taking off here in a couple minutes we are in route to Miami Florida leaving the snow behind and headed down to where only is somewhere warmer [Music] got the luggage carousel I'm gonna grab my bag yep okay you got everything all right so we are at Fort Lauderdale Airport right now and just got our luggage now we're waiting for Hoover I'm not gonna take us down to Miami it's about a 40-minute drive so flew into Fort Lauderdale heading down to Miami and gonna stay at Courtyard Marriott down there for the night so finally made it to the hotel got here probably actually about three hours or so ago but how do I tell three o'clock to check-in not much of a view but can actually see the freeway right up there too but only gonna be here for one night so I don't really care I'm only staying someplace for a night don't really care as long as it's near the port and I can get to the port easily in the morning and today was kind of a different travel day than what I'm used to normally we take a little bit later flight in the day normally around 3 4 o'clock in the afternoon and then get down here and come right to the hotel and pretty much go to sleep but this time we took the early flight took the I think was 655 a.m. but I had to be up around 4 a.m. in order to get to the airport go through security all that fun stuff I think the first half of the day was I don't really remember a whole lot I slept on the airplane I know it took a little bit of video at the airport and on the airplane but I'm not a morning person so if I have to be up early or whatever takes me a while to get my get my energy going so hopefully get a good night's sleep tonight getting on the ship in the morning and yeah I will see you there oasis of the seas tomorrow morning all right so it's Sunday morning down in Miami Florida February 23rd and getting ready to go the cruise terminal just waiting on the uber to get here and it's not quite as warm and humid as I've had in the past when I've gone on these cruises but should be in the mid to upper 70s today so not bad and yeah it's gotta wait for the uber to get here and then be to the port in about 30 minutes so hopefully you can get right on the ship and get that vacation started all right coming up on the ship right up here there we go oasis of the seas it's a little busy here so just a minute I'm gonna to get through some traffic but hopefully we should be on the ship shortly bags over there now I guess we headed they said these things are 15,000 pounds each or something like that yeah it's mixing nectar decoration yeah um I think they might be I don't know all right so we're just got to come through security here and then we'll be up the gangway on the boat expedited arrival so you don't have to wait in these lines looks the same as I remember it a few months back thank you all right so yeah no pictures so X by their arrival is over here okay yeah so here we go no thanks really just bored Marnie so hey everybody today is February 23rd 2020 and I am boarding Oasis of the Seas and this is actually the final newly revamped Oasis so I'm gonna be heading out for seven nights and stops are going to be Labadee Haiti Jamaica thanked last mile Mexico and three C days so as usual looking forward to it right now we go boarding the ship here's our arrival party 18 I thought you're going for 19 to get a view of the main area of the circuit elevators are looking alright not too bad get to go down to deck number three quick check out the main dining room see where tables at 49 349 s I think it's over here but we will see I normally it's right up in here but main dining room looks a little more up here we go 47 yep right here it's a nice little spot here right by a porthole gonna be a good view from here 16 surprised on how fun busy other elevators are normally they're packed on the first day be with a pool deck newly revamped pool deck on oasis as the water slides now new hot tubs Jacuzzi up here on the top deck on 16 all these little cabanas see I just can't afford it the ship about 10 minutes ago already up on the top deck walking around and if you ever been on any oysters class ships Kalama is basically the same on all of them familiar with this but there are some new upgrades on Oasis they just renovated it back a few months ago and it looks really good down into Central Park just gonna get some shots up here on the top deck the Port of Miami other than the wind it's a really nice day so this is obviously the port side where they bring in all the supplies and whatnot to load onto the silver there's the gangways onto the boat down here downtown Miami over there back over on the side once we get going will be headed out this direction well I have a chance while the wind has died down a little bit great view from up here you know check out the Royal Theater quick see what's going on in here on the stage welcome to Oasis of the Seas welcome to Oasis of the Seas welcome to Oasis of the Seas hey come on out to Central Park get a bite to eat quick and the Central Park looks a little more overgrowing than Symphony a few months ago which not unusual since it's an older ship I always like coming to this area our cafe I'm gonna head in here and have a quick bite Dee okay so I just came through the park cafe and got a nice Caesar salad