A Star Is Born | Movie Review | MovieBitches Ep 206

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[Music] ears welcome to movie [ __ ] of some 206 today were reviewing a star is born [Music] first things first shadow to our wine sponsor wink try wink calm / move [ __ ] you get $20 off your first month wine actually I like this one I'm glad you do because this is a special one that they have for like they're focusing on for the month of October so this one's the dime Santa Barbara ooh boy Santa Barbara Santa Santa Barbara County Brian just gonna have some more I like this movie I didn't check that solid movie it's really good I thought Lady Gaga was [ __ ] fantastic I agree and it was good I don't know if I love a star is born that's the thing I never really have I think that's the crux of it I well here's the thing this movie I thought was really good really good I have some problems we'll talk about them yeah but overall it's a really good movie and I could certainly recommend people see it like it's a Gumby however it's a depressing movie like it's just this like the story of a star is born is never gonna be like you know what I just really feel like watching that no no II did I went that was great I never want to watch it again haha maybe the first half yeah Ben turn it off what I will say is the soundtrack is great soundtrack is fantastic and I was really impressed first off with him and his voice a second that he wrote I'm like not a majority but a good chunk like Oh Rose this seems to be his oh his baby yes that project well I guess he's wanted to do it for years yeah he wanted to do with Beyonce don't understand that it would have been a different movie yes and also Beyonce is not as good of an actress I don't think so and also beyonce is not as I don't say self-effacing but like I don't I don't think she would be willing to be this vulnerable and like called ugly exactly show that Cyprus and even if she was I don't think I would buy right you know you're Beyonce yeah you know whatever yeah no no it was great casting I think it was it was fantastic well I had the pleasure of seeing you dolby atmos so it was very loud I thought I was watching Dunkirk again oh my god it's like because it starts and it's like Bradley Cooper's really loud guitar riff yeah cheering and I was like a Willie Nelson concert yeah because the guy who taught him how to play guitar oh I mean he went all in he learned I mean I I don't know if that's actually him literally playing but like it looks like it's like he actually learned how to play it whether or not it's him on the track I don't know well you got to keep up with Gaga you know what I mean totally so he learned how to do that he changed his voice he he he stole he became at we will tiger I was confused by this I I of course I can explain yeah it starts and he's doing his best Jason Lee doing Robert Plant in Led Zeppelin I was quite impressed with his singing I was quite impressed with all of this yeah I thought the directing was good I thought the singing and like the mood was there and this easily could have gone oh god what was that horrible movie we watched with sweaty Bobby forever my girl but yeah whatever that movie was more I thought um remember that movie beyond the lights oh I've never seen that way like similar yeah this story yeah I laughed a lot at the tweets from people that would be like oh god I haven't seen a stars born yet I don't want spoilers well that was it's like you guys it worth you know I'm very lucky you because every time I watch a new star is born it's like yeah this is cool I like this effect and and since I know the story so well at a certain point in this movie I would like so spoilers so how's it gonna die great okay you don't even although they telegraphed it pretty aggressively at the beginning did you notice no no he's in the cover it's one of the first shots of him driving before he gets to the club to see her and in the background there's this huge billboard with all these nooses and it's like I think it had a rainbow flag behind it so I think it was like a suicide hotline something or another you know like whatever but all like his face and I did not notice that I was like maybe because it was the [ __ ] Dolby Atmos sorry I can't tell ya I was gonna say I don't know if I like that or dislike that I like though to that then the callback with the rainbow because like her billboard was like all rainbowy it didn't add anything for me I've been the fact that I was like so he's gonna hang himself this boy there you go well so sort of art I would say that I still prefer the Judy Garland version the Judy Garland one is magic I also love the Janet Gaynor one I'll be honest when you tweeted it's a gay Sophie's Choice between Judaism and Gaynor I was like what the [ __ ] I liked the kiss Baelfire get isn't she the barber one slightly the original William Wellman one it's much more about the Janet Gaynor one is much more about her just being an actress yeah and she said the Grammys it's the Oscars well right and that's Judy one too yeah I mean she's a performer yes for the musical amantha Judy it's it's just junior I think maybe that's part of what makes that one well there's something so transcendent about