a scary minecraft video

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okay I should be recording oh man this is going to be one weird video but here we go so one of my favorite youtubers koryaks Kenshin uploaded a video called the no editing challenge about 1 or 2 years ago and it was probably one of my most favorite videos on his channel it was so entertaining so that's exactly what we're gonna be doing today today we are attempting the minecraft no editing challenge and what fun would it be if I'm the only one doing the challenge right so in this video you guys are going to see no cuts at all whatsoever but I'm gonna give myself three edits at least just to you know just a oh man I'm already messing up to put you know to put quality into this video ok so I'm calling out all of my best friends because I don't want to be the only one doing this challenge I'm calling out your boy action double 8 12 fusion droid Brandon crafter dark corners my little brother and whoever else wants to try this as well so if you guys want to try out this challenge go ahead and do it tag me on instagram or twitter and link me your video because i do want to see you guys basically attempt this alright so one edit the first edit that i'm going to use I'm giving myself three edits by the way so the first edit is making this face cam into an actual face cam I'm gonna put this footage onto the corner of my screen today we are playing a Minecraft horror map called Pacheco z-- hell okay here we go so this map was created by these guys right here go and check them out and also I will leave all the links to my friends in the description down below so guys make sure you guys go spam them spam them on their most recent video telling them that rage elixir has called them out Oh what is this put yugos help to try the no editing challenge so I've already used one one edit so far morning you can die of fear or of laughs of laughs what do you mean of laughs okay all right so whoever Pacheco is we're about to you know suffer from his dreadfulness SOPA Chico's house I gotta try my best not to mess up because if I mess up at any point I don't leave it in the video all right all right music of good quality Oh what the what the hell Oh Oh guys guys I'm not swearing I'm just reading what it said right here okay almost I feel sick Oh what is happening where am I okay I'm like in a random minecraft house this seems to be Pacheco 'z house right and we have a book right here can I can I can I take it I'm like trying to click oh there we go okay let's read this my daily they all discriminate against me for being a cannibal psychopath cannibal cannibal what so this person Pacheco has been eating other humans wait a second and I'm hearing in his house right now and the police want to stop me I swear that the only one that it avenges to my house without my permission I will eat him what he wants to eat the police oh my gosh what's in this chest okay I will take whatever what poisonous potato no thank you who is he trying to poison I'll take all the healthy food you know all the good food we've got some bread we've got some cookies no puffer fish for me please oh we need some water bottles all right by the way guys let's pause real quickly so you guys probably wonder what I wear when I record my videos right okay probably no one wonders that but I'm gonna show you guys anyways so usually I wear shorts in the house because it's super super comfortable I never wear anything else other than shorts you know I cause it is just super comfortable I the good thing about my job is that I never have to change and it's so so awesome you know it's very comfortable very nice that's why I love my job so much but here we go I got I got this cookie in my hand and why are there so many chests in here there's ton of cobwebs in here too probably means like you know there's a lot of um you know the Pacheco has not been in this house for a while and that is scary and why does he have a wait hold on a second why does he have like a cage in his house this is very very suspicious also I noticed that there's no background music or sound going on while I'm playing this so I might put background music I'll put background music right now in the in the background okay I'm obviously okay what the heck was that I can explain I know you just noticed there was a cut in the video that was because the sounds were playing through my through my speakers but now you guys should be able to hear all the sounds and stuff but I'm yeah that was my that was my last edit I just used all three edits on on just the junk okay so there's a chest right here I'm just exploring I'm guessing this is supposed to be like blood or something oh my gosh there's blood all over the walls and the floors oh no I have a bad feeling where are we what is it no no no no no no no no no no no why I can't get is he cooking up he's cooking up a human being oh my gosh I need to get out guys guys guys I need to get out there is there no way of wait hold on hold on hold on huh hold on is there no way for me to get out of here no no no no no no please guys don't tell me I'm gonna die I'm my gosh I'm actually gonna die don't tell me I'm actually gonna die I I don't like this oh no guys someone literally being cooked there's someone literally being cooked in front of me right now oh let me open this chest can i oh my gosh you can hear the fire