a totally casual and normal island tour | animal crossing new horizons

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hey I'm Chelsea and today I'll be giving you a tour of my Animal Crossing Island I I'm really excited to be sharing this with you but also a little bit nervous my Island feels very personal to me but I love watching People's Animal Crossing Island tours and getting to see how people's creativity really shines in this game I don't see myself as being the most creative designer but I have put in a lot of time into creating and making and designing and rearranging and terraforming now that this channel is New I felt like it was kind of a right of passage for me to make some type of animal crossing video this is also kind of a time capsule of my journey playing Animal Crossing some of the areas on my Island were made in the beginning when I was just getting started and they have remained that way and in preparation of this video I wanted to finish my Island so I can upload it to a dream address and so they're new to me too and are a better reflection C I think of the things that inspire me about Animal Crossing now so I really hope you like it or not that's literally okay you don't have to like it but I'm just excited to get to share this with you so let's go I wanted to start the tour off at the airport if you were to visit my Island from the dream address you would be at the community center first but I really like my Island entrance so I wanted to start here and before we get started and head towards all of the madness that is back there let's check out my my map so here's my house and then I have a second character who I've named Haku I have Drago Tia flurry Antonio Maddie Ana Octavian zel Whitney and pican fun fact I think Drago and tia were both my first five villagers and I just really loved them this was before the 2.0 we update this was before happy home paradise and I really loved their personalities I just didn't like their houses you know when they came with the generic houses not their character's house and I thought a long time of like oh am I going to you know if they decide to leave am I going to kick them off or am I going to you know try to get them back if I manage to do that but I'm glad I just kept them on the island because then I was able to customize their houses and I have customized every single house on this island so so I will try to include clips of all of them because I'm very proud of them so here's just the general layout of my Island I have two villager communities my Able Sisters and Shop are right next to each other and then everything's kind of towards the front versus the residents are in the back so let's get started okay so I've set my Island to be Springtime I just thought it was really beautiful and here's the entrance as you can see we are surrounded by the Tanuki statues the raccoon dog statues I just thought they were really funnyl looking and a little bit creepy but they are kind of like the Guardians that watch over and make sure that none of the bad spirits come into my Island let me get a better view yeah a little bit weird but I love them all right this was like kind of an early build for me I really loved like the very dramatic entrance with the water falls and all of the gold roses and so I just kept it and then we will cross over this bridge and we enter kind of the community Drago what are you thinking about and also with you okay and so yeah if we head here to the left we would get to the Community Center my flag my Island flag is a pow poo fruit from Kingdom Hearts okay so if we continue down this pathway we will get to my little shopping district so here I have the shop Nook cranny and the able sister shop and this is just like a little Pavilion I imagine it kind of to be like a like a European Parisian streets where there are just tables about and people are having their coffees for the day and just chatting I also put an ABD and a storage shed out here that way anytime I need to buy something in the shop or drop something off it is just really easy access for me I'm going to head back up this way we'll come down here some more flowers a filler and this first Beach is my Carnival my little Boardwalk Pier Carnival oh it I just love it it's really cute having the big inflatable elephant on righted on the shore I just imagine that she's you know dipping her feet in the water head this way and here is my flower garden I am very proud to say that I person personally grew every one of these flowers including the blue roses it was truly a labor of love this took me like a solid 30 40 days of real days I wasn't time traveling at all I was just playing every day every day to wake up and to not get a blue rose really just tore at my heart it was not it's not really fun I really loved it and it would it's just easier now to like find a flower and stick it in in an area and then get to duplicate it much easier once I have all the flowers in one place here we have this little Fountain Plaza with my money trees and let's head off this way just to see what's on this beach SpongeBob and Patrick of course they are my faves this beach is not very decorated but I do have just little tables and chairs with fruity drinks on them cas anybody wanted to relax we run up this way I have some of my turtle friends a little telescope my first Lighthouse I'm a little bit obsessed and then I have some of goar's items here just all the pirate items I just think they're really fun and cute all right so we'll cut back through here again this little picnic area a vending machine and we'll head up into my first villager cluster oh octavian's home all right so I themed his house because he's like that grumpy personality I just imagined him having a cabin that like had very little Electronics which just like in the middle of the woods he's here for like a writing Retreat to get away from the world so this is what I imagine it to be like like it's this part-time like summer cabin so most of the year it's empty and is very sparse um but when he's here he's really living up his life I also like to make my houses functional functional for their character so I always try to include a kitchen um of course their