The Best Robot Vacuum Tier List

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in this video we'll put the 30 most popular robot vacuums we've tested in tears depending on performance from best to worst we'll have six tiers the best robots are put in the S tier the worst are put in the e-tier most robots will fall somewhere in between we start with the Bissell spin wave the spin wave is well optimized for mopping with rotating mopping pads and a large water tank but it struggles picking up Edge debris and it navigates poorly this is a detail robot the dream D9 Pro is cheap and fully mapping capable with keepout zones but despite using lidar to navigate past quite inefficiently especially in big Open Spaces it also struggled a bit in our short hair pickup test overall we put it in the C tier the dream Z10 Pro is cheap for a robot vacuum that self empties and offers small obstacle detection and avoidance however it performed quite poorly in our small obstacle detection and avoidance testing like the D9 Pro it also struggled a bit in our short hair pickup test and it was a below average performer in our mopping test it's also a CTO robot the equivax N8 Pro is also cheap for a robot vacuum that self-empties and features small obstacle detection and avoidance but it too performed poorly in our small obstacle detection and avoidance testing it also sometimes pads inefficiently in big open spaces and it struggles picking up larger debris on hard floors it too belongs in the C tier the echovax X1 Omni has a feature-rich docking station that automatically empties its Dustbin and cleans and drives its mopping pads it's also the only robot we've tested that features a built-in voice assistant which allows you to talk directly to the robot to tell it to clean or return to its dock for example it also deep cleans carpet well and it mops well but it struggles picking up larger debris on hard floors and picking up Tufts of shorter hair it also pads very erratically at times and performed poorly in our small obstacle detection and avoidance testing overall it's only a c tier robot the up-11s is very cheap and picks up most types of surface level debris just as well as much more expensive robots it's also small and so it can easily fit in between and underneath many different types of furniture but as a random pathing robot it passes inefficiently and it doesn't map its brushroll also Tangles especially easily with longer hair it does offer good all-around performance for the price though so we put it in the B tier the uv-11s max is almost identical to the 11s and performed very similarly to the 11s in all of our performance tests it's in the same tier as the 11s the same is true for the 15c max it also is almost identical in design and performs very similarly to the 11s in our tests we put all of these random padding U fees in the B tier the yuffie G30 again features an almost identical design to the 11s but adds gyroscope technology and an optical sensor on the bottom of the robot to navigate more efficiently neatly in rows still can't map and because it has the same brushroll as random pathing models also Tangles especially easily with longer hair like random pathing u-fees it's a good robot for the price though so we put it in the B tier the yuffie X8 hybrid has a similar brushroll design to cheaper yuffies and so it too Tangles very easily with longer hair it uses lidar to navigate better than random pathing yuffies like the 11s and gyroscope UVS like the G30 but it doesn't path as precisely or efficiently as other top tier lighter robot vacuums we've tested its movement can also be erratic at times which hurt its performance in our carpet deep cleaning and mopping tests All Things Considered including its price this is at best a c tier robot the ilife a4s pro is a very cheap random padding robot we don't recommend it mostly because it doesn't cover certain areas of the room in our navigation testing it also struggled padding around chairs it's a reasonably good vacuum it performed well in most of our debris pickup testing but mostly due to its navigational issues we can't put it any higher than the d-tier the random pathing ilife v3s Pro uniquely uses a nozzle instead of a brush roll to pick up debris and so it does very well picking up and pulling longer hair all the way into its Dustbin it also picks up debris well on hard floors but on carpet it struggles because of its nozzle design the rough texture of the carpet prevents its side brushes from effectively pulling debris into the path of its nozzle the narrow width of the nozzle also keeps the robot from deep cleaning carpet effectively the robot also struggled with uneven and at times incomplete coverage in our navigation testing like the a4s pro we put the v3s pro in the d-tier the iRobot Roomba 694 is a good all-around performer with good pickup and good navigation for a random padding robot it also doesn't tangle with longer hair as easily as its biggest competitors random padding you fees on the negative side of things it is larger in size and so it doesn't fit underneath or in between Furniture as well as you fees and it struggles a bit picking up Tufts of shorter hair while yuffies do not overall we place it in the same tier as random padding you fees in the B tier the iRobot Roomba I3 also picks up longer hair very well and it navigates well for a gyroscope Robot vacuum it's also compatible with a self-empty docking station but it struggles picking up shorter tops of air and Edge debris and it's expensive for a robot that is not fully mapping capable with keypad zones so we put it in the C tier the iRobot Roomba i7 has a very similar body and brush rolls compared to the I3 and so it too picks up longer hair well but struggle is picking up shorter Tufts of hair it does use a camera to navigate which allows it to path closer to edges for better Edge cleaning it's also fully mapping capable with keypad zones but it doesn't navigate nearly as well as similarly priced top-rated lidar robots we recommend it also only has one suction setting and so it can't be set to a lower setting to minimize noise output or be set to a higher setting to maximize deep cleaning overall we put the i7 in the B tier the Roomba j7 has all of the same pros and cons