Avengers: Infinity War | Movie Review | MovieBitches Ep 188

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[Music] cheers welcome to movie [ __ ] ever some 188 tonight we're reviewing Avengers first things first shout out to our one sponsor wink try wink calm slash movie [ __ ] you got $20 off your first month of wine can't not do it oh boy oh hey okay are we ready it's settling it I don't know I don't feel like a ready movie was like emotional well yes okay so it starts that I was like it was a spoiler alert oh yeah so like fully spoiler alert um we're gonna talk about everything everything maybe not like everything but we're gonna spoil everything I have so many questions question for you okay so a row and I saw this separately uh-huh and Abril stop first and was like oh it's a good movie not that it's not but I was like in the first part of it I was like people like this I said I didn't hate it and it was better than I thought okay which is different than this is a good movie it starts yeah and I went oh no there's like this weird CG thing and I felt like I was in the last Jedi no no okay right I might have missed this okay oh wait I walked in okay we were a little late to the feeder I walked in and they were on this sort of ravaged post-apocalyptic planet and nanos was like no the wizard guy who was like no was like you will about to Thanos yes that's where I came in but where it says okay great it's Saracens like black yeah and then there's like a distress call from from Thor's and Thor's ship yeah and it's like help us whatever we're not we're peaceful you know whatever and then it cuts to like the first thing we see is just this awful CG head of the wizard whatever got it got it and I'm just like oh no he's like this is like a blessing for you to be murdered by fallacy you're like what is happening you know what he looks like he looked like the insane asylum guy from Beauty the Beast you know with the fingers who like checks the gold right the alien version they of that man they the same silhouette I think I was still in oh where's my seat hey Matt oh this is dark and then I've settled right so I didn't quite have the oh variants I mean that was startling and then it was startling that they're just like oh and then we're just gonna kill Loki and you're like oh [ __ ] well first they kill eaters over yeah I was like oh god damn it this movie's doing that I didn't know I didn't know anything about the movie I was glad because all I've been asking for the past ten years of movies is that there will be actual consequences and that people could actually get hurt I mean like cool they'd like trying for it question because I missed 15 seconds of the movie not sure what happened all this is all of like the population of Asgard did well half of them were led to believe half of them are murdered and half of them are not although it pretty mighty end of the movie or underst when we first meet them got it but it seems like actually all of Asgard has been genocided and Thor's the only remaining Asgardian right in the first it kind of calmed down later but like in this first opening scene it was very cheesy some happy yes the music was literally like oh my god ba-ba-ba-ba-bom [Music] and I was just like okay this is a lot like I was like oh no is this the whole movie thank God it's not I don't know what happen with the soap opera hey Priya good I'm glad I also couldn't quite get a grasp on what was happening no cuz they're great so like wizard guy is like you will bow to Thanos and then they're kind of kind of fighting and the Hulk shows up right and then II Drew's elbow is like one last time for whatever I won last one as he stabbed and he does the Rainbow Bridge and I thought great he's gonna get them all out of there I thought Scott Hulk was it cuz he was just in the stream anyway it doesn't really matter that's how it happened they wrote it that way and that's how the movie proceeded and the Hulk is careening through space I don't know I thought I thought Loki was gonna go out better yeah the whole like I pray I'm gonna promise myself to you that as I swear that I'm right will be your loyal servant haha like with a little dagger of like now yeah good no that was that seemed unlikely like he wouldn't he would know better than that yeah there was just I was coming in hot you know it was like he was like give me the Oh God tesseract the tesseract Oh this time it's ten joules six joules last time it was three boxes that I had to put them together so we got me know that's whatever movie I know we'll get there though think there's a lot of light and then I found all the things that now I can destroy the planet and I'm just like okay I mean I know that is the Infinity Ward that's the plot of the comics I get it it's a comic book yeah she took it apparently quite and this was better obviously because it was like oh this is the soul stone and this is the hours starting like that was cool the alley sound like they they I feel like for the most describe them all in a way where I could understand what was going on but soul still doesn't make sense well I think that's the key to what get there oh I think that's the key to what's going on really yeah I didn't really want to see this movie because I was like oh my god it's almost three hours long how uh it didn't feel as long as I thought it would not really know clipped along you know short I wasn't like going well particularly once they got into guardians of the galaxy slash black