Perfect Day Coco Cay | Full Walkthrough Tour & Review | Royal Caribbean | 4K

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greetings everyone this is Danny from heart travel calm your Royal Caribbean suite experts and guess where we are I got a big smile on my face and that is because right over there I see perfect day and right over there I see Coco key coke okay Coco Bongo doesn't matter how you pronounce it you're gonna have a perfect day here because it is incredible I was able to experience the entire thing first now we're gonna take you on a tour through every single space here including the cabanas and your mind is going to be blown there is no comparison at all in my mind to any other private island out there period I have been to them I've cruised since I was a little kid I've been on well over 100 cruises and my first time at Koko K was in 1991 onboard the Nordic Empress when this was a brand new concept in the industry even it was kind of a new thing going on and I I loved it then at my mind was blown we went snorkeling and did well hung out by the pool hopped in the beach all the things that you do and now what my daughter is gonna be able to do is unbelievable there's so much going on in fact we've kind of come upon the very very first thing as soon as we get here we have Captain Jillian's galleon what this is is a kids play area maybe for whatever reason you don't want to go in and experience all of coke okay you want to get back on the ship cuz you got some really awesome things planned this is the perfect place for that because you can hop off with the kids they've got some slides in there they've got a lot of fun things going on there are lifeguards on duty and now I been waiting for this for a really really long time thrill waterpark right behind me is the largest slide in North America there's a few biggest and largest and fastest here throughout all of coke ok but this particular one is what it's all about everybody's been going bonkers over all the new water slides onboard the ship this is taller than the ships in fact this goes up about as high as the North Star does right with this epic waterslide behind me just in front of me is actually the very first of the zip lines there's plenty of ways that you can go to thrill Island waterpark so I just want to make sure that you understand that it is an additional cost there's a couple ways to do it like I mentioned so the very first one is to get a Cabana if you get a Cabana every single person in that Cabana does get complimentary access they get the wristband they can do all the water slides and everything in the water park you can also purchase all the cart and then I've seen some packages as well where they bundled together the zip lines and the waterpark so just something you want to consider before you go I do highly recommend that you book in advance monitor the pricing it is dynamic pricing so as it fills up they will actually raise the price this is a really big thing when you're talking about Christmas and New Year's of different holidays and things along those lines and then right down here you have a ton of lockers it's important to have them in here because you have the waterpark just out there you cannot bring any loose items at all on the slide so keep that in mind no loose items whatsoever drop them off here punch in the code they are complimentary I really appreciate that they have these all throughout the entire island all right so behind me is well the largest slide in North America I know I said that again it is so exciting to have that here but you also have a ton of other slides these are dueling demons racer slides right here if you sit over here at the bottom have a little picnic a little snack you can hear everybody screaming as they come down and what I love about it is it's screams of joy as I walk around this place there's giant smiles on everybody's face especially at the you know bar and once again here's a great bar so bar view and then on the other side you're gonna have cabanas the cabanas are another great place to be especially if you wanted to sit and maybe you have your grandkids or your kids that are coming down the slide and you know they're gonna like the more extreme ones that's it but you want to make sure that you pick the Cabana that fits with your personality it's gonna be in the spot where you want to spend the most time so one thing that I wanted to give royal a huge shout out about is the way that they made this island the most accessible of any of the private islands in existence you can see this is all paved here recently I had a herniated disc in my back still do but I was in a ton of pain in one of the ways that I was able to alleviate it was to use a scooter on the cruise and I had never been more aware of accessibility issues and how hard it is to get around and what I just saw was you know grandma excute and by here on a scooter which allows her to be part of the entire family experience and then throughout all the pools they do have lifts and they've gone out of their way to really really make it incredibly accessible but the star of the show right here is behind me it is the largest wave pool in all the Caribbean you're looking at almost six feet deep on the far end inside here you can stand with the kids once again lifejackets are right there there's a ton of them see a ton of parents in there with the kids and having a great time I know my daughter absolutely loved at the beach and she's gonna love this as well if you wanted a little bit more on the extreme side go to the edges of the the water park keep in mind we're still inside the throw water park this is all part of the water park entry feet that you either get as part of the cabanas so you can see a couple of cabanas here in the background couple more cabanas over there and then the ships back behind me just for reference all right so now we're headed into the first of the snack shacks there is a ton of food all throughout the entire island and right now I think I'm gonna lead it off with a Shake Shack burger I mean it's at the top of the menu you always start at the top right that's the way to go and then some beautiful grilled vegetables so follow me on over here once again what makes this place special is all of the amazing smiles the amazing people everybody asks the same questions it's pretty funny actually everybody asked the same question as where you know where do you live do you take a ferry here every single day here's the answer there's just shy of 500 Royal Caribbean employees on the island here they actually live just behind here so I'd be happy to live next to a snack shack personally I'm just saying but they live here Royal Caribbean has an