A SICK Streaming Setup for Colton - Intel $5,000 Extreme Tech Upgrade

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It wasn't touched on in the video but my god, imagine if he could have had that cryocooler in there pulling an extra 200W, would the PSU or case even been fit for purpose at all?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Olli399 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Well... $5000 and those components? And mesh butt chair?! I have never seen anything like it. AND THE DESK, or lack there of! This was frustrating to watch, haha! :D

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dr-vamp 📅︎︎ Nov 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
- What now, who cares? - What, no Colton. - [David] It's got so populous. - Colton, stop taking shortcuts. - I'm not taking shortcuts, you're taking shortcuts. - I'm not taking shortcuts. - Why is that guy living in the middle of nowhere like this? It's ridiculous. Colton, hello? Hey, there it is, we found it. These country bumpkins, they don't even lock their doors. - [Colton] You're late. - So, this is a great door you've got here Colton. he wanted me to mention that. A thousand dollar door. No wonder his streaming setup sucks. Fortunately, we are here to fix it. Courtesy of Intel. It's extreme tech rig upgrade. Whatever we call this thing time. And we had a five thousand US dollar budget to turn Colton's very mediocre gaming and streaming setup into an absolute masterpiece. I'm pretty jazzed. Let's do it. (bright upbeat music) ♪ Get it myself. ♪ ♪ Don't need nobody help. ♪ (piano playing) ♪ David is our camera guy. ♪ ♪ He's so nice. ♪ - I don't know what am doing. - Why don't you start by walking us through the plan. - Yeah. So first order of business is, this is actually Steph's desk. And we're gonna steal it. We're gonna take it. Cause it's way bigger than the desk I have now. - Got it. - And I need more room for the games. - Now I couldn't help noticing that your desk has got a bit of a smile. - It's got a bit of a smile, yes. - It's happy desk. - I accidentally threw away the extra IKEA desk. Please don't do that. (laughing) Please don't do that. I threw away the extra leg. We are gonna put another leg on the bottom of the back. - Yeah, yeah. - I actually didn't get that. So we're just gonna have to YOLO it. - That and one small challenge today, we have only four hours to complete this project. Because Colton, went and booked a piano tuner to come in on the day of our shoot. - Dude, I booked it a month and a half ago. The guy doesn't even respond to emails. (piano playing) Oh, wow. - It sounds pretty tuned to me. - Yeah, it's mainly the "D". (laughing) - I've actually been here before, so I guess we'll head to the computer room. - Oh, yeah. - You guys have moved everything around. You got your TV over here now and you still got your drinking problem. - [Colton] Yeah, I barely even drink, that's why there's still booze there. - What are you talking about? There's nothing but booze everywhere. Check the kitchen. You got all your wine over there. Got your wine supplies. And what is this? (laughing) - I don't drink. I Barely drink it all. - And then while you're gaming, you got your-- - It's Coca-Cola. I drink the Coke Zero. - Classy. - You can't show these things. Stop, dude. - I can see why you're a trading out your desk. - Yeah. I'm actually-- - Is this even-- - No, it's not attached to anything. Oh yeah, my monitor. Actually show the monitor. This is fantastic. - Your monitor's broken. I've been living this for the last year and a half. Okay. So what I gotta do is, I got to leave something moving on the screen and I gotta leave it for about half an hour and then randomly it'll just go phew! It's totally fine. - Okay. It sucks. Walk me through the plan then. (laughing) I love this chair by the way. This is good. - You guys, if you haven't seen the short circuit that we did on this, you should go check it out. (screams) So what we're actually doing is, we're getting rid of this and we're grabbing Steph's desk that we were just looking at. We're gonna put it here. Get rid of this TV. - Don't you use the TV for your-- - Never used the TV. - Well, I heard Emerson makes really good TVs. - I bought this 10 years ago. It's fantastic. Moving this stuff over and then that's essentially it. The Cougar Gaming Chair is