A Goofy Movie | MovieBitches Retro Review Ep 35

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[Music] Cheers welcome to movie bitching is retro review of sub 35 reviewing a goofy movie goofy newsy first things first shout out for wine sponsor wing travicom slash movie [ __ ] you get $20 off your first month of wine I'm better at doing that oh this movie brought me back I really did also it always brought me back to that's my dad would always do that on the Matterhorn when you like first going through the tunnel really I don't know why it was a thing that somehow that became a family thing I mean I don't do it but would like it was a I'm sure probably in 30 years yeah well and it embarrassed my child sure it was a thing a family story that you tell on your YouTube show yep I also like that I just thought that I was gonna be having young children in 30 years I mean you've got all the time in the world and also thank you to our patreon subscribers like I think five dollars a month more gets you early access to refused like this goofy movie it totally holds up it really did I was so happy I was too because I was nervous I'm not gonna lie I don't think I've watched this movie for at least 15 years maybe longer I definitely showed it to a child I was babysitting okay in middle school not the child I was in middle school uh so a while ago I think that's the last time I was Wow yeah I mean that I was like we're gonna watch this movie kid it's gonna be great that's great they weren't into it no like you are in the wrong child that I am babysitting well speaking of people in the wrong ah this movie has 41 percent 44 percent on Rotten Tomatoes bunch of bull [ __ ] I need to follow up on that and make sure we get rotten tomato credited yes so that we can change that I think we should is gonna be our mission to rewrite Rotten Tomatoes history for all those movies that like to Beverly Hills hocus-pocus yes like oh that's nonsense that people didn't know or whatever at the time I don't understand I don't get it cuz this movie's a tight hour and 14 minutes yeah I mean you can't even you save it blink but it takes this time it slows down yes it's got emotional beats this is one of the best representations of teenage angst and parenting yep I think on film I'm not trying to exaggerate I genuinely think that it really does a great job you do you feel goofy side to feel back yes like you understand them both and that they're just having a hard time communicating are you saying that you they might see eye to eye on top of all of that you have a bunch of Bob's oh my god how alive I was so into this soundtrack yes I had a cassette tape I can tell you that oh I definitely had the cassette tape yeah and then when that went out of style I bought the CD Wow well I was into this and sing all the part okay all the parts oh I will be thinking okay I will be playing all the parts spoiler alert if you have not seen the goofy movie which I think maybe not as many people have this is not the Lion King which turns out there were still people that hadn't seen the Y you know what I was surprised this isn't gonna be for everyone nobody know you had a father yeah if you had a parent and you were attending true and you felt like an outsider which is pretty much everybody I mean it is still a kids movie it's fully a kids movie but there's lots of weird interesting choices and because I'm real funny [ __ ] in this movie like the best Disney movies or Pixar whatever it's a kids movie that's also very much for adults yeah where it's like oh we know that you're gonna be watching this so we're gonna throw these things in there for you we make a video Cugat joke come on guys okay I love that Ben he just does it in the principal's office oh yeah so it's really fun is that like Max is like a nerd yeah but also a cool kid but also mostly a nerd well it's like he's taking in what his father say he might be saying oh you suck dad your nerd I don't like you I want to be cool like it's not cool to like your parents wait he's still taking in what his dad is saying my parents so gave me so many references that I I'll say weird [ __ ] or weird phrases and people be like what's that from I'll be like I have no idea my parents say it you know stuff like that we were like oh doesn't everyone just say that weird [ __ ] about that no they don't and everyone has that yes - barring degree yes different generations are like this was his pop culture reference cookies pop culture and this was you know I mean his references are very old he seems to have been a child in the 30s well I think that's also a goofy though because he was a child in the third I mean they did a lot of fun things but also they did a lot of really sweet touching things like I'm just thinking about like the moment that he has where he's like talking about his grandfather it was like oh you guys did a lot of stuff together and then goofy like wistfully is just like yeah yes I really did grief-stricken moment where he remembers his dead father right like that's when we went camping in Yosemite and like has a minute where he's just like generations and like yeah he green dad taught me man we went to Yosemite you two did a lot together huh yep this was not something that sunk in with me at all as a kid but now being like Oh like I'm so lucky that I got says like half the time experiences with my grandfather you know it was nice this movie's [ __ ] great it really is if you have kids and your child has nobody got out of saluting it's great great messaging yeah not really scary there let me they're like somatic elements sure possum the possum Park is pretty scary I think it's scary but also well not for a five-year-old move it is later when he punches the possum in the face well guess we'll talk beat it doofus I had a lot of those experiences like well just we can talk about Lester's opossum park the barber Museum the club Bobby you can Wow Barbie Museum closed Barbie to this day the reason I am absolutely terrified of wax figures and wax museums is because I'd already tell the story I don't know Victor Lister we all will all my cousins we're going to this wag Newseum oh cool that'd be fun what's that I've never been to I suppose iam some sadistic [ __ ] set up this wax museum where you had to walk through the Hall of Horrors to get to the main museum what kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] so to go through