there's some chicken on croutons and tomatoes on there and I like doing this every time I get on the ship just cuz it's a little bit less busy here although today it's actually I think this is a smaller Park Cafe then on the other flesh it's less seating so feels a little more crowded but I found a little bench here so I'm gonna eat this and then hopefully the room will be opening up in about 45 minutes or so so get up there get settled and then get ready for sail away and dinner take a lot of boats out today since late the winds died down a little bit the temperatures gone up rooms are open he's saying we can go to the rooms but you can't understand what he's saying so we're gonna go to the room and we're gonna find it on the first try we've messed it up every time we're gonna find it I don't know down on deck numero seven as usual our gonna see if I can find the room on my first try and this time I've said it before but this time I really [Music] [Music] so I got Exodus in school [Music] oh that was easy in our suitcases where's mine all right Brian do the honors new Oasis room soon we get nice alright that's behind balcony I like it not separated quite yet so I'll have to call up the room attendant for that closets panic here what do we got over here excursion excursion ticket cruise compass as usual day one activities so this is a little different on symphony they had two chairs and two footstool looks like they got a table and couple chairs out here an oasis and there's the propeller the window so this is not the view that not the greatest view right here obviously but once we get moving out onto the ocean it's always a great view from out on the balcony what's up dude people were traveling with down about 15 rooms or so and I think head out that way about three and a half hours from now assembly drills at 4:00 sail away 4:30 and then dinner at 5:30 so get a little bit of time here to kind of unpack and relax all right so normally I don't do this but back for second meal here at so you're doing a koozie I think they're saying the muster drills in 15 with this couch in our crusade on the electrometer sisters in dunya yep mustard on 15 either so we're heading down to the muster drill now and it's in about five minutes or busy okay so we went down one deck too many apparently our muster station is up on the boardwalk and we went down too far so forget it right all right here we go this looks a little better better than that crowded stairwell huh I never had a must-have drill out here before looks nice yeah I like this this is better than all the mustard doesn't have before normally you're packed in the little room somewhere alright so we're standing by for the assembly drill you should start shortly and all the assembly drills I've been to I like this one the best and just standing here on the open air not packed into a dining room or a little room somewhere so this is pretty this is pretty cool [Music] from the so yeah they just had alfalfa down in the art gallery apparently that's some kind of medical emergency so hopefully they all right and here comes a ship after a short delay we are finally loosen up the lines here see if you got to use a forklift to get those off so damn tight slacking up the second set of lines here untethered now won't be long now we had no all right they pushed us out into the middle of the canal here engines are fired up [Music] and we are headed out [Music] - the man minds from miracles this one goes out to the ones in need this one goes out to the sinner in a cynical this ain't about no apology hungry this be about the winds of change walking beside the guilty in the innocent how will you [Music] we weren't born [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will impose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice being here for the day [Music] [Music] [Applause] so it is day number two and it is a sea day today and right now we are just off the north coast of Cuba heading toward the Sun is out so yeah first day out of sea and I don't really ever like to have too much plan they just kind of to do so today Sydney Sun for a little bit we'll just kind of see from there tomorrow morning will be a lobby Katie I think we get in about 7:00 a.m. so get off the boat then and you still go to the beach no excursions I've already done is ziplining and adjust these down there so this time I was gonna I did last time and last night I was up pretty late I don't even know what time the only problem on the sea days is that there's really not much but I do enjoy them we have three CDs on this cruise and I like I like the sea days it's kind of get up whenever you want you don't have to be anywhere wants to do anything just kind of go at your own pace so trying out at a local crash a couple plates of nachos here and you read the back of the boat we'll see all these are so I gotta say these natural from a local pressure pretty good put a few types of salsa on there a little kick to it right so nachos are gone and I would give that local fresh I'm not gonna give it a star but I think it's really good it's included with the cruise fare so right up by the basketball court the back of the ship thumbs up alright so sitting at the back of the ship have enough my time if I turn around out this way low rider