A Reincarnated Noble Becomes the Heir of the Greatest Wizard by Playing Video Games | Manhwa Recap

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there were 20 Nations within the four continents all filled with various species it is a world where magic exists rondal after the era of myths and swords the current rondle which has extremely developed magic is said to be in the age of magic however contrary to the highly developed civilization the political system is still a feudal system with Kings and Nobles and classism Still Remains regardless the current age of magic is called the Golden Age of rondle on December 29th 1999 the day before the arrival of the new century the will of an arch Mage was revealed with that the world turned upside down the archmage will stated how he has hidden everything he had somewhere in this world power knowledge and wealth those who desire it can find and take the ownerless Fate The Wizard who left behind a will that upturn the world was a Pioneer who led Rondell into the Golden Age of the magic century and also an arch dukee of the Empire he was the nine Circle Lord wizard Manuel Lucas and so many G eyes looked up at the Wizard's power and those who wanted to find Lucas's fate began their Journey countless rumors about it started to spread some said that Lucas's dungeon exists in the barren land of the Dragons While others asserted that Lucas's assets are hidden in the Allied nations of Alia famous for being a tax Haven there are also rumors that lucas' Sky Fortress lies in the sea of storms in the center of the world regardless of nationality species or rank everyone stepped up to find Arch duuk Manuel Lucas's fate but but rumors are just rumors no one was able to find the Fate anywhere even though countless people investigated it not a single person found even a single clue and just like that 20 years passed by finally a young man was able to acquire Manuel Lucas's Fate In the Year 2007 the magic Century at Lawrence Castle there lived vicount Lawrence's Second Son Benjamin he is a reincarnator who remembers his past life nothing eventful happened in the last moments of his previous life he died in a truck rollover accident while serving in the military with just 1 month left from discharge and when he opened his eyes he had been reincarnated into the Reinhardt Kingdom from the Republic of South Korea from Kim mingi to Benjamin Lawrence he went from an ordinary middleclass family to living a new life as the second son of a vicount family who owns an estate although Benjamin was confused and distressed during the beginning of his reincarnation his past life experiences became a huge advantage in his new life when children around his age were playing around without much thought Benjamin was passionate about learning earlier than others soon he was praised for being a talented child he was able to successfully receive recognition from those around him and fulfill his father's expectations all at once however if he had to say one disappointing thing rondle was in a world with a more advanced civilization than 21st century Earth as he learned more he found that the world he reincarnated and was completely different due to that his knowledge from his previous world wasn't much help what he thought to do do in this situation was to continuously strive to increase his value and keep acting like a genius however life isn't easy enough to be cruised through with effort alone Benjamin learned this when someone attempted to poison him when he was 7 years old he survived and the culprit seemed pretty obvious to him it was the official wife of the Lawrence Family Nova Lawrence to that woman who was of high birth the fact that Benjamin who was of common birth and therefore not her child caught her father's eyes was enough to make her uncomfortable Benjamin was frustrated to realize how the country's political system was so backward despite such development there is no way for him to convict Nova without any background plus his father wasn't even reacting it seems he is turning a blind eye and playing dumb even though he knows ever since then Benjamin has stopped acting like a genius 10 years passed on May 1st 2019 the magic Century a 20-year-old Benjamin visits a convenience store the salesman whispered about his Noble background but wondered why he was wearing common or clothes Benjamin leaves the store with a bundle of games he gets informed by a KN that Cedric has come to visit him he frowns and hurries home to his mother Sylvia as expected Cedric was already there and angry on top Cedric was Benjamin's half brother and about 23 years old he yells at Benjamin for not thinking of their family's Prestige and walking around the estate without a vehicle Benjamin internally scoffs knowing that womanizer Cedric wouldn't be able to take care of himself had he not been a noble he knows talking back will just lasts longer so he decides to withdraw he apologetically bows and admits his shirt sidedness Cedric then mocks his commoner blood but Benjamin remains cool-headed he asks Cedric what brings him here and he reveals how his father seems to plan to make him take over a business possibly far as distributions by Earth's standards rondell's noble families are a powerful combination of conglomerates and politicians accordingly these Nobles are engaged in various businesses far as distributions is the money Source from the mining industry one of the businesses run by the Lawrence Family Benjamin now realizes the reason why the greedy incompetent Cedric suddenly barged in here he smiles saying he will refuse he then tells him to return if he's done with his business as he paid a lot of money to play games Cedric bursts into laughter and says he should do just that after he leaves Sylvia asks her son if he will be all right Benjamin assures her that not getting involved is the best after the attempted poisoning incident Benjamin abandoned His Image as a Genus and isolated himself by minimizing his interactions with his vassals maybe it's because his father was uninterested in the son of a concubine who wasn't a genius but his father became indifferent to him thanks to his father's attitude he never encountered instances that endangered his life again like that Benjamin lived for 10 years while erasing his presence people did gossip about his change but he didn't pay attention as soon as Benjamin graduated from the academy he left the castle with his mother rumors spread that it's the after effect of drinking poison and that he has turned into a Game Addict Benjamin was aware that most of the servants working in the castle were under the influence of the official wife Nova and so he couldn't even open his mouth recklessly at home some even gossip that he was focusing on games to run away from reality but all Benjamin does is scoff at such things as he accesses the chronicle online at home he knows there is no way that's true after he clears stage one of the fake Quest his character is initialized and synchronized with his real life body once can be monitored in the virtual world as abilities in chronicle online reflect in reality 10 years ago when Benjamin was enrolled at the Royal Academy he researched Manuel Lucas as part of his assignment it was then that he discovered something he had never expected no matter how he sees Lucas's family crest it is an English word why but how could English be in this world this makes him Ponder the possibility of Manuel Lucas being from Earth too but he denies it knowing it can simply be a coincidence however it wasn't long before Benjamin could refute the fact that Arch duuk Lucas was from Earth Arch duuk Lucas said a few words before his death he said he wanted to walk the California beach with Mary once again this was written in the records of the butler who was by Lucas's side until the end of his life he stated that he wasn't sure of the meaning of the place and names since he had never heard them before but since it was the story of a great man he could not ignore it with that Benjamin concluded that the great Arch mage of rondle was an Earthling like him after being convinced he investigated Lucas more and more evidence kept pouring in from all over that he was an Earthling he had built an AA condensing device prototype inspired by Washington and the first virtual reality system that combines ego dream and sort of sharing magic through Hollywood and so Benjamin used his knowledge from his previous life to look for the Fate that Lucas had left and in the end he successfully got his hands on the Fate he was sure he could now just walk on a bed of flowers but it wasn't like he had thought the true suffering began after he got his hands on fate Arch Mage Lucas's fate was hidden in an unexpected location it was online in other words it was inside a virtual world even if it's a virtual world