The Most LEGENDARY Clan Raid Ever - Rust (Movie)

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gearing up for war see there's a few raids throughout my time playing rust that are seared into my memory and it's always the arrogance of my foes that sense of invulnerability that makes the payoff that much sweeter with their massive base top tier equipment and small army of mercenaries they see themselves as an immovable object but they have yet to encounter an unstoppable force that in a moment we appear and all hell breaks loose [Music] and this tale i'm telling here is one of legends now i was on the server with my friends ezrath rooter and porgie see you hello marley oh no you traveled south south all right we had all just spawned in and had begun running around looking to get started somebody told me to tell you that uh noodles and ketchup is the best spaghetti oh my god porky would eat that okay i made much worse than that like what i used to work at a summer camp and there was like a talent show they would take all the garbage and make it into a meal i would taste it and you hate garbage is it good no you're probably entitled to financial remunerations for this i gathered some resources and components and then i headed to recycle at a nearby harbor please man corner yourself just drop just drop this i'm so sorry i had to give them enough to not arouse suspicion but not too much that they then took everything well played i played them like a fiddle after some quick thinking and being spared by a couple geared players i continued inland and crafted a crossbow at a workbench i found poor did you actually eat garbage man bugging me bad i mean some of this stuff was gross but then you had like some of the other food and it probably still good leftover meal scratch i was like a raccoon get out of here paddle man the hell is that i just killed a paddle man bro don't do it naked [Music] it's just not gonna work it's just not gonna work [Music] it's just not gonna work [Music] i like you guys spirit i like you guys spirit though i'm gonna leave your weapon all right i'll leave you your horsey too but i gotta go you fight bravely you gotta respect it they were gone for it after defeating that ragtag band of players i traveled towards a mining outpost where ezrath and ruder had just built a small wooden shack no don't do that can i get a team invite please my lord taylor that's accepted but what if i don't want to do anything we kill you we didn't invite you okay we go we go we go with my loot deposited in the base and after just having heard ak fire nearby we headed over the shots to investigate the commotion yeah oh no there's two there's two there there's two would that be there's their base right there some heavily armed players controlled this region i'm running up to this thing what is this this guy raided oh no they upgraded it just upgraded we confirmed that these well-geared ak wielding players lived here in this base can i get them to come up here hey hey buddy nice bass psych while i taunted the group from the decayed ruins on top of the hill as wrath and rooter silently crept up to their door now a base across the road was shooting from their roof that could be the bait that we needed here oh they're coming [Music] [Music] i died but i respawned and ran back from base to continue fighting i'm coming to my right i'm dead the thompson no oh i'm dead [Music] had died so i scooped up all i could and escaped from the sight of the skirmish they're going to want to go roof every time now i bet if they'd leave we could build up and break it a plan started forming so where are you guys your mama house yeah i wish i'd now the base just down the road from us was still camping on the roof with a custom smg oh my god did i kill porgy nope yeah if i okay if i was a compat you'd be dead [Music] he's just not good enough he couldn't hang i got into a couple more productive scuffles by base then as night fell porgy arrived to join us well well well porgy you don't get a present you just get a dent in the morning we went to check out the base that had been roof camping you were very close to your microphone i'm trying to hit shots man they were shooting kids who killed me apparently this group had killed porgy all right that's it we got to kill them [Music] they were quite toxic i think a tough lesson was in order for them he didn't say that loud so his mom didn't hear but for now when airdrop was falling in the distance so porgy and i went to go try to claim it get no closer [Music] oh there's so many people here what what even happened here here i'm not engaged she just killed poor combat mode engaged [Music] oh yeah we need to get out of here but we do we do uh here take this here you got it our air drop mission had been a success and we now had better gear how did you do that you gave me a pickaxe yeah and i put the pickaxe where the pickaxe ain't supposed to go i don't need rad pills i'm already rad as wrath and rooter it also managed to kill a player with a thompson so we were leveling up our equipment across the board with our better guns we went to go try to ambush the ak wielding players at their base oh no no i heard him i've used a tactic in the past it's worked just scream into your mic as you place your ladders all right