A Series With Many Clove Tips And Tricks! | Clove To Ascendant

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welcome to the first episode of The clove to ascendant series a new series where I try to reach ascendant by only playing with clove and give you guys a lot of clove tips and tricks in this episode I'm going to play the first five placement matches so I'm wondering what rank we will get also a quick disclaimer I personally don't really condone smurfing so I'm not making a new account instead for all the series I do I have two accounts and I always switch between these accounts after a hard rank reset by doing this my MMR will stay high so I don't play against Silvers but instead against High diamonds and ascendants like you see in the background and for those who don't know that's my current skill level now sit back relax and let's hop into the first game we're unranked at this moment we got five games let's see what we will get my friends hello everyone let's start with the first round what should you buy in the first round the glove overheal is extremely strong this is because getting to 150 HP in the first round against pistols it's is very good so I would recommend to buy at least your C ability and next to that because you can overheal you don't really need armor and you should buy a ghost this is something I didn't do in this first round I bought armor but for the rest of the games I always went ghost with sea and a smoke he's so close oh I head shot him last player standing oh yeah I can place smokes I don't think I can place a usual smoke over here so I will save it for next round that's a wrong mindset Mr llander if you already use the smoke in the round then the ability will turn yellow instead of purple this means that you won't save this smoke in next round so when you die I would always just place a smoke down so what could I have smoked over there either elbow of Nest let's go to the first gun round now oh where is that smoke Land there land in the door or wa I did not expect him there that's a good question Mr lowlander where does that smoke Land does it land in the hallway or in front of door's mid I did some testing later that game and here's what I found okay for sence for sence I drop a smoke here where does it land ah it L on top okay this means that if you want to smoke door instead of hallway you need to aim a little bit more to the right so the center dot of your smoke is not in the Hall but just outside in Middle also since cyer pushed Hall I should expect that he's pushing it again somewhere later that game out oh I did not expect him there next round I ended up in a 2v one in the post plan oh one enemy in this situation if you hear the enemy pushing out of the smoke I would recommend to stop the fusing and take the fight okay good two versus one is better on One V one and I got enough time to diffuse the spike anyway if you don't have enough time to diffuse the spike it's another story of course but in this case I'm glad I took a pass also if you see Sky cabbages floating around follow them and you might get an easy kill one enemy take a look at this round oh oh that oh that's painful if you get an early kill like that just go back play with your man Advantage don't go for Unnecessary Peaks like I'm doing over here oh and I get countered I the own trick why did I do that only only do that with the Phantom because then the enemies can't see your bullet Racers second off let's start with the bonus round where I got a nice Tesla sheriff kill a I miss playing with these skins sadly I quickly died after that but no worries clove can play your smoke smokes even when she's dead so a big tip when playing this agent don't go on Tik Tok as soon as you die you need to pay attention and assist your teammates when needed so in this round I placed the smoke in tunnel blocked off Harbor and my teammate won The Round In the End one enemy remaining oh nice glitch holy Dam some people might think to themselves Mr lowlander you didn't make a lot of kills this game yet and the answer to that is true I also didn't do my warmup but no worries this is the point of the game where I finally feel warmed up and now I can hit some head shots one enemy remaining oh okay I'm Ro it now I'm Ro it now okay question for you do you see Harbor in this round oh that's a good head glitch spot yeah what the heck is this this must be one of the nastiest head glitch spots in the game if you see a sage ball like that be careful let's move on in this round I had my ultimate ready I think it's obvious that if you have your ultimate ready with clove going in first is not a bad thing to do I just got very unlucky with the sky flash timing I oh that flashed the timing that was so ugly also it's not Sky's fault in this round pushing through a smoke like that is usually not the good thing to do and even though I had to make a kill inside my ultimate I could have just waited a few seconds longer you don't have to rush immediately let's move on a few rounds till I had my ultimate ready again if you got the clo ultimate it's a nice time to go for some more dangerous strategies for example in Breeze mid to a you basically got two chances anyway so in this round I smoked mid and we went through doors to a my ready hi matter if I dieing that me right give me my give me my Ace I want Ace I want Ace no I'm boosted no s Mr llander no Ace for you but we won the game in the end so no worries that was a good game that was a good game we got four more games and let's open into the next one hello everyone you remember what I said about me being warmed up I want to take my words back please what how did I not whoopsie but I but I mean in my defense Brimstone did Crouch Under My Bullets if he didn't Crouch it was an easy head shot I have no idea what happened sorry dude but no worries the next round we wear Eco of course and a tip I always give in those Eco rounds play as a sneaky little red and hope to get an enemy on short range now let me give you a very important tip for ice books if you're holding kitchen and you notice that all the enemies are pushing a never rotate through the tube and jump out of the window you should be rotating the Safeway through the defender spawn because if you jump out of window there's a chance that suddenly an enemy can push mid and I really don't deserve the kill over it my is ready I don't deserve that Flawless and now a clove Tippy for you if you die with clove you cannot place your smokes before you use your ultimate you only have like 2 seconds to press X and as soon as that time is over then you can place your smokes I should have illed it there I should have Ed there I didn't know that I tried to place my smokes before I Ed over here and then suddenly I had no time anymore oh it was bad but in the end my teammates won the 2v2 so no worries and because of this I could use my ult in the round after that if you ever use the clove ultimate first find the safe spot and then push on the enemies don't rush on them immediately like I never left I'll take it another thing that you have to know about clove is that their SE duration is extremely short Target