created as elaborately as reality a game is still a game and one can't feel pain since it's filtered out however Benjamin feels the pain in real life and has to struggle every time he fights this impossible storyboard where the Fate acquirer becomes synchronized in the game and in real life was impossible yet here he is after Benjamin is able to successfully defeat the Goblin he reaches level 10 this allows him to change jobs he gets moved to a secret space by the main god Ariel after his character's synchronization process he is asked if he would like to go up to the second floor of the magic Tower of Manuel Lucas Benjamin agrees and he is swiftly transported to an extravagant study the bookshelf is packed with books and there is also a treasure chest in front of it a message window appears revealing how he acquired 5 billion in loot soon Benjamin achieves the Mage job and a circle starts to form on his synchronized body Benjamin smirks knowing the true value of Fate isn't money but this to begin with up until now Benjamin thought the MP displayed with HP was just Mana but he had never felt the presence of Mana in real life the circle creation was finally complete and Benjamin could feel the presence of Mana circulating in his chest this was the true power of Fate synchronization between the game and real life since the first Circle has been created Benjamin wonders if he can learn a technique that suits it he looks at the books and immediately a message window pops up asking if he would like to look up some materials it seemed convenient to him as he doesn't have to look through all of them now it was as he expected from the best mage of humanity Manuel Lucas out of the blue Benjamin's Head Starts aching terribly though it's convenient to learn skills and Magic just by touching the skill book like in games the process of Engraving the principles into his head is unpleasant and painful he finally comes across the last material which is a book on the circle concealment technique it was definitely the skill Benjamin needed the most upon acquiring it he staggers from the huge headache and falls to the floor he thinks of his future goals he just wants his mother and him to live comfortably without any problems and he is determined to do so the next day at the mansion's training Hall Benjamin's trustworthy Confidant and guard Vice Praises his stamina strength he confesses how how he was surprised when Benjamin expressed interest in training his swordsmanship Benjamin knew it was necessary after what happened to him in the game due to his lowquality stamina that aside he could feel his stamina and Mona Circle improving it seems like the improved status in the game has an impact on real life as well simply put the skills Benjamin can use in games can also be implemented in real life fortunately he was able to solve the problem of hiding the circle from Mona sensitive knights with the concealment skill he learned at Lucas's magic Tower Vice notices his excitement and asks the reason Benjamin Lies by saying he just won a good item in the game causing gossip to spread about how pathetic he is vice turns angry but Benjamin tells him to calm down he knew this was all an act as he needed to look pathetic to avoid Nova and Cedric's eyes being ignored as a worthless man right now is the best situation for him he soon returns to virtual reality and to Lucas's study he decides to carry out the next step which is to splurge it is said the most important thing in a game is the power of one's wallet Benjamin purchases various things from the cash shop including the summon supporter power in return for his weak stamina Benjamin knew having an aggro would help him level up he decides to pick the highest grade Warrior no matter how much it costs and so he buys a supporter for 45 o kit but is unable to get a supporter he likes he ends up with a level three low class supporter who cannot possess magic skills and is only for combat the message window reveals the supporter to be Arya the heav heavly steel a female supporter specializing in defense her character information takes Benjamin by surprise she seems to be the best among the unique tear despite her low level it seems he did get a useful supporter after all he registers it knowing changes cannot be made the supporter Arya appears before him and Benjamin States how her expressionless face looks like a Golem with the outer appearance of a human but it didn't matter to him as long as she helped him level up and so Benjamin was able to reach level 20 with ease seeing how much time he has spent in the game he logs out he stretches deciding to go to the training Hall but halts he sees Arya standing near him in his room shocking him he asks how she came out of the game to which Arya explains that she is a homunculus an Android her Creator is Sir Manuel Lucas and is predetermined by her master her appearance in combat characteristics are those of Arya of the Heavenly Steels Benjamin size had he known this would happen he would have chosen a slightly more versatile supporter asks Arya if her stats are the same as in the game to which she replies in the affirmative she reveals how the restricted stats will be recovered as his level of Chronicles online increases functionally her maximum stats are comparable to those of a Grandmaster Benjamin is shocked The Grandmaster is of the same rank as an eighth Circle Mage and is on par with the continent's strongest even in the Reinhardt Kingdom the highest rank Mage is the seventh class and there are only nine Mages in the eighth class in the world how could Manuel Lucas create a monster of this level Benjamin knew it was helpful to have a trustworthy and incredible Ally who only listened to his orders but the problem now is how he is going to hide her it was fortunate that Arya had Mona concealment skills but there is a stealth function he decides to accept the rumors that will surround him after bringing Arya with him knowing his impression is already the worst anyway it was as Benjamin had expected the maids caught him with another woman in his room and rumors spread from there on calling out to him for being Shameless however Sylvia his mother was beyond ecstatic and asked when he would get married the scene shifts to Benjamin and Arya being transported to their next Quest location after reaching level 30 Benjamin now has to defeat the orc Warrior KS this will allow him to unlock Lucas's magic Tower's third floor however the use of consumable attack items like bombs and Scrolls was prohibited it seems as though Manuel Lucas wants to raise his disciples to be strong and so while Arya Shields Benjamin from the Orcs attacks he launches his magic Missile eventually the orc gets defeated thanks to the power of Benjamin's magic Missile which has now surpassed that of the first Circle however the orc wasn't going to easily accept defeat despite being critically wounded he continues attacking his opponents with such absurd HP Benjamin knows he will die if the orc hits him even once and he is glad Arya is here with him next Benjamin uses his Earth digging magic he then tells Arya not to let the orc get up while he's attacking it the orc was now angrier than ever but Benjamin used his magic missile to initiate the final blow the orc Warrior was officially defeated and Benjamin got access to the third floor of the tower at the same time in vicount Lawrence's office Rayford Lawrence Ponders deeply Nova approaches him and asks if he's worried over the news that Benjamin brought a commoner woman into the Mansion he shows Nova a letter in response Nova reads the convocation order of the local forces it's stated that VI count Lawrence would join the Western command with five vanguards 50 Knights and 1,000 soldiers due to the possibility of war against the Cen Empire and so troops from each territory are being gathered to form local forces Nova pleads with him not to send Cedric to battle but rather to choose Benjamin who just plays games every day at the Mansion Rayford asks if she will summon and use him upon necessity after leaving him alone all this time Nova explains that Benjamin chose it himself and up until now he has enjoyed the rights of nobility to the fullest Rayford Ponders and says Cedric is the successor of the territory and he asks Nova to follow his decision this time he agrees to send Benjamin to the battlefield but when he returns he plans on making him completely independent he hopes Benjamin and Sylvia won't be put in any danger in the future including any surveillance or secret investigations he tells Nova to stop now and let Benjamin be free meanwhile Benjamin's stamina was drastically improving on top of receiving a lot of money in forming his second circle after Quest 2 Benjamin even gained a Subspace like the inventory in in the game he now has his own treasure chest