A Tyler Henry LIVE TOUR Reading: Erica πŸ¦‹

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got this lady coming in I can tell that she would have passed away prematurely she's bringing me kind of closer to middle age in the way this is coming across going middle I'm trying to even figure out which side I'm going give me one sec she had two kids okay this is the big thing and after she died another family member stepped up and helped raise the other two kids and that's big that seems very significant in the way this is coming across um but I feel like this lady passed away way of like I see you raising your hand I I I'll go into more detail and if it connects I might come back to you but this lady basically gives me this middle-age kind of feeling like I I I feel like I'm kind of in the middle like I'm not 90 but I'm also not 20 I feel like I'm kind of in this middle range with this but she's bringing up very specifically two kids and this appreciation that an individual stepped up and literally helped raise the kids and it's a female who helped raise the kids after she died kind of like took on that role of Mom um I will say and we may not end up finding her today and that that's okay if not but she does give me a cancer feeling pretty strongly and kind of one of like the weird cancers like the cancers that start like early and then you you die like at a really really early age so it's this really sad tragic thing that that comes in and I don't I don't think I'm with you I don't think I'm with you but I'm I'm somewhere so give me one sec I see some people over there feel free to raise your hand if this connects but it's um she she would have been under 50 so I mean that's like that pretty much narrows it down under 50 and someone stepped in and raised two children so that that seems significant in some way and it has to be that I never want to just kind of it can't just kind of make sense it has to totally make sense I see you over there does that all line up for you I'll bring you to the microphone and we'll see if we can chat and see if I can get more but we'll look and see CU it's such an interesting thing gratitude box hi so you can relate to a female who would have passed had to be under 50 yes okay did she have two children she did okay there's a feeling of basically a gratitude for a woman another woman stepping up to the plate and helping raise these these children in some capacity that seems pretty insistent but there has to be a cancer thing either like dealing with cancer prematurely it reminded me of a reading I did I had a lovely uh friend who passed away of a kind of a fe female based cancer and she died she was she had a seven-year-old little boy and by the she didn't even get to see his 8th birthday and it was like a tragic thing but she I think had either breast cancer or ovarian cancer was that kind thing gu a breast cancer oh so breast cancer was that situation because I I'm seeing that as kind of the symbology that's coming through yes um she is just putting a lot of gratitude around what was done after by this other lady um in in in kind of a big way and then I'm seeing a bunch of symbols I want to kind of articulate um how close are you to that situation uh very very okay perfect the reason I asked is because she's showing me all these things that are going to be kind of specific and I want you to take home with you as validating there she's putting an emphasis on the two kids but then I keep seeing the image of a butterfly but like either drawn on something or inscribed on something it's not a butterfly flying in the air right that's like the most generic symbol everybody Associates with their loved ones this is something that's like either a box with like a butterfly on it or something like that I I can't get it out of my mind but I want you to check on it in in the event that this could make sense um there I feel like I have to talk about some situations around like re were there any big remarriages in the family her husband remarried okay CU I feel like I have to talk about like the big remarriage is the only way to describe it but you know this is going to sound weird the woman she's thanking for the kids it isn't the woman he married no does that make sense to yeah I know it's a weird thing to say cuz it should be it should be that lady but it's not no no no no no she's coming through and she's thanking this other person and I feel like I have to highlight that for kind of stepping up to the plate with that um I will just say it feels like one of the kids is like a very volatile I don't know how old they are obviously could be children could be adults but I'm getting like very transitional age very much like you're at the next chapter you're right on the verge of a next chapter how old are they uh when she passed one of them was a like 12 13 got teenager um and it was really rough for him yeah uh the other was you know in her 20s but he was he he had a hard time with it I'm sure okay and then has anybody planted anything for her that you know of no I mean no because they've moved a lot so do you know okay do you know where her remains are currently yes okay where are they in California in California what's your first name Erica Erica okay that weird give me one second there's something with this I'm seeing anytime I see something I never want to shake it off but I'm seeing like Roots going into the ground and it typically is my symbol for planting something I guess maybe finding Our Roots but it's more than that do you know if that's how a family has done any genealogy lately anyone exploring their family history um not necessarily for uh like where we've come from but we've done a lot of the U medical genealogy to figure out what genetics we have because because we want to make sure you know we have the the gene um we've been doing a lot of that lately okay so the only two interpretations anytime I see Roots going down it's either like exploring Roots doing something genetically or literally planting a tree and it usually just has a double meaning but I feel like I just have to highlight um conversations around this in some capacity I feel like she's not the only one to have dealt with some kind of feminine based issue some feminine health problem she's not she's not and and that might be a C for concern but I I'm not worried about anyone actively but I just don't feel like she's the only one okay okay does that make sense um her sister my other aunt passed shortly after her from the same thing gotcha Goa got and then my sister is just now in recovery from it I'm so sorry I just need you to know it definitely feels like in The Roots I feel like I'm very much connected to that but I'm not putting a sad sad feeling around this so please send my love with with the you know situation that family memb in and sadly we have the one who's past but to them you know they're all okay and they're together so I hope you can relay this thank you you of course so that is actually a really good example of what I call a double symbol so I have certain symbols that'll sometimes mean either this or that or sometimes both things so it's it's kind of an interesting phenomenon [Music] oh
Channel: Tyler Henry - The Hollywood Medium - Official Page
Views: 30,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tyler Henry, medium, psychic, family, live show, the collective, hollywood medium, Netflix, e!
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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