the fact it's like Judy in a movie about a person who's basically Judy yeah like literally she's playing Judy but then also she's James Mason yes like she like it is her future and that would be this tragic figure of like a view of alcohol abuse and like the pills and all the vet stuff and it's in that section what was really crazy to me is that I had to look it up cuz I haven't seen the Judy Garland in a while so I didn't remember but I remembered it being much darker than this one which I still think it is I mean the story is dark yes like the fact that they even made the original stars born I forget what year came out but certainly a while ago that it was that had suicided sure I mean that's a big deal sure I've been show suicide in a movie even back when the Junie one came out that's true that's true and oddly enough the barber one is the one that's the most ambiguous about the suicide which is kind of simple [ __ ] it's kind of simple like in the seventies like if I can kill them say like oh and then he may be lost control his car we're not sure okay Beauty but then like when Barbara is carrying over his body he just looks perfect what is this I don't even remember that one the best part about the Barbra Streisand one they built this great Santa Fe style adobe house in the middle the desert got these cool windows and it's like well this one picks up on that you picked up on that well this one was a lot more like the barber one okay it's better the gaga you literally don't remember it the barber one don't remember fine Barbara doesn't really sit in the role I mean obviously there's like the comparison of the noses right sure I mean that's why that scenes in there everyone said I had to get a nose job right everybody well this is parallel but anyway the chemistry isn't really their Christmas Jefferson is kind of sexy but his songs are bad and it's mostly a barber vanity piece like literally the last ten minutes of the movie is a close-up on her face singing the entirety of an entire song and then it frees frames on a close-up of her face and then the credits roll and it's like produced by Barbra Streisand yep costumes by Barbra Streisand starring but I'm certain Bruce something written by Barbara Strait songs by Barbara Starr and you're like whoa in the words of Joo Casper would you say it's egotism on a masturbatory level yes is Emilie literally all the costumes are her outfits it's like oh she just picked them from her class oh it's oh yeah but anyway the Judy one there is just something magical about and even there's like a new book coming out by Lauren a lot of her daughter about how her character and stars born is the closest you'll ever get to actually meeting her mom that's like truly interesting so there is something to be said about that and the music and I mean the man that got away I oh my god right it's just yeah I mean I can't even I can't even see what could yeah because she has that star power not that guy or doesn't she certainly does and I think this proof that I fully remembered the Judy one where she became Judy it might tell you like she played both roles like I thought the story was that like the first two acts were this modern like a star is born right right and then the third act was just Judy going off the rails yeah but that's not how it it no but I remembered it that way and it made it that much more tragic and maybe that's just because history and history I leave Judy does embody both roles exactly both characters yeah and you're just like oh this is just a cycle it's just gonna keep happening and oh it's just Fame is toxic and oh my god I'm gonna keep remaking this movie every 10 years with a new star there's so much like meta levels to that one yes I mean what if William Wellman would have never guessed 80 years later exactly what if Dorothy Parker helped one of the screen artists on the original stars board - it's a dated story the idea of a woman gaining validation and stardom because a man decided she was good enough I don't think so at all sadly it should be dated you know what I mean like when I was watching it like yeah I never really liked this plot you know what I mean like even in the old one you're like I wish okay this is no I'm not saying it's unrealistic yes I just wish it would get more real then actually you've been really even real or darker like oh [ __ ] and then it because here's the biggest problem that I had with this movie well the second half but particularly I never got a sense that Gaga was hungry for it that's always the problem even the barber one there's a weird sense of well does she really want this does she want to be famous what does he want from her right and I think it would have benefitted from because I actually honestly thought this New Moon was going to veer from the original plot more I thought it was gonna kind of do more interesting things with it and change up some story I think it would have benefitted from showing her you a few scenes over the credits growing up mmm singing to the microphone idolizing you know right here whatever what I mean like sure showing that this is what she wants but she also has stage fright and self-confidence issues right because they really relegated that to a few throwaway