How I HUMILIATED a CLAN - a Rust Movie

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only a small percent of the people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you happen to enjoy what you see here then please make sure that you subscribe it's free and you can always change your mind later big thank you to apex gaming for helping me bring you this video if you want to help support my channel and you're also looking for a new gaming pc then go down into the link in my description and get yourself an iok gaming pc use code iok at checkout for five percent of your purchase and again thank you to apex gaming for continuing to support my channel i'm also opening up my very own rust server called the iok island but more on that later so where do we start oh yeah so this actually all played out a few days after my last video ended on the same exact server as my latest video in this video i was solo and i was going toe to toe with some of the biggest clans on the server and even attempting to online raid one of them but during this time there was one group that i never saw or heard of you see because while i had built up in the north by launchite and both of the oil rigs at m18 they had built down in the south on the naked beach at g6 and with a group size of over 10 people they ruled this area with an iron fist feeling untouchable and unstoppable so me and two of my friends own rocker and swedish took it upon ourselves to show this group that no matter how big your group and base is no one is untouchable this is how i humiliated a clan but before we started messing with this group we had to get down a strong foundation meaning obtaining a lot of guns and most importantly getting up a strong base that way they wouldn't be able to get rid of us easily so for the first day on the server that was the plan own put down a small starter base next to bandit camp at j10 this meant that all that separated us from g6 was this mountain own had also gotten his hands on a blue card so when i met up with him we headed over to water treatment to get a red card [Music] i don't know go away go back away is that he said he said he said i'm coming i'm coming back i see the guy i think [Music] i didn't die okay oh god hey out on me it's pushing me right now i'm dead [Music] is that yeah he [ __ ] stopped me [Music] i have no room i can't i'm running back dude this this is like an embarrassment he's on my border right now [Music] he's also dead can someone please go wait are you just down [Music] yep i think i got everything and i guess dead ah another guy's dead after an insane start we got everything back to base then we headed back to water treatment and did the puzzle for the red card and on our way home rust had another gift for us oh it's perfect basically on our base firebase we're going for it oh we're getting out of uh [Music] yeah i don't even think he was full hp he didn't have mets or anything he jumped off the roof so he shouldn't have been getting an ak this early was big and while me and swedish were doing this owen was in bandit camp like the degenerates gambling and he actually managed to win big no way no way and so with the scrap from this we bought a mini copter and headed over to do large oil rig [Music] wt4 oh yeah one c4 not double let's go wait here goodbye my friends traced in in the hotel i think oh oh good i didn't realize that you're swimming yes sorry own but when own eventually made his way back from oil rig to base heli came out and a group close by to get down and so we headed over to counter how did you hear [ __ ] frozen middleweight [Music] zaiki unexpected [Music] he's dead nice i fold this finish yeah i have a bag it's square away it was about runners [Music] okay so do you know what the crate was [ __ ] that's great you will ever hear like in in in the history of rust what we got okay so are you ready for this yep a spare shotgun a custom thompson and eight times eight times oh i got mp5 i brought almost broken ak almost full hp aka turkey met down some gunpowder so yeah even though this was probably the worst heli i've ever seen i'd say we got out of there with some pretty good loot but now we had a big problem our shitty little 2x1 was filled to the absolute max with loot and so we had to go out and farm in order to get up our main base fact our farming run was cut short by some explosions in the distance yeah oh what the [ __ ] okay performing no no that's uh no it's next to water yeah canada oh don't trap anything understand okay i guess that it's just my classic wife even more loot we tried our best to cram absolutely everything into the space and then we headed out again to try and form up but again it was cut short by more explosions this time coming from launch site i'm just uh this is go ticket go to ticket there's a guy dead up here as well with the rocket launcher oh here's how the rope gets off we were smart this time though and we formed up most of the base on our way home from long side we then recycled all of our components at bandit camp and bought metal frags from that at outpost using the drones then we started construction on the main base [Music] after somewhat securing the main base someone finished off bradley [Music] [Music] i'm a single door five five and a camera i don't even know where you're shooting though [Music] okay i'm standing i mean i feel bad for them this will take probably [Music] that's the biggest chad movement i've never seen that it was the same people recounted but still after this we spent the next hour or so just farming and finishing the entire base [Music] yeah box of stone [Music] so [Music] then we headed over to launch site again to take a bradley of our own i helped he is a lawyer he kind of scared me he tried shoot me through the