a sims 4 save file that will BLOW your mind & make you fall in love with the game again!😍

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foreign [Music] video So today we're going over the ultimate save file and this is by plumb bob Kingdom I did a video on this like quite some time ago however this save file has been very updated since then as you can see here we're in San Sequoia and it looks freaking stunning so I'm gonna show you guys the map view and we're going to kind of do a rundown of you know the different worlds before we jump into Lots but I just had to load in to this one here because I was like oh my God this is insane first let's do our notification shout out and this one goes to it's Cassidy girl that made my day I'm so glad that I popped up for you again I hope you enjoy binging thank you so much for the support and if you guys want a chance to be a notification Shadow all you gotta do is comment down below so let's go ahead and jump in to the Matthews oh so here is what the growing together world looks like from the map view honestly I'm so excited that it's updated to the most recent pack this just really made me happy because obviously it takes a while to kind of update the newest world after pack releases so I'm surprised that all this work has been done look at this over here and like I said obviously I did a video on this quite some time ago so we are going to be checking out other things too there's a lot that I haven't looked at oh my goodness look at the school I'm also going to pull you guys over to where you can download this and kind of just like let you know a few things that I feel like are important to know look at this Cafe as you can see here the lot types will be in different languages look at the bubble tea place oh my goodness there are so many things I'm going to want to look at you guys then we have a moon wood mill look at these stunning buildings so we're not going to be able to look at every single world today but I'll look at what I can and things that I'm most excited to kind of check out oh my God henford on Bagley I'm messing this world lately you guys maybe it's like the whole I don't know why I don't know if it has to do with the horse leaks and stuff and obviously that world has farm animals so oh wow this is stunning I've just been really missing that world I feel like I need to plan it this world looks absolutely gorgeous too oh and then also Del Sol Valley is actually pretty cool so we have like this whole like look at these buildings like I want to go over here also the tool mod is used which I'm going to talk about once we jump over to the download page for this but you don't need to have any mods you have this in your game so this is completely mod and CC free look at celani so I believe this is a world that I've seen before so yeah like I said I did a video on this quite some time ago so I might be focusing on some of the newer worlds I don't know though because there's some stuff that I don't quite remember or I'm like oh did I check that out I'm not quite sure or maybe they've been updated since then and changed and stuff like uh we have to go see this and I don't even know if I looked at this before but it looks different so and then like this building here definitely have to go see that a lot of stuff here looks different as well I could be wrong but yeah we'll definitely be checking things out everywhere just whatever catches my eye so before we do that let's go ahead and jump over to the download page okay so here we are over on curse Forge this is where you can download it I'll have the link down below of course and you can see here even in the title it says no CC and then there's some gorgeous photos so we'll definitely take a look at those quickly but like I said the tool mod is used but you don't need the tool mod to use this so the way the tool mod works it just if someone has in their game they can kind of change a whole bunch of things that they usually can't change outside of the grid so you can see here this is how this part of the world looks here you can see like it's very Bland and then look after look at what they've done this is so cool to me like it's all full I want to see this in game I don't know if we'll specifically jump over to this area but if I get around to it this would be so pretty to look at in game and like just look at how good everything looks I'm obsessed this area looks gorgeous it looks like such a realistic neighborhood oh my God this shot with the bridge and everything oh my goodness and the townhouses and then okay see look how cool this is literally there's a Hollywood sign I was like no way that's just so unique to me and just gives it a whole like I don't know it just completely transforms this hair area to me and then I believe this is in Hanford on Bagley yeah definitely so pretty so then there's just some instructions to download of course this goes in your saves folder not your mods folder and then it says here this big save file aims to improve your Sims world including the vacation World using the tool mod by twist and Maxi this save file requires no Cc or any mod to use it all of the changes were made using the objects that we have in game most of the lots are renovated as well but some of them are still the Max's version I'm still working on it and soon we will have a lot more buildings and in the future the families will be renovated too don't miss the Max updates even if you don't have all the packs I strongly recommend to download and try it in theory the objects you don't own will be missing in the save file it can be something like a tree a trash can a bench Etc and then of course all of these builds can be found on their YouTube channel which is clone Bob Kingdom so definitely go check it out but like I said this link will be down below oh also it looks like there was a recent update so literally just a few days ago after a poll I did on Twitter basically asking if they want to change the Hollywood sign line it to a simlish version so this is what it looks like now plumb bob Kingdom also has a video going over stuff so yeah definitely go check it out but let's go ahead and jump in the game so I think we're gonna have to check out Santa Sequoia first because it just looks too good to pass up first of all the lot that I was loaded into at the beginning of this video was this one here so this is the recreation center and it just looks absolutely amazing so let's go and check it out okay so I am using the free build camera mod so I can just kind of like go into tab mode so we can look at everything without me having to be in live mode so we're gonna check it out but I love this it's so cute this is amazing to me like the way