How I Organized My Small Art Studio

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hey guys welcome back to my channel and welcome to my studio I've seen a lot of posts on Instagram and YouTube about the trouble people have with small studio spaces and I have actually had a trouble with small studio spaces for like ever since the beginning of my time I've been dealing with this so I'm gonna be walking you through my studio which I think I have finally figured it out and I hope they won't be able to see what I've done in my space in my space not in my space like it's not social media you're right I hope that you can see what I've done in my studio and maybe apply some of the things that I've done to help you out in yours I've been struggling with this for a really long time in our old place my husband and I rented an apartment and I had like the corner of a loft area that was designated to my art stuff which I have no idea how I kept it so like tidy because I owe this a small craft store I do I really do and so I thought I'd show you the things I've done and hopefully you'll get some ideas from it it's a really tiny small bedroom so I had to really make use of the little space that I have and I hope you enjoyed this video if you do don't forget to subscribe and give it a thumbs up and comment down below if you have any things that you've done to help yourself out in your small area help somebody out by you know hopefully somebody will read the comments and see this video and they'll be able to learn from this video and from your comments and I'd love to read them because you might be helping me out so anyways let's get into this okay so let's go into the studio and I'll show you the best items that I've found that have helped my studio seem a little bit bigger number one camping tears I know it sounds so funny but it is awesome for when it feels cramped because you can just like fold it up and put us to the side and so that's really nice at one point I was thinking about having like a normal like lounger chair in here and I realized I have a tiny little studio so that's great I did throw that fabric over just so it wasn't like hey I'm staring right out of camping chair I don't know it just made me feel better made me feel like it actually sort of looked like a rail chair and so back it up so I actually turned the closet space into my office space so I took off the doors and lowered the shelf that was usually it would be right where that other shelf is right above it I lowered it down so that it was like a desk top and again later added these other shelves they made this so you can actually see and all the things that I use very very rarely are located up there because I I don't know if you guys know how tall I am but I'm five feet exactly I'm not a tall woman so um things that I still wanted to keep for reference or for crafting or whatever still are here they're just tucked away a little bit um all of my packaging stuff is down in this shelf and I was able to tuck away my camera in the corner of this closet area um so all the office supplies and all that stuff are here um so there's the trash can and then that is actually cats cat box um she spends all of her time here pretty much except for right now she's probably out murdering some poor mice or birds or something that crazy cat poor things anyways so I put the fabric over it so that you couldn't like I couldn't see it because I didn't want to stare at it all the time so this shelving unit is the best thing on planet Earth for me organizing my small little studio space I love it because it's not super deep so like it's like maybe a foot wide maybe a little more than a foot wide but it doesn't take up a ton of my space but it does get rid of a ton of my crap I mean like look at all that crap that's ridiculous so I keep all of my like oil mediums like liquid and gamsol and stuff like that in there this box right here is my acrylics this box right here is my oil stuff like my oil paints I mean my primer my gesso my oil brushes then my big brushes that are alternating oil acrylic and then my acrylic paint brushes um and then I do have these glorious Harry Potter paint brushes oh my gosh my husband got them for me I'm a total Potter head they are I'm just I'm I'm like so excited I can't even I can't even no I can't look how cute they are little wands oh yeah you need to calm myself down for a second while I got me excited yeah and then I have sewing sewing stuff my traveling easel and all of my reference books and extra sketchbooks and then um yeah that's pretty much it forever here I do have a couple of paintings on the walls to keep those protected and out of the way and the next awesome thing is this contraption that my husband put together it's awesome for storing away finished paintings paintings that have just infuriated me so bad so I've had that I needed to like put them away for a bit so I could come back to them later um and then I have this clothesline set up and this is awesome for paper paintings so while they're drawing um I can clip them up there especially since cat is always always wanting to walk over my stuff um I really don't know why cats do that but it's like oh hey this is not supposed to be stepped on I'm gonna step on it I don't know I don't think she actually thinks that but who knows um it's also awesome because I can like hang wet paint brushes from it I like to drive my paint brushes by hanging them upside down and that does it and then down here in like the very very corner of the room I have canvases and all of my