gonna go over here. I'm gonna get rid of this chair. Hopefully the one that I got, it's an ergo chair, hopefully it's a little bit smaller. And then yeah, hopefully the room will just feel a little bit more open. - And of course. - And have more desk space. - We're upgrading the rig as well. - Yes. - Now, do you have any streaming specific upgrades? - So the first streaming upgrade that we're doing is, I'm swapping out the Logitech C92, for an actual like DSLR Camera, because why the heck not? So I've got the Sony a5100, I believe. We've got another Elgato. We got the Elgato Ring Light as well. And then I think I'm keeping my audio up the same. It's mainly just the computer. We're really beefing up the computer. And we're definitely changing the monitor. So we're going 1440p to Samsung G7s. It's going to be pretty crazy. So that'll be good to get rid of this mess. And then the other problem that I was having with the rig itself, is I had a 10A DTI and I don't know what was wrong with it, but it kept crashing. I had to get rid of it. So I haven't been in the game for like a month. So it's actually perfect timing. - Oh great. - So we got a 3080. (laughing) - Is this a family journal of yours? - Harry Potter. Oh, 'cause my last name's Potter. That's funny. That's how that hasn't been done before. - Wow. That joke. (laughing) - As for the rig, this is pretty exciting. Colton is the first one so far to just kinda go, "Ah, you know what, I don't need no Insignia, Emerson TV upgrade or anything like that. I just want the sickest gaming rig. - Yep. - Because that is exactly what we're building today. We're going RTX 3080. We're going Core i9-10900K. We are going sub-ambient cooling. Assuming that it's actually in here. Did you put it in here? - It should be in there. - Yeah. It feels pretty light. Are you sure? - We'll see how this goes. - Oh wait it is in here. Okay, good. - Okay. - We're going sub-ambient cooling. This is gonna be pretty much as fast as it gets. - Yay. - No offense but while I get the computer going. - Okay. - Maybe you-- - Leave? - Go do something else. - [Colton] What? - Well-- - Anything? - You could move a desk. That seems like sort of a Colton task. - He doesn't trust me. You don't trust me. - that he could do. - All right. Fine. - Well, I can help with that. Do you need help? - No. - Is it too heavy? One problem we're gonna have Colton, is that if you're not honest with me, I can't help you with the home rig upgrade. - [Colton] What do you mean? What? - You told me that you lost the extra leg? - [Colton] Oh, wait. The leg's in there? (laughing) What? Stephanie? - We've for a while. And so it bows a little. So when I finally got around to putting the extra leg there. - Yeah. - It lifts the four other legs and kinda levitates them off the ground so it's a wobbling situation. - This video is gonna be ridiculous. - Hold it. Hold. Hold. Oh my God. You're going to break it. You need different socks. Take your socks off. - So is your monitor working? Look at this. - Fixed itself. Told you it's been about half an hour. - There's a lot of dog hair. - Yeah. The dog was sleeping in here until yesterday. - So the dog shed all this hair between yesterday and-- - Actually no, I just didn't clean it properly. - Is this the stock mount for this monitor? - Yeah. Isn't it terrible? - What even is this? - I know it sucks. - That monitor is gonna go or are you gonna have a third monitor. - No. This monitor is gonna go. I bought this monitor nine years ago from Best Buy for a hundred dollars. And it's served me well. See you later. - [Linus] You did an extremely poor job of painting. Look at this. You can see right through to the previous color. - [Colton] They call me the one coat wizard. - It's like an inch off the baseboard. Oh my God. And the paint job is even worse around the top of the room. It like honestly looks like you were drunk. (laughing) - Stop grabbing all this. It's gross. - I don't even mind. - Oh, gross. - Whatever. I got pets too. Here. I'll shake it out. (vacuum cleaner rolling) You gotta vacuum the air Colton. Ahh, it's everywhere. - This is a really nice floor though. Oh my God. - Can you just lift? - It's heavy though. - Right? That's why we're lifting it, so we don't destroy the floor. (groans) It's not that heavy at all. - It's fine. - So we got-- - What are you doing? - Let's have a look