glass he's doubled it's that though it should be that it's in cinema [Music] yeah is that stunned my migrate was [ __ ] i was in an army door and a camera a five five ladder hatch uh camera let me get two or three that hand tech trash in the single arm door and a c tv camera beginning [Music] a single arm door and a camera at this point it was getting really late and onrock and swedish had to go off but i stayed on for a bit longer [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] very nice i did some farming so that we could do some raiding the next day and then i logged off too where am i welcome to the iuk island i have teamed up with some people to bring you the best rust has to offer it would be a 2x vanilla server with a group limit of 6 people to make it fun for absolutely everyone the server will start up with this upcoming four swipe and of course i will also be playing there so i hope to see all of you there i will leave the ip and everything linked in the description [Music] the next morning own was the first one on and so when i came on the sulfur was melted and crafted into gunpowder then heli came out and so we took it down [Music] i heard it what a [ __ ] shot no way wait take it from away from their base like if you can run up and put a wall someone do someone doing crazy yeah it's putting a big flag uh [ __ ] rockets yeah yeah i know i know should shoot the guy on rooftop roof i got root you can't fight the empty from that range after this i crafted all of the gunpowders into rockets and then we wanted to do a small raid and i felt like the person who we had gotten that first ak from yesterday would be a good first raid target for hopefully some profit this is unlocked the raid was okay nothing special we moved all of the best loot from this raid to our base and then we also raided our closest neighbor but this was just because their base was too close to our base but there's no tc what yeah there's a dc oh wait look oh that's i mean what what where the [ __ ] is it hold on is it easy no oh yeah how much do you have hey i don't have enough we have a flamethrower let's just go go back wait wait i can cough the i can cough the ladder someone outside someone else what's up [Music] oh i don't know where it is he's also altered right somewhere pushing the border right now oh i'm dead he has [ __ ] trouble with me it's okay i'm gonna get i'm gonna he's [ __ ] good with him i can't shoot through that hatchet one dad tie them kill them all he's talking like a [ __ ] big group they go on roof four people and start rocketing until i die and after dealing with the counters we finished the raid okay so right now we have been on this server for quite some time but we still hadn't seen or heard anything from the big clan down at g6 even though we lived really close to them we had heard nothing but then we started hearing some shots on the other side of the mountain and so we headed over to check it out they're probably going for that up three four times [Music] okay [Music] one is pushing left one is pushing right i can't [ __ ] head well another guy's dead who which one uh yeah perfect perfect i killed this guy i have this guy's body i'm so stuck right now this is not good i'm so i need your help okay yeah i can't i'm gonna try and kill this again that guy's dead i need your help yeah i couldn't really do anything own was struggling to get back because of grubs and the fact that it was night time so i had to try and hold it down until he could get back but i could only hold it for so long and eventually i got overrun and died this was our first encounter with g6 but we geared back up and ran straight back wait wait wait wait i knew i knew it i knew that was going to happen as soon as i saw that he wasn't on roof [Music] [Music] not that ah i'm down i i can't pick you up there's no it's pushing you pushing you okay no i'm down again we had lost and they had now taken 4 ak kits from us we went back one last time with some [ __ ] kids to see if we could regain some of them back [Music] oh my god it's being surrounded i'll be stuck at this again [Music] i'm one hp dude that's all my next oh you didn't have beds i don't see where he is [ __ ] push down here [ __ ] dude this this the hand i'm going down the shore i'm gonna i'm gonna do a big flag oh i'm [ __ ] yeah but just go back and get it dude i need he's up there you can pick me up no no there's so many okay there's too many of them we had lost to them again but there wasn't much we could do the way these guys were playing made these fights near impossible to win but i think we had shaken them up a bit and at least we showed them that there was some new competition in the area after this we bought a minicopter at bandit camp and then we headed over to outpost where we recycled all of our components we also used the shop stairs to stock up on some important resources like cloth low grade and metal frags then swedish came on and so with one more person on the team we headed over to g6 space again this time with some ladders to maybe get a peek inside of their compound swedish was the first one over there and he saw what looked like the whole group leaving on a scrap valley this would be the perfect time to check inside a compound yeah they're just a coffee in a straw parlor so they did not give us i mean where where do we think because i it's a lot of fun there's turrets anywhere everywhere probably yeah let me i'm gonna i'm gonna go up here and see but maybe here maybe here you see where this rock is you might be able to get some sort of cover from this rock yeah you see the right there okay yeah but just as we were about to go in what the what yeah they're ready wait wait yeah they're flying the raid we need to meet your counter they're flying the raiders