you ready no oh he's dead he's on the roof i hit him two times [Music] we cleared out of that spot our plan did not come to fruition [Music] now the ak group controlled both of these bases quite the rivalry was beginning to form i got tommy i'm dead 11 shots though [Music] yeah i had to shoot i don't you ruined everything [Music] i fled with a thompson so i wasn't leaving empty-handed but we had to deal with this group we knew that they had a lot of loot based on the gear that they were using but they had a substantial base taking them out would require a lot of preparation for now i did some base upgrades [Music] i next put the tommy away and headed back out oh oh my god [Music] i had shot him i think he's dead oh he just opened him oh i missed him hey did you shut the door yeah now porgy had to log off and our friend zechum wanted to play so he hopped on to join us as we investigated the roof camping base down the road hello gamers hello [Music] the attack helicopter was out this was an additional factor to consider oh yeah [Music] the python who'd been trying to hide from the helicopter got his ass about to hit you he's gonna oh here it comes here it comes i returned to the roof camping base with the toxic players okay leather up and maybe you can squish me in or something reese also came on to play with us i don't know man did you hear that landmine i just jumped out of my chair there's a guy here yeah someone's compound bowing at me man i'm furious it's me crying no did i just oh you just doing that man behind oh i get comfort here you killed my horse [Laughter] we eventually built up using ladders and twig and all gathered on their shooting floor so the boys are up here so what's the move you guys are just going to eat in there [Music] there's under tier two i'm deeper one door away from pc as wrath was below me in the base trying to get all the way into their core four satchels i'm blowing this oh it's angry at me hell he's angry at me as we raided farther in below the attack helicopter was circling trying to kill me this was a very tricky situation yeah i'm here naked i think it is in here you guys hold this oh okay i'll take this stuff home i can make it that's good though this is good for us honestly like just a sulfur right i was maneuvering around the windowed gallery trying to avoid getting shot by the helicopter come on kelly just despawned i think it left finals this is me coming up right here i'm on the roof now okay hey man do you think i can get any financial compensation for my horse nope oh true do you have a jackie right here right here now one of the floor tiles had been heavily damaged by the rockets so we endeavored to pick it out from the vulnerable soft side below [Music] after using explosives there were now only a few health points left so we started hitting oh nice yeah uh open open so you just need to break this we took the accessible loot then reached the tool cupboard by placing a bag now the loot hadn't been that plentiful but an unpleasant nuisance of a neighbor had now been dealt with we could return our focus to the heavily armed players in the forest across the world please stone that roof tile please i might just meddle to all the whole roof yeah i think you're saying all right the ak guys just they're on the roof they just shot they could go try to you like an ak again though i'm down reuter also had to log off so we were four once more nice another loot box that's a nice tool he's got there provide the tools [Music] rocket launcher oh on the roof they're kind of scoping it out right now if i get a shot i'm going to take it he's looking down [Music] i hit him oh he might be dead come on come on come on i'm up here [Music] [Music] he lived we'd been pinned down and had died but the fight was still going so i ran back he's on the roof he's on the roof i'm pushing i don't have any guns though [Music] i got i got a cake an ak this was massive [Music] nothing loaded launcher no left side no there's a guy there he's dead using the ak i'd found i've been able to decisively win the encounter he needs some milk after regrouping at base we once again went out to explore and hopefully gather more loot these guys are like switch between super passive and super aggressive [Music] his second floor hugging the wall hiding right there [Music] damn that felt brutal i'll pick you up boss [Music] i'm ready to roam dude hey people pushing us from [Music] what's on the horse [Music] my ak was proving to be a major boon it was giving me the upper hand in a lot of these fights i will ferry their items into our home directly into our residence 150 scrap oh we next continued wandering the map as a group damn that's epic that was a very interesting sort of launch site we wandered around over the night there's a guy in the base to our right to my right whatever's out there your mom's a oh my god oh dude yo not cool man that's my girlfriend what we saw some disturbing things and met some interesting people oh this is dead hazmat right here hey he's already dead stop he's already dead stop oh [Music] c4 after c4 was exploding near the launch site this sounded like a massive raid so we went to go check it out when we got close we heard full spraying automatic fire oh there's yeah dead people dead guys here killed one killed