I Built a LEGO Robot Vacuum to Pick Up My LEGO...

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in this video I'm going to be making a completely functional Lego robotic vacuum and then I'm going to be comparing it to an actual one let's do this [Music] so here's the plan I got an NXT brick which I can code do whatever I want and I have three motors over here as well so two of these will drive it so each of them will have their own wheels so it can move kind of like a tank and the third one we used to spin the two brushes on the front Okay so first I'm going to work on the Moto it controls the two brushes so let's build it okay this is my design for the brush piece it's made of plastic because it's Lego not actual brush but it should still work and I gotta make another one of these but then we can make the whole consist of them to make them rotate thank you [Music] okay guys so I got the two brushes set up and the motor connected so it's a Moment of Truth see if it works oh look at that I can like change the speed too now I need to build tires with these two Motors okay so this is designed for the tires I just need this on both of both of the motors so each one will have its own tire and it will just roll [Music] thank you [Music] guys now it's time for the moment of truth let's see if I can get some pieces vacuumed up into this so I got some studs piled up let's see if it can like sweep them up into this little place I made oh dang it it's the other too far apart and they don't get it all well let me fix that [Music] oh my gosh everything looks to be lined up um I'll test it from here first yep look at that it's clearing out both sides there we go I don't know how fast I should make it go oh wow this went everywhere did any even go up there okay I got problems to figure out let me explain to you the problem on most Lego pieces the their curve and everything which is what I'm using but this little lip right here the studs are going like this this is upside down for you well well flip around in editing these pieces like this the studs hit on them right there instead of sliding up and deflect so guys I had to redesign the entire thing pretty much because I can't figure out a good way to do this as you can see I tried strings and everything and they just it just doesn't work so the new y I designed is kind of like this rotating thing so see it rotates like this and it Scoops stuff up and I can scoop it up to a higher level and like this foreign [Music] still doesn't work all my designs seem to fail the reason why this one doesn't work is because this can land on top of these studs and it like launches the whole thing upward let's just try it again see if it will work it says to stay flush with the ground yeah it could stand really easily like keeps getting launched up so I gotta come up with another design [Music] okay guys so I finally came up with an idea that I'm pretty sure will work this time which I'm really glad about it rubs against the ground and it picks up most of them so what I'm gonna have to do is make a little funnel that puts them into here [Music] Let's test it should I go this way oh it works so well foreign [Music] okay every single stud went in that great one just had a little heart of a Time look at that oh clean dumb let's go so this build is actually completely uneven because of this motor right here as you can see if we zoom in a little more this is three blocks wide and everything else Isn't So three blocks wide makes it so the entire build is three blocks wide at least that's how I made it I could have made it so it's not like that but I did so now I have to build everything uneven well that was a lot easier than I thought it'd be so what I did is I put a technic brick in here and I with pins I attached the motor and I'm hoping it'll turn it it looks to turn it it's just I'm wondering how sharp it's gonna turn [Music] okay guys so I attached both of these motors to the back so they both like sit on the ground like this now these long cables which are annoying because like I have one super short one and then I have these are the next shortest ones I have so the one super short one goes for the middle motor so right now I gotta code everything make sure it works and all that stuff and then I'll decorate it make it look a little nicer but yeah let's do that [Music] okay so I moved to the floor to test this thing out I move forward or backwards is actually forwards everything works there boom running flawlessly look at that beauty throw some studs down backwards is forwards and then I just drive into it foreign came out but you see and they all go in this world I get my sub box and boom dump them all back just need to make it look a little nicer hopefully [Music] on the front I put a little bumper uh it's I don't know it just pokes out a little bit and it's kind of hard to make because if you see right here if it hits a wall over here it doesn't register it it only registers it if it's down in front which is a very big problem everything's completely functional like it works like perfectly I even upgraded the battery tray to use the Technic pin and it works so good like it just slides right in working really good so should make this thing look better [Music] so I finally finished it but the table looks a little messy there we go that's more like it so the show made this thing look so much better like look at this it actually looks like a vacuum now and if you saw it before I'll pull the clip a picture right now it looked really bad but you can see up front it Scoops it up really simple and then out back there's a little dust tray you can take out that holds everything so that's what this looks like you can see like the orange accents kind of like go with the Mindstorms brick color you know I tried to go for a theme here uh this little button up front can make it so maybe I can make some code with it this is a handle right here makes it really easy to pick up so let's meet the competitors there's the Lego robot vacuum I completely made out of like 100 lego then we have this this thing is insane the Bob pet air slam it has so many more features than just my Lego one like look at all this stuff Wi-Fi app enabled it's got everything it's got mapping it vacuums and it mops and like mop and vacuum at the same time it's really cool and it works with Google assistant and Alexa look who it is wants to meet you guys he's sensing all the edges of the table let's see if the Lego one can keep up so how this thing actually works is that these two brushes spin in on both sides and then this middle one will just pick it up and then it puts all that in this dust bin right here so I'm going to be doing five tests to see just how good my Lego vacuum is compared to this one but some of the tests regular robot vacuums aren't really meant to do so we'll have to see who's gonna win so the first test is seeing how good they can normally vacuum this on the floor is corn flour which is kind of like a grainy flower type thing normal vacuum it shouldn't have a problem with this he goes