here. We got some batteries. - What are you doing? - Got a hard drive. - That's from my old computer. - Power bank. - How do I get stuff out of this old hard drive? - Look at this. Look at this. Accepting bribes from Coursera. Free power banks. You got like an SSD in here and everything. Got your Kingston bribes. - [Colton] They're not bribes. I bought them. - Wait a minute. You gotta be kidding me. Are you a Twilight fan, Sir? - [Colton] No. (Laughing) - Why? You've even got the, "Couldn't wait for the paperback release". (groans) Oh, I got this. - [Colton] You okay? - Nice. No, no. I'm good. I'm good. It's all good. - [Colton] Do you need a drill? (drill drilling) - Oh God. Oh God no. Oh my God. It's this just gonna have to just stay here? - It is stripped as hell. (screw screeching) - It'll work eventually. - Oh, yep, yep, yep. - Pretty good. All right, go ahead and pull it off the wall. Oh my God. Look what you did. (laughing) - [Colton] My paint. My beautiful paint. (laughing) I'll hang a picture. It'll be fine. (laughing) - Long boy coming through. - Hold on, give me a little bit of time. Give me a word. Oh, hold on. - [Colton] Oh. - You got very expensive doorframes. I don't wanna break them. - No, no, not those doors. Just the front door. - So where do you want it? You want it there? - [Colton] That's exactly. Yeah. - Okay. - That's pretty close. - Yup. Yup. And then pass that. (screams) - Stephanie. I'm sorry. Your bridal shower. - Now, it's time for us to a flipping computer here. - Oh, dude. Look at that motherboard. - This board, great value. Z490 PRO AX from Aorus. We actually used this for, I think it was the couples PC. It's got basically everything you need. Got your M.2. Got your wireless. Got all that good stuff. And it doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Honestly, the top of the line rigs are some of the least interesting to go through the parts selection process for. It's like "Why'd you choose a 10900K Sir"? "Oh, because I had an unlimited budget. So I just got the fastest gaming CPU". - Yo dude, I gotta be able to stream, game, multiple games, email, million Chrome tabs, everything. - Oh yeah. How much Ram did you get? I don't know about that Chrome. - I got 32 gigs. - Whoo. For storage, with an Intel 1 Terabyte 660P SSD. That's our boot SSD. We're gonna install that puppy right there. Can I actually take a moment to appreciate Gigabyte for pre-installing all these screws in here instead of just having them in a little non resealable baggy in the stupid mother board box. We've got 32 gigs. Of course there. 3200 megahertz CL16. Good bang for the buck. We run like six Chrome tabs on that puppy. [David] On a good day. One and two. You are rammed up now, Sir. - Sweet. I'm ready. I can feel it. - Oh yeah. - We're coming home with the case. I'm going back to NZXT. I was with Coursera for a little bit H440-- - Going back to NZXT. - And then I went to Coursera and it was great. I probably didn't even need a new case, but here we are. - We've got a problem. - No, I think we do have a problem. I think I can see it. What's up. - This is a triple radiator. And this is a pretty, it's nice. It's nice. - Yeah. - But it's a mid tower case. - Yeah. - And that's a problem. Oh shoot. This computer too is only dual 120 mil. We could just reuse this cooler, I guess. Oh, that's a bummer. You're not even gonna have the cryo cooling anymore. - Yeah, that does suck. That's an oversight on my part. Oh no. - Yeah. So, I think I figured out what was wrong with your old computer. - Was this never-- - You had no cooling my man. - Where the fan's never plugged in properly or what? - Yeah, yeah they're working? - Oh, this just happens. - Yeah. - Oh. - You gotta clean your computer. Look at this. It's like-- - That's really bad. - It's actually thick. - My thermals weren't bad. - Your thermals were bad. - Drop it, drop it. My thermals were bad apparently. I'm so sorry. Sit. - Thing is, you're not supposed to have your pump at the top of your loop, air bubbles, blah, blah, blah. Shorter lifespan. Problem is in this particular case, I really don't think there's anything I can do about it. If I mount it tubes down, then you're gonna have bigger problems. I have to put the fans on the side in order to get it close enough. And you're gonna have that dust build up again. Which realistically, I don't think