A Tsunami Warning! | Pr. Randy Skeete (GYC)

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thus the heavens and the earth were finished  and all the host of them and on the Seventh-day   God ended his work which He had made and He  rested on the Seventh-day from all his work   which he had made and God blessed the Seventh-day  and sanctified it because that in it He had rested   from all his work which God created and made  say it with me now remember the Sabbath-day   to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do  all thy work but the Seventh-day is the Sabbath   of the Lord thy God in it, thou shalt not do any  work thou not thy son nor thy daughter thy man's   servant, not I made servant, not thy cattle  nor thy stranger that is within thy gates   for in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth  the sea and all that in them is and rested the   Seventh-day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath  day and hallowed it and so I say god is good   and all the time try it again God is good and  all the time let me hear the ladies God is good   and all the time where are the men God is good  all the time and all the time the family of God   God is good and all the time as they say in Kenya  and that's his nature good morning everybody   thank you happy service to you how did you sleep   you slept well how many of you  dreamed of Jesus may I see your hands   nobody dreamed of Jesus it's all right He has no  grudge against you he loves you do you realize   you and I are awake and alive now because of the  mercies of christ the bible says in him we live   and move and have our being in Christ in Matthew  5:45 the bible says for He maketh His sun to rise   on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on  the just and on the unjust because of that verse   every day I ask God to be merciful to people who  are suffering even for those who don't follow you because that exercise of mercy may lead  them to follow you I ask God every day   be merciful to those who are suffering  including those who do not follow you why   because your word says he maketh his sun to rise  on the good and on the evil he sendeth rain on the   just and on the unjust and as long as probation  continues you can pray for those who are suffering   you can pray for the evildoers and sinners  because God's grace still extends to them   I am happy to see you let me thank you for your  cooperation yesterday I rebuked you rather sharply   and none of you rebelled as far as I could see  I complained about the constant walking around   and I believe you made a concentrated effort  to stay in your seats I want you to repeat that   particularly on these holy hours discipline  yourselves stay where you are I won't belong   I'm not given enough time to belong who is with  us for the very first time since gym began me   as your hand very first-time god bless you god  bless you, I mean the very first time this week   God bless you God bless you wherever you  are and I mean it when I say god bless you   it's a word a prayer made up of three  words which I offer with my eyes open   God bless you now is there anyone with us now you  are not a Seventh-day Adventist merch your hand   God bless you anyone else just move your hand so  I can ah God bless you anybody else   you're not a seventh-day Adventist but you're with  us just move your hands so I can see it, anyone   in my mind ah I see your way in the back God bless  you and I mean that with concentrated seriousness   God bless you now say amen for our guests ah  that's weak say it again one more time God is good   all the time yes I love God how many of you love  God can I see your hell was that the truth well   confirm it by raising your hand again ah God  bless you, you know God is the God who confirms   he gave two dreams to Pharaoh and joseph explained  to Pharaoh, the dream was given twice that it might   be established of God so when you ask God for  something and you think he's leading you in a   direction you say, God confirm it God is a God  who confirms what does the bible say in the mouth   of two or three witnesses every word shall be  established ask God is this the man for me if you   think he said yes father confirm it I was subject  for this morning a tsunami warning what did I say   what was our subject yesterday you're a little  slow what was our subject the first morning   I knew you'd get that one quickly all  right lol I love you I said I love you I wasn't fishing but uh thanks for that now the bible says this is my commandment that   you do what love one another so I am obeying God  I love you not because I am commanded but because   you're so lovable and you look so nice in those  dresses God gave you and those expensive suits   thank you very much now before I begin sending you  in the mood to cooperate what's this what's that   what's the proper name for this what is this  knot it is not the holy iPhone so please put it   away as I'm putting mine away turn it off now  very seriously every time I make that request   there's some person saying I don't care what  he says I will leave my phone on don't do that   practice cooper by the way anytime a leader of  the church especially ask you to do something   if it is not a sin and it does not  affect your conscience try to cooperate if it is not a sin and it does not offend your  biblically informed conscience try to cooperate all phones off and ipads open  your bible who can recite all   66 books of the bible from Genesis or  Revelation oh oh my how nice how come   you raise your hands to come, how do you get up  here I know to come this is my time you come to   find somewhere to get up here and come there  are some stairs around here somewhere come   next time someone asks you a question  be careful how you raise your hand   come sister come I'll wait for you while she  comes let's recite the fourth commandment again   remember the sabbath day come on say keep  it now this side you continue come on uh-huh not bad keep going stop though pick it up altogether and of all the commandments  that one is commandment one did you hear what I said of all the  commandments that one is commandment   one sister what's your name Alexis you  look like a nice person, are you married?  