Freddy Krueger oh hell raiser and all of them Wolfman and all I was it was I mean I'm still upset I'm still a they're all like I'm gonna go and I'm still upset and so that for me that was my Lester's possum Park good I'm still upset haunts me to this day Wow but anyway goofy would be yes yes wake up it's the last day of school oh my god I'm late we had our first song yes after today what also his room I feel like his room was pretty iconic I mean all the power line posters almost like a real hugely like body building a poster in the background that I was like oh okay what's that any Mick phone yes the Mickey phone and like the dirty clothes that the goofy vacuums up I love him in his little shower erykah badu and though yes his wrapped towel and his little bunny slippers and everything yeah I mean I do enjoy I thought this is also what pretty rare it's like a really good example of like a single dad just trying to get by I really like goofy as a character and yes movie but after today after today get like a grease reference we got all the grease references the top of the bleachers she looked right through me and who could blame her oh my god so good it's so good and we get all like the cast of characters it's so night of these yes yes so nice okay I loved every second I was like the goth girls in the front of the bus oh my god yes and like preppy girls with the headband the twins remember really good job of introducing everybody yeah visual storytelling and I will say Lion King - the expressiveness of the animation and I don't want to harp but like when you look at the new ones that they redid with CGI you're like where's the emotion and I think that you really see that in stuff like this where there was so much emotion that I got and so many details that they put into the animation even like I was noticing that when he was in the car and they're sleeping with Bigfoot yeah yeah and he looks at his eyes and they're like kind of bloodshot and he's like simultaneously like afraid and also miserable and also tired and you're just like I see all of this in the animate like they did a great job you need to know every single little character I mean Roxanne's best friend with her blossom hat braces yeah love it love it they get the Star Trek nerds we got poly for and oh my god oh my god Jenna [Applause] a little smoke I mean he's just doing his character from Encino man and I loved it it's great I keep might as well have said no squeeze it yeah we figure he's a little [ __ ] oh s--- no wheezing the Jews I will terrify you right now oh no I used to love Cheez Whiz oh yes that's just unexpected from you that I know I loved it I put it on little Wheat Thins okay and I'm like a road trip oh my god I loved it I think I've had Cheez Whiz once I I mean some sort of class project where we used it as like a paste to make some sort of mouth with apples and raisins oh it was bad that sounds terrifying disgust it was like a certain point it was like nope mm-hmm it's not it's not right I'm cutting you off baby Andrew no more Cheez Whiz for you no they shouldn't but I think that a lot of it had to do with this movie great okay good max here guard this with your life did real probably sir I mean you were a real value Hey turns out I guess I am a poly source and oh yeah I've loved Pauly Shore and tonight I'm not gonna deny it no no loved him whoa we have to go back oh that's right we didn't start at the very beginning that's a very good place to start this was for me I don't want to say iconic but I think it kind of was maybe we in this cornfield man I mean also for me like let me paint a picture too I would love it I mean I was seven or eight years old when I first saw this and so I was still in me like having crushes on girls face sure so for me like Max and and Roxanne that was like a big I was like yes I understand all of that you're going through it was like really I'm really connecting with you man exactly also I remember going to Disneyland and I think that we had to wait in line my sister had a complete meltdown because you know they're legal autograph books you have all the characters on your honor absolutely well I have one still I love it oh I love it I think we actually might have just found my sister's with Max's signature because she had a [ __ ] meltdown that we had to get Max's signature I had Daisy Duck oh and the I was a little Daisy and I remember specifically not asking Tarzan for an autograph like I'm cool thanks okay No thank you sir you just have a wig on in a loincloth I don't think I should talk to you sir but anyway I'm really excited about the story about your sister maybe that was it meltdown about that because like the day was it where is that weeds like oh if I can zoom down there's a fine max because like where what No yeah yes so yeah I do want to talk about this opening scene okay I want to talk about Roxanne's hair oh my god I was with yeah this is probably my fantasy like luxurious read but voluminous hair came from yeah because that is my fantasy hair of my childhood I love it yeah well I will say okay so I had a few moments in this movie this viewing spring town where I was like oh I want a drag queen to do that mm-hmm so this is one of them where I think like a Roxanne I mean white dress I was oh my god where she floats down yeah Emily's right choker oh my god it was all very dreamlike yeah yes she's up on a pillar yeah she falls to the ground and there you go it's a kids movie there's laughing yep oh you just so fun just staring into your eyes and that's all we're gonna do yeah it's so good I mean it straight up just turns into like a universal monster movie she's like backing away terribly rather than submit the briar patch darn and it's like basically a werewolf transformation right flip I'm so good he's goofy he's become his father and that's a setup to really what makes Tori tell ya it's amazing I don't want to become my dad maybe I do because he's great maybe they'll see eye to eye you get a musical number yes okay so pep rally oh my god Wallace is then the right thing to say ever like a goofy movie musical a goofy musical like a like a stage production of this I would not want to see it in that outfit I guess it'd be confusing what what would they be maybe like an Ice Capades situation yes love that a goofy movie honest with like some projections and silliness because I feel like it'd be weird cuz you'd have to