Her Cruel Family Sent Her To Marry A Dead Duke But He's Actually Alive And Will Do Anything For Her

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hey guys today we'll be recapping a Mona called my unexpected marriage please remember to like And subscribe if you enjoy the video as it really helps our Channel grow thanks meet lorett Breer like most noble girls she always knew that one day she would have to get married to a man chosen by her parents finally that day has come standing before her irritable father she has no choice but to accept whatever he chooses for her between her father and half sister lorett isn't very well liked you see as an illegitimate child she's basically the black sheep of the family she's always been told that she should never dream of taking their family's titles and expected to be grateful for every little thing her family provides but for once she doesn't want to Bow her head and act obedient the Duke her father has assigned to her has just had all his property confiscated and is even suspected of treason I mean how much worse could he get her half sister laughs like a maniac she's f that lorett has dared to talk back and launches across the room to deliver a stinging slap wow and her father is just going to sit there and watch what kind of family is this even the maids are ignoring her lorett has finally snapped she refuses to be the obedient daughter any longer and to prove it she shoves her sister Rose to the ground and climbs on top of her she starts yelling about how vicious and mean she is while Rose stares back at her horrified the next second her father intervenes separating the girls and throwing lorett against the wall he thinks she's being ungrateful considering she's an illegitimate child he could have thrown her out on the street I guess he's completely ignoring the fact that the illegitimate child come from parents she didn't just appear from thin air bro that's your daughter right there like a spoiled little child Rose asks her father to beat her up until she loses Consciousness and he accepts but lorett isn't going to go down without a fight she bites down on his ankle as hard as she can refusing to let go until she is kicked across the room damn this is getting intense after all that Kicking and Screaming it's time for a little context the man lorett is supposed to marry is Duke Reinhardt who was so powerful he was second only to the Imperial family themselves originally he was engaged to Rose who fell in love with him at First Sight and begged her father to make them a match then after winning a war for the Empire Duke Reinhardt was murdered by his captives instead of just a nulling the marriage count buer decided to send his other daughter so that they could receive the huge dowy that had been promised what a cheap skate so despite all her Fury and fighting spirit lorett is being sent to the Reinhardt estate to fulfill the bargain even though there's no longer a husband waiting for her though Duke Reinhardt was once Rich after his passing people found evidence of him being a rebel now the only thing left in his name is a small property deep in the mountains lorett arrives to find it completely deserted over grown and empty of any signs of life you might think she'd be panicking but actually she's Overjoyed finally she is away from her family and has a home all to herself the building itself is in good condition but she has a lot of work to do if she wants to survive the winter meanwhile back at the brw estate Rose is still mourning the death of her beloved Duke her parents remind her that in the eyes of the Empire he is now a traitor there's no reason to think about him any longer but Rose can't forget him she keeps going back to the night they met met when she first saw him at a party she decided then and there that she wanted to marry him and ran straight to Daddy to make it happen she's such a brat her mother lady Breer has never been fond of lorett but she's glad that her husband's illegitimate child ended up being useful by keeping the honor of the Breer family and gaining them a lot of money but her husband isn't quite so happy to hear Lorette being brought up over and over again especially when his wife makes fun of her appearance he flies into a rage and tells them both to shut up slamming a fist on the table dishes glasses and food fly everywhere a small Shard from his wine glass cuts the lady's cheek leaving a trail of blood in its wake okay is it just me or is everyone in this family super violent what is with these people somehow the count decides this is all his wife's fault and tells her and Rose to get out he always gets like this when lorett is mentioned ever since she first laid eyes on her Half Sister Rose has hated her her she was jealous of her pale skin and shiny silver hair above all she hated the idea that her father had another daughter one who didn't look like any of them even though she was meant to be the older sister she never acted like one instead of leaving him alone Rose approaches her father for her this is a happy day Lorette is finally gone and their family can go back to how they were before jeez just how delusional is this girl she tries to cheer her father up by saying lorett is probably already dead not sure how that's supposed to make him feel better she's a little twisted isn't she unfortunately for Rose lorett is doing just fine on her own she spent what little money was left by the count on firewood since most of the woodlands surrounding the Villa are too damp to catch fire it's times like this when her tragic childhood actually comes in handy for once but even the smallest reminder of those dark times makes lorett uncomfortable so she busies herself with dinner instead she stole a few matches and some spices from The Brew estate before they kicked her out but all she has right now are potatoes and there aren't a lot either any ordinary Noble girl would be stuck in a situation like this but lorett has Street smarts from her time as a commoner and starts searching the house for valuable pieces of furniture to sell the staff took all the expensive silverware but there's a lot left that will probably keep her afloat until she can get a job things are really looking up for little Lett after appraising the furniture she sits down to enjoy a delicious baked potato with a little sprinkle Ling of salt and pepper she's not doing so bad for a girl who's been left for dead in the mountains she's already planning out the next few days grateful to finally be somewhere warm and satisfied when she was younger she was starved and lived a difficult life as if that wasn't bad enough her mother abandoned her when she was eight leaving