cooking him up imagine it wakes up in front of me oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh there's someone being cooked in front of me I don't like this okay uh let me just take out my hand now can I not open this chest okay so it seems like I can't open these chests all I can do is explore this house and I don't like this we are literally in punchy Oh Oh that gave me chills I thought this was an iron door what's up listen that is so loud that is such a scary sound Oh what is that weird is that pacheco oh no I think that was pacheco guys behind that door hold on oh no no no why would I why would I take the rotten flesh that that is probably human meat and I can't even open this door oh my gosh this means that this door right here wasn't open before oh my gosh I I feel so uncomfortable being in a house like this oh oh of course well of course it oh no do you guys hear that that's not my background music this is part of the map oh shoot oh I'm pausing this I'm pausing this ah let's take a break alright let's take a break you know what I'm feeling a little bit thirsty and I'm out of water now okay oh I think I am going to take you guys downstairs with me all right to take you guys around my house you know now this is not usually what I do when I record videos but sometimes when I'm running out of water hey what am i doing okay so yeah let me give you guys a little house tour well you know I don't know some videos when they take too long I just do whatever I need to do but this is absolutely important okay oh wait let me turn on the lights this is an absolutely important video and I'm thirsty so let me just grab a coke from this alright we grab from this alright let me send you guys down over here have some cinematics wait wait listen listen satisfying alright anyways let's head back to my room this was a totally pointless trip downstairs I should have I easily could have just survived for the rest of the video but I just wanted to take you guys through my room or might through my house alright man I'm actually enjoying this video just because I know I'm not gonna have to edit it ah very nice so basically like um entertaining you guys as if it's a livestream but it's really not it's actually gonna be a video all right I'm gonna put you guys back onto this Stan this camera stand thingy hopefully the camera doesn't fall alright good oh and by the way I got Animal Crossing today let me know in the comments if you guys like Animal Crossing because I I've never tried it before but I'm gonna be recording a video on it tonight and I'm so so excited to play it for the first time ever you guys can check it out on my games channel but anyways let's get back into the game alright here we are back in pachucos hell okay I'm well hydrated now so here we go there's blood everywhere excuse me I can't cut this out dang it okay so oh my gosh this is like a but wait I just realized this is like a butcher shop they've got cows in these cages they've got sheep in hid oh my gosh he's got villagers and in a human head oh shoot oh my gosh oh my gosh I wonder what's gonna be in this room hmm I know there's gonna be something oh of course of course it's to have a body oh my gosh I think something's gonna show up behind me I have a bad feeling about this oh my gosh he's gonna find me and kill me he's gonna turn me into this guy's I look like a happy person right now but soon I will be looking like I better say my goodbyes soon oh my gosh why why did I choose to play this map out of everything else man now we've got of course of course some some crazy person obviously has to have a hidden basement a secret basement where they probably hide body Paul of course he probably trapped some human being in here as well my plan oh my god she's good his plan is probably to hit me in the head and trap me in there probably when I'm not looking well I'm probably reading this till now I remain hidden here the police have guns if I want to kill them I have to hide up to two attacking them behind huh oh no oh no this man is probably gonna attack me from behind so this is where he's been sleeping in this little cage right here oh I'm next guys I think I'm next oops I think I'm next oh gosh oh gosh oh I need to go what happens I already catch you I knew it wait wait wait where am I now where am I now wait someone just joined my game hello I'm new in Minecraft wait what who are you don't kill me bull what a new player just got killed Kevin 79 was decapitated by Pacheco uh-huh did I how did I not give decapitated oh my gosh can I can I just leave how can I get out of here any doors or am i oh no oh my gosh there he is there he is oh my gosh that was Pacheco where the heck am I now this is totally different from what it when I saw before this is not his house guys did oh hello I do I see that you want to eat with me no with music it will be better what's fine and exit he wants me to eat this human being with him oh my gosh oh my gosh how do I find an exit he's attacking me he's gonna eat me please tell me this is an exit oh no this is not I died okay where am I supposed to go please tell me I don't want Pacheco to eat me as well guys am I supposed to go I can't open any of these doors is he still there okay he's not there anymore there has to be a key somewhere oh this music is so creepy okay I need to lure him this way I'm gonna go over here please be a door