A Somewhat Serious Summary of FFXIV Shadowbringers (Gigantic Spoilers)

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greetings travelers due to popular demand i have finally come back to explain the story of final fantasy 14. the patches are officially wrapped up so i guess i'm going all in this time as we are all aware the next expansion is both the end of the current story and apparently like 20 hours of cutscenes longer this will also probably be a stupidly long video far beyond the scope of anything i've made on this channel thus far i could split it up into multiple videos but i'll just put some chapters in for the massive heaps of plot that i'm trudging through something something support the channel i'm not wasting any more time let's get into it we begin with the end of storm blood but not really if you remember my last video on this topic the gang repelled the empire from two areas and killed zenos whose body is missing and being piloted by an ashian amazing fan crit has decided to spy on garlamald to confirm this suspicion after freeing those prisoners and feeling pretty good about it alfino decides to go to garlamald as well but more legally than thancred being invited by this empirical guy who's almost sane i'm sure that's going to go very well meanwhile off-screen the empire is working with an ashy and possessed xenos and this weird dude who is trying to fix an airship has his own cutscene but he ends up killing a man and saying some very zenos-like stuff now if you haven't figured it out yet yes this dude is being possessed by the real xenos he is not actually dead for good and to clarify this is zenos this is not zenos makes sense yeah i thought not we get a notification to go back to the real amigo thankfully you're interrupted by fancred who is completely wasted disheveled from his journey back from the empire to inform everyone that yes not zenos is an ashian now but after he hydrates uh drink water everybody he says that he got a distress signal from alfano simply saying the burn i'm not really sure why he used the phrase feel the burn as a distress signal oh it's the name of a barren wasteland that's been depleted of its aether damn and here i thought we were about to see swolfeno after an off-screen training arc not visible to the warrior of light but visible to the viewer alfino was attacked in the burn by the emperor's personal guard themselves but was saved by a big strong hot man who doesn't give his real name but carries around a gun blade and knows who the scions are and says he played a part in the history of the scions so anyways this totally unidentifiable guy says that he hunts ashian's and he has the mass to prove it he takes alpha no away to safety meanwhile you try to find alpha no in the burn unsuccessfully and probably wipe a few times to the final boss of this dungeon because it's impossible content no one has ever cleared it alize is understandably not very happy about all of this but oh well you then return to the domen enclave which is near the burn and this is kind of important lisa's in doma for some reason and everyone agrees that we need doma to put more eevees into defense at least reminds him that you need to go back to the stupid [ __ ] table where i swear i'm always falling asleep at these meetings and these cutscenes seeing as leafs can just go to doma on a whim this further confuses me about the distance between doma and alamigo sure people can teleport but come on you think lisa is going to do that ishtola has a plan to defend doma because he found some cool ruins that you can generate a barrier to defend the domains from a potential empire attack and it just needs a power source yes i'm not even joking about any of that they literally just found some [ __ ] technology in the burn and immediately knew what to do with it yeah yeah it does look similar to aza's law which also made a barrier but it's a little convenient don't you think thankfully the azim step has some really cool stuff that you can use to power set barrier the only way to convince the locals who technically have to listen to you in the first place because you won that tournament arc does anyone remember any of that anyways you have to beat sadhu to death multiple times this is because the tribe she is from are the ones that actually worship the power crystals and you want to earn their respect how many phoenix downs are you gonna down i could do this all day so you win and ishtola does some cool magic and we all win except this dude proposes to ishtola and she puts that loser in his place and nothing of value was lost on that day this finishes the asm step story where things happen maybe back at that table where we talk and talk and talk and talk and talk i see we have an idea we can maybe make the empire more unstable if we spread a rumor that zenos is actually possessed which lease rightfully points out no one would believe given that ashians are not exactly common knowledge thank red counters this by saying anyone within the empire will use an excuse to try and claim the throne and rumors of zenos's death have already spread making a story about him being a puppet believable yeah i'm not really sure this plan sounds kind of stupid at least doma is part of the alliance now before you can develop this horrible plan any further you hear a voice in your head and lose sight of everything this happens to all the scions at the table and this voice is asking you to do something vague and after you gain control thank passes out completely and has to be rushed away to a hospital this has put everyone on edge because no one knows what that voice was or who is responsible hopefully they aren't a bad guy kanye center reveals that you are likely having your souls called upon from another reality and that thankful soul has left his body and is probably in the place that he was called from this is because he's more sensitive to these things since he was previously possessed in other words his body is here but his mind is somewhere else so you go back to more donuts and talk to udi anger about this incident udianger says that yeah it's pretty weird ishtola also briefly mentions that the ether is standing in areas in the east and udinger says oh [ __ ] you too i only bring this up because it's actually foreshadowing for like 50 hours of gameplay from now time to ignore that for a bit because the voice calls out again and ishtola and udanger have also been inflicted with the horrible illness of down for the count i guess there's a cutscene in the middle of this battle well i'm not really sure what's happening but let's try to move on while these three scions are taken care of okay here's the empire off-screen not zenos is pressuring the empire to destroy al-amigo again varys is hesitant weirdly after not zenos leaves another dude shows up it's the founder of the empire yes the literal founder the grandfather of varys well he's an ashian without a revealed name yet and he's here to tell you that not zenos is actually elitibus and the empire was founded by the ashians to sow chaos as cool as the empire is is not as great of the empire of alig that the ashians also created vera shoots this action because he's a bit annoying and he respawns saying that it sucks to be you varys being a puppet now go and create a calamity now because that's why i hired you and that's what the empire is planning to cause another calamity how are they going to do this thankfully we get to see alphanol's perspective again while traveling with a guy who we still have no idea who he is and they find an outpost of soldiers completely lifeless as if they just dropped dead where they were no signs of fighting it is revealed that the empire developed a piece of chemical weaponry which is what they are definitely planning to use to cause a calamity back to the rising stone masons kryl is here to tell you the exact same thing thank red udinger and ishtala have all had their souls ripped from their body however she suggests that you can find their souls if we encounter matoya again man it's back to one of the best characters matoya says oh look it's not alphanil you seem rather upset alize says no [ __ ] sherlock and matoya says good be angry because it's better than being sad kryl uses latoya's crystal ball to follow the souls of the not dead scions and their threads just end in the middle of nowhere before she can elaborate though you receive an important message the team that alphanol left with to go to garland mall has been found in al amigo maxima from tim magama here tells you that alfino is alive and as far as he knows that he left with a mysterious ashen hunter and that's why he isn't with them currently alize is relieved to hear that alfino is probably alive but then you both suffer another headache hearing a voice least doesn't though which is important because i will use this to dunk on her later boom what's that it's a guardian ship crashing into a barrier that we just made a little while ago oh [ __ ] alfino is not dead just unconscious like everyone else who is this man and for whom does he fight it's gaius i'm making a praetorium joke please clap so yes gaius wants to kill ashians which sounds pretty good to me although you have to kill ashians with aether blasts and freaky crystal things so i guess gaius is just annoying the crap out of the ashians which i consider a positive regardless he says that the scions in him are aligned as we all hate ashians the ones with the red masks are the big boys of the group and so far you've killed la ja brea and know of elitabus but emmett's selk is a name that you're not aware of thankfully he and alfino destroyed the chemical warfare facility off-screen so that problem has been stalled for a bit but it was clear that not zenos was ready to unleash it gaius is also kind enough to say that we should focus on killing the ashians even though he still wants to help his homeland emphasizing the horrors of the empire are not the result of the people but of those in power the scions reach an agreement and you receive one unconscious alpha no on the side of your plot exposition they also found a ton of clones of the empire's founder but don't worry about that welcome to another empire cutscene they're rebuilding the gas making facility meaning that gaius's efforts are temporary but calamities are forever the empire founder not leaving a successor was all part of his plan although he doesn't elaborate on what exactly that plan was i do really like these cutscenes with the ashian and varus as you can see how uncomfortable virus is when chatting with them so ashley a man who may or may not be emmet selk says that he has business to take care of and have fun with that gas thing with word of the empire planning to storm all amigo again everyone is planning