her with count buer the father she'd never met at first he was kind to her he accepted her as part of the family and for a while people went along with it but Ros never saw her as one of them and often beat her locking her in her room and refusing to let her join the family for dinner G this girl just gets worse and worse so even though she became a noble lorett is happier and better fed now than she has ever been before she has her own house some food and tea and hopefully soon she'll be able to get a job the first few weeks passed smoothly the villagers are very kind and take good care of her they even gave her some seeds to plant before the winter hits by now she has stocked a small supply of cooking ingredients and knickknacks the house isn't totally clean yet but honestly what would you prioritize cleaning or food I know I'd be the same in her position she got some tips and good quality beef from the town's people so lorett starts making a delicious stew to warm her up but just as she's adding the pepper there's a sudden Bang from outside wait is someone at the door the door to her abandoned Villa in the mountains that's a little spooky lorett pokes her head into the hallway trying to tell if anyone is at the door maybe it was a passing animal or a bird that fell from the sky but if it is a bird then she should save it at least that's what lorett thinks there's no way you'd ever catch me risking my life to save some pigeon nervously she eases open the door to find not a bird but a hulking Man in Black armor on her doorstep and he's bleeding heavily he calls her nanny and mumbles that he didn't do it before collapsing on lat what the heck is going on somehow she manages to get him inside and wrapped in some blankets before the fire which is pretty impressive considering he's about three times her size of course she recognized him at once this is Duke Reinhardt the supposedly dead Duke Reinhardt who is now a traitor of the Empire is it just me or did anyone else kind of see that coming but lorett isn't bothered about his reputation the only thing she cares about is cleaning his wounds keeping him warm and breaking his fever he seems to be in a lot of pain she's not sure if he'll last the night while watching him rest she thinks about how strange it is that this wounded soldier is her husband and wonders if she will regret helping him even so she doesn't want him to die she doesn't need any more chores and disposing of a body is a pretty big one meanwhile the Duke is reliving his memories from the end of the war they had just gained a victory and were about to head home then one of the Duke's men a soldier named barthol rushed up and stabbed him the only only explanation he gives is a warning that Reinhardt made an enemy of the Imperial family and this is the consequence the Duke suddenly comes to his senses with a gasp sitting upright in the abandoned Villa he recognizes the location but not the girl asleep on his legs when he first saw the white hair he thought she was an old lady that must be why he called her nanny at the door lorett wakes up just as suddenly as he did there's about 3 seconds of awkward eye contact before she says it's a relief her favorite chair didn't end up as his final resting place then she asks if he likes stew as if the whole situation is perfectly normal and not something out of a straight up nightmare the Duke is taken aback by her laid-back attitude but he can't do much to stop her as she begins to cook minutes later a delicious bowl of Stew is brought to his chair that's pretty top quality service if you ask me the Duke is surprised and calls her Miss but lorett corrects him she is married after all her injured Soldier doesn't take the hint he doesn't have much to say so the vibe gets steadily more Awkward until Lett fetches a bucket of water to clean his stomach wound with she warns him not to hold back he can scream all he wants because this is definitely going to hurt the wound is several weeks old but it hasn't healed well the Duke suspects the sword has something special like a poison maybe which is why he ended up so frail and weak otherwise a slash to the stomach would have been no big deal apparently lure calmly washes the wound and holds his hand the whole time not in a cute way but so that he doesn't clench his fist and accidentally hurt himself she wraps him up in bandages apologizing that there are no fresh clothes for him to change into at this point the Duke is grateful but kind of suspicious like why is this random lady squatting in his house lorett explains that she recently became the lady Reinhardt which means this Villa now belongs to her finally everything clicks into place the Duke barely remembers signing the marriage agreement and is even less sure about the woman he agreed to marry her name was Rose but he didn't remember seeing her face ouch Rose thought that there would be sweethearts but it turns out he didn't even know who she was serves her right I guess the Duke points out that lorett just helped a trait her but she doesn't really care at this point that's the least of her worries he finds her kind of odd but the Duke is strangely amused by his new wife so he settles back allowing her to tuck him in while he rests a while longer it will be quite some time until he's healed after all for now he just has to sleep and hope for the best while he's resting the next day the first snow arrives lorett is a little disappointed that she won't be able to plant her seedlings but keeps her focus on her injured Husband by the way does anyone think it's kind of crazy how quickly she's adjusted all of this like a man who's supposed to be dead shows up at her door and she just rolls with it kind of iconic really she Brews him tea and brings it to his bedroom the Duke claims his fever has improved but one touch of his forehead proves he's a liar she tells him not to bother trying to hide the truth and makes him sit up to drink the tea she went to the market especially to get tea leaves which helped to lower fevers and added milk for nutritional value what a sweet wife she is the Duke thinks the same and thanks her for the effort Lor claims it was no trouble even though it clearly was and opens the window to get some fresh air in the snow reminds the Duke of his childhood years where he would come to this Villa for the holidays his mother was frail and often retreated to the Villa when she was sick so he spent a lot of time there growing up watching the snowfall with her after she passed away he never set foot in the Villa again he sent the staff away hoping that the house would eventually crumble and disappear it's a good thing it didn't otherwise he wouldn't have had