A Relevant Word with Overseer Williams

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[Applause] [Music] is is [Music] the morning [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] praise the lord and bless us to you all divine revelations church this is overseer williams and it's not tuesday but it's wednesday and we're going to have our tuesday worship in the word on wednesday on today let us pray father god we just bless you we give you all the praise all the glory and all the honor for you are truly a good good god you are a good good father we thank you oh god for just this day for this is the day that you have made and we're going to rejoice and be glad in it open up our hearts and our minds to receive this word from you to receive this revelation from you oh god that we can be better disciples that we could be better carriers of this word and we bless your name we give you praise we give you glory and we give you honor god and we seek your forgiveness for all of our sins any thoughts and your actions or anything that we said or that we did that was not pleasing unto you we seek your forgiveness now in jesus name we pray a man well let's get to this word on today we're going to we are on today we are going to finish we are going to finish this study on rejection so that we can go to our next study which is going to be overcoming the spirit of oppression um the spirit of repression so we're going to finish this out with rejection on today somebody say on today we're going to finish it out and this has truly been a wonderful it's been a wonderful study for us and my prayer is that you um you all uh apply these spiritual principles to your life amen that you apply these spiritual principles that i'm giving you that you apply them to your life um i'm coming to you today from our uh from divine revelation church family life center i'm in my office over at our family life center we've been doing some work over here we have some great things we have some great things that's getting ready to happen um as it relates to our family life center and our outreach ministry we have some great things that we've been working on and it's taken some time it's taken some time you know in the midst of covet and the midst of this pandemic and everything it has taken some time but the lord has proven himself to be faithful um he has he has blessed us he's continually blessing us and we have some partnerships that's coming together and it's just a wonderful wonderful thing so keep us in your prayers um anytime we have to adjust a pivot uh from tuesday to wednesday is not because we're not prepared or we don't want to just know that there's things going on behind the scenes that we're doing to really bring to you the very best we have we can as it relates to virtual and our digital platforms all right so all that stuff is done um i'll be back on the radio tomorrow for those of you who've been saying hey i heard you on the midday gospel experience i will be back on tomorrow with the midday gospel experience make sure you tune in make sure you tune in tomorrow thursday for drc rewind on the lighthouse radio from 10 45 to 11 15 a.m you can tune in every thursday 10 45 to 11 15 a.m and get a relevant word from me your pastor oversee williams all right let's get to this overcome the spirit of rejection as always i want to let you know okay the enemy's strategy against us is to wound us with rejection and abandonment okay if he can wound us in the area of rejection and abandonment we'll start falling into these fleshly patterns that typically open up to demonic activities it's our fleshly patterns those things that we um indulge in that pleases our flesh but kills our spirit those are the areas where the enemy attacks um when it comes to the wound of rejection and abandonment unchecked rejection okay and those wounds become strongholds and it's those strongholds that attracts those spirits all right um the saying that they used to use birds of a feather flock together that's a true statement because of your stronghold and somebody else stronghold those those spirits will attract one another and understand that a stronghold is a belief pattern that exalts itself above the knowledge of christ okay any belief pattern that exalts itself above the knowledge of christ any belief pattern that says oh there's another way i don't need christ you know they got this thing with energy you know all this energy if your energy is not good it's the same thing as saying if i'm discerning the spirit no no no the bible talks about discernment the world talks about energy talk about it okay this the these are um unchecked rejection all right um a stronghold and that's the belief that exhausts itself above the knowledge of christ on a stronghold will include default reactions and defense mechanisms that preserves a particular pattern a particular pattern of activity a particular pattern of thought strongholds would then start to preserve those patterns all right of thoughts that you know okay um and when you're dealing with rejection and abandonment that spirit of rejection and abandonment would then lead to irrational behavior irrational conversations irrational um reactions okay or irrational viewpoints that that you will begin to take all right so let's look at some of these we've been looking at them and i want to get we're going to get through these patterns some of these patterns um that we've been um um um it's it's uh these patterns that that that deal with the spirit of rejection um we left off but i know where i want to start i'm not sure we left off but i know i want to start i want one of the patterns that lets us know that you you're dealing with rejection is protesting behavior okay what do you mean overseer protester behavior it's easier for you to attack than to express your need in a vulnerable manner um because of how you've been rejected you always have to have this persona that you nothing hurts you okay nobody you you act as if you're emotionless but you are full of emotions because of this rejection so you're rather attacked than to just say hey this is what i needed from