well he's kind of getting the air yeah he got some of it oh okay let's see let's see let's see okay he's going around he's out of the frame I mean you can still see a little bit on the floor here so let me bring him back around so far so good he got most of it let's just run it one more time it doesn't really go the way I want it because he just figures out his own way to do stuff which he's a smart vacuum what do you expect boom look at that completely clean look at how good Bob is there we go look at it down there you can see it but he also got some dog hair too so he pretty much picked it all up let's see how the Lego one does so since Bob did such a good job that's a good rhyme by the way I just dumped out his Dustbin and look it's just all right there he did such a good job we want max power boys you hear it running now so let's do this [Music] um yeah I mean it didn't do too well let me just turn the power down let's go like that just to see if it helps okay you can see the trail guys it doesn't look to be doing too well so from the looks of it it didn't pick up very much so I want to see how much it actually picked up so in the beginning you can see a little bit in there you can see little specks of it but there's it picked up a lot of dog hair surprisingly so this next test I actually designed my Lego robot vacuum for so as you can see studs I just spilled a couple I'm pretty sure Bob wasn't designed to pick up Lego studs but he could have been uh so what's the scene there we go there we go through the studs it's got a little bit of off-roading those tires are doing look at that look at how clean it is right where it went through completely clean let's see oh yep definitely works there so my legal vacuum literally has no suspension but you know it still does a little off-roading but look at Bob's suspension this is the wheel that's the travel distance those Wheels make it really easy for Bob to go up some pretty big lips in your house which is really nice but let's see how good you can pick up the studs like he can off-road over them but how good can he actually pick them up let me get the close-up [Music] oh my gosh that was so loud but look at how good it worked hey Google stop Bob I'm surprised Bob is so good at pick me up since it was a little loud but it was very efficient let's see how many you got maybe it's the best way to pick up your Lego guys you got Lego all over the floor you just send your Bob but look down there they packed me up so many dang this one wasn't really a clear winner so I think I think it's kind of a draw Baltimore did a really good job on this one so the next one doesn't really test it's just my opinion so it's which one looks better and in my opinion I've designed this one and everything but I really like the sleekness of Bob like these designs and just stealth black it looks nice I mean my Lego one is cool and all and it works but Bob he looks really cool okay so test number four is how reliable are they my Lego one over here I mean it's pretty reliable like it does what I intended for it to do which is pick up Lego studs so it does that you know it's made of Lego though so it's always going to do this like I can just go like this I can just break that off but on this vacuum I don't think I can just break that up I designed it though so it's pretty strong in the structure it's not too reliable but it is reliable if you know what I mean Bob over here as you'd expect uh he's very reliable he gets the job done you can just have him sweep and you're not at home and he he knows what to do how he does everything is this bumper right here wherever it gets pushed from he knows not to go there because he hit against something it's really cool he tries to find a way around it or whatever this sensor on top is a lidar sensor so it senses what's around it so you can see stuff you can see like my desks up there and stuff so it's it's really cool and then also on each corner there's a sensor so up here is the sensor up here the sensor and up here the sensor that makes it so it doesn't go over Ledges so if you have stairs or something you don't want to go down like I know I do I just detects it's there and it doesn't go over it and number five is extra features which these guys have a lot of the cool thing about my Lego one is the net down here is completely removable so I can just slide these both off on either side and it comes right out and of course I made the little button pressy thing at the front I also made the handle which is extremely useful for picking this thing up and with my Lego one I can control it for my phone which I can do with Bob but Bob kind of likes does the area you know by himself but this I literally do everything manually it can't vacuum without you so Bob has so many extra features because the app could literally just update and give them another feature so tech reviews got like infinite but you know I'll show you through some of them so over here there's these three icons go charging Wi-Fi so you can just tell them to charge with just pressing the button on top of them you can press them to go if you don't have your phone with you or something you just press those Bob just like scans the floor of your house and then he knows exactly what routes to take every single time which is really cool and with these things poking out they also get underneath the floorboards so the first time Bob goes around your house he'll scan it out seeing what he needs to do later when he sweeps again and the thing is you can like make rooms in the app and stuff it's really cool you can have them sweep certain rooms you can have to sweep certain spots you can make no sweep zones so Bob I would say wins the category so Bob is completely autonomous so if he runs out of battery when like sweeping your house or whatever he'll automatically go charge himself and then once he's fully charged or however much charge he needs he'll go back out and sweep up the rest if you want to buy a bob sweet Bob pet hair slam which is Bob of course I'll link up here in the corner and I will link top description on the shipping label they even had a birth certificate for him which is really funny so there's my Lego robot vacuum guys look at this beauty I mean he worked decently well especially with the Lego studs but as always make sure to like subscribe and hit the notifications Bell [Music] foreign
Channel: brickstudios
Views: 399,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robot vacuum, xiaomi robot vacuum, robot vacuum cleaner, best robot vacuum 2019, best robot vacuum 2018, vacuum, best robot vacuum for pet hair, best robot vacuum 2018 reviews, best robot vacuum for hardwood floors, robot, lego robot, irobot, lego vacuum, brick science, delta robot, brick, brick building, robot arm, robots, brick box, lego brick, brick film, lego build, jack hartmann vacuum cleaner, vacuum wars, vacuum song, how to build, rumba vacuum, legos, lego, lego technic
Id: Jg9zAIyotPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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