lines between her and her father right about like oh well I always wanted her to be famous it was almost more the father extreme for right then her dream and I just wanted to see I think that show me that she wanted this it seemed like she was in a place where she had tried out and really did want it but she was sort of like I didn't make it sure I and so had we seen more of the fight yeah before and the rejection and the objection it would have been more realistic and it would have rounded out her character more for like what are what does she really want out of this because then when she does become Fame and when she turns into vitamin C oh my god she was orange haired for far too much of the movie I'm just gonna say it no I wanted that to be like a little section where her and she lost her identity and the manager was like you have to have dancers and you don't do this you do this and then at some point she was like [ __ ] this I'm gonna be me and like own this [ __ ] and go back to the singer-songwriter that I am and maybe my backup dancers are drag queens I was waiting for the cocoon of well Bradley Cooper gave me the push but then I took it over the finish line and really found out who I am and what I want to say and what kind of artist I am yeah I think if Lady Gaga had made this movie and not Bradley Cooper maybe that would have been the message maybe you know for me the second half felt about him I was like oh so this is just about Bradley Cooper but I never really know in all the stars Borden's I never really know what it's trying to say about suicide oh no or what you know or about addiction sure and so that's a problem because the second act is dedicated to it exactly is it saying like I mean this one made it pretty explicit that the manager was like I'm gonna go kill yourself basically and that's not in the other one they send the Judy one a little bit a little it's not it's not the same he overhears her say I'm gonna quit my career whenever him I don't care I'd rather be with him or whatever yeah he's right that's what I think the other thing for me that annoys me is that it's this like martyrdom yeah where it's like oh he's gonna martyr himself so that she could have the career that she we guess wanted it seems like she's fine getting rid of it like they're perfectly comfortable they can just sing and be happy to like I don't understand you know I was excited because the first half she's a singer-songwriter and I really loved the songs yes I was like yes and they're collaborating on the music and they're bonding over music and they're writing songs together and I was like yes and then the second that she turned into a pop star I was like oh I was personally less interested because that lets that music is less interesting to me I wanted this to be more about like the partnership the collaboration yeah their shared love of music and I mean then she has you know they do little subtle things were like in her bedroom she has like an LP of Carole King's tapestry like framed in her room and you're like yeah like she wants to be Carole King I think I wish the movie had really sold that to me once she became the pop star I was like well I don't think she wants this right so I don't want this for her or she does what she likes the recognition I guess but if it's all just supposed to be because she's been told that she was ugly her whole life and now that she's popular then she feels like that's validation I'm not really on board for that story like what are you trying to tell me I think at its core I have a problem with the story of a star's worried sure so that aside let's talk about the okay they did seemed I mean there's all those articles like oh these form such a bond you know whatever well if there's if there's a hundred people in a room you've seen that right oh my god it's so great they did that like I mean cuz she had to do a bajillion interviews whatever but literally every interview she just well there's a hundred people in a room and 99 of them say no it only takes one to say yes he was the one that said yes and she just says it like every is this someone put it all together and it's a hilarious there's not even there can be a hundred people in the room and and I don't believe in you but just one believes and it can change your whole life a hundred people in the room you could have and 99 don't believe in you and just one does and it changes your whole life Bradley said yes yeah well yeah there's all those articles like oh he believed in me and I think she did a really good job I mean I was really impressed with Bradley Cooper I was too and his say I'm a shepherd voice oh my god I mean not saying Shepherd Sam Elliot so based on the trailer I was like great Sam Elliott's his dad mm-hmm and I mean that's essentially what it was sure but then they added all of this like unnecessary complexity about like oh I didn't have a dad was he an alcoholic as well good because usually we don't get to know much about him the character whatever the Bradley Cooper James Sherk risk reduction character it's just like he's an alcoholic because he is sure Fantine in the crisper top Christopherson one it really seems like fame has made him lose it like he's Britney Spears I'm