The Fake Daughter Turned Out To Be The Strongest Heiress Of The Family / Manhwa Recap

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a father tells his daughter that he's tired of being disappointed in her because she's not his daughter the girl never meant anything to him the daughter confesses to the father that she was wrong it's all her fault she begs her father not to leave the girl cries and begs her father not to leave her she promises to be a good daughter she begs for forgiveness but at one point the girl tries to understand why she's asking for forgiveness she tries to figure out what it all means at that moment the father asked asks was the girl really begging so much for ofilia to die in her place the father yells and tells his daughter to answer the question but the girl answers that she just wanted to be opilia she wanted to be his real daughter the man says that the girl crossed the line after all the protagonist tries to understand why she says that and why her body is moving on its own the father's response is to let the girl live as if she were dead otherwise he doesn't think he can continue to tolerate her when her father left the girl tried to understand how she got here after all even now the girl thinks she must be dead one day the main character pooa was adopted and did it the owner of a conglomerate whose name everyone knows coming out of the orphanage and all in a luxury foreign car Pak DOA could not help but tremble with joyful excitement and it ended up being locked up Pak DOA spent 120 days in Pitch Darkness you can't see anything around you the girls told her not to make a sound because she would have to take over the bad luck of the family's youngest daughter only then did pooa realize her fate she was unlucky to be born like this seriously ill daughter suang yopa who didn't stay long therefore the main character was adopted to be used as an outlet for the girl's illness pdoa lived like that for 10 years trapped in darkness tasting despair the only people she could talk to were the shaman and scientists who visited the protagonist from time to time she managed to get out of that horrible house only when she became an adult she was thrown out because pacoa was no longer useful as the girl held her things in her hands she rejoiced she could finally live like everyone else to be a human being and not a tool but after getting into the car after a while Pak DOA realized everything when she had an accident it happened in a matter of seconds the girl realized that her family had decided to kill her a long time ago they planned to do it by staging a fake car accident Pak DOA realized that if she died like that she wouldn't be able to go to the afterlife because she would be filled with resentment and wander around the heavens forever as expected now the protagonist in a different guise remembers everything clearly until the moment she stopped breathing the girl did not understand what was happening at all but at one moment memories began to penetrate the mind the girl found herself in Bunny's body born in a slum called The Dump one day the protagonist attracted the the attention of the Grand Duke of cedell who in this place is called the Great grief it was because of her appearance which strongly resembled that of his youngest daughter opilia cedell that's why he decided to adopt the protagonist the great Duke abandoned his real daughter and adopted a fake daughter to take on the deadly curse of ofalia in this world curses do exist they are imposed by evil magicians using forbidden techniques also the girl has a curse mark on her body that bunny got instead of ofilia no one told her any of this when the girl turns 18 the curse will be broken that's the day everything goes back to normal the real daughter goes back to her family and the fake one to the slums now the protagonist realizes she's trapped in Bunny's body the girl assumes it's because the girl's life is so similar to hers the protagonist doesn't fully understand her situation yet but bunny knows what she has to do she doesn't want to be used and then thrown away like she was in her last life and she needs to get out of here the protagonist must take the curse to adulthood before it hits her completely bunny can do it I mean she has no other choice something this horrible pack family did teach the protagonist the technique of determining temperament and character from a person's appearance and the protagonist uses her knowledge wisely bunny is in the West Tower of the castle of the Grand Duke crel the girl does not understand why she became possessed in this era the West Tower is a place place of imprisonment for guilty Nobles only now it's closed and bunny is alone she's all alone here if she decides to jump off she'll be left alone the girl thinks that if she'd gotten into Bunny's body before she decided to perform the Magic Ritual things wouldn't have gotten this far because of the curse the Grand Duke of credell had to say goodbye to his favorite daughter and that man enlarged bunny in an attempt to concoct a fate altering potion she ended up growing up in a dump the girl was ill-mannered and often stole and so she earned the scorn of everyone bunny tries to figure out if she's destined to be a loser trapped in the tower until she's an adult the protagonist thinks that if she's 10 years old now she'll have to be here for another 8 years determination alone isn't enough she would definitely do something about it if she could act and meet other people but at this rate it's better to go straight back to the dump even if the slums are Lawless at least there's no restriction on freedom the protagonist wants to demand that they get rid of her seal of death immediately she leaves the castle but suddenly a guy bursts in on the protagonist asking how bunny stole it the protagonist doesn't understand what the guy's talking about but then he grabs the Girl by her clothes the guy's got a broad shiny forehead born into a wealthy family eyebrows cut as if scratched by the claws of a wild animal he was probably separated from his siblings as a child the boy has a CLE clear jawline and precise facial