defense anyways let's actually talk to the empire ferris is gonna be there and oh boy do i hate talking all right it pretty much boils down to this people who are under garlic and rule says that it was [ __ ] awful vera says it wouldn't have sucked so much if he just stayed conquered losers americ says that endless war only ends in doom for everyone ishgard would know that best varus counters with well you might have made peace with the dragons but it was only after you killed nidhogg though so really you were just the better player in this game of war yeah nobody is really happy although varys says he's not opposed to peace somehow and well we all try to take a break and find some common ground and the most important question is finally asked why do you want to conquer everyone so badly varus then explains it's simple to rule over everyone cause six more calamities to rejoin all the shards of the world and become whole again and then defeat the ashians so please let us conquer you everyone then explains that we don't need to rejoin the shards and that people might be flawed but it's by working together and overcoming weaknesses that we can succeed so in other words i can kick the ashian's ass right now and i don't need any of your [ __ ] varus so everyone leaves the table affirming that the next time that we meet it'll be on the battlefield time to get ready to rip and tear insert cutscene of us preparing for battle alizay reminds us that we are the only scions left at this point so we better both survive this battle for everyone's sake easy battle is easy everything trembles before your awesome might even the loser power rangers although you still aren't capable of beating a giant piece of magitek without an npc using limit break 3. while your victory over the invasion wasn't too bad it doesn't stop alize from collapsing with the same condition that has claimed the rest of the scions up until this point also double bad news despite the empire retreating not zenos is here to kick some ass he and and company attempt to hold the line but it doesn't exactly work out the warrior of light might be getting repeated migraines but that isn't stopping you from going to the front lines yourself time to do one last final instance of the same xenos fight for storm blood please i am so [ __ ] sick of doing this over and over again if we have to do this one time in end walker it's already too [ __ ] many despite your victory over not zenos he gets up and then you faint like all the other scions man whoever is calling us has some [ __ ] terrible timing alright [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] ready to tussle now no one stops me from my spree of defeating not zenos yeah there's no cause for alarm you blue looking ass douchebag i was about to beat final fantasy xiv it hasn't even been done before okay so we wake up in ishgard and apparently we were not mortally wounded unlike what you might think based on the cutscenes ostinian managed to heroically save you in a cut scene that doesn't exist and not zonos had to retreat because he was not in good shape after that thorough ass whooping after recovering you go back to the rising sediments and everyone is happy to see that you are alive especially tataru who tells you not to fight not zenos alone don't tell me what to do anyways your friends are probably in another reality with the dude that called out to you so let's go bring them back while the battle is currently at a stalemate why did the empire retreat because rumors of not zenos being possessed actually worked and the emperor is afraid of another power struggle from within also varys looks at the camera and says make the poison gas roll credits for the actual end of storm blood real xenos gets another body that still isn't his and we're left to look towards the crystal tower like the man in our visions told us to do welcome to the actual start of shadowbringers go to the crystal tower find a symbol of the ironworks and that is how you teleport to where your friends are alright welcome to the first a place that will need some introductions first let's look at this travel animation very cool very interesting look at all that plot flying right by us oh [ __ ] is that a vision of menphilia stopping a wave of piss and saying that it's not the time hey it's the warrior of darkness walking around and there we are awake in a very strange bright land okay maybe this guy can help us it's night time he says man this is the brightest it's ever been yep night doesn't happen around here anymore he says it's been about a hundred years since there was last a dark sky is that another bottle of alcohol that i can't accept you son of a [ __ ] yoshida let me accept some wine for once all right if you go to the crystal tower that's where the nearest city is title drop hey you're not familiar where are you from a place that you've never heard of oh [ __ ] is that a monster that just ate the dude that you met four seconds ago damn at least the dude from our visions is here to bail us out this is the crystal exarch by the way so this world which is called the first was almost completely consumed by light more than 90 percent of it actually and now monsters called sin eaters roam the land and prey on those that remain this is all important exposition so you go to the city and learn about how it functions which is not important to the plot what is important though is that time works differently between the first and the source don't worry about time dilation too much but it does mean that your friends were teleported here over the time of days in the source but they've actually been here for years thank red has been here for five years ishtola and udianger iii and alfino and alize about one so no she still isn't legal also the crystal tower being here in the first is surprising although asking about graha from the crystal tower story makes the exarch say he doesn't know who that is this is when i tell you that the crystal tower rage story is mandatory for the plot now but i will not be covering it other than grahatiya is effectively the caretaker of the crystal tower in the source mr exarch dude here didn't want to summon your friends but it's what happened when he tried to summon you he accidentally summoned those closely tied to your fate in other words leases are relevant also you are here in your entirety but since the scions are only souls they can't return to the source unlike you he is working on a way to send them back but it's not happening anytime soon and you're pretty much caught up on everything about being in the first you get a tour of the city and it's very interesting so much so that i won't talk about it i mean they literally say that money can be exchanged for goods and services thankfully your gill and their currency are about the same and nobody cares that they are different yes there is a lower reason for why you can buy things in the first the other important thing is that this ferry fail forms a pact with you so that you can travel between the rifts as well as do things like access retainers and send messages back to the source once again it's just a lower explanation for doing basic gameplay stuff but you can send a message back to a specific lalafell of your choice fail ooh also calls you a sapling and themselves a branch which is probably going to awaken some weird fetish in me at least they called my warrior of light adorable here is your hotel room where things will happen many times nice view though oh look it's the warrior of darkness he is a ghost now in case you didn't know this is the hero of old from the first who was tricked into causing the flood of light that was stopped by menphilia becoming an eternal servant of heidelin and the rest of his crew sacrificing themselves while he's just been a ghost roaming the land he was not sure why he was forced to stay behind while his comrades were sacrificed his name is artbert and we will get very well acquainted with him throughout this tale for now only you can see and hear him and he says that he will watch what you do now that you're trying to save the first which he believes is beyond saving back with the exarch he tells you that your fellow scions are scattered in different regions but the most accessible are alphano and alize thank red is traveling with a new companion and they could be literally anywhere so you can find either twin first let's start with everyone's favorite cutie alphano you get to fly to kalushia an island home to the bourgeoisie we do some things to try and get some booze from a bar [ __ ] finally alpha shows up we talk about how cool we are to understand kalushia there is yulmor home of the rich and everyone else lives in either small settlements around which are dangerous thanks to being constantly at the whim of monster attacks or a hooverville at the bottom of ewilmore where people try to gain access to the city you can go to yulmore if you have a shitload of money or are proven to have a skill worthy of one of the aristocats despite promises of a bright future by going to yule more of those who go there no one returns they also hand out food in this impoverished town called mjol every time they recruit someone to the city this food is plot relevant alfino has a plan to get into the city to gain some insight but his idea is stolen by this catboy named kaishir kaishir reveals that all of his friends and family gained access to the city but not him and in his starvation and desperation he stole alphanil's plan as a last-ditch effort alfino realizes the severity of the situation and says kaishir can use his idea to gain access to the city meanwhile a body washes up on the coastline nearby the man on the beach who doesn't have a cut scene was a painter who was thrown off the top of the city into the ocean for not being good enough alfino does know how to paint though and figures he can gain access to the city now by taking this vacant opening and claims you to be his assistant you take a shower and slap on some nasty perfume and meet your clients the chais dulia chai says that alfino is cute as [ __ ] and you walk around and investigate the city the life of servitude is certainly as awful as you would expect it to be although it does seem to entirely depend on who you serve i guess you could always be a stripper in this part of town this girl who sings has lost her voice for good but her patron doesn't want her to leave and die and mentions something about ascension which sounds great but also very ominous while china's doesn't like alfino for painting him and his waifu realistically also kaiser is found out to be a fraud and is forced to commit seppuku by the very interesting looking ruler of yulmore this guy can also command sin eaters and wanted to feed them some aether