what the heck did he do just look at the timer this is not a speed up version but just by saying these two sentences it's already over halfway done so keep an eye on that I was too late with peeking over here but I guess I got very lucky now let me tell you something about peaking if you know that an enemy is pushing something for example tube to Kitchen you can hold it in two ways the first way is to hold the angle and as soon as the enemy Peaks you shoot but what I prefer is don't peek at first wait till I hear the enemies pushing through and as soon as they push through there's less chance that they will be looking at you and that's the moment when I peek you you just got to listen to the steps for the right timing ch ch ch ch second half this is how I should have shot on the brimstone in the first half with a ghost aim for the head and go for some slower Taps now let me give you a cool fact about clove normally when you die you get an ultimate point right well something that you have to know is that if you only need one more ultimate point and you die you won't get that point immediately so you won't be able to use your ultimate can I die if I have one left and a dino I actually want to die kind of on purpose to see if I can oh I can't use my ultimate now ah that sucks I did it I died for science over there I died on purpose Mr llander you didn't die on purpose over there you're just very bad and taking the 1 V one Duos anyway after this round one enemy we won the game Let's see we did not get the MVP let's go to the next one hello everyone the first two rounds were boring so let's skip to the bonus round normally pushing through smokes is no way now you should actually never do that without any utility but this could be different in the bonus rounds since you only have a spectre and the enemy has better guns going for unexpected plays could be a valid strategy not today dude oh minus uh 80 on KJ Mr lowlander Mr lowlander stop lying like that my friend just say minus 60 or 70 I know in the grand scene it doesn't make that much of a difference but might as well say the right amount [Music] right my in this round we had to retake a in a 2v one situation when this happens and you got your ultimate ready make sure that you are the one that pushes in first let your teammate stay on a safe spot so that when you die you can just press ultimate and after that push together luckily I think that this is the time that I'm finally warmed up also solo peing over here in mid is almost never a good option unless that you see you got backup from your teammates and here I saw that race was pushing very close into three that's why I peaked whoa I was only peeking there because I saw race sty deep one enemy when you're playing clove something you got to realiz is that you shouldn't be pushing in way too early even though you got your ultimate ready a lot of players like me got the mindset like oh I got my ultimate ready anyway I can push in Solo aggressively but in this round I should have just waited for Cipher and then push in but on the other hand I had my ultimate ready so in the end it didn't really matter Target down oh and if you pay attention to the mini map at this point Cypher is behind me so this is the moment when I should have pushed one enemy remaining okay good good good okay I don't get scared a lot in fellen but this Omen over here what the heck it's been an omen ultimate cancelled then he doesn't have any animation he almost got me what the heck holy where the heck did he came from last player standing one enemy remaining place your bets now does Mr low ler win or lose this one V one IA sorry I think everybody could have predicted that let's go to the second H first gun round we planted the spike on a and I heard that the enemy Omen smoke was about to appear when this happens you always have a split second to peek so that's what I did I used that Split Second to peek into heaven and easy peasy kill on sofa woohoo now cool clove tricky if you notice that you hit your Decay a thing you can do is walk to the enemy and do a jumping burst fire with the classic the enem is low anyway right so that's what I did in this round okay yeah sadly the rest of the second half didn't went very well long story short we lost the game in the end whoops the fourth game I played on split but uh I don't really want to talk about that one I'm just going to show you one round and then you guess how the rest of the game went yeah one still be wa no no no no saw that let's go to the last game hello everyone if you're planning to push be on split almost always there will be a sage ball on the right if this wall gets placed I would recommend to enter on the right side if you walk a little bit too much to the left then suddenly the enemies from Heaven can spot you and that's exactly my mistake in this round I'm very lucky that Sage didn't get an head shot over there and because she didn't have an head shot I could do this later that round I don't have my cad enemy remaining oh la running gun one HP one HP Run Gun honestly this might be a controversial tip but when you are low HP and the enemy is close to you there's nothing wrong with doing a run and gun with a ghost this way there's a chance that you will Dodge the bullets of the enemies I can't wow that was not the best I know I'm usually not the best editor but you got to admit that was a fluent frame switch shout out to everyone who is still watching by the way I really appreciate the support thank you so much anyway for the people who are still here we're getting to the good part of the video now now Mr llander is warmed up for real for real look at this out my friends dropping smes that's three oh okay I can I can get a one enemy go for a go for a a let me oh no no no no a yeah no ways today Mr lowlander but you got a whole series in front of you I'm just going to keep a long story short if you notice the scoreboard we were pretty far ahead later that game this happened I got I got him I got him one enemy remaining wow okay I'm sure sure what how did I hit those sh and then the last round I got my both side both Sid oh I shouldn't walk that one enemy remaining oh I'm on fire hey easy game maybe this is going to be the first time in the series that I get higher than Platinum 20 kills do I get platinum H oh never mind I get Platinum Platinum 3 I can't complain it's a good rank so this new Journey starts at Platinum 3 thank you so much for watching and I see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: MrLowlander
Views: 131,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant clove, valorant clove tips and tricks, valorant clove speedrun, valorant clove to ascendant, clove to ascendant, clove tips and tricks, clove tips and tricks valorant, clove tips, clove series, valorant clove series, valorant clove tips, valorant clove tricks, valorant clove guide, valorant tips and tricks, valorant tips, valorant tricks, clove guide valorant, how to play clove, clove, clove only, gameplay clove, clove gameplay, valorant clove gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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