agreement with the government that makes sure that you have local employment here which i think is fantastic and then every day when the ship comes in you do have crew that comes off and assists with different pieces of the puzzle but enough of that for right now I'm gonna sit down and pick out so before I dig in and every time before I dig in I know we don't always get that on video just pointing that out but it's so important for you to wash your hands because it is everybody who's on a cruise it's every single person's responsibility that you wash your hands as ton as possible because it is humans that that cause issues basically all right please please please wash your hands there's my public service announcement for the day and then I'm going to head over to the drink area of the shack the snack shack you also have a small buffet here you've got some pineapple different kinds of melons on the other side you have all the fixings for the burger so if you want to make it well exactly what you want that's what vacation is all about and over here you have barbecue sauce ranch dressing all the hinds condiments that you would expect and they even have olive oil and vinegar cookies they're good I've had quite a few I'm not gonna start quite yet all right and then I just wanted to point out right here you have lemon-lime strawberry Kiwi tropical mango and water they have these throughout the entire coke okay in fact you're never very far away from water please please please my other public service announcement especially at the beginning of the video here drink lots and lots of water put on lots and lots of sunscreen I'm going to continue to reapply I'm pretty pasty so I'm probably gonna burn anyways but I'm gonna do my absolute best to stay out of the Sun when I can and drink offensive fluids all day alright so now we are at the very beating heart the center of all thrill and adventure at the park you can see the giant water slides that are a work of art behind me the ships with their water slides and I fly as well and then right here you've got a rock climbing wall just like Royal Caribbean has on all of their ships you also have all kinds of obstacles that you can walk around and do and participate in kids are loving it I'm seeing a lot of ton of smiles and then right above me you actually have a zipline that's gonna cut just over the pool one thing that's fun with the zipline is if you are a bigger guy like me you're gonna go a lot faster than some of the kids they go pretty slow also on the slides if you are a dad with a dad bod like I am you're gonna get some super duper speed next we're gonna point out splash summit this is a place that I know that my daughter and I will go on a ton of times they've got the huge raft ride in fact it's a beautiful piece of architecture as well a ton more slides as we continue along the adventure pool here for you to see all the smiles hear all the screams of squeals of delight this is what Royal Caribbean cruise is all about alright so now we're gonna head into a thrill waterpark Cabana but before I do I wanted to point out a couple things to me this is one of the best values on Coco key because you're gonna get entrance for everybody up to 8 people into the water park and sometimes that the cost is actually less to get a Cabana for everybody than to buy the individual independent tickets in addition to that you got a great place to hang out relax kind of a home base as you explore all of these different adventures right here as you walk in you've got these sun loungers you can put your booty in the lounger toes in the sand that's a great part where you actually have the beach up here even though the beach is on the other side there you've got views of the water park here once again you can pick your cabana view whichever one you want I would go to the one where your kids are yourself dads love waterslide sue and moms for that matter but wherever they're going to spend the most time is where we recommend getting the cabana the earlier you book the better they open at six months and we highly recommend man you get them right away so as I head into the space I wanted to point out that these curtains do shut you can close it off on three sides get a ton of shade when it's a nice and sunny day you do have a breeze coming through as well if you close it off you're not gonna have quite the breeze just keep that in mind you've got a great couch here perfect for a kiddos nap but also perfect for a dad nap I could see maybe spending a little bit of time there on the couch right here you've got a coffee table it does double as a safe to do surreal Caribbean that's awesome you just put in the code the reason that's so important right here is once again you cannot have any loose items when you're on the water slides you gotta take off all your jewelry I recommend you don't bring that anyways leave that on the ship but any of the personal items you want to bring to Cocoa key you can put underneath right there over here you also have a nice chair and then once again as you look out you've got this view it's just cool everybody here is having an unbelievable time and I can picture my daughter for sure going down that a few hundred times one last feature that I wanted to point out is this cooler every Cabana on Cocoa key is going to be stocked with water and ice in there and it also serves a take as a cocktail table and then of course you can get drinks on demand in here as well alright so just across the exit or other entrance to the thrill island right there is flash away Bay which is where I know instantly my daughter and my niece and phew will be right here you've got buckets of water you've got water slides that are for the smaller kids this is 100 percent complimentary and included just a really fantastic space for kids to have fun because once again when every single member of the family has their needs met everybody's having a great time that is a perfect vacation so if you want to continue your thrills you can head up up and away in this amazing balloon it's located about halfway between the thrill water park and South Beach which is just in front of me for reference there it's got a pretty big cab down in the bottom where you can take a ton of people up in the air today it's actually not written not running because it's a little bit windy up above makes it for a perfect day here with the nice breeze coming on but sometimes it does limit it but it's just a really really fantastic attraction all right so now we're headed in to aptly named South Beach so south side of the island as you could probably imagine but also the reference to where many of the ships sail from which is Miami so this is a little touch of South Beach in