no sir, learn to cook and you'll get a  husband all right the books of the bible   The Genesis, Revelation, go ahead, the whole world is watching you. Genesis Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,   Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1, 2 Samuel  1, and 2 Kings, 1, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah,   Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song  of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations,   Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah,  Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,   Acts, Romans 1, 2 Corinthians, Galatians,  Ephesians Philippians, Colossians 1 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1, 2Peter, 1, 2, 3John, Jude,   Revelation. Amen. You can go back, God  bless you, what's your name you said, Alexis   God bless you God bless Alexis. Favor number  two while I'm speaking pray for me and say what   Lord put your words in that man's mouth  by the way that's a very serious request   I make it every time I stand my words  cannot save you the words of God will   transform your life the words of God will  bring back that child that left the church   the words of God will heal your marriage the  words of God will improve your health if of course   we accept the words of God into our lives pray  and say god put your words in that man's mouth   and favor number three I want you to think as  you listen let's pray loving father in heaven   I surrender myself into your hands if I've  offended you in any way forgive me their God   father use me as a tool as an instrument father if  necessary use me like a disposable razor but just   use me first their father put your words in my  mouth dear God help me to speak with boldness   with fearlessness with courage but with compassion  father for I too am a sinner bless this beautiful   congregation their God everyone you love you sent  your son to die for them in the name of your son   Jesus Christ bless them with the presence of your  spirit father the spirit that enlightens the mind   the spirit that guides us into truth in a  very special way bless all those who are not   Seventh-day. Adventists we are so honored by their  presence their God and hasten the day when they   will say yes I am a Seventh-day Adventist bless  this entire service to your glory exclusively   father and to our blessing I offer this prayer in  Jesus name let God's people say amen and amen acts   chapter 4 we shall read from verse 34 our subject  a tsunami warning acts 4 reading from verse 34.   while you're searching for acts chapter 4 there  are some personalities in the new testament   that always pop into the mind when we think of  outstanding servants of God we think preeminently   of course of Jesus Christ but he's in a class  by himself so we will exclude him of all the new   testament characters that are outstanding  who pops into your mind the apostle paul   Stephen the first martyr we think of Philip and  the Ethiopian eunuch but there is a man that is   not frequently mentioned and I want him to  be the person who introduces this message   this morning and that man is called Barnabas our  subject a tsunami warning let's learn a little   about Barnabas acts 4 reading from verse 34.  before we read let me set it up in the early   church whoever had a need had that need met by  the generosity of other church members let me   say it again no one in the early church suffered  because all other church members came together   and gave what they had to meet the needs of  those who were in crisis and so verse 34 says   neither was there any among them that lacked for  as many as were possessors of lands and houses   saw them and brought the prices of the things that  were sold and laid them down at the apostles' fee   and distribution was made unto every man according  as he had a need and so the bible says those who   were wealthy they sold land they sold houses they  sold to meet the needs of those in the church less   fortunate ah how the church would be different  today if we function that way and jerseys verse   37 who by the apostles was surnamed, Barnabas  which is by inter which is being interpreted   the son of consolation a Levite of the country of  Cyprus having land sold it and brought the money   and laid it at the apostles' feet we are introduced  to Barnabas as a generous man a soft-hearted   member of the church who felt that the need of a  member in crisis was his personal responsibility   let me say it again some of us have this attitude  that's your problem no when a member of the church   suffers it is all of our problems somebody say  amen barnabas his mindset was your suffering   is my problem he sold land and brought the money  and gave it to the apostles now some of us today   we will make contributions but we want  to decide how the money will be used those early church members gave the money and  they trusted the apostles to distribute the money   as the holy ghost led them do not use your  money to deliberately try to determine what   the church should do if you're convicted to  give give and leave it up to the spirit of God   to guide those to whom the money is  entrusted