like either have them in big mascot costumes right which would look stupid for you to have them in terrifying realistic like prosthetics where they look like dog people things yes it would be Oh No yeah that would be without the Disney eyes right well yeah that was how was it under like a live-action goofy I think would be oh it would just be a horror film but yes continue oh no there's another interesting thing so going back to Lion King someone redid the looks of all of the Lions but basically new one you have a new one as CGI but they added like the eyes feeling like Oh pic sorry eyes or whatever means such a difference and I was like oh this is why they do it yeah because like the bigger eyes give more expression and he like it was like nine-day it immediately endears you to so yes it's crazy Disney I guess why do you think Zooey Deschanel has a career okay I'm doing it like it's just true it's something to be said about giant big dull eyes people are drawn to and but anyway yes to the assembly my totally amazing and a school party next Saturday to watch the powerline concert live on pay-per-view remember pay-per-view and it's exist but like who uses their like boxing I feel like yes the only sporting events that's kind of the only time I hear about pay-per-view pretty much but now principal Mazur crickets literal crickets I love it it's just a silly and now without further ado principal Mazur how about sciences parties how many kids come up to me at the end of class I water my summer break my summer vacation bike sleeping visiting with friends they did a great job of like portraying teenagers yes well you don't hate them they're not like annoying [ __ ] it's just like that's being a teenager you know they're also like that like 13 teenagers so you know I was like oh boy the right it's like that they think there is it's a it's an interesting sweet spot it's a trying time yes no [Music] these jock straps I related to that because I hated gym class I just this to this viewing well short I just like the idea that they were throwing jock straps onto people's faces yes like home ok it did yep I love it yep there's a couple things in here Oh like yeah cuz you don't draw attention to it no it's just something that you notice maybe exam yeah yeah I didn't notice and were put together as a child it was just now as an adult man probably just because I'm adult game in the jockstraps have a different meaning well we didn't talk about Pauly Shores era head necklace oh my god yes I'm surprised always like a puka shell necklace very nice which apparently is back now oh yeah the 90s are back by the way in case you missed it it's crazy so baby doll dresses Doc Martens and banana clip oh my god and then you get your sweatshirt your oversized gray horrific sweatshirt tire on your baby doll address because time you work that silhouette so Chad sexy guy like hey Roxanne how about the party you want to go that's Joey Lawrence oh and it's like it's just Joey Lawrence like he has the hair like it looks like Joey Lawrence person that's like it's just a direct reference I love it tip Lawson that's crazy also we didn't talk about oh my god the mind-blowing revelation that the voice of max oh yes is the voice of Thackery Binx the voice of Banks the cat it's hallowed ground witches can't set foot here he talks facts is the voice of Binks and Roxanne is Emily from to Beverly Hills this is where we find out the big plan the big plan all his AV equipment poly sores and the back welding stuff together attitude guys I'm doing this all for you it means like got it well like a welding don't give me that attitude you guys I'm doing it all for you like Tori's like soldering but still like a welding yeah yeah yeah yeah a welding helmet on yeah yeah yeah yeah and hijacking this assembly we get our first bob also I love that the two songs from power line just happened to be plot furthering devices this movie gets it yes like fully realized and he wants to stand out till you know with me yeah [Applause] [Music] Wow okay so I was thinking this would be a perfect drag queen number I like where it's like because I'm certain point I really lose just lip-syncing it's not like he's singing singing you know baby so it's like a lipstick I was like wait this would be the most fabulous lip sync [ __ ] lip sync to stand out do imagine Naomi smalls [ __ ] not pushing result and don't me oh my god bending simultaneously towards each other just both in this like vinyl yellow oh it needs like disgusting like Devo yeah jumpsuit yeah yeah yes yeah are we gonna be so good someone has to do it the hair oh yeah people cosplaying power line I mean that is a question for the ages it really is he's like right up in Roxanne's hey yes oh and then he's swinging around one of these flying through the air you just like yeah this is the main thing you know go too soon [Applause] my tractor Aurora dime we're busted we need to watch more polish or movies and I'm I think it would be safe re-watch either Encino man or son-in-law the others it might be a problem oh I guarantee you that in the army now is a great movie I don't know if that is true cannot guarantee that is true we may be upset we can watch it but like we might be horrified and appalled when biodome oh my god biodome look it's the Leaning Tower of Pisa max is in trouble and we get principal Mazur calling goofy and his well and then oh my god the electric chair chair before he ends up in the electric chair we electric chair come on we missed the whole thing with it with him I mean I remember this Oh at the mall photo booth yes and the little squeaker come on give me give me I feel like I still say that it may be violently played this is weird so goofy they works at the mall yeah some Walmart are so sure being like the photobooth person in this old timey camera with this like tintype with a curtain seemingly peed yep also works there yes and yet their their finances seem to be so disparate very disparate no I know is it just the Goofy's a real saver perhaps I'm Pizza real spender or I was like maybe because because it's we never meet PJ's mom no maybe she's like I was like oh I could see Pete marrying like you know rich she's like a lawyer whatever and she's never around maybe and he's emasculated show her some human steel its PJ and maybe she cycle maybe you it's funny we only see fathers yep which is breaker that is always single mom that's