anywhere to come after the Betrayal speaking of which the Duke wants to tell lorett the truth that he's not really a traitor he tries to get up but ends up collapsing beside the bed instead while passed out the Duke who whose name is Ian once again returns to his childhood remembering his mother's arrival one winter at the Villa he was delighted to see her and while they were walking the corridors upstairs he caught sight of a girl with silver hair passing by he couldn't Place her but for some reason he knew that woman was his wife kind of a strange thought for a 10-year-old to have is he Delirious from the favor pushing her out of his mind he sits down to lunch with his mother she can't eat much as she's really very sick and heads upstairs to rest Ian wants to get her favorite rocking chair for her but someone else was sitting in it or that's what it looked like anyway when the lady turns around it's his mother he is worried about her health as are pretty much all of the staff in the Mansion but she assures him she'll be around for many years to come it's a shame she couldn't keep her promise when Ian wakes up it's lorett and not his mother by his side his fever went up again during the night so she tells him not to try and speak dabbing at his sweat with a cool towel the Duke can't help but be reminded of his family the way she takes care of him so sweetly but since lorett has married into the Reinhardt name isn't she technically family now too it's kind of cute when you think about it fortunately Ian turns a corner after that night you see to be a sword master in this Empire one has to be able to control their mana and controlling your Mana gives you special powers including the ability to heal much faster than the average person so once the fever is broken he can recover at a normal rate a week after his arrival his condition has already improved a lot he's starting to eat again so lorett makes a vegetable soup to speed his recovery Ian makes it out of bed to join her in the kitchen which comes as quite a shock to his wife/ nurse he was drawn by the smell of her cooking and even offers to help out so lorett pokes him right in his wound just to Humble him a little bit they sit down to eat together and Ian finishes everything who knew she had such a talent for cooking Ian wants to show his appreciation but as we've already seen he's not the best at using his words suddenly he gets the idea to wash up the dishes but one stern look from lorett makes him sit right back down again she cleans up instead leaving him alone to wonder how he can be more of a help to her the only thing he can think of is a silver necklace with a stunning blue vial it's not clear how but the Duke intends to clear his name using that necklace maybe it's proof of his innocence when lorett returns he asks to talk to her he warns her that what he's about to say may sound a little crazy and hesitates a while after a moment he tells her the truth that he was framed he's not really a traitor although lorett had already guessed that by now she doesn't question him not even for a second she just asks if it was the Imperial family who did it our girl is one smart cookie but like any reasonable woman she does ask for proof Ian breaks out his necklace it turns out the liquid in that little vial is purified Dragon Tears yes that's right dragons exist in this universe although they are few and far between their territory is off limits to humans normally there is no interaction between dragons and humans but every now and again a dragon runs rampant and comes down to the human world to attack that's why sword Masters are so important they are the front line of defense between humans and the Rogue dragons who run wild and when a dragon is killed they're often harvested for their magical properties the rarest of which are their tears anyone who drinks them is compelled to tell the truth it's a family treasure that has been handed down through the reinhardt's for Generations just before he went off to war the Crown Prince warned Ian to take it with him he must have known what was coming and wanted to do something even something small for the Duke who was about to be murdered with the vial at his side Ian has some hope better yet he has a plan a few hundred years ago the iosa Empire ran into some trouble with their Noble class since the Empire is formed of various smaller factions there was lots of tension between the aristocracy of the previous Nations in an attempt to unify these factions the Empire set several laws for social interaction one of which is that for the Imperial party held on National Foundation day all families above the rank of count have to be invited that means in spring when the foundation day comes around lorett like all the other Nobles will receive an invitation on that day Ian plans to sneak into the ball and prove his innocence in front of everyone using the Dragon Tears of course this plan is insanely risky and it relies heavily on the Crown print supporting him if he does actually manage to get inside the palace in one piece and before he does any of that he will need to fully recover from his injuries that's going to take some time lorett asks if he's planning to go in alone taking her invitation that is what he had in mind since he doesn't want her to be connected to him if anything goes wrong but actually he would have a much higher chance of success if she came along with him of course she has plenty of reasons not to go for one thing Rose will definitely be there and she isn't in a hurry to have a a family reunion anytime soon for another there's the whole issue of her identity the Duke still assumes that she is Rose not lorett and if things go well and his name is cleared there's a chance she'll be swapped out for her bratty sister who was so in love with Ian in the first place so why would she want to help him regain his title lorett acts a little cold towards him after that but Ian can't understand why a little later she heads out to get some water and he offers to do it for her his health is gradually improving but lorett is too good of a nurse to let an injured patient head out into the snow without a coat honestly what is he thinking she runs out by herself hoping to get far enough that he can't follow her but let's just say lorett is not a runner or a track star and it doesn't take long for Ian to catch up he follows quietly from behind just wanting to keep an eye on her and make sure she's safe it takes literally seconds before she hears his footsteps on the snow and turns around good job sword master lorett is clearly annoyed but they've come too far to send him back alone when they reach the stream she fills up