if that's clear say amen   don't use your wealth as a weapon to whip  the church into compliance with your desires barnabas was a giving man generous man let's look  at barnabas again we go to acts chapter 9 we read   from verse 26 this is the chapter in which paul  or saul as he then collided with Jesus christ   he's knocked off his horse he's made blind he  goes through conversion he meets with the church   at Damascus now he preaches in Damascus his life  is threatened he leaves Damascus and he comes to   Jerusalem verse 26 acts 9 a tsunami  warning and when Paul came to Jerusalem   he assayed to join himself to the disciples but  they were all afraid of him and believe not that   he was a disciple this man used to arrange  for the killing of those who followed christ   he had a reputation as a very cruel man if  you go to verse one of acts chapter nine   and saul yet breathing out threatenings and  slaughter against the disciples of the lord   he was constantly seeking out christians to have  the murdered killed destroyed the apostles knew   of saul so when he came to jerusalem and tried  to join them the bible says they were afraid   verse 26 27 sorry but barnabas took him and  brought him to the apostles and declared unto them   how he had met the lord or seen the lord in  the way and that he had spoken to him and how   he had preached boldly at damascus in the name of  jesus christ barnabas took saul when all the other   apostles were terrified of saul and Barnabas  took him and brought him to the apostles and   said this man is okay we have a generous man  we have a giving man we have a fearless man   he went by himself god saul and took him  and put the minds of the other disciples   at rest when Stephen was martyred the  church at Jerusalem scattered Cyprus   uh antioch irini and as they ran they preached and  the preaching had effect and in acts 11 when the   church at Jerusalem because the leaders remained  in Jerusalem when they heard what was going on   in the area of antioch the bible says in verse 22  they sent forth barnabas that he should go as far   as Antioch who when he came and had  seen the grace of God exhorted them all   that's his purpose of heart they would cleave  unto the Lord now Barnabas was sent by the church   to assess what was going on in the area of Cyprus  Kyrenia and Antioch now when the church chooses a   man to assess a spiritual situation the church  chooses a man who is grounded in the word who   is grounded in the writings of the prophet of  the lord ellen white who knows how to discern in 1900 September 13 to September 23, there was  a camp meeting in Muncie Indiana the church had   heard of a disastrous movement called the  holy flesh movement which essentially said   to prepare for translation this body had to go  through some suffering, it had to go through the   garden of Gethsemane experience that through  the suffering the flesh might be perfected   in readiness for translation and at those services  the people worked themselves into a frenzy   loud music was played just like in the days of  nebuchadnezzar and people would fall down and fake and then they were declared to have passed  through the garden of Gethsemane experience   and they were now sinless in the flesh and ready  for translation when the church heard of that the   church sent two men to investigate just as the  church at Jerusalem sent Barnabas to investigate   the evangelism going on in Cyprus Cyrene and  Antioch the seventh-day Adventist church in 1900   sent to men s and Haskell and aj breed to confront  this era called the holy flesh but the point I'm   trying to stress when you send someone to assess  a situation to meet it and to confront it you must   send a man or a woman who can defend the teachings  of the church can you say a man they sent Barnabas he knew the word he was a man of balance  a man of discernment a man who could see   the workings of the enemy where no one else  could a man of fearlessness they sent Barnabas let's look at Barnabas a little more  acts 13 reading from verse 1 acts 13   verse 1 our subject a tsunami warning now  there was in the church that was at Antioch   certain prophets and teachers as Barnabas and  Simon that was called niger and Lucius of Cyrene   and manian which had been brought up with Herod  the tetrarch and saul as the minister to the   lord infested the holy ghost said separate me  Barnabas and Saul for the work we're unto i   have what yes I've called them now, by the  way, let me uh digress meaningfully and briefly   there are some among us who believe the  holy ghost is not an intelligent personality   when you hear that go in the other  direction the holy ghost is fully divine   the holy ghost is God I didn't say the holy  ghost was the father I said the holy ghost is God   Jesus is God the father is god don't keep  giving me this anemic immense say amen the holy ghost is god the holy ghost is divine  the bible says the holy ghost said he communicated   with those prophets and teachers and he selected  Barnabas and saul, not saul and Barnabas if you read the early history of the apostle paul  he traveled initially with Barnabas but they are   mentioned as Barnabas and saul first meaning  at some point Barnabas was a mentor to saul how do you mean to the apostle paul unless you're  Jesus Barnabas was a mentor to saul the holy ghost   hand-picked Barnabas i am stressing this generous  soft-hearted loved brethren fearless could defend   the truth against error hand-picked by the spirit  of God for a work that god desired he and saul   should do this is Barnabas say amen for brother  Barnabas let's learn some more about Barnabas   let's go to Galatians chapter 2. we'll read  from verse 11 thank