you and a lot of times people would be upset with you because you didn't do something or didn't perform a certain way and which they needed or they thought you would perform but they never expressed those things to you so versus them being vulnerable they can't be vulnerable because the time that i was vulnerable the time that i really exposed my emotions or the time that i really put my heart out there that was the time that i was broke that was the time that i i was broken that was the time that i was wounded and the reality of the fact is i truly haven't healed from that wound i just made it up in my mind that no one was gonna ever hurt me like that again and then we say stuff like well well overseer why is it that uh uh people hurt me and i'm not feeling let nobody hurt me again and you're telling me that i'm supposed to forgive and i'm not gonna forgive and i'm not gonna forget because that hurt me and every time i forgive and i forget i keep getting with these people now here's the thing beloved you have to forgive you have to forget but then you also have to break cycles somebody get comment over there you have to break cycles okay so if everybody you get with is broke breaking your heart if every time you do a certain thing your heart gets broken so you need to reevaluate what it is that you're doing the definition of insanity is when you do the same thing the same way and look for different results so if you're jumping into relationships the same way and you keep getting the same results you need to reevaluate how you're handling yourself as a christian come on talk to me don't start with that worldly stuff yeah you right so i'm just not going to deal with them like that no no no what is your approach are you really seeking god before you jump into relationships are you really seeking god before you drop into kinship are you really praying and asking god where is your level of discernment where is your spiritual discernment or do you have energy because i can give you good energy today and i can give you bad energy tomorrow that does not mean that i'm a bad person that means i'm human but that discernment discerns the spirit y'all gonna talk to me today so that's one protester ever um you reject other people before they reject you people have you said people come to tell them hey hey y'all y'all ready yeah you know my big old fat self ready to eat that's because you're dealing with rejection and abandonment so let me talk about my flaw before somebody else talk about my floor that way i can at least you know uh uh kind of guide how the conversation is going to go or or because i just think that you're not gonna like me let me already not like you and let me have the attitude towards you that i think you're gonna have toward me you're dealing with rejection another you protest behavior another one is lies lies i will always be looking from the outside in how do people see me i'm always looking from the outside in instead of looking from the inside out lord help me to see me the way you see me help me to see myself victorious help me lord see myself faithful help me to believe that god you're able those delirious to us all help me help me see me from the inside out because when i look at the reflection in the mirror i really don't like what i see but god i know i got a good heart so help me see my heart so that what's on the inside would then start um showing on the outside you tell yourself the lie that you're not good enough your inner your inner villagers and emotional triggers are very low huh and because you tell yourself these lies about yourself now you have attention seeking behavior you like to fabricate oh we're gonna go there tonight this all deals with rejection rejection and abandonment will have you seeking attention because you think you have to have the attention of other people to validate your life my god that's why people vacillate and vomit on facebook so much if you post the status um i don't care what nobody have to say i'm going to bust this person in the face and y'all don't get on here comment no way i said what i say it you're literally seeking attention number one don't nobody care number two you literally posted the status to see how many likes or how many comments you're going to get how many people are going to feed into your dysfunctional behavior how many people is going to feed into your cycle of dysfunction and the reality is you're carrying out this way and you're acting out this way because you are struggling in the area of rejection and you believe that nobody likes you that everybody hates you that everybody is against you that's why you have fabricated this drama that's what you have fabricated these series of events that have not actually happened it's really just within your psyche it's within your mind you have fabricated this stuff you have force you have convinced yourself that this stuff is factual when in our actuality it is not and now you have created this paradox of confusion this paradox of drama within your life and it all stems back from you being rejected you walk around with an attitude your face is tore from the flow of you look like you've been sucking on lemons just because you are seeking attention you want someone to ask you what is wrong with you so you can say nothing what's wrong with you you're seeking attention you walk into places rolling your eyes you already have a perceived uh notion within your mind that somebody is going to say something or act a certain way you walk around with just this attitude and just this aura about yourself people walk around on eggshells around you because you are literally seeking attention because you deal with rejection but let me tell you what god says in john 15-18 if the world hates you you know that it hated me before you if you was of the world the world would love his own yet because you are not of the world but i chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you beloved certain people are just not going to receive you simply because of who god is in your life it is not your loss it is theirs for every person that hurts you lied on you misused