one i'm pushing for a body welcome weren't sure what was going on here but some kind of online raid seemed to be occurring no no no no i have a sales opportunity i'm not buying oh i'm dead two ak guys on me this was a very large clan here living right next to the launch site we knew that this group was swimming in loot i almost killed that guy i might uh total or out yeah [Music] oh no i'm gonna die i circled around the raid trying to find an angle to strike i think defenders are yanking stuff right now someone coming up to me kill the tsar roseanne it had just been a matter of time this was an enormous well-armed squad right just died yeah but this raid hadn't made any sense i ran back to continue probing for weaknesses and what a terrible angle to raid from too it's entirely open a sleeping bag i wish i could have been a consultant on that raid and they would have told them you know how like awful their everything about their planned raid was gordon ramsay's raid critique exactly where's the great face that roof was not shut down the roof was i saw four boys up there beaming with some gear back we left the area and reflected on this spectacular fail of a raid but i had a feeling that this was not the last i'd see of this clan base i can't believe that who's their tactic she was like alright so you know this big open field that's the anger after returning home with a fair amount of loot we next went to check on our troublesome neighbors across the road like if we had two c4 right now you'd say quite interested yeah the garage door was open here which could potentially lead to a large amount of loot if we blasted through this wall but for now i returned home to do a much needed expansion on our base [Music] that extra foundation a few minutes later the cargo ship spawned this could potentially be our ticket to a raid on our neighbors so he trekked to the coast woken from my slumber porgie also hopped back on to join us for a bit he's a compound bow i'll try to beam him i didn't hit him just tap them now in a boat we approach the vessel pick me up i'll be able to get on if you guys just leave the boat it was held down too well this was not a feasible mission oh how much a consolation prize we'd killed the passengers of another boat we then headed ashore and went to return home sign is not a fart what i heard someone fart hundred percent did you fart it was you poor g you talking about this too much okay no you're talking about this so much and i know you're being defensive that means it's you well you're trying to deflect blame this is a i see right through this ruse we got him next zechum logged off and we got into some small conflicts nearby what's that mean can you kill that guy i tapped him yep oh pick me up stop dancing over my body gaining some loot through fighting near our base i traveled over to the outpost to buy explosive rifle ammo we would use this to try to raid our neighbors i arrived home learned the blueprint and then added a second floor to the base over the next little while i farmed sulfur smelted it in the furnaces and crafted explosive ammo porgie also logged off to take yet another nap i'm bringing a third star as rath and i loaded up semi-rifles with explosive ammo as the sun was setting we were ready to try our raid and we had enough explosive ammo to get through the stone wall where we saw the open garage door hopefully that would give us everything bottom corner right here oh gotcha [Music] town oh tons of jacks a bunch of tools and jackhammers but the garage door below us was closed we wanted a next break through that so i returned to base to turn the sulfur that had been smelting into explosive ammo while ezrath held down the raid so that's 66 more the occupants didn't seem to be online at the moment we needed to work fast it was morning by the time we had enough explosive ammo to continue i returned to the raid to keep blasting i see a bad guy probably the best case scenario based upon what it was madeline two of them were sleeping here we were close the tool cupboard could be just behind these garage doors i went back home and scrapped together the last of our sulfur into more explosive ammo we had just enough to get through the next set of doors [Music] a ton of scrap plus some odds and ends but we'd used up all our explosives we did acquire some balls we returned home learned some blueprints did some final upgrades and logged off for the night their base was still standing but our resolve to raid them had only been strengthened well yeah let's talk tomorrow we'll figure it out our raid tonight had netted us some gains but we had not been able to finish the job tomorrow we would be back and little did we know but adventures far beyond anything we anticipated were about to unfold i logged on just after ezrath did he had learned the rocket so we were gonna pummel our neighbors once we had enough of them i checked out their base and they'd upgraded securing where we had raided with armored walls let's get to work so i then got to work farming sulfur to start moving towards rra oh there they are oh that's the boys right there yeah yeah yeah yeah three men i think i'm gonna do a heck and sneak i actually might have a good angle [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] after a solid fight