from kaishir elfino tells val3 that he's a loser and we will never be welcomed backed into ulmore with open arms at least dulia chai isn't happy about it and kaiser leaves with us don't worry about this hissy fit or the very obvious ashian in the background all right it's time to go find the cooler ali zay now that we know how much of a paradise yulmor isn't so you go to omering which is a desert with buildings you do some stuff in more soup where they really like people spending money at least they accept anyone as a citizen as long as they're willing to help the merchants so the x-art gave you a small fortune to spend which attracts everyone's attention as you decide to buy some food that would probably only be appealing to hachima the warrior of light celebrates by projectile vomiting all over the market he then traveled to the end at journey's head where alize has been helping teslin is a caretaker here of the victims of sin-eater attacks where their ether has been imbalanced and they will eventually turn into sin eaters themselves and they just spend their final days here they kill them off before they transform into sin eaters by mixing poison with their favorite food and yes all sin eaters were normal living creatures before they were corrupted by light holy [ __ ] this is kind of brutal also here is a lore moment explaining the legends of the warrior of darkness who would kill everybody regardless of who they are sounds pleasant harlick a patient goes missing and teslin chases after him and we get to see said transformation happen in real time this graphic cutscene is also similar in length to teslin's character development although alize has known her for a year well after that tragedy i guess it's time to go back to the crystarium these first set of quests for alphano and alize really help the setting and give you an idea of what the stakes are in the first the x-arc explains that while each shard exists they are at least somewhat connected by overflowing the aether of a shard it essentially flows into the other shards but especially into the source and currently the first is very close to having enough light to overflow certain sin eaters have an abundance of light and they are known as light wardens and by slaying them and removing their light it will be enough to restore balance and prevent the first from collapsing obviously destroying sin eaters will not sit well with valtteri the leader of umor since his command over them is integral to his position of power but our goal is to hunt the wardens anyways uh oh a town called homeminster switch is under attack coincidentally fending off the sin eaters allowed you to find the first warden and by slaying it don't worry about killing testling before this causes the light from the warden to flow into you what is important here is that killing the wardens was always possible but the light within them would simply disperse and form a new warden thanks to the blessing of light that you have you can store the light instead of letting it disperse and restore darkness to lakeland yes very much literally making you the bringer of shadow so you agree to help by hunting the remaining wardens alize wonders why the exarch is so determined to save the first and his only response is that there are things that he never wants to lose so you go back to your inn where artbert appears and says i guess you're the warrior of darkness now ironic he also says that man being a hero means losing a lot around you but remember keep your friends close also this miniphilia looking character appears and says that she needs to find the person responsible for the darkness so in the crystarium ulmor sends their top military official named ranjeet to basically say since you probably caused the darkness prepare for war also i know that you're hiding the warrior responsible for this using magic in this room currently so yo more is a problem now ranjit has been his military leader for a long time since even before valtteri and used to lead the attack against the sin-eaters he also used to train up each and every generation of menphilia wait what yeah the x-arc says you probably want to go to the library and learn about the reincarnating menphilias in the first the short version there's a bunch of menophilia look alike that are the oracles of light and every time one dies a new one is born and they usually fight the sin-eaters due to the nature of the oracle they are very helpful for fighting the sin eaters and since ulmore no longer wants to fight they want to capture the current miniphilia to make it harder for you to kill the wardens so you tell the people of the cristarium it's time to fight yulmor and restore darkness and your first order of business is saving minphelia the battle begins by sprinkling dust from the skies that puts soldiers to sleep you get to fight ranjeet but it doesn't go super well oh hey at least that crits here and the x-arc helps you escape to the land of fairies where the eomorian army will not chase you because nobody would dare go there oh yeah just like how the empire wouldn't go to the azim step i'll believe that [ __ ] when i see it a rock is a rock welcome to the land of fog and fairies or pixies or whatever you want to call them in the first so menphilia tells you that she left the bodyguard thank red to try and find you because she felt the calling and gets scalded for being captured thankfully the pixies nearby say let's play and we are all already under some mischievous spell oh yeah the pixies are fake creatures formed from the dead souls of children which is why they want to play all the time until they kill people that they are playing with man even the most lighthearted stuff in shadow bringers has to have some [ __ ] up description it's like reading about a pokemon and finding out some real dark stuff so you use a piece of special grass to find the pixies hiding in plain sight and they say if you do some chores for us we'll lift this spell and we'll take you to see urienji who's been living here and thus these chores are a complete waste of time and unending is this the writers going full meta about all the fetch quests now i must be my imagination god if only we knew a pixie who could get us out of this fail ooh the coolest of the cool the hottest of the hot please get us out of this for god's sakes phil o shows up and tells all the other pixies to [ __ ] off this person is mine to bully and the spell is broken so we go see woody andrew who gives you some lore drop about alchemy stuff that goes right over my head look i leveled it to 80 but all i do is make tinctures basically he says something about light maybe being closer to dark in the first but he really could have just said light seems kind of bad in the first tbh and i would have taken it basically he's teaming up with us again and we need to work with the local living creatures to defeat the light warden who is the king of the pixies although they use the term king pixies don't really have genders as far as i can tell to get into the castle you need to find four fashion accessories one is with the pixies another is with these other people that i don't understand another is with the bird people and another is with the frog thingies yeah seems good enough to me we get a vision of thank cred when miniphilia was actually minphilia and not menphilia makes sense basically menphilia has turned into an eternal entity similar to the ashians and possesses bodies of others but miniphilia doesn't actually want to take over the lives of others and wants these min philias to live the way that they want although fancred wants to bring miniphilia back and you see what their history is like together but minphilia says she will only fully come back if this person who she is possessing wants it yeah i really wish they didn't have the same name at this point in the plot anyways do a chore in this dungeon to get one of the things that we need to get into the castle so uh your party seems to forget that you were unable to drown but i appreciate the sentiment also artbird tells you that these creatures come from spirits of the drown so we do some chores for another group called the namu who love mortals and menphilia is having an identity crisis wondering if she should live her life or give it to minphelia yeah that's some pretty heavy [ __ ] let's just go do some work for the bird people to get another thing that we need to storm the castle seto is the former pet of artbert and he tells of how ardbert is a kind and noble soul who although was responsible for the flood it wasn't his fault settle still believes in art bird and your soul looks similar to his you can see artbert overhear this and walk away emotionally and dilmore is here because as we all know they would never step foot into ilmeg well while they are distracted it's time to go fight titania the king of the fairies and light warden this trial this [ __ ] trial if there is a single instance in the msq that destroys my faith in humanity it's titania the amount of cursed runs i have had is too high for me i'm not even talking about extreme i have seen it all from the ads killing every single person one by one until the tank finally thought hey maybe that's not an intentional mechanic i even had a group that couldn't clear the dps check with everyone alive on normal my experiences in this instance is where the origins of my mentor animosity are rooted in if you're new to the game no this instance is not hard at all but the player base will try to make it as hard as humanly possible after that victory and sucking up that light fail oh becomes titania the new pixie king and the eulmorians retreat or get waterboarded so fail oil says to call upon us any time you helped us so that we will help you just ask if you need help i am emphasizing this a lot because failover literally says yes we will help you with the city eaters if you just ask us to well before we can actually go back to the in room the founder of the garlian empire shows up and says hey i'm an ashian you ruined my attempt to rejoin the first with the source i don't really like that but you know what i am curious to see what you do because la habrea got [ __ ] killed when he tried to stop you and i'm not a big fan of dying i swear you can totally trust me okay then introducing another ephemeral person to follow us around on this journey welcome emix elk get in line so you actually go to your end room and talk to artbird about your journeys as heroes in each of your realms as the camera fades to black in the crystal meeting room emmett selk tells you that he doesn't plan to interfere if you succeed in your plan he will consider you an ally and give you the horrible truth of the world well he leaves and everyone agrees ashians are still bad news we