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[Music] it's a choice a split-second decision another player crossing your path you could shoot them down and continue on your way yet sometimes you hold your fire whether a flicker of mercy or intrigued by their purposeful stride but we'll get into that my day began with some mischief [Music] i was running along the road in the frigid north of the map when i saw two other players cavorting around by a broken car oh hello you guys drive car [Music] [Music] [Laughter] why you break the car dude you break the car you just broke the car dude you have very small penis big hey dude can we team it's okay where is your body listen you son of a okay okay buddy why are you doing this man look at my stuff it's in my inventory it's my property you are a bit stupid get back here scrub i don't have any dude stop so oh hey dude what your i'm just a joke oh no absolutely outplayed with a bit of stuff from my irate fellow player i continued down the road looting barrels and scavenging abandoned buildings fixings the world may never know keep going [Music] that's a yoinky oh god damn it i ruined everything well one less bullet now gamers it's a long amount of time we run which is too cold in the mountains oh i think they tagged it a large group was attempting to take down the attack helicopter i enjoyed watching the commotion i would watch this rocket rocking them there you go what if the chinook started getting in on this i would like to see it no should please not shoot damn they really went for it i respect that down down down she go oh it's such a good spot now i'm not even gonna bother oh all right a little bit off but that's okay now next i realized that the chinook had dropped a hackable crate at the train yard nearby this helicopter could serve as a useful diversion and i might be able to claim the loot in the crate for myself no cap my guy stash and dash all right are there any gamers here oh someone started it with just a few shots in my python revolver i would have to play this very strategically oh ah we need one of them to like push and then i kill him yoink his gun so they're holding at the recycler all right nice if i just get joint edies oh he's on the roof [Music] oh oh sorry that's what i needed to do exactly i'd done exactly what i needed but there was still some time left before the crate opened i pulled back for now to reposition don't really know what this guy's plan is [Music] oh wow oh hello there no god damn it dude i'm so dead i have anything to heal with i succeeded in grabbing the crate i fled out of the train yard and into the bordering snowy wastes i'm gonna go recycle after some running i came to the bandit camp and went to do some recycling [Music] all on 20. [Music] big bucks no whammy it doesn't get worse than that really after that unfortunate gamble i wanted to make a base i had a lot of guns but needed to farm up materials to build a place to call home the mushrooms fatality oh my god i found a nice quiet spot and started building [Music] i did some farming as night turned today then smelted some more in a large furnace in the open near my base it wasn't all there yet as the sun once again crawled down the horizon i heard some explosions in the launch site likely people destroying the bradley tank crept through the overgrown concrete jungle towards where it had been destroyed too much radiation ambushed one player i raced up the ladders to the body i think you just skiddaddled well nice i'd managed to steal another gear set and a rocket launcher i knew this would come in handy later this player had a certain purpose in their run i went to see what they had to say hello hello [Music] this other player seemed friendly but also spoke almost no english i'd pulled up google translate to say what i wanted to say in russian oh jesus trap watch this no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no the large base here was heavily booby-trapped it seemed like this guy was trying to do something with this base but i wasn't sure of the whole story that was funny man raid this base do you want to raid this base what raise the voyager read he offline now i understand so it sounded like the person who lived in this large stone base and offline raided my new companion here and he was trying to get back at him i turned off the name replacing streamer mode to get a better idea of who the player was i was interacting with [Music] and he is dead [Laughter] someone quite devious made this base this base had a lot of turrets and traps around it friends seemed genuine and nice i was going to see if i could help him in his goal boosti i wanted to take a closer look at how to potentially infiltrate this base so i built up onto it [Laughter] we can raid you have ladder i don't understand ladder jesus christ temporary team he took me over to his base as he presumably crafted the ladders i'd requested now i had a jackhammer with me and this guy had a window where i could hit the vulnerable soft side of the wall through the bars there could be substantial loot in here so i got to it [Applause] work bench you're stuck we're stack dear stack five minutes later oh yes yes thank you [Music] i got to work hammering down the wall oh nice i was right there was a lot of sweet stuff spicy [Music] we used the grenades we found to break the flame turrets and the beds [Music] with all this loot we went back over to his base let's go he invited me in and showed me around i'd gained his trust and i was excited to help him raid the players who had bullied him with the offline raid cool bass man uh you come i went to grab the c4 from my base they take helicopter now i realized that i could type out what i wanted to say then copy paste the translation into the team chat so that my friend could understand [Music] right i wonder if this is the same naked that took our freaking heli you take my heli beach do it he take uh heli i think what [Laughter] how do we do