features but his thinking is limited he lacks flexibility because he never backs down from a decision the guy's got a piercing gaze there's so much energy in it it's like his eyes are glowing but with a high roundness his teeth are even but the corners of his cheekbones are surprisingly sharp his hair fills a lion's man despite his young age he has well-developed musculature is tough and strong the protagonist thinks that this guy tends to trust his instincts and immediately rush into battle but the protagonist is good at intuition brutal Behavior can ruin a guy but in general if he becomes a military man he can rule the world and girl bunny knows who that man is he's the Second Son of the credell family salir cedell the heroine asks what she stole the boy asks in Surprise has bunny suddenly learned to be so innocent he asks who but bunny would dare touch the brooch that belongs to ailia the protagonist doesn't understand what Salvia is talking about she replies that she didn't steal the brooch the girl thinks about the fact that if she believes Bunny's memories she really didn't touch anything salir asks has the girl already forgotten how he promised to beat her to death he pushes the girl aside and says he's giving her exactly one day he orders bunny to return the brooch before he puts a slave brand around her neck he asks if bunny realizes it costs him nothing salir holds out his sword as the protagonist says that that this was a final warning at that moment the protagonist remembers even if it's not her Memories the brooch that salir always carries with him the protagonist had heard that ofilia had given this piece of jewelry to her brother before she left the protagonist realizes that she has indeed earned suspicion still bunny had thieving skills she even managed to sneak through the secret passage in the grand duche a few times and steal a few things from opilia room and that's at the age of eight the main charact thinks about being caught stealing things and then being locked up in this place so it turns out that it's easier the only thing belonging to aalia that bunny can steal while imprisoned in the tower salir has been hanging around bunny ever since acting like he's the warden watching over the criminal that's why one might think that the Slick bunny somehow stole the brooch right out of his hands bunny thinks it's the real culprit and understands the dynamic between Bunny and salir suddenly the protagonist Hears A noise she tries to figure figure out who it is but suddenly the door to the girl's room opens and food is brought to her but bunny pushes the maids away and tries to get out of the room the protagonist decides that if she looks at the person who came she will surely get a clue the maid gets angry and asks has bunny lost her mind the maid yells that she has already told the Mad demon to behave quieter than water below the grass in front of the protagonist loyal Maids opilia the closest confidants of the Duke's real daughter these maids and the only who know knows that bunny is a fake and they didn't even give any dinner of Silence the Grand Duke cell didn't send them away in case if ofilia came back here truly the greatest love for his daughter because of this bunny was subjected to all sorts of humiliation by the maids the women ask doesn't bunny realize her position yet if it weren't for them bunny would be starving and they haven't heard a word of gratitude from the main character they hope Bunny's not going to complain about the food after all it's a much finer meal than what she ate in her slum when the protagonist tried to get out of the room she spilled the soup the maid says that now the protagonist will have to starve for a while if she wants to eat she should go and do what she does best and that is begging in physiognomy the forehead is responsible for innate luck the maid's forehead is narrow and flat the flanks are depressed and the muscle is flaccid the eyes are rat-like the tip of the nose is red and the redness is unhealthy the ears are thin the shells wide open almost no loes mouth pointed lips drawn back and pouty poverty and inheritance maid Melissa starts to get angry and asks why bunny is looking at her like that does she really want to get into trouble but suddenly the main character is defended by the maid Emma who stops Melissa Melissa asks if Emma realizes who she's protecting the maid asks if bunny might run away for being so aggressive but Melissa replies that bunny can't run away from the Grand Duke of credell but Emma replies that bunny is Mrs opilia only hope if something happens to the girl the curse will affect their little mistress who is already weak Melissa disobeys another maid pushing the main character throwing her into the castle room Melissa yells for Bunny not to even dare leave the room at the last moment Emma apologizes to the protagonist for not being able to do anything to help her but now the protagonist knows who the culprit is the next night bunny was in her room Sal and the maids came to see her he asks if bunny understands why he's here he asks why bunny doesn't run away like some Mongrel the protagonist is starving so much so that she can't even get up she talks about finding the culprit but salir yells at the protagonist not to take it because he knows bunny stole it the protagonist identifies the culprit and salir doesn't even give her a chance to explain the second Prince turned 12 this year he's tall and strong and looks like a teenager but he's really just a kid plus the boy trusts his instincts too much no matter how good they are to be recognized you must first gain experience salir orders that the protagonist be captured He's Got The Branding sketch in his hand and wants to get started it's a magical scroll when torn a Vine is carved into the neck symbolizing slavery with such a seal a man can never disobey his master's orders in addition a tracking spell is built into his subjugation Magic the protagonist doesn't understand is salir really going to do something like this to bunny impatient Relentless once he's made up his mind salir won't back down from it but suddenly bunny starts screaming salir