sure in the in the bargman yeah really makes it seem like oh jeez I mean if people just left him alone maybe he would be okay where in the James Mason Frederic March ones it's very much like oh no you're just like very much an alcoholic like you have a problem sure and this one I'm glad that they gave him they round it out give him some facts I forgave I thought the first half this movie was really a master like it was yeah right I thought the chemistry between them was wonderful the story it was fun like seeing them on their first date was fun I think every story instead I'd the grosser at the club yeah we I mean we get drag queens that was Gaga's idea apparently right love that Willam was hilarious Willem was leery right we wandered into this drag Club and it's sort of fabulous and amazing and Gaga's doing her best edith piaf and i mean the voice is [ __ ] amazing yes and shangela is there I mean I thought I thought shangela I was taking it too seriously why the sides angela was just being shangela a little bit you know I mean so as well which felt weird to me like I'm watching this movie I'm in a movie leader Dolby apos Gaga's there I'm into it they're all at chemistry chemistry and then it's like oh and then she Angela's here and Willemijn like Oh I know them outside of this movie it was weird like they're playing themselves instead of characters in the movie sure so it just felt weird somehow - I get that I get that I don't know I was like oh it took me out of it Willem - me understood the idea that it was like I'm not a key person in this movie's gonna be fun I'm just supposed to be here to make it fun and funny and shangela was trying to like weave this story like I own this bar and I'm gonna get my girls on because we are what professionals you know I'm like I don't need this just be funny later after he's waiting for her to take off all her makeup and whatever they're hanging out and then shangela was like doing the bills in drag yeah yeah it seemed while I'm excited that drag queens were in this mainstream on me love it it seemed too long food like why are they still in drag cuz they are cuz that's what drag queens do right oh yeah Lady Gaga has taken her fake eyebrows off and yet Willam is still in full drag I mean I was like okay well I was like I'm like I'm gonna look sexy for him but for some reason shangela like I'm paying my electric bill over here in drag I was like what why because later when they needed to film them on FaceTime and they were all in the exact same outfits but we pretended like it was later hey girl I'm wearing the tips from before because we need to explain this great weird I mean that line was literally what explains like I'm wearing the tits you signed because otherwise I was like why is she wearing the same outfit shangela was wearing the same outfit - yes like so this is just they couldn't the outfit yeah she's like in a suit as if she is performing at her own Club as sassy lady who owns Club she wasn't performing that night no except to be shangela of the owner of this club that's what that's where is weird it's like that's exactly what it was but anyway he sees her perform it's electric he goes backstage I thought he did a really good job of all the like awkwardness of Fame it really did show a lot of like behind the scenes of Fame yeah and the grocery store and like whatever else that but even like literally like we're on stage in the curtain the wings in the wings like where you never get to because you mean it was like all the angles and like the shots like when they go to SNL and it's like behind the scenes at SNL I was like oh that's cool and they really filmed an oasis which was rad yeah but it did a good job of being like here's behind the curtain I agree I'm not necessarily good or bad just like oh I've never seen it from that angle before yeah cuz I'm not famous that's interesting that was the what left me wishing that it had more of a statement on things you're left like okay did Fame kill him yes Oh yikes I don't want her to be you know what I mean exactly that's what it means like it's like oh they could just get out of this if they just decided to like write songs on the site you like the Beatles kind of when they stop to when they stop doing the billing this is toxic you guys can't do it that's just [ __ ] right her own record that's not the story of stars born no I would have actually been okay if they were like we're changing it sure writing this literally if it had taken Gaga story where it's like oh now she's Fae monster dressing in these crazy outfits right now she's gonna do a country album yeah now she's gonna do duets with you know yeah love it where's Gaga really I think in her career has nailed it where she's defined her career and her art and said I'm an artist and this is what I want and I'm gonna focus on what I want to do in part because she was successful enough at the beginning right to be comfortable and not have to worry about trying to get the next thing well in Lady Gaga has said that her and Ally are nothing alike and that seems pretty obvious I mean but then I would have liked her too even if it's in the last five minutes to become Gaga you know what I mean Schumer Oh [ __ ] exactly because it did