to hide necessary items knowing that the stats in the game are reflected in reality Benjamin knows that he can become a mage with consistent effort if he can completely absorb the stats received from the Fate he may even become a more fearsome monster than Arch Mage Lucas as Benjamin practices swordsmanship with Vice they get interrupted as a messenger reveals how his lordship has summoned him to the castle the scene shifts to a few days later at Lawrence Castle Cedric argues with his father over Benjamin getting to represent the family on the battlefield Rayford calmly explains how he's the one and only heir of the family and can't go on the dangerous Battlefield Sylvia asks if he's saying Benjamin isn't as precious as him Rayford states that there is a difference in their value as compared to their heirs in the family though Benjamin felt pissed by all this he knew this wasn't all bad for him he agrees to his father's request raford then requests that he take a walk with him and they go out to the balcony his father wishes him the best of luck and gives him two valuable artifacts acts to help him on the battlefield he also tells him how after he comes back from war he is planning on transporting Sylvia and him to the king's land Benjamin says he will think about it after he comes back Rayford then tells him not to worry about Sylvia as Benjamin sees cedrick and NOA listening to their conversation from a distance he turns Furious but he knows the only one he can trust right now is his father despite his disappointing Benjamin a lot later at night raford treats his headache with an artifact he then p wonders how he knew Benjamin was acting all this time after the poisoning incident on the other hand Benjamin assures his crying mother he will be all right and tells her to wait a little longer as everything will be all right 2 days passed and Lawrence's Army was dispatched for war in the conference room inside the levitation train Benjamin's staff tried talking him out of bringing his lover Ario with him to the dangerous battlefield but he refused them firmly he knows he can't leave her behind as she will protect him if things turn out badly Plus spent his time increasing his strength and stats before the war for self- survival he successfully reaches level 80 and enters the fourth level Quest the main god transports them to the secret room where Demi lick immerse with an absurd amount of HP awaits them Benjamin knows he has to clear the fourth level Quest before they arrive at West headquarters no matter what though lick monsters are difficult to deal with Benjamin senses that this one seems stupid and slow however the lick attacks him by surprise Benjamin was unable to dodge the attack and fell in pain bck laughs mockingly pissing Benjamin off since he seemed like Cedric together with Arya he eventually defeats the monster and completes Quest level four he then collapses screaming in pain as the fight is over Arya opens his inventory at her own will and makes him drink a healing potion they then get transported to Lucas's fifth floor of the tower which has been unlocked thanks to the completion of Quest level four along with acquiring money he also acquired all round glasses reading its detailed description Benjamin finds out how the glasses analyze a living thing or object's use purpose and stats it can even verify a living being's emotions and see something at a far off distance Benjamin was shocked and impressed likewise knowing whose allies or enemies is truly remarkable another window pops up indicating the generation of the fourth circle they soon reach the West headquarters there Benjamin meets with vicount Evans and vicount Miller the Chiefs of Staff as he reports on his troops the Vic counts tell him not to bother reporting on soldiers as the war will end with just vanguards vanguards are monsters that only great wizards of the seventh circle or above can handle and Benjamin knew they were right the men explain how Lawrence's Army has been organized as the second independent Brigade under the command of the third division they tell Benjamin to be sure to look after division Commander Earl AIS as the Brigadier Benjamin recalls Earl Odis as the great lord of the East he then leaves with his troop after explaining everything to them a week passed and Benjamin found Commander Otis to be the best surely the best Superior is an absent Superior apparently he will be commuting back and forth with teleports until the war begins his actions were absurd but good for Benjamin as they allowed him to play the game without any concerns one day while Benjamin is in the game Arya alerts him that someone just come to his room he quickly logs out of the game and sees a Vanguard sir Dalton making his way in by force while Arya keeps him at Bay he accesses the man's status and finds him to be horny he curses internally at the man and interrogates him Arya reveals how he tried separating her from Benjamin and dragging her elsewhere Benjamin holds him accountable and points a dagger at him telling him to take a step forward he knows there isn't Nova here to keep an eye on him so he has no reason to back away news of the brigadiers order to execute sit Dalton reaches the ears of the vice leader of the knights billam he reaches there and sees an odd sight upon asking Benjamin remarks that a knight sexually harassing a girl doesn't make any sense to him William turns fur and yells at the Knights he then apologizes to Benjamin and assures him that he will relieve sir Dalton of his duty and put him in jail Benjamin orders him to put the other three knights in jail too since they are accomplice in letting him in he then with Arya moves to the Next Room stating he can't stand the blood scent Willams Smiles at the sudden shift in the boy's nature remarking how it must have been hard to live pressing it down on Quest five Benjamin fights with level 120 corrupted knights in it he and Arya end up defeating him and locking Lucas's tower on the sixth floor in the process Benjamin acquires many rewards including two trillion loot the istro staff armor a robe and a shield he further sees a sword Benjamin knows it is always good to have more gear however they get interrupted as Benjamin servant appears confessing how he just sent strange energy in there Benjamin says he was just checking on artifacts and the servant leaves Benjamin sees the sword as the force sword that vanguards mainly use as he checks out other equipment he realizes is why everyone wants Arch duuk Lucas's fate two weeks passed since Benjamin was appointed as the representative of the Lawrence Family and led the Army on the front lines against the croen empire everyone seemed intimidated by Benjamin after the Dalton incident one odd thing is that vice leader bams attitude towards him has turned friendly his status appeared to be curious yet cautious on the other hand arya's status seems to indicate that she's happy this makes Benjamin wonder if she's happy because they came out for a walk it seems even a homunculus his emotions he still doesn't know much about her and her individuality is still weak though she doesn't show it he knows she has likes and dislikes he Chuckles as arya's status quickly turns to very happy as she sees the sky while going back to his room a young Knight Alan Lopez approaches him and asks to have a drink with him Benjamin notices he has been forced by the other Knights to do this and tells him off he sees his status and realizes he has a lot of talent to become a magic swordsman he leaves telling Alan Lopez how he would have been better off as a wizard later as he Ponders over building his influence he decides to take some action since Alan Lopez is from another erom he must need Earl odis's permission in some way on the other hand Allan Ponders how the Brigadier was able to tell he would be successful as a wizard at first he thought of Benjamin as an arrogant Aristocrat but for him to think that he should have become a wizard instead of a night made him since he had thought about it himself too he is soon summoned by Commander Otis to his room there he finds Commander Otis with briged Benjamin Otis reveals how he will now serve Brigadier Lawrence as his Lord puzzling Allen in his past life when China lost to Korea in a soccer game one fan expressed a question the question was if China has a population of 1.4 billion why can't they find 11 good soccer players they were told that it was because the Chinese Messi or the Chinese Ronaldo were shoveling on a farm somewhere so Benjamin realized that no matter how much potential someone has it wouldn't matter if no system could help bring out their potential who could have thought so many people were on the wrong path many workers had amazing talent but these Geniuses picked the wrong path and therefore have done nothing in their lives