A Tyler Henry LIVE TOUR Reading with "Connie" 🇵🇭

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[Music] I just want everybody to listen as carefully as you can um I've got this adorable lady coming in she's so cute she's smiling and she's I got to figure this lady out hold on okay come on come on okay oh she's wanting to make me food what is this this is very very weird Okay now what's coming in as I have to highlight Connie Connie Connie okay keeps coming through over and over and over again um to be clear she's not trying to feed me but I feel like she would have fed other people and I this comes in repeatedly and I feel like I have to highlight Connie Connie Connie Connie Connie I am wanting to put that more in kind of a a grandma level she's small But Mighty is the way that I would describe her and then she's showing me right now um Philippines a trip family connection to the Philippines and people like having an opportunity to potentially go back um I don't know if that's since she's actually passed but I feel like I have to talk about Philippine connection being very important the Connie connection being very significant and I can't make a change so does anybody here have any connections to Philippines and Connie someone in the back middle someone in the very back I love it hi can you stand up cuz I'm going way back and I actually have another reading right smack da in the middle but can you come up to the middle to to the mic for me come on up to the side here yeah oh your section's popping tonight I feel like I'm going to get a bunch of stuff over there oh jeez all right let's see if we can connect it's like cardio I swear getting to the mic it's like TR Planes Trains and Automobiles but oh I am with you you are my person all right we're going to see what we do now some of these readings might be longer some might be shorter but there's something for everyone I think in every reading so let's see what we can do hi thank you for being here tonight I appreciate it so I got small But Mighty I got to highlight this precious lady she's definitely coming through more on the grandmother level as far as things go uh but I do have to acknowledge the Philippines so if people made a trip to the Philippines are you aware of this uh my daughter just went to the Philippines I love it so it would be a way of wanting to acknowledge family culture history and a big aspect of that um I have to highlight your dad's side of family more than your mom's side so when we talk about your dad's side I have to actually talk about Grandma on Mom on Dad's side I think in in this way so does that kind of track okay um when we talk about that side she's having me acknowledge being with her spouse being with her partner or two people basically together is the way I would describe it so is Grandpa also ped yes okay I have to highlight in the way this comes through she's having me acknowledge all of these boys in the family and she's having me reference to one in particular we got to talk about your dad's living siblings if that's okay um so I kind of want to go there do you know I'm going to try to word this as carefully as I can if your dad hypothetically had a brother that has been dealing with some hard times mentally emotionally cognitively I don't know why I'm kind of going in that direction but I have to talk about like the brother who feels like the black sheep or the brother who feels like the one off like the the one that's different the reason I say this is because there either might be a period of time where we don't hear from him or we don't know where he's at I don't know why I'm like where the heck is this guy and it's one of your dad's brothers so do you know about this at all I think it's my brother's okay do you know of any Mar yes that's my brother that's the one he is considered like the black shape that's how he feels I'm so sorry though weird with the name thing cuz I feel like I have to highlight that but that it comes through and I feel like I have to talk about emotional health cognitive Health well-being um and just like over and over again I I just keep wanting to bring up the fact that when it comes to like when you want to help somebody and sometimes we can't help people and it's almost like you can lead a horse to water but you can't make a drink I don't know why I'm having to bring up that around the brother thing if he feels stunted or like where he's not where he wants to be in life they're just putting a lot of love around that but I equally feel like it's not anybody's responsibility to fix it and that's very important so do you understand that as it pertains to Mark yes okay cool so as we kind of go there I feel like I want to um elaborate as this kind of comes through one thing that does come through pretty significantly is discussions around mental health there is an acknowledgement of the month of June or the sixth of a month having significant if in some way usually like birthday death date anniversary do you know of any June significances I know we sometimes feel like we're on the spot we might end up having to check with family but we're going to look and see cuz I'm going to June for some reason June June June no birthdays in June that you know of I think we do have June birthdays it's all good and no worries and also guys if I bring you up feel free to bring up your your family or anyone you came with is sometimes it can yeah you can come on all good come on come on down yeah all good I just want to make sure I'm I'm going with this cuz I got to keep going this lady is so cute cuz I feel like she would have in some capacity do you know if she when we talk about Connie do you know if she was laid to rest with her favorite necklace or if there was something about her like go-to necklace she gave it to my daughter she gave it to your daughter okay cuz I'm having to highlight this necklace thing I'm like why am I putting significance on it but I'm having to repeatedly bring this up um you on the right there on the far right yeah you there's there's entrepreneurial Vibes around you and I don't know why so just remember that I'm saying that entrepreneurial stuff keeps coming in in the long run so that's usually a good move a good sign but it just definitely seems to be coming in there do you know related I have to talk about a guy who would have passed before the national average do you know if somebody had like um Dolly llama glasses like I know that's a weird thing to say but like if somebody wore those really thick brimmed glasses like the dolly llama grandpa that was Grandpa do you know if he had any difficulty breathing in any capacity or if there were ever any issues with like lungs yeah I needed to know this guy I feel like I have to highlight that he kind of went too soon in some capacity I feel like this guy should have had a lot longer but I just need you to know as this comes in there's I can't stress enough about this brother and brother being different and needing it to be known that everybody has done what they can and it's okay that sometimes people are just different they live different Lifestyles they choose different Lifestyles that comes through pretty strongly would you say that kind of make sense with what you know about brother yeah okay I just need to sometimes it's a situation where people wonder you know how would family feel about that one person and it's just their way of acknowledging they're happy of how everybody's handled things largely and that definitely comes in and then I just got to say there's a joke about a girl among a bunch of boys so if there was like one girl about all the guys there's this feeling of having to like grow up fast because it's like if you have brothers around you it's like uh oh older brothers I'm the youngest and the only girl oh I see so as it comes through is definitely a clear acknowledgement there and then I feel like I have to talk about um coincidences bringing you here coincidences bringing you here so I don't know what coincidence could have brought you here but I think that one did in some Capac um do you know of any like weird synchronicities or coincidences that like LED you to this I've always my mom always said that she was going to find a way to connect with us when she passes so I believe it and and as this comes across I just want you to remember that big beautiful smile and if anybody was not able to say goodbye to her I just need you to know she kind of feels like she timed her passing on some level so that that definitely comes through do you know if anybody was not able to say goodbye to her there's a couple of the uh cran kids that yeah just would not have after yeah cuz I feel like there's this feeling don't rush don't rush it's okay and I feel like I want to bring that up just keep in mind um all of this kind of comes through collectively I definitely feel like I want to highlight uh Grandpa Grandma very strongly I would have to assume that's connected over there and then it would be a way of them just kind of all resoundingly coming through so so thank you for for being here today what did your dad pass up I was curious um a lot a lot he had his first heart attack in 37 oh my God but the doctor said you know he only had six years but the Lord blessed him with 3 more years oh amazing he was with us 69 yes yes yeah still too young to go but what a beautiful soul and clearly a very strong kind of fabric of his of his family and of the boys in a big way so thank you for being here tonight I so appreciate it and can't wait to talk again thank you ah we did it my goodness we got family Dynamics coming through and oftentimes what's so comforting is that they on the other side seem to be aware of the kind of unique positions we find ourselves in sometimes family Dynamics conflicts the way that things are they bring them up and never generally from a place of being upset or angry just usually more of a way of acknowledging ing accountability or encouraging people to not feel responsible for other people's actions and that's kind of interesting so they seem to be a lot more open-minded on the other side in a bigger [Music] way
Channel: Tyler Henry - The Hollywood Medium - Official Page
Views: 105,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tyler Henry, medium, psychic, Philippines, family, live show, live reading
Id: i3qLZf6VLac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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