see all the way down into the aqua feeder from up here nice sunny day you can see actually Cuba north coast to Cuba right over that way and we just kind of been crawling along all day very slow but it has been very windy and hopefully by tomorrow we'll be far enough south where it's more calm a little more humid so just gonna head it there here in about an hour and I have a comedy show later on tonight I'm just gonna head out on the balcony for a minute here and it is starting to get more humid I can feel the times are getting further south some be studying about okay so we are here at normal night dinner and at the menu here but as usual I looked at the app ahead of time so I take a look here to get the starters main course dessert yeah it is so it's the same menu as I had three months ago or four months ago when I was on Symphony of the Seas so pretty easy choice you the just like last time the wet style of the calamari shrimp cocktail and then the beef tenderloin in dessert I don't know I think I might change that up this time last time I did that grand Mariner souffle but it's a little rich for me you say the peach Shortcake is good we got to do chocolate ice cream or something we'll see but as usual start with the bread bread bread bread bread so first appetizer came out it's the fried calamari salted up you gotta salt it up yeah well last time I put the lemon on there you've given me crap about not using that sauce down in there was like tartar sauce or something else alright well we'll try it out see how it is alright now the shrimp cocktail and this actually get for him normally there's only thirty vote on this booth sleeping it before so and this I get every single night at dinner last night was really good the wedge oh I don't really taste the bleu cheese too much generally speaking I'm not a fan of it but so yeah here's the wedge salad and so you've got a little bacon on there blue cheese tomato chunks so we'll have this and then beef tenderloin out next you how's your wine tonight sir nice and bubbly diet coke so the primary bus arrived medium-rare and I think it looks very delicious so all right let's eat so last course of the evening having the peach shortcake never had it before so see how it is what's that I don't think it wasn't that big of a thing it was in a smaller one good that technique you've done this before you've done this before all right so dig into this and then we are out of here just came back to the room after dinner in her first towel character and it looks like it's Dumbo with the elephant so I don't know it's not really anywhere to put them I'd have to just throw them on the ground wait actually see if I can keep it together here it's like you turn it like this and it turned into something else all right Dumbo put you over here right up here oops so not working too good there all right looking good and we have docked in Labadee I woke up earlier and took some video but I was pretty much still sleepy when I did that so all right so we're just going into the court now I'm awake a little more energy you're gonna be heading over there onto the island about a half hour and it is really bright out here it's a little bit of a change from the first sea day it's not nearly as windy and it's much warmer I think today just gonna relax and relax on the beach last time I was here a couple years ago we did jet skiing and the zip line so I didn't get a whole lot of time to just sit around and relax so that's what I think I'm gonna do today and don't their holds it looks pretty clear so it should be a good day trip down here cleaning the decks I just got off the ship heading over to there should be a good relaxing day gonna go over here probably 3-4 hours just kind of hang out sit around in the Sun I'm gonna try going in the ocean hopefully it's warm maybe tried to do a little snorkeling here we are right under the sign voices of the Seas that's it sent down this way onto the little video with the Labadee sign nobody here that's surprising that nice green grass got green that dresses all right all right welcome to Labadee which way do we go just to just kind of watch straight up the middle and well just go back I didn't see him did you see him on the pier did you see him on the pier all right well I go back and get towels come back to the ship had to go through security come back to the ship cuz forgot towels what a rookie mistake it's good thing that's it closed it's not very long so it's not a huge deal so get some towels and then go back all right hop down the trolley here cruise around the aisle whose around the island tractor style I made it over to the beach Nelly's beach it's smaller but it's on the protective side of the island and it's a really nice sand no rocks or anything like on the opposite side so I think I'm gonna head down in the water all right made it down into the water shipped off that way and I was gonna try snorkeling but the water is a little murky so yeah we're gonna scratch the snorkeling because we won't be able to see anything water's pretty comfortable it's a little chillier than I'd like but it is winter so and the view back toward the beach there's a bar right up there and it's not as busy as icarver scenery we found it found four seats right away so no issues ultra wide iPhone 