fair yeah cuz her dad we only see her dad huh it's okay daddy max is a friend from school [Music] yeah dad is like boss or like crappy Jedi he's clearly out of work and having a hard time oh sure that's fair go on go on good daddy they show a lot of stuff that's what they do good form the character yeah it's done okay who's next over here Oh precious it all just seemed like he was the manager sure like he was a at least a level above goofy yeah he seemed to be holding some power over here sure but perhaps maybe he also like saved up for the RV where his goofy was just like last minute although his rinky-dink car I don't know but that's an interesting point well okay I mean I've talked about this before where I missed with a 90's showed like middle to lower class people that were getting back that's remember children Roseanne like you saw some level of poverty yeah which automatically gives conflict did more interesting storylines than eccentric cetera you know it's not just modern family well you know it's into my gun right oh my god and then you know I never had a problem ever no cuz we got that poverty's anything gives you problem no but it's like oh it's a lot easier when you have a four million dollar house yeah yes Halloween the forms the characters in a way that's more interesting and relatable yeah oh gosh we have to rent the upstairs of our duplex that we bought like I wonder if you can see that shift in film and then see how it's changed societal like in yo implications and perceptions and whatever and like yep that's interesting enjoying poorly is yeah amazes yeah I remember all the Polly shorts lines yes also crazy uncredited yeah I had to like search I was like wait am I losing my mind and that wasn't Polly sure it was just someone doing a Polly shore because it was the night he's like I had a moment of doubt right it's like no no it must be it has to be I don't know why they didn't credit him it's so weird it's like a full character in this movie that has more lines on the box on the bottom yeah it's very weird that's super weird oh my God he's Birkenstock sandals yeah lava it's John Lennon's iq8 glasses oh boy it's like mullet no Hawk yep good Wow yeah is there any that so he has white gloves yes and Max and goofy have white gloves but she has regular hands feel like the women don't maybe interesting I I think that my I mean I don't know if that's a thing but huh who's that guy doesn't have them on [Music] she was the most nineties sure blonde the crop top and G Integra yes yeah also [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] but yes she can be whoever she wants to be totally in high school though she definitely seemed older hey max wait gave a dance the fashion is really interesting they so easily could have just had I mean the most of the main characters are just sort of in the t-shirt and jeans cut short easier to drop yes but there was so much detail in flavoring and 90s which so didn't really need to be in there it takes more time you know and it adds a lot of character so much character there was so many things the choices art direction that was taken in this movie that really like adds some flavor and I'm just really here for the outfits yeah brought me back but yes so to save his son from the electric chair yes they my god I remember this same girl I mean it's that but it is fishy ray it's the same girl when we are standout reprise where everyone's like oh my god ah yes John that we're back oh my god oh I'm just gonna bop around town on my escapes I'm just gonna Ferris Bueller this who's like bad sister everyone's backyard and like whoo yeah it's great it didn't make me realize just how cartoony Ferris Bueller is which I love that's great that's because he is a creation a figment of Cameron's imagination you've heard that fairy radio so there's a very bit like Ferris doesn't actually exist that Cameron never actually gets out of his sickbed it's all just like a projection of their like who he wishes because you're kind of thing I mean if that's not the intent but but it's fun to think of that interesting yeah and then we go we're going fishing yeah exactly we're going missing mmm [Music] all right then guess we'll just have to go No okay I'm gonna be all alone huh yeah oh I guess so oh no no no no my guy you just like I did it your rage please don't say that dad please and we get Goofy's like real intention behind I there was this line that I really enjoyed we're in Goofy's mind he is convinced that his son has like joined a gang and is about to murder people and will be imprisoned momentarily like it is my it's like the worst happen right I don't want you to end up in the electric chair the matrix chair would have not given up on your son together I'm not gonna give up on you nice loved it yeah driving in there you go or whatever they clear it a little bit like the car is empty but everything in the world is piled on top it's a Grapes of Wrath it's like they've taken the entire house he's got high hopes [Music] oh great dad no we don't abandon you think yeah did I ever tell you about my sister and I like have this it's an inside joke but yeah from this episode of Laverne & Shirley I'm already excited about this so surely it's like [Applause] high hopes and I've got him to know he's got high hopes and I've got him to here's another one of those I have got a lovely bunch of quartzite with some old weird song that is not written for the film obviously right I think that as a kid you had no idea with the song and as a parent you may be good I remember when my grandma all of his references are so all so they are my grandparents references it's great I did have a thought in this movie isn't it weird that Pluto never shows up sure but there's never a reference to Pluto Mickey some Mouse Donald to duck Pluto's a dog what's goofy we got a reference to Donald we get Donald a Mickey because he's like oh yeah that's right yeah hearing on the open road yeah yeah that's true but you Pluto different that's true I think it I mean it cuz it really messes you up because you're like okay well Goofy's a dog he's a dog he's definitely a dog so it really yeah but like Pluto doesn't talk with goofy does so he's just a more involved don't can't be a dog wears a hat and drives a car well you goofy is like a weird man dog what the hell is gonna be good that's weird what the hell is go feed that from something yeah great