Installing a Hi-Viz front sight on my Stoeger M3000!

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I just use crescent wrench put it on here broke it loose just in this turn it counterclockwise and twist him out this is a big site and I do like to shoot slugs on occasion in this thing and the hobbyist site is probably half this size maybe a third the size of this one right here all right it's supposed to be the size that some thought it comes with adaptors for all your other shotguns but it's supposed to be the thread pattern that is already on the site so let me break it out this packaging so we getting screwed back in here okay we've got our replacement bead here sound is just weak see it okay all right let me see if I can get this I do not have watchmaker hands just getting it on here straight and starting it here we go you want if you see that there's a bill the there's a short side and a bell-shaped side you want the bell-shaped side towards you it's tighten it up I'm going to be careful with that light tube so I'm going to use the needle nose pliers we try to eyeball it and get it as straight as I can turn up rock and look straight down on top of it all right that looks to be pretty straight to me guys take it outside let that light hit it see if I can show you what it looks like now
Channel: Bubba Rountree Outdoors
Views: 64,239
Rating: 4.6401386 out of 5
Keywords: Stoeger M3000, shotgun front sight, Hi Viz Sight, Installing shotgun sight
Id: Gz2g1p9pjTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 31 2015
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