11 I love this mode and get so much do a full 180 loop 360 loop so the water is really nice today pretty hot out I got right about 85 right now and the waters prob about 76 it's a nice day a nice day to be here no wind on this side and you got a great view so we're heading back to the ship now we spent what you spent about two hours over here I think I got a little burned so we'll see how that goes but I did put sunscreen on a lot of it the Sun is very strong out here so we'll see it's the middle of winter back home so I haven't seen the Sun at about four or five months we're gonna coke okay coke okay yeah I agree coke okay is the best sport that I've been to all the Royal Caribbean ports that I've been to this is the other side of lava tea the windy side the big waves and the dragon plates are flying up there this would actually be pretty fun to go out in but not with this rocket to Rocky on this side kind of on the backside Island heading back to the ship here right there hopefully we can get there down this path I don't want to turn around with all the way back back in the room that is the beach about an hour stay with us 4 p.m. okay so back in a local fresh and decided to try a little different technique today instead of putting all the ingredients in those little bowls of chips that they give you a couple bowls important and chips out onto the plate [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] finally found the traveling piano man [Music] [Music] arriving in Jamaica number four Wednesday February 24th I think we go check always lose track of time when you're out here yep day for Jamaica was coming into port [Music] [Applause] [Music] the inspection is of course and understandable morpho than we have normally but the authorities did a fantastic job thank you for that the chip is ready you can come and go into my shop Oh in the morning gonna head down to the pier in a little bit they don't have any excursion take a walk through the pier I think today I'm gonna first time normally I would have gone by now but a little lazy on this troop yeah so this is day four the crews already is going quick Wednesday three days left so we're at the halfway point here and I'm hoping the weather holds hopefully that doesn't happen all right coming onto land I'm in Jamaica first time I've ever been here take a run through the port all the board is 6:30 tonight but I'm due back on the ship in about an hour okay so we're coming through the port and seems like a pretty big port so spend about an hour walking around like I said and come back on the ship in about an hour sports seems a lot bigger than a lot of the other ones that I've been to a lot more open seems like a lot of times I like a maze like if you try and find your way through it being in Caesar's Palace in Vegas or something where you can't never find your way out of casino one love one love me brother one love one life so you get don't get to do it again you better try to enjoy it while you can ship kind of looks like a skylight some nice hand carvings here happy wife happy life it's not a true statement one love so important today we have the Oasis of the Seas and the regal princess windy sure you can hear it are you gonna get back on the ship now alright so finally made it to the workout center on day four originally was gonna go to first day at sea but just to get around to it I guess and you do get a nice view through the porthole window fitness center you can see out not to see and it is a pretty good sized fitness center I'm pretty impressed with these fitness centers that they have on these ships a lot of machines free weights over here all right back to it we go ah princess Oh No so we're actually on the chops tonight for dinner so that should be good and all right starting with bread the appetizers now we got the jumbo shrimp cocktail this is actually but actually is jumbo it's a bigger than into any room so try this out and then on to the next appetizer okay so we're on to the second appetizer the Maryland crab cake no jumbo crab cake Maryland I mean that jumbo shrimp cocktail was good that's the biggest rip I've ever heard so this is just good about halfway through the crab cake very good appetizer as an appetizer number three I don't know it's the third course anyway it's lobster bisque soup so the Jumbo tiger shrimp and the crab cake was really good so hopefully the lobster bisque here is just as good alright so the main course has arrived women young thing crab worked over there got the best cut what kind of chickens up whole chicken it does it looks like a lot and then some truffle fries and mac and cheese just a quick shot of the inside I got it done medium-rare and it looks perfect so I'm gonna dig in so here is chops grill dessert menu I've been here before like I said I get the red velvet cake coming out in a minute here all right the red velvet cake dessert looks as good as I remember it the taste is good all right last course and then we are out okay so just getting back from dinner at chops grill and it's like we have another towel character don't the elephant one but this guy looks like no I'm not sure what's supposed to be honks like maybe an Ewok I'm Star Wars just put them here [Music] right now and there was supposed to be a front coming down around