you for holding your seats   I just thought I should remind you to continue to  be nice we forget very quickly what book did I say   Galatians what chapter one verse 11 but  when Peter came to Antioch or Jerusalem   I withstood him how to face why because he  was to be blamed for before that certain came from   James he did it with the gentiles but when they  were come he withdrew and separated themselves   fearing them which were of the circumcision what  is paul saying peter that great apostle would   mingle with the unbelief not the unbelievers  the gentiles when no jews were around when the jews shot up peter backed off and Paul didn't like that they would come he  withdrew and separated themselves fearing them   which were of the circumcision now listen to verse  13 and the other Jews dissembled likewise with him   now we have a chain of events  listen to verse 13 microscopically   read it with me if you have the king James  version and the other jews did what dissembled   or acted hypocritically how what's the next word  likewise, what does that mean just like peter follow me closely one man acted  hypocritically and a group followed that man the other Jews dissembled likewise  with him listen to me carefully you have one of two options  your presence on this earth   can be the reason why some  people go to hell or heaven there are people in your classroom  in your college your academy   your university who may end up  in hell or heaven because of you all the jews present watching peter's behavior followed him now we  read verse 13 and come to the sad conclusion   of that verse the other jews also dissembled  likewise with him in so much what does that mean   to such an extent finish the verse for me  Barnabas also finished the verse what's what   carried away Finn is the verse with  the deception now what's our subject   you're too slow what's your subject tsunami  one what does the tsunami do how many of   you from Indonesia ah god bless the beautiful  Indonesians i love Indonesia I've been about   six times i want to go six more times what  happened December 26, 2004, I believe it was   a tsunami any of my friends  from Indonesia from banda aceh   you are from Bandai it perhaps received the worst  effects of that tsunami it washed away buildings   a few years ago in northern  japan there was a tsunami   you know the Fukushima nuclear plant  the tsunami came over a 30-foot wall washed away villages influence is a tsunami are you sleeping with your eyes  open did you hear what i said   what did I just say influence is a tsunami? Barnabas that strong man that man the  denomination can trust to confront the   uh what was going on in Antioch Cyrene  Cyprus when I say confront to determine   whether it was genuine or not that man  who was not afraid of the apostle paul   that man who was generous that man who was in  the early life of paul's ministry a mentor to   paul that man the holy ghost hand pitched  he was swept away by a tsunami of influence and the other jews disassembled likewise with  him in so much the hypocrisy was so great   that Barnabas now the bible singles out  Barnabas to emphasize the degree to which   peter's negative behavior affected the jews  and the ripple effect that reached the Barnabas Barnabas should have stood alone like paul  because paul saw it and he was not swept away   are you listening to me paul saw it verse 14 when  I saw that they walked not uprightly according   to the truth of the gospel, Paul was watching  this and he said this isn't right when I saw   that they walked not uprightly according to  the truth of the gospel i said unto Peter   before them all paul confronted this mass  hypocrisy he was a wall to stem this tsunami my young friends and my not so young friends don't consider yourselves immune to the  tsunami of the influence of people around you unless you think you're stronger than Barnabas  unless you think you have more gifts than Barnabas   had if Barnabas could be swept away of course  not permanently I'm sure he repented you and I   can be swept away if we are not careful we need to  learn to take personal individual stands for God nothing to do with the crowd by the way for those  of you, in positions of authority, my clock doesn't   function so I don't know how much time I have  left and I'm happy for that, we need to learn   to take an individual stance listen to Joshua and  if it seems evil unto you to serve the lord   choose you this day whom you will serve whether  the Gods which your father served that were   On the other side of the flood are the Gods of the  Amorites in whose land he dwells but as for me and   my house paul's listen to joshua as for me and  my house joshua could have said as for my house   and that would have included him the house  meaning family but Joshua identifies himself   as an individual in his family as for me and my  house we will serve the lord meaning if my house   chooses not to serve God if my wife leaves God  if my in-laws leave God if my children leave God   I will serve the Lord how many of you will say  if the whole world leaves god I'll be faithful to   God can I see your hand if the whole world leaves  Jesus, I'll be faithful to Christ we need that mind Jesus had that mind that's why you  and i can be saved why do i say that   when Christ was confronted in the garden  of Gethsemane yes the garden of Gethsemane   by the Roman soldiers led by brother judas   the bible says in Mark chapter 14 verse 50 of  the disciples they all forsook him and fled peter James john his inner circle they ran   listen to me carefully the only person  you can depend on absolutely is Jesus God bless your wife and your husband  and your mother and your father   the only person you can