have to find the next light warden and the crystal exarch was invited to play super smash brothers ultimate with valkyrie so you're gonna go to the land of lahi and meet up with eshtola the emmett man is here by the way just watching he gets surrounded by the local tribe claiming that you are sin eaters emmett selk says see you later and teleports away then ishtolo appears and says hello friends and person who i don't know who is full of light wait a minute that's me she goes oh [ __ ] what and everyone lowers their weapons what is important to remember is that ishtola sees with ether and not with eyesight and because of all that light that you absorbed that's why she thought you were a sin eater so the people of slitherborough here worship darkness itself which makes about as much sense for a world full of light ishdola says there are also ruins of ranka and ancient civilization here that are guarded by a group of bunny girls that will kill everyone on site the light warden is probably hiding somewhere in their land and we need to figure out how to get there without getting stepped on by big hot bunnies thankfully the xr gave us a tablet with a clue before we left to get here so you do some chores in town and eventually do a ritual where you get splashed with some dark infused water and it slightly burns and if you can't figure out what is happening here there is some pretty obvious foreshadowing about all the light stored inside of you well you also get a funeral scene for a person who you don't really know people of this culture leave behind a stone infused with magic when they die and they drop it in this big old bowl of darkness to represent going to the afterlife damn that's a lot of dead people anyways we should bring the darkness back to this land there is another faction around here that worship darkness uh differently than those that you are currently working with and because you need to get some info from their hideout you trick them and you see a portrait of the old heroes of darkness on the cave walls then you have everything you need to do something ishtola talks to udianger and says yeah the warrior of light is being corrupted by all of that light they absorbed you know it i know it and they need to know it so now you know it you're interrupted because basically that evil faction has joined you more and they are giving an ultimatum to the group that you are working with putting more pressure on you to kill the light warden they even poison some of the locals and are keeping the antidote to themselves the exarch and val3 have a nice warm hostile conversation about the warrior of dankness exarch says smoke weed every day and that people are defined by resilience not falling in line and then disappears leaving val3 not super happy you finally finish up those chores to get a medallion that will make it so that the bunnies don't kill you on site now with that access we do some more chores to try and find a light warden in a temple while making that journey we are attacked again by ranjit this idiot steps on a trap which causes a bottomless pit to appear this guy also offers the antidote in an attempt to bargain and ranjeet kicks him into the abyss insert a this is yulmore joke here jeet shtola yeets herself into the void and tosses the antidote at you and thank crit also kicks ranjit into said bottomless pit as well and then demonstrates his insane upper body strength now ishtala and ranjit are definitely not alive after that so we give the antidote to the villagers oh hey emmett selk what's that ishtola did the super weird teleporty thing again and we have to fish her out of the ether stream again didn't we already do this in the plot okay well i'll take the help though i still don't really trust you mr ashian man oh damn you can bring her back with her clothes too [ __ ] and i thought we were gonna see some anime titties this scene where roonar holds estolla in his big strong arms is pretty wholesome and i think we can all agree we want to be held like that all right welcome to the actual dungeon to finish this arc and kill another prime i mean light warden you walk outside and ishtola asks udianger to say what the stars look like which i mean ishtolah sees with ether i get that but you're telling me that the stars don't give off perceivable ether the writers have no idea what ishtolah can and cannot see and it really shows afterwards you look at some ancient pictures in the ruins emmett selk explains that in the beginning there was one perfect world when things were getting out of hand in this amazingly perfect world people summoned zodiac to save them people afraid of zodiac then summoned heideln to keep him in check but eventually heideln prevailed thus the ashians are in some way part of the group that originally summoned zodiac and that's why they want to rejoin everything but you are essentially told zodiarch and heilin are just primals like every other one that we've ever defeated and yulmor fleas along with those other definitely relevant tribe of people raktika is saved for good now back at the end for another pow-wow with artbert he mentions that you seem no different despite all the light sealed inside of you we ponder if heidel in is really just like any old primal and what does that make us both warriors of light that received her blessing left to decide for ourselves if emmet selk is telling the truth or not although arbert asserts that it doesn't really matter if the blessing is good or not often what determines if something is good or bad is perspective and while he thinks of himself as just any old person making others happy always feels good it's a pretty nice sentiment wake up samurai the city is under attack and we need to defend it this battle is brutal as lena's friends are turned into sin eaters in front of her and thank cred managed to kick ass through sheer force of will ardbert is also forced to sit idly by and he can't save this dude who is about to be attacked by a sin eater moving at the speed of snail run more like just aggressively power walk and you'll outpace that thing yeah ardbird is left to wonder why he can't intervene and be forced to watch as he can't save anybody at the same time the slowness of the sin-eater movie makes this scene really hard for me to take seriously this battle is still heartbreaking though not just for artbert but for everyone lena sums up the feeling of absolute hopelessness pretty well as despite being so much closer to saving the world she still couldn't protect some of the people closest to her forcing herself to try to help those who remain even though her body is broken too it's a tragedy vault 3 flies over letting you know that this is his doing for betraying him a reminder that the threat is far from gone so the real dilemma at this point are a few things we don't know where the other light wardens are intelligence hasn't made that possible the crestarium is in bad shape after the attack and val 3 can absolutely command the sin eaters in coordinated attacks at will minphelia here has a suggestion to find the remaining wardens if she summons the power of the real oracle she could see them the plot point here is that this miniphilia has the big miniphilia inside of her but to fully awaken to her powers of the oracle either the host or the original menphilia would have to be consumed by the other thank doesn't like the idea since big menphilia is the one that he loves and he doesn't want either character to die although miniphilia is adamant about doing this so off to omaring where the flood was originally stalled and where you can contact big menphilia we travel into amering from a different direction to avoid ulmore who is patrolling that part that we are more familiar with we now have to find a way to get to where we want because it is blocked off so there are no cut scenes for this part but you find a village that is abandoned but not abandoned as it turns out there is a trolley that can get you where you want to go but it's out of commission that's because the head of this operation magnus is depressed but maybe you can convince him to help you out basically magnus's wife was a minor who mind the fuel source for the talus that move the carts around she mined so hard that she died she wanted to keep the business going at the cost of her own life magnus now spends his days drinking the pain away thank grid talks to him about how they both lost that which was precious to them he mentions the time that he spent with miniphilia and how she was the beacon in his life also how he thinks magnus's wife probably buried herself in her work to distract herself from the loss of her son you managed to find the rock that the minor mined up and where she engraved that she loved her family magnus sees this rock and says you can have it you use this to fire up the talus that you need to get the cart running magnus sees this and while he's upset that his wife died for this it is what she wanted miniphilia gets upset and runs away believing that than credit wants her to die so that she can be big men philia instead although thank red overhears this he doesn't say anything to her when you finally get past this gate that did require a talos you get interrupted by good old ranjeet again he kicks that trolley and says he's going to kidnap menphilia again and she can live in peace in prison although she did say that she wants to stay with the people who have been with her and that she would rather die trying to save the world than sit around in ignorance then crit defends her and says that he's sorry for the emotional struggle she's going through but he knows that she will be strong and can make her own choices cue the best solo instance in the game where you play as a different character than cred versus ranjeet is [ __ ] sick watching thank pull off perfect deception slowly get more tattered as the battle rages basically mick dies to pull off the final hit and ranjeet loses his transformation state and has to run away with thanks saying miniphilia can choose what she wants to do with her life and no one else is awesome i've done the msq a few times but i do love this sequence every single time if the solo instances in n walker are half as good as this i think the player base will be happy bankrupt collapses to the ground after combat and basically says he understands that minphelia threw her life away to try and save the remainder of the first and he knows that's what she wanted to do here's what saving the first somewhat from the flood looks like by the way and our bird is left behind because he still has something to do if only we knew what it was so cut the menphilia all right if you gain the power of the oracle you'll be able to hunt down the remaining light wardens but what do you want miniphilia one