this time so might be just about to get into it here makes a nice whistle sound we do a room too we're here in a minute okay so like all the other Oasis clash tips this is pretty standard room layout on a lure and Oasis the room layout is like this where they just have a single closet back there and a harmony and Symphony you have a closet on each side of the bed so overall the room is pretty much laid out the same it's just the placement of the closet that's a little different close the latch close that latch if you want the air come on air conditioning to come on so this particular room has the beds back here by the balcony door and I've always preferred him back here just because you're up in this area of the room by the closet and the bathroom a lot and I think it's a little bit better when the beds back here they're out of the way and you still have plenty of room to walk back in the balcony door so then we do have a little standard couch here it's not a pullout with a sofa bed in there but we basically just use it to put our luggage spare clothes on we don't really sit on tall animal from last night and over here in the closet so like I said on OS s and the lure you have just a single closet it's got the shelving bunch of space to hang all your stuff out so you can see it's pretty full there's two of us in here my roommate and I and we I think I travel light but looking in the closet it doesn't really seem like it does it a little fold down bar down here that I use a my jeans so now you can get quite a bit of stuff in here man over this way you have the vanity mirror a little TV there does space and three outlets but as you can see we can't use the middle one because the charging bricks for the iPhone or too big but they do have an additional one down here so one two three four about four plugs over here no USB ports and down here you have a mini-fridge which as usual I have some water and vitamin water stored in their drink package if you have the drink package you can go to the vitality cafe and get vitamin water Powerade Red Bulls smoothies and I'll kind of good stuff so that's kind of it for the main area here and then right up by the entrance is the bathroom and to me it seems about the same size as all the other Oasis glass chips so you get your shower toilet little sink area drivers down there so it is what it is cruise ship bathroom enough for one person in here but not a whole lot of room and this is room number what is it deck number seven room I just know where it's at - member the room number seven six eight zero deck 7 6 8 zero so there you go little four-minute tour of Oasis of the Seas balcony oceanview stateroom so I'm gonna order myself a drink get the Bionic bar here I like this one this was pretty good yes it's - try it again so that's really it is luck the iPad here and then robot starts making it for you you can pack your drink over there on the screen and kind of tells you where where it's at and how long until it's ready and it looks like the robot that was making my sunshine drink not move so what's happened to me yesterday - so I don't know it is that bad bucket all right so seems to be back in production air here we go Mordo all right so then you just walk up and put your car down here it comes sorry I'm up under so you kind of see it off this way I think we're gonna get into some rain pretty shortly here heading into the rain it was sunny most of the day but now the Front's has finally found us and it looks like we are going to be drenched okay so getting ready to go to home one night dinner now and we come through the rain now and the season picked up a little bit but the ship is handling it pretty well we're not moving very fast and rocking at all so now we're gonna head to form on that dinner and have some lobster tails some beef tenderloin this is definitely my favorite favorite meaning dining room menu of the week so be there shortly I mean every time you open and shut this balcony door right now it sounds like some kind of horror film or something kind of you can get different all right so we are a formal night dinner now and have couple lobster tails couple slices of beef tenderloin and this looks like a really good meal so time to dig in so I'm still here at formal night dinner and they offered us couple more lobster tails so twisted my arm but I had to say yes so gonna eat these and then dessert will come out next all right dessert has arrived so do you think what do you think of this dinner Brian for lobster tails two pieces of beef tenderloin and now my favorite dessert on the floor all right so a day at sea continues what do you got over here what's it say in Spanish please translator oh ma and I have what I usually get I get down from the port store or whatever it's called down on deck number five Arturo Fuente grand reserve I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right but I think that's how it's pronounced so day five is over now I'm just kind of wrapping up with the cigar up on the top deck and there is a red party tonight so you might go to that we'll see what happens but and you guys are now day at sea on red Caribbean I'm going to end it here and then we'll see you tomorrow one last thing in the day in the life at sea Sorrento's Pizza can't go wrong with that