her bucket and starts heading back but the Duke is nowhere to be found lorett starts to panic did he fall in the Stream when she wasn't looking actually no he just caught a fish with his bare hands no idea how he did that Dukes are just built different I guess he tries to take the bucket of water as well but lorett doesn't want to hand it over it's so full that they both start to shake and suddenly it spills all over Ian oh no he just got over a fever and now he's going to have a whole new one lorett rushes him back to the villa and apologizes for getting him ill again Ian doesn't seem to mind but he is a little sniffly to help him regain some strength she suggests they cook the fish over the fire and get him some food while she's talking the Duke suddenly realizes that they are no longer using titles but they aren't using their first names either he asks if they can call each other by their names they are married after all it's the least they can do he even tries to warm up the Atmosphere by call calling her deer at the end what a cutie but lorett isn't so eager to get on a first name basis that would mean revealing her true identity explaining her illegitimate birth it's not exactly a comfortable topic she doesn't respond and the Duke takes a step towards her asking what's wrong he almost calls her Rose but she shouts suddenly protesting the name in her panic she trips on the carpet and Falls against the wall Ian wants to help her but lorett tells him not to she's pretty aggressive actually even just hearing her sister's name feels like torment how much longer will she be haunted by that girl lorett tries to act normal well as normal as anyone could after having a mental breakdown at the sound of their own name she moves to the kitchen to prepare dinner leaving Ian confused he wants to come with her in case she trips again but his wife slaps his hand away and tells him to go away well if he didn't think anything was up before he definitely will now why is she so bad at acting dazed in a little hurt Ian watches her walk away wondering what he did wrong is it because he's a traitor and she doesn't want to get too friendly with him uncertain Ian tells her he will come and find her once she's calmed down lorett doesn't respond when she gets to the kitchen she slumps against the wall frustrated with herself after months of freedom and hardly even thinking about her horrible family it's not nice to hear their names again especially as a reminder that everything she has is supposed to be roses in a flashback we get to see lett's perspective of her first first meeting with rose when they were only 9 and 8 years old from the moment they met she knew Rose was different she had grown up surrounded by love and wealth and never once looked at lorett as a sister although she understood why Rose hated her the Injustice stung poor little lorett it was her father who had the affair why should she suffer the consequences she tried to get closer to Rose and paid for it she was falsely accused of stealing one of her sister's necklaces earning her the hatred of her family which began endless years of Torment back in the present lorett has calmed down a little besides there's no time to dwell on the past it's the middle of winter and her husband has a cold they need food and warm water before the sun goes down she gets to action right away but can't shake a little guilt for the way she reacted to Ian for now she decides to let him call her Rose if that's what's best for both of them at least that's what she thinks anyone else wondering why she doesn't just come clean that way they could work together to find a way to clear his name and stayed married duh anyway when lored finds Ian again he seems tense in the quiet they can hear footsteps a pair of them the national Foundation day is in spring so there's no reason to deliver invitations at this time of year but who else would have come all this way into the mountains someone knocks at the door asking if anyone is inside the most important thing is for Ian not to be caught if anyone sees the shadow of a man inside word will quickly spread to the Imperial family and they'll send someone to investigate then they would really be in trouble lorett tells the Duke to hide moving toward the door she asks who is at the door but the stranger won't say they're surprised to hear that the house is actually occupied and asked to be let in claiming they're from the government office well that's not good lored opens the door the man is indeed in uniform and looks surprised to see a young lady standing before him he explains that the latest Imperial order requires a nationwide census report the locals from the village told him about a girl who comes up and down the mountain so he came to check it out whether it's for tax purposes or because this guy's just a SAS we don't know but led is cautious enough to start closing the door she tells him that she lives alone but the government officer catches the door apparently he saw two sets of footprints coming up towards the cabin so now he's suspicious if only Ian wasn't such a stubborn gentleman this wouldn't be a problem lure quickly covers by claiming that a herbalist from the village came to visit he's not quite convinced so he Stomps inside to make sure there's no one else around lorett is furious as if it wasn't bad enough that he's intruding in her home he even has the nerve to ask for tea G the living room is clear but just as they're about to enter the kitchen they hear a loud crash lorett runs to the window to find Ian outside in the snow clutching at his side the officer is right behind her the only thing she can think of is to pretend Ian is a cat she grabs a knife from the Block and screams at him raising her knife and telling Ian to get out of her sight not bad now where were these amazing acting skills when he called her Rose Ian is not getting the hint or maybe he just can't move so lorett pretends there's another cat outside and turns to the officer still wielding the knife by now he's definitely no longer thinking she would be fun to mess around with I mean the girl looks clinically insane so the officer leaves while lorett screams threats at him from the doorway I don't think he'll be coming back anytime soon as soon as he's out of sight lorett closes the door and Ian climbs back inside after her slightly deranged performance things are a little awkward all he can think to say is that she must really hate cats ironically that's not true at all but at least she fooled him lorett can feel her husband staring while she puts the knife away and honestly can you blame him he probably thought she was going to throw a knife at him for a second