to start the day we felt good he's a crossbow guy i think he's alive we returned home to do some housekeeping and porgy came on to join us for a bit that's hot give me the grub no corgis being a bit naughty dead guy craw what is is he crawl what is that is that a dead body it's doing a wiggly oh to our left up the hill northwest [Music] i got them both good job thanks man another good fight one i then took a moment to look at our explosives box we had a few rockets already crafted but we would need many more to raid our neighbors oh he's on the roof watch the pindos ready 360 time oh yeah you're dead too who's next banana party time [Music] oh i'm gonna bring a little silencer action i think i might get a little cheeky rooter next also got back on to play our friend hcab would be joining us as well can i have your uh [Music] a guy tried to beam me you did pretty good bro bro come here [Music] he's got a star 50. oh he's close yeah he's murdered all grouped up we next headed towards the launch site get this sulfur node here the best sulfur node we knew that there would be geared players roaming by the launch site see that big base to our right they tried to raid them you kill him now he's not moving as i approached my friends were about to engage another team they live there [Music] i remembered this name this was a member of the group that lived in a massive base here the same base that had weathered a raid attempt yesterday now i didn't have chat open but my friends would also perish said that this group was gloating perhaps our neighbors were not the only ones who would face our wrath but for now i respawned at base since the attack helicopter had arrived on the map now someone was fighting it on the other side of the airfield so we approached to see if we could take it for ourselves [Music] outside close to the base or now [Applause] m2 m2 under heavy fire from the large base i looted up the gear from the helicopter cool metal outside the gate guys oh headshot oh we're in two different towers now i love you with the m249 locked and loaded i flanked wide across the map to return home let me at least run away with my binoculars porgy had to log off now but reese was free and got on to join us [Music] oh he did test successful i next geared down to do a sulfur farming expedition i'm sulfur there i saw ton earlier while out and about we noticed a base where a few geared players were lingering we decided that perhaps a snowball raid was in order this is where we would use the explosives we already had to raid them in the hopes that we would make a profit in terms of booms so i think we just four rocked the back side of it i see it i geared back up and we took all our rockets over there right now yes yes exactly who's the base by the way eleven rockets two satchels thirty-five uh we're getting this man's base yeah oh two of them i guess i could try to be bridge tap it you don't have to spray okay hit one headshot another one deadline did we loot those guys already second floor okay i got it i got it actually didn't smoke him out with the base lock down i checked the spoils this had been a very juicy raid all sorts of loot was in here do not come i'm going to come we then stuffed all we could into our inventories and returned home all the salt run made on juice way easier than i thought they have a mini in that base by the way i don't think they used to now back at home we added some additional loot rooms on the top floor and i recycled a mass of components your base boom that raid had brought us closer to having enough to raid our neighbors but we still had a ways to go when that large clan base by the launch site was also tucked away in the back of our minds bro it's all gamer girls man you know what oh never mind no we got one we got one i learned some useful blueprints then a few minutes later we heard the attack helicopter once more all right guys i'm going to put a bunch of stuff in the boom box don't touch it please here's all for crafting right yeah thank you i used a skush in the same spot we're going through a counter the same base that was fighting it last time was on their roof battling it again this would be a great opportunity to potentially get even more explosives we should hold gas station now i was a bit behind everyone still catching up they were already fighting they're like a guy sneaking up is anyone is anyone happy reese was currently pushing up to attack a group in the gas station three times four times really one of these enemy players had a very suspicious spray it didn't feel normal likely someone using a script to counter recoil he's dead i got him [Music] not even a script can save you from an m2 full spraying bullets dead he's dead i'm running to these guys they're on ground no they're on the roof they're on the ground right here there's still two still two one dead one guys grabbed the now accessible helicrates jackpot uh rocket c4 crate mp5 crate oh my lord damn that was a good scuffle loaded with enemy gear as well as explosives from the helicopter we went to return home the raid preparations were going well oh no we're watching the circle of life right here man save the pig and the humans intervene yes this is definitely the circle of life lie piggy no and then we killed a piggy sad piggy noises a