a sunny few days in paris

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[Music] foreign [Music] a little bit lit but I wanted to show you before we left because I'm gonna go get a haircut and we got to see the before this is what we're working with just gonna finish my coffee then we're gonna go we're gonna be transformed for the summer time short I say Cora okay foreign [Music] [Music] let's go crazy feeling fresh also the Sun his art and I'm going to meet Lola Leia later and I think Esther we're gonna go for the park for a little picnic at Park monster and in the meantime I'm just going to do some work do some editing and clean because foreign [Music] are these shorts kind of see-through I can't tell I'm also like a top heavy person like my legs don't get cold easily but I always get cold on the top so I'm gonna put on a jumper maybe bring a jacket in case it gets colder there this almost happens whenever I don't know what to wear I'm going to tell you that up later I'm bringing picnic blanket and then we're gonna pick up some snacks from the supermarket and head over [Music] foreign [Music] vanilla strawberry chocolate and vanilla raspberry oh my God that is incredible that is so young um [Music] nearly finished all the cake the mess they were so good I've never seen them [Music] hey it looks good this evening I just made some soba noodles and veggies and of course air fried tofu just cooking some dinner and then we're going out this evening going to little Soiree so maybe we can like get ready together I do like the whole get rid of me kind of Chatty look how cute you are thank you wait honey we agreed no [Music] dinner on the floor every evening it was a bed a night to table haven't done like a little sit down get ready with me in a hot minute I'm kind of nervous because tonight is my first Soiree party uh since I decided to try being sober so it was such a bad word I'm just trying to cut on drinking and I said in my last video that I'm going to try and like not drink until my birthday which is the end of June so it's not even really that long it's like a month and a half it's just when the weather is this nice and Tara's Vibe is such a thing here it's so easy to just drink every single day you know we're just gonna try it out and see how it goes it's not like I need to have alcohol to have a good time I think sometimes I just get nervous and you know a glass of Prosecco or a cocktail when you enter a room you don't know everyone there can really help but luckily tonight I am gonna know like a good few people so it's not like I need to come any nerves am I for my face I'm mixing this super good glow screen with a little bit of the Dior backstage I love this Foundation I guess I'm gonna be ordering sparkling water or Coke Zero tonight and we'll see how it goes I hate waking up and feeling hungover feeling like anxious from the night before so if drinking less will help that which it definitely will um then I'm more than happy to give it a go I need to learn how to say no that's the thing I'm so bad at not saying no like I'm a people pleaser I feel like this would be a good mental exercise for me in saying no even if it's just like alcohol might be good for other things I'm using this bronzer from Hermes the plan airs to have I really really like it normally I just use the glossier liquid one but I feel like the powder is good I think I'm gonna keep my hair up as well I'll maybe do like a a more styled messy ponytail a messy bun this is the dress that I'm wearing tonight you can't really tell but I'll put it on it's gorgeous it's hand knitted um it's from rent Club who's hosting the little party and then those little skirt so we're gonna try and put it on I think it's gonna be kind of complicated because all of these have to like crisscross in the back the dress took me so much longer than I thought to put on edited myself and I don't think I tied it in the right way but I'll see if I can film some bits there but slime [Music] oh [Music] [Music] to a very feet desert [Music] approach which is very exciting um uh before he comes and then later this evening we're gonna do a little picnic by the sand and watch the sunset this is like the week epic next like the weather is finally turned summer is here it's hot eye and the best thing to do is be outside it is a bank holiday here so we're gonna see what belong various participates are open and then go to Monopoly maybe get some picnic supplies oh no four minutes [Music] and I'm dressed like a little boy where eucalyptus um we've got some flowers there's no encountered a little bit of an issue because a lot of the belangeries are closed for the bank holiday so the cake Hunt is not going as smooth as I predicted serve a few more to try [Music] for an anniversary [Applause] good morning going to the gym I'm still like half asleep but let's go get our steps in do your little workout dear silly little workout together and then I'm going to come back and clean my apartment okay [Music] this morning I went to the gym I went to the laundromat to do my sheets um and yeah because it's the start of the month I want to do some