seem like oh she's she's not famous she's like real she's she's living her life she's hanging out with like sort of the outcast write the query right right rag Queen yeah and then as soon as he's like come with me and be like part of the norm yeah they disappear from the movie disappear so that's why I would have really enjoyed them like she's like no I don't want these regular backup dancers yeah I want that we tried I get some drag queens yes I do want to talk about how much face touching occurred in the movie maybe it's just me I don't know but like he comes back and he's being a little weird I'll be honest he's like can I take off your eyebrow oh yeah she's like okay and then there's like a close-up shot of him like taking off her eyebrow and then later he's like I love your nose he's like touching her nose and then when she gets she punches a guy and he gets the iceberg he like puts her fingers in his mouth I was like what is it yeah a lot of like up close face touching and I was like maybe that's just my problem maybe it was a character choice this is a real face touch yeah because the lack of a mother and the father figure yeah I don't know he's waiting out front for her Willem is being silly like a play it's a super famous person I mean I'm trying I said you mind show me yours Jimmy I'm trying to find like an equivalent of like how famous do we think he is is he like John Mayer is he like Ed Sheeran what do we I mean I more it felt more Tim McGraw sure but it seemed about that level right Garth Brooks too famous is Tim McGraw less famous than Garth Brooks I think so okay Keith Urban yeah that's one that's it who's the one on the voice Blake Shelton yeah yeah but he's pretty I don't know country music I'll be honest I've don't I mean I know sir I know that that's what I know Josh Groban he's not a country star cool he's Broadway Josh Turner I don't know who that is that's a country sir he's this real deep voice he's pretty sexy [Music] yeah I might in the Hank Williams like Johnny Cash that's the cash or oh boy okay Oh what school can mean but anyway that's like the Sam Elliott from this movie country it felt like I would have liked a song from Sam Elia I would have loved that don't be a drag just be a queen I will do it'll do I with his brother around her does have to be on stage just like sick Santa Barbara house it was mister pretty was that he was Arizona okay yeah there was in the desert somewhere Palm Springs yeah so well um it's like oh I saw some things I saw well what should I play I don't care just look at me when you're doing it okay find my tears stare into my eyes while you're singing and then he has his eyes closed good he was a little bit creepy I'll be on oh yeah look at that I was a little bit like maybe you well you give my very strong very funny like I was like I don't this is a lot you're doing me I was like no no about this you just kind of leaned in April leaning in was wanting ooh Bill Pullman as his brother cuz that makes more sense age wise well I think the idea and they explained it away with some line where it was like oh well you know my dad had a back story because his dad at 63 slept with a 17 year old right you got pregnant and died at childbirth I was like just tragic tale of like ha it's like Edna Ferber novel I'm like what it's like oh my god rocketing into this right yeah whatever yeah I looked it up similarly is 73 okay Bradley Cooper is 43 oh wow so 30 years difference him I mean I guess that would make sense I mean it's feasible but I was just like okay but yes Sam Elliott is his manager it seemed like he was his man handler his stage manager tour manager um I think it would have actually really benefited from Sam Elliott's singing a song because I didn't realize till much later that he apparently was a singer you know you mean like well no I didn't realize that he was a musician either they taught Bradley Cooper and then there was that kind of jealousy and like yours on my voice which was weird cuz I was like but he literally did right he literally changed his voice to sound exactly like Sam Elliott but I like strong that then in the story they did a decent job I thought of explaining like Sam Elliott was from the south but then he was yeah they had a whole line about that where he was like he grew up not in Arizona oh okay because Sam Elliott was essentially his father then he grew up and emulated and stole right his voice right so it became famous with it instead of Sam Elliott right and then there was all of that so it was like I'd give it a B for the handling of it sure like we could have spent an extra three minutes on this and it would have probably benefited writer characters right a lot oh you mean we could have cut the entire Dave Chappelle scene okay where the movie ground to a halt a halt and you're just I spent a good 48 percent of that scene being like we who is he how do they know each other we'll be in the movie no idea why do we know him no idea what what is because at some point he points to his kid who's I don't know 10 or something and says oh he's the same age that we were when we met so I'm like oh so Dave Chappelle was living in Arizona but he's got this like southern thing going on he's in Nashville now okay