you're gonna clean. - Wow. - I am going to just say YOLO. - Let's do it. YOLO - Sorry everyone. Sorry Steve. - Sorry Steve. I let you down. All right. So while Linus is building the computer, I'm actually gonna try and be helpful and build this chair. My nice Amazon Ergo Chair. Amazon basics. Every Amazon basics thing I bought, is exactly what it's supposed to be. Yeah, it's basic, but it's gonna work and you're probably happy you didn't spend an arm and a leg for it. - I'm honestly not a huge fan of your case choice here, Colton. - No? - You got a 10900K and an RTX 3080. And this thing has no ventilation in it. You got your solid front panel. And then even on this side, look there's a gap in here for the fans to pull in air. But like from where? That's it. That's your whole air intake there. It'd be fine if you were just going RTX 2060 and a mid range CPU or something. - This is a 3080 and then-- - Literally top of the line. - Yeah. Okay. Yo, I think I'm gonna like this fricking chair my guy. I think it's gonna be good dude. Whoo. - Here's the deal? These two thumb screws right here. - Yes. - Every few months, six months, whatever, you pop them off. And then you see that? - Yeah. - You give it a little vacuum on the front there and you get all that stuff out of there? - Yeah. - Don't vacuum anything else. Just the radiator here. Then you just pop those two slip back on, your clean. No offense to CableMod, but I'm just gonna take these things off. At the angle we're bending this, I really don't think they look better. I'm also a little worried about your power supply choice. To be honest with you. - [Colton] I actually thought about that afterwards as well. - [David] 750? - Theoretically, a Focus 750 is gonna do you just fine. But that's theoretically, we're talking RTX 3080 and 10900K here boys. - I just feel like this chair's not gonna hold up well overtime. I could be completely wrong. - [David] Mesh butt? - Yeah Mesh butt. And then if the mesh fails, you're metal butt. - This is a whole real of RGB. - Yeah. - I'm not putting this in here. - What if I told you it goes on the outside. - Okay. That's fine though. (laughing) Oh, oh God. - [Colton] Ohh Linus. Why you acting? - It's big. It's a big boy. Dang! She's a thick boy all right. - [Colton] She's a thick boy. - Look at that. That is one tight fit boys. It is millimeters from that fan hub. I love how unnecessary it is to have two G7s. - [Colton] Oh, this is-- - You could just as easily have one G7 and then something mortal. (laughing) - It's not really a problem. But these are European models. So I brought the European to North American adapter home. But I don't remember where I put it so it's gone. - [Linus] Oh, that's not even the thing. - [David] It's the opposite. - [Linus] Why do you have that? - I have no idea why I have that. - [Linus] What is that? - It's literally this big and it's white. - The monitor comes with an adapter Colton. - Where? (laughing) Okay. No, that is the one that I brought from work. - Shut up! - Where was it? - It was in the box from the monitor. - Yeah, I brought that from work. That's not with the monitor. I'm prepared-- - He told Steph when she was looking for it that it was white. This isn't even white. I think it goes on a little something like that. Okay. Yeah who needs cooling anyway? Right? I mean, it's not the prettiest machine I've ever built. But it's not bad. - [David] No it's not bad. - [Colton] It's all about the power. - Let's put it in there. Let's see if it blows up when we try and power it up. - [Linus] Does it go right in the middle of the desk? - It's got to go on the floor. Yo bro. It's gotta go on the floor. - This is terrible. - What? - It's terrible. - Yeah? - Yeah. - And your point being? - It's terrible. - Yeah but I don't have any support. - That's why this is here. We're gonna put the support. (drill drilling) - Oh my God, this table. (laughing) - Once the monitor's go on it'll be fine. - [Colton] All right. Let's take a look. - I'm not worried about it. - [Colton] You're not worried about anything. It seems so. - Oh yes. None of this is my problem. (laughing) - I don't think this is gonna work. - [Linus] It'll be fine. - Okay, we've got spare wood, I'll cut shims to go underneath each of those legs. Done. - [David] But then it will never correct. - Then it'll stay saggy. - Oh, who cares? - What, no