bed and and to make everything like accessible through walking so there's at least like two spaces between everything so you can walk around and interact with stuff all right cool we'll head this way this is flurry's house my newest villager is Maddie I just finished designing her house I actually just found her too really great this is pan and zel we'll go ahead and pop into their houses too but before we do I wanted to note that I've hidden the gnomes there's seven of them I think they're themed after the seven dwarves from Snow White but I have hidden them around my Island so in case you visit maybe you can find all of them but let's go into Pan's house pan pean pean pean it's pean O she's working out so her house is very chic I really wanted to do something with this blue wallpaper I thought it was so cool and elegant and theme everything around it so I got to use like the blue fabric on the Rattan bed and she has a little Clothing Rack where she can display all of her newest items she gets to use like the art deco coffee table which is really hard to style because you can only change the leg colors and I feel like it's hard to incorporate blue into like a more modern aesthetic but I really love this one I it was really out of my comfort zone to be so blue focused it's not really a color that I gravitate towards all right let's go over to zel's house oh he's crafting something thank you zel and also with you zel is definitely the cool guy and so I needed to give him the city bachelor pad highrise skyrise apartment so I got to use the uh Night cityscape wall gave him a really cool kitchen but I also wanted him to just have this bilard table and actually be able to walk all the way around it it took up a lot of space but I really like it it's really moody in [Music] here all right bye zel cool okay yay Flur home oh this is flor's house so I themed her house to be cream and blue themed a little bit wintry she's always in this really cute sweater so I thought it was just really cool to give her like some sewing supplies and like an old alarm clock oh it's so cute in here this piece of art that is winter and snow themed the cutest thing lots of embroidery and tapestry like handcrafted things such a cute house okay okay Maddie's home yay so this is the house I just finished designing I imagine that Maddie because she is the preppy personality that she would be a YouTuber or a vlogger or a streamer of some sign she obviously has a camera with a tripod on it she has a laptop so she can edit her videos or send them to her editor if she has one I kind of wish I had one to be honest I also imagine this to be like a like a tween to teenage girl's bedroom too so she still has her plushies because she can't let them go but she's also like not ashamed to have them like Plushies are great and cute and adorable but she also reads magazines and she has a cute kitchen but she doesn't really cook so she doesn't really use it it's not very well stocked she doesn't even have a fridge and of course like a little sink in manity area and a place to do her laundry but this space is mostly for sitting at vlogging with her cute little setup okay but let's move on to the top level of my Island which is my residence so I lied this is actually um my second character's residence I have it blocked off because it's not finished being designed yet but it's still here and it's still beautiful a Chic a little bit mysterious over on this side is my Force perspective Lighthouse and I remember when this concept first came out and it was just such a cool idea to put the lighthouse back there and then I got the little cars from linking with Animal Crossing pocket Camp the mobile game and I I really love it I just think it's so cute and this is also the area where I will go stargazing if there's a meteor shower I have very fond memories of inviting my friends over and we took pictures in this location it was just really special when we were just trying to like Farm everything about the game all right and then this is my gyroid garden this is not my idea I originally saw this in alista last video but she got this idea from another Creator and I just thought it was so cute it was really fun to look for all the gyroids I am unfortunately still missing two of them I just haven't been able to get them organically but I just like sitting here listening to stale cupcakes and watching the gyroids just sing along they're so cute this was a really weird spot so I actually have two seating areas for this [Music] but it's so peaceful all right let's keep going we come down this way and we are at my house oh hi Maddie I themed the entrance of my house to be like a Japanese garden so very open but still having lots of Nature and intentional places the rock garden with the sand designs and this area is actually themed from a temple that I visited while I was living in Japan they had the Red Bridge that led to an alter where you could pray and donate money and I wanted to include it somewhere on my Island and then I have the two Tori Gates here as well if we head this direction this is actually leading to my secret Beach here we go so y this is just my little little Pirate Cove for my pirate who is trying to sell US legal artworks counterfeit art okay now that we're here let's go inside my house so welcome to my house I'm really really really proud of how this house turned out it is so it feels super cozy to me it is very full I like to design houses that are kind of maximalist so there has to be things on the walls but I try to make it still feel balanced and the colors that I'm leaning into for my house are wood tones and yellows so oh no no please don't come in all right well you can be here flurry I guess I wanted to come into your house anyways this is my house I'm really proud of it it's really cozy I always like to include in my personal house I've always included a kotatsu because it is just the coziest thing and while I was living in Japan my apartment had a KATU and I just loved sitting there and doing everything oh see you later that was probably the shortest visit I've ever had probably because I didn't say anything katus I loved having a quatu especially in the winter time it was a