the Caribbean you've got your beach bar behind me integral an important part of every single eyelid experience of course you also have the rentals area over here so you can rent the floating mats if you want to take them out into the ocean of course with the cabana that's gonna be complimentary and included and then over here you have the towel checkout and we're gonna continue on to the sport court so got the the rim a little low there I would put on a show for you but with the bump back in me doctor said absolutely not but it looks like they're just having a great time out here playing some pickup basketball kids are over here practicing their dunks and then on the right side there you've got ping-pong and the restroom something that I wanted to note for you was that I found that the restrooms were constantly being cleaned they were stocked with toilet paper and that's you know that's a big thing at the beach because it matters even more here when those are some of the only spaces that you have really appreciate that as we continue along you've got cornhole you've got some different other you know sports games out here and then of course right now you've got beach volleyball the ultimate ultimate Beach experience of course as far as athletics goes as we continue on the next thing we're gonna run into is the snack shack there are quite a few snack shacks throughout the entire Koko K complex they are all 100% complimentary I really really really appreciate that you got burgers you know chicken burgers hot dogs french fries kind of the classic Americana and salads of course as well the salads are really good but there's a ton of inclusions here everything here except for the Cavanaugh's and the day beds are complimentary and I really really appreciate that so there's a ton of lounge chairs here what we found is we came kind of mid morning because this is one of the farther spots from the ships it filled up a little bit slower of course now there's two ships in port today so it's gonna fill up a little bit but I just wanted to point out absolutely beautiful Beach you got a long stretch that you can walk out that's very very shallow for the kids you do have the lifeguards that are on duty once again kudos to Rowe Caribbean you also have the lifejackets that you can take and use as you meet but another one of the fantastic Cabana rental options and that is a South Beach Cabana so follow me on in so a couple things I wanted to point out right away the very first one is you've got this great couch this is a dad nap city right here oh yeah oh yeah yeah definitely dad nap City right here I can picture my daughter passing out there beautiful beautiful view out to the ocean and I wanted to point out this really cool feature here right here this is your coffee table but it is also a safe so you just set the lock there shut it lock it up head out into the ocean if you want to you do get complimentary snorkel rentals included you're also gonna get complimentary floating mats there just over to the side there so you can just take them out and be right in your ocean paradise immediately you'll notice here that you have towels you can have them replenished as often as you like there's actually a little bit little button they're gonna bring it over just a minute but basically a little button you press it and it's gonna notify your Cabana steward on a watch that you're ready to go and they're gonna come over and help you with drinks food whatever it is that you would like to order they've got the food and drink menus here I gotta say the the Cabana chicken sandwich is probably my go-to really really delicious and then the drinks if you have a drink package on the ship it's gonna carry over here of course there are some drinks that are additional specialty one souvenir cups things like that but you can choose if that's something you're interested in one thing that I notice and I feel right now is you have an amazing breeze here coming from all sides because these slats are open but you do have a full roof so if it rains you have inclement weather you're gonna be taken care of so you continue on you've got an extra chair here and then as we head out you've got these two loungers you can pull them back if you'd like put them in the shade if you burn quickly like me or if you love the Sun this is a perfect place for it right here you're gonna have your cooler this is included at every single cabana onboard the entire island you've got your water in there stocked with Evian water and then it also doubles as a table and then you're also gonna have two more loungers right there on the beach put your toes in the sand maybe even scoot them out a tiny bit more and put your toes in the water but this is what it's all about it's crystal-clear beautiful water it's a perfect day at coke okay so another lower-cost option than the cabanas would be the day beds it's a great option if you want to spend a little bit less money but also you've got the bed you've got some shade they are covered and then you've got the curtains that are gonna pull shut so another great place to have a home base for a family especially if you're at South Beach alright so I wanted to point out one last feature of South Beach which may be its best feature and that is the floating bar if you've been here you know what I'm talking about what better way to enjoy an adult beverage than to swim on out hangout with a great group of people and friends you know they more fun out there than anywhere else on the island and just sit back relax and enjoy coke okay all right so as we go through the snack shacks I'm gonna get a few bites along the way don't always get time to eat but we got a long day here at coke okay which is perfect get it there we go all right let's try that monster Rolla stick mmm chewy delicious right consistency nailed it I'm gonna switch over to one of my healthier options the famous South Beach snack shack funnel cake actually I've it at all the snack shacks but it's famous cuz it's here right now Oh final cake couple schools of thought on it some go with one drizzle all in chocolate caramel strawberry powdered sugar you got to make it as healthy as humanly possible and delicious cookie that's a good-lookin cookie feels like the right consistency won't be good all right so far three for three all right welcome to Cocoa Beach clubs something I have been so excited about for such an incredibly long time and even the entryway is absolutely beautiful what you need to know about this is this is your Luxury experience on coke okay so if you are one of our customers who stays in Suites this is a perfect extension that you may want to think about purchasing because it kind of continues that experience