more dreamie villager hunting! frog edition 🐸 animal crossing: new horizons

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hello and welcome back to today's video today we are villager hunting we are looking for that frog i'm excited i have been grinding for nook mile tickets for this very day i have 87 here which will probably be enough okay so right now these are the villagers that i have on my island this side are the dreamies the beautiful people the ones that i am keeping for sure the ones that i darkened are ones that i will be getting rid of so my main goal today is to get a jock or to get a frog i want to get a frog today because i'm froggy crossing obviously and the fact that i don't have a frog on my island is illegal so i need to rectify that before i get thrown into froggy jail and i want to get a jock also because i don't have a few of the reactions that jocks give so these are the villagers that i will settle for today it's gonna be a long day i can already tell it's gonna be a long day of villager hunting okay our first villager sets the mood for this entire freaking video oh oh i don't know how to feel about this [Music] okay that wasn't that bad it could have been a lot worse i'm i'm still gonna stay optimistic here oh blue bear blueberry is so cute wait i'm trying to hop across this river like a freaking idiot i didn't forget my vaulting pole this time honestly i wouldn't bite her because she matches like my little theme i love her colors but she's peppy and i already have two puppies i'm tired of peppies so if they're peppy i'm for sure not gonna take them oh my god i'm already starving i should have eaten something oh hello it's okay oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no this is where the struggle begins this is where the struggle begins no no i love you so much you're so cute look at your little heart okay okay okay okay let me look up what personality is she we can i g this video is over this video is over right now unless she's peppy she's normal uh no what do i do what do i do look at her cheeks ah i don't know what to do oh my god i love her so much though but then this video is only like three minutes long why do you have to be normal why can't you be a jock i have i i have to i have to say goodbye i'm i'm so sorry i i'll be back for you one day uh this is so hard to do this is so hard to do we have to stick to our list we need i can't just settle for any pink villager that i see i need the frog i need a jock we have to be strong i have to be strong this boy okay i get him all the time i get him all the time sorry zucker i'm gonna have to leave you just like i always do i swear i get him like a million times whenever i build your home oh nope bye another ant eater okay who are you annabelle your puppy so bye uh you know it'll be so good right now some chicken alfredo with like a stuffed cheesy breadstick and like some roasted broccoli or oh my god spaghetti and meatballs and garlic toast like the texas toast stuff i'm so hungry oh no is that tipper oh no i was looking at her uh she's so cute i love that she's just like a cow i'm gonna go i'm gonna leave i'm sorry this is fine i'm not crying it's fine it's fine we just have to remember we need a frog we need a frog we can't be froggy crossing without a frog that's so hypocritical or if you'll just please give me a frog just end me already please this is this dude alfonso ah he's cute should i have just taken gail should i have just done it and sacrificed the video oh he's cute kid he's really cute i love his lavender color i think he is smug that would be so cute to pair him with sherb have like lazy sherv and smug kid ah that'd be so cute nope who are you i forget your name tabby no thank you but you're unique for sure okay manifesting frog energy right now froggy time let's go there's pears they're green frogs are green this has to be a frog it's a frog i already know it i already know it it's not a oh no what do i do she's on my list but i really want a frog oh and i have so many tickets left i have so many okay i'm don't be mad at me look at look at me don't be mad at me i'm gonna leave her and my reasoning is i grinded so much for these nook mile tickets these past few days you have no idea i was hustling on nukazon so i don't want them to go to waste i just don't i don't want to just be done like that if i'm going to be done early i want it to be with the frog not for one of my like third tier picks uh okay so far we've left gail we left tipper and we left freya oh no okay hopefully i don't regret that hopefully it's all worth it we get lily [Music] no bye it's him again what's up zucker i'm thinking about chicken alfredo again somebody stopped me oh no he he looks so sad oh my goodness what's wrong benjamin is he okay why are his eyes red and i'm getting sleepy because it's so warm in here i'm sleepy i want some chicken alfredo ah like i want to eat a giant plate of chicken alfredo and just like pass out wilbur please take me to an italian restaurant i will pay you the rest of the nook my tickets that i have don't like his eyebrows now that i'm thinking about it why did i even put henry on my list i think he's smug no i can't remember what he is i know he's something i already have why did i even put him on there like he's he's like the second most normal looking frog after lily so i guess that's why but if i see him i don't i'm not even gonna want to take him it's clay he's really unique i enjoy him you you're so cute oh no oh this is another hard one oh but you're puppy never mind it's not hard oh he's so cute he's an adorable uh cranky i couldn't remember yeah we're not we're not looking for crankies we're looking for frogs that is a