just just wait by by description wait by this gravity did they literally take a scrap head to go three squares yeah they went to the e3 your base no way i see the red yeah i see him i see him he's behind the bushes to 290. i'd like to get inside oh how did you shoot me i was behind you guys oh too yeah they're coming behind you from from where you ran from two of them full kits and then there's two inside right now [Music] they're running up towards you again okay [ __ ] i killed one of them okay yeah i'm supporting your base right now i think you know what what i mean now what they don't mean well as you know we had just before all this bought a minicopter and we knew from swedish that they had taken off on a scrap heli to do the raid which meant that they would probably use that to get home from the raid so if we could intercept them while they were transferring loot we could kill all of them in one big swoop with a well-placed rocket let's point them out so i'm grabbing my kids i'm grabbing my kids from the thing yeah you're gonna need to do you wanna fly over all we had to do now was get there without crashing the middle oh my god oh my god oh my god oh anyway we could still basically do the same thing it would just be much harder now because now we would have to travel by foot and locate the scrap hilly before it takes off and then try to shoot it down before it gets too high up in the air let's run like at the shore i see them i've seen like he knows so much he always sees dude are they shooting at you yes yeah i see him launcher on the back right now i i see this grappling i see this crappily i'm i'm by the they're scrappily if they take off three of them i have a free shot on them yeah they're sitting there on the roof right now yeah i think they're leaving let's go along for sure [Music] kill like five of them [Music] he's coming above he's coming back above [Music] oh my god i'm dead i killed them though i'm dead okay then i don't want to kill another one why you give away your position by choosing the [ __ ] [ __ ] bro i keep so many there's so many of them i killed so many people after this we felt pretty down there was just too many of them it didn't matter if you killed 7 of them because there would be 7 more just around the corner but as the day went by we never heard or saw anything of g6 and that's when something dawned upon me yes we had lost every single gunfight against these guys but what we had shown them in these fights were that they were not untouchable we had given them something a big group living on a naked beach knows nothing about competition and they knew that there was only a matter of time before one of these fights went our way and so for the rest of the day they stopped leaving their base probably hoping that we would be done on the server the next day but little did they know this was only the beginning but since they wouldn't leave their base anymore we instead spent the rest of day 2 taking bradley and farming that's that's good that's good that's good then as it started to get late on rock and swedish had to go off they had some real life things to take care of the next day and had to be up early but i didn't and so i stayed on for a bit longer we still hadn't had a look inside of the class compound and so when i saw that the entire clan had locked off i headed over there to get the layout of things okay let's see what we're up against [Music] can't see any turrets inside of this compound yeah you can't see any turrets [Music] that furnace hasn't been used it's not a good thing soda base unless here alone [Music] [Music] okay so there's nothing up here i'm gonna check out that later okay have two tourists protecting the cars what i headed back to base and grabbed a few high-velocity rockets in order to break some turrets oh yeah it's hitting it definitely [Music] thank god [Music] yeah that's on [Music] nights out what the [ __ ] hey okay very nice fair enough yes [ __ ] you [Music] oh nice yeah this was definitely a waste of time but on the plus side i now had a better understanding of all of their bases after this i spent the rest of the night just farming [Music] then as i was smelting the sulfur i decided to go on a few roams naked with the baldi [Music] bye [Music] nice [Music] bye-bye after the silver had smelted i crafted all of it into rockets and then i too logged off but i didn't get much of a sleep that night i was tossing and turning in bed thinking about ways to take down this clan now from my look inside of their compound i figured that this base the only base i never actually checked inside of was probably their main base where all of the best loot was held so the next day i brought on over to their base and i briefed him on everything i knew the closest pace to the left that's that's the main the main base that's like the big big boy base okay then you have a garage with like [ __ ] five turrets on it uh closest to the gate to the right uh then behind that if you see the base with like with one wind turbine on it metal base with one behind like the two trees that's a solo base key look so that's probably not worth reading and then the base behind that that's the one that where i actually like went into the compound but okay so so an um an important thing that i didn't that we didn't know yesterday so no third in the outer out outer compound not a single turret we ran back home and grabbed some ladders we just wanted to make sure that nothing had changed since last night by the way okay so that base doesn't have any turrets inside of the compound that basically put the furnaces on right now they want to try your phone at the first time yeah let's go for that these guys are about to hate us if you get a lot go just come to the come to the gate okay okay