from ship on to land there's two ways that you can experience it the first would be to buy a day pass just for reference today when I checked my cruise planner it was about $200 which can be a phenomenal value if you value everything that's included with it the upgraded food and then you'll see the space in just a minute and then of course you can also purchase a Cabana if you have six to eight people that are going it also could be a tremendous value for you because you're gonna get all the wonderful Cabana amenities the Cabana itself and then of course entrance to this exclusive club so if you do want to enjoy Cocoa Beach Club my high recommendation is to book it as soon as it goes out the cabanas are usually sold out months and months in advance well what's gonna happen when you come in here they're gonna check you in right over here when they check you in they give you this great little wristband here VIP there we go that way they know that you're meant to be in this space and you can enjoy all of the amenities that are included as we continue on in the first space I want to point out on my right-hand side is the restaurant so they have a fantastic sit down menu got to try the lobster for sure always got to try the lobster they also have this buffet over there and then two hand-washing stations please always make sure to wash your hands wherever you are before you eat food and then you got a couple restrooms over on the side as well very clean they what I've noticed is they've been constantly cleaning the entire space the whole time we've been here alright so now we're gonna continue on in to the Coco Beach Club what I've found over the entire space there's a lot of little hidden nooks and crannies well you've got seating like this looking out at the ocean of course you've got a rocking chair over there several different loungers with a couple different stage structures so maybe you want partial shade maybe you want the full shade right there and then as we continue on got some couches some more chairs and then well heading over to it but what really really sets this apart when anything else our two features the one are the floating bungalows that are over to my left and then just behind me here you have this beautiful beautiful infinity pool in between and all the way around you're gonna have loungers with shade once again you pay the entry fee and all of that is included there's no there's no additional costs with that so right here you're gonna have your rain forest our heads you can rinse off for after the pool or the ocean or kids are with you all the sand that we know is inevitably to be in hair and absolutely everywhere else over here you've got your bar once again really really beautiful great breeze coming through behind it is the restaurant for reference and then over on the far side I did want to point out that this is fully accessible and they do have an accessible lift that goes into the infinity pool alright so now we are headed into one of the land side cabanas here at the Cocoa Beach Club if you'll follow me on in the very first thing that you're gonna see is the family name we ask them to leave this up this is actually from yesterday but they have this this Cabana ready for us you'll see these curtains as soon as you walk in and to my right you're gonna have a full closet so you got a ton of room to put things away you're traveling with your family it's always great to have a little bit of storage you also have us plugs up above and down below right here you're gonna have the mini fridge most of the items are included if you have a beverage package on the ship if you don't you're gonna pay all the cart and then there's also some specialty items as well as you would expect I wanted to show you this really cool technology component here they have connect with Bluetooth as well but they got this little screen here where you can select your own music you can communicate with the cabin stewards in fact Cabana steward sorry about that I just spoke with them a minute ago to order food they're gonna bring it directly here in just a couple minutes but once again you shut these curtains off you have a privacy in here and then you can just call and have whatever you want on demand this coffee table doubles as a safe which is really fantastic you can put as much stuff as you want in there and then just go ahead and set a code and lock it up you've got this really nice couch with Shay's I noticed that everything feels ultra luxurious even the towels are super nice and soft and and fluffy and Wow this couch is really comfortable I kinda wanna sit down and take a nap here I think this might be a Dada nap place for sure but I'm gonna continue on you've got two more chairs here look like little day beds and then of course your loungers that look out at the really beautiful beach and this incredible ocean view in front of me you've got the towels at every single one and there's a really cool ice table it actually comes up so you can have a higher if you're tall like me you have a higher table but it's also filled with ice when it gets a little warm here in the Bahamas it's really nice to have a little bit ice I'm not gonna lie and then one other feature that I wanted to point out is the fan so it you we have a great breeze here especially when you open up the back right there but the fan also keeps the air moving and so it feels very very comfortable in here there's a couple other features that I think are super important to understand and one is they have a phenomenal phenomenal menu that's all included there so you can have surf and turf in the morning they actually have continental breakfast and such but this is your private dining table you can order from from the cabana steward they're gonna bring it right here or you can head over the to the Cocoa Beach Club which is absolutely beautiful all right so now we're gonna check out the floating overwater bungalows these are so incredibly cool come on in and let me show you what it's all about first and foremost this is a massive space for a bungalow I like I'll just walk across here for a second to give you a little bit of context but it's absolutely huge the very first thing that I see is this super comfy couch with a chaise here this looks like a little dad nap spot for me personally I know I'll be there shortly really really comfortable and everything in here is ultra luxurious even the towels are super fluffy and really really nice here you have your coffee table it actually doubles as a safe I think that's absolutely brilliant so right here you've got your punch code you create your own code you can put your personal belongings in there to lock them away completely and then you also have