really great way to save money and not turn on the heater because I could just turn the heater on underneath the table and sit under the blanket and be nice and toasty and I would literally do everything there I would do things on my laptop I would watch shows I would do my nails which is why there's a little nail kit there and obviously you need to have the stack of floor pillows so in case anybody comes over they have a place to sit on the floor but I also have a couch with a TV cuz I'm not a monster all right so let's head into this backro this back room is my bedroom very cozy again continuing with a very yellow theme lots of Art and things on the wall [Music] and I love a good board game so I had to have a little Board Game Spot and also a bookshelf this is also functional for me because this is the only wardrobe I think I have in my house so if I want to change my appearance or change my clothes it's I can literally just run into my bedroom and do that all right let's head back out okay let's head to the right welcome to my kitchen continuing with the yellow theme yellow appliances and I tried to use a lot of the fruit themed items so we have the Cherry speaker in the corner I think let's see I think up on the wall I have yes I have the orange clock and a lot of art on the walls still lots of plants and also lots of baked goods I really enjoy baking in my personal time I just have to have baked goods in my house like freshly baked bread and scones and pancakes and Crepes and of course a sand mixer and a rice cooker because rice is life all right running over to the left here is my office slash playroom my relaxation room my gaming room it's like kind of my G gaming room so I have a little cushion here the wall on this side is my manga bookshelf so again another place to just sit and read and be cozy but I also have my snack Corner over here with a mini fridge and snack shelves because snacks always and then my little arcade corner with the pinball machine gotcha machine and the claw machines and of course my gaming desk and gaming setup I was also able to get the sanria amiibo cards and I'm using a lot of the pom pom Pudin items as well as like the Hello Kitty and kopy posters too they're just they're just really cute oh I even have the pom PD in TV up here which I just think is so funny looking like in the Barbie movie they highlighted that Barbie used to have a TV in her back like this is what that reminds me of it it's just so funny of course got to have my Animal Crossing theme switch I actually don't have this in real life I thought of all about if I would want it but having a second switch kind of feels excessive to me right now but who knows I'll change my mind the switch 2 is coming out soon so all right now we'll go upstairs so this is my bathroom and it is themed off of a Japanese onen or Japanese hot spring while I was living in Japan I really loved going to onen and really got into the culture of it so I wanted to basically have a whole room that was and onen so on the left side here is the area where I would assume you would walk into it is the changing area there's a sink for you to like wash up and blow dry your hair a toilet of course a yucata sitting or like hanging on the wall then the center section is the washing area so before you enter the baths because it's a public bath you need to bathe first so that you were clean before entering the water so this is just the area for you to shower off wash your hair and then you would head to the outdoor area with the two different baths and look out onto the beautiful scenery I really miss going to the onent especially in the winter time it's really nice when the air is cold and dry and you go inside the onon and it's nice and steamy I put two beds here because typically if there are multiple baths at an onen they are at a different temperatures well the water is always hot but usually there's a hot and then a really hot temperature or sometimes it's like if there's even more baths than that they'll have like a cold bath that you can oscillate between like jump into the hot water bath for a couple minutes and then jump into the cold water bath and it is just supposed to be really good for your health but it's also just a really nice experience so I I really wanted to have an on SC and last but not least it's my basement which is my gaming and theater room so I kind of treat this like a movie theater so on this side of course we have our projector screen with the really nice comfy wide seats and the popcorn trays of course and then on this side we have the little snack bar again as you can see I love snacks I need them to be well stocked and in every room and then I have a little board game station I also am a big fan of board games I had one in the bedroom of this house and I just want to have friends over and do game nights and play board games with them and be stressed out because it's in the basement I really wanted to have it be orange but a little bit like warmer tone so this room is more orangey I liked the collage of KK albums that are orange some more orange lights and kind of yellow being the accent color instead of the primary color I imagine that poster of Jack is like a movie poster I haven't caught all of the bugs and and fish yet but once I do and get those posters they will be going up in here but for now it's just the fossils all right so that was my house tour and we should continue on with the rest of the island while the weather is still nice so we're actually going to not go down these stairs yet and go across this way Maddie please please okay cool this is just a little Bamboo Garden with all of the bamboo trees with wishes on them um I also wanted my Island to be fully functional for me to be able to catch everything this Pond here is actually a second story River so that I can catch the fish that you can only catch on like the higher Island tiers so this actually just leads down into I don't know if we can see it uh nope but just this little opening at the bottom is leading to a waterfall so this technically counts as a river so I can actually catch all the fish on my Island and not have to use no tickets to go to mystery islands and the little Tanuki statue