so it's just a number six in Cozumel Mexico and we are import now looks like there's another ship coming in it's a little chilly out here 72 degrees some import here in Cozumel and don't think I'm gonna get off the ship I'm just gonna stay on board today just take a few shots from up top you panorama shots in a pool deck and it is Friday today so we have today in Cozumel tomorrow as a CA and then that'll be it it's going by quick so here we're kind of looking at the back of the ship smokestacks up there Central Park down here some guys cleaning the smoke it must be on the captain's bad side get up there and clean the stacks [Applause] it's like a little submarine out there I think that's one of the excursions and I missed the sunrise this morning over the back in October that way check it out and I dream for me over there Sam top level so I'm up front here by the solarium and this is one of the hot tubs that hangs over the side of the ship and looks empty and actually I tried getting in there I'm like the first C day and I'd put two feet in turn around got back out the water was cold so they must be having issues with the heating but this is the solarium Oasis of the Seas solarium I've been on every Oasis class ship now all four of them and every solarium is a little different soon as the bar up on deck 16 go down to deck 15 pretty empty in here right now but on the sea days you can't find a seat at the pool and there is a little southern Bistro moving us called little place where you can get lunch and then you go for dinner there as well come around this way this is the front area I think they call it the Sun garden Nick Oasis is the only one of the moisés class ships that has a little singing deck out in front of the celerio they added just come back in there you go now you've seen the solarium an oasis of a seas I'm kind of like a big kid bagging on these I like being nothing about that like walking around exploring different areas seeing the different things and there's always so much to do that get hard time making it behind what you want to do for the day today I'm just gonna relax and actually right now I'm gonna go down to Central Park and get something to eat Park Cafe right down here Central Park and I have noticed this one seems a little bit more grown in than the other ships in the Oasis class that have a Central Park and I guess that would make sense because it's the oldest one think I don't know exactly but I think it this ship was made in 2009 I think is when it first set sail and then they revamped it earlier this year and now it's open forget they don't think I've shown these off via pleasure this is what you can get at the park cafe there's nice roast nice roast beef sandwiches pretty forget exactly what they're called but she roast beef salads already gone then after this gonna go head up top and just sit in the Sun for a while enjoy the day leaving Cosmo spent all day important today about 12 hours now we're heading out so Cozumel the third time I've been here so far it's been a pretty good week the weather hasn't been quite as warm as I would have liked but it is super windy out here right now all right came back to the room after dinner in the sail away and have another tall animal but I don't know these are like these like those ink blot tests like what do you see in the stuffed owl animal here I'm not really sure what this is I think probably a rabbit get the ears here OOP OOP okay well cut the video so I think next time I'm probably gonna do at least one it is nice to get off the ship for today some kind of fun adventure type thing but just want to see this time would it be like just stayed on the boat I would say after seven days of being on the ship yeah I'm ready to get off ready to get back home southern Knights is just about the perfect amount of food lotta red meat prime rib beef tenderloin manana chops grill everything's been he's been pretty good no complaints about the service and chops grill it is different I always kind of assumed especially restaurants they're gonna be kind of basically the same thing you get the main dining room just a little fancier but as you probably saw the shrimp was huge I've never eaten shrimp that big before perfectly possible soup is good it is [Music] what happened man where'd you finish 10 it's rigged right tell me want to Reese pin do it over relaxing back of the ship the only place left out of the wind today and generally speaking is usually not too many people back here but today about a 30-mile our moon really nice back here so it's almost dinnertime now but we have everything packed ready to go everything's lined up so we don't worry about anything for the rest of the night or tomorrow morning which is always nice that you know you just get everything packed lined up ready to go before dinner and then after dinner you can just relax for the last night of the cruise it's actually turned into a really nice night is still a little it's probably about 72 it's been pretty tough all week to catch one hour and a half from now so I had that they don't leak but I think I'm finally gonna get this [Music] you were standing in the wake of devastation when you were waiting on the edge of the and with the Cataclysm raining down insides crying save me now you possibly do