these two chairs that are almost like mini day beds and another table right here I'm gonna take you over to the side because you have your own wet bar you also have come around the corner here for one second you also have this fantastic piece of Technology here it's covered up right now but what you have in there is a screen what the screens gonna do is this can allow you to select your own music you can call your cabin cabana steward so that you can order food basically anything that you need is on demand for this particular space you pay a pretty good price for it but I think actually the value is really really incredible but once again this opened just a couple weeks ago you have the top technology in any single cabana in the entire industry in addition to the phenomenal food options and you know just for example you can get surf and turf you also have continental breakfast here in the morning but they have a huge highly upgraded menu that is basically the equivalent to a specialty dining restaurant on the ship you also have your mini-fridge down here it's all stocked if you have a beverage package on on the ship that's gonna work here as well but there are some upgraded items or specialty items that may not be if you don't have it you can also order ala carte totally up to you then I wanted to show you this really really cool space so because you're floating on the water it's a really nice amenity to actually have your own shower so if you look over here you just pull down right there you've got this rainforest showerhead you see down there you hose off so if you have if your kids are in the beach and you have the sand or if you hop in the ocean and you have a little salts on you that's fantastic you also have a little bench here so you can sit and get ready and there's always going to be snorkel gear snorkel gear is complimentary and included with all of the cabanas here at Cocoa Beach for those of you who are curious about it we do have to us plugs there and to there if you are traveling and you have European appliances maybe you want to bring a European converter I usually do that but it would work here as well and then you notice they have an umbrella because the walk out here is exposed to the elements once again I think you're here to get in the water enjoy the fun on the Sun so I don't think that's gonna matter one bit so I have an incredible breeze right now in fact it feels really good and I wish I could stay here and camp out but definitely want to show you the entire island today but right here you have a fan once again keeps the air moving makes a huge difference that matter more when you shut all the curtains because you can shut the curtains on three sides and have a ton of privacy because you're looking directly out to the ocean see the other set of curtains over here and they do have lights here as well some of the ships are having later and later stays which i think is phenomenal but just something I wanted to point out and there you go the absolute coolest part especially for the kids is you have your own slide this is similar to like the Pala photos that they have just off the coast of Mexico and then of course the floating overwater bungalows elsewhere in the world but having this slide for kids to just go out I know my daughter would probably go on at a few thousand times good for everybody and the other thing with that I wanted to point out is I do see a lifeguard there I see a lifeguard over there and then there is lifeguards throughout and even out in the the water there they have a gentleman on a sea do a lifeguard out there and he's got an umbrella please please please always pay attention the kids should always have their lifejackets on there are complimentary there on the beach they also have them at the Cocoa Beach Club but it's just nice that they've added those extra safety measures I'm gonna continue along here you've got four beach chairs and you can see the view looking directly at me I'm it's perfect it's looking out at the ocean this beautiful crystal-clear water today and then I wanted to point out this table slash ice bucket so it'll be fits it is filled with ice and water that's complimentary and they're always going to have that here and then the it functions as a table as well you notice you have one umbrella here you have another umbrella that is shading your dining room table once again all you have to do is call they're gonna bring you whatever you want here a huge expanded delicious menu so you can have your lunch here and relax one thing I did want to point out just to be you know full disclosure to everybody is you know it's moving a little bit I love it it feels perfect for me but if you're somebody who's ultra prone to seasickness you may want to consider one of the land-based cabanas but to me that just enhances the experience one more thing that I'm super excited about I love going on catamarans that's one of my favorite things in the entire world to go sailing on a catamaran you have this beautiful catamaran net here so you can sit down lay down look out at the ocean I mean I don't think it gets any better than this any destination in the entire world this is phenomenal to partner it with the cruise I don't I know I'm I'm super excited but this is something that I didn't even know a cruise line could do and Royal Caribbean hit it out of the park often times I'm asked what is your version of I don't know paradise your your perfect vacation spot right here Cocoa Beach Club got my lounge chair hanging out in the cabanas a few minutes ago with some friends gets pineapple this isn't any ordinary pineapple that is a pineapple filled with delicious pina colada Captain Morgan shout out to my dad coach would never ever pay to be here love him to death but I would this is this is my paradise I can imagine my daughter and my wife sitting here you've got the crystal blue water in front of you get to put that flag down because they just brought me my drink tiny little sip Oh see you guys on the other side but wait there's more inside there mm perfect all right so don't worry I am NOT operating machinery but I just wanted to point out that there's a lot of advancements that royal put into this island once again 250 million dollars is a significant amount of money but they got these for the staff so they do quick deliveries these are ebikes with the big tire so they go through the sand we were in the Cabana earlier ordering some things they got it they're so quick and this is one of the big reasons behind it also helps conserve a little bit of the energy for the staff members as well turn around go to town boot scootin boogie so let's kick this thing off we're gonna keep progressing still got my pina colada a