of us will have to perish for that to happen miniphilia says that she wants to fight and save the first so minphelia agrees and gives her the power of the oracle to continue the fight midfielia doesn't mind that she'll be gone because saving the first is more important so minniephilia now looks different she's afraid to tell fancred that menphilia is dead but he takes it in stride able to understand and accept miniphilia for who she is and the choices that she's made he's given her the name of ren and i finally don't have to keep saying menphilia for the rest of this video it's a good scene so rin where's the next light warden it's in a mine shaft all right let's do it easy peasy the darkness has arrived holding this light in is getting real painful probably can't handle it anymore rin also thinks it's not looking good bird is telling you that existence is suffering oh there's that pain again wow something crazy is happening when arbor touches you show us where he touched you on the doll i guess there is something that he has to do that will probably help with all that light not like we know what that is but all heroes need a team the exarch inquires if you're okay well at least the pain went away you go to sleep and have a vision of a person reading the heavensward expansion which is now included in the new expanded free trial of final fantasy 14 that goes up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on play time who is reading that actually you know now i think about it that didn't really look like from any timeline that i'm aware of yeah it's probably a vision of artbird it's not like there's anybody else who is nearby before he went to sleep there is only one light warden left it's time to plan let's get hyped up emmitt selk tells you that you all suck and it was fun to watch you despite how shitty you are he elaborates on the tales of zodiarch and heidelin yet again zodiark was made first to preserve the star and heidel in second heidelin did defeat zodiac but it's thanks to her ability to essentially reduce things down and dilute them so she split zodiark into 14 parts but as a consequence also split the entire universe into 14 parts as well the whole world was reduced to 1 14 of the greatness of the people of the past where it was awesome and everybody was immortal so that's why the ashians want to restore the world oops the 13 shard kind of got [ __ ] up and what's that you're only like four seventh as cool with all the shards that have been fused into the source so have fun umor is preparing a solid defense and we have to strike fast they might have a light warden in the city given how fortified they made it off we go man the people are acting kind of weird in collusion when you get there attacking people on site and talking about how cool valtteri is so you try to figure out what has happened and why kaiser your now intelligence agent in yumor isn't affected along with all the newcomers we do know that valtteri has a mind control ability but his ability to control people doesn't seem determined by magic resistance which is why thank red isn't affected and since the newer people seem more resilient hmm yeah i know exactly where this is going yep mule is made of sin-eater and by eating it over years and years it slowly converts people and allows them to be controlled by val3 in the same way that he controls sin eaters already so most citizens of eumore are brainwashed but alphanol also figures that people eventually just turn into straight-up sin-eaters which is how valkyrie has so many in his ranks and yes that off-handed comment about ascension is probably turning people into sin eaters thus the promise of you more is even more of a lie than i originally thought because you might live but probably not as a human although i'm getting some mixed messaging here kaiser was starving because he couldn't eat any mule and as a result he was also not able to be brainwashed so starvation is good anyways we need to confront valtteri because rin says there is a light warden up there remember no yulmur i mean you actually straight up murder a lot of civilians granted their minds are pretty much gone but i mean they still look like people and not sin eaters so you defeat those creepy clown ladies and have your confrontation with ranjit you wonder why he fights so strongly for valtteri despite clearly not being brainwashed but he really does believe that continuing to fight would only be suffering for everybody the fight isn't as fun as playing as thank red but you defeat him and find val3 yeah he's just eating a bunch of sin eaters and an entire fork that's kind of creepy and he grows really tiny wings and flies away to a giant floating island that he made and it's hard to get to time to try to help the citizens of umur that we didn't completely slaughter well hopefully we can just put those brainwashed people fully to sleep and figure out a way to deal with that later rain thinks she might be able to do something so we tell the citizens that they have been brainwashed but they were still a piece of [ __ ] to most low-class citizens of their own free will well they kind of feel bad and they want to try to help you for saving them so how do we get to mount glug first we need to get up a cliff thankfully china's is an expert on talos which is what we use to power the cliff elevator now we have to actually get to the mountain flying is probably out of the question because we are too vulnerable in the air we need a way to walk there also there are some dwarves up here that say lolly ho but don't be deceived the dwarves are just lalafell with outfits that give them beards and that's canon the x-arc is also here to try to help and solve a floating mountain problem alright the plan is to make a giant talos to reach out and carry us up to the floating stronghold china's first says that's impossible but then he says well if all it has to do is reach out and nothing else maybe it could be done then he says we don't have enough people so alize says how many people do you need we got people in yumor and in the crystarium you need to mine rocks omering has you covered you need magic the darkness wartroopers can also do that i think we should call the pixies odiendra says that we can't have the pixies help shut the [ __ ] up booty andrew okay wow i guess we're not gonna ask the fairies for help but yeah afterwards chinos looks at you after listing all those people and says hang on isn't that literally everyone left on the planet how did you manage to recruit all these people and we say we're the real deal baby better go apologize to those locals nearby that you tormented though because we need them china's is discouraged but you remind them that we do all this crazy stuff to protect the people that we care about and he becomes invigorated and ready to rumble so you do some more chores to set up the talos but the exarch is clearly exhausted from all the fighting you've been doing when you talk to him he talks about how he became one with the tower to try and live forever because that's how much time he would need to try and save the first and ultimately save a single individual who is the hero that he always looked up to he asks what you will do when this is over but you turn that question back on him and he says he doesn't know what he'll do in the end but he wishes he could adventure with the hero that he idolizes that would be the greatest gift that he could ever ask for it's time to talk about a side story that pops up in a couple of cutscenes about what's going on in the source astonian and gaius are going around garlamal trying to stop the black rose gas attack and gain information gaia sinisterian walk around in plain sight in the capital city of garland and talk about there still being a stalemate on the battlefield also guys implies that there is another person possessing people's bodies and that's when we see that the real zenos is in the capital wanting to get his old body back elitibus reveals that he knows that the scions are currently in the first and that they could use this opportunity to slay them while their bodies are still vulnerable but he's interrupted by zenos getting his body back and everything flades to black okay back in the first it's time to fire up that talos made of all the hard work of civilization man i can't believe that worked but there's still quite a few sin eaters that would need to be taken care of thankfully fail ooh shows up and blast a bunch away hey wait a minute i thought they would never show up look even fayou said that you should have asked them for help because they said they would this makes me upset all right we scared the mountain and it's time for the real fight oh no he's hot well that was easy time to absorb some more light again what is this vision that we are seeing oh is that val 3 being born an ashian made val3 emmett sulk's gonna have some explaining to do that's gonna have to wait though because i don't think all this light can be contained the x-arc here says that the light is too much for you to bear so he'll relieve you of the burden this almost seems evil for a second until woody andrew stops ishtola from stopping the crystal x-arc who's taking all the excess light from you and is planning to teleport into the void and take it with him that's it that's the crystal exarch's grand plan in all the commotion his hood flies off to reveal a certain character it's grahatia and now this is when this video gets weird because i've never talked about grahatiya other than saying he's from the crystal tower raid story arc from a rum reborn and i'm just gonna leave it at that if he did that by this point in the story you can call him by name and he wishes you a farewell as he calls you the hero that he wanted to save yes he was talking about you when mentioning the people he didn't want to lose he's interrupted by mxelk who shoots him to stop this light transfer teleport i gotta say mr selk making an entire empire just to invent guns so you could shoot krahatia is pretty elaborate basically he doesn't want gracati as planned to work he was willing to consider you equals if the warrior of light could contain all the light but clearly it was too much to handle although he thought it was weird that the crystal exarch had the crystal tower and was able to do the things he did but it makes sense because graha was from the source and so he says you'll soon turn into a monster but you can seek him out in the tempest if you want to end your days there oh even if you managed to control all the light he would have killed you anyways emmett stelk also takes gracati away and you pass out you wake up in the inn and everything is light again yep all of your hard work has been undone arbert is glad to see that you're awake but it's very