this was out of left field and I was like oh my emergency brake like the DVD pod it was a ham-fisted way of having Bradley Cooper have a friend yeah so that they could get married and that was deemed out of nowhere to when he with like shuffling off in a different room looking at guitars I was like what the [ __ ] going on what's been going on he's like braiding a guitarist or guys like what the [ __ ] is this and then you look like anyway why do you guys like what I guess sure hey you should get married today right great why because there was something about the church yeah it didn't help them know your relationship was doomed Ted it's like was like she's gonna get married without her father I thought that was weird I was like where's her dead why where's her fabulous gay let's get murdered me weekend don't fly on a plane from New Jersey with my dad and my gay friends and we'll get married why not yeah yeah Willem can be there with a white dress and be like oh sorry I don't know oh and then James really could be like I thought white was for virgins never been a moment it was like whiplash yeah the middle of this movie it was anyway I feel like it was dead center in the middle oh yeah well I was like oh no he just got so drunk okay that he didn't call you back camp three days yeah just had it out just got here no idea she's like never do this again he's like okay I I'll try not to and then he's like doing it Mary I was like no the answer would be no yeah not until you prove that you can yeah get yourself together you go to a meetings give it six months can you deal with it for six months then we can get married yes but this movie that's the plot exactly and the plot is problematic things I agree I will say that Bradley Cooper's music was decidedly better than Kris Kristofferson so how was it good they're gonna say better than Gaga's excuse well I did like his music better than some of the pop stuff later what if do that do that do that why did you do that I'm that do that I mean I'm not gonna lie it's kind of pop anything bad but it's great the movie was it was supposed to feel it was supposed to not great this was one annoyed me too so I particularly where it was like [ __ ] you movie for telling me Oh country music is the only good music you know music where like they sing and play guitar is the only real music pop music isn't real and it's like [ __ ] you and [ __ ] you because the star of this [ __ ] movie is a pop singer who is fabulous songs so I go by so Bradley Cooper is really what that was I'm not wrong you're not wrong I personally prefer a singer-songwriter ish whatever blah blah blah pop music is great it's fun but like emotionally I was less interested in her music at that point absolutely but it didn't for me they didn't take the time I'm in a character development yeah to actually make a point out of it and for me it was hard to knowing Gaga sure that it was like whoa who is this person now I'm confused I also wanted to know why all of her pop outfits were so atrocious they were all in like 2002 a lot like silver teeth you're like her outfit on us and I was like what is her outfit when the she's good they're looking at a billboard on the broom with blue tube top and the high-low polka-dotted skirt and I was like what's this with her vitamin C hair I was like what's going on right now well and his music was better because remember he didn't have all of those weird animal masks in the barber was [Music] hello now I told you I don't remember the barber one at all you're wearing like weird masks at some point was it I didn't realize it was Andrew Dice Clay that was her dad until the credits oh you don't know who that is I know that I heard that I've heard the name I didn't notice he was good yeah oh can we talk about her first performance he's like I'm gonna sing your song if you you can come out you with me or not I'm singing it or whatever and her being all like no friend Eli Greg just do it oh but when she I mean Wayne it kicked in and she's saying look at that chorus I'm shallow chills yep [Applause] Lady Gaga's really good with this so it's like a scientific thing I don't know if you know this very but like switching from harmony to dissonance an event like the transition it like triggers an emotional response in humans and so it's like she [ __ ] building nails it and there's like different combinations that guys do and whatever but she's really skilled at it where you're just like goosebumps yeah you're like oh my god yeah yeah do I go yeah if it works with a trailer that's reentered with the Muppets and it still gets you you know that it's good well and they meet the montages of them forming at all the concert and I was like so into this movie yeah yeah yes I thought her clothes were more fabulous before she became pop star everything was more fabulous before she being a pop star because she was being her but we didn't have the scenes that I needed to see that she was losing her identity you know it she felt like she was losing her to me yeah always through his leg is like it was through his opinion well and then at the very end she dies on her back to brown right and with no real explanation it's just sort of like oh this is my morning here morning here