okay come to the gate uh like two rows of methadone [Music] oh [ __ ] nice yeah there's one right there hey there people people solo guys here he inside yeah he went inside i think we should try and do the raids swedish if we can do the raid now that would be [ __ ] perfect i think we should raid right now like do you want to go and do that yeah if i could just do it now like we need to do it before they come online yeah we could before the whole [ __ ] group comes online that's what i'm thinking so in kind of our rush we decided that now would be the perfect time to raid them and so we hoped that we could sneak this raid in before it was too late hopefully he goes save kana and we can like start the raid without them being active pretty carolina she was the winner [Music] [Music] all right i'm going to save half of you in case you is [Music] [Music] i'm gonna you you you keep going hbc i'm gonna go normal rocket and start coming [Music] i think it's gone [Music] you started i'll hold no did you break that turret dude we need to break the turret no no just keep going we don't really holy oh that was okay i keep on moving the armor basically he's dead ouch i actually got this i don't know [Music] [Music] that's my laptop um [Music] oh jesus christ [Music] [Music] is i think i think i should build it because you have empty okay okay i don't just water it's gonna break dude [Music] [Music] that's nice oh my god oh my god okay okay okay look at the vending machines okay box of boxes of books of the high quality we had hit the absolute jackpot oh my [ __ ] do you want to fly this owner do you want to keep all blowing dude i think we i think we fly home with things like home i think we'll fly home we have a lot more to blow with right yeah we have a state where all those lights blow oh look at all this we need to grab this hike bro look at that hike wall i know i don't know okay oh [ __ ] how can we grab it yeah you you you go you go home you go home you go i stay i stay you go home you grab a inventor of good [ __ ] go home yeah i'm leaving two eight threes in there i can't i can't grab much i'm literally putting meds away though yeah put meds away put spencer hello hello you can get swedish time yeah he said he's outside of me oh my god dude oh my [ __ ] god dude call me now hold me up yeah [Music] oh my [ __ ] god swedish own left with an inventory of the best loot while i tried to hold it down until he could get back oh i grabbed like two rows of high qual that's all i can grab there's so much icon yeah bring back just [ __ ] bring back all the [ __ ] bring back the spm to kill that kill them again little kids so i'm leaving all the doors up and down just run out is it in the tower is it the switch i killed i'm dead i killed him if he's him if he's back before me i stood up i stood up oh [ __ ] clutch i don't know why i had the [ __ ] rocket number out i'm a [ __ ] idiot did you kill them with a rocket [Music] yeah i'm gonna go down to the head and wait there's a lot of them on now actually i'm thinking you just get out dude i don't think i can [Music] i think it's if it's not them online should we really fight over them i'm gonna i'm gonna try fish i'll say we fly over without exponents put it put x over here [Music] i'm dead yeah we had just gotten way too greedy i should have definitely left with owen while we still had the upper hand but it wasn't really a loss owen still got out of there with a lot of loot after this one of their team members came over to our base and started spewing threats about an offline raid ok when do you go offline uh probably uh but that's what [ __ ] to do so i'm gonna be offline in a few hours okay okay we'll be online by then awesome bro i mean we kind of down with the web anyway so i've saved both of your steam names uh steam ids so i can check when you're online and offline i mean the payback is an offline uh-huh that's it yes in this guy's eyes we had offline raided them even though they had people online and the raid was done at 3pm in the afternoon because of the fact that the whole group wasn't online it was an offline rate and don't worry it gets better i was afk before he came over and so i don't have it recorded but i'll try to summarize what he said so we had just offline rated them in their eyes and when we called them out for being a 14 man living on a naked beach he said that they were not 14 and yes he admitted that there were 14 people living inside of the compound but because they lived in separate bases they were not in the same group even though they lived in the same compound they roamed together and they raided together because there were three different bases they were three different groups and well after this nice chat with this guy most of the group came online and they started the campus which made it near impossible for us to do anything [Music] why you do this to me okay foreign he's hitting every shot okay like he's hitting every single shot it's actually nuts this [ __ ] two shooting now what oh they're just magically fine thank you it's actually crazy no of course she has a bag right there i killed the other guy too oh yeah what how can he oh i can see me from there there's like at least five off the matter okay just so you know yeah [ __ ] me there's a lot of them now after a few hours of them camping our base own and swedish started to feel done with the white and so to end of their wipe myanon flew over to their base with a bunch of rockets actually i need to heal okay i was standing perfectly down you get your water back like right above them it's hard like you gotta shoot us with him as soon as we play in but there we go get [ __ ] popped that [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah there we go i'm going to hold our back on your