it's from stinky okay so quick commercial break and we will be back with more CUFI we're talking about on the open road dad wait this I think might be my favorite musical number because really well there's just so I mean like no obviously like the concert at the end is like oh hi Connie yeah but in terms of a musical number this is the most of like a production and I love it just like so I mean it's almost Busby Berkeley a square it's just like giving you a hundred percent is Zoe's Waldo pepper flies by an aeroplane at the end every God fully Carol Channing was there marries now that would be a reference I would enjoy oh my god out in the middle of a goofy movies has berries all of our team [Music] love it but you'll get it when you watch do you need a break from modern living and then you know oh my god the creepy saloon player oh my gosh [Music] look ya know just starts to play and he's like that we would go oh my god there's like a full creep like that I would like self you know serve you like sarsaparilla in the back of a pickup yeah and then there's just a full course full corpse thicken things and then dances on top of the car excellent this has to be a direct send of music reference right I would think so show up throughout and are far okay during tailing them they don't they go to every location they go to at the end they're pulling into the powerline concert like so they were on the road trip to the whole time I was like yes [ __ ] went to the powerline concert I love it so this is the other part that I was like ooh I would love a drag queen to do this oh my god just do costume changes well no I wasn't I was I didn't mean the open road I'm sorry oh I'm here for a real deep weird reference for a drag wait if the drag we just started singing on the open road I gotta be so silly I mean I did a lot of costume change work I think it's impossible yeah sure I mean maybe we're trying it like a Priscilla ask like situation like good you couldn't do it in real time are you right talking about should there be a live-action musical of goofy movie no but a drag queen like variety show of a goofy movie okay yes yes Nina mooning at Brown doing that I mean she could do oh my god Oh much is that doggy in the window she could do the goofy but I would be terrified terrifying but also I want a drag queen to do Roxanne singing Roxanne yes who was your favorite part I'll be there were there beat it doofus we have arrived oh my god oh my god Melissa I mean this is so obviously a parody of country bears yeah which is extra fun and funny yes they're just like [ __ ] country bears we're gonna Perry the [ __ ] out of you it's a horrifying nightmare horrifying escape mm-hmm we always remember like because the animatronics that like aren't working hey let's burn you know it's like you kids like making it this rundown mess that like Bob Newhart is hosting howdy there folks Lester's is found to be chanting possum posse jammed so many details of like this rundown like okay this was clearly in pristine shape in 1932 it was a child right but who ever thought it was a good yeah I don't weird [ __ ] that your parents like I love this is a kid yeah this is a [ __ ] fun they're just like stuck on by nails Oh [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] old man body strapping man dog is he Lester Oh where's the weird spin-off that's just Lester's possum part I mean do I hate country bears and never own it yeah no I don't hate it would I absolutely pay money to go to Lester's possum park ah or like but I kind of like this idea of like an Adult Swim show oh yeah that's just like Delhi did Lester haha yes it's like what not Austin then what was the Jesse Eisenberg who you yeah I'm feeling uh no not zombie land Adventureland oh that's right he was in two different movies yeah and I didn't like either the Adventureland but for Lester's possum possum part but good but like right yeah yeah animated and it's crazy I would love that because it's so dark really no you buddy you can like feel the tetanus shot that you need from just being here everything don't touch me my life's a living hell Oh little buddy don't touch me don't touch me that's the right statement yes absolutely you could have boundaries max in this is back yeah no means no Lester you just need a hug from your favorite possum beat it doofus suddenly blind and he's like walking around like oh no and Max is not a children to be murder oh we didn't I may be taking pictures oh my gosh why possums and then like the flash and the possums go wild I mean the idea of the live it live possums were available for filming me again in 1932 Sherrill for regulation pres it was another timber I Pepita I know right yeah yes that makes that holding flat the light over your big flash ball like while you were just yodeling along with an animatronic possum so you can have several seats little kid and then it goes to hitchhike I mean terrifying oh my god yeah what are you doing son I want to get out of this vacation oh we were having fun this is heartbreaking where it's just like you could see you know it's all oh if they just communicate it you really see both sides of the story and I think that's so important as a kid watching it you go oh my parents are just trying their best and they really love me and they're not gonna give up on me and they just you know it's great and as a parent you're like well they got stuff going on they're going through a lot of emotions they don't want to tell me what's really bothering right yes yes just talk about it yeah call me when the trips over this is a really good helpful film for like parents and their kids yeah particularly since it's a father and son look at Uncle dad yes that's usually harder to spill emotions about yeah yeah men talking about their feelings what huh this whole movie is men talking about their feelings which is so rare even later when Pete and Goofy like the two single dads can't have a whole conversation whether it's like talk about their feelings and their parenting styles and you're like what's this is amazing yeah you know what's funny but none of your techniques work for me harder a tried the worse of God once I used up things just clicked oh that's well they have their fight and then they go and there's some leak now I don't know why they didn't just go to this league I guess they had to go to destiny it's their destiny where were they coming from no because