you feel [Music] remember [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] says about to get on the elevator here to go for the top deck and it's all a little duck kind of tucked in the end of the hallway here you see what it says Sandra T you found me keeper hide you decide cruisin ducks six of Spades so the question is do I keep it and play a prank on everybody who's playing the duck game or just leave it here nah I'm gonna leave it here I'm just kidding it's kind of weird though I saw something like that on symfony - there's like a money bag sitting up in the solarium one night and I didn't know what it was but there you go all right it's a good brand can quack elations would you that over here you got Churchill you said see it [Music] so do you like that better or the montecrisco well first do montecrisco serve on Dec 15 it's a little windy and chilly up here but Mario the ultimate Cruiser is still down there still working hard on his laptop you can see him I know if he's been on the most cruise as ever or just mostly Royal Caribbean cruises but he has like 7000 some nights at sea some day we'll get there yeah it's about 8 o'clock right now so a few more hours to go on the cruise and then really tomorrow morning oh you know we have some party people over there doing the same thing I'm doing they may they may be had a couple more so this is the party cruising that most people don't get to see it's probably about 1:30 in the morning right now and I just got out of the hot tub I like to come up here and relax late at night windy up here really windy we are very close to Miami it's actually the boat on Miami we're gonna be heading into port soon but we're not getting off the ship for about seven hours man is cold this is Miami and it's cold it's got to be my fifties right now drunk people in Miami so it's now a couple hours later and it is finally departure well Giulio here so the 7-night cruise is over and now it's time to head back home and sad that it's over but happy that I did it see everybody getting off the ship walking through the gangway into the breach and that's gonna be me in about 20 minutes I'm gonna get it quick by deep before we go out in Park Cafe hopefully breakfast is still open nice easy stroll through the park this morning a little brisk for Miami all right there we go per cafe I just got done eating a quick breakfast in the park cafe and back to the room now I'm gonna be leaving the ship in a minute but it's been a good week then to a port that I never been to before in Jamaica and what it was good until about the last two days we had that cold front come through and got a little windy a little chilly but nothing you can do about that just make the best of it so there's always thanks to captain and crew for a good week and I will be back at some point in the future down the road somewhere you send the line here to get off the show we're back backed all the way up down the promenade so we'll see how long it takes us to get out of here who's already hung for the welcome party tonight and just got to get through the security line and then we are off the ship one last look at the ship - and on the way to the airport now and noon flights and we have plenty of time to get there about to head back home back to work tomorrow so until next time getting ready to travel down to flying in today it's Saturday if every [Music] you got everything always one hater in the bunch yeah we're at the back of the ship right now their fire basically what they're saying is that the rooms are open and they're very muddled [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right see you next week so you try to order KFC through GrubHub and you still hope now hope still holding out hope I will say the one thing that I have noticed on fibre Olivia cruises that I've done it seems like each time I come on the serving plates its smaller and smaller they can Sorrento's pizza and up in the Park Cafe dishes keep getting smaller so I'm not sure what's going on there maybe trying to cut down at least does make it awkward to be like Alex portion it's very slick nobody's ever mentioned or notice that we've got a lot of trivia notice in the Playtex rental fees are so great on the ground I've got smaller chips I just started dumping the chips out on the big plate I'm above that yes I think about I own the boss I'll get the helicopter next year she's hot [Music] I was thinking about getting this one next year never had any problems about that one time I did taste I do that one time okay so whoops we're back home and we just landed about a half hour ago got our bags came up to the vehicle here and battery was dead so we had to call call up the towing company oh there we go alright so that was an interesting end of the trip but engines revving up and we're ready to go home see you next time
Channel: SamSwitzer
Views: 82,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oasis of the seas, royal caribbean, cruise, miami terminal, labadee, falmouth jamaica, cozumel, oasis, of, the, seas, royal, caribbean, week on oasis of the seas, vlog, vacation, revamped
Id: pHu8JFuvhIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 11sec (5831 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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