hiding up back there so we've now entered my second villager area but first we'll head up to my campsite I'm really proud of this campsite too it feels really rugged to me but also still very well stocked because there are tents and sleeping bags and there's a picnic basket on this table and a board game of course because what else are you going to do at a campsite this is also where my rock garden is it was just nice to have all of my rocks in one place and also surround them with more rocks all right and now here's the second villager [Music] area okay let's go see this is Tia's house so a lot of the normal villagers Tia has a normal personality the count I've come up is like Grandma's to me and so I kind of gave her a old school like Grandma Chic house so the little reading Nook surrounded by bookshelves which I that is my dream I would love to have that uh not even like a real kitchen like literally a stove like a brick oven as the kitchen the old like antique wooden furniture a very proper like tea set and like teered cake stand all of the old art and it's just really it's really lovely I love it I love making my characters into [Music] Grandma's all right cool and now we'll head down this way let's see who else is home okay cool so Ana is home Ana has more of her traditional Japanese old house so she has the area to display things and then over on this side so she sleeps on a futon doesn't have a real bed has a koutatsu of course but it has like a nice a pretty large kitchen I would say like this whole area is dedicated to being a kitchen and of course this heater for warmth because Japanese houses especially old ones are not very well insulated so you need all the help you can get I know this isn't really Ana's personal style because her theming was Egyptian but I just think it's adorable we have time skipped to the late afternoon hopefully more of my villagers will be home so I can show you the inside whatever their H is Drago's not home oh but Whitney is okay o and she's crafting no that means we don't get to see the house in its Glory this is a shame we'll try again later she's still crafting she knows it oh my God Whitney we just want to tour your cute chic Brooklyn apartment like come on without you crafting you know there so much to ask for Oh yay okay so this is Whitney's house Whitney has that very chic Posh personality and so I wanted to give her a Chic Posh apartment this is definitely one of the designs I had the hardest time doing like I I had a hard time envisioning something for Whitney and then executing on it I wanted a modern blue themed but wasn't as blue as like pean's house still Chic they have the same personality type so I just wanted a different version of that like maybe like a sister design of that so this is what I came up with it's a little bit more bare a little bit more empty she kind of leans into a more minimalistic aesthetic everything has a purpose everything brings her Joy but that kind of fits Whitney's Vibe anyways okay I'm glad we got to see it for real but where my guy yes Dro we have made it inside Drago's house and he's crafting I'm really upset because this corner of his house is really cute and if he's crafting that means we don't get to see it okie dokie Drago is home let's hope he's not crafting if he was cooking that would be fine because he has a kitchen yay okay cool so we made it into Drago's house and I think Drago's house is one of my all-time favorites it was I think one of the first ones I redesigned too I said this in the beginning but Drago was one of my original five villagers and I loved his lazy personality he was such a goob to me but his house was just the generic wood house and it was just so sad to look at every time I walked in especially when you compare it to his default house like this house designed for him when 2.0 came out and The Happy Home Paradise DLC came out getting to redesign our Villagers houses I this was the first one that I did and I love it a lot he has a little Cricket in the corner as a buddy because he loves the bugs but he is a lazy villager so he has a kotatsu covered in snacks and a switch and a puzzle on the floor lots of pillows but he also you know has a little bed and a bug model and as a lazy villager he is always talking about food and cooking so I had to give him a little kitchen that is usable and I just imagine him like sitting here on the floor and playing his switch and just hanging out and he's singing but again leaning into an old Japanese house would look like with that tatami on the floor lots of bamboo everywhere greens typical Japanese furniture it's really nice okay let's go visit Antonio why are these people so averse to being in their houses I design them and spend all this time making them really cute and then they just don't want to be there when I want to be there oh Antonio is using his kitchen uh Antonio is an ante eater I wanted an ante eater on my Island because my University's mat Scot was an ante eater zot zot and he's also a jock the only jock on my Island so I had to give him a home gym because he needs a place to do all of his pull-ups you know he really needs to get those back gains and yeah I just think of it kind of like a boy apartment very uh functional a little bit messy but hey it has all the things that you need you know got the yoga mat got the protein powder of course but yes this is his his very Serene apartment I think it's really cute like every other house I make so let's head down this path so as you can see on the right side I have my little Library outdoor Library unfortunately you can't get in here to sit but it's the thought that counts you know and then on the left I have this Pond Garden I have the Kopi Lantern sitting in the water and this is also the diagonal if you were to fly to My Island this is what you would see so very quaint cute here's another Lantern and we'll keep heading down the path down here is my plant nursery kind of a little plant shop where you could pick up some plants I love having plants in my decor and putting them in villager houses and then the train cars this might be one of my oldest builds once I collected all four of them and this was before the 2.0 update where you could