asks can't the maids even hold the girl then he decides to do it himself but at that moment bunny points his finger at the maid saying that Emma stole it the maid doesn't understand what the main character's talking about according to the physiognomy the maid has no inherent assets and the ability to acquire wealth is absent besides pretty eyes mean a tendency to envy and steal after all stealing other people's property it's the easiest way to escape the clutches of poverty tilted forward head running look that is always directed somewhere to the side such people do not look far into the future and act rashly because they are only interested in 7-minute profit physiognomy is a way to look at the whole person not just his natural nature but his mind his thoughts his attitude to life Emma asks what my lady is saying in other words physiognomy reflects the essence of man Emma doesn't seem to be making any effort to change her natural inclinations Emma doesn't understand why bunny claims she stole the brooch she doesn't even know what she looks like Emma wonders if maybe she's done something to offend mistress but that's when Melissa starts screaming that she did it not Emma they're saying an honest girl like Emma wouldn't paint a scene with a young Master they want the gentleman to know that Emma was the one who treated this girl best they ask how can you abuse another man's kindness like that but bunny replies that they should go and search Emma's quarters because if they don't find anything there she'll just accept The Branding Emma screams that she's done nothing wrong salir asks why he would put so much effort into it the protagonist knew it salir won't relent until she provides proof that she is not a thief so bunny talks about the these Maids being personal Servants of Mrs Ofelia bunny asks if salir will call when mistress opilia Returns the dirty Thief to stay by her mistress's side bunny notices that At The Mention of his sister the prince's gaze changes bunny says it wouldn't hurt to check on one of the maids she says that mistress ofilia is gentle and merciful she will hide the truth and protect Emma even if she is a thief salir notices that something is wrong he doesn't understand why bunny is speaking so calmly and thoughtfully and where's the despair that's always flickered in the girl's eyes it's as if she's changed the prince turns to the maid and orders her to show him to his Chambers Emma screams at the Young master that she did it she didn't us orders that the maid escort him out while he asks nicely salir orders that the maid not make him do it again the protagonist starts to get dizzy she's so hungry she's about to faint but bunny realizes that she she can't do that she says that the maid Melissa is very duplic licus and glib for her desire for recognition she must be talking about Duke cell's Affairs to Outsiders besides this maid knows that curse and mistress opilia and about her it's hardly a prudent decision to let her continue to work in this castle and the third maid has a rogue's temper which the master must have suffered indirectly she has nothing to boast of but working for the Duke of cell's family so she must be using his name to her Advantage bunny tells the gentleman to investigate and find her a short time later salir is already holding his sister's jewelry in his hands he asks how Emma dared to steal his mother's things he orders the maid thrown into the dungeon mother's surge went missing 3 years ago bunny was brought back a year later so she can't be responsible for this theft so the gentleman was being fooled by a mere maid a fake who not only looks like ailia but wants to take her place copies the original speech and demeanor it was logical to assume that it was this girl who was stealing her sister's things when the brooch disappeared the maid knew he would suspect bunny first and took advantage of it he orders a coroner and a confession he also orders an investigation into the rest of the maids he wants to know about the maid's Affairs inside the Mansion as well as their reputations outside the Mansion family and friends after a while salir went to the castle to see the protagonist he didn't understand is bunny really dead he hoped that the girl was still alive after all it would be a shame if bunny dieded after what she went through for his sister he tells the girl to stop pretending and get up well then bunny started falling the other way salir didn't understand how he could understand it he held the girl in his arms and screamed he noticed that bunny was very light all she had was Skin and Bones he wondered if the girl ate at all and what Rags she wore instead of clothes she's been living in the Mansion for 2 years the guy wonders why Bunny looks the way she does even worse than before she came to this place he looks around and notices the awfulness of this room and the piss instead of food the protagonist is told by her grandmother that physiognomy isn't just divination it involves statistics and historical research during the josean dynasty physiognomy was on the list of exams along with Eastern meditation the grandmother fortune teller was the protagonist's mentor and morals support her only support the times of the Dynasty are long gone no matter how much the world changes some things remain the same the basis of predictions is the universe and its swirling energy according to Grandma the other body and the other world don't change the weather there are still the Four Seasons the Sun the moon and the planets that make up the five elements let the usual world of the protagonist has changed and let even she got into another dimension the principles of the universe remain the same each person is the universe human birth and death are similar to its cycle the location of energy in a person's body is manifested on his face reading it is called physiognomy what is meant for a person is hidden in his features that's why with the help of physiognomy you can learn his Essence and his Destiny it turns out that grandmother's lessons were not meaningless the protagonist feels herself dying in pain her body throbbing as if someone had beaten her no