back there thanks to their unexpected visitor she missed a chance to talk to him about the whole Rose incident so she tells him just to call her Rose from now on she only got so upset before because she does doesn't like her name she says and apologizes for overreacting and that is technically true lorett is the name of a lowly goddess born from a relationship between the god of life and death and a fairy she led a sinful Life as a result of her low birth and the story say she died a sad death heck of a goddess to be named after it suits an illegitimate child of course but there's no way anyone would like a name like that Ian must have been able to sense the truth behind it he promises not to call her since she doesn't like it and offers to prepare the dinner she had started for a man who wields a sword on the battlefield he's pretty good with a knife and from his time at se he learned to cook pretty well with only limited ingredients he even knows how to filet seriously this guy's the full package I'm not sure who's a better cook lorett or the Duke but by the time he's finished there is a restaurant quality meal waiting to be devoured he helps lorett into a seat and serves up the fish was too small to make two serving so he's given up his dinner for her sake a even though he's going hungry Ian seems happy with the look on her face when she tries his food it's the first time in a long time that she's been cared for like this in her first family her mother abandoned her and in the second one she was abused so even small gestures like cooking or asking how she likes the food mean a lot to lorett maybe this third family could be the one that sticks they spend the winter peacefully and by the time spring arrives the two of them have built a little life together the cat who often visits is called Butterfly and seems very fond of lorett actually she kind of looks like lorett you know if she was a cat the first Blades of grass are already poking through the snow the first sign of real life that they've seen in quite some time spring is finally here which means the national Foundation day is getting closer and closer lorett arrives on their front porch and sits down beside Ian who starts braiding her hair okay what the heck where can I find a man who's going to feed my cat and braid my hair he's literally an angel he plucks a dandelion to show his wife but lorett isn't interested in anything she can't eat kind of relatable honestly the impending invitation arrives about a month before the Imperial ball is due to be held the messenger who delivers it calls her Duchess probably the first time she's been addressed that way it's even written on the invitation Duchess Reinhardt but is it lorett or rose that owns that name once the messenger has left she hands the invitation over to the finally his plan is about to be put into action it makes him think of his staff all the wonderful people he cared for who worked under him although they were mostly shown Mercy by the Imperial family there's no way of knowing where they went how they're doing it's difficult for Ian to accept nowadays the only person he can rely on is lorett who has also warmed up to him at last noticing his concern she gives him a big hug after all these weeks she has also decided that she wishes to accompany him at the palace Ian shocked and more than a little annoyed although it would be certainly less suspicious if they arrived together it would put lorett in immense danger if things went wrong even if they didn't she could still be branded as an ex-t traitor's wife the Duke reminds her that if she was in danger her whole family would also be in trouble of course lorett doesn't care one bit what happens to those guys but she has other reasons for wanting to attend after becoming his wife and The Duchess Reinhardt she feels a sense of responsibility to his people if they clear his name those people will also be clear of Suspicion and might even get their jobs back she also adds a load of excuses about wanting to be rich and famous again which is clearly a lie Ian knows her too well to believe that he still refuses so lorett switches tactics and threatens him instead if he fails and the soldiers come knocking at the mountain house she declares that she will confess everything about how she helped a traitor and gave him the invitation then his Grand protectiveness will be all for nothing and Ian will be executed without a doubt l is stubborn but Ian thinks she wouldn't go that far at least he hopes she wouldn't anyway she doesn't need his permission to go Her Mind Is Made Up so the next step is securing a dress they'll have to sell Furniture to get even the cheapest of ball gown so lorett makes a big deal about the difficulty of doing it all herself Ian gives in just as a pile of wooden planks brooms and buckets fall on top of her he agrees to attend the ball together and even shows her the way to the attic where there are a few ball gowns Gathering dust Ian opens a case full of dresses that used to belong to his mother lorett picks out a silver one made from woven dragon scales gifted to the former Duchess when she received the Duke's proposal whoa that's a pretty big deal for Ian to give it to her lorett falls in love with it at once it's almost like it was made for her spring sets in and before they know it there's only one week left until the Imperial ball that means it's time to travel to the capital with the few possessions they have hoping things will work out they spent the last few weeks chopping up wood selling their Furniture to buy Passage through the Empire and hiding from the villagers it's pretty impressive that after all this time no one saw Ian let's just hope it all doesn't go to waste when he turns up at the palace they find a carriage driver in town who will take them to the capital the local ladies wave goodbye to lorett as they prepare to board the carriage looks like she's made some friends in her time here they arrive at their first checkpoint late at night the plan is for them to show up to the ball together so that Ian can pass the checkpoint then lorett will leave before he appears at the banquet hall and rush back to the Villa where she will be far away and hopefully Out Of Reach of the Imperial guards they've reach the city with a few days to spare oshira a short distance from the capital is a good place to hide with lots of merchants and travelers to fill the streets unfortunately it's a popular stop off point for people traveling to the ball so the price for a room is crazy expensive seems like everyone had the same idea they definitely don't have enough for two rooms so Lor gets them one small one to share to the embarrassment of