few minutes later we were all at base just doing some housekeeping i'm gonna be back in one sec i was afk listening to music when fate called wait that's at launch i mean it's not launch obviously but wait that's a raid raid oh doubles they're reading for a big base we have to go rocket after rocket was being fired near the launch site instantly i thought of the massive base and the raid yesterday this could be redemption for the raiders and this time we were ready to take them all on these boys are getting slammed as the rockets rhythmically slammed against the base over and over we raced over to counter this battle and what was waiting for us was legendary wait for that maybe i just felt the frames hit they're gonna be right here yet for all okay turn down your max jibs to zero no i won't okay the enormous compound was being rated we needed to get our bearings and get a feel for the situation okay the raiders had erected a forward operating base here on the hill with the turrets at the raid base we couldn't effectively approach it from the front stay locked hitting right face which would help over here i clambered up onto this unrelated base here and had excellent sight lines across the whole race killed it killed m9 raid base it this was a war dozens of players were involved here as i was covering from the roof reese was firing from the flank they're all in there killed two at the breach the base owners were already in chat taunting the raiders i could tell they were the same person because of the steam picture [Music] i continued to hold the roof reuter esrath and h-cab were in the trenches trying to find the rating explosives [Music] this was the thick of it here scrambling by the raid base with the turrets [Music] [Music] oh they they put windows in the way so i can't shoot yeah the raiders had put bulletproof glass in their window to stop me from cutting them down through the gaps why are you bullying me looking there's no bottom right they leave right there this was two massive clans going to war and we were in the middle of it every single one of those days oh my god i can't keep anyone have a ladder yes dude oh my god stop bro i'm stuck oh my god oh they're raiding from hp [Music] oh no [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we're gonna push off the razor the owner of the base i was holding was inside i had to remain vigilant for any surprise attacks oh of the clan bag right here i'm coming over i respawned and pushed towards the first geared player i saw ice he's right here behind this don't wow [Music] he's dead naked here now naked here now with ak nake is running with ak naked's running with ak he just this was an insane raid pure chaos we're on the way over there right now our bodies were untouched on the roof i geared back up and we stabilized our position take those positions i next flanked around to the side where reese and i could both hold angles together no i was not a dp dude another one almost dead uh got some high velocities we have enough to deposit [Music] i'm almost out of ammo there were explosions at the raid base as i held my teammates pushed up where's the raid base the turks are off turrets are off i'm dead i'm dead yeah it was me i haven't seen so much here so much here it's all open guys this tc is right here the raid based tool cupboard was visible this was huge rock it in there i don't know i have not contained rockets take it take it take it take it take it reloading and reloading okay here now alone in the raid base ezrath sealed himself into the core where there was an untold amount of loot i've sealed i told as much as i could i was still covering from just uphill oh no i'm good i need a kill [Music] i think we should go see a top seal you gotta put down a pc that way they can't anything to drop me a gun i i have a launcher now dead it was time to do a quick banking run at base this is back in the day field we swiftly deposited loot and i put away the m2 it would be a waste bringing it into dark close quarter combat we now had a new mission get inside the raid base with ezrath load up and escape out of there look we work as a team no one gets left behind i'm back he got killed he got killed by him too then two is back here again i'm almost back yeah they're pondering and they're reading it no i don't know what i just placed so where are you in the bay says in a one by one right now now when you place a building block you have a five-minute grace period where you can destroy it with a hammer we were playing off that window to get inside the raid base oh he hit me with a rocket i killed one though i respawned nearby then crept back up in the shadows oh i'm gonna die please man please pick me up i'm looking what what's inside there i opened me we all scooped up as much loot as we could guns armor all sorts of items damn son hcab cleared the outside as best he could for our getaway i dashed off into the darkness with my friends hot on my heels there's a car rolling hello i felt bad man because i made the decision to seal it no you made the that was the right man poor reason though i killed so many people what was the kdr for that the loot from this counter raid had been staggering we reflected on the tense moments as we took a collective sigh of relief okay i wanna go back there