you and mishandled you they have to give an account for that beloved if they hate you and they're hating on you that much it's simply because god chose you i would rather be chosen by god than to be liked by man help me somebody i would rather have god's hand upon my life than to have a slew of friends and or associates who mean me no good i'll rather have an intimate deep relationship with god than to have a relationship with some people who don't understand what i'm in pursuit of for the kingdom hear me today that all comes from rejection you're seeking attention all down social media i can see the spirit of rejection you can't even go to the grocery store without doing a live there are no private moments in your life everybody is a youtuber everybody is a blogger everybody has a platform and that's all fine and well but then you start falling apart when the world starts judging you or when you put yourself in certain situations in certain areas that god didn't intend for your life but then you fallen apart wondering why me god is saying i never intended that to be for you for your life you put your public sin out there and then you're upset when you get judged publicly you better learn how to suffer in private you better learn how to go through and get your breakthrough in private and do like they told the man with the with the demons go show yourself they only saw you when they saw you at your worst point learn how to go on a corner somewhere get your deliverance get your breakthrough and then show yourself with your attention-seeking self deal with that why do i feel like i have to have this attention huh because you will seek attention so much you get attention from the wrong places you got a stronghold in that relationship you in beloved you can't get out of that relationship because see that spirit on that person picked up the fact that you were vulnerable that you were thirsty that you were desperate and now it's a stronghold you can now it's a stronghold it's a soul tie you got all kind of stuff running rapid in you in your mind now you your mind is gone now you woke and we sleep attention seeking comparison this all rejection comparison uh i compare myself to everybody else huh always looking over your shoulder you're never good enough you always feel as though you're playing ketchup scripture says what god has for me it is for me god works in seasons and he works on his timing so if things are not maturing or maturing at the process in your life in which you feel as though it should it is not that god changed remember he said i change is not he has not changed his process his method his keeping of his word has not checked it has never changed and it shall never change so if god told you something and you know that god told this to you and it has not happened within the time frame in which god told you then it's not that god changed what did you do to delay the blessing to slow up the process or what did you do to remember to have your life now remained in neutral you're not going forward and you're not going backwards where did you drop the ball because you're blaming god for something he did not do god chose you the simple fact that he chose you the simple fact that you were birthed on purpose with purpose is enough that he chose you it's for you to walk in who you know and what you who you know god is and what you know god is able to do i know he don't lie and i know he keeps his promise i know he's able to do exceedingly abundantly above whatsoever we can ask or think i know that eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither has it entered into the hearts of man what god has in store i know these things so am i going to live my life based on what i know on based on what i feel because my feelings are of my flesh and i need to kill my flesh so that i can now flow in the goodness and grace of god even jesus dealt with his flesh where he said god i wish that this cup would pass from me nevertheless not my will but thine will be done because i am good enough for every person that said you couldn't you did you have they said you wouldn't be nothing quit comparing yourself to other people who have worldly things scripture says why would you store up your treasures on earth where rust and decay can get i would rather stir up my treasures in heaven where i'm going to spend eternity this is temporary but as i'm walking with god and i'm working hand in hand with god he's going to bless me here in the temporal but my great reward is going to be in eternity i can i'm blessed now i'm going to be blessed now because i'm going to flow and do the things of god y'all hearing me today coming up on the day you're teaching overseeing i'm almost through you're always comparing yourself always comparing your business to somebody else business your ministry to somebody else's ministry your body shape to somebody else's body shape your physique to somebody else's physique your your education to somebody else education your level of competency to someone else's level of competency what god has for you is for you there's a specific get my my my gifts and my anointing had to be tailor made for me and i can't take what god taylor made for me and try to pattern it after after someone else i have to i am good enough i'm good enough because god chose me y'all with me all right then another another area as you see these things i want you to write them down so you know what to pray for we're not bringing this stuff to life and you say yep that's me no now in your daily prayer and your prayer time you need to say god i come against this a teaching seeking behavior i come against this protesting behavior i come against our next one the hero syndrome now i can be a witness this is something i dealt with huh if i achieve greatness then i will be accepted but the sad thing is no matter what you achieve some people just not gonna accept you and you need to accept that because if you're not accepting me then that mean it ain't intended for me to fit in it's like a puzzle your life is going to uh create a a magnificent painting a magnificent portrait of the glory of god