little bit bigger than I thought it was told me it was a jumbo extra-large I don't know what that means but you've got some daybeds over there just on the other side is the largest pool in the Caribbean we'll talk about that when we get over there but I just wanted to switch you back over to the other side here you've got your fresh water showers so you can hose it down coming in or going out and then one of the great things about coke okay in general is you have these bean bags but it just shows all of these kind of unexpected spaces that are all around the entire island some are in the shade some are in the Sun and there's a lot of people here today there's two cruise ships but to be honest with you I haven't really felt crowded at all so just behind me you can see that we have another volleyball court over there once again it's been going the whole time and every place that they've had it people are just having really really good time so as we continue through here one thing that we noticed we came through here the first time at about 11:30 and it still wasn't very crowded because this is the far side of the island as well and so a lot of people stopped or you know end up in the very first spots and don't even think about this area but you've got lots of loungers on both sides plenty of shade over here and once again all of those are complimentary in this area as we continue on you actually get a another view of the over the water bungalows out there this Beach kind of extends on so about half of it has the bungalows in front of it and then as you continue down you're gonna have your day beds and then you're also going to have a few more of the bungalows out there but beautiful beautiful Beach I see a ton of people out in the water on the floaty chairs looking over here you've got beach bar they do have bar service throughout and then now we're gonna head up to the snack shack cuz it's been a few minutes since I've eaten and I think I need to give another another item a try so Cheers follow me up so I'm a big fan of the chicken sandwich to begin with we'll see Nomad I give it a beep all right basically not gonna check in Sandwich all about the condiments so I'm gonna go load up here real quick but tasty just got spoiled by Cocoa Beach Club unfortunately chocolate brownie Oh caramel on top really good one Cheers all right so now I am in a bit of a food coma so to say you could go over there and work it off play some sports but I'm on vacation so I'm going for the hammock oh good night everyone all right as I continue along breezy Bay it is indeed breezy feels absolutely great out here just reapplied some sunscreen because with the breeze it actually doesn't feel as intense and it definitely is seeing a few lobsters that have been converted into human form and walking all around it's always kind of a post Koko K tradition even when I was here the very first time in the early 90s is get back on maybe have some braided hair maybe looking a bit like a lobster understand everything mom alright we're gonna continue on you've got more of the day beds and then also have some more of the shaded loungers over here see about half the people are in the shade half are out of it and then just more Beach this is a very protective Beach there's a ton of families out there really relaxed and chill and then as you continue along you have the wave runners basically you go as part of a tour it's not an individual wave runner that you take out yourself like you do at some of the islands safety first of course here and then as we continue along we're gonna finish at what better place the bar so as we continue on in to chill island I'm gonna head over to the bar real quick do you think they give free refills you think I'm turning around here and it's gonna magically fill up watch promise alright let's continue along here you've got your life jackets over here once again they're prevalent throughout the entire site they do have lifeguards on duty at all time but please please please always wear the lifejackets pay attention to the safety measures there for your safety and makes every bit of difference in the world how cautious everybody is and how much you pay attention to that especially with so many kids around over here you have lockers they're 100 percent complimentary think about it as included with your cruise fare so you just create a code it's got a little instruction on there and you can use that they're all over the island so I recommend using a spot that's close to where you're gonna sit down once again you go to the very far part of the island at the very beginning you're gonna have a ton of space here all these lockers will be available so as we continue along here this is the shore excursions departure point it's where you're gonna get on the wave runners any of the boats that are departing will come from here as well I wanted to point out very famous for the swimming pigs and the Bahamas that's a excursion you're interested in something you can book on board same thing with Stingray City if you haven't fed stingrays it is a absolute blast Reef snorkel line and sandbar getaway and then some parasailing glass-bottom boats so you have all the traditional excursions that you would expect this is where they're all gonna jump off from but please please please book them in advance because they do fill up just beyond that you also have kayak rentals kayak tour over there and different kinds of rentals at you have you see the paddles and the kayaks right there and then as we head around the corner we are gonna go to the chill Island cabanas so right now I am at chill Island it's one of the Cabana options that you can choose from come on in I'll show you what it's all about so as soon as you head into the space you can see that have really beautiful very comfortable furniture this has got a nice couch here I can totally picture myself sitting here Dadar probably gonna pass out right there and just having an incredible view out at the ocean shade and a beautiful fan which really keeps the air moving so we've got a great breeze now but if for whatever reason it doesn't have this large paddle fan that will cool it down completely I wanted to point out a couple things that you have here first is this coffee table you can't see it but on the other side you have a small safe so sorry the whole thing is a safe we've got a locker there so you can put all your belongings in there lock it up head on out to the water you've got your menu I have to recommend the the chicken sandwich really really bomb-diggity absolutely delicious but you can order from that it is complimentary just like most food options here on coke okay and then they also have your drink menu if you have a