Benjamin handpicked a few there was Alan lopex Earl ai's loser Knight laborer Barbara Anderson a soldier who became a Trumpeter Eric and a daring boy who got caught trying to sell adult magazines to the Army Nicole Brown he had even motivated a maid from the neighboring Army Linda Noah to become a wizard knowing she had potential but Linda was doubtful since her test showed negative results Barbara Anderson tells her not to be doubtful and to follow her master's orders he almost wasted his life only doing labor but for some reason he listens to Benjamin well he brings his handpicked people to a luxury clothing store to choose outfits and they clearly seem in a frenzy due to their unfamiliarity Eric Jones was the first to choose to Benjamin Eric's abilities seemed more useful and rarer than magic or swordsmanship Benjamin assures everyone not to look at the price tag and to choose what fits them best he was aware that despite Talent if it isn't nurtured it is useless they will start training outside of their military bases and receive tailored education what they wear needs to fit their new environment after changing clothes Benjamin LED them to the place where they would stay shocking them even more Benjamin tells them to only focus on their education he then pays them their monthly salary which is about 20 million loots they all salute Benjamin vowing to do their absolute best Benjamin had planned to fill the residence with people recruited by him it's his job to make it a place where their talents will prosper it may seem like wasting money but it is investing investment in obtaining quality Human Resources while Benjamin later P getting a safety unit he senses a presence ARA is quick and grabs the man stalking her master Benjamin doesn't know if people found out he was collecting Ordinary People but Cedric called him directly a few days ago and said that he needs to mingle with people like him it was obvious that the dumb man admitted that he was watching Benjamin's every move and the man they caught was obviously the rat he planted knowing he won't be able to overpower Aras Ora he decides to spill it turns out that the man found out where Benjamin was using Cedric's rat at the teleporting office reading the man's profile Benjamin could tell he was reluctantly carrying out Cedric's orders and was ready to betray him at any given moment Benjamin calmly tells him to be by his side if he wants to live he tells the man to give him an update every day and report back to Cedric that there's nothing special about him and that he's doing what he normally does that the man berd disobediently the talent Gathering went smoothly and Benjamin recruited 20 people who had an innate special talent Eric and Alia the former administrators of allies and the half elf will take care of the gifted Academy without any problems while everyone worked hard Benjamin kept increasing his level too suddenly a message window pops up while he is in the game indicating an emergency it turns out that the croen Empire's Sky Fortress has crossed the border and everything before this was the calmness before the storm a meeting was immediately conducted even Commander Otis was present he orders them to put troops on the Leviathan train so they can be dispatched at any time subsequently he directs his attention to Benjamin declaring his intent to restrict all personal communication among the troops to those of colel rank or higher insisting they rely solely on radio for communication Benjamin forces a smile fully aware that this directive won't hinder his clandestine activities and thus they steal themselves for the impending conflict Benjamin has now reached level 160 and successfully subjugated the twin-headed ogre Taz it through this he hits the sixth Circle he received 10 trillion loot which was kept in the Alia Union Bank he also receives the subs supporter the supersonic Black Eagle as Benjamin logs out of the game he doesn't find the eagle in the room he goes out to check but there isn't Arian notices the eagle and points towards it the knights quickly stand on guard but are unable to attack the eagle as it lands next to its Master Benjamin motions them to Halt and reads the supersonic eagles's profile it turns out it has only one skill a shared Vision just like how Arya gets stronger with him Benjamin needs to know how and under what conditions he needs to get extra skills maybe the condition is likely to clear a quest he isn't sure how the Eagle's suicide dive is helpful but the shared Vision could definitely be helpful he gets cut off from his thoughts as the knights question what that is he was so focused on the Black Eagle that he didn't notice the people Gathering he puts up a show asking the eagle if it wants to go with him the eagle nods an agreement shocking the knights even more after the war started the war situation did not lead to a tedious Regional smallscale War but expanded to the entire western border an allout War thanks to that Benjamin's Brigade is making its debut Benjamin soon gets informed that cen's platoon of vanguards is approaching Benjamin tells them not to panic and fall back to reform formations and he tells billam to learn from the vanguards unexpectedly Benjamin senses the enemy vanguards about to attack he instantly orders the second battalion's energy Shield deployment out of the blue their Fortress gets attacked seeing how unbelievably strong the attack is from that far away he knows this isn't just a test if there is no seventh circle magician or higher it's pretty obvious who's going to win in a fight the fortress's second Battalion energy Shield turns out to be dead and a soldier reveals how it will take 90 seconds to recharge the knights approach Benjamin praising him for helping them Dodge the attack Benjamin analyzes the situation he observes how the enemy's Attack Force isn't much different from theirs the problem is the size of their Fortress the croen Empire has two Sky fortresses but they are significantly smaller than theirs it was probably mass produced for Invasion suddenly he sees a weapon detaching to the ground and he senses immense magic power from it he realizes what is happening and quickly orders them to tell the Fortress that a suicide attack is imminent and so the sky Fortress quickly orders a retreat and fires the anti-aircraft rounds however Benjamin knew he must do something before they all got blown away and quickly used the great Shield artifact power to his relief the sky Fortress didn't crash as they retreated quickly if their Allied Forces Sky Fortress had crashed the remaining forces would have massacred them he orders checking the Vanguard status and taking care of their soldiers later Otis thanks Benjamin for his hard work saving them from damage and allowing him to access communication he also informs him of how he will receive a medal later Benjamin thanks him happy to have access to Chronicles online finally two weeks later the vanguards marched forth under Benjamin's orders and made incredible contributions shocking not only billam but even Commander Otis Otis was so impressed that he even considered making his hot-tempered daughter Michelle his wife or mistress later billam approaches Benjamin and expresses his support for him if he ever wants to go against Cedric and fight for her position Benjamin thanks him but says he will pretend he didn't hear that for him he wanted to fight Cedric and Nova all by himself later Benjamin receives the second class Golden Lion medal from reinhardt's 23rd King himself as he shakes hands with King Kitz he is sure Cedric will lose his mind when he sees this and that was indeed true however Nova assures Cedric that Benjamin isn't even close to being his competitor Cedric agrees knowing that behind them is their maternal grandfather and most of Lawrence VI county is under his mother's control anyway his father is merely a proxy who momentarily rules over the land until he hands it over to Cedric but despite that people used to praise Benjamin for being a prodigy which annoyed the hell out of him a couple of days later Otis gathers all the commanders including Benjamin and reveals how the war will soon come to an end later bam comes to meet Benjamin and declares his loyalty to him once again he assures Benjamin that there are no surveillance devices or spies around and he and other Knights are willing to work under him Benjamin agrees with him but tells him to act normally until he orders him bam then reveals how his lordship is planning to assign sir pesus to him and suggests Benjamin recruit Him in Advance this information surprises Benjamin pesus was originally the vice commander of the KN order of Lawrence with his Superior skills he had virtually no Rivals among all the aura experts with the only exception being the Knight Commander Benjamin had thought pesus had