panther I was like oh I like these movies that are in the middle of this movie so so much happened so many things but like even the tone was then just different it was like oh people like this Tony I think um it's like parachute em like just get different dresses for each statement I'm like typhoid et director 23 minutes of Avengers infinity war right but no I will say like for what it was I thought they did a good job yeah I like this I think better than the last Avengers definitely liked it better than no Civil War which was a cap oh really Captain America right oh you like this better than Ultron how many Avengers have there been this is the third one so yeah I think I like this better than Ultron and definitely better than Captain America Civil War yeah I mean I felt like I for the most part knew everyone's motives and like everyone seemed sort of settled into their characters yeah and like we'll talk about Doctor Strange because I feel like he stole this whole movie what I loved him he was good I just was into it cuz in his movie it was so like I'm a jerk right right I don't want to be a wizard man I've definitely grown to like him a lot so I was like oh and in this he was just a badass he was like oh you want me to show you some [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm sorry but I was like yeah I quite enjoyed him and I was like yes you are up on it like superheroes that know what how to do what they need to do yes are you trying to come for Chris Pratt no but I don't really consider him a superhero no not really he's just tough I got fun you know I was here for the lease Iron Man yeah I don't know I mean I thought I really thought they were gonna kill him yeah I really thought they were gonna pull the trigger on that one maybe they'll do it the next one he'll like sacrifice himself like Jesus for spider-man and you know he'll be you know risen again he was fine but it definitely seemed like Oh your character has really progressed and everyone else's has right like yes not even like maturity or whatever just like oh hey it's all started in one place and have ended up here and you you're still that you did that in the first movie but I haven't really moved on from the end of the first movie no and that's like that's what I think part of what I was just like this is tedious like we're still having this conversation with what if Paltrow didn't have a lot to do even though he's one of the people with the most scenes yeah but I did love this movie I mean it was basically just like everyone had facial hair yeah lots of it yeah like a one-point Tony Stark's goatee and dr. Strange's goatee was all I could see on screen and there was just there goatees we're fighting it right and then you had Chris Pratt and Chris Hemsworth's beard patchy beard hacci beards and then Chris Evans is beard with luxurious his hair is so luxurious he must use like the hobo oil or something I was like you could just get lost in that hair and all that Moroccan oil beautiful of the Dead tailing me it was just like everyone's serious now Oh yep good team they have facial hair we've been through the wall right oh yeah I wasn't no not really I think the thing I appreciated the most about this movie was that for the most part everyone like was on it everyone like knew their business you know what their skill set was like in the first fight scene wizard you know though being saying this island guy for you from keeping the bees as he will now be referred to comes down there in New York City the Hulk is like worn them all that data is there right it does Doctor Strange and Tony Stark and the Hulk and and they're all sort of working together uh-huh with their different skill sets and different powers to like fight them on it I really appreciated that throughout this whole movie I agree oh and you're gonna do this so that I could do that okay it was like the best scene of civil war right the whole movie I agree I fully agreement that where it's like oh you're actually working as a team yeah it's like the x-men are here I love it yeah yeah no we can definitively say that Chris Pratt ruined everything right well because she had like fully sedated him and they were like about to get love uh I'd be way ahead sorry I was like whoa what do you mean when he was supposed to shoot Gamora and then he didn't he really tried so no he definitely did really tried to that was that was good that like the bubbles I really liked all the stuff they did with the reality stone I thought that was I would have liked even more of that shortly I really really started to make you question everything yeah like what's real and what is it yeah um no yeah that was like a stupid plot device of like oh well we can't have them it can't be that easy right now even though it kind of was exactly I think they're crazy emotions take over you know it was like oh that was stupid but sure sure the movie sure I've had to progress I mean they definitely could have figured a better way to do that but they didn't basically once the Guardians showed up I was like [ __ ] yes exactly Brad it literally was like I was like oh thank god this movie got fun now because I was like not having it I was like oh yeah cuz there's the whole wall it was the whole fight and then they they're taking Doctor Strange away all wrapped up right right spider-man jumps off the bridge shows and they're stuck in the big ship to get all little twink Tom Hollands is he wait I don't know look at him oh my god you