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judy and i go back quite a long way it was at the old vic and we shared a dressing room we were in the double dealer jude was playing the arjuna and i was not what i remember mostly about that time it was the beginning of a friendship and i remember laughter more than anything in the world judy is the most tremendous friend she's been a huge support and hugely loyal anyway we did that then there was a long gap and we worked on screen together in room with a view and with tea with mussolini rumors of you again we laughed and shrieked so much that we quite unnerved merchant ivory i think both of them they were really really appalled uh she was mussolini again we just laughed we played scrabble we drank prosecco we behaved very badly again in fact we startled all the italian crew i think they thought we were more peculiar than the people we were playing in the film in fact i know i know they did but i have to say i can't tell you how honored i am to be your friend judy i really am you you've done so much for so many people and i'm sure everybody feels the same about your friendship not only are you stunning talent i mean just breathtakingly wonderful but you have so many other qualities as well you phoned me when it happened to me and you said it doesn't make any difference you can still swear you can swear more you can swim more yeah just try and do it privately i won't do it now i have a theory that there is something in the italian landscape which inclines even the most solid nature to romance it reminds me so much of the country around shropshire where i once spent a holiday at the home of my friend miss apes have you ever seen room with a view i have never seen it why not haven't you known each other since you were in your 20s absolutely yes it's 1958. so does that make it easier to work together if you've known each other so long it's much more pleasant to work when you're when you're good friends and you have this great you know backlog behind you but um it it it's there's a shortcut process there which means that you know we know each other well and it's very reassuring we did a play together just to two-hand her the only thing we didn't have to learn was when the queue was because i knew that when maggie stopped speaking it was my turn and vice versa all right let me just start with this i said when did you become a dane to you first and you said a year after you did yes and you said i don't know why they gave it to me i know i they gave it to me because i was for swimming because you hadn't made anything i've done anything i've done nothing except swim to repair your heart yes i broke my arm very badly and i was doing that in your agency my agent came down and had dinner and said to me afterwards i'll tell you one thing you didn't get it for cooking oh hello are you feeling better are you hungry now it would be a very good question to ask when did you two meet each other but i'm obviously not but i'm not going to ask you know why because you've been asked it 25 times but we've never replied in the way we were going to okay then let's hear it let's hear it maybe half half a century half a century that would be 50 years yes yes 1958 and became good friends yes what do you mean are you questioning it [Laughter] we were kind of colleagues there no we were in the same we used to share a dressing room yeah and we were in three plays together and we were both doing different plays as well we were kind of jobbing actors yeah and it wasn't actually till until quite a lot later when we did the film when we did room with the view and all that yeah we're still jobbing at florence we're still dropping
Views: 170,898
Rating: 4.9453554 out of 5
Keywords: Acting, Friendship, Dame Maggie smith, Dame Judi dench, British, Ladies of lavender, Films marigold hotel
Id: cSCp1DBr6tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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