matter how bad bunny is no one cares about her the protagonist's body is still small so a Relentless rise in temperature could lead to a dire outcome Bunny wants someone to save her she asks for protection and help bunny didn't understand is it all because she is in a child's body or because she is in someone else's body the girl tried to figure out where she was getting these useless Thoughts From No matter how far bunny stretches her hand in this place there is still no one to help her but suddenly someone takes her hand and Bunny realizes that there is a trickster sitting in front of her Grand Duke cell is the hero of Heroes not so long ago this place was in chaos caused by demonic monsters that Sorcerers and their servants Unleashed into the world it was not uncommon for an entire country to disappear from the map in a day when the world was on the verge of collapse one hero took on the Demon King using his silver blade and his ice power and then he froze and sealed the core of the monster's Life Source the defeated sorcerer ERS were banished to the North and the hero and his brother founded their own duche the Empire of abysus if the emperor was compared to the Sun Illuminating an already bright world the great Duke was the moon bringing light to a world that was drowning in darkness a clear bright moon casting a blue glow eventually the credell family became known as the cedel of the Blue Moon they wield incredible influence in the Empire the heroine is angry she doesn't understand how the Duke can be called a hero after all he took in an orphan from the slums and used her to ward off the curse when the Duke asked if the girl would go with him bunny didn't dare refuse that's why he never meant anything to her either Bunny's trying to figure out if it's a dream I don't think the Grand Duke would have come to see bunny he told her to live as if she were dead suddenly the protagonist feels a freshness that spreads throughout her body she feels just fine bunny tries to figure out what happened at that moment the protagonist notices that there is a guy sitting next to her with round eyebrows and eyes he has a noble look the tips of his lips are slightly curved as if painted with a brush his hair is soft straight and neatly styled his posture is perfect his legs are as long as if they were reaching for the ground usually such people possess the energy of the tree responsible for the clear he is and clever typical future scientist the shape of the ears resembles a wolf's and the tip of the nose resembles an arrow head emotionless cold perhaps even cruel looks like a Lone Pine Tree on the edge of a cliff but in reality he is a wolf hiding his fangs and claws in front of the protagonist Angelus is the eldest son of cedell given that bunny felt dramatically better perhaps he used his powers on the protagonist these are powers that have been passed down through generations since the abbis empire was called the kingdom of Abyss they are only available to those those with blue blood in their veins the Grand Duke of bone has the power of ice and his eldest son Angelus the power of healing bunny doesn't understand she can't believe the prince cured her after all bunny once came to the prince and asked to be cured but Angelus didn't understand why he would heal a girl her wounds were not his concern she should deal with them herself and never bother him about Such trivial matters again but bunny doesn't believe Angelus could heal her after all when bunny was bleeding he didn't lift a finger at that moment the protagonist realizes she's in the real opilia room but at that moment Angelus tells Bunny not to delude herself and not to think that she has taken ofilia place just because she suddenly finds herself in the palace bunny doesn't understand what this guy's talking about I mean she didn't come here and wake up here she's used to being treated like this anyway so she tells the prince that they dare to deceive themselves Angelus replies that girls stop pretending she must be honest with herself she shouldn't think she's part of the family now after all the protagonist will be more hurt later She chased away her favorite Maids ofilia got into the main Palace she probably thinks she owns the world the protagonist replies that she's just heard about the dismissal of the maids from The Young Master they falsely accused bunny of stealing the jewelry Angelus replies that something tells him that the accusation is not entirely false of course because of Bunny's past She'll always be suspected of something at least this time Bunny's the obvious victim the protagonist asks if the young Master knows how the maids have treated her over the past years but Angelus asks in Surprise what the big deal is bunny doesn't understand how Angelus can say that if he knows everything the young Master says that because it was their oversight they decided to make up for the damage with a reward bunny doesn't understand is that why he cured her the girl just wanted to discuss the situation calmly but everyone in the cedell family is trying to hurt the poor girl's children the girl doesn't understand isn't that why he cured her good thing the real bunnies don't have to go through that kind of thing anymore Angela says he doesn't know what bunny did but her father let her stay in the main Palace now the protagonist realizes why she was put in ailia room she doesn't understand has the Grand Duke gone mad letting bunny into the main palis is the same as officially introducing her to the world she will begin to be treated as an official replacement for ofilia the main character tells the young gentleman that he mentioned she would be given some sort of award Angelus knew the girl would ask for it and Bunny's wish is obvious he will say at once that bunny cannot wish replace opilia for real so she dare not even call him brother when they are alone he will not allow the girl to do so but bunny hopes she won't have to call the guy that even in public now the main character will be living in the main Palace but the protagonist hates it because she's already been betrayed once by people like Angelus and she doesn't understand