see this this is really great but so there's this clip where I think it was on the set like the the premiere or whatever Avengers one of the reporters was like [ __ ] marry kill Chris Pratt Chris Hemsworth Chris Potter Chris Evans who's that cuz those are the three Chris's in this movie great Chris Hemsworth really disappointed me he's like there were all dudes and I'm like yeah well uh Mike love oh just hanging out with because they're all men wait Chris Hemsworth had don't [ __ ] marry kill including himself well [Music] [Music] anyway so everyone's like oh this is a Disney movie I can't answer his place that I'm gonna say it's like let's replace these with family-friendly things okay who then Tom Hollands just like marry kill sorry I'm sorry Evans answer pretty prepared yeah probably busy sorry Evan real quick sorry I'm I mean that is the answer correct that is the correct answer 100% does significance I'm it's like a cuz he's thought about it so spider-man and an Iron Man are on the ship to right space yes going to try and save Doctor Strange I don't know I thought it did a good job of like and this team is breaking off to do this and this team is involved in doing this and and like for the most part it felt balanced yes I was like with [ __ ] Hawkeye where where is he I don't know he interrupts ventually he did not he is not in the film what movie did you see who's the one of them Falcon oh I was forgot jeremy renner oh yeah not the movie who didn't they say something that were like oh him and a man they retired was too much they couldn't know awkward couldn't get them on the day they're too busy filming other things so they'll be in the next one well yeah and was one of them got reaped we'll get there raptured rapture I feel like Thor more than any other of this huge array of cast of characters has has grown on me the most oh yeah we're like that first movie oh the first movies real rough the second movie is worse is worse but the third movie was so great opened all in you it was a haircut and guess what we totally called that eyeball thing thank God like they are not gonna let him have that for my song oh so now we have him with a haircut and both eyes I'm on board he's looking good real good [Music] he's like so settled into like what his thorry is like whether or not that's the aura geared it out so funny I mean and and he fit right in with the Guardian so yeah like I definitely want that to be my bow leadership and Drax is just like it's like a pirate [ __ ] angel it's just it's like they're all just like swarthy muscles oh my god it's like it's like you butt in shape you're just like all of the Chris Hemsworth Chris Pratt stuff was so funny really good I'm dying I'm living for it and like teenage group yeah so it was like a high OH not even know I was like oh remember Scarlet Witch and vision no I really didn't okay I feel like I do but like it was blurry no I have a question for you okay when were they might introduce as characters yes a couple as characters okay I'm gonna try an okay vision mm-hmm was created in Ultron the second Avengers movie okay when Tony used networked robots created Skynet essentially uh-huh and and like somehow vision who was his Butler remember who the voice was Jarvis right charge em how Jarvis and Tony's brain and Bruce banners brain and the Infinity stone right um became sentient okay a person okay that just happened to look like Paul bending cuz why not cuz I was his voice anyway that makes sense and then that that happens okay I think cool scarlet which I believe was also introduced in Ultron cool so I just don't remember a vendor's Ultron age of Ultron all I remember is I mean things but we review it maybe I like just don't remember it because they don't think we did cuz I feel like I would have talked about James Bader for a while I'm spheres in it he's the voice of Ultron I've outgrown you Tony I've evolved the robot guy and then he's like singing and he's all like maniacal and he's like maybe I didn't see the second Avengers they all blur together so I don't remember um anyway so that's what happened with vision and then Scarlet Witch they found in ultra and I believe and her brother was Quicksilver right who they had to kill off I think because there's the alternate Quicksilver that's in the x-men movies that's confusing and it was a lot I also have no memory of what scarlet witch's powers are apparently red balls of energy that can be most powerful of them all apparently apparently and no memory of this I was like gee I don't know move stuff but she couldn't get a better way so this plot was the one I remembered the least oh it had the least connection to and I was like you invested a lot of like the emotional resonance of the film on this relationship and I don't care that's true cuz I was like okay so just just kill him he's a robot just kill him he's a robot what I said it about Michael Fassbender in alien confident yeah that was a movie that we saw yeah yeah he's a robot no love lost between you and sentient robot except except maybe in Blade Runner 2049 see see but that movie did a good job with this I was like hmm but like Papa he's like a cool 45 something and Elizabeth Olsen's I don't know 28 and then they were just like should we be in love yeah I think this is work it's working right let's Jack are we in love yeah let's try and steal away some more time and I was like and I really blocked out civil wars I was like riding this hangout what do you have to go away to