A Technique To Survive Pawn Storms On Your King

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hey guys today i want to show you a game that i just played which has a really interesting lesson to be learned about how to defend your king when it's being attacked by a pawn storm so in this game i actually castled kingside my opponent castled queen side so we had opposite side castling and then my opponent attacked me with a pawn storm i was kind of trying to attack over on this side but i ended up having to defend my king and i want to show you some of the techniques involved there and one in particular and there was also a really nice tactic which i actually missed in this game that my opponent could have done but he didn't see it and i'm gonna give you guys a chance to find that as well so i think you're gonna learn something and enjoy this game let's take a look all right so here we go d4 knight of six so i decided to um not play the england gamut this time and go for the king's indian which is a more solid approach plays f3 right away i probably should have played d5 um just because i had the option to shut down e4 but i was moving real quickly and i wasn't expecting this and i think i had maybe pre-moved g6 or something so um we ended up transposing into a samish now the normal way that we would have gotten to this position would be if white started with d4 c4 knight c3 e4 and then played f3 right my opponent obviously did f3 first it doesn't really matter we get the same position i think it's it's worse for white this way because i could have prevented it with d5 but in this case we end up just going to the king's indian samish so i castled bishop e3 i played e5 this is kind of the main line here and i was hoping for d5 not not really hoping i was expecting d5 d5 is the more common move um this is also a version um against d5 there's a line that i haven't really gotten to play too often but it's basically knight h5 setting up the queen check most people play queen d2 and you can play queen h4 check and after g3 it looks like you're able to take this because you've got the pin on the rook which is what i would would have done but after queen of two now it's actually my queen that's pinned and so when you go into this line you have to be willing to sacrifice your queen which i was i was going to take on f1 allow the queen capture take the bishop so you get two bishops um in a couple pawns because i'm actually going to get uh this pawn right because white has to stop the fork here so probably something like queen f2 and take the boss you get two bishops and two pawns for the queen so it's very interesting position supposedly better for white according to the engine but i think it's hard for white to play because there's not a lot of weaknesses and you do have these two bishops which is not going to be easy for the queen to deal with anyway it looks like a lot of fun i haven't got a chance to play it often but i was hoping for that this game didn't happen when it played knight g to e2 instead okay so i didn't i couldn't remember the theory here i didn't remember what i was supposed to play i looked back at my notes and i had like e takes d4 but i just played knight c6 it seemed like a good developing move then i took it and traded the knight developed the bishop and here we go so now we see castle's queen side i'm over here so most of the time when this happens especially in samish where the pawns on f3 white is set up for an attack on the king side i knew that and so i said okay let's go ahead and start some operations on the queen side this is kind of what you want to do opponent wanted to get out of this i believe there could be some lines where the you know the bishop can end up going there and so that was probably a smart decision b5 so if you count the pieces here i'm actually losing a pawn i don't really care because what i would like to do is open up the diagonal and open up the files for my pieces so i can attack the king a pawn probably isn't going to matter in this game most likely it's going to come down to something bigger than that checkmate or a big um you know big blunder or something so b5 sacrificing the pawn opponent didn't take it played knight to d5 which i think was a smart decision i think because if you if you look at this position after like takes takes takes um now it's it's really dangerous for for white and i'm gonna be able to bring my queen over push this pawn probably bring the queen maybe here and this rook over it's gonna be hard for um for white to defend that both of my bishops are aiming that way you know so anyway that's what i was going for didn't happen um like i said knight to d5 okay what did i play here i traded some stuff i think yeah we got some trades h4 okay h5 i wanted to slow down the attack here i don't want to just let that pawn come in and open up the h vowel right away but now g4 happens and now i have to kind of decide what am i going to do here right of course you know this is a free pawn but the issue is if i take it white's probably going to just ignore that and push this pawn and get ready to open up the rook the queen's going to come in and it gets very scary so i invite you guys if you'd like to pause and try to think about this position but how would you defend yourself in this position so if white just played g4 it's your move and what would you play all right well if you've had a chance to look at that um the move that i actually played was h takes g4 so i know i just said what about h5 right well that's what my opponent played um and the reason that i did this is because of this little idea right and so again if you want to pause here's another opportunity it's kind of the same question as before but you want to move you know further along what do you think i played here and if you had a chance to look at that the move is g5 and it's kind of a weird move