this i need to go away okay the player in the base we were trying to raid and come back online with few explosives ready to go we pulled back for now oh you clap it also sounded like salomon needed to go offline soon from what i could tell it was not for too long i spent the night thinking about next steps in his base when morning came i headed home to put away my c4 at this point a raid on the bully seemed unlikely we would need to make a lot of preparations the chinook crate had once again dropped at the train yard with my friend accompanying me we went there to try to clean [Music] [Applause] there was a big group here i'd have to play this just [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] there were a lot of enemies here i had to escape there is nothing here but retreat tbh nope sir verbal [Music] [Music] how many you are idiot move heavily outnumbered and outgunned i died i respawned by salomon space we go we go we heard some explosive ammo in the distance parade we went to go investigate nice i lost salomon in the thick woods but i pushed up to an enormous base in the field i had no gear and nothing to lose i crept around the outside of this base i wasn't sure what was happening here patients don't do anything stupid now this wasn't the base being raided but something very strange was afoot here is this decaying if so this would be enormous luke [Music] oh that really just like aimbots you killed by a turret i spawned back by the base we wanted to raid this base was full of auto turrets trained on the road we'd be doing the whole server a big favor taking this guy out now salomon had died so i think he was taking that break he mentioned before i looted my body then went to gear up and get my jackhammer i wanted to do some deeper investigating around the enormous base i've found and welcome to australia zoo i returned to the huge compound and placed a workbench down to refill my jackhammer now this outer layer of walls was decaying and with such a huge base still being surrounded by turrets there could be some serious loot inside if i was gonna be the first one in this outermost layer of walls was what looked like a core deeper inside with tons of boxes if this hadn't already been raided it looked like i was about to find some serious loot now the python turret prevented me from accessing any of the boxes so i would need to take them out before i could see if there were any items inside these chests not exaggerating about 50 boxes no i'm giving it just you have a bag i don't know what the time is on it i farm some wood for tools and then reese came on to join me i could use some backup in delving deeper into this compound [Music] that's you yeah come down here i'll invite you to team okay don't get in the way though biggest our phineas quantius blingo oh have you been inside yet no let's turn the left well now we know i'm gonna do that do you have a spot oh sorry i just wanna try to lose something if there's like one item that somebody would pick up i gave all of my loot to reese when he respawned i needed to get to a box if there was anything in it that would be taken in a raid we would know that this was untouched i'm just gonna get stuff let's rewind that a semi-rifle over half a stack of pipes and a laptop three things that would almost certainly be taken in a raid this was gonna be big all we had to do now was take out the turret i spawned at home base to run back some resources while reece began farming for we need a base nearby making tc then we wanted to place a small base right by this compound that way we could funnel out and store any loot we found this is an insane base is it decaying though it is decaying the metal might not be decaying over the night we secured our forward base and then crafted compound bows when morning came i went to see if i could destroy the turret by shooting it out now finding an angle where i wouldn't be shot but i could also hit the turret was proving tricky one of the gatehouse tool cupboards was now exposed so i decided to make flame arrows to destroy it guy guy up the hill to our right absolutely a lot of stuff yeah it's just important to have lots of all right it broke wait wasn't that where it turbos there was a turret is there no oh there's no turret yeah next i decided to try to use the flame arrows to destroy the turret inside oh what the how did it no luck again but i did have another idea honestly but i think we should get grenades let's do it grenades were sold at the bandit camp not too far from here we could go buy them and then use them to destroy the turret it was loud but effective we went to bandit camp to buy them oh the boys are up there was that at us oh you've got the strat oh they're still up there i want to hear them shoot yep no we can go right in the middle i think you know what i mean caught between numerous heavily armed groups we slipped back towards the compound [Music] i think you just have to uh i think that was money oh that was money those are all good i think reese destroyed the turret with his last toss and i pushed him in time to see the loop a box of uh dbs there was tons of stuff in here uh one this side but it's off worth something i can't really care uh kits uh balti aka kit yoink wait i think the turn on the roof is off dude wait it's the power mine oh their power went their power went power went went through that turret so when we destroyed it it took it all out or maybe uh four satchels here you just yoink i'm gonna ditch a lot of stuff and come back again okay now this base was constructed in layers the first layer i'd broken into was the third level with the turrets gone we were now in the second level next was the core that's where the best stuff would be five ladders it's a three by three on the inside we wanted to throw everything we could at the core to get inside this is an armored door though reese built a new small loot room at the gatehouse cupboard we'd claim for quick storage i'm gonna climb