work but I think I forgot a lot of simple work as it was so boring that was the other thing that I didn't care about right they also this is like all the Avengers were back together yeah and then the the US government oh yeah who was somebody with a cameo it was somebody yeah like William Hurt but I don't think it was William Hurt and he's like girl reps a man just like this is stupid I don't care it was a bunch of nonsense also who would be saying that kradic red tape look a giant Oh since the world and I get again about to be destroyed fully destroyed let's arrest them lock him up you guys could use more Black Widow she was not enough of there's not a lot of her at all I could have used more what Conda explanation or like now this is at rata G just to drop in I would have liked some strategy that's when the movie really starting to lose me yeah I'm gonna turn into the prequels and it was just like right that was waiting for like the gun it's like okay robot yeah a little blue balls of like hmm no you're losing me we killed the mothership shield I was like oh no this better be the climax of the movie thank God it wasn't fully kind of yeah it shifted I liked then at least they did a good job plot why isn't of like having two main teams I feel like that we focused on yes and then collecting everyone else on earth to like just be together yeah you know it was like okay we can't give all of them plot points and that was pretty balanced yeah I missed Hawkeye and I could have used more Black Widow but on a whole I was like who everyone got a moment yes and it all I don't know it was it was much better than I anticipated like I was like having fun like people are fun and they're charismatic and that's silly and I like them but at a certain point I had like a I don't know existential crisis where I was just like what does it all mean anyway special effects many movies all these celebrities like I just had like a moment where I was like what does it matter and then I was like what I was weird I don't know this movie you kind of put me in a weird place well there's movies by the end certainly put somewhere in the middle where it was just like who cares well that was certainly where I was I definitely I actually had the same like they emerged out where you're like just nonsense I you what is life anyway like I had a moment if just like what I listed on the back of I didn't necessarily go that existential I just really went there in terms of like the film and yeah this franchise yeah the server was just like okay fight don't fight talk or not talk I was really excited about Thor getting his new hammer oh my gosh his axe oh well I loved all I mean goddamn Chris Hemsworth is a movie star oh yes [Music] loved all of this scene of him like well [ __ ] I'm a [ __ ] god I've been living for a hundred and fifty years I'll just take the brunt of this star and build my camera in 100 years I like 1500 years I like the Thor was on his [ __ ] oh yeah oh we cannot go into this battle without this this hammer you guys like it's not gonna work I know everything like I know what's up bender in the you guys can be like oh we don't need it it's fine no so he goes off to do his own mission and like save a problem I mean should have gone for the head I or the the arm is what I would have said oh sure just literally cut off his arm yeah and then the gloves on the ground the script didn't tell him to do that [ __ ] oh it can even open a what does it come Rainbow Connection some day they found it reading reading rain the Bifrost bridge the Bifrost bridge yeah that's right yeah with the with the new with the new axe how he came down so fast God he was like aha here we are and then we haven't really talked about Josh Brolin as Thanos no good Josh Brolin like Labor Day Josh Brolin I'm really excited that that's your reference point for Josh Brolin I mean oh my god yes that was much wow I didn't even realize yeah voice is attached to that what voice would you do for a Thanos character destiny will arrive you know that what if you do like destiny will arrive oh my god destiny will arrive I made that like because I was worried so I was like he's like a big yeah purple-blue yes troll looking thing with it grill brill yeah it looked like brill for like a whale right yes and I was like oh this is gonna look like terrible and that's like they did a good job did it is looked like his eye looks like his actual eyes like they did a good job of keeping the person there and whatever like I still felt connect I gotta like emotions from him totally I thought he was a really good villain yeah because there were a lot of times where you're kind of just like whoa he kind of has a point you guys I mean I mean it was weird so the whole plot is like he is concerned about overpopulation and I was like I mean the extra facts maybe that's what I started to go down that exit maybe probably he's right it away but oh my god you know I go oh what if I what if I even thought you know it was weird wait a weird place yeah yeah which is good I you know at least that it's a Marvel movie that's doing that right really left and I was like well at least this movie like made me think it tried it I mean it was like it went I feel like at least it went there yeah it had some other surfaces and other layers going on so that's his whole plan is gonna get all the stones and bendy stones and snaps finger half of the population will be reaped here's my question hmm it's everywhere in the universe yeah