it seems like they're in Hawaii yeah fine he's setting up his tent it was like a star wars it sound almost like Star Wars it's like the star I mean maybe it really was the star just remember oh my god I remember this RV well again this shows a really good dynamic of different classes you know door oh we just have our tent and sleeping bags and you have a fight basketball court for bowling alley pool whoop-whoop stream Opry watered this RV was everything oh my god they have a [ __ ] tank with probably place remember when like aquariums were like the big thing it was like oh my god you have an aquarium oh my god right it was like oh I'll let all the rich kids had aquarium next were like never because who's taking care of that aquarium us nah I didn't have a fish tank that was like a gumball machine oh I had what I thought was really cool cuz I was I was a very nerdy kid remember oh my god I'm so sorry remember that screensaver that was a fish that you had to take care of no you don't own the computer I had a Mac I had a Mac - okay I don't know you with your back I got it back - it was like ask a game or a screen like the screensaver would come on yes I remember I remember yes I remember oh my gosh thank you yes yes I oh my god hey oh my god is going cream oh my god that just like unlocks that good idea oh yeah what happened to that where the screen savers don't really exist anymore I kind of miss him yeah it was like a tamagotchi goldfish screensaver it was so great yeah okay I'm glad that you remembered yeah I was worried yeah that seemed like a thing oh no yes I apologize it's like this guy we got no I had a mechanical fish tank so they were like little fake fish that like magnetically attached and with a floater and like around because it was like well you know you can't have a real one but here's a big fish and the thing if you keep under your thumb they'll never end up in the gutter under thumb goof a new home bad advice different anybody is that he's not a terrible person he just has a different way of the hygiene is probably not better he's always putting his son down my shirt yeah no high five sons both like PJs like Oh Lauren tiny Chen visual the emotions but anyway anyway we're gonna go catch our dinner we're going right now Maximilian I'm gonna teach you the perfect - well I so we're gonna be late for the show the show don't make those little kitties way we're gonna miss car oh my god you think I can't wait to talk about cats you don't even know I don't even know I now can't wait to reenact that before we go to the movie for the show [Music] [Music] but anyway goofy but yes the perfect cast perfect cast actually grabs the steak its miss certainly my favorite is a child yes watching tonight Lester's possum fire I mean a revelation would it be beautiful what did they do where is hood beat it doofus but no Bigfoot oh my god decidedly my favorite part as a child yeah it's so funny you there's gotta be at least three pounds would you back up mr. foot you're out of focus it's could you bite a couple of it mr. foot dude you're out of focus Bigfoot gave you so many emotions no you know dialog nothing at all just this wasn't Jim Cummings - I'm could've been vitamin it is not I looked okay great but could be it could have been but I love this performance oh my god going through all this stuff put down again under way is he gone yet do you think he's gone right every night I love this idea that big he's just lonely yes put on a show for them right you know referencing Punch and Judy cuz you know he's Bigfoot apparently they get cable in the woods hence the Walkman oh my god I mean his favorite for it seems like he's heard music for the first time just like huh I mean just I mean I still whenever I hear like a disco if there's like a silly just goes on I always do this okay no I hear I still do that to this day [Music] they're happening they're like dramatic moment but he's just in the background like I mean cuz obviously he has seen Saturday Night Fever oh yeah yeah yeah huge John Travolta ban now would I want to see a movie where John Travolta plays Bigfoot yes trolling for bears okay alleged led3 am Legend alone at the gym allegedly well then we get this really touching moment hi dad soup oh my god don't tell me you don't remember hi dad soup sure you do you used to spell things out using the letters like my dad or Maxie you're ambidextrous I felt like particularly watching it now but I'm sure even as a kid I remember being touching or but it's like this idea of like it was kind of like Toy Story 3 where you're like oh I'm not a kitty but like I've grown up I bring past these toys or whatever it's kind of like he's grown past hi dad soup he doesn't even remember it it's like you don't remember that thing is a kid like yeah you know neither of them are how they see or saw each other right they haven't realized that they're different people and yeah you know part little word like bye-bye or I pledge allegiance or I love you 44 percent on Rotten Tomatoes oh that's so angry and even in my head I'm going like filling in the blanks like oh this single dad trying to raise his son on an alphabet soup and this is a bad we have his baby boy true [Music] this metaphor he's been saying I do love you you know it's like this whole moment in his face when he breezes like oh my god he's still my son yes ah so much while Saints a little so good yeah and then we go remember story [Music] wide awake hey Roxanne ruff you lied okay I'm really excited about that power line cut oh oh jerk my I do love that he was sending her a postcard from Lester's possum like that's what's she gonna think about that murder someone they still haven't found Gary and then he you know hits the dashboard I'm a liar oh and this dramatic hellscape devil vortex in the in the glove box devil was tempting hey I'm even there might as well thin a little devil oh yeah and then and then the pencil oh just sort of safley rolls out like I'd been pointing directly at you know what I'm for yeah erasing oh you know you want to his score is like so I'm a well and the composer is Carter Burwell who was like the Coen brothers a composer for years all the way back to Fargo gears oh well here's so you can jump [Music] you know erasing and circling this was very clear you know like wouldn't we get more sense to like go through la up to the you know oh and then we ended up in LA on Friday the