Ian oh the classic one room Trope this is going to be good the room isn't so bad but the bed is truly tiny lorett is just as uncomfortable as her husband but she tries not to show it as they unpack their luggage she invites Ian to wash up first but by the time he gets back she's already passed out on the bed uhoh as if things weren't awkward enough already he covers her up with the blanket smiling fondly at his wife as he scoots onto the bed beside her what a gentleman he didn't even think of taking the blanket for himself while watching her sleep he imagines a life they could have together if his name and titles were restored he wants to give her the world Holiday Homes jewels and gems you name it she cuddles closer in her sleep giving Ian an excuse to wrap his arms around her they're such cuties a few days later they arrive in the imperial capital Ian Gets Ready in his usual armor since he's going to have to take out a few guards if things get dicey lorett however well just look at her Ian is totally speechless he almost calls her a goddess before getting control of himself lorett is grateful but now it's game time they both know the plan now it's time to see if they can actually pull it off is anyone else really nervous I'm honestly not sure how this is going to go the Imperial Palace is just as Grand as you'd expect which makes the shabby Carriage they arrive in that much more notice ible the guards look suspicious but when lorett steps down from the carriage they apologize at once she hands over her invitation revealing that she is the wife of the late traitor Duke Reinhardt although he looks down on her the guard lets her pass they're just about to head inside when he notices Ian and demands that he lower his hood thinking on her feet Lorette claims that her partner is hiding severe burns and asks them to let him be of course they're not just going to let a suspicious looking person like this inside without seeing his face so they remove his hood luckily these two came prepared Ian's face is covered with what looks like horrific Burns shocking the guard who backs away at once he's really such a snob this guy he doesn't even want to touch the man in case he somehow gets infected right because that's exactly how scars work all the other guests are already discussing lett's dress they have no idea how someone from a ruined family could look so glamorous and how she had the gall to show up to the Imperial Palace in the first place lorett is annoyed but she doesn't show any emotion as she and Ian climb to the banquet hall together this is where things get serious from now on they must go their separate ways lorett wishes her husband good luck and he promises to return to her in a few days if all goes well I don't even want to think about what will happen if they don't Ian disappears to prepare for his big entrance while lored heads inside alone she is announced to the entire ball followed by Dead Silence no one even bothers to approach her but she tries to stay calm walking through the crowd to the sound of Whispers girl don't worry they're just jealous of your dress of course there's one person who just couldn't leave her alone even if she wanted to it takes about 2 minutes for Rose to walk up to her she's in total shock she doesn't even believe this is her sister of course lorett knew she would probably run into Rose tonight but that doesn't make her any more prepared Rose is surprised she hasn't starved to death already and even more surprised to see her in such a glamorous dress she looks like she's about to throw a punch but luckily for lorett everyone is watching them and actually she's kind of enjoying this they liveed together for so many years but this is the first time Rose has actually seemed jealous she steps closer to lored warning her that just because she wears a fancy dress and has a title doesn't make her a noble um girl can you hear yourself that's exactly what makes someone a noble Rose gives her A smirk excited to see how long she can keep up her facade in front of the vicious upper class then she rudely bumps into her and walks off what a child although she's right about one thing you should never underestimate the arrogance of noble Society lored tries to recover herself a little concerned she expected some kind of Counterattack but given the setting Rose is pretty Limited in how she can get revenge so lorett spends the rest of the evening watching her from a distance sipping her champagne and waiting for Ian's entrance the time is approaching but there's no sign of him yet she can't afford to stand around and wait lorett needs to leave before he is spotted so that there could be no connection between them she steps out into the hallway walking past all the married couples still trickling in the atmosphere is bright and light-hearted but lorett is tense as she descends the steps alone it shouldn't feel strange she's always been alone but for some reason now after spending the winter with Ian she feels an intense sense of loneliness she stops on the steps reminding herself that she doesn't belong in a place like this oh no it's seems like rose has really gotten into her head shaking off her doubts lorett heads towards a carriage but just as she steps onto the street a pair of guards Rush forward and capture her covering her head with a sack lorett is terrified she can hardly breathe they're squeezing her neck so tightly that she starts to cough there's only one person who would dare to do such a thing in the middle of the Imperial City Rose we knew she wouldn't let it go but to go this far she's totally insane lorett tries to wriggle but her strength is starting to fade lorett wakes up to the sound of voices and the sight of a familiar dress Rose is spinning an outrageous tail to the guards claiming that lorett hit her in the head and even knocked out a couple of her teeth I guess that's how she convinced them to capture her by pretending she's a threat to society this girl really has no limits once they're gone she smirks at lorett who is on her knees and Rags I guess she really couldn't stand seeing her in that dress it's only been 30 minutes since she was knocked out that also means that Ian hasn't made his appearance just yet they're back at the Brew Mansion a place lorett probably never wanted to return to for the rest of her life Rose encourages her to look around the house and warns her not to attempt any kind of Escape she has a fullon villainous monologue about how no one wants lorett around how she wishes she were never born blah blah blah when will Rose come out with some original material it's getting really tired unfortunately it still gets to Lorette she didn't want to be born