we're led to believe it's not like it's just like it's not just the universe it's not just earth right but so then my question is like well is this all like are half of all of Dawg like all of the dogs are like is every it's really confused in that all the pound puppies are like all of the half of the bees are gone what happens like on the endangered species list then it doesn't count right like they're exempt exactly there's only two black rhinos left like well five you just you just agreed like an animal [ __ ] that one up Thanos I don't know that was a lot of information is it mammals and amphibians how are a lien editors I had a garage rocket get reaped I don't remember can we call it raptured raptured he raptured reaped the reaping where you are raptured sure yeah they were reaped reaped that sounds bad too though for raptures they were dusted they were Winnifred it at the end of hocus-pocus oh my god yeah if it wasn't a glittering spark oh so yeah so we first I mean the first big scene where we start to connect the dots with like Gomorrah and thanasis and they go to get the reality stone from Toro yeah I'm no way Benicio del Toro doing his best Tom Waits in Dracula conversion this was really all so quick so I was like okay whatever sure all set I was just really hoping I wished I was Tom Waits and not when he said that - well I would have liked that or Ron Perlman just like it's some fun character I was in there yeah but you said that or doesn't need to be in this movie I feel you get some fun character actors right where it is Ron Perlman where is he put him in this movie give him some money sure so fun little tidbit and win for the frickin credits to go Arrested Development dad and I notice it no I didn't either I saw my credits well I forgot that the Russo brothers like words yes I wrecked it in Captain America Civil War when they're fighting at the airport there's the blue stairway right in the background so there's it's like Tobias this blue blue - my name is Jean cut-offs and they gained one of the things that I was like that is the collector really silly oh man think about that like that's where Tobias ended up that's wild yeah speaking of haircuts yes I really feel like Bucky needs a haircut well he had a beard - oh oh he's halfway but no no it wasn't it wasn't working for my mom it worked a night Anya yeah the mustache yep I feel like they really like make it a Sebastian's day and look ugly and I don't get it ah he is hot oh can we talk about something sure so Tom Hiddleston I stopped watching it but there was this like clip that um who's the guy that I don't like James Corden um did for The Late Late Show I've no I think he hosts that yeah anyway it doesn't matter Tommy came on first and I had to rewind to find out where who it was I couldn't recognize him he looks awful and I'm so bummed about he hitless long hair cuz it's not working for him like this like facial hair beard and I'm like no Tom it's a really hot with the right hair I think manager yes like night manager I'm like okay but you could be bond Oh fully fully here for it I did think of a fun bond option Mateus it would be really great he's like hi like buff and Wang Lee's right but like but like tough but also has the acting chops to like show different layers yes here for it here I got the other day I was like oh yes oh I can just see him sipping a martini uh-huh uh-huh flush yes if it's not Shirley's like she could be a villain ooh no yes we have not had a ton of female villain no no I feel like they're always like oh I'm double-crossed you I was sleeping with Mariah writing for the bad guy but this not usually like the main villain Billy I'm here yes yes she would be but also they [ __ ] yeah at some point yes mm-hmm but like she uses him and he doesn't even know it yes and then it's like haha with me what mess did you just think okay do they [ __ ] like in masquerade Matt mm-hmm they don't know maybe it was sunny he sees like the mask in the corner of our office or something anyway this movie right okay so then the plot like at first it's like checking in oh that's what so-and-so's up to blah blah blah blah oh we're having fun and quippy quipping together and then the movie kind of starts and so we start to get that it's sort of mostly revolving around Gamora she tells Chris Pratt if I get kidnapped by Thanos or if we find him or anything can kill me because I know something that he needs to know right and I can't tell you could kill you too you're like oh like I thought that Dean was good it was good it took the time when it could have used without the Drax like I owe the whole time I was like I didn't yeah we could have just had this emotional yeah yeah I'm good yep but anyway I feel like they didn't handle Chris Pratt's character quite properly I agree and I couldn't quite figure out how to have him have that emotional maturity of like [ __ ] I just was gonna kill the love of my life right and now I couldn't do it and now she has been kidnapped away yes honestly I cared way more about their love story than vision and Scarlet Witch I was still so angry with him as a character and as a plot device when then they're on time whatever like almost taken Thanos down they're all working together yeah brain and whatever man just has put him to sleep you ever doing this they're doing this they're doing this and then she finds out that Gamora has been killed spoiler alert skipping ahead Chris Pratt in a fit of rage you know punches him in the face