over here please please please please and exit anyway you why is he so scary oh my god he's literally giving me a heart attack I'm getting like like goosebumps all over my head right now how am I supposed to get out I'm trying to get a key do I do I just give in and eat this head with him oh my gosh Kevin 79 I'm so sorry you had to sacrifice yourself for me ah I don't think I can do this anymore I'm scared wait what it what is this over here nothing's over here anymore like secret rooms what is this down here I see shadows oh yeah yo yo yo yo oh gosh oh I didn't go over here yet okay okay this has to be it uh how do I get past this though oh wait what I just walked through that I'm going to destroy your head rat coward potato man admin a stop this this is cheese Pacheco stupid administrator who are these people I've never heard of these Pacheco was kicked by a potato man where am I going huh I just randomly fell in here uh guys guys these noises and sounds man they're scaring the flip out of me oh my gosh I just opened up this gate sir dot Nick ham was eaten by Billy who is Billy mr. evil was killed by Billy Elric MC was squashed by Billy Thomas was invaded by ants what oh my gosh goodbye choppy huh rage elixir it is impressed potato man went to read a newspaper oh oh my gosh why is everything so bloody here gosh read by Poochie oh oh but she go but she go join oh no ha howdy how do you get on to this you have fallen down in my trap do you guys hear all of those sounds I have to go back this way oh my gosh I'm trapped oh my gosh I'm trying to oh my gosh I I did get trapped by him it is my time to play my favorite game what's your favorite game oh gosh someone help me please please I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm sweating right now guys my small butcher Billy is very hungry oh of course I'm trapped in here oh of course there's dead people everywhere oh gosh can you last with my cycle what huh hungry Billy eat eat escaped oh that is Billy Oh goodbye goodbye oh yeah I can't do this anymore I'm trying [Applause] you'll Billy stop eating me please we can talk about this right where the heck is Billy he's right there oh my gosh there's no escape is there of course aah oh this is so scary why why is this happening to me out of everyone man oh my gosh oh dude I don't like playing horror maps man I hate this my gosh where am I going up dude this is heart attack central oh my gosh a little more and I'm so done oh gosh Billy why is he so scary man why is he so creepy wait is this it no no I'm brought back to where I was gosh this is so scary oh oh I found stairs oh I found something to get out of you again pacheco just get rid of him admin just ban him please before Billy all Billy was banned by potato man oh no why why ban him too he was on the point of killing I already died multiple times this is my game not your potato man get rid of him please where am I supposed to go um is this where it just was I don't know where I'm going right now wait hold on a second this is where I just was wait how do I get out of here though that's the real question um someone please help me get out of what is this well the potion can didn't continue doing effect haunt asleep of course he's gonna trap me again like oh gosh time to sleep okay you win follow the blood and I will give you your pin my Pig this was all for my Pig I would have just let my Pig just look good like you know I would have just let you have my Pig at this point I'm better than oh my god oh my gosh I'm not editing these noises right now this is actually creepy there's actually so scary I don't know if I can do this anymore oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh the door just locked behind ya here's your Pig where's my pig where's my people where is my pig I don't know what Pig you're talking about but where is he oh oh you chopped up my pig congratulations your pig is in your hands now Oh No die of course Oh what did i do the end all this for nothing in the end Iida died anyways so what was the point of playing this I thought you know horror maps you're supposed to survive and stuff but I guess not anyways oh my heart actually I wish you guys could feel my heart right now I my heart is beating so fast but um thank you guys for watching my minecraft no editing challenge my first ever one actually if you guys want to see another one like this in the future let me know in the comments because this was actually really fun I'm actually sweating like crazy right now so hopefully you know if you guys enjoy leave a like subscribe turn my clothes on vacations if you guys have already already but um I'm calling out all my friends all their links will be in the description down below please go spam their comments on their recent video and tell them that rage elixir has called them out to attempt the no editing challenge by Cory X code anyways guys thanks for watching I'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 273,109
Rating: 4.9364138 out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixir No Editing Challenge, No Editing Challenge, No Edit Challenge, RageElixir No Edit Challenge, RageElixir Editing, RageElixer, Minecraft Java, Scary Minecraft Video, Scary Minecraft Map, Horror Map, Minecraft Horror Map, Minecraft Horror
Id: z4U1D2aDDmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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