like big paper pads my portfolio that I keep completed paper paintings and drawings and all that and then um since I have so much art supplies these things are amazing that means seriously so great um it's all organized by category of medium and then the higher level it is the more often I use it the lower it is in the shelf the less often I use it you know pretty self-explanatory all of my plants I love my plants so much hmm anyways then I also have a filing cabinet because there is a lot of business aside to being an artist and it also has like mine and my husband's personal stuff in it um and then on top of that all of my cameras are sitting there I keep my bins here these bins I use for when I'm out and about painting outdoors or something and once you leave you have to have it somewhere so that it doesn't get messed up while it's still wet I mean because I always take I'm primarily oil paint I have acrylics rarely use those and I have watercolors but those are mainly for my pet portraits and I don't go anywhere to do those those are all created in the studio so um this is my main easel oh and more plants so this is my main easel it's it's kind of a behemoth of a thing but that's there and so when I sit in pain that's where I'm gonna be at this bucket is like a 99-cent Easter basket bucket thing and I have that hanging from some some hooks on the side of the easel and it's really awesome because you can just clear your palate while you're sitting there and then just dump it into that bucket I should probably empty it out look how the lip it's clearly I don't do that very often um and then I have some more lighting and my softbox just like goes up against the wall and then of course some more plants and um I try to hang as many paintings on the wall as possible I actually need to put up but there's actually a couple missing actually right now because they're being varnished and so those are actually in our guest bedroom should probably bring those back to in here but yeah I try to put as many paintings on the wall as possible just to you know not have them all laying around and it just kind of makes more space also I have this table with more plants this little stool which doesn't take up a lot of space at all it's actually a mechanic's stool it rises up and down I actually got it from my husband and I just put some fabric over it so that I wasn't looking at grease stains all the time and so over here excuse all the cords I'm trying to figure out what to do with those bad boys um okay so in this box I have reference photos or reference material I should say so I get a ton of magazines in the mail and I don't know why because I did not sign up for them don't ask me but any magazines newspapers random printouts with pictures on them anything that I think gives inspiration I put in this box and it's awesome because this also duels as a like miniature table so while I'm sitting on this stool which is normally lower than that and I'm sitting at the easel I can have this guy over there with me and I can just set stuff on it like um you know like my palette or my paintbrushes or whatever the heck I'm using at that time so it's really nice it that it multi it's multi person what sorry guys I cannot talk right now it has dual purposes uh real quick I did want to show you this door stopper um behind the door I've been able to make use of this space and keep my other easel which honestly this is my favorite easel um I've debated getting ready getting rid of the other one and just using this one but I can't bring myself to do it because I use both of them I love having two easels there's just not enough space to always have it out and then the last thing I wanted to show you that it helps me with my space and stuff is this shelf I put hooks on the bottom of it so it was some sort of counter top shelf and I can now hang my variety of smocks and my for when my hair's going crazy and wants to get in my paint so that is pretty much it I thought about talking about every single last expert aspect of this place but I realized really we just need to talk about things that are for organization so the shelf the closet office which I love that was the most brilliant idea I've ever had um the shelving unit with the hooks to hang things and guys that's a really big deal the fact that I can put all of those paintings up there and make use of space that would otherwise be unreachable is a pretty big deal way to go my husband he's great um and then a really nice shelving unit I recommend you guys get one of those and something that's not too beefy either because you still want to be able to walk around the space and that is pretty much it thanks everyone for watching I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope it helped if you did enjoy this video I would really appreciate it if you gave it a thumbs up and if you didn't well go ahead and give it a thumbs down at least I know that I need to work on something you know constructive criticism or whatnot if you did enjoy this video subscribe did I already say subscribe subscribe please and um I hope you have a splendid day and a splendid night and I will see you next time ah [Music]
Channel: Artwork by Payden
Views: 1,280
Rating: 4.7818184 out of 5
Keywords: how to organize a small art studio, small art studio organization, art studio setup, creating an art studio, what to do if you have a small studio, small painting space, small area to paint
Id: zUNUr54JjlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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