already left the order as he was entangling himself in the family political fight centered around Nova he was typical Warrior and a very popular Knight in other words Benjamin knows there is room for power expansion through him perhaps enough to be on par with Nova and Cedric's forces so recruiting sir pesus didn't seem like a bad idea to him at all especially when it came to a valuable talent that He could use outside of the family he asks billam to arrange his meeting with pesus secretly though attaining power was good Benjamin knew the top priority wasn't to build his own power his top priority is to clear the next lucky encounter Quest and form his seventh circle by today the setting transitions to Benjamin motionless and cold sprawled on the floor nearby Arya and the supersonic Eagle his supporters also lie amidst a pool of blood suddenly a message window appears detailing Benjamin's death and prompting him to retry after regaining his exp all this time while clearing the lucky encounters and reaching level 200 Benjamin never experienced death it's normal to die and overcome struggles in a game but if he dies while sharing his senses with his real world self the pain will be Beyond imagination as they fight the monster Benjamin notices how even Arya who always Stood Still against any enemies is being pushed back right now their opponent was the death knight Pascal he wasn't just an aura Master he also had a named boss Quest buff and an abnormally strong body this one was definitely on a different level and not easy to defeat like the rest and so Benjamin ends up failing the quest and dying he was then resurrected in a village nearby Benjamin wines an agonizing pain he can't even twist in pain because people are everywhere it seems he has had too much trouble till now he uses a support Resurrection scroll to revive Arya she apologizes to him but Benjamin asks if she is okay and doesn't hurt Arya explains that she did but since her senses in the game are far lower than his she can hold it in Benjamin sigh in relief at that he had recruited her without thinking because of her stats as a tank but as he got closer to her he was embarrassed hiding behind her small body he decides to try changing his combat style if she is enduring his pain fighting the death knight showed Benjamin a clear limit to their combat style Arya blocks the enemy's movement and a Black Eagle blocks their sight or sneak attack to support Arya and Benjamin does massive damage from the back with magic the strategy worked out since they were overgeared but it has limits against enemies like death knight who can constantly keep up with Arya the problem is that the long time between each attack and Benjamin's casting time is delaying the main damage that means the only way to keep enemies between casts is through the black Eagle's tackles if there were more and out DPS that could support Arya while he casts their current combat style would work there are only three solutions Benjamin could think of right now one is to use low circle magic so he can reduce casting time and have a higher rate of fire two is using the Black Eagle as an actual fighter instead of as a hit and run support three Arya stops only using a shield and starts using a sword to do damage however in the Second Battle against the death knight Benjamin ends up dying yet again this time he had tried using Arya and the Black Eagle more actively in the fight but it seems hard for Black Eagle to directly face death knight the Black Eagle died within a minute after the fight started he then died after 3 minutes followed by Arya it seems the biggest problem is that the Black Eagle is dying too quickly battles ensued and Benjamin ended up dying yet again this further increases his frustration but this time they were able to fight the death knight longer which allowed them to see his pattern in the fifth Battle the Death Knight remarks that it seems he is fighting a bunch of acrobats as Benjamin uses a Black Eagle to fly over his head however he ends up dying again soon came the ninth battle and they tried different formations this time he came as a Frontline wizard this time amusing the death knight though he died this time too the damage went up much more than last time with another battle Benjamin finally realized that being an evasive wizard he was able to survive on his own which allowed his members to attack act freely this resulted in a 62 minute long battle and the Damage dealt to the death knight was 84% he is now more determined than ever to succeed he logs out of the game as the connection time reaches its limit as Benjamin observes Arya more and more he realizes that her responses are not from an artificially created homunculus it seems that if time passes and she experiences much more she will be no different from a human being he asks Arya to get some rest and He will sleep too with every passing battle the damage Benjamin was able to do to the death knight increased and by the 17th battle the damage dealt to the death knight had reached up to 98% then came the 18th battle and finally he and his members were able to subjugate the death knight Benjamin cheers in Joy he had finally completed the lucky encounter Quest level s and unlocked Manuel Lucas's magic Tower's eighth floor while the seventh floor alone was several times larger than the previous floors Benjamin perceives how the eighth floor is the size of the Royal Library however when AR reveals the decorations aren't made with game Graphics but are all real he immediately becomes alert to his surprise Arya Smiles telling him it's all right they look up to see a figure and Benjamin feels a familiar feeling his eyes widen as he realizes it's the arch Duke Lucas himself however it seemed like a small figure the old man introduces himself as Chester the manager of fate and also a trace of Manuel Lucas he simplifies it for them stating how he is an artificial intelligence created by replicating Manuel Lucas memories Benjamin knows that even if it's a clone he encountered a being who was no different from his savior let alone be happy Benjamin becomes confused Chester reveals how the Hollywood System Manuel Lucas created isn't that perfect this is because memories that were turned into Data may be lost in the transfer or deteriorate plus Chester just exists like a spectre and isn't really alive he explains how Lucas thought that even if a clone memory had a Consciousness it was not his true self if you are interested in internal life life through memory duplication he wouldn't have wandered around virtual space like this but would create a homunculus like Arya and engrave his memories there it seems Benjamin can calm down now that he knows that Manuel Lucas's ultimate goal is not to take over his body he then asks Chester why he appeared he confesses how he was flustered by the difficult situation on the previous floor and wondered if there would be any restrictions or compulsory duties given to him Chester remains quiet and has a message window pop up Benjamin reads how he has been granted the use of Hollywood system administrator Authority five times Chester explains that though Lucas's fate that he acquired has various authorities included there are still limitations as fate hasn't been fully resolved yet Chester reveals how he will be able to exercise administrator authority over all programs based on the Hollywood system which is a virtual reality system hearing this Benjamin's eyes widen in astonishment the Hollywood System only exists with the features of virtual reality and is similar to the Earth's internet Chester says he has to adhere to four rules when exercising Authority they are to not use privilege for Chronicles online prohibit accessing another person's brain or stealing their property and exercise Authority that has a negative impact on the world as Chester agrees to handle a few matters for him Benjamin thinks of him as the genie from the lamp he asks Chester why Lucas is going to this extent Chester reveals how it is his way of expressing missing his hometown and consideration so that Benjamin doesn't live a bad life like he did this makes Benjamin curious surely these words don't suit someone who's called great but he knows that if it weren't for Lucas's existence he wouldn't have reached here he thanks Chester addressing him as Master but he responds that he isn't Manuel Lucas however Benjamin notices the corners of his mouth trembling slightly the treasure chest opens and Benjamin acquires 50 trillion loot as well as a sky fortris Icarus and with that the seventh circle was also created later bill meets with pesus and tries to convince him to pledge allegiance to the genius Master Benjamin Lawrence talking about his contributions and talent though pesus had some doubts he agreed to meet with Benjamin and decide after checking his