and die let's go back dude my computer is begging me not to but please we next decided to return to the raid one more time to see if we could extract any remaining loot how do you even shoot that ammo he's right there he's right there i hit him i hit him nice oh god this area by the raid was still very chaotic stay focused i'm here i'm mp5 okay okay raider with an m2 was still on the roof of the raid base this could be a chance to get another one of these uncraftable machine guns i'm making a building plan right now okay i'm on roof [Music] i'm after diving into the raid base we claimed another m249 i'm down i think it's nearby i think it's nearby i'm back right [Music] m2 is on your body [Music] oh i just bonked him on the roof pretty good all right let's roll with one final parting shot we returned home and i needed a break from these high octane exploits see we'd gotten tons of excellent gear but few actual explosives and i had not forgotten about our pesky neighbors across the road i gotta decompress after that so right now i went to do a bit of sulfur farming to get us some more rockets we still needed a fair number of them for an assault on their base i next tended to the furnaces at home and made sure we were on track for all our smelting now while i did this the rest of my comrades had gone back to the area around the raid now that some time had passed just to see if there was any further activity there they're fighting they'd heard some ak fire so they investigated i see one another that's the one i was thinking there was a team of geared players here that my friends were dispatching i see them headshot double body what they're done [Music] [Music] got him [Music] now that was a familiar name one of the members of the clan that lived in the massive base they had been moving loot and had tons of rockets look at this body oh damn oh yeah but we got all the good stuff we got the good stuff yeah i have 21 rockets see likely what had happened is this clan realized that another raid might be coming soon so they were ferrying loot out to an unknown location firm handshakes all around taking all the explosives from this arrogant clan certainly felt sweet well you guys are like rov rockets rover i had six furnaces in my crafting here with this fortuitous influx of booms we now had enough to go rate our neighbors across the road this clan had given us the golden ticket they actually had their ak box on them someone's getting yelled at discord we swiftly made our final preparations for this long overdue raid i have a bunch of rockets on me i thought back to our scuffed attempt yesterday when we banked on their doors being open this time we were going to pummel them close all the doors on the way okay all together you said these guys are online yeah they were yeah they're in here they were online perfect all right do we start with reese gets here yeah one race get two shoot it and i'll follow up roof i all right all right guys a bit excited and overextended i quickly re-geared up with all my loot yeah boy i don't see my lr did somebody grab it no shoddy's bring no shotties second door around in a sec yeah we need to i think i saw somebody 330 hey there's another one i'm down i have a wall tc down i'm gonna see for this garage door with the tool covered down and a door on the raid i looked at the spoils if these guys are [Music] not only had this raid evicted a long time foe but it had been loaded with loot with our inventories packed to the brim we left the raid to make the short journey home now putting loot away i reflected back on the numerous raids we'd done as well as some of the most heart-pounding raid action i'd ever seen by that huge clan base all the laughs all the disappointments and all the triumphs now i was about to log off when a rather unexpected encounter happened that is it for me for the evening oh my god porgy shows up oh yeah it's my birthday how does how does he even know thanks so much for watching leave a like and comment if you enjoyed also right now i'm live streaming on my twitch september just started so come watch and i've been growing a pumpkin patch in real life so if you want to see how that's been turning out go check out my second channel and for content between the main channel uploads go subscribe to my highlights channel too all the links for those are below in the description make sure to go follow all my socials and my thumbnail artist too this has been your friend welan at the end of a thrilling adventure i'll see you all again soon until next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Welyn
Views: 3,111,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: welyn, Rust Solo Survival, Rust PVP Highlights, Survival Games, Rust Gameplay, Rust Funny Moments, Rust raids, rust huge loot, rust plays, rust roleplayer, rust clans, rust solo, rust best start ever, rust fastest start ever, rust solo infiltration, rust solo pvp, rust compound, rust base build, rust jackpot raid, Rust, welyn rust, rust survival, rust movie, rust server, rust streamer, rust pro, rust revenge, welyn revenge, welyn clan, solo survival
Id: GSoTlD2pcOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 33sec (3093 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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