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okay hi guys welcome back to another video today um sorry I'm going to talk while I make my tea I'm going to multitask today um I decided that I'm going to take a big long walk by myself because the sun's out I've got nothing else to do and I thought it' be fun to film so I'm going to make myself a flask of tea and then I'm going to get on my way the walk that I'm going to do um I've never done completely on my own before so I'm slightly scared I'm going to get lost but my mom's driving me like halfway up the mountain because um it's a really Steep Hill the first part and I don't really want to do that in the Sun but then there's another Hill to the top so I'm kind of cheating but yeah I did a video similar to this um two years ago now um my spending time alone video and I talked about how much I liked walking on my own and doing stuff on my own so I thought I'd do a similar video like that because I haven't actually been on like a really long walk by myself for a while I'm going to bring a flask of tea and maybe some snacks and yeah I think it should be [Music] nice okay I've got my flask of tea made and I can't find the cups at the camping cups so I might I just have to bring a normal mug which is scary but hopefully it doesn't smash I don't know what to wear on this walk cuz I don't know how cold or how warm it is outside and I'm going to be climbing up a hill so I think I might just bring like an extra layer maybe because when I get to the top of the mountain it is really windy but I'm excited I feel like this is a nice thing to do with my days I was actually going to go this morning at like 700 in the morning um my mom was going to drive me up then um to like halfway up the mountain then um but when she tried to wake me up this morning was like no I can't so now it's like 12:00 but it's still going to be a nice walk I think I might actually make some sandwiches to bring with me um because I've just realized the time it's like nearly lunchtime so I feel like I'm going to get hungry while I'm up there I'm going to make some tun sandwiches might be a rogue decision I know I love I love gam sandwiches so [Music] okay just dropped me off walking up the first tail of many so I'll go back to you when I get to the top but it's such a nice day this has made me realize that I'm actually quite unfit cuz walking up that hill just killed me off sorry I just had to sit down yeah it's a lot hotter than I thought it was going to be today so I'm a little bit scared that I'm going to get sunburn but this is like a good 2hour round walk that I'm doing [Music] okay the view is already looking really nice thing that my dad used to make us do which was to not look back until I got to the top and then see the view when I get to the top so I'm going to do that I didn't expect it to be so hot stupidly it's literally may but I think I prefer long walks in Winter that's one thing I like about winter because I am boiling right now I should have wore shorts but it's fine I'm having a nice time there really nice fuse around here so nearly at the [Music] top okay when I get to that gate I'm going to turn around and see the view I've seen this view a million times before so I don't know why this is a big de but oh worth it every time [Music] that is beautiful okay I might have a little break here I haven't got that much further to climb actually but that was a lot harder than I thought it was going to [Music] be I'm nearly at the top but I thought I'd talk and film here for a bit because it's literally not Soul around and I'm scared there'll be people right at the top because it is a really like like vaguely popular walking spot but doing things like this really reminds me of when I was a kid I used to come up here a lot when I was a kid that's one thing but also like I feel like I've slightly lost my like sense of like Adventure I mean I haven't because I haven't actually but when I was a kid all I did was like go outside barefoot like run around with my neighbor Charlie like that's all all I did and doing things like this reminds me that I'm like still that person I guess that sounds so cringe but yeah I really like this side of me like the side that's just decided to just randomly go on a walk by herself um um I might have a little cup of tea here I didn't think I'd want one because I was sweating on the way up but think I'm going to have a little one this is definitely the best part about being home from uni like there's literally not a person in sight right now probably is cuz it's the middle of the day and people are working but still like even on a normal day there's like hardly anyone in this area one thing I have found about being home which I didn't think would be a problem is how much how much I'm used to like having my own independence and how going from living on your own to then living with your parents again is such a weird adjustment like I feel like me and my mom didn't used to argue as much as we do now because obviously she's my parent so she feels feels like she you know she's in charge of me and when I used to live at home before I went to UNI and she'd tell me what to do I didn't mind I was like yeah okay I'll do it but now I'm like more independent um there's been like a clash of like I don't know it's just a weird it's just a weird thing to get used to like from being so independent to then living in the same house as your parents again it's just really weird to get used to but don't get me wrong when I'm at Uni I miss home and I miss like the home Comforts and I miss miss my parents I miss the Simplicity of living with my parents and like them kind of helping me out with things but I do like my own independence as well at Uni that's probably one of my favorite things I found in first year um is I'm really liking the independence cuz when I'm at home I can't drive I'm still not passed my driving test which is something I really need to get on with but I don't think I said I passed my theory finally I don't know if anyone any