get any of the versions from Bree I was just so excited that I actually managed to get all four of these that I put them on display right away I just had to we keep going down there's some beastro tables as well as my bakery I loved that the 2.0 update came with all of the different food and cooking and I just honestly snack bread is my favorite like who thought of Po putting little smiley faces on those little guys they're adorable and finally we have my ceramic Studio I just thought it was cute there are so many different like clay things like this little dyo that you can make so I just felt compelled to include a ceramic studio and play with Clay here we have my neon beach again this is a very old build before you could get every customization if you had one of the items so the fact that I was able to well the palm tree lamp is a craftable item but the ice cream cone lamps and the diner neon signs oh I I like really did lots of catalog Pary with my friends to be able to get all these items and I just think it's really funky and cool we'll go ahead and check out the we'll go back up and check out the rest of this beach so I have some of the space items here like the UFO and a volleyball net just to fill up the space and then out over there I have some more of the space things and another Lighthouse because because again I am obsessed I don't know what these flowers are called I forgot but um I just wanted a place to put all of them for getting a festar island and then here in the back is my iridescent shell little Cove I just thought it was really cute and I wanted to put these items out on display plus I had the weird Peninsula that was so close to this little narrow strip of beach that it was a very small area to decorate anyways all right so we'll head back down the path and head to the left and this is my museum I themed my museum area I had seen pictures of people doing like a sunken area of a museum but I didn't have enough space to like build up Cliffs and instead I decided to theme it based off of the museums that I like visiting here in SoCal so there's LACMA and theti and they just have these really interesting plazas that lead up into the museum itself so I wanted this nice flat open space and in the front of the museum I have this pool of art some of it is like guler's gifts once you save him but some of it's also just like the failed fake art that you get from Red I bought them and I still wanted to display them so I figured why not put it here since I already spent the money and then here on this my last Beach I have some more art that just was not able to get donated as well as some food because I have just a cute little eating area right here on the beach and I know this logically doesn't make any sense to like like to have katus on the beach like covered in sand but I just thought it was really really quaint and cute and it would be a very unique experience to have I've never seen this in real life though okay and we're almost back to the front of my Island but we have a couple more areas to go visit so if we head this way this bridge heads back to the airport and then we're back at the Community Center and we'll head back up this way cross over this bridge and we'll head this way first so this is my farm uh it's a very big farm I actually don't need this much produce but I themed it based off of the views that I saw while I was living in Japan I lived out in the countryside where the primary form of work was Agriculture and this is this is what the Farms look like they were usually placed in valleys because it was still quite a mountainous area and they were just irrigation lines and these nice like flat Farms over on this side is another outdoor onen I could not help myself and I also just finished this build I had this big open space that was this awkward triangular shape and I didn't know what to do with it so I put another on in here but I think it came out really well and I think it's an example of how my style has changed and I'm trying to make my outdoor designs more organic looking a lot more layered with different trees at different growth stages even just a combination of normal trees and pine trees and bamboo I I'm really proud of this build too it feels very wild but if we head up this diagonal path we'll head back to this villager area and if we head this way up the big path then we'll also get to the double staircase leading back to my house but there's actually one more area that I haven't shown you yet and it's kind of a secret I think if you were running around you wouldn't think that you could get to this area so let's head over there now from the community center if we headed this way there's behind the shops there is this path with trees fruit trees and if you head just behind the trees you would get to My Secret pink Garden I just really wanted to play again with terraforming and play with all of the beautiful pink flowers that there are and also get to have a place to put this giant Pink Panda because hello it is freaking cute and I have a moon up there it's so so cool it's really nice in night time to just watch it it's glowing and rotating but there's actually a continuation if you can see so we're going to head up and finish the video over there starting from my house if you head to the left and in front of the Gyro Garden you will get to the other entrance of the second level of this Garden which is this little cute picnic area and I just think it's so adorable here and that is the end of this animal Crossing tour I really hope you enjoyed running around with me and following me across my Island again I'm just really proud of all of the work that I've done on this island and I can confidently say for the first time since starting this game that my island is finished I have decorated everything in every area that I've wanted to it really feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders to say that my island is finished thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in another video bye
Channel: Chelsea
Views: 79,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KCdgH6GjLmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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