shiny head puck i have never seen or heard of you before wow that's cool you're interesting the hunger it's taking over i'm losing energy help me someone uber eats me some chicken alfredo quick who is he you rudy hi he kind of reminds me of rudolph being brown with a red nose wade he's cute wait a second wait a second no but seriously he has a frog on his freaking shirt maybe that's a good sign maybe we're gonna find a frog next i'm not even gonna yeah no man oh she's really sweet but no you're not a frog oh my goodness how many times is it gonna be zucker how many times am i gonna get you in this villager hunting video this is i think number three can i just like push him into the water get in the water i mean i told you guys i warned you i'm gonna get sucker kabuki hi [Music] he's so unique i've never seen that clothing item either oh enjoy your uh island kabuki you're really cute mira she's a cute sisterly cotton tail that's so cute she's so unique get into the water you can swim go go no claudia i love you look at your little heart stripes unfortunately i'm gonna have to leave you here on this deserted island with no food and i don't know is the river water salt water there's a fresh water you think they'll survive okay i'm doing this last one and then i'm taking a taco break because i am starving and i can make a taco really quick so that's why uh yeah no i'm not taking you i'm gonna go eat a taco okay i'm back with a taco yes it took me eight minutes it's still really hot so i can't even eat it yet which is so such a tease let's continue on our froggy quest i have a taco to fuel me now i'll probably go back later get a frosted oatmeal cookie you know for some dessert i should have brought a napkin oh no i'm using my clothes as a napkin i'm sorry i'll do what you gotta do lucky that's not plucky i don't know their names i'm sorry i'm taking bites of my taco during the loading screen it's great it's a frog i mean i'm not taking him i mean i don't think i have to explain myself but we got our first frog that's something that is progress look at his face he's kind of funny if he was like a slightly more appealing color then i would consider it but no no or junior you gave me hope but i'm going to leave you on this island sorry buddy oh no who's this i still have taco in my mouth no no no she is adorable no i mean i have two peppy cats already so i can't like i can't wait a second i've never seen him before a piggy who are you you look kind of cute i don't know how to say that i don't want to butcher it no no no i'm not gonna butcher it i like that her hair matches her little dress yeah oh i saw them pass by who was that oh maybe i need to wear something green i'm wearing so much brown that's why i got work junior because i was wearing brown and he's brown okay i need to go change into a green outfit what am i even doing okay bright green dress i don't know where my green beret is did we do a watermelon hat let's do it green sunglasses perfect ah yes green tights this looks so bad and these little green sandals perfect this is fashion i'm so sorry to have to subject your eyes to this but we need the green luck we need the froggy luck yeah no that's it what was this filbert yes another frog okay okay the outfit is working the outfit is working oh i do love robot he's a jock and he's a jock wait a second wait a second a frog and a jock both things that i need and he's a robot i love robots no no no no no no but i just he doesn't exactly fit in with my aesthetic exactly we've gotten two frogs that is something that is definitely something okay okay i'm gonna leave him for now i'm gonna leave him for now i'm so sorry riba you're so cute we already have our hearts set on a different frog i'm sorry i'm just i'm just not available right now no it's you it's you mint chocolate chip looking mouse but this is also extra proof that the outfit is working i just got someone green and before that we got a frog so that put those two together next ticket we're getting a frog a normal frog not a robot frog i'm calling it okay it was not a frog oh looking i know people really like him nope bye please orville just give me a frog please i don't have enough space on my computer to record for another two hours what a cutie marcie ah i love her eyes how beautiful another penguin are you text by text ooh a doggy ah you're very cute but i'm gonna leave you here no no no no no no no no no no no oh duck he's cute not my style but he is cute no well hello sir fancy meeting you here i can't believe this guy are we looking on tickets we have 30 left it's getting close i'm starting to once again regret leaving all of those beautiful villagers that i found i should have just taken one i'm never gonna find a frog i'm never gonna find scoot oh this another wolf what i've never been to an island like this before oh norma strawberry cow i'm gonna have to leave you sweetie i'm sorry we're on a frog quest today no no goodbye nope you i had her before goodbye what i've never seen this cat before no never in my life [Music] nope oh no please don't tell me that's oh no that's him that is him oh hi marshall you're so tiny please don't be mad at me i'm leaving him i'm sorry okay he just he's not on my list i need a frog and he's a squirrel he's really cute but i'm so i'm so sorry is this cherry yes she's so cute but she's peppy oh goodbye wait where's her nose why don't you have a nose girl she kind of freaks me out a little bit uh no uh mercy again sorry mercy but no no no no no bye goodbye ah no no tasha goodbye sorry you again ah oh my god we have nine tickets left we're not gonna make it we're not gonna make it i'm so stupid why did i leave those perfectly good villagers i'm so