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there nothing in the world more beautiful than falling in love but Falling in Love for the right reasons falling in love for the right purpose falling in love falling in love when you fall in [Music] love what is that to compromise [Music] about hey guys it is it is deer [Music] day I just finished attempting to fix my hair I think it could have gone worse so I'm not not mad about it um first up I'm I'm so excited we're going to Dior show it will be uh spring summer 24 it's in the tulies and it's at 2:30 and it is 10: to 12 so I feel like we have a little bit of time I really love the outfit that I picked out it's a lot more simple than last year's one it's like say long skirt this like kind of tailor little puffet coat super cute but for the makeup I'm taking inspo from the pre collection they don't have any detail shots but they did like really dark smokey eyes I honestly can't remember the last time I did a smokey eye so I hope this goes well a huge thank you to deina and dwe and Virgil and the whole team at Dior for having me I'm so excited well we're doing it now I promise this has potential we're moving on to the fist because the ey Shadow is going to go over the foundation a little bit for primer I'm using the forever gloal I normally don't use primer but because I want my makeup to stay on for the next few hours necessary you guys know my favorite Foundation is the backstage face and body in 3.5 this kind of fit me more whenever I was tanned so I also got 3 n I'm going to mix these two with of course oio future suar use a tiny bit of concealer under my eyes I have the Dior back sage in 3C probably should have done this before the ey Shadow you live and you [Music] learn asy came over to help me take some photos I think they're going to turn out really good we took some p wordss and I'm just going to pack my bag and we're ready to go go on the Metro okay I'm like nervous excited okay bye I don't know anyone we're feeling a little bit awkward maybe I need to see I'm just going to go around this side and we're sweating but we're very excited the the lights are really intense I know and it's very interesting as in um I don't know what we're expecting so you know the inspiration is a witch so today is all about like spiritual yeah that kind of stuff witchy girl September witchy girl October it's going to be wiy season [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] so antim kardi really AE when he was like nobody wanted [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi guys it's Thursday today I had a pretty chill day yesterday I didn't film um but today there's a road dinner at shatu vter which is like one of the prettiest locations I think yie YY Bieber is going to be there I I'm not sure if I'll get Star Struck she's gorgeous I think I just have a huge girl crush on her but we're going to get ready for that I have a few little like cocktails before and my outfit for tonight hasn't arrived um so I yeah I've been trying really hard to not drink so much maybe do like two three drinks and then stick to water when I was out last night when Dei was DJing that was super cute um but I was drinking Sparkling Water by the end of the night and I think I'm getting better at saying no little bit of a wardrobe minor crisis it's not it's not even crisis because I feel very privileged s lauron were loaning me a gorgeous dress to wear tonight I tried it on and it is way too big for me tried to make it work with pins I could show you it on it's basically like this beautiful like one shorer long sleeve stunning stunning would look amazing on someone who's taller and I think it's also just a size too big so we're going to have to go with a different option however they sent me these shoes to wear and they're phenomenal and they fit I don't know if I'm going to walk in those okay black dress turned into a white tank top blazer blue jeans she is a basic girl but I have the heels on I have this gorgeous stunning bag and we're going to run so beautiful I think there's nothing in the world more beautiful than falling in love but Falling in Love for the right reasons falling in love for the right purpose falling in love falling in love when you fall in [Music] love what is that to compromise about yeah Under [Music] Pressure I have to tell you something [Music] but how's the weather maybe you'll just keep [Music] staring I must admit I loved you for a long time I never thought I get to say your old mind that never cross my mind yeah then never cross my mind but now I don't know I want to go I want to go I don't want to go out but I like want to go to like in my head I'm like oh I have so much I want to go out it's aomo it's a Pomo thing I just wish it didn't start at midnight like fours I know hello sorry but we going to go party it's a cherry it's a cherry covered in [Music] [Music] City yum y y hi you want to see yeah maybe otherwi you get my double chin oh oh wait actually it's not that bad so cute I thought I had to go to the camera level hi got some match up I'm trying to zoom in but I can't do it with one hand that's the two uh or the three fun hey guys it's like we're do a little sleepover podcast episode been a few days the introvert is back in her natural habitat I think well I'm definitely an extroverted introvert like I can put myself in social situations at the end of the day I do just really want to be back in my own space or with my like close friends so after last week we're feeling a little bit a little bit deflet a little bit tired and also I think I'm starting my cycle next week and I always get preperiod sadness and it surprises me every single month I'm like why am I feeling so sad and so negative and then I realized it's because of my period and then I'm fine after that and then the next month comes around and it's the exact same thing and I I am still shocked so maybe I have some heightened feelings right now but I did just want to do a little catch up I was going through some of the videos on my phone and on my computer from what I shot during Fashion Week I didn't really film any of the like in between moments feel like no matter how hard I try to edit it well it's just going to come across a little bit like a highlight reel which I guess it was it really was like the highlights of that week but there was also like low points that I do want to share because that's life it's been a few days since everyone has basically left Paris who has come here for Fashion Week it's obviously like so cool and exciting to have so many people in the city you feel feel the energy you know via social media like what celebrities what influencers what like industry people are all in the city and they're all doing everything I still get so much I don't even know the word is imposter syndrome I still get so much imposter Syndrome from that especially whenever I go to things on my own I'm like why am I here like why do they want me or I shouldn't be here regardless of this concept of like fashion week I think there are are times for everyone where you get heightened senses of like insecurity or like fomo or jealousy I don't know maybe like during summer when you see everyone in your year going off on these like different holidays or like some people are in relationships and look so happy and you want to be in a relationship I think everyone has these times where they feel these more negative emotions and it's not necessarily a bad thing I think Lexi talked about it in a podcast where where she said that like jealousy can actually be productive because it points towards what you kind of want out of life or feel like is missing in your life I guess it can be a good thing to try and turn this more negative emotion into something I guess a little bit more positive I don't know I feel really really grateful for all the people I was able to work with last week and all the amazing Brands and what I've realized is that I just really want to hone in on certain brands that really resonate with me and that I'm excited to work with and that is my like fashion adjacent part I'm not going to be like a fashion influencer you guys even though I did start I feel like my YouTube career started with that like one video of all my Aesthetics that I filmed in quarantine it's probably so cringe I don't even want to think about it but I remember filming that video and it was my my first video that like did well and thinking oh my gosh like people are going to want more fashion videos more lookbooks but that is literally all the clothes that I own my style has definitely changed since then anyway I'm going to start editing this video but I'm actually going to Scotland sany who was in my second Greece video is getting married going with ls and Alex I'm so excited to see them as well and it's back in Glend such a beautiful place and I don't know I think it'll be a nice change of scenery to get back into nature for a little bit so maybe I'll Vlog a few clips from that anyway I should probably end this little late night chat here but I hope I hope that like Ed off some of those Fashion Week Clips a little bit more thank you endlessly and lissy for all your support it means so much I know especially whenever I meet you guys in real life you're always so cool and I just feel so blessed to have such cool people paying attention to me I think I'm going to watch the new backham documentary on Netflix on my projector okay good [Music] night the [Music] option
Channel: moya mawhinney
Views: 196,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m-z81T46W4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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