face and then that's dude three two one shook boom everybody ready to shoot i ran the ball okay i'm ready yeah yeah i have a lot more rockets [ __ ] crunched twice all right as i said owner swedish were going off but i was not done yet i could not leave it here because even though yes we had shown them that they were not untouchable all we had really done to them at this point was still a fraction of their loot and all they had to do was patch up the base and then go about their business like nothing ever happened but for now i had to go to bed but so they wouldn't offline raiders i left my computer on so it would look like i was online when i was actually asleep in my bed and it worked they didn't offline us when i woke up first thing i did was i headed over to the compound to make sure nothing had changed but it had they had placed a bunch of turrets in the outer compound this would make things more difficult then i saw one of them in chat and we started talking i said that i thought that they would have offline raided us by now and they said that they don't offlarry people and so i told them to put the rockets where their mouth is and prove it but all they came back with was excuses but then again maybe he was right it was only me solo left on the server no way that would be a threat to them right right [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [ __ ] off tom [Music] [Music] eh [Music] so [Music] [Music] and after spending over an hour killing them i formed up a row of rockets and so with this plus the explosive ammo we had taken from them i headed over to raid and take over one of their bases first i had to take care of a lot of turrets though uh [Music] is [Music] from [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign uh i mean it's it's just a three by two i'm going to bring all the rockets over let's see how far we can get [Music] let's get a mini copter and that's bit over and read these guys because i mean if they're not gonna raid me then i'm gonna have to raid them and i mostly have explosive ammo which means i have to do it when they're not online and honestly since they called those offline raiders even though we gave them an online raid i'm just going to get them enough for me this time like you have to in my opinion you have to earn an online raid late dazzling teams liberated party queen's friends with [Music] [Music] me me [Music] [Music] me on the screen [Music] [Music] is is is is there's no explosives in space really [Music] time to move all of this back to my base i transferred absolutely everything from this base back to mine then i griefed the base so it would be really hard for them to get back inside then i braided a few more doors with the rest of the explosive ammo i [ __ ] knew it i knew it then i waited for them to get back online and i was just going to see how long i could hold this base [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] bro can i get a free game [Music] [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] jesus they just keep dying to this shotgun trap oh my god another shooting [ __ ] is india rock is down here what the [ __ ] they just keep jumping down why holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay that's gonna break [Music] oh [ __ ] a big boy i [ __ ] headshotted like 15 times [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] it might be fine maybe give me hmm [Music] [Music] i started hearing explosions coming from my base and i thought finally they actually came to raid yep they're ready they're ready ready ready but they weren't raiding my base they were just raiding my external dc's [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] if [Music] i want you to stay true to what's right for you no matter who i know [Music] gang [ __ ] we're upgrading inside man [Music] um he's like [ __ ] three years old why the [ __ ] is your ass [Music] this device [Music] [Music] oh you have to come outside to kill me because you're so bad i mean your [ __ ] man i get it for [ __ ] man i'm so happy i [ __ ] up that build they can't take that over you can't do anything get [ __ ] ouch what the [ __ ] are they doing [Music] i want you to stay true to what's right for you no matter [Music] true silver thing [Music] hi bro and after killing them for the tenth time they stopped coming back to my base and at this point i knew i had won and so with a smile on my face i logged off because at this point i knew that i was going to live rent-free in their heads not only for this wipe but for the combing wipes as well and just as a bonus i logged in a few days later and most of their bases were decaying or gone that's just beautiful to look at i think next time they play a server they're definitely gonna look over their shoulder and think about me and so yeah that's the story of how i humiliated a clan i really do hope you guys enjoyed this video check out my pc at apex gaming also don't forget to subscribe join my discord server and follow me over on twitter but i will see you guys in the next video peace bye
Channel: IOK
Views: 156,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iok, rust solo, rust pvp highlights, rust solo pvp, rust iok, rust solo serie, rust snowball, rust solo snowball, rust, rust moive, rust gameplay, rust 2021, rust bradley, rust experience, rust crazy wipe, rust rocket raid, rust huge rocket raid, rust heli takedown, rust online raid, rust raid defence, rust counter raid, rust jackpot loot, rust best raid, rust base build, rust story, blooprint, frost, stevie, How I HUMILIATED a CLAN - a Rust Movie, rust clan takedown
Id: 0t23LEQar-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 6sec (4626 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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