how god used you for his kingdom purpose but certain colors ain't gonna mix on my canvas talk to me certain puzzle pieces can't mix to bring my picture to pass so let me quit trying to force because i'll never be good enough some people will always view me as lee quinn some people will always view me as that bad boy that ran through the church someone will always view you as your mistakes you cannot let that bother you you cannot continue to try to please other people because they won't accept you you feel abandoned and you want to fit in you cannot continue to do that because you'll find yourself not living as your authentic godly self but you'll be living on off you'll be uh living as what people or what those group of people wants you to be it wasn't until i started making up my mind that i'm going to be who god called me to be that my life started having meaning it wasn't until i made up my mind that i'm going to be who god has called me to be i'm going to walk and what god has called me to walk in that i found myself with peace with joy with happiness because let me tell you everybody has especially when you start preaching when you start preaching and you start going ministry everybody have in their mind what type of preacher you should be what type of pastor you should be and when you don't fulfill what they feel you should do they will leave you they will talk about you they will scandalize your name and you'll find yourself trying to please this group of people because you don't want to lose that relationship then you trying to please this group of people because you don't want them to leave you be who god has called you to be the ministry that god has birthed through me and what god is doing through me is not like nobody else ministry so versus me trying to get all of this to make you happy let me do what god has called me to do the way god has called me to do it hmm sometimes the family relies on the hero huh for their corporate self image our eyes are on you to achieve you gotta do it for the family you gotta make it for this you gotta when you fail they see i'm dead you just made us look come on beloved you're all over the place you're my you're depressed you're stressed you're trying to be the hero this next one um um overcoming uh the spirit of rejection uh um permisses permissive and placating behavior in relationships let me explain this permissions and placating um uh behavior in relationship this is seen in management style and parenting style you project your fear of rejection onto others you don't discipline others because of fear of being misunderstood and ultimately rejected by them you fear being rejected even by your kids okay so this is people um who don't tell you the truth or who you won't tell the truth to because you're afraid that um they'll they'll reject you they'll abandon you so you will dummy down yourself to make someone else feel comfortable or you instead of telling somebody like no man you should do that because you value the relationship the friendship the kinship whatever the ship that you probably shouldn't be on you'll tell them oh go ahead man that's you because you that you don't want your kids to be angry with you you just give them whatever that's why i love tommy broke the tv because of your placating okay here here's what it did here's what i mean what do you mean when you say player game p-l-a-c-a-t-i-n-g that's it intended to make someone less angry that means to make someone less angry or hostile to appease in other words you're going to please someone no matter how it makes you feel no matter how wrong it is in other words this placating spirit and this uh permissive i just said promiscuous i said permissive that leads to promiscuity this spirit basically is the spirit that'll keep you in a bad relationship it'll keep you letting somebody knock you upside the head or because of your fear of rejection and abandonment but because of this fear come on of abandonment you stay you allow you and the crazy thing is people will stay in a bad situation but will run and mess up a good situation a girl a stay with a lady that's not a girl to stay with a man that's knocking her upside her head me and her no good taking all the money all this stuff but then get a good man that would cheat on him with a bad dude do all this stuff and when you say wow i just ain't ready for no good guy a guy would stay with a girl that spent all their money lazy talking about doing all this stuff she never would stay for the sake of not being alone but you're never alone so how am i never alone i always feel like i'm alone pastor hi my lord let me tell you deuteronomy 3 16 go there real quick go there real quick i want you to go to deuteronomy 3 16 real quick i want you to highlight it i want you um i want you to highlight i'm sorry deuteronomy 31 i said deuteronomy 31 and 6. i want you to go there and i want you to highlight it and i want you to tell yourself this i want you to tell yourself this every single time every single time i'm gonna give you some more to help you with this every single time you feel fear of somebody leaving you i want you to tell yourself deuteronomy 31 6 be strong and of good courage do not fear nor be afraid of them for the lord your god he is the one who goes with you he will not what leave you neither will he forsake you somebody may say that's good overseeing but i need a little bit more so i'm gonna give you some more let's go over to my favorite scripture let's go over to my favorite scripture let's go over there real quick psalms 121 121 let's go over that psalms 121 it says i will remember deuteronomy 31 6 and then i'm gonna come over here to psalms 121 and say i will lift up my eyes into the history with cometh my help my help comes from the lord who made heaven and earth he will not allow your foot to be moved he who keeps israel he who keeps you will not slumber behold he keeps israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the lord is your keeper the lord is your shade upon your right hand the sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve you from all evil there is nothing the