trust absolutely is Jesus  he does not run when things get hot the bible   says they all forsook him and fled and Jesus  held his ground because christ could have run   now he's on the cross same book of mark verse 34  chapter 15 at the ninth-hour Jesus christ with a   the loud voice saying loy lamas and Bethany which is  being interpreted finish the verse my god come on   say it my God my God why hast thou forsaken me  for a while, the father turned away from the son the disciples were gone the father turned away  Jesus was on that cross what word do i need   to use now alone he could have been swept away  by the influence of the departing 11 disciples   vanishing in the night of Gethsemane but love for  you and the father held him rooted to the ground   when the father turned away  christ could have left that cross   because he and the father had never been separated  before and the father swore that this reminding of   the godhead you take a garment and you rip your  tear that is what happened on the cross when   the father turned away and the father swore  it would never happen again but it happened let's reason together when the father turned  away what do you think the holy ghost did can the holy ghost go against the father  what do you think the holy ghost did   turn away when the father turned away and the holy  ghost turned away what do you think the angels did and Christ was on that  cross, give me the word alone   listen to this verse who being the brightness  of his glory and the express image of His person   and upholding all things by the word of his  power when he had by himself purged our sins christ by himself the disciples  went the father turned away   the spirit turned away the angels turned away  Christ on that cross alone not being stripped   by the tsunami of people leaving him  and he stayed because he loves you   forget the person next to you he loves  you an individual decision to stay we must understand the importance of individual  decisions when god made adam just listen to the   word and the lord god form man of the dust  of the ground breathed into his nostrils   the breath of life and man became a living  soul when that occurred eve did not exist so when adam was made eve was  not around it was adam and god   that's it when eve was made genesis 2 21 and the  lord god caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam   and he slept now could god have left adam a  weight to watch the creation of eve yes or no yes   excuse me but notice the language of the bible  and the lord god calls what kind of sleep   what is sleep representing the bible death in a  certain sense to all intents and purposes adam was   dead he had nothing to do with god's interaction  with eve had nothing to do with god's interaction   with adam so when adam opened his eyes who  did we see god when eve opened our eyes whom   did she see god by the way young people  see god first before you see a boyfriend   I'm talking to myself nobody's listening listen  to me see god first before you see a boyfriend   or girlfriend or somebody else's girlfriend see God because when you see God  now you have a proper perspective   you have divine GPS to guide you to see God first  before you buy that house see god first before you   choose a career see God first before you decide to  have an eighth child see God what's the word first God made adam eve was not around God made eve  adam was not around why because God begins at   the individual level until you understand the  importance of the individual decision for God   you and I are at risk of being swept away  by the tsunami of the influence of others   your church decides to rebel against a  general conference and you swept away   your church board decides to rebel  against whomever, you swept away your classroom teacher decides to teach  that uh Jesus is not divine all the other   students believe it you're swept away why  because we like to be part of something some of you listening to me deep in your heart  you want to serve God but you want to please   your friends deep in your heart you do not like  what you're becoming but you want to please your   friends you know you ought to stop that behavior  on Friday night you want to please your friends ask God for the courage to make an individual  decision to do what is right in the sight of god in the judgment, you stand before God  by yourself, you don't take your parents   you don't take the friends that led you  into drugs you do not take the friend   that led you into sexual immorality  you stand before god by yourself my brothers and sisters this message this morning  is a tsunami warning in child guidance page 201   paragraph 3 Hellen writes every course  of action has a twofold character and   importance it is virtuous or vicious right or  wrong according to the motive which prompts it   a wrong action by frequent repetition leaves  a permanent mark upon the mind of the actor   and also on the minds of those that are connected  with him in any relation either spiritual or   temporal what is she saying when you're connected  to an evildoer, his or her behavior affects you and so she writes and counsels for the church  pierce 312 paragraph three listen carefully the   society of unbelievers will do us no harm if we  mingle with them for the purpose of connecting   them with God here's how it ends and are strong  enough spiritually to withstand their influence every person on the face of the  earth is a tsunami it can be good   or it can be bad let the tsunami of your  influence wash people to Jesus can you say amen   amen there are men in graveyards right now who  were there because of the influence of a friend   there are men, young men, in prison  because of the