I don't know yeah it's all like oh well that would have okay and they all saying live which is [ __ ] rad oh that is right for the most part I think almost entirely well because Gaga was like I hate when the lip-sync is often it doesn't look really yeah look like truly like they're singing and so she convinced Bradley Cooper to sing live - Wow and so then he had to do like a bunch of extra training she was like I gotta sound good yeah yeah and you know I think a lot of the emotion through the songs really yeah it really does help when they seem live like it really unless is impacted Slim is Rob oh yes oh my god well you need to have singers first important do not forget my name job well the difference between like oh I'm like really singing this song in a concert right I'm in this weird opera yeah also you've to hire talented singers it's like a key ingredient can we talk about Bradley Cooper's hair sore I just I just wanted to wash it yeah I wanted them to have like a reverse out of Africa moment where she like washed his hair because I couldn't tell if it was dirty or oily or dirty and oily or wet it was gross and I did not care for it but he didn't change for her at all really I mean she stabilized him for a period of time I suppose you don't say but she changed so much over the course of the movie and he doesn't really he's sort of her like dad figure yes you know what I mean there's like this like I had no all the wisdom and I will just be your mentor and we're gonna [ __ ] her like I never liked it I never liked the story but that [ __ ] adorable ass dog that's Bradley Cooper's real oh my god oh it was so cute oh my god I just wanted to like take a nap with it oh absolutely and then I also wanted to cry oh my god I mean I can't even I was so upset I was we'll get to it I was so upset but that's his real dog oh I love dogs [Music] I think both songs will be nominated shallows and shall it's just shallow enough shallows there's no shark on fire doesn't show up there you go in the lyrics where are you taking me where oh yeah I like that so I feel like shallow will definitely be nominated oh yeah I mean and then the last Lady Gaga's on the fast track to ego right she'll probably be nominated for actress she better be yeah she better be she was great and certainly for song and so most likely win for song oh yeah I can't imagine either win anything yes yes she might get multiple Oscars this year hello maybe he'll he'd nominate first song too maybe the one that you know what the good time certainly maybe it's time to let do where he's you just you need to share he'll certainly also be nominated for many things I think probably I don't think he deserves a win for Best Director no but I will be angry if he was not who get nominated I feel like it'll be a big to-do oh it's his first time directing and he's Bradley Cooper and OH when's the last time someone was nominated for best actor and director and picture Orson Welles you know it'll be like a thing oscar's love that I don't like a thing yeah well I'm talking about her out I mean they were all pretty bad we talked about her Grammy dress it was gross it's like old ruffled silver bow her outfits I wanted because I know Lady Gaga's so [ __ ] fabulous I mean and that's whatever just the reality of the situation like that's not the movies fault but because she's so fabulous and fashion-forward yeah the fact that she was wearing all these ugly clothes I was like is this the manager if that is the case tell me that right I wanted it to be just more meta of like Lady Gaga being Lady Gaga II which is what makes the Judy Garland one so much better where you're just like oh but she's just she's just Judy well apparently Judy cuz you know Judy didn't win four stars born no yeah right but it was the at the time it was the closest vote in history it was like seven votes difference or something and Grace Kelly won crazy and apparently it was very upsetting for Judy I don't know like oh no it was so close so close is that crazy it is seven votes those [ __ ] are responsible [ __ ] could they just tie like Barbara and Katherine right come on ya know the Grammy dress was like on the level of like the terrible beauty the Beast dress it was bad yeah I did like that this one included scenes of him going to rehab and going to AAA don't the others really none of them I thought I thought the Judy barber would definitely not they always have a moment of he's trying right but this was like legitimately like yeah here's the meeting yeah going I'm staying I'm away from everyone I'm like yeah rehabbing and like I'm really trying to make a change yeah I don't know I mean it sounds silly but I almost wish that he just had like overcome no that's what I mean I was literally a or even guys like I don't care because I just know he's gonna [ __ ] kill himself you don't like uh I don't want to get invested in this because I just know what's gonna happen and I'm bummed right and I thought they did do a good job of him I mean again that was my complaint was that it focused on him and then in the end he dies and murders himself can rise from the ashes really got a Phoenix Christmas really is the accessory dujour shouldn't you be holding the crucifix it is the prom