beverage package on the ship it's gonna carry over to here there are some specialty items like souvenir cups and things like that that are not included but you just let them know they're happy to take care of that for you you've got this really nice JBL speaker and then also I wanted to point out this button all you have to do is press it and what actually happens is it signals your Cabana Stuart and it goes right to their watch it's gonna alert them that they you know they come on over they're gonna take your food order your drink order bring you extra towels just about anything that you can imagine alright so as I move through the Cabana you can see you have two more chairs here you've got two Sun Loungers that are in the shade so if you're like me and burn really easily push them back a little bit have some nice shade and you've got these two great Sun Loungers that are looking directly out at the crystal clear blue water just in front of you I did want to point this out this is an ice bucket that is filled with water it's complimentary every single cabana on the entire island but it also functions as a table and it's actually easy to pull it up unlike some other coolers but what this space is all about it's about having a nice shaded area a gathering place for the family and I know when I travel with my daughter my nieces and nephews this is the perfect thing to have a quick break and then go back to playing and then you know you got the ocean right in front of you they do have lifeguards on duty at all times when the ships are in port but please please please take every safety precaution they do have lifejackets if you wear all questionable in that put the lifejacket on go out and have your perfect day two other great inclusions so that every member of the family is happy and satisfied you have these floating mats you can take them right out to the ocean in fact you see one out there getting ready to head on out so you can head out and just float and well just really really enjoy this beautiful day today the other thing is you have complimentary snorkeling gear that you can borrow from them they also have kayaks and things like that that you can rent additional but the snorkeling gear and the mat are complimentary and included as part of your package so I'm really really hoping that this still works when I get home I push that somebody in my house has a magic watch and I can't count on that but anyway Cabana concierge they're gonna take care of all of your Cabana needs and then the Cabana stores have just been fantastic so just over here you have another Beach once again it is pretty protected this is a complimentary area over here it's about you know not quite as far as some of the other areas from the ship so it fills up a little bit quicker but once again you're in chill Island it's a very chill atmosphere and it is family friendly as well all right one other great aesthetic touch and also well who doesn't love a mobile bar is this Airstream trailer they've converted into a bar it moves based on traffic actually there's a lot of data that goes on that tells Royal Caribbean you know what people are using how they're using it it's actually a smart Island you would expect that with the what they put into it make sure as we head into the chill grill I spotted one of my all-time favorite things in the whole wide world soft-serve can I have one of those please oh you were so nice thank you very kindly and I'm going for the twist I'm going for the twist I can go yeah I used to work at Little Caesars when I was a teenager TCBY yogurt right next door I learned so just like the snack shacks all throughout they have all the burgers and hotdogs and french fries and all that jazz but I'm going straight to the taco bar because they have fresh tortillas in fact I might just see tortillas all day you got the dough balls put them in a little bit of flour got this incredible machine here he drops it right in the top comes down you can see it cooking right there mmm delicious there are a few things in life more delicious than that with a little bit of butter a little bit of salt a little bit of happiness but also you've got a huge toppings bar this is a massive area they've got a massive panini grill as well where they're making rib eye sandwiches Philly cheesesteaks and things along those lines and then all your traditional corn on the cob burgers hot dogs all that kind of stuff all the way along here and more Babur stations on the other side all right so as we continue along here you're gonna have the divers then you've got all kinds of everything related to any diving snorkeling rentals tours and everything related to that you're also going to have the Bahamian retail so there's a mix there you may want to bring a little cash along because some of the local merchants that's what they would take but there's also a place where you can use your si pass card and then there's also where you can use credit card as well all right so now I'm headed into the oasis Lagoon I know once again I'm gonna say this is the biggest but this is the largest freshwater pool in all of the Caribbean so as we head up the stairs I wanted to point out a little bit about the logistics of the pool so on the far side over here you're gonna have a low entry level so the kids can walk in you can kind of get a scope about how big this entire area is they've got these great cutouts that are kind of bar areas over there deeper end is over here I see a lot of kids with scuba gear and then of course sir snorkeling gear but of course you also have the lifejackets they're prevalent for the kids please once again use them but what makes this awesome and what makes this a true Caribbean experience is the giant palapa right here the bar everybody in the bar at the pool you got a ton of seats all the way along there everybody's got a smile on their face a drink in their hand and just having a great time this is kind of a unique blend of a fantastic family option and also an adult option there's places that are a little more kid-friendly in here and then of course you've got the bar so once again on vacation everybody satisfied a little bit of everything for everyone right so a great option at the Oasis Lagoon would be one of the Cabana so if you're gonna enjoy the lagoon throughout the day you've got a crate of course the party going on behind me you can probably hear it right now this used palapa the bar this is perfect for that because you can head into the pool who doesn't love a pool bar come back here sit down chill and relax so just like all of the cabanas you have this great little table here so it's a cocktail table opens up and you're gonna have ice and water in there they've got Evian