this is all done but let's go ahead and take a look so first let's go into the building here I love how modern it is oh and then also back here there's just like some seating and yeah we're gonna take a look at the outside after but let's head in oh my goodness okay super modern I love the colors oh I really do like this kitchen oh my God we have like hot dogs in the sink a Sim must have done that but I love that there's food made I love that I really like the way this kitchen is done yes I want this kitchen in real life please and then over here we just have some seating and then there's like the kids drawings oh I love this the bathrooms like they're done so nicely like we have like a change room area for the infants oh that's so perfect so you have your showers and then heading upstairs we have a cute little room where you can play some dominoes and stuff do some painting some reading guitar oh it's so cute so then having outside which honestly is what I'm most excited for first of all the little details like can we take a minute and do you see all these bikes that are just set here I don't know I thought that was really cool and there's kid bikes as well and then we have a barbecue more seating a nice waterfall and then over here we have like a workout area which I thought was cool oh and then it looks like there's a basement yes okay so there's just an area after you're done working out and stuff you can come down here here freshen up but I thought that was kind of cool and then so we have the treadmills everything you need I love that there's like a little rock climbing thing and then oh I love that there's like bikes just placed everywhere so you can grab some food to eat over there and then I just I freaking love this park like I love that there's a tree house and then this like totally looks like you know a slide that your sim can slide down like that's so creative oh my God I really wish we had slides like that and this too that's also so creative like they made it look like a whole jungle gym I love that oh my gosh these remind me of the things like as a kid you'd like crawl through there oh my God this is so cool sorry I keep saying oh my God but I just I cannot with that so cool and then we have the little splash pad this is everything I think this is perfect it has everything you need I feel like we're spending so much time here just because there's so much to look at okay so next I think I really want to see these Town Homes I just feel like they look really awesome we also have some cute families here oh look and then there's some empty homes as well also this house is stunning but let's go ahead and jump into here you guys this is beautiful oh my gosh I love all the colors look at the cute pink one that's so cute okay let's head in I really like the way these townhouses look and they're all furnished we love that okay and there's cars so there's like little um garages this is so cute it's done so realistically like we have like a whole walk-in closet here hold on we're like all over the place I feel like like this is like well okay I guess the main floor is considered this floor because you yeah you come up the stairs so let's actually start here so here we have like our kitchen area and some seating bathrooms it's kind of like the same similar layout for all of them but they're all different um and then yeah they all have like matching kitchens pretty much which I like and I feel like makes sense there's just like little differences and then if you go downstairs okay this I love the downstairs look at how gorgeous these rooms are I want cars so bad when I see cars like in a garage like this it makes me want them even more this is so pretty I love the way this furniture is coming together and then oh I just love all the packs that are being used and everything's kind of like coming together so perfectly the bathroom we have the garage like we already looked at garage over here and so this is the other one of course yeah so they're all very similar but then they have their differences this will be so fun if you wanted to do like a roommate situation this would be super fun to use in that sort of way so then having all the way upstairs so this is the top floor we have some more veg rooms we have seating areas and then same thing over here just like different color tones oh this is cute the pink room I love it and then over here this is very like neutral tones I like this one and then we have lots of bookcases oh I like this one as well I don't know which one I like the past honestly all the rooms look so good ooh I like this all this put together okay so those are the townhouses let's go ahead and look at something else okay so as much as I want to just look at everything in San Sequoia I think we're gonna go over to another world just because there's more to look at but like I said I'm gonna more so look at stuff in the newer world just because I haven't seen it yet but there was some stuff in Worlds that I didn't go over the last time I went over the safe house so we'll just kind of see but let's go to the high school oh this looks beautiful I again I love all the bikes like you can see there there's just so many bikes which I feel like is so realistic I love the flags we have like a seating area over here and then in the back we have just some more Flags more seating you know very simple but I love it okay so this is very like classic school now I'm like wait a minute did we look at this I honestly don't know because a lot of schools they'll have like similarities so I'm like wait some stuff's looking familiar but it I it might have nothing to do with with this a file there might just been another school that I've seen that looks kind of similar I feel like this is laid out super realistically I love how clean it is and we have our bookcases over here and then here's the second classroom and then here is the cafeteria again I just feel like this is really realistic to like the cafeteria that I had growing up yeah it looks very similar and then we have the library we have the um computer room with lots of books and then here's just like the Teachers Lounge and then the principal's office okay this is cute I like it I feel like it has everything you need we have seating up here and then just like you know the fun rooms like the Arts and Crafts this is actually cute like there's tons of clutter up here and everything and then bathrooms we have like some workout stuff over here this is like the science room and that aren't a way is it I don't know yeah I think so okay it must be and then we have the music room okay so let's go ahead and check out another actually I was gonna say another world but maybe we'll actually look at something