clear how much the light corruption is spreading through your body walking out of your room to see the world doesn't help much you are in fact the one showering the world with light right now artbert comes out and says yeah things are not looking too great however it's still not over yet even though it doesn't seem possible now he too once thought that this world was done for when he made the choice to go to the source in a last-ditch effort to save it as he wandered the light-scorched world as a spirit he wondered if it was all worth it but seeing you and what you were able to do so far making the talos and bringing people together i'm sure that you'll find a way his story might be almost over completely but he still has a role to play in your tale heroes often forget that they don't have to do everything alone phil ul shows up and says why so down you need to believe in yourself like rahati believed in you so we're gonna go to the crystal tower and figure out what to try and do next to fix this in the tower you see a vision of grahatiya in udinjer presumably soon after udiyanja arrived in the first in this vision graha talks about how he is from the far future in the source where the warrior of light died although sid and other members pulled their efforts to try and find a way to travel through time and space to stop the warrior of light from dying in the first place part of the plan required using the crystal tower and awakening grahatiya who then carried out the rest of the plan over an undetermined amount of time until they finally cracked the code and arrived in the first he knew he would need the warrior of light to be able to defeat the sin-eaters and worked on bringing them here his plan is to then take the corrupted aether that the warrior of light absorbs and die with it this is his grand plan and udianger will be his accomplice yes udindra did not actually have a vision of this happening but was told about the future by grahatia in the end he wants to do all this because the warrior of light is the inspiration to all in the times of disaster the one who could be at wit's end and keep going the one who never doubted themselves and stayed the course no matter the loss the irony here being of course grahacia in traveling through time and space and working on this for what is effectively forever he has done exactly the kind of ludicrous feat that he describes the warrior of light doing graha despite claiming he isn't as great as the scions will ever be has in many ways far surpass what they are ever going to be capable of gratia is the hero that he describes and hearing this tale and seeing this vision the warrior of light has found the new resolve to find grahatiya and emmett's cell can finish the job irene is able to stabilize your body for the time being but she has no idea how long it will last for the pain of your party members is pretty obvious as they know there is nothing they can do to help you but they're all in agreement sitting around is a waste of time and trying to stop emmett's self seems like a good course of action everyone in the crystarium is also ready to help it's time to make towards the tempest which is at the bottom of the ocean to get to the bottom of the ocean you find bismarck don't worry about there being a bismarck here bismarck will not take you to the bottom of the sea but i know a fairy that can help fail oh help us please you finally learned how to ask me for help so bismarck goes to the bottom of the ocean now and makes a giant air bubble for us for the tempest i can turbo through all this you find fish people who don't trust you to gain their trust you must investigate the underwater buildings which they claim belong to the ancients these buildings are made out of impossible materials that not any civilization that anyone is aware of could possibly make but if you fix a lantern for the first people they will believe you and worthy of their trust so you visit a crazy artisan at the bottom of the ocean as well struggling with self-doubt and you tell them a tale of heroism that varies depending on which series of role quests you did he then regains his confidence and gives you class gear for your job and gives you the fixed lantern that you need the fish people then lead you to an entire city similar to the buildings that you just investigated that popped up recently and were probably made by emmix elk okay welcome to the city so you run around and find out where emmett selk is although you figure he's in a big fancy building so you go through some bureaucrats to get there while waiting on this bench a figure waits with you so this city is made by emmett selk to recreate the source when it was not split we have heard the zodiac creation tale multiple times now but emmett selk failed to mention that half the world was sacrificed to stop the destruction and another half of what remained was sacrificed to bring life back that's when people wanted to stop sacrificing to zodiac and instead leave the world in the hands of the new life that appeared and ultimately why hydeline was created emmet selk wants to exact the will of zodiac a task that he alone believes to carry out but really there is no clear answer for what is right although your soul the warrior of light soul carries a specific color and you certainly are the soul of a certain special person that emmet selk once knew when you were whole arbit and you are also pieces of that same soul well it's our turn now hopefully we find emmet selk there he is this concentration pretty much goes like this yes after the source was fully fused with all the shards they would then sacrifice all life to bring back their ancient loved ones emmit selk has judged all empires over all ages and has evaluated that you will never be as pure as the originals alphano says that everything is in the past and bringing them back at the cost of those in the present is madness but emmett's selk doesn't care and so you decide a final showdown will prove that you are worthy to inherit the star you occupy omarot is a dungeon that's pretty long another chat happens and all your friends get inflicted with down for the count again and it appears that light finally consumes you then ardbird appears and says if you had the strength could you save the world of course i can so you fuse together contain the light and mxl sees a vision of your soul and realizes for a moment who you were when you were whole grahatia gets up to the surprise of everyone and summons additional warriors to help you this ends now you get to battle emmett celka's hades welp after you weaken him bankrupt pops in and uses that weapon that udi anger prepared earlier and you kill another ashian just like the good old days with all your friends helping you build up a giant [ __ ] shot and using the axe that arbit gave you emic silk with a hole in him in his last moments says not to forget that the ashians once lived you can interpret this in many ways but a large part of emmett selk is constantly saying that people who are alive today will never surpass those of old the way i look at it he already knew that people had accomplished more than he let on grahatiya solving dimensional time travel you holding in the light gracias still standing despite everything and even though he didn't see it zeno's figuring out immortality off screen all of this proves you were already able to be more than the ancients mxl really uses this veil as an excuse because he really just wanted to revive his loved ones but now that it's all over it's good to see gracati awake and your soul is fixed by using up all that light to slay emmett's silk everything is good in the hood so you go back to the crystarium and everyone cheers roll credits the shadowbringers epilogue is as follows we can't bring the scions back yet and they're still trying to work that one out everyone says okay we still want to say goodbye the sun eaters have all retreated and darkness is restored so it'll work out probably the warrior of light returns to the source and we see that grahatiya still can't return at all so there are some things that we're gonna have to take care of of course there's another cut in for the empire zeno's got his body back elitibus has fled and zenos kills varys because it would stop his hunt if ferris was still in charge ostinian and gaius witnessed this event because they were spying in the royal palace and gaius attempts to stop zenos before everything fades to black elitibus talks to himself on the moon realizing that he is the last of the red masterians who are the strongest and that's the end of shadowbringer's the core but you know what time it is you thought this video was over i'm already in too deep welcome to all of the patches so you're back in the source and little time has passed here tataru is happy to see you again but kryl is unhappy to inform you that the scions are dying that you need to bring their souls back from the first or they're going to die since you can carry possessions on you all you gotta do is carry their souls back and those crystal things that you normally use to kill ashians so you go back to the first and seek out a recluse who knows all about manipulating souls and they test you with a bunch of nonsense when you pass and probably have a party member died a mortal flame beck lug agrees to listen to your pleas and help now that they know you're the hero who brought back the darkness you can move souls back if they are dormant but that's a little risky and also similar to the people who are dying at camp sadness so beck luck decides to see if they can do anything to help those people good thing they already have a potion made and it kind of works it doesn't fix the soul but you probably can fix a soul with a familiar to channel even more magic healing sauce so do some chores to make it familiar alize make that clay look like a pork see ah close enough it's always that uses that familiar and heals harleq i guess we're still not getting a full sentence out of him though although this technique has promise of working for the tempered back in the source like gabu there's trouble in yumor dulia chai what's going on chinese ran away because the city wanted him to be the leader that's what julia chai thinks instead china's is actually leaving town temporarily to find rendon who used to help yumor before valtteri took over and he wants to try to solve some of the problems that they face rendon questions if chinese is worthy of leadership and china says that umor is going to have to take matters into their own hands surrendering gives a test solve ewelmore's food crisis simple we just revive the collusion agriculture with talos better go tame some wild talos bam brendan thinks china's is cool and china's goes and [ __ ] his wife and then everyone