either and definitely wouldn't have picked this life if she had the choice in that case says Rose she should try her best to die whoa that's way harsh hearing that snaps lorett out of her Funk how dare her sister say such things with that little smirk on her face she's talking to a duchess she should really have some more manners but Rose doesn't care she summons a maid to come and slap her for talking back once twice again till Rose is satisfied is everyone in this house a psychopath these people are truly evil Rose sends the maid away saying what a shame it is that they ended up hating each other rightfully lorett tells her there's nothing shameful about it they only ended up this way because Rose is a meanie and her family is full of snakes and Devils yes you see even a few slaps won't take lorett down she even asks Rose if she still trembles in front of her dad using her sister to exercise the power she lacks in her own family was she secretly jealous when lorett got her Freedom after all she's left this nightmare Mansion Rose is the one still stuck in it Furious Rose grabs the teapot and raises it ready to smash it into her sister's head lorett tenses for the blow but she restrains herself gently placing it back down with a sigh because she has far worse revenge in mind when Lorette returns to the Reinhardt duchy she won't be going back to that Villa she'll be sent to work on the land no better than an ordinary peasant before lorett even has time to process what she just said Rose summons the knights who grab her at once as if that wasn't bad enough she lets one of the guards pick what punishment to give her and the crazy man says they should dislocate her shoulder seriously what is wrong with these people suddenly a maid rushes into the room interrupting their sick little torture session she announces that the Duke of Reinhardt has appeared at the Imperial Palace and everyone is in an uproar Rose is too stunned to speak she assumes they have all apprehended the traitor but apparently that's not the case she tells her the guests are gathered on the first floor and suggests she go to investigate herself Rose walks out the door and for a minute it looks like she might have forgotten about lorett but then her horrible face pops back into view she tells the guards to dislocate her shoulder and send her to the carriage waiting at the back door it seems now that the Duke is back on the scene she has even more reason to make sure lorett stays out of her way she's still got her heart set on being Duchess Reinhardt at least she orders a maid to accompany them so that the guards don't do anything even more disgusting on the way she walks off grinning ear to ear at the idea of seeing the Duke leaving lorett to face her fate as soon as they are alone the guard gets his revenge for all the trouble she caused earlier and snaps her shoulder out of place I can't watch this is too horrible Rose who is standing just outside Smiles at the sound of her sister's Agony satisfied she heads to the main Lobby where her parents are discussing the Duke's appearance they left the ball early so they didn't see what happened but they can confirm that it's not just a rumor he really is alive now we get to see Ian's experience of the ball from the moment he and lorett parted ways his first job was to reduce the number of soldiers at the entrance of the palace to make their escape a little smoother he had all the same thoughts as lorett while walking through the palace alone surprised to miss her company and already wishing they could both be back at their Dusty old Villa separated from society and their many enemies it's for lorett that he decides to focus so hard determined to earn back his title and give her a good life finally he gets a chance to show off his insane skills making short work of the guards deep in the palace before moving on to the next area just as it's time for the Imperial family to enter the ball he approaches the banquet hall where he is stopped by an attendant of course given Ian's strength he can't really do much but stand and watch as the Duke enters just in time to catch the Crown Prince the guards are in an uproar as he walks across the hall but the prince isn't confused he knows exactly who is approaching in fact he's been expecting him for quite some time but he's totally frozen there's nothing he can do to help so he just stands and watches as the guards surround him warning Ian not to move the empress appears next somewhat amused by The Bravery of a potential attacker to just walk straight into the Imperial Palace she notices at once that her son is acting strange and tells him sternly to step back she orders the guards to seize the Intruder the first step forward is barthol the man who stabbed him all those months ago it looks like he got a cushy promotion to the palace for betraying his own Commander what a snake Ian gives a little chuckle and then draws his sword he rushes forward stunning barot who is almost too slow to block the first blow he can tell that this attacker is no ordinary Intruder but a man with such swordsman ship should be able to identify him so why is he attacking so mercilessly he has a real trouble keeping up as Ian attacks again and again and eventually lands a dagger against his neck it's at that moment that barthol realizes who this stranger must be he drops to his knees disarmed with Ian's dagger pointed straight at his face as the guests Swatch on in shock barol acknowledges him at last addressing him as Captain Ian just asks why why would he betray his Commander but isn't it obvious he was offered a chance to get rich and closer to the throne why would he say no well well because of loyalty or dignity or I don't know maybe a moral compass anyway clearly that wasn't important to barthol who is lucky to be spared by Ian he walks away from his defeated opponent telling the guest there's no need to be afraid he lowers his hood removes his cape and pulls off his prosthetic burn Scar the guests and Imperial family recognize him at once he bows to them apologizing for returning from the battlefield so late the queen looks horrified which is understanding able since it was her who had him framed and left for dead in the first place surprise your majesty you failed miserably she put in so much effort to make sure he died and even if he didn't she worked tirelessly to ensure that he was framed Beyond a doubt so how could he walk back into the palace so brazenly she starts to smile he's still a traitor as far as the Imperial family are concerned this time it will be easy to get rid of him Ian announces to the hall that he was falsely accused and swears on all his ancestors that he has never