of you remember how many times I failed my theory but I finally passed it so I just need to pass my test but obviously I'm going to America and then I'm going to be in uni again so I haven't had time to have any more driving lessons so when I'm at home I rely on my parents so much um than when I'm at Uni because when I'm at Uni obviously I'm in the city so I can get my own way around places but even like going to my friend's house I have to ask my parents for a lift um which makes me feel so young it makes me feel like I'm 16 again living at home because obviously I I live in such a rural place as you can see so even like hanging out with my friends requires me to rely on people for lifts so that's another thing that I found Difficult about being home but yeah when I'm in the city there's Ubers and there's buses and trains um and trams that I can get places like by so yeah that's one thing I found weird like I feel like I'm just relying on people a lot when I'm at home um so I do need to get cracking on with my driving yeah that's one I found but this is the best part about being home I just find in Manchester there's not many places I can go and feel like I can just sit completely on my own with my thoughts I mean there was like a park near my student accommodation last year um but it was always busy like there was always people there and it was a nice place to sit because it was in nature anyway I'm going to stop waffling and I'm going to continue with my walk I'm getting hungry now so my sandwich will be a nice treat when I get to the top I could literally sit here all [Music] day okay I've carried on a little bit I've actually put a jumper on because it's actually getting a bit cold the further up the mountain I go the clouds have gone a little bit gray so I'm kind of concerned it's going to rain which will be such a plot twist of the video I'm going to continue up probably another 5 minutes um and then I'll be at the top [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I've made it to the top and to a normal person this is going to sound crazy but I actually feel like I could cry I think I am a bit hormonal at the moment um but it's just so pretty up here and I'm having such a nice day that I feel like I could cry which is a crazy statement maybe I am hormonal anyway I'm going to eat my sandwiches and then head back down but I don't want to head back down I don't want to go home and there's literally no one here I mean it's kind of creepy but there's no one here I literally feel like that one unemployed friend on a Friday at half three because everyone's probably at work but anyway I'm very happy these the happy tears don't get me wrong but yeah I just got like tears in my eyes as I was walking up [Music] here I do feel like I'm at quite like an in between stage of my life right now um if that makes sense to anyone like 19 is such a weird age because it's not an important age really but so much changes in compared to 18 I like a completely different person that sounds stupid but I feel like I know a lot more about myself um at 19 rather than 18 I do feel like I'm a quite in between stage of life right now before uni you had a set plan during uni is like the last time that you have like education and then it's the real world which scares me a little bit but obviously I've got two more years left uni yet but yeah I do feel like I'm in an in between stage right now um like I don't really know what I'm doing with my life but I feel like I need to know at this point if that makes sense one thing I do know is that I love making videos and I don't think I'm going to stop that anytime soon I did go through a bit of a time where I felt like stopping making videos I'm not going to um I felt like I was just running out of ideas and my videos are boring the reason I started this was just to show a normal person's life like this is just I'm not anything special this is just that's sound so picnic I didn't mean it like that but like I'm just a normal 19-year-old girl it's nice to share moments like this because this is like a really good day in my life um and I have got exciting things coming up like America and second year of uni and all that um I'm actually planning on doing a little bit more traveling after America this time thinking about going to Canada um I'm pretty sure I am going to to Canada with my friend Izzy so I will be filming that as well I I've always wanted to go to Canada so that's something I'm really really looking forward to this year but yeah I do feel like 19 is a weird age 18 is like you know what you're doing or you're not expected to know what you're doing but you kind of do if that makes sense but 19 I feel like I'm expected to know what to do with my life I'm probably not it's probably in my head but I don't know [Music] so my mom is kindly picking me up um because I'm quite cold now um but I've had such a nice time I've literally seen one other person since being here which was just then um it was just a man on his own I'm really excited to get back into my warm bed and have a cup tea and watch some Netflix I'm re-watching a typical right now which I haven't watched like since it came out I've just finished Desperate Housewives but I might rewatch it as well yeah I've had a great day [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi guys okay I don't know how but I've lost the outro to this video so it's a few days later while I'm editing it um yeah that's where I'm going to end today's video hopefully you've enjoyed um me going on a random walk um very sorry about the audio in the last couple Clips I didn't realize how windy it was up there until I watched back those videos but yeah I hope you've all enjoyed enjoyed and hope you're all having a great day or night whatever time it is where you are and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: carys rachel
Views: 22,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tTSIcXqOp7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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