water stock for every single cabana on coke okay I did want to point out you have these four loungers here so right there you've got there you can put your toes in the sand looking out you see the pools just in front of me here right in front of this is actually complimentary loungers and umbrellas as well so as we come in you've got two more loungers here right here is a little white board where they're gonna put your name and greet you and welcome you to this perfect day experience you've got two chairs right here I'll probably use them to put my feet up especially with the knee the way it is today but as you can see the Cabana you've got a fan it actually feels really really good because this is kind of tucked back in the jungle it's got a little bit of a more remote feel to it it's actually kind of cool with the palm trees on every single side but this huge fan really gets the air moving so it feels nice and cool I'm gonna continue along you've got this great autumn in there perfect to maybe put up and put a game there right here I see my couch anyways I know my family dad would be putting my feet up here chilling relaxing but I wanted to point out right here you have your coffee table royal also integrated a safe into it so you just punch your code in go ahead and shut the door you could go out and leave your belongings here head into the oasis pool and take advantage of what it's all about so vacation is all about vacating the experience that you have at home I don't know about you guys but I do not have a push to refuel button as part of this Cabana you have a personal Cabana attendant they are awesome they're gonna bring you food they'll bring you your drinks all you got to do is hit the button and it actually goes to their watch and it notifies them that you're there a couple of the things I love to point out right here you've got the switch for the fan you also have to us plugs I always bring with my little USB splitter here so I can plug that in and maybe charge multiple devices but what this Cabana is about is right here sitting back relaxingg you've got the music in the background you got the family playing and having an excellent time those who want to sit in the Sun or sitting in the Sun dad's back here in the shade and just having a perfect day so behind me is Harbor Beach you can see this is another great family-friendly option you've got a pretty low grade it does get deep as you head out but those of you who are old school coke ok fans would remember that this is where the tender station used to be so this is all an artificial Beach they created when they did the massive construction here but what's nice about this is it's not too far from the ship in fact if you cross over the bridge turn right you're right back out to the ship another great option for dining is gonna be skippers grill so it's right in front of me right now the two large dining options are very very similar they have pretty much the same thing but what I love is they have a dining options completely spread out so none of them complete felt felt overrun I would say I've seen that a lot especially in the olden days when they would kind of have a shorter window food time when they were feeding as well feeding I guess that's what happens on a cruise ship right shorter window time when they had food options available but by extending it longer so you have it for about five hours or so what I found is people kind of spread out some people get back on the ship and it was never overly crowded right so you never know who you're gonna run into it Captain Jack's it may even be a celebrity one of my all-time favorites make sure you check out our anthem the Seas tour if you love Maggie as much as I do here he is right there so one of the best shows in the schooner bar you guys all know that it's all about the schooner bar and amazing entertainers and yeah thank you you're amazing appreciate it perfect I will be there 9:30 tonight and then I will go down to the liquor store on level 4 and buy his CD at the cash register ching ching there we go all right let's talk a little bit about Captain Jack's shall we this is an adult venue you see these swings make it license nice and fun feels like you're to me you're kind of in a Kenny Chesney album you got some Caribbean music in the background beautiful bar behind me here it's right off the ship so if you don't want to walk too far and maybe you just want to walk to the first bar that's awesome and stop this could be it chicken wings really really good anything with habanero and it makes me pretty happy and the jerk chickens fantastic we're in the Bahamas you may want to go that route as well also you have this great view looking out at Harbor Beach in the background so maybe a dad gets to sit here with the Coronas hand and maybe kids go play for a little bit and come on back and say hi to me thank you so much for joining me today on this tour of Coco ki Kok okay Coco Bongo whatever you want to call it it is the perfect day experience that makes it exceptional just wanted to point out you got the two ships behind me today you got navigator and anthem in here you've got the thrill the most extreme waterslide in North America and it's an incredible thrill park the entire thing the wave pool all of it and as we head over that's where it all started here it's the old tender port for Rick okay why what the first time once again in 1991 when I was a kid and I was blown away by it then no idea that be anything like this now and then you've got a really chill area here you got the beanbags Harbor you know Harbor Beach area but essentially this is pure perfection for a private island experience thank you so much please please subscribe to the channel like the video make sure you hit the bell for notifications so that you learn about all the content we have coming up we've got a ton more real Cryme coming out and both of those ships there we've got all the rooms if you want to check those out as well along with ship tours [Music] [Music]
Channel: Harr Travel
Views: 830,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coco Cay, Perfect Day, Coco Beach Club, Floating Cabanas, Over Water Cabanas, Cabana, Cabana Tour, Walkthrough Tour, 4K, 2020, Royal Caribbean, RCCL, RCL, Symphony of the Seas, Harr Travel, Full Tour, Coco Beach Club Restaurant, Infinity Pool, Showers, Included, Rental, Royal Caribbean Cruise, Private Island Tour, Anthem of the Seas, Oasis of the Seas, Navigator of the Seas, Mariner of the Seas, Amplified, Renovation, Thrill Water Park, Ballon
Id: Yye11AxU0so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 21sec (2721 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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