worthiness bam contacts Benjamin telling him about it all of a sudden Benjamin and Arya teleport using the seventh magic circle there Arya and his Aura Master defeat the hidden enemies sent by Nova shocking pesus and billam who weren't even aware of the threat while Benjamin restores the place and teleports them somewhere else to talk pesus and billam continue to remain stunned the Lewis kingdom is ryh Hart's Kingdom Alliance it is the nation with the greatest number of grand Wizards after the four Empires if anyone is asked to pick the famous wizard out of all of them every single one will mention Duke K Riverdale Duke Kine is a grand Wizard and a teacher who successfully trained six seventh circle Wizards everyone says that the greatest wizard of all time is Arch duuk Lucas but the greatest teacher of all time is Duke K Riverdale he reveals to p that Duke Riverdale was his teacher but sadly he passed away a year ago and the reason he used to play games all the time is because that was the only place he could act without any restriction away from the eyes of Nova he continues lying saying how Duke K taught him in real and virtual reality he wanted to prevent people from doubting how a 20-year-old was able to reach the seventh circle he even has evidence as backup to prove his relationship with the Duke none of these are real but he asked Chester to make them in reality to use them as His Ally by and a record of him having a secret disciple that no one knew of so the Riverdale Family and his other disciples would trust Benjamin when they found him he wishes he could say he is the heir of arch duuk Lucas but people won't leave him alone for the rest of his life he assures the other two that he and Arya can handle Nova and Cedric so there is no reason to try hard to expand their influence he shows pesus his second currency account and tells him to create a group that will obey his orders and gather and tell pesus agrees to help him Benjamin then officially reveals his intentions to push Cedric off the spot inherit the family and have the power that no one can disrespect in the nation he offers his hand asking pesus if he's with him pesus takes his hand pledging his loyalty to him meanwhile Nova was pissed to learn that billam and pesus had survived and that her assassins had been killed she was certain that if the two got together they would be unstoppable she can't let that happen at all she can't let Cedric have a competitor and decides on just killing Benjamin as that is the easiest way she she compels her servant to carry out the plan despite his initial hesitation out of pity for the young Master soon enough a congratulatory party was held on the victory of the 23rd division the war had finally ended and they could all go back home since his fellows got credit for what Benjamin did during the war and were recognized by their families they began to look up to him Otis shifts the conversation to how it's a Pity that Benjamin's title is going to be wasted as he still can't inherit a title he makes pitiful eyes and apologizes he then clears his throat and suggests Benjamin marry his family he reveals how he has one daughter and can make it happen if Benjamin likes Benjamin simulates a smile thanks him and says he will think about it he then recalls how Otis's daughter is the one known for being a maniac he shrugs the thought aside and focuses on going home as when he's back something Nova and Cedric would have never expected would happen the day after reinhardt's and cen's war ended the provincial Army was disbanded immediately Benjamin continues leveling up like crazy in the game every time he gets free time and ends up exhausted the level requirement to challenge lucky encounter Quest level 8 is 250 while his current level is 202 it's been almost 10 days since Benjamin reached level 200 and he feels like he's not advancing forward at all he thought their combat abilities had improved a lot since the battle against the death knight as they got stronger the monsters got stronger the EXP cap went up too so it's impossible to level up at least once a day like before the monster they just Slade needs at least a party of 52 he decides it is best to go slow and steady to achieve the maximum level or he might catch attention he calls for Arya but turns quiet as he sees Arya on standby the eagle tries explaining the situation making Benjamin wonder if something happened outside he immediately logs out and removes the headgear he becomes stunned to see Arya fight some enemies he uses great Shield magic to protect himself and Arya Arya then reveals how they were assassins who used force armor and swords as for the others billam and the vanguards are dealing with them however Arya remarks that this one won't be so easy soon the ceiling comes crashing down and an armored Golem approaches Benjamin Arya reveals that there are a total of six Benjamin size saying it seems Nova changed her Target from him to cilum and pesus Benjamin and Arya fish out their istro arming swords and istro staff to deal with The Intruders using a flame blast Benjamin smoothly defeats them all he and then Arya go forward to spectate the situation for further meanwhile bam was having a hard time defeating the opponents Benjamin and Arya soon arrive at the scene and start subjugating the Assassins Benjamin doesn't even let them flee using teleportation plus there was an aura Master next to him the Assassin leader flees from the scene telling everyone how they are on their own now Arya and Benjamin notice him and quickly capture him Benjamin tells Arya not to kill him the leader looks back to see Benjamin approaching him while his people have all been completely annihilated Benjamin suggests striking a deal but stops as he notices the man struggling to breathe it turns out he had chewed the poison hidden in his molar teeth and died on the other hand people began gathering around Benjamin wondering what just happened William reveals to everyone how Master Benjamin is Duke riverdale's disciple and how the young Genius of VI County Lawrence who was said to have lost his intelligence after taking poison has been making plans for the future while lowering himself and deceiving everyone around him to survive Benjamin sees the scene unfold and observes how good bill is at influencing people as soon as Benjamin arrives home his mother tearfully dashes to him and hugs him his father Smiles at him telling him he has worked hard in any case Benjamin knows it's normal to hold a parade in celebration of his receiving the medal on the battlefield but it's too quiet his father apologizes for not giving him a warm welcome but Benjamin shrugs it off knowing it must be Nova's doing the vicount says that in return they have prepared a Grand Banquet to celebrate his return at the banquet Benjamin encounters a shocked Nova and Cedric Cedric congratulates him saying it isn't that big of a deal but he should be congratulated Benjamin only smiles in response while mentally cursing at the two he swears to push them into a swamp so deep that they can never escape from it and strangle them where they are in despair however he has no intention to be a pushover right now he remarks how ridiculous Cedric is talking as if he is capable of doing anything and if he had led the people to the battlefield he would have been completely wiped out out Cedric turns Furious but Benjamin keeps insulting him calmly Cedric decides to use billam as a pawn in orders for him to be captured on the pretense of rebelling against the family however no one follows his orders and rather embarrasses himself as the knights tell him to capture bilam on his own if he wants to fuming with rage Cedric defies his father's strict orders and rushes at Benjamin brandishing a sword however his attack is stopped by Arya who casually munches on a turkey leg she then uses it to maack Cedric Square in the face as the onlookers gasp in astonishment Benjamin can't help but watch the scene unfold in Amusement after acting all high and mighty Benjamin couldn't help but chuckle at Cedric being grabbed and beaten with a turkey leg by a woman half his size the commotion gets interrupted by Commander cron who is the center of Nova and Cedric's forces he takes out his sword and tells Benjamin that he has crossed the line he shouldn't have for the night Commander to pull out the sword himself makes it seem he is protecting the King as a royal guard Benjamin states that he is the one crossing the line right now Cedric tells croh to kill them if they dare harm him croh agrees that they must die however as a vassel he can't harm the second young master who is part of the Lawrence Family he then points his sword at Arya saying it's a different story with the Wench who calmly munches on the turkey leg cron states that he will proceed directly to judgment without trial