because that's a solution anyway it was stupid and I feel like that was like kind of a disservice to the character it was to the character to the plot to the universe apparently like it was just such a serious thing that they even made like kind of joke yeah it's like oh and then he [ __ ] it all up and like oh my god and there was no like dude you just like fully [ __ ] the universe there was no like moment taken no but we're not there again so then Gamora gets kidnapped he takes her back to see her sister right she's not Rachel rehook still looks exactly like her I know her name is Karen Gillan she looks just like a chili cook anyway Thanos finds out that Gamora knows where the soul stone is what nobody knows where it is it's on this random planet and they get there and there's like Red Skull from the first except in America would be the like death guy in the robe we find out that the only way for Thea knows to get the soul stone is to sacrifice something he loves and so in my mind I was like oh so he's gonna kill Gamora she thinks she had a great eyes I was you've never loved anything in your life so haha universe you'll never be able to complete your plan and [ __ ] you and then he's just like no but I do love you that was a good this wasn't really good this was one of the more emotional and my get powerful scene I thought well you're like oh that's always like good job yes she did she's great she like smiled out that he really did love her but also that means that he's never gonna murder her in order to destroy half them it was very interesting so they got to work on data behind the shields and this is when it really started to turn into like a big dumb action movie yeah well the creatures from I realize I was like didn't we already see these guys and then I realized no that was that other stupid movie that we just watched great wall know what they did today look like the creatures from Great Wall had babies with the creatures from Super Man and others what was that justice Justice League Superman and others coming soon so then yeah Black Panthers there everyone's showing about cap has shown up and Black Widow and they're all there and black it goes get that men's shield it sounded like he that and [ __ ] let me get you Spanish horns lady and big guy from World of Warcraft show up I mean look it was like straight out of World of Warcraft they show up and they're like we're gonna get you this time or whatever they say I guess all these like devil dogs start coming and you're going against the shield and they're doing standing there killing themselves and they realize that I mean this was stupid too yeah like they can't get through the shield at all really but if they get through the shield on the other side which we didn't think about how the world is round I guess we have to open the shield so we can start biting them because if they get in on the other side just go to the other side and just end half the people in the I'm it was so stupid it was really dumb but it was like we need a reason for this to happen we need a reason for the shield's to open and I was like wouldn't it just be that the gun gun like you know tripped and fell and then the shield fell down because Jar Jar was like oh I'm so stupid like no it should be but it felt like it was like I mean even the movie like black panther is just like all right on my cup open shield number 17 or whatever she's like what she's like did you just say open this yep that seems like a bad idea again no yes well this was really tedious and bad and I was like okay so you're gonna kill all of these poor wakandans yes I know again they've already suffered enough right they're old we forgot so earlier on in the movie dr. strange he's like meditating it he's like I went through 14 million combinations of what we could do and only one of them wins we only want like whoa and then you're like that's gonna come up later so then um Iron Man is basically fighting the fan OHS by himself and like doing okay like okay and he gets stabbed and he's like fully like I'm gonna kill you now and Doctor Strange makes a deal with him and gives him the time stone no tricks if you spare Tony's life or whatever because it was the only way right I mean that's what we find says it later on and so fairness has gotten that's done so now the only stone left is the one in visions had right so he flies down I mean there's a lot of like a flying from this planets that plane but if they dose quits the Thor that like [ __ ] taxes him in the stomach or like in the heart and chest whatever chestal region and he's like you should have gone for the head and then everyone's raptured well half of everyone sure right and not everyone right right right right half I mean it was like who's it gonna be wah wah and some people raptured quicker than others right some people were allowed to give full death monologues before they raptured but other people were just like but uh confusing I will say that I think perhaps the best acting and most powerful moment who's Tom Holland oh it was it was emotional well it was very you know because he really it he was like a kid you know he's like a little kid and Tony is so his father yeah it was really good I was like O'Shea this wasn't I was like oh this is skidding yeah down whoa but bang like what basically once black panther was raptured I was like oh so this is all getting reset exactly but they have lace running out no way like there's just it just isn't gonna happen there's