does Angelus think she'll tolerate that kind of relationship again a warm room and nice clothes the protagonist doesn't need because in the end kindness comes at a price they'll make her fulfill her debt in proportion to how she's treated and Bunny won't even be able to resist because her every move will be watched at all times the man sitting in front of her is already behaving this way the protagonist says that as a reward she's asking to be released from the grand duche Angelus doesn't understand what the girl is talking about he's trying to figure out if bunny just said she wants to throw out the castle of the credell family he doesn't understand is this really the same girl who called him brother Angelus replies that he really wanted it to happen the boy doesn't understand did bunny think if she said something something like that he'd try to stop her but Bunny's a fool the young Master even now has the urge to kick the girl out of aelia's room Bunny's glad she's on the same page with the young Master bunny Smiles which scares the young Master the protagonist says that only the Duke of the league makes such decisions which is why she would like to speak to him immediately she's sure Angelus won't mind the young Lord doesn't understand where the protagonist will go when she gets out of this place except back to the junkyard where there is nothing but criminals and trash he wants to see how much longer bunny can keep up this Shameless Behavior she'll probably come running back soon she'll say she was wrong and beg on her knees not to kick her out the main character thinks the Duke must be in his study at this time funny thing is she's never been here before she knows exactly where she's going exactly when bunny was 8 years old she discovered the secret passage to the main Palace the girl only used her Talent for stealing in order to steal things opilia behavior is hard to justify Bunny's Behavior but is there only one to blame for all this for the inhabitants of the junkyard the Age of Enlightenment never came to survive they still have to deceive intimidate and kill bunny was like that from birth and she wasn't going to change overnight just because she was adopted by the cedel besides she only stole things that showed her love for ofilia by the household so so much she wanted to be treated as well as wanted to be loved the bone family can't forgive bunny for what she did and yet if they had tried to meet her needs if they had given the girl a chance to take care of her and asked her why she did what she did things might have turned out differently the protagonist knocks on the Duke's office and goes inside he probably thought it was a butler or an assistant after all he let the girl into his office when he sees its bunny he asks what she's doing here he realized who was in front of him without even looking up but at least he doesn't kick her out bunny says she just found out she's allowed to stay in the main Palace she thanks him for his kindness but she doesn't need it when the Duke heard this his quill broke he broke the iron quill just by squeezing his fingers harder the heroine was surprised even after adopting Bunny The Duke was so indifferent to her that bunny wondered if the Duke was not a hero but just a common scoundrel the image of the Blue Moon fit perfectly with the mask of a hero the shrewd look in his slanted eyes alone would stun anyone tall nose his lips are beautifully shaped like Scarlet petals and his face and physique are perfectly balanced and symmetrical he had spent most of his life on the battlefield but his skin remained Flawless as if he were a wretched Moon standing guard for justice a messenger from Heaven who blesses the Earth he walks on a naturally Gifted Man destined to live a long life the protagonist is amused to hear the the Duke praised for his good morals she thinks about the fact that although a hero cannot be a hero to everyone Bunny looks at the Duke's eyes the color of his eyes is like blue water yet there is no hint of a lively Sparkle in them making them look more like a riverbed dried up during a severe drought eyes are the mirror of the human soul and never the dazzling luster in the eyes of the hero extinguished leaving only a Blackness similar to pearls scattered to him on the Wind she did understand if it was even possible to stay alive with such an aura the Duke approaches the protagonist and speaks of asking her a question bunny replies that she would like to offer the Duke something else now that their daughter's curse has been transferred to her body she no longer needs to stay here it's her fault Mrs opilia can't return to the credell family's Castle so she asks to be sent back to the slums she'll disappear from the Duke's site so he can live with Mrs ofalia again and Bunny will disappear forever suddenly the Duke asks where the girl got it from but bunny replies that she's heard it many times from others bunny says that if the cursed person and the host to whom the curse was passed are in close proximity to each other there's a risk that the curse will return to the one who was cursed in the first place that's why Mrs opilia lives somewhere out of town the Duke asks who told the protagonist that bunny doesn't understand is it all just a rumor after all the people of the castle believe that's how how the curse works that's why the credell brothers have put up with her being here the Duke tells Bunny not to take it seriously because it's not true bunny realizes that All Is Lost now she was going to appeal to the Duke's paternal Feelings by proposing a reunion with her daughter she asks why then Mrs opilia has been sent away from the castle the Duke replies that it is none of the protagonist's business of course the Duke isn't going to share such important information with bunny even if she took the fall for his daughter the protagonist tells the Duke that if he wishes she will give the dinner silence or the Duke can set up surveillance for her you don't have to send her to the dump she could just be exiled outside the Empire she'll go wherever the Duke wants her to go but the man tells bunny to go back to her room he made