journaling to set my intentions for June for June I am baffled by Holly quickly this year is going things are moving quickly and sometimes I just don't feel like ready for things to move and it's June um which kind of marks like five nearly five months in Paris best decision of my life here's my little spread for the month you can do this for any month any week it doesn't have to have a specific time frame which starting off with key events for the month because June is going to be a busy one I have a lot of friends staying um events happening in Paris and it's also my birthday month and then we have three main goals for June so I'm gonna think about those I know one of them is to and stay sober or I want to feel and then my ins and outs for the month so like things that are bringing energy and things that are just like not a great Vibe okay we're gonna go to the park enjoy the Sun a bit it's been so difficult not to spend every single waking moment outside because it's just been completely loose guys um bringing water picnic blanket of course very important uv's High sunscreen I have this one from supergoop it's like a spray which is really nice and then I'm bringing my books I reread bonjour bonjours by Francois Saga I read this maybe like four or five years ago but decided to reread it because I have the French version and it's quite like a nice short pretty simple language so I just finished reading the English and now I'm gonna get started on the French and I have a little notebook to write down all the vocabulary of new words and yeah obviously sunglasses okay today we're reading [Music] sorry [Music] I was just making myself a little solid and the postman came with this huge box um I think it's my rug you're doing very very excited about it I'm very scared because I'm kind of a clumsy girl and I ordered a white rug thank you [Music] oh it's huge guys wow okay I did measure but everything always looks so much bigger in person this is the one that I got it's by Nordic notes such a lovely company like everything was so easy and this came so quickly either I put it underneath my bed and have it kind of like peeking out or I put it here and cover the living area but I really like the wood floors and I think it would be really annoying having guests over and like having just them not online to be on the rag let me know what you think we're gonna deal with the work situation later but I'm just gonna eat my salad it's not super exciting I just have some egg and sweet corn cucumber carrot and then I did a hummus mustard honey dressing which I feel like a dressing makes a salad 100 this afternoon I could lay outside for ours it's so beautiful I really shouldn't so I'm gonna go to the museum there's a dega Monet no dega Mane exhibit that I've been wanting to see and then this evening I'm going to see a tennis match I've never seen the tennis match before I'm going with I'm wearing those shorts the cost is sporty and Rich and then with them they invited me um so I'm very excited it's the French Open I don't know anyone there and I'm kind of nervous for that um but it could be okay I'll just try and talk to some people and there's another girl from my agency going so I'm sure she'll be nice um I just gotta watch the tennis [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like that again [Music] guys this always happens to me I get home and then I realize I have like 10 minutes to get ready I will show you what I'm wearing in a second but I'm just gonna quickly put on some makeup the match starts at half eight but we have like a little dinner I think before I literally just eat it because sometimes I don't know that much about tennis I would just like watch The Wimbledon when my mom was in labor with me I think the Wimbledon was actually on and she was watching it while she was like piercing the hospital floor so she was very excited for me okay I'm gonna finish this quick thing okay oh my God my drive is here but okay I'm wearing the shorts for this boarding Ranch Lacoste Club look at these key socks that I bought today I'm just I'm wearing jeans a white shirt but we gotta go listen see defeat oh the Coca-Cola this is perfect wow that sounds so much better whenever you said foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ERS for supporting this Channel and also for helping so many of you with your projects and businesses if you don't know Squarespace is an all-in-one website platform created to help you stand out and succeed online whether you're just starting out with a personal blog you want to create an online portfolio for your artery photography or you're growing your business Squarespace have all the tools to help support me along the way you can get started with one of their professional website templates and completely customize it to fit whatever your needs are adding in your own content and features to really help 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Channel: moya mawhinney
Views: 322,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DWnyKQ_03xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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