promoters they did do a good job of like where you're like oh but he seems to be doing well like you guys should just take some time together well that is often what happens with addiction and depression like it catches you off guard it catches you out of nowhere so it wasn't unrealistic no but because I've seen this story so many times well I tried to check out because I was bummed sure and I was like and that's you know on me I mean that's not the movies but Isis airily right except that they keep remaking the same story and like not changing at all but yeah he [ __ ] straight-up hangs himself it was horribly depressing because his dog is waiting outside for him as he Hank I mean it was I was so upset about the dog I don't think the dog was traumatized in real life no but it was very sad it was so sad he just wanted to get in there and help him I was not upset really in the movie because I had somewhat checked out but the woman next to me was oh my god sobbing audibly sobbing like I thought I was watching the notebook again like oh my god I'm so sorry did you not know she didn't know she didn't know what was gonna happen so he dies and she will go on she has her her Whitney Houston moment at the end her bodyguard moment what she said I mean it was I mean it was pretty Whitney Houston II yeah the dress was okay I'll be honest it was okay but just cuz I know how fabulously short would it be yes yes but she's saying you know this is how they all end pretty much she sings her song for him and you know I wish he could be here with me but he will be and all these things and she has great valid yeah and I mean I did like that Sam Elliott was there to sort of consult her and be that person that was like it's not your fault yes you couldn't have done anything about this don't blame yourself we on the [ __ ] manager well well I was kind of mad like he fully triggered him fully caused himself to kill himself yeah but she'll never know well that was interesting they were gross to me what did it remind me of oh this is so stupid this is so stupid okay get ready I'm right here Anna busy none no it's Sex in the City the movie yeah but she was like I've been running it over and over in my head trying to figure I think you know he's together what happened and how yeah whatever and she'll never know that it was the managers [ __ ] fault because he was like he's not gonna tell her he's never seen her he's not Miranda right to be like look I said something yikes yeah I can't believe it was the Sex in the City movie I felt Lady Gaga highly exceeded my expectation oh yeah I went in thinking hopefully she's good and the songs will be great yeah and I was like damn girl yeah you were [ __ ] fabulous yeah and Bradley Cooper kudos to you all of the acting was great I mean she said for a long time that she want to be an actor right and music was what it took off and never the acting but it's like she's a goddamn [ __ ] actor she was great yeah I was thoroughly impressed I related to her or vulnerability like all of it I was very impressed with her very and the songs were [ __ ] great yeah so um go see it yeah for sure yes spoilers knowing that I mean a [ __ ] [ __ ] show at the end well sir I mean out the bad way it's just like oh boy I mean if you have a problem has a dog oh that cute adorable oh my god wouldn't that just save you I would be like oh I can't do it I just want to snuggle you instead little dog no that's not how a depression works I guess mine I might even watch anybody go see the Judy one yes if you're interested in older movies you don't my black and white it's really I definitely go see the Janet Gaynor what yeah that's she's of me it's really good you leap out it's really powerful barber wanted Alesso barber does have her perm Daffron all time which is and she's part of a band called the Oreos because her two backup singers are black no it's pretty dated a little rough but this one's really good it's a really good movie I was impressed and I hope that she gets at least and also she's getting nominated well she's that definitely not maybe it's showing I mean showing for best song definitely Glenn Close might take Best Actress or here I leave I'm sorry who Keira Knightley it better you said cure O'Reilly well Kira Riley no Keira Knightley for : your nightly freak what I hope so I mean I hope she gets nominated at least yeah I mean Lady Gaga was probably already there but this definitely puts on fabulous contain Lind we need not sure sir her Kermit outfit alone oh my god I mean she's [ __ ] fabulous but they like just the depth now a fabulosity is really impressive yeah the rain yeah she has the range a Gladys Knight says that the range Sheena Easton she doesn't have the range Paul McCartney she doesn't have the range she's [ __ ] great yeah cheers to Lady gaga [Music] you
Channel: MovieBitches
Views: 35,411
Rating: 4.8879457 out of 5
Keywords: moviebitches, movie review, movies, gay, funny, drunk, wine, RuPaul's Drag Race, drag queen, a star is born, lady gaga, bradley cooper, asib, star is born, judy garland, gaga, barbra streisand, janet gaynor, willam, shangela
Id: jl77s0Mi6b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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