the best choice for his daughter bunny is here and ofilia is in that place that's not going to change anytime soon the protagonist doesn't understand what's happening after all one word from the Duke and she'd be out of the castle in a heartbeat but now she'll have to stay there alone forever in the eyes of the Duke she can see that he cannot even gather his thoughts the look of boredom in his eyes as he watches the others indifferently such a man will never enter into the situation of another he does not show open hostility to the protagonist but irritates no less than other cedell the Duke initially had neither the mental body nor the motivation to about about bunny yet it makes the protagonist insane ly angry the protagonist thanks the worthy head of the Blue Moon family that gave her a chance for a better life to a man of low origin bunny is well aware that the Duke doesn't like her because she shamelessly stole Mrs ofilia things but she asks if the Duke might not be going along just this once the Duke replies that bunny is safe in this place the protagonist replies that for her there is no difference between the slums and the castle of the cedell family more like the castle even worse at least in the junkyard there was an Escape Route here bunny had no chance to hide from the local non-humans no matter how much she wanted to the main character says she doesn't want to starve anymore she doesn't want to be criticized for no reason the protagonist doesn't want to go tumbling down a flight of stairs through someone else's fault she doesn't want to live like that anymore suddenly the Duke comes up to her and lifts her head she didn't notice how the Duke didn't approach her he starts wiping her face and Bunny didn't understand did the Duke think she would cry but cell moves away from the protagonist and says that opilia has contracted an infectious disease so she is now in quarantine she will return to the castle when she is fully recovered he orders bunny to go to bed even divine power won't help if she doesn't get proper rest now the protagonist realizes what's happened this Duke orders Angelus to heal the fake the protagonist tells the Duke that she has realized everything bunny is pleased that the Duke has made it clear to her the girl is just a tool to break the curse nothing more he's made bunny realize once and for all what the blue moon family is all about bunny tells the Duke that if he wants her to play the part of the fake daughter so badly she'll do it the main character decides to hold her breath like she's dead will obey to please easy peasy bunny lived like this until the day she died she hopes the Duke won't regret his choice after all if he takes his eyes off the nameless instrument it will simply disappear Here Without a Trace disappearing after returning the curse to its rightful owner as soon as the protagonist thinks what she must do next her composure returns she'll take it one step at a time one step at a time all she has to do is figure out how to escape from this place the girl is trying to figure out if there's a way to escape the grand Duke's Pursuit after all if only bunny could use magic everything would change but at that moment the protagonist remembers something the young Master is approached Ed and told that they can no longer postpone his next meeting at this time the protagonist finds herself in the garden she doesn't realize when the grass has grown so tall she should have brought a shovel but that's when the protagonist found what she was looking for bunny stole it when she was still living in the dump it's a magical artifact the crook who forced bunny to steal it bragged about it every chance he got someone stole it from the palace itself Bunny's a Real Genius she stole from the thief the protagonist hoped the magic inside would do something to help her but bunny didn't know how this stuff worked suddenly the girl heard a strange voice and dropped the magic artifact on the ground suddenly there was a voice inside the protagonist's head bunny thinks that if she only has one earring out of a pair then maybe she can magically communicate with the owner of the other one that crook said he stole an earring from the palace but it's probably nothing if no one's looking for it bunny is greeted by a voice in a magical artifact but the person behind the magical artifact asks who bunny is he says quietly but you can hear that it's clearly a child's voice the characterization of the voice adds to the knowledge gained through physical analysis bunny hears a clear Voice without any unnecessary vibrations even though the person on the other end is still a child his voice remains even from the beginning to the end of the phrase except even though he said just a couple lines of words and enough to get everyone attention the main character talks about her name being bunny a boy who has waited 8 years of his life for an answer and got some rabbit in the interlocutor communicates with the protagonist he asks where the protagonist got the earring bunny answers that this thing fell into her hands by accident the boy asks when it happened bunny says it was 2 years ago it was stolen long before that so it must have been in many people's possession magic asks why he should believe the main character bunny replies that it's up to the guy to believe her or not but he's been waiting 8 years for an answer the protagonist knows from experience that waiting for something without any guarantees it's a real torture the boy replies that he waited patiently he wanted to hear what he was going to be told he thought he was being played for Keeps but it turns out he wasn't even heard the protagonist thinks of an artifact in the form of serge that can be used to communicate with each other it's like it means love 8 years ago the war just ended and the peace that came was fragile so the owner of the second earring either died or lost it but never bothered to find it the boy says that the man decided that he and his mother weren't worth looking for and he probably just forgot they existed the protagonist thinks that judging by the tone of her voice the second option is the most