devil or nobody that's operating in evil or nobody that has malicious or evil intent there is nothing that they could do to me to block what god is doing in my life unless i allow it because everything in scripture tells me that he's not leaving me he's going to strengthen me that i don't have to be afraid that he's preserving me everything his grace is sufficient y'all want to talk with me his grace is sufficient so i don't have to be afraid of being misunderstood some people are not misunderstood they just don't want to accept the truth they don't want to accept the truth because they don't want to accept you so i can't walk around and fear of me telling somebody the truth and understand this truth also comes with love truth is not gonna always make you feel comfortable truth will not always make you feel happy but make sure with truth there's always love and always area for reconciliation to reconcile i'm not going to tell you the truth to hurt you i have to tell you these things because i want to strengthen you because i believe you could do you could be and you are better y'all with me can't i can't be a pastor that's afraid to tell people the truth baby this ain't happening in your life because you're not living right do you know how many people get upset i can't believe he said that to me that's the problem it's a cycle of dysfunction i'm trying to help you break that cycle of dysfunction now it's up to you you can walk out of my office walk out the church and go back to living how you was living just know the cycle is not gonna be broken you're so afraid you're so afraid i don't want no friend that ain't gonna tell me the truth i'm trying no clue how this look you don't want to hurt my feelings so you tell oh it look fine i go out there everybody laughing at me talking about me what they laughing at oh man you look stupid in that outfit man you told me it looked the right way i mean i just you know why would you do that to me i didn't want you mad i'm mad now come on talk to me learn how to communicate also the spirit of rejection cause you not to know how to communicate effectively all right last one rejection will always lead to uh rejection the spirit of rejection abandonment can lead to self-rejection suicide and it is an extraordinary form of self-rejection um depression and despair has become so strong that a spirit of death attaches itself to someone rejection a spirit of death everything about you is dark everything about you is weary and grief uh uh grievances grieving some grievance everything about you is grievance your spirit is grieved everything is just grieved you you just flowing in grief and anguish because of death everything you touch die everything you're a part of and die you start but you don't finish you're a part of but then you're a castaway that's death no one isolation grave graveyard death depression it's rejection you gotta deal come on go search go back deal with that when did this start whether this guy i don't know either you know you just don't want to go back you don't want to pray and say god i gotta kill this at the root and this is what this is what this teaching does it allows you to go back now i see what this happened self-rejection fantasy fantasy is a form of self-rejection you fantasize your head is always in the cloud people can you come out the clouds for a minute to have a good conversation you always fantasizing not getting the vision from god you're fantasizing and a lot of your fantasies is in correlation with something to you being envious jealous or coveting something someone else has oh man if i could just if i could have just had what they had or if i just had a if i just hadn't done it this way if i just had to did that if i'm not looking at the fact if you had it did it that way then you wouldn't have this if you hadn't done it the other way then you wouldn't have that you ain't looking at those things you just fantasy you're all over the place and that's fantasy from self-rejection now watch this often healing from rejection involves uh correcting uh uh a misplaced identity in order for you to heal from rejection you have to correct your misplaced identity what do you mean and i'm gonna summarize this i'm gonna give you some scriptures to help you and then we're gonna go on in jesus name you are royalty you are chosen by god to be different huh okay let me prove it let me prove it first peter 2 and 9 but you are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for god's own possession so that you will proclaim the excess of him who have caught you out of darkness into his marvelous life you need to understand you are chosen you not chosen to be nothing or nobody else but god's own possession you are owned by god you were bought with the price so because i am chosen my identity has nothing to do with this world i cannot be who the world wants me to be i have to be who and what god chose me to be in ephesians 1 4-5 says just as he chose us and him before the foundation of the world that we would be holy and blameless before him and love he presented us to the adoption of son through jesus christ and himself according to the kind intentions of his will god chose you quit trying to be like the world that's the first thing because the world keep rejecting you well i came to church and there's people in the church that rejected me they wasn't saved yeah i said it they wouldn't say because in the church any baptized born again believer is accepted into the body of christ don't matter where you come from don't matter what you're currently in when you become in the process of becoming who god has called you to be all those things all that stuff no longer matters it does not matter who does not love you all that matters and i'm gonna give it to you i'm gonna give it to you all that matters is this matthew 1 matthew 11 28 come to me all who are reary and heavy laden i will give you rest huh no one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him and i will raise him up on the last day you feel that tugging in your spirit god wants you coming to him just like you are you broken you wounded you messed