dumb i'm so so dumb uh no no [Music] no this is gonna take me forever to edit oh my goodness no that's not a frog she's so cute oh but i think she's a normal yeah she's a normal i'm gonna leave her no are you actually kidding me oh we have one ticket left oh my god oh my god oh my god please be lily please i'm scared no no no no no i'm definitely not taking this monkey no okay i guess i have to go get more tickets ah no okay no i'm going home no hamlet again ugh who this who are you kit oh she looks like she's been awake all night oh get some sleep oh nope nope nope nope no no more anteaters please oh you're so sweet i'm so sorry i have to leave you no no doc why oh oh no no no no don't do this to me don't do this to me don't do this to me he's the best jock oh and i need a chalk no rule why i don't know what to do i'm gonna hold on to the hope that we have a little string of hope that we still have okay come on i left rolled for a good reason ah that's not a good reason zucker leave me alone he shows up like so much i can't believe it no you're not who i want you're not who i want at all no no no no no no no no no no why i'm not taking him oh okay i'm getting more tickets fine [Music] ah yes we're gonna get a frog with your power oh my goodness sucker leave me alone what is this i think this is the fifth time i lost track honestly oh my goodness ah she's really pretty but still i'm i'm holding out for frogs we've come this far we have come this far people i'm not gonna give up now filbert he's cute bye bucco you again no get out of my game nope didn't we see her already i'm tempted but no no no ew bye nope goodbye who are you june how sweet all of her little flower matches her shirt that is so cute oh who's this lucy i've never seen her either we're meeting so many new faces today [Music] this robot crocodile again monkey oh no oh god no no no no no quick get out of here go ah what oh what is that okay we need to get a closer look what are you jacob i think that's the weirdest design i've seen i'm sorry for anyone who loves jacob but that is like the weirdest not even ugly he's not even ugly just weird another bird oh that's such a cute name though no uh yeah no no no no goodbye it's the goat again no [Music] no sorry no no horses only frogs please oh it's the lavender uh goat again i can't tell if she's really cute or kind of uh i don't know she's cute zucker for the love of god for the love of god stop coming to these islands go home what are you doing oh my god [Music] barbara babra that's cute that's actually cute i've never heard of her before either i'm not i'm not even gonna say anything is that punchy is that punchy is that punchy is that punchy oh my god no no no no no no no no i love punchy he is a lazy i don't need a lazy though and he doesn't fit my aesthetic but i love punchy he's so cute look at him oh my god this is so hard punchy i love you please forgive me for leaving you here this one's really hard oh my god she literally looks like her name is karen is that agnes oh she's a sisterly she's the only sisterly that i actually like oh my god should i just take her because i don't have a sister v that's the only other i don't have sisterly and i don't have jock doesn't really fit with my little pastel color theme but she's still really cute i don't know okay because i've been going for so long and i'm tired and i gotta make dinner soon i think i'm gonna take her she's not a frog no and she is not scoot also no but she is sisterly which is a personality type that i don't have and there are no sisterly villagers that i really would invite other than her so i feel like i should just take her especially because i've i already made the mistake of leaving villagers that i did actually want and i feel like the game is punishing me for doing that so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna i'm just gonna take her and cut my losses you know [Music] oh i almost said no whoops all right agnes come to my island i'll be honest it feels really good just to be done just to be like i don't have to do this anymore thank god thank you for making it to the end of this video if you did you're a real one we didn't get our frog but there will be plenty of opportunities i still have quite a few villagers to kick out so we will get there one day it is a grind people it is a grind to get a good frog i would highly recommend subscribing because one it makes me happy and two i'm doing a giveaway when we reach 1k subs i'm going to be giving away animal crossing plushie i do make plushies in my down time here are a few examples when we hit 1k i will give one away to one lucky person and you can pick whatever villager is your favorite whoever you want and i will make it for you and ship it to you so yeah highly recommend subscribing because you can only get it if you're subscribed check me out on my socials and give this video a like if you enjoyed watching me scream about frogs and i will see you in the next video [Music] oh my god you scared me you actually uber eats just lemonade
Channel: froggycrossing
Views: 1,127,385
Rating: 4.8516836 out of 5
Keywords: villager hunting acnh, Animal Crossing, animal crossing new horizons, acnh, animal crossing new leaf, animal crossing villager hunt, animal crossing dreamies, animal crossing build, animal crossing speedbuild, animal crossing design, animal crossing terraforming, animal crossing ideas, animal crossing inspiration, acnh speedbuild, acnh let's play, animal crossing let's play, let's play animal crossing, animal crossing design ideas, acnh villager hunting, acnh dreamie hunt
Id: c4adc4CS_to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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