night of the concert you know that would have made more sense than like just to going stress out and then we're gonna circle LA and that's where we're going and you didn't remember dad what are you tight now you're crazy to get good gas late in father gonna guess like I don't think his dad is just too stupid to notice so look at Hawaii or I was just I'm just being an idiot I wasn't thinking yeah because the pencil made me do it right the pencil made him do it how many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon three and a half and then this is where if the movie like takes a fun little path right where it's like oh a little montage love a montage they're going all these fun places are going places that max wants to go and goofy is miserable but he's going oh he's somebody's going and then it's like oh okay dad we'll go places that you want to go to the yarn the mine I mean okay how many murders happen on this Stu piano falls on the mind they just walk away oh it's a murder spree I mean this is really just add your Branka killers is that roadtrip murder spree or murder stroke roadtrip murder spree sounds like a great B C D movie depends on who's starring yeah Adam Sandler's did it oh I know Julie Lois oh my god yeah men or Nicolas Kay Oh 100% yet Nicolas Cage and Juliette Lewis I don't hearing I would enjoy I would enjoy that on a road trip killing spree yeah yeah I mean it's also just wild at heart I mean basically every Nicolas Cage reviews so yeah it's just yeah this is where I get going you know fun little montage it does seem like they like without a jetski yeah yeah yeah maybe Miami but definitely nowhere in the middle wet it was like it honestly seemed for a while like they were just in Los Angeles right they go on the roller coaster like are they doing cool oh there is a Dodger Stadium game okay maybe it was the Rockies I don't know and where where are they then there were three Monument Valley and this is where no no but they go through Carlsbad Caverns oh my god that's right Carl's by cowards of Carlsbad Caverns and that's silly nonsense but yes my name it Valley here comes our Junction Idaho right left or right back oh my god we skipped Neptunes in Oh Neptune's in oh my god we got it right because that's how we found ever than that oh my god because I remember thinking that Susan I wanted to go so bad oh boy did I want to stay Neptune's in I mean now I'm like open it sounds like a nightmare ski this is like she'll the whole room is impossible things to clean shells and coral and like fishing nets over coming from the ceilings water beds full of fish for their life traumatic this poor fish definitely dead cool lamp okay there's a lot of fun like Disney references in this little yeah look at this stuff isn't this neat that was a fun no I was obsessed with this hotel oh yeah I thought was the coolest thing I wanted to go ever yeah yeah and this is where we find out we got another poppin yeah yeah yeah oh you mind if we just hook up our RV just gonna order some pizza then the pizza was all of this well anything is like all sorry for the best dad we just got pizza all over this but it was just like full slices yeah as if they just they just tossed it like oops it's just a waste pizza exactly and as a teenager Pizza is very important yes even as an adult piece it's pretty important but yeah Pete overhears them boy you lied to your dad change the map put it in yet and then we get this you know jacuzzi calm procedure I was like where's Will Ferrell and Rachel Dratch in not hot tub many time I found it look like they were like in the background [Music] it's some spiced meat oh my god lamb shank and a lover so good in this table I said again this was a great conversation that haven't the food slows down take some time yeah and then I don't need to check the map I trust myself yeah oh you know even max hidden all the things that you think his son should be but he loves me hey my son respects me Oh gonna check the map and then he fingers on the dashboard temples whole again that devilish pet song oh yeah and then and now it's time to take your turn what are you gonna do well this transition of it's a walks in he's all he's dominant he's so upset lays down in the bed and then it just transitions to him having the exact same face driving and he's just broken yeah broken yeah he trusted his son oh oh heartbreaking they gave him this big fight monument vally all through okay his eye on wherever the [ __ ] they are oh yeah there's a green King waterfalls I don't know they're dead um but yeah big fire you know he leans against the car put the parking brake on he's going around the keyboard you know going back and forth plopping down on all the right can you just I never wanted to go that's stupid so good and this touching lovely song yeah you grow up you grew up and I didn't notice and can we come back together whatever mess I landed was always understanding nobody else but you the father is some the sons animals looking at that in the under eyes oh I'm surprised there wasn't a Mufasa and Simba just hanging out wouldn't be nice I mean why would it be no there remember we get that be good to be a good father and son I mean they do a good job of using the song to help carry a lot yeah but then and also like we already know all of this stuff so they don't have to have the conversation of him being like and so then I told her anyway I think if she's never gonna want to talk to me much less go help don't tell the whole lot of his dad and then I love that the goofy's responses well I guess we got to get you up on stage with power line yeah like that's such a parent thing to do to be like well I'm gonna just go above and beyond and do anything to ya get you you to your happiness yes that's all you needed yeah just tell me what's going on and I'll do anything for you I'm your parent oh so good and then they die a second time don't mean well maybe doing the song they're like okay go and hop hop back up this car they're dead oh hey I'm like a waterfall [Music] this dramatic it's very you know trying to save a son Max is stuck on the car he's fishing for us you know and the tree breaks and he's desperate to save his son yes certain do miss and Max is all tangled up and it's the parachute I don't know where and then the dad go fees in trouble he's he's about to be an orphan yeah yeah like lost in Utah yeah without my god car nothing yeah are