else here because there is the bubble place and there's also a cafe I don't know which one we should go to okay so here's the cafe and it has so much detail all around it like again we have the bikes out here we oh my God there's a couch all the seating this is so cute oh there's also like the ice cream place back here wait that's such a cute little touch oh I never even thought to do that that is a really good idea oh my goodness hold on I need to do that more I forget that we got like an ice cream little shock thing that you can go to and we could totally place that on other Lots oh my God that is genius I don't know why that's never came to my head before Oh this is cute oh it's cute and cozy and like cottagey that's the Vibes that it just gave me oh it's small like there's not much for me to show you guys but it's super cute and then up here we just have like storage and stuff so that's adorable let's go ahead and look at another world okay so I kind of surprisingly want to go to Del Sol Valley and I want to go up here yeah isn't that where the sign is wait was that where the sign was put I think so also though like look at these beautiful walls like this actually makes Del Sol Valley look nice in my opinion because this world just not my favorite it looks really cool when you're playing but like I don't know I like it I can't describe it it's just I don't know it's just not my favorite do we want to go into a family I mean we're familiar with these families so I kind of want to go to the empty house and see what that one looks like and then we'll kind of just like take a look at the surroundings okay so I've decided to actually go into a household because I couldn't really like look at the surroundings when I was just in the build by so I decided to go into one of the families but let's go ahead and take a look oh my goodness first of all I just want to look everywhere and here it is oh my God so yeah it's been changed to the simulation wait I want to put the walls up to the house and just so we can get the full look oh my God this looks stunning hold on the other view that I had was definitely better this is so cool let's go ahead and just start looking at the home so this is the house that I had loaded into and there's a nice pool out here and then oh so they're like super rich obviously there's a whole Fountain area there and then the front of the house looks like this just a mansion and they have like the best view so let's go ahead and go down to the bottom floor yeah this is just gonna have very much like royalty Vibes I feel like so yeah this is exactly what I expected oh my God look at the kitchen and the giant table then up here we have some bedrooms we have another bedroom with a fireplace oh it's so pretty right here I love this oh and then look at the little kids by dream that's cute okay I love let's go ahead and go to manage worlds okay so we're in tartosa and I think we should go ahead and check out this wedding venue so let's go ahead and see what that looks like oh guys this is so pretty it's so pretty like it's so I feel like it's very traditional looking oh look I love the way that looks even back here okay let's get out of here and just look because I just want to see everything so heading inside we have some beautiful seating and you know obviously you'd get married right here and then oh there's like a cute little table back there and then going upstairs we have just you know bathrooms basically and then you come out here like you know after they get married and then everyone kind of have their little party oh my God it's so pretty oh we have like the separate food there these beautiful tables honestly the stuff that came with this pack my wedding stories honestly it's beautiful like there's really beautiful items you guys like when it all comes together you're just like oh my goodness that's stunning so pretty and then you can dance here get some drinks I love this this is so nice so I think we're gonna look on a couple more laws here honestly this world looks really freaking amazing I want to come over here I think I want to look at the bar that looks fun there's also this cool residential home which looks really awesome has like Barn Vibes or something okay so this world I just I'm obsessed with with these Renovations I think it looks so good and then I think we're also gonna go into that household as well so here's what it looks like inside very just matchy to this whole world there's like a music area over here and up here you can play some beer pong and stuff if you'd like to okay this is cute so let's go ahead and actually go into the crazy cat lover basically look let's go into her household okay so we have her little house with her millions of cats we love that where are all her kitties I don't know they're just like scattered oh here's one so cute um so let's go in all right so she just has a super tiny cute home there's another kitty litter box needs to be clean also this one but I love it oh my goodness oh this is cute I feel like if it's her super green we got clothes everywhere is he taking care of all these cats okay you guys I think that is going to be the last lot that I look at and I think we're just gonna wrap up with this view here because it looks stunning the Sun is setting oh my God it looks so pretty so I hope you guys enjoyed this save file review I honestly recommend this so much I feel like it loads beautifully there's so many Lots still that I haven't even looked at and the fact that the tool mod is used I feel like is just a huge win like everything will look so good like there's so many little details that I didn't even get to look at like the neighborhoods will look better you know there'll just be so many things around that just add such a different touch and make it feel like we're playing a different game so I love that anyways like I said this will be linked down below CC mod free if you're missing some of the packs people just kind of be missing those items so you can still use it but you know like the plumb bob Kingdom said you might have like a trash can missing things like that so anyways I'm gonna wrap this up here if you guys enjoyed I hope you guys are all having an amazing day and I will see you all in my next video bye guys thank you foreign
Channel: fantayzia
Views: 19,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, the sims 4, the sims, sims 4 mods, sims 4 mods for realistic gameplay, sims 4 portsim, sims 4 realism, sims 4 realistic mods, sims 4 drama, sims 4 diversity, sims 4 save file, fantayzia sims 4, fantayzia mods, fantayzia sims 4 mods
Id: itDM1rtZLCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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