a tower the turrets outside were now also deactivated so we decided to climb the rope rigging outside to take a look at the roof i'm alive though no you're a little higher than you think you have dude this was a one-way flight mate just like old times your feet your feet are like chicken nuggets oh this is these are these are like super stuff this was heavily decayed i smashed through a wall and we got inside [Music] even more loot and an m249 this was certainly escalating don't crash please i was gonna break through the stone door frame here to try to get into the core i was throwing everything we had at the stonewall this would be close [Music] oh i'm dead also jesus christ oh my god dude yeah so uh one at a time me roasting it i got it oh my god it's all open we could see inside the core all the garage doors were open if we got through another wall we'd be into everything nice i'm just gonna start cooking sulfur okay putting the m2 away salomon had typed in global chat so i went over to see him at his base hello hello man it's me i come in i invite you to hello going to raid now he had mentioned earlier that he could craft explosive ammo so he would need some of his ammo plus my c4 to get inside the core let's go hello hello hello with the explosive ammo he gave me plus my c4 we would have enough to break down the wall into the core you're so nice you just asked for a little i swiftly ran home to my old base grabbed the c4 and then returned it was time to see just what was waiting for us inside okay no i won't start till you're here all right we were in moment of truth okay uh looking for tc okay gonna break tcc all right tc's broke oh my god five thousand straps uh let's look oh my god 20 c4 this loot was insane it could have been a rage quit or a cheater group that got banned we didn't know but this was huge come come come come that's like so absurd that's insane we put away the explosives and the base we built right by the compound i told salomon that we would share the loot and i knew exactly what we were gonna do with these explosives justice for my friend on grass they're in the inside okay oh they're on the inside we're outside now [Music] there were some inquisitive primitive gear players poking around now we had to be vigilant we did some more trips moving loot out of the core while we secured it i think [Music] securing the compound base killed all the sleeping players destroyed the bags and looted up all the best stuff stupid man your base we filled our inventories with loot donned our night vision goggles and then returned to salomon's face under the cover of darkness robo-six going dog all right we're dropping it off then we're like getting set and we're rocking yes is it morning this morning kind of we did it epic we put away the explosives then reese and i went back for another loot transfer trip all at the same time all have launchers we probably have a good 90 seconds before anyone really shows up [Music] ready flew back from the compound to salomon's base with the rest of the booms it was nearly time to begin the raid that it seemed like a fantasy not too long ago was now imminent about to bring a bully to justice for my friends i have a i have a bag right here so i'm just going to eat it because i'm a gamer [Music] that's so funny that you like put away your weapons in someone else's base is like a sign of respect before where we throw it next we made our final preparations i'ma load my m2 with explo ammo he's giving us sleeping bags oh we should put sleeping bags salomon put code locks on his doors and gave us sleeping bags we were officially living together now time to blast into this bully's base all right there's turrets boom blow that metal corner target marked send it you want to get dirty super close killed by an armed horseman i quickly respawned watch out for the turret remember i'm going to rock it yep our friends back kept blowing deeper into this bully's home i'm going to start see foreign oh and another one where is tc okay i think tc is in here uh tc is not in there no building all right let's get a tc we've got mats oh they're loaded wow take the shot okay i'm gonna flank enemies were starting to circle around the raid we had to be careful i see l9 that's shot l9 l9 dead solomon's lead yep someone's geared up 10. sorry head shot up he is uh night night oh he's inside he's inside he's inside the rain he's inside the raid snaking that's the kid from the raid by the way he had his chance [Music] real quick we'd secured the raid for ourselves i looked in the boxes at my friend's home with his enemies base in ruins and 14 c4 in his box i'd say he was gonna do just fine do what you want with the 14c4 okay with maybe a dozen words ever exchanged between us speaking across the planet through the use of some quick text translation i'd crossed boundaries and made a friend good night i'm going to bed nice good night thank you guys i hope you enjoyed the video i'm currently live streaming on my twitch come say hi also i just posted some updates about my pumpkin patch on both twitter and instagram so make sure you follow me in both places the links are below go click them now and go follow my thumbnail artist too this has been your friend wellin ending another adventure with a brand new friend see you all again very soon till next time [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,580,038
Rating: 4.9565659 out of 5
Keywords: welyn, Solo Survival, Rust Solo Survival, Rust PVP Highlights, Survival Games, Rust Gameplay, Rust Funny Moments, Gaming, Gaming funny moments, Rust raids, rust huge loot, rust plays, rust roleplayer, rust clans, rust solo, rust best start ever, rust fastest start ever, rust solo infiltration, solo rust, rust solo pvp, rust compound, rust base build, rust treasure, rust jackpot raid, Rust, welyn rust, rust survival, rust movie
Id: 1KXhRo7MLnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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