at first it's like well you've got so many things you could take or you could take this you could take this you could do something else why are we pushing the pawn and the main idea the main idea is we want to keep this rook away from our king okay rooks are very powerful pieces and if you pair that with a queen there's going to be all sorts of checkmate opportunities for white i don't want to allow that rook in to get into the game and affect my king right and if i if i take well guess what the works involved and i'm losing it's over for me okay so that's one thing if i let's just say take here guess what the work's involved again and again it's not going to be good news for me right so the reason we push is because this pawn is now not able to be traded off and that's the key the key point here right we don't want that pawn traded because it blocks the rook rooks can't go through their own pieces so i'm actually perfectly safe as long as i don't take that pawn right now i say that but i actually did find a way to mess this up and i'll give you guys i'll show you that in just a second here so h6 and here is where i made my big blunder so i captured here i thought to myself hey it's a free pawn if he pushes i'm going to move my king and that's what i wanted but this was a really bad move and so i'll give you guys a chance what do you think white could have played here to win the game basically immediately and i completely missed this move if you want to pause and try to find it all right well if you had a chance to look at that the move is actually queen takes g5 check it's an amazing queen sacrifice and the point is that if i take it this is just made in one just checkmate with a pawn just like that uh it's pretty amazing right so that's the idea which means i can't take the queen which means i have to move my king if i go to h8 it's mate and three so look at this one check takes takes i have to go here and mate with the rook another really nice mate again with the queen sacrifice so going back here i would have to go to h7 and looks like i can survive a little bit longer but it's bad news queen takes f6 i have to play rook to g8 and i just come out losing a bunch of material we get this position where i'm just down am i down working a bishop completely lost and completely lost so that's what my opponent had they didn't see it i didn't see it um they played h7 check so what i should have done instead of taking that is i should have blockaded the pawn right away t87 that's what i needed to play and notice how the rook can't get to my king which was my idea um i just thought i was gonna have time to do it later because i missed the the queen sacrifice right but this is what i should have done i was a little bit concerned about this diagonal too but it turns out it's actually just fine so that's the idea okay i took uh opponent missed that played h7 and then king h8 okay so at this point i'm winning again okay that was white's sort of one chance to win this attack to make this attack work and they missed it um and now my king is totally safe right this pawn is not going anywhere which means this rook is never going to be able to attack my king along this file until i'm ready once maybe some things get traded and i'm ready i can bring my rook around and capture that pawn later okay so this is the idea that i want you guys to remember when you're defending against a pawn storm sometimes if you can push your pawn by leave that age pawn and it prevents the rook from coming in you're going to be good right it's okay so that's what happened brook came down here created some things i just blocked off that diagonal it looks a little scary but i'm actually totally fine everything's defended and like i said i don't have to worry about the rook so we traded some stuff here i just brought my queen over to sort of help out some more put some pressure on the rook and there was one more little tricky moment here so i set a trap right here opponent did not see it and played this move and now i invite you guys if you want to pause what did i play here and why if you had a chance to look at that the move is rook to a5 and the point is that we've got a discovered check on the king which means we can move this rook wherever we want it puts the king in check and so i'm going to move the rook here because it attacks the queen the only way that the queen could stop the check would be to come back to d3 but that's undefended and we can just take it so white has to lose the queen basically and yes they're able to get uh excuse me yes they can get my queen back but i'm still going to get a rook so i'm still going to be up a rook and a bunch of pawns and it's just over quite a few more moves and an opponent resigned here so uh going back the key takeaway and this is what i want you guys to remember when you were facing a pawn storm right so we go all the way back to you know right around here i think is when some people start to sort of fall apart a little bit so h5 um i you know i wanted to slow down the attack but i also saw the idea of takes takes here and g5 right so keep that in your mind if you can push by leave the pawn and then tuck your king somewhere in front of the pawn and just leave it there it blocks off the rook that's the key idea that you want to take away it looks different in every game it's not going to be the exact same position as this most likely but it is an idea that you want to think about and see if it it could work okay because a lot of times that will save you when you're you're being attacked so hopefully you learned something from that game and enjoyed that one and i will talk to you guys [Music]
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 71,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Id: OtFQhd-pSZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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