likely it appears the boy knows who his father is but the boy says it's over and now this man means nothing to him anger hatred despair humility bunny doesn't understand what Horrors this boy has to go through to feel this way it seems he's long since given up hope the protagonist tells the boy that he will have to find another way to contact this person after all she is unlikely to be able to return the earring to its original owner the boy asks Bunny not to cut the connection bunny thinks about the fact that he's just an 8-year-old boy who's waited his whole life for a miracle and has been sorely disappointed it seems his family has a complicated history but the protagonist doesn't want to get into it she asks why she doesn't have to cut ties she listens to the boy the boy says just so bunny doesn't throw away the earring he stopped the protagonist and ended up cutting the link himself he's the only one bunny was worried about the girl had such high hopes for the artifact and it was useless she decides to just seal it away forever but at that moment salir appears behind Bunny's back and asks what the girl is doing in this place salir asks is the girl doing something weird again but to him no wonder bunny was so quiet he notices a hole in the ground he asks what it is he wonders what the girl was trying to hide there but at that moment bunny answers what she was looking for something to eat salir is surprised but the protagonist said the first thing that came into her head because she was in a hurry salir asks does bunny eat the earth now the protagonist doesn't understand why salir asks such strange questions but she replies that she has been eating grass salir replies that the protagonist is sick it's better to eat grass because in the north most grass is toxic bunny didn't know that she says she thought she ate some at the dump it tasted okay although her stomach hurt but suddenly salir starts yelling for the cook after a while the main character was sitting at a table that was full of different foods salir told bunny to eat everything and he would then check whether whether bunny had eaten or not the protagonist is in a state to eat all that greasy food and if Bunny's living in the main Palace now it's a new kind of violence but the protagonist doesn't care about this abuse after all Paka said that the difference between right and wrong is incredibly thin that means any crisis can be an opportunity bunny calls the maid the protagonist asks if the maid can move this food to the dining room the maid asks isn't Bunny talking about the large dining room but bunny replies for the maid to take it to the servants dining room because bunny can't eat it all by herself so the maid is allowed to take the food left by the master bunny says she'll only eat the soup since it's late bunny orders the maid to call only those who work at night and heat the rest in the morning the maid asks if the young Master ordered this food especially for the mistress but bunny asks in Surprise how she's supposed to eat it all bunny has just enjoyed being bedridden due to illness and she's sure it's the first time the maid has seen her face she just has to consider it a small gift for taking care of her in the near so the maid shouldn't worry the maid doesn't understand did Young mistress ask young Master to prepare all this food especially for them otherwise why would the young Master feed her this greasy food if she just went from being sick if she had asked for a few dishes for the servants the chef and his assistant wouldn't have tried so hard maid you realize it's true mistress said it's food for her just so that the servants can taste these Exquisite dishes the maid's eyebrows are quite wide her mouth big and her lips slightly pulled back and neat light-hearted and naive but still does the job well she is pure of heart but frankly naive as a child the protagonist decides she should treat the maid to dessert since she helped her sort out her little problem bunny was in a hurry and took the artifact with her now bunny wonders what she should do with it bunny doesn't know what to do so she decides to hide it in the morning when the protagonist woke up there was a young gentleman next to her he told bunny to wake up quickly the girl talks about the gentleman going crazy the gentleman asks in Surprise is that really all there is to it bunny doesn't understand does she have to bow at the Master's feet for waking her up walks into someone else's room in the morning and sits there bunny asks has the young Master been waiting for her to wake up but the boy replies that he just got here he asks if bunny found out what she wanted to know the protagonist replies that his lordship has firm intentions Angelus asks if bunny is watching her behavior because it seems her father didn't hear any sincerity in the girl's words the protagonist is fed up with it she has no right to express her disappointment in his absence she must stay in the main Palace until she finds a way to escape after all she is the only one at a disadvantage here suddenly bunny tells her that this is true the girl claims that his lordship probably rejected her request because bunny simply expressed her displeasure she thinks that because she had been in the tower for so long she was very happy to hear that his lordship would allow the girl to stay in the palace the protagonist was so eager to get out of the castle even for a little while that she agreed to do so bunny decides to give in to her Lord and see how he reacts as Angelus continues to nag her she eventually realizes that she is being unreasonable bunny asks how she could give up her peaceful life at Castle crell there's no other place for her to stay Angelus thinks about the fact that even when bunny heard such insulting words she still continued to call him brother Angela thought that making amends with the maids would be enough bunny says she'll be obedient from now on as Mrs opilia clone she'll do everything perfectly never do anything to tarnish the credell name it would be nice if someday she could walk freely outside the castle Angelus doesn't understand why he sees this image and