Colton. [David] It's got so populous. Stop taking short cuts. - I'm not taking short cuts. You're taking short cuts. - I'm not taking short cuts. This is the long-term better solution. - I'm disappointed. - What? - I'm sorry. When I get mad, I point sometimes. Camera goes here. Monitor. Monitor. - Camera goes where? You just pointed at your monitor. - Camera goes here, monitor, monitor-- - Wait, you just pointed your monitors. So you're not gonna be able to-- - Camera goes here, monitor, monitor. - Position the monitors how you would do it. I'll wait. I'll get you a beer. (laughing) - This desk is so precarious I'm so scared. (groans) And then if I put everything towards the front more, it's gonna fall off. (laughing) I've been so scared of my life. - What's the RGB plan here? - I was just gonna do-- - Oh my God where did it go? (laughing) All right. There's your RGB. - Do you want to go all the way around? - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - Do you wanna go down the front here? - Colton stop. Why does it hold this camera like we are at the side like that? Is that a thing? - [David] No. - Honest. Honest. - [Linus] Yeah. Can you just put it here like a normal person? - This side. This side. - [Linus] You're wearing a mask. - This side? Yeah you picked the other side. - [David] No I like that second side. - What? (laughing) - Still look up your nose. - [David] Yeah, that's not a good look. It kinda brings out the-- - You know what's funny, I actually, I thought it was a little bit taller. Yeah, I know you're right. I knew that. - Here we go. Okay. It's actually not posting off. (cheering) - She just needed to hang out for a second. - Your internet cable is a little long here Colton. Thankfully, I've got this cable tie from lttstore.com. This is why mice should not have holes in them. There we go. How's that? - [David] That's much better? - Oh, it's gonna move all these dials around whatever. - [David] Too bad. - Yeah. That's what he gets for being a dirty boy. - Dude, this is sick. I actually totally didn't realize-- - [David] There's a ball head inside the box too so you can put the camera. - Yeah, you can aim it more. Okay. There you go. There's your ring light. - Wow, what a boss. - Oh God. (screams) - You're right, Colton. Your other side is your good side. I'm at the front right now. And it would really be better if you turned around. (cheering) - [Linus] So we got to see your FPS, your frame times-- - [Colton] That's a lot of FPS. - [David] Well It's not running. - [Linus] There you go that might help a little. - That's still a lot of FPS. Whoo. I can see things. I don't even need my glasses. Thanks Intel. Thanks everybody else. I appreciate you guys. - [Linus] Got the 200, 230, 240 frames per second. - I'm gonna get the stream stuff dialed in. It's gonna be great. Dude turn off the main light. I know it's gonna look really bad on camera. Turn off. (soft guitar music) - Yeah, this is way better. And the room's a lot more open. Things are clean. It's not even loud. - Colton] Mhh. - It's a toasty boy. - [Colton] It's a toasty. - It's a good thing it has the second exhaust fan. Otherwise, we'd be in real trouble right about now. But it's not too shabby. Wow. It would get warm in this freaking room. - [Colton] It does get in here for a bit. - Like dang. - You just open up the mini fridge and just-- - That's not how that works. - [Colton] I'm joking. - [Linus] So that's it. Colton's new setup, ladies and gentlemen. Massive shout out to Intel for sponsoring this episode of Extreme Rig Upgrade 2020. And massive shout out to you guys for watching. Hopefully you get some inspiration for your rig and if you didn't, well, stay tuned for the next one. Cause it'll be different. That's for sure. Do we know who's next? - [David] Dennis. - Oh Dennis. Oh yeah. It's definitely gonna be different. - Love it. - I already know what he's doing. It's involves a foot massager. - What? - [David] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The ultimate comfort set up.
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 2,639,213
Rating: 4.9240723 out of 5
Keywords: intel, amd, nvidia, streaming, setup, 2020, rtx, 3080, elgato, msi, gigabyte, buyers, guide, gaming, build, pcmr
Id: aZg9ED04zIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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