claps also in the imperial palace after astinian and gaius witnessed the emperor being murdered they are apparently accused of being responsible for varys death then ostenian [ __ ] some [ __ ] up and they leave the place and in yulmore everyone is happy to start working on rebuilding and an arbit lookalike shows up and says some very ashy and like things 5.2 kicks off with nothing interesting gaius tells you that the empire is making another ultimate weapon yeah and next thing you're going to tell me that we have to fight zenos again don't [ __ ] tell me all right i'm going back to the first and we're not going to talk about the empire ruining this good plot all right they want us to boost the morales of soldiers by doing a battle against some sin eaters and someone else who looks like arbor claims to be the warrior of light has already killed all the sin eaters well that was a really good use of time we gather everyone up to talk about how the warriors of light were not the villains in the past but simply misunderstood so yeah everyone feels kind of bad for not revering the warriors of light because they really were heroes thankfully artbird appears and tells everyone that he is that hero and everyone needs to learn to fight for themselves everybody can be a warrior of light even you person who mashes buttons fervently on their keyboard yeah that ardbird is not the real one he's an ashian most likely elitibus we're gonna have to be careful with that guy ishtolah says let's go to the raktika great woods i ask why she responds with let's go to the raktika great woods but more sternly this time tell us where there are some awesome rocking weapons that we can use yeah there's just a spooky statue here although ishtala has a revelation that perhaps the souls of the past still remember the great tragedies of the final days and that the echo is something that once belonged to those powerful souls of the past as well which is cool and all let's get out of here to slitherborough so that runar can eavesdrop that ishtola is leaving also our bird is here for some reason yeah yeah artbert what do you think about sedo you wish he wasn't dead you're not going to be fooling anybody then okay elitibus we're going to go deeper into the tempest to learn about ashians see you later we go back to the ondo cups oh there's bad fish people nearby they're planning on killing everybody on land well not anymore there aren't bismarck can help us destroy that evil homeland woody andrew has become jesus instead of learning how to swim and the scions are not holding up super well so let's take a break and save someone who is already saved because they were inspired to do good deeds is it okay to do the right thing for the wrong reasons anyways we actually do this dungeon so that invasion was prevented but this building is actually important and built by the ancients so we see a holographic scene where the ancients talk about making heidelin this check vanat says that she will become the heart of heidelin and although they won't die they can choose their form from here on out and they wonder if this is how people felt about elitibus in other words elitibus is the heart of zodiac except elitibus is a title and technically the one we know could not be the one that we just heard about but that wouldn't actually make sense back at the crystarium people want to quit their jobs to become heroes don't worry about this giant meteor swarm that's being casted that's just another day of the week now everybody's a warrior flight hell yeah brother so elitibus explains that what he did literally awakened everyone to heideln's call and while you think that should be a bad thing for him he says that it's all good because he too is a warrior of light yeah something stupid is about to happen i like it i also like at the end of 5.2 when they all say they have no idea what's going on but at least the person visits you at night depending on what role quest you did or you get to choose who visits you if you did multiple zenos is also having dreams about the final days and there's yet another ashian welp anyways in the first you start to wonder who actually are the warriors of light is there anything that we can learn here there are legends of heroes in the past in the first who have used that name and supposedly hear the call of heidelin in fact this sounds very much like the warriors of light in the source so it turns out there have been many warriors of light probably in every dimension over many years although is serving light inherently good no one knows so this adorable little cat girl wants to be a hero she wants to be an apothecary specifically well guess what idiot it's not in the game and they're never adding apothecary to final fantasy xiv guess we can help you pursue this worthless endeavor though and show how strong we are to some other kids they're definitely not going to grow up okay hello elitabus i see that you're actually the original elitibus thanks for letting me know that we are going to die by your hand anyways gracia is here to talk and elitibus just kind of blasts him on the way out although it doesn't really hurt graham yeah he's definitely over exerting himself trying to get the soul jar return thing up and running and back in the source we are here to see if maybe we can find a way to make this soul transfer thing actually work tatara makes some bread and it tastes like [ __ ] which is exactly what charlie and bread is supposed to taste like according to kryol perfect let's give this to gracatia and basically the soul crystal memory transfer thing are made only thanks to kahatya pouring his life essence into it gratia can also come back to the source with this method but it's unknown if his past self would blend with his current self and we go to find each dollar in a nighter where she's been hanging out oh [ __ ] she's collapsed hello again elitibus is it memory viewing time i see you were good at your job and obsessed with the warrior of light okay time to go on a tour of the plot up until this point so i can skip all of that except you do get to kill images of your friend and thank god we got another zeno solo instance anyways defeating elitibus proves not that hard andy stoller is alive but yeah here's the reveal elitibus is actually part of zodiac who is in fact a primal by all accounts and since zodiark was made with a desire to save the world that's also what drives elitibus he is the one who made the heroes and even at time was them although he probably doesn't have a will of his own anymore elitibus leaves and a weird stone is left behind oh there's some more stones and they all have interesting stuff to say each crystal is an account of a life of a member of the convocation as remembered by a red ashian the convocation being the ones who usually summon zodiac thanks bench waiting person he also mentions that elitibus might seem crazy in his single-minded ambition but he does have a good reason elitibus just doesn't remember what that is anymore and while the 13 core members of the convocation stayed in the city the 14th went around to learn about the world and often called upon her personal friends for help that's what that specific stone represents so back in yulmore meteors start falling from the sky again omeron is now above the ocean and people are remembering the final days while other warriors are being summoned to attack you we have to defend the first from one final attack so fend off some spectral enemies and have a tour of norvrent on the way out i like this dungeon a lot thematically a very cool battle while you get to see a lot of the characters from shadowbringers and the crew blast some enemies away enough for you to get through while fancred mentions how cool he is insert red mage limit break 3 flashbang joke here before this happened for a little bit of dramatic irony gratia did manage to get his vessel complete but not for the warrior of light to see elitibus needs to explain that he only needs to summon heroes desire to slave evil and that's how this spell works very important what is actually important though is that grahatiya is in trouble which is why we need to try to get to the crystal tower quickly oh they did manage to escape except elitibus took the exarch's usb memory stick although it is what let elitibus use the crystal tower to summon all the spectral warriors so the x-arc is very clearly dying and turning into crystal and lina sees this grahatiya mentions that no matter what happens he always cherished the time that he and lena spent together lena says don't act like this is the end you're not going to die but immediately breaks down when graham dial leaves knowing that he's not coming back while running to stop a little bit graham makes another remark about how he is no hero but the warrior of light does ask a question why do you do all this for me specifically elitibus also seems to have irrationally dedicated himself to a cause grhatia says that while it might seem stupid he and many others wish to stop the calamity while that's more of an excuse he just wanted to go back to the days when he got to adventure with the people he looked up to so he holds the line while you finally get to confront elitibus at his peak well he says he will strike you down because he promised but he can't recall who he made that promise to there might not be anything left to fight for when it comes to the ashians but it's all going to end here good thing we kept that crystal or we might have died although we lose until we're saved by a certain specific ephemeral being whose mannerisms seem pretty familiar good luck with that mandatory tank limit break 3. after beating the warrior of light graha lands the finishing blow using what remaining power the crystal tower provides elitibus as he dies remembers that he left zodiac to help his friends and gracia dies turning into crystal with his last wish to go on an adventure with you although we do have his soul and memories in that vial there is no guarantee that it works he says that we will meet again while his memories and soul will join you his everlasting crystallized body will remain at the top of the tower to remind everyone that hope will remain alright it's time for some tear jerkers while you did tell elitibus what he forgot you still had to kill him in the end no one knows that that was the right thing to do yes emmitt selk is the one who gave you the strength to defeat elitibus becklug tells you that of course graham dia wants to return to the source before he left he said that everyone always has some shred of hope and while he too might have forgotten exactly what drove him forward he often don't need the specifics to keep going so he will come back to the source no matter the risk because it's wrong to throw away