you falling down the waterfall does the perfect little teapot you know it sounds you don't know and homicide no oh yeah the perfect girl oh my god I love it anecdote cut to networth powerline concert I mean pretty much it [Music] they found their car in the riverbed it still worked I love it drove it on him they just drove it out of the River River out of the Grand Canyon I'm sorry straight to LA they made it in time in time with the nuns what were the nuns doing this whole time that it took them that long you know they're driving the speed limit sure there you go I don't know or maybe they took their time stopping on missions alone sure but they were there the whole time the whole time they you know we're now on the same page they're they're seeing it I - I if you will I love this song so much they sneak into the concert in their 30 there you know instrument cases I was always like what happened was different we're like wouldn't that be problematic no cuz the concert was already going that's true also it doesn't seem like they were usually really using any instruments oh no apparently you know Goofy's done this before sure sneaking him in yeah I know you did for the Mambo right for is a very cool guy yeah this times a bag would never too far apart [Applause] but I do love it it's a mixture of there's musical numbers that are very musically and then there's a full pop Bob yeah name is Willie others like Michael Jackson well so they based power line on Michael Jackson Prince yep I'm Bob room Oh a few things made normal about our history bummer grand Love Actually Bobby Brown was supposed to be the voice of power line oh wow but he was like busy touring or something how interesting so whoever they got it did a good job in yeah I love it yeah I love I mean am I gonna go find this CD and put it on my phone yeah for sure that one that that's what you're gonna do what I gotta go buy it on iTunes I mean I already own the CD guys so his fabulous JLo backup dancer oh my god yes so just fly girls yes yeah I'm goofy I'm going up in the Tesla yeah well whatever yeah who's this random person love it nailed it with choreography she's got a chaste and murders another person does open in the rafters security guard flies like Tarzan into a giant screen TV and crushed yeah yeah no the concert goers aren't like hey now week half the audience can't see the concert in the nosebleed section I think man clearly just flew in today it did to certain doom he is battling hell with the pencil maybe the pencil is the main character it's all puppet it's the pencils doing a puppet show like Bigfoot that was actually just the entire movie summed up in a pub show we go back to the party yes they're all watching on pay-per-view oh my god bad power lying in the rain forest too much rain forest was like a berry I mean everything was the reinforce in the nineties the 90s were hot for PF Changs and rainforest cafe and now it's like well yeah yeah so I but I don't know if brain force cafe exists anymore I'm not sure I'm not sure I mean I remember as a kid think it was a cool aspect of thing when I was like oh and now it comes time and all of the animals oh no I always thought this was weird it's before max has gone on stage and they cut back to her party yep Polly sure yeah says that goo kids not there I remember every time I watched it thinking it was weird because I'm like wait but he's his friend and then later when he shows up he's like what gets back he's there like he's all excited for his friends flights on to stay yeah can they do a weird dance and then I love that everyone else is doing it yes I do love that all the pieces come to like the perfect cast you know brings them together in so many different ways yes sprinkled throughout literally saves his life and also gives max what he wanted which was like you know they got to be onstage at all yeah powerlines fabulous backup chorus singer that's just ginger minj oh my god speaking of drag queens [Music] [Applause] also I loved this transition where it's just like and we're gonna go for one daily goal if you jingling epiglottis together yeah her crazy outfit just like oh good it's so fat so fabulous literally yes there's no other word and then they're just home at the car made it back to Ohio but somewhere pretty far away they made it back car the bumpers falling off you just just the shoes are left the roof well before that though yeah better you know he truth to her right I wanted you to like me I already liked him Anna from the second I heard your laugh look so cute like Roxanne because you know doesn't have a huge arc but she's just like a nice caring person who seems to not be in the surface level thing like she just seems like a person I would want to hang out with him high school is very cool I think it fully held up oh there is a lot more murder in it than I remember with you there's a lot of murder in cartoon sorry I mean I don't know it's like I mean he literally blown into the sky I fell through that goofy himself was murdered multiple times yes well yes he definitely would have died he would have been dead it was just all the pencils fell all the pencils brought that corpse back to life oh my god yes second Dan to reanimate of course that that did a hoedown on top of a car I love this movie it's absolutely one of my favorite childhood movies absolutely and I don't think enough people know about it or talk about it really yeah it's kind of it was a little under the radar in many ways I've forgotten Jim oh yes yes I mean there one is a parade for it at Disney's California Adventure where they would come by because the songs are such box except box they're all so good that they're like yeah we can play those songs and then we'll have back I'm gonna be like oh my god I love you and your sister will heaven near meltdown to get his autograph I would love to see how she would react it and headed an older a [ __ ] Jared no Hugh who's your favorite beaded doofus [Music] you
Channel: MovieBitches
Views: 35,413
Rating: 4.9703703 out of 5
Keywords: moviebitches, movie review, movies, a goofy movie, disney, goofy, goofy movie, max goof, after today, powerline, I2I, eye to eye, stand out, mickey, musical, classic movie, 90s movie, 90s
Id: DvOoIl8hAUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 29sec (4229 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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