up you jacked up you're all over the place but you can come to him right now even in your rejection even in your abandonment christ will love you and as long as i got christ's love nothing else matters because when people treat me wrong and do me wrong you're not just treating me you treating who i'm connected with not connected with christ i'm an heir to the blessings of god so on tonight we're going to pray against the spirit of rejection and i'm going to call this stuff out father god in the name of jesus we come now and we thank you for your forgiveness for your keeping and your sustaining power so right now god i call out the spirit of rejection i call out the spirit of abandonment i call out the spirit of addiction and substance abuse i call out the spirit of criticism and hypersensitivity i call out the spirit of self-pity i call out the placating and performance spirit i call out the isolation spirit i call out lies i call out the spirit of intention i call out a comparison spirit i call out the hero syndrome i call out self-rejection and i destroy it by the blood of jesus christ i come against the spirit of fear for god you have given us power love and a sound mind so right now in the name of jesus we walk in the fullness of you we walk in the fullness of everything that you have done in our life we walk in the promises of you and we stand upon your word we stand upon your word because we know that it's true and it's factual so do it now in the outbreak generational cycles of rejection i break it now in the name of jesus by the power of the holy ghost it is soul i come against the spirit of abandonment by mothers fathers sisters brothers cousins family members i come against the spirit of rejection and abandonment god there's somebody who came to the church and the church rejected them and that broke them i come against that now in the name of jesus renew their heart and renew their mind oh god touch now as only you can move by your spirit and by your power oh god i give you praise because i trust and i believe and i decree and declare that it is done because our words have power so creating us a clean heart to renew your right spirit within us renew our minds that we are all that you said we could be we are the head and not the tail god you are our mother you are our father sister brother best friend aunts uncle nobody can do us like you oh god help us to trust in you and god that one that's on here that's battling with depression that's battling with with self-rejection now oh god i break it off of their life in the name of jesus blow on them now breathe on them shift the atmosphere of god shift the atmosphere even in our own separate homes or even if they're riding in the car shift the atmosphere oh god in the name of jesus and god we give you praise we give you glory and we give you honor in jesus name we pray amen god bless you and my prayer is that i see you on next week may the hand of god be upon you and his blessings flow to you and your family in jesus name god bless you lord praise the lord this is overseer williams again wow what a dynamic and what a life-changing word we received on tonight i want to give you all an opportunity to sow into ministry on tonight i think it's so important that we do everything we can to make sure that ministry continues in times like these there's a great fall in the way people are turning away from the things of god and turn into a more worldly viewpoint of things but one of god's principles in his word is about sowing you have to sow there's seed time and there's harvest time listen god is doing great things in the ministries of divine revelations church and in my ministry personally so just know whatever you give on today you are truly sowing into good ground you are not throwing your money away but you are sowing and i pray on tonight for every person that sows a 20 seed on tonight i ask that god do something supernatural in your life on this week no no hopes no gimmicks that's my prayer because you're sowing into good ground so i want god to bless you beyond measure a number unknown to man i'm asking that god pour into your life so on tonight those of you who can sow a 20 seed you can go over to cash out cash tag lee quinn williams sr right there at the bottom of your screen you can cash out it right there if you don't have cash app you can mail your gift to the church 6815 verdun street flint michigan 48505 and make sure on the bottom of your envelope you put broadcast ministry god bless each of you that are giving and those of you who want to give and maybe you don't have anything financial to give like i say all the time i can always use your prayers october is national pastor appreciation month and i've been telling people all month it's not just money we as pastors we truly need your prayers so for those of you who say hey i don't have it i really don't have it but i truly want to pray for this man of god please ma'am please sir keep me uplifted in prayer and for those of you who can sow a financial seed of twenty dollars fifteen dollars ten dollars five dollars whatever you can sow i'm asking that god bless you for the seed you sow on tonight may heaven smile upon you thank you for joining us and my prayer is that you'll join us again on next tuesday for tuesday night worshiping the word [Music] [Music] it's about [Music] in the a.m it's about six and the sun is on its way up i'm half asleep waiting for your touch to lift me up i like the way you call me the way you whisper peace things you reveal god i know you're real nothing like the way you make me feel [Music] it's about the things you say to me me y'all know what i'm talking about in the morning i have to admit this is the way to start the day raptured in love [Music] [Applause] the way you [Music] nothing like the way you make me feel [Music] [Music] in the morning [Music]
Channel: Divine Revelations
Views: 127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MWR-xt7OWlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 21sec (3501 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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