the second chance he was given welcome to a tour of goodbyes before returning to the source at the inn at journey's head they will continue to treat the victims in alizay's absence while they are sad to see her go she helped them find this treatment method that they thought was impossible harlick shows how much he's recovered by reciting teslin's words the time left to you is precious in yumor alfino bids farewell which gets dulia chai worked up about as much as you would expect afano reflects on his past and his own mistakes when he too thought he could rule over others and shows his gratitude to yilmor that despite making a similar mistake they were quick to embrace change and become better duliachaya wishes alfino a heartfelt goodbye and so you go to ilmeg where you're going to return that soul crystal that became of artbert's body when you slew eludibus while giving this to seto the best person to take it warrior of light channels ardbert to say goodbye and i'll be damned i think almost everyone cried listening to setto and arbor talk seth was saying that he wished he could have told arbit how much he cared and arbor saying that he always knew arbit's soul now lives on in you and since artbert's journey isn't over neither is sedos it's a good scene in raktika rinartarosi stolen not to leave but he's just kidding ishtola mentioned that there is technically a way to go between worlds so she might return one day you never know you say goodbye to magnus thanks says that leaving behind rin is fine because she learned how to fend for herself from the best okay finally time to give a proper goodbye to reen she says thanks for everything and really for giving her life go give her a good head pat thank red and tell her that you're proud of her all right goodbye to everyone else too lena also says goodbye and to tell the exarch as she knows him when he reawakens in the first to live his life to the fullest and remember the good times that they all had together all right everyone puts their souls in the crystals which looks very nice next to my thousands of magic prisms and we return to the source and put everyone's souls back in their bodies yep it all worked out in the end now we're going to have to go get someone special who isn't directly in this room it's time to bring back graham dia with that everyone who isn't the twins get their new outfits and everything's good ready to take on whatever comes next it's also good to see graham fully back something something evil xenos and ashians who are using asahi's body and that's the true end of shadowbringers i normally end this episode here but i will summarize the next two patches in a super turbo fashion because n walker is going to be incredibly long apparently also there is a lot that i don't care about in these patches that i'm going to skip limsa is in trouble gabu is tempered but we now know how to cure him we're going to have to make another familiar though the empire is in chaos so we don't have to worry about that for the time being let's go talk to sid just because i want to talk to him okay we actually need to use some magitek to make a better method for curing tempering because it's not exactly the same as curing light corruption we should also probably get motoya's help from making additional familiars it's so complicated it requires an entire dungeon to make said familiars with this cure in place we can finally put an end to this primal production problem except there is a problem with the pirates not being piratey enough and stealing crystals from beefstride to make tensions extra high merlot webb kicks their ass though and shows them who the biggest pirate is now we go to the cult balls and cure their tempering and kinda fix relations but not fully at least titan will probably not be summoned anymore we go to al amigo we're a good old-fashioned flan dangly balsack summons lunar bahamut proclaiming that he wants to kill everyone and himself and we lose the fight in a cutscene because lunar bahamut is just so strong there's also some towers all over the place you have a nice conversation at this table arnvald and ford oleg are going to investigate the towers because the towers temper people nearby into serving the empire so you need an echo to not be tempered well to deal with lunar bahamut we need the help of the dragons so we call up ostinian he mistakes ali's a for alpha no which is mandatory to do remember that dragon tmat that we left in jail it's finally time to break them out i mean they were tempered although they hadn't lost control so we cure that before going to stop lunar bahamut it takes four people to kill lunar bahamut and not the eight required to beat the two ashians that we defeated like five hours ago i kinda hate how much this fight was hyped up aronval got obliterated while exploring the tower and fordola gets mad at alfano for being sad we then go to another meeting that doesn't matter alphanol watches the birth of a grand company of eorzia which he always dreamed of it's a nice little moment uh oh there's a message from charlene it's the twins father who we don't know much about other than the twins are very nervous to see him he says charlien will not help stop the empire from destroying the world and then promptly disowns his children well that was kind of weird with that plot point on hold we have another battle with lunar ifrit this time and hold off the threat of the towers while failing to be able to save everyone despite the losses the scions say that we will fight until the very end as we look to the moon with a please purchase and walker today message appearing and the theme song starts playing zenos is also a reaper now in the end and we learned that the towers are draining the aether from everything around them and hopefully the world doesn't die and that's the setup for the next expansion completely butchered purely out of spite by myself now after all of that let me at least share my thoughts about shatterbringers the full story it's probably pretty obvious but i really do like the plot of shadowbringers there are many memorable moments throughout the entire journey the themes are pretty obvious even just the setting of a world at the brink of apocalypse is very different in tone from the whole journey up until this point we see the warrior of light actually struggle and suffer quite a bit and the character cast feels strong and very well developed some highlights for me though all the talks with ardberg about the struggles and satisfaction of being a hero and even though he brought the flood that doesn't mean that he can't redeem himself watching lena break down multiple times throughout and showing the effects of some survivor guilt that she can't help everyone is honestly pretty heartbreaking and it feels like it landed much better than it did when they tried to do something similar in previous parts of the plot it is genuinely hard to watch when she collapses and is frustrated by her own limits going off of that obviously there's a big theme about loss and how people cope with it thank red lost miniphilia and struggles to let her go ranjeet wants to stop fighting because it would be less painful than to see another minphelia die before his eyes magnus struggles to find the motivation to keep going grahadia becomes a completely new person trying to stop the loss of the warrior of light and even emmet selkin and eludibus have motivations rooted in the loss of those they cared about before the world split and departs it shows you that the villains while still villains have their own motivations rooted in something believable it doesn't justify their actions other than to themselves making them feel much more rounded out and whole compared to what we might have gotten in the past in a more specific note emmett sulk in his screen time are entertaining while still showing you that he can't be totally trusted a large part of his character is talking down on how much worse people are now but you can see that he has doubts when he realizes graham has solved the time space travel which is why he's so preoccupied with asking him about it all the time and as i already mentioned when he's ultimately defeated he can't deny how far people have come and that he just wanted people to remember that they once lived i also even liked the small character arc that fancred gets where you can see him lose confidence in himself to be able to succeed but after winning against ranjit he gets his confidence back again and remembers that he's still strong even though he lost his magic abilities in many ways this story feels like the culmination of the plot not in the sense of the story that it tells but in the sense that it is built off the scenes that worked well in the past and addressing some of the old shortcomings it's easy to see where this could have been like stormblood had they tried to split the story into the first and the source at the same time but they leave the source to a small side thing while focusing much more on the events of the first and not accidentally leaving it shallow even keeping the trials actually tied more directly to the story rather than just being some random side event makes the battles feel much more significant and finally you get grahatia while i don't like him as much as some of the other characters he is still great in the way that he's written his character flaw is pretty obvious it's a bad case of self-doubt and impostor syndrome because despite everything he does from living for a long time solving space-time travel preventing an umbral calamity and even landing the final blow to defeat elitibus for good he still somehow thinks he's not as cool as the scions he's quite literally the hero of the first and even the people of the crystarium say as much and to top it all off 5.3 is probably one of the best story patch finishing up everything and giving a victory lap that feels very emotional a proper send off to a complete arc where there really aren't too many loose ends as the plot moves forward towards end walker i can say that the expectations are incredibly high coming off the back of shadowbringers i do genuinely think it's one of the better stories told in a jrpg as i play the game more and more and sometimes become more jaded and how gameplay changes and other content feels neglected replaying shadow bring your story makes me remember why so many people love this story and by extension this game now let's get out there and tell me never to make a video this long ever again
Channel: Misshapen Chair
Views: 269,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, FFXIV
Id: cyFJIgs4NKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 5sec (4745 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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