influence of friends   come on join us and you can't say  no you join to be part of the group   prison there are people in rehabilitation programs  now because of the tsunami influence of a friend   there are young people who dress the way  they dress because of the tsunami influence   of those on MTV or whatever the station is take a stand for Jesus, somebody say amen  you see you and christ what man of you   having a hundred sheep if he loses how  many one that's the one on the one you   see does not leave the ninety and nine in the  wilderness and go after that which was lost   until he finds it so when he finds it is the  Shepherd and the sheep no one else one to one you know you should be baptized but  your friends are laughing at you   and so you change your mind you know you ought  to obey your parents but your friends laugh at   you because they don't you change your  mind you're trying to act like a demon   when God is trying to make you  a saint because you're friends you know parents I'm sure you'll  understand what I'm about to say   at a certain age the only thing that matters  to the youth are friends my friends have a   phone why don't i have one my friends come in  at 12 at night why do i have to come in at nine   my friends wear short skirts  why do i have to wear a gown   my friends whatever go to the theater why do  i only go to church my friends are allowed to   use some vegetarian curse words why do I have  to talk like Jesus it is always my friends my   friends my perhaps mothers and fathers you're sick  to death of hearing my friends that's a tsunami my friends jesus is a friend come on say amen  the holy ghost is a friend huh if christ is your   friend the father is your friend they are friends  of heavenly origin with whom you can associate my young brother hiding in the crowd you  need to stop what you're doing it no matter   what your friends say leave that gang leave those  friends who are leading you in the wrong direction   young lady you know you're trouble deep in your  heart what you're doing is wrong as you assess   your life the past six months you realize I am  heading in the wrong direction god sent you here   to change directions all the man all the lady  whoever you are breaking the influence that   friends have on you if it is negative by clinging  to Jesus, christ make a decision like daniel I will pray only to God even if it means  facing lions make a decision like Shadrach   Meshach and Abednego even though they are named  together they made three individual decisions   don't follow the crowd follow Jesus this  message this morning is a tsunami warning   it applies to all ages you adults putting yourself  in the financial debt to get a house as big as   your neighbor's house putting yourself in  debt to buy a car that your in-laws drive   putting yourself in debt to keep up with  the Joneses and the smiths and the Garcias the tsunami of influence affects  every single age, not just the youth   when we hear the term peer pressure we think only  of the youth no it applies to every living being   we do things because we see others do them I am  saying this morning change that attitude and do   what you do because the bible says to do it  or not do it and so this morning I'll ask you   and i want you to answer me with honesty  unmixed honesty do you desire a one-to-one   relationship with your god how many will say yes  can I show you one to one hands down now this one   will take some courage and guts well not guts  they don't like the word guts in australia so i   first, forgive me Australia who will have  gumption and courage listen to the call there's   someone listening to me you are being wrongly  influenced by your friends listen to me right now   as you listen you are being wrongly influenced  by your friends, if that applies to you stand up ah I like courage come come come it's easy to come  when you're standing come come come come right   here you are being wrongly influenced and you know  it come quickly I have three minutes left   I think come you are being wrongly influenced and  you know it when the Israelites came out of the   wilderness God told them do not intermingle  with the heathen they will turn you from me they'll turn you why because  we're naturally that way by birth   and so evil appeals to us more quickly than good  my call is right where you sit and stand you know   you are being negatively  influenced by your friends come I'm talking to all ages there's a behavior you're engaging in  because of your friends come and break that by the power that broke death Jesus  christ resurrection power is the power   he makes available to us to deliver  us from any bondage what's the call   i am right now i know i'm in a situation  i am negatively influenced by friends come come quickly you're young but I'm  calling all ages negatively interested I have another call for you some of you you know you need to be baptized  you haven't made a decision yet but you know   you should be one of the deceptions of the devil is waiting until you know everything   that'll never happen only god can  claim that you know enough that god   wants you baptized to be a member of his body the  sacramental entrance into christ is baptism   and if you'll say right where you stand or  wherever you are over there father I will   at least make a public decision let heaven and  earth see where my mind is a decision i am willing   to be baptized willing if you have  that willingness let me see your hand   i'm willing okay i see that happen keep it  up someone come and scan something willing   keep that hand up now if you're in the  congregation come you raise your hand I'm   willing come if you're in the congregation willing  come I am willing