however before he can wield his sword the knights including bam Point their swords at Commander cron shocking him he could see some of the knights who were from Cedric's faction too making him feel like something wasn't right they get interrupted as Cedric's reinforcements appear making him more arrogant Benjamin had wondered why Nova wasn't doing anything for her beloved Son all this time but it seems she has been discreetly calling for reinforcements on the phone they began attacking on Cron's order despite Benjamin warning them they were going against the vicount while they fight Benjamin calls them foolish he unhides arya's real form and tells her to take care of everyone except for the commander that she does within seconds shocking everyone Benjamin pinches cron telling him how he made a grave Mistake by rebelling he uses his magic power on him making everyone realize he's an arch Mage this causes Nova and Cedric to tremble in fear later when the news of what happened reaches Nova's father Raven margrave he becomes enraged news and videos of the scene kept circulating online about treason committed by Nova and Cedric under Raven's orders but he says it doesn't matter as no one can dare oppose Raven margrave who possesses military power equal to that of a Duke and a marquee combined but it is obvious that a young Arch Mage and Aura Master will draw people's attention and involve the royal family but Raven states that will only happen if it is true as the two can easily be turned into swindlers they can just announce the video is fabricated and they may take care of the video before it can be authenticated to Raven margrave such provocation was war and he swears to make Benjamin regret it on the other hand Duchess Olivia Riverdale along with two other men comes to meet Benjamin she was an arch Mage belonging to the Lewis Kingdom and the daughter of the famous Duke K while she is said to be the closest to the eighth Circle among the arch Mes in leis her existence is equal to that of the patriarch of the Riverdale Family to which the six Arch mes belong unlike Benjamin who gains strength through lucky encounters Olivia is a true genius who reached the seventh circle at the age of 22 she tests Benjamin's identity and skills and ends up approving him then asks for a favor on the other hand while Raven is dispatching his troops he gets to see the press release for Olivia she declares Benjamin her father's disciple and accepts him as an arch Mage she also warns anyone who dares harm him which means they are going against the Riverdale Family Raven curses at them but he orders the troops to be dispatched like they plan to using an eagle Benjamin spies on them and knows it's time to go he recalls how Olivia offered to help him further but he refused to take any as he teleports with Arya he knows he doesn't want to rely on anyone else's help when it comes to exacting Revenge after all isn't revenge for the sake of self-satisfaction everything must be done according to his plans and solely under his leadership he had told Olivia his opponents were his prey and he didn't want to share the joy of hunting them with others the scene shifts to Nova and Cedric Escaping The Prison with help using her Hidden Fortress Nova unlocks it with the key and teleports inside she swears to make the peasant payb and plans on destroying him in the VI County with the sky Fortress the sky Fortress Is soon activated and Nova orders the preparation of the main Cannon Firestorm to Target VI County Lawrence but before she can order them to fire Benjamin appears out of the blue and shuts her up he remarks that she acted perfectly as he predicted he thanks her for unlocking the security of Sky fortress on the other hand Arya beats Cedric to a pulp Cedric tries to sweeten up his brother but to no avail he traps them using great Shield magic as for the knights he transports them to Raven margrave wishing them the best of luck in becoming fertilizer for erom Raven Benjamin then decides to use the media platform in political ways and upload even more videos he soon carries out the deed making Cedric and Nova lose more influence Raven's troops soon teleport to the vi County while Nova screams at them not to come Benjamin starts a Mona surge to carry out a suicide bombing blast while Cedric begs for forgiveness he leaves the Fortress with Arya bidding Nova and Cedric goodbye some might say that revenge is meaningless but Benjamin Lawrence totally disagrees as he tells Arya to make a wish together while watching fireworks he realizes alcohol has never tasted so sweet as this and so on August 15th 2019 Benjamin was successfully able to erase Nova and Cedric who had been causing him trouble in this world and now Benjamin Lawrence has earned his absolute freedom on the other hand Raven was Furious as hell he orders Adrien to be immediately put on the phone with him he continues insulting Benjamin who remains remains calm and rather politely reveals how he has sent a present on its way to him he reveals the present to be 10 rounds of seventh circle magic Blaze blast as he hears people rush in panic from the blast on the call Benjamin laughs manically and ends the call he then leaves for the conference Hall to carry out his next move as he has gathered reporters there as he walks past the staff he notices how they are trembling at the sight of him all have looked down on him without hesitation in the past but now it's time to say goodbye to his past of playing dumb the second act of his Splendid life has begun Benjamin holds a conference addressing the sky Fortress suicide bombing which quickly circulated online reports were published favoring the new Arch Mage while openly opposing Raven margrave Benjamin thanks his supporters it seems he is an influencer now after having gained 1 million followers in a day billam however expressed his concern over people blaming Benjamin for bringing down a renowned Noble but Benjamin doesn't care about people's reactions as he has no intention of back down anymore Bill understands him knowing he lived his whole life being suppressed The Raven margrave incident caused controversy in and out of the country there were articles criticizing Benjamin as well since the Raven family is still solid but public opinion was biased towards Benjamin this led people on the neutral side to join in on his side he almost feels as if the entire nation is on his side commoners are basically slaves to Nobles but Benjamin is different and knows he can benefit from these people's support he has to prove to them that he is different from those people and will do that by constantly communicating with them online soon enough Benjamin and Arya are ordered to present themselves at the board of inspection Benjamin thinks of three things from the letter either High Nobles or Royal councils plan to tame them or it might be raven margraves play they wouldn't have sent an order if they wanted to be friends with them he Reveals His plan to billam and his father about how he can pay the taxes on the insane amount of money he earned to change their opinion as well as that of the Nobles though they doubted his plan at first they agreed to support him when he showed them his bank balance which was about 60 trillion loots and since he will pay a hefty amount as tax he will be granted a tax exemption by the Royal Guild he also decides to buy more sky fortresses and vanguards using the money news soon spread and also reached the Earl ai's family's ears despite his suggestion Michelle refused to marry or pursue Benjamin she states that despite his looks being of her type she must pursue Luca's fate and be independent she protests about how it exists making Otis Ponder deeply he realizes that the reason for Benjamin's boldness and actions must be because he possesses the fate of Manuel Lucas however his attention gets diverted as the news reveals how Republic priest announced they found Manuel Lucas's lucky encounter on the other hand Benjamin had planned and ordered his fake lucky encounter operation to be carried out he did so to prevent people from finding out he was the one who found Manuel Lucas's fate he had found out how Lucas spent all his life trying to research di menion magic definitely since he missed home and the reason he kept leaving traces that he was from Earth is probably because he hoped to meet someone from his home but now that he has passed away Lucas's Legacy has become Benjamin's hope and he promises Lucas to carry out his research further soon enough people began cheering and praising the 29-year-old fake lucky encounter possessor Lou Fairmont from Prius Republic he was originally an intelligence agent for the Prius Republic and the son of President cartro he is the second generation Tycoon who shamelessly screws around using his father's name the fake lucky encounter