committed treason the empress struggles to hide her smile and asks how she can believe such a thing that's when Ian pulls out the Dragon Tears he asks to be interrogated promising to reveal the truth of this whole mess the empress starts to shake the guests are already Whispering about the Duke and how he must be innocent and if that's the case then the Imperial family has really truly messed up the Crown Prince tries to calm his mother but she's already spiraling the only thing she can think to do is to break the vial she's just reaching out to grab it when the Crown Prince takes her hand he takes it from there asking if the dragon's tears are authentic he reminds the Duke that those of the Imperial family have dragons blood running through their veins which means that he can confirm whether it's real or not the Duke stands his ground and offers the tears up for the prince to confirm he pours out a drop into the prince's hand where it turns gold like fire well at least he was able to help in that small way with the dragon's tears proven to be real he asks Ian to drink them declaring that he will conduct the interrogation personally right here and now 18 questions are asked in front of the entire nobility Ian's innocence is proven and his name is cleared the news spreads through the capital like wildfire the plan went as well as it possibly could at least they did for the Duke the Crown Prince takes him aside to apologize that they can't do much more than that the empress is already suspicious about his involvement and refuses to execute barthol so this is the best it's going to get after after leaving the banquet hall the Duke is approached by the remaining knights from his Squad who immediately came to greet and bow to him his second in command count Rose rila is the one he's most pleased to see they were all waiting for him trusting that their Duke would return safe and sound they're so happy that the knights start to cry no that's adorable rila offers to have a carriage taken back to the Reinhardt estate but first there's someone he needs to pick up he's about to head off when a young girl with ginger hair approaches she knows who he intends to find actually she witnessed lorett being kidnapped in front of the palace earlier and found out that she was the illegitimate daughter of count bum but she thinks that the Duke's wife is Rose so she tells him that she has returned to the Brew family Mansion so Ian heads over at once when count bum hears that the Duke is coming to visit he is perplexed the only reason he can think of is that the Duke wants revenge for the insult of sending their illegitimate daughter instead of their firstborn he starts to panic and when the Duke arrives he and his wife are clearly nervous they just heard the news that he was falsely accused and apologized for not being able to assist him sooner they ask if he came to take his wife and confirm that she's upstairs getting ready she offers to show the Duke around the mansion and he accepts the whole situation is a little strange and a lot awkward but everyone is too scared to offend the Duke so they don't ask him any questions and since lorett said her name was Rose he has no reason to question them either of course when the real rose appears the Duke is stunned he introduces himself and asks for her name clearly thinking there's been a mixup she introduces herself as Rose Reinhardt which is so gross she thinks he's obsessed with her that he must have fell in love at some previous ball and come right away to claim his bride she sets down a tray of tea while Ian asks after the girl with silver hair and blue eyes that's when Rose's heart stops dead when did he meet lorett she tells him her real name and says that that girl is her sister count rilla tells a story of how she nursed him back to health at the Villa and Rose lets it slip that she's the illegitimate daughter suddenly it all makes sense the strange dislike of her name how she wouldn't let him get close to her it's because she didn't want him to find out the truth well now he knows I can't wait to see how he reacts when he finds out the real rose just broke her shoulder and send her off to work on a farm the Duke already has a good idea of how she was treated in this house her own sister just called her illegitimate and she was named after an evil and promiscuous goddess so I think that makes things pretty clear Rose apologizes for switching the brides and Promises to do her best as the new Duchess you might think they would refuse at once but rilla suggests they take this one instead after all the Duke needs a legitimate bride in order to continue his family name while they are talking the Duke is getting angrier and angrier he slams his fist against the cabinet and tells them both to shut up he asks where lorett is but Rose can't understand why he's still looking for her she's clearly not getting it so the Duke doesn't bother to explain he just walks away slamming the door open and calling for his wife Rose tells him that she's gone she's been sent off to their estate the Duke grabs her demanding to know when they left and how far it takes to get there once he has the information he tries to leave Rose stops him on the steps asking why he wants lorett when his real wife is here the Duke just laughs it was them who sent lorett in the first place so she's the real wife he leaves Rose slumped on the ground slowly losing her mind after everything she has done to ruin lett's life she still won the Duke Furious Rose crashes aase of flowers onto the floor her father appears and calls her a maniac which he's not wrong but then he goes on about how useless and crazy she is and tells her to calm down which obviously just makes things worse and that's it for today guys what did you think as always don't forget to like the video and comment for the next part so we know 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Channel: πŸ’– Romantic Fangirl Recaps πŸ’–
Views: 90,589
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Keywords: manhwa, manhwa recap, romance, romance webtoon, romance manhwa, romantic fangirl, manwha, romance manhwa recap, manhwa love, anime recap, romance anime recap, romance manga recap, romance manwha recommendations, duke, prince, manwha edit, best romance manhwa, romance manga, love story, love story recap, romance story recap, romance manhua, top 10 romance manhwa, manhwa recap villainess, strong female lead, romance manhwa reincanation, my unexpected marriage, manhwa princess
Id: yp0PdRbFieM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 4sec (3004 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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