we're looking for willingness in   In other words, is your heart in that direction come  i am willing to be baptized come right christ came   to be baptized john said no Jesus insisted  I'm willing we're looking for willingness   who does this scanning come and scan somebody else  come my apologies to 3abn if i've exceeded my time   God bless you Sammy come stand right up  front i'm willing i'm looking for willingness   you know the spirit is willing the flesh is  weak god understand bring me that willing   spirit says god i'm willing you come somebody  else quickly come i'm willing i'm willing   i have a second call i was baptized but  i've drifted from god not made a mistake   I have drifted and if the church knew the life i  lived I'd be this fellowship immediately if not   sooner i have drifted i need to re-new that  contract with jesus through re-baptism come I need to be re-baptized come my life has  been anything but representative of god   I'm not saying i made a mistake your life   has been an insulting disgrace to god I need  to start all over with god by re-baptism come in acts chapter 19 first seven verses 12  disciples who re-baptized evangelism page   375 paragraph two Ellen white writes when the soul  is truly reconverted let that soul be re-baptized   anyone else God bless you is the scanning going  on isn't it someone supposed to scan these things,   okay you want them to follow you ah  where right in the back okay listen to   me carefully you won't miss anything  when I offer the benediction follow   sisters two attractive sisters not listening  to me okay stay right where you follow them   right there so they'll know who's baptism and  who's just a recommitment are you following me   do not change your mind for any reason now i  have to pray first but does tammy stay where   you are let me pray first okay let me pray first  anyone else baptism I'm willing I need to be   re-baptized come all right let's see your hand  come we're going to go to the back anybody else now the third call there's someone listening, you  are not a seventh-day Adventist but you've   been blessed you'd like some more information  to understand what we believe raise your hand   ah okay we have one you are not a seventh-day  adventist you'd like some more information raise   your hand wherever you are move it so I can see it  I would like some more ah okay god bless you make   that known to them in the back so we can get you  information that will change your lives and then   God can use you to change other people's lives  three calls I'm willing to be baptized I need   to be re-baptized i need to know more about what  advocates believe and of course i'm negatively   influenced I need to break that anyone else coming  anyone else you'll never have this privilege again   never you may go to other gycs other conferences  they will never be exactly like this never come   come sister never be just like this again  never come baptism read baptism break the   negative influence of friends and I'm not a 70  admit this but I want some information I like   what i've heard i want information come now  i'm going to pray and listen to me carefully   follow those two ladies right to the back  they'll take care of you everyone standing by the way when an appeal is made this is  not a spectator sport you must pray because   every time a preacher makes an appeal  the devil makes one his appeal from god   come the devil stay you must pray it is  not a spectator sport to see who moved heads bowed eyes closed while I pray out  loud you pray in your hearts god of heaven   and earth if i preach badly forgive me if I've  been hard on your beloved forgive me they god   you know what's in my heart a desire to see people  follow you and come to you dear god please in the   name of jesus christ stand by your word you  said in first timothy chapter two verse four   who will have all men to be saved and  to come to the knowledge of the truth   you said in ii peter 3 9 the lord is not willing  that any should perish you said in john 3 16 for   God so loved the world that he gave his only  begotten son that whosoever believeth in him   should not perish but have everlasting life  father that's what you said Numbers 23:19   god is not a man he should lie father you  said those words now defend your honesty god   grant your spirit to those who've come with  such power that the decisions they've made   now no earthly power will change show us  their god how eager you are to save a soul   stand by your word I ask with earnestness but  with respect do everything heaven can to guarantee   to secure and to save those who  answer the calls their god in mercy   save us sustain us now as your sons and daughters  file to the back let unseen angels walk with them   their god let no power on earth change their minds  here is humble prayer save us when you come, father   save us in Jesus name we pray let God's people  say loudly amen say it again amen say it again   amen God is good and all the time now listen  to me carefully follow those ladies right now   just turn that way to your left follow those  ladies back there they'll take to the back scan   and they'll let you go just follow them follow  them you are walking in the path of right-doing   follow those ladies don't let anything turn  you back not even your purse follow them God bless you and may the Lord bless you  richly with every program that succeeds in this one you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 172,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: _O3ZsI9H9gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 21sec (3261 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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