possessor operation that Benjamin devised is to make someone act like the possessor of fate and divert the world's attention away from him through this operation Benjamin can shake off any doubts people may have about him and gain some time until he reaches his Ninth Circle although he doesn't feel sorry at all for putting a bomb in Louie hands it bothers Benjamin to leave Arch Mage Manuel Lucas's name to someone like him but Chester assures him it's a smart move for now the Prius Republic is considered one of F four major Empires it is almost the only country that Advocates democracy and elects its president but in reality corruption and collusion are fundamental in politics and business it's no different from a dictatorship in which the president has been in power for as long as 14 years Chester reveals how when the bomb named fake lucky encounter possessor explodes it will be difficult for Louie and the president to be safe but in the long run Benjamin's actions will likely bring change to the corrupt Fairmont regime Benjamin agrees but hopes to prevent innocent casualties from this plan Chester reminds him how he has one last administrator privilege left and asks if he doesn't want to use it yet Benjamin denies saying he will save the last one in case of an emergency currently Benjamin's level is 205 he knows it might take him a while to reach level 250 the first condition of the eighth lucky encounter Quest on the other hand things came to peace within the Lawrence duy Maids tried their best to keep their jobs and serve the new Lord and his lover the day for Benjamin to appear at the inspection soon arrived he took two of his escorts from the academy too they soon arrive at reinhardt's Capital Lionel at the Royal Administrative Building people gush over Benjamin and Arya crazily he and Arya get escorted Inside by Baron Harris Walker who reveals how crazy it has been because of them but despite them being non-inherited Nobles they earn their place through their own work Benjamin reads The Baron's profile and finds out how he has the traits of an Integrity leader as well as four High and talents he gives Harris his name card saying he was thinking of appointing a talented administrator to the vi County when he gets it he tells him to contact him if he is interested promising to give him the best treatment confusing Harris Harris guides them to investigation room one Harris warns Benjamin to be careful as the Chief Inspector isn't happy about him Benjamin smiles and he thanks him for the information he enters the inspection room only to face a panel of men he realizes why the baron is worried it's because of the the presence of inspectors Douglas Hamington and the second Prince as well as Aura Master Luke Reinhardt he wonders why the second order of succession is sitting in front of him he greets the prince and reads his profile his stats are as high as expected for an aura Master but not as high as his Fame Luke informs Benjamin how he will be leading the investigation and Benjamin agrees to follow Luke observes the two with Focus Benjamin notices his discomfort and wonders why it is present Luke soon initiates the investigation though the there was nothing special in the investigation Benjamin had his Alibi if things went South Luke dismisses the investigation in Benjamin's favor stating that Raven committed an ambush and was likely to suffer unexpected damages Luke then addresses Benjamin directly explaining how he was evenly competing against his brother for the crown but it stirred after he showed Graven margrave was one of Luke's main influences but Benjamin shut him down he tells Benjamin that he doesn't blame him as it was Raven's fault he then asks Benjamin to join forces with him before his brother asks him to Benjamin realizes this to be the real motive behind Luke's joining this investigation the first prince is already the Crown Prince but there's a quiver to it because the second Prince became an aura Master they are fairly equal but thinking about how the second Prince came this far despite the first prince having the rightful status and Heritage it seems Luke is in favor and now he and Arya seem to be the game changers that can break the balance in Luke's favor he asks for some time to think and Luke grants him per permission he even tries luring him with promises like bestowing him with the title of Marquee though Benjamin finds himself interested in such bribes he finds Luke's Behavior towards them off especially with Arya when he holds hands with her as well as the way he looks at her as they walk out of the room and talk about where to eat a man approaches them he cheekily smiles and joins in on their conversation agreeing to eat with them reading his profile Benjamin is shocked to discover that the man is none other than Crown Prince Michael Reinhardt on top of that that Michael was overpowered and Benjamin knew he couldn't make an enemy out of him Michael Praises him for seeing his true identity through his spell which made others aloof from his identity he guides them to the teleportation room and teleports them to his Palace successfully managing to mess with the security system he welcomes them friendly and offers them dinner Benjamin senses Michael's intentions aren't bad and aren't fake unlike the second Prince and so when Michael proposed to him that he join forces with him promising to support him in earning the vicount title Benjamin agreed on the spot he also advises the prince to get something back since he is letting his brother win the title instead of ending it like that upon asking Benjamin remarks that there's no reason to stop it by just backing down and is instead a chance to cut him off He suggests demoting Raven to the position of an Earl while having an Earl promoted to become a margrave if this plan is accepted they will maximize their profits from his betrayal however Benjamin senses Michael becoming suspicious of him Michael asks him who he feels on on the second Prince's side before he feels him Benjamin reveals Baron Walker guided him to the room where he met Prince Luke and vicount Hamington there were six more inspectors as well Benjamin wonders if he did something wrong the prince Chuckles awkwardly and his status turns into confusion it seems Michael can read minds though Benjamin can't read someone's mind directly he can assume it through his glasses the prince got confused that there was a chance his plan leaked because he talked about his plan word for word without mentioning it the prince Praises him for being a genius and thinking of the same plan as him and he offers to remain friends with him Benjamin also wants the same and agrees Michael gives Arya and Benjamin communication devices as well through which they can remain in contact with him without any bugging he then allows them to leave using teleportation hoping to see them again Benjamin and Arya get transported to a storage unit near the entrance while they get out of the storage and into the capital they bump into their subordinates who seem to be having fun shopping they immediately hidees stuff behind their back Arya points to a fan store of him and Arya which takes Benjamin by surprise and it seems bill and the boy bought the souvenirs too making them awkward now meanwhile in the bringham Empire's Palace the King was Furious to see the arch Duke's fate have fallen into clueless people's hands to Edward Noah bringham the Fate belonged to his Empire the home country of Manuel Lucas that led rondel into the golden age he asks his adviser Earl Alfred of the 7th Circle about the matter alred brings up findings of how either Arch Duke Lucas tricked them or someone has already found the fate and dragged the Fairmont Empire just to distract others the king orders for a thorough investigation to be conducted and announces that whoever finds the Fate outside the bringham Empire will result in an act of theft he also orders the Earl to contact the young Infamous boy from Reinhardt Kingdom and offer him immigration as this land is better than the one he is in right now with this the video ends stay tuned for more updates
Channel: Real Recap
Views: 8,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manhwa recap, Manga recap, Anime recap, Real Recap, Manhwa Tower, Manhwa Dealer, Manhwa Galaxy, Manhwa Life, Voice of Manhwa, Dronzer Recap, ManhwaCapped, Manhwa Recommendation, solo farming in the tower manhwa recap, solo farming in the tower, asura manhwa recap, dungeon anime recap, farming recap, chef recap, good manhwa recap, dungeon manhwa, good manhwa, latest manhwa recap, A Reincarnated Noble Becomes the Heir of the Greatest Wizard by Playing Video Games
Id: ikBFJz2wdyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 55sec (3895 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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