as the i7 but a slightly better battery life and add small obstacle detection and avoidance this feature makes a huge difference and it works very well on the j7 it's enough to bump the j7 up to the a-tier the Roomba combo j7 is almost identical to the j7 but adds mopping functionality and has a larger battery it's much more expensive though to the point where it's really not a good value this knocks it down to the B tier the Roomba S9 has wider brush rolls that extend almost along the full width of the front of the vacuum this allows it to Clean Corners very well and gives it a wider cleaning path so it cleans more quickly and efficiently the actual material and design of its brush rolls is similar to that of the i7 and j7 so the S9 also doesn't tangle as easily with longer hair like the i7 and j7 the S9 is also compatible with a self-empty dock on the negative side of things the S9 struggled quite a bit in our navigation testing it bumped into more obstacles more times and with more Force than most other mapping robot vacuums we tested and it didn't always get complete coverage in our tests it also has low run time and it's very expensive for a camera robot vacuum the S9 is not a great robot but it's a good enough vacuum to earn a spot in the b-tier the Neato D7 deep cleans carpet very well for a robot vacuum and it has a large dust spin similar to the Roomba S9 it has an extra wide brush roll that extends almost along the full width of the front of the vacuum which gives it a wide cleaning path so that it's able to clean very quickly and efficiently however unlike the S9 it doesn't Clean Corners very well and also doesn't pick up Edge debris very well the robot also threw errors repeatedly during testing because of this last negative especially it falls all the way down into the d-tier the Neato d8 is very similar in design and performance to the D7 and it too through errors repeatedly during testing to the point where we couldn't even complete certain pickup tests this robot is also in the D tier the roborock E4 picks up most types of debris just as well as the best robot vacuums we've tested it also mops well the main downside to this robot is its navigation like the ufg30 and iRobot Roomba I3 it uses gyroscope technology and an optical sensor on the bottom of the robot to navigate this allows you to clean Neely in rows but it doesn't allow for a full-fledged mapping ability with keep out zones at its price this is an excellent value option though so we put it in the a tier the E5 is almost identical to the E4 with slightly more measured airflow and suction and slightly better carpet deep cleaning like the E4 its biggest negative is the fact that it can't map and therefore doesn't offer keep out zones it's also usually more expensive than the E4 so still it also earns a spot in the a-tier the roborock Q5 is a terrific all-around performer it uniquely offers above average pickup ability and above average navigation at an affordable price point it also self-empties it's the best mid-range Robot vacuum we've tested and so we place it in the S tier the roborock Q7 is almost identical to the Q5 but adds mopping functionality it does have a small Reservoir though and you can't use the roborock app to control how much water drips onto its mopping pad you have to use a physical switch to set flow rate because it's more expensive with only limited mopping functionality we put it in a tier below the Q5 in the a-tier the roborock Q7 Max is also very similar to the Q5 and also adds mopping functionality but its Reservoir is large and it offers app control of water flow rate this makes it the best mid-range Robot vacuum we've tested that can also mop like the Q5 it's in the S tier the roborock S7 has a more advanced mop attachment that vibrates and is able to rise slightly off the ground otherwise it mops similarly to Q Series robots it's a good vacuum though it doesn't de-clean carpet very well on default power it's an excellent robot though with excellent navigation overall we put it in the a tier the roborock S7 Max V deep cleans carpet much better than the S7 on default power it also adds small obstacle detection and avoidance that works very well according to our testing it's also currently the only robo-rock robot that's compatible with the roborock ultra dock which automatically empties the robot's dust bin cleans its mopping pad and refills its water reservoir this is the best premium Robot vacuum we've tested so far and so we place it in the S tier the shark IQ is compatible with a Bagless self-empty Dock and is usually very competitively priced but it struggled picking up Edge debris and had trouble navigating around certain more complex obstacles like chair legs in our navigation testing despite being a mapping robot with a camera it also couldn't generate even one map during testing this last negative especially drops it all the way down into the e-tier the shark AI was able to generate Maps during testing without issue and its mapping features work very well like the shark IQ the shark AI robot is also compatible with a Bagless self-empty Dock and is also very competitively priced but it too struggles heavily picking up Edge debris and despite using lidar to navigate still navigates relatively imprecisely and inefficiently compared to top rated lighter robots we've tested overall this is a CTO robot the wise robot like the roborock Q5 is an excellent vacuum and an excellent robot and picked up most types of debris very well in our pickup testing and it pads very precisely and efficiently in our navigation testing unlike the Q5 it's not compatible with an auto empty docking station it also has below average battery life and above average noise output for a robot vacuum still it earns a spot in the a-tier as the best budget price Robot vacuum we've tested and that just about wraps up this video ranking the 30 most popular robot vacuums we've tested so far see the description of this video for the latest updated list of all of the robot vacuums we recommend and thank you for watching
Channel: Consumer Analysis
Views: 1,058,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 53-ce8K8aTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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