a lot of money tied up in this because there was it was like I was this how they're gonna kill off Scarlet Witch sure you know she's not getting her own movie yeah okay sorry but like once Black Panther was bad I was like oh no no well okay so then we get to we go to you know like the fall you know remember that moving to fall that gorgeous movie with Lee pace oh [ __ ] go watch the ball like first and foremost that move is amazing but anyway they go to like the dreamland right baby Gamora blob yes yes like series that I've sort of through happenstance heard these may be wrong is that like he didn't really truly love her truly so it's not really gonna stick or whatever so he didn't actually wasn't like actually able to train them but he still had the stone that could be wrong but that's sort of like what I heard I just figured that there was some sort of trickery from Doctor Strange yes you know it was like it was the only way obviously it was like okay so there was something there cuz they can turn back down you can turn back down could reset the world exactly that's I mean that's what I was waiting they're gonna reset it all the way back to Loki but I think they're gonna resubmit it release back to Gamora sure well she isn't coming out to you mmm really not allowing the Guardians we're not gonna make it without error right I don't think that was weird well fine I'll find out that was the main thing and then like I don't know part of it was like really powerful and sad and then the other part of it was like well this is all just nonsense you know it's just like well I mean I was happy for it because this is what I've been asking for sure I would have a greater emotional range than absolute a lot of other superhero movies because it had those actual consequences it made it that much more exciting I agree I just felt like then it under cut itself by not actually having any of those consequences except two to three characters max we don't know but like the emotions were there they sure seemed that like Tom Hollands like emotional like that that was consequence enough sure for Tony sorry buddy okay I'm here for that sure so I mean I thought this was like an impossible movie to make and they did a pretty good job you did a pretty good job with this many people and this many plots and this much [ __ ] going on I don't know if you could make a better movie no I don't mean I think the score could have been a lot better and more helpful a little details like yeah sure I think they kind of nailed it for what they could do what they had to do with the story that's [ __ ] albatross that they're just like hurling yeah at the Chinese market they did they did get all of the money they got all of the money well then we didn't talk about the post-credits scene oh right do you know what happened I had to look up some of it because I watched it and then I was like is that xxx coming back oh my god if they live did the same shared universe and then they're all skiing through jungles yes but no that's not what happened yeah so we get to Nick Fury yeah and was he again he runs shield right like s dot H dot yeah yeah yeah yeah so him and Cobie Smulders she gets reaped yeah I don't like saying that phrase a lot and you want to harm her it's funny on two levels because there's so anyway um Nick Fury runs and grabs a beeper and then it's the symbol for Captain Marvel right who's Captain Marvel a Captain Marvel is basically Superman but it's a woman of the marvel universe she like do everything I think okay and it's um brie Larson is gonna be her okay and they're already filming everything yeah and it takes place in the 90s oh so he that's why he has a beeper she like left I think at the end of her movie she's probably gonna be like bye I have to go to the universe and save someone else so I'd like use this beeper if you ever need me because this is the highest and technology at the moment 1990s for I don't know and then and then he's gonna beep her and then she'll cut I don't know that's okay so anyway her movies gonna come out first right then that comes out next year and then the second Avenger for fourth or fifth fourth or the next Avengers movie will come out after its gonna show up and be like turn back down town oh my god it was just share [ __ ] yes Sharon's Captain Marvel [ __ ] yes yes that would be almost as absurd as her showing up in Mamma Mia is you almost as absurd oh so yeah I mean I would see it if you're at all interested in your movies if you're into Marvel movies then yes Thor had the best character arc it was me I he I mean more so than Doctor Strange even though I'm just pleasantly surprised aren't strange but he really stole the movie I mean I loved the war for so many reasons but like yes Chris Hemsworth could get it yeah [Music] [ __ ] marry and not kill sorry Evan you [Music]
Channel: MovieBitches
Views: 38,517
Rating: 4.8870969 out of 5
Keywords: xxx, movies, tom hiddleston, chris stuckmann, black panther, captain america, dr strange, thor, superhero, jeremy jahns, moviebitches, tom holland, benedict cumberbatch, chris hemsworth, marvel comics, spoilers, marvel studios, infinity war, drunk, justice league, marvel, wine, comic book, guardians of the galaxy, thanos, avengers infinity war, beyond the trailer, iron man, avengers review, red letter media, movie review, chris pratt, marvel movie, avengers
Id: sOrkmUcAabg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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