why bunny resembles his little sister so much after all little opilia had once asked her brother when can she go outside the castle alone Angelus thinks about how that's all in the past and bunny is not his sister he has to look at things realistically without paying attention to inner feelings he doesn't realize what kind of person lurks behind that insignificant face but what if bunny doesn't show up in High Society until she's of age of course it would be important to pass on the curse but ALS also had to think about what would happen after ofilia came home Angelus is trying to understand why bunny is suddenly calm her behavior doesn't Inspire confidence yet but at least if it continues he tells the protagonist that this is the last time he'll believe her bunny doesn't understand why it's the last time if Angelus has never trusted her before the guy talks about hearing that ofilia maid embezzled her money the protagonist doesn't understand when bunny managed to get that money she asks the Young gentleman what kind of money he is talking about Angelus says about the monthly allowance of two 0000000000 festers that bunny received for 2 years the protagonist can't believe what she's hearing 2 years is 24 months and if you multiply that by 200,000 that's about 4,800 festas for that kind of money you could buy a big mansion in the center of the capital can you believe they left all that money to the maids bunny was isolated from everyone and abandoned the protagonist asks the young gentleman who sent the money Angelus replies that when it comes to the budget mom is in charge she's soft-hearted so she's very upset that this happened the current Duchess was a saint after oia's mother and her brothers died she became the Duke's second wife since she lived in the temple all her life she probably didn't know anything until the last Angela says that it is quite obvious that the maids have caused the protagonists a lot of trouble boyfriend here primarily for Bunny's reward so if you need something she can ask for anything now bunny realized what Angelus had been waiting for every time he started talking he got on her nerves Angelus says a girl can ask for what she wants but only once suddenly Angelus puts his hand on her head bunny doesn't understand if this is the reward she's going to get but unexpectedly for the young Master bunny wrestles the guy's hand away and asks if he could take his hand off her Angelus didn't seem to expect bunny to object but it's obvious she doesn't understand how Angelus could ever think she'd want something like that it's a terrible sight for the protagonist if she were the real bunny she'd be crying tears of joy by now it's as if she witnessed bunny waiting for love and desperately needing to be touched it was like she was begging for it the protagonist turns to the young master and says that she doesn't need any useless things they're worthless to her she will not play family with them like they wanted bunny will never call Angelus a big brother she doesn't think she'll ever call him that the girl asks the young Master if she can say what she wants bunny says that since she will be acting as Princess opilia replacement she thinks a decent budget is needed appropriate for her role bunny asked to just give her the money without doing anything else a few days later the protagonist received the supporting documents 680000 fests funded by the payment of the above amount to ailia credell Angela says that from now on 50000000000 fests will also be paid every month as expenses for decent maintenance Angelus asks why the protagonist is looking at him like that bunny answers that it's just that now she can be calm and not worry about delicious food the protagonist thinks that if she saves up enough money and can run away and build a big castle on a separate Island if she wants to escape from surveillance and cash in discreetly she will have to resort to some tricks she wonders how much money she can spend but she can't fool the young Master Angela says he'll take a month or so off next year to recuperate in the meantime bunny just has to try to stay out of trouble they'll resume training at that time Angelus leaves the main character doesn't understand what's wrong with the guy he's grumpy like an old man but he's only 14 years old he's like a storm he suddenly appears and then suddenly leaves at that moment the protagonist thinks that she'll have training in a month she goes to the Grand Duke's study and goes through the books she thinks about the fact that if she's going to have a mentor in her past life she better start preparing in advance for bunny the protagonist is quite mature and intelligent she's only 14 years old suddenly the protagonist hears the voice from the magic artifact again the boy asks the protagonist to answer if she is near bunny considers whether or not to answer her the smart thing to do is just ignore it the girl doesn't understand why she would be distracted by some kid the boy talks about how bunny must have thrown away the artifact he knew it the protagonist asks what the boy is talking about but now he's relieved and realizes that bunny didn't throw away the earring he asks didn't bunny sell it the protagonist is surprised and asks why she would sell the earring if it wasn't hers if bunny does this the guy will never be able to contact the person he's been waiting for all this time he asks what this has to do with being the main character bunny thinks that maybe she should just bury the earring on the side of the road she asks why the boy called her the boy replies that he just wanted to see if bunny was around the girl asks what's wrong with the boy's voice but the boy doesn't understand what's wrong the main character replies that the boy's voice sounds like a robot the boy replies that maybe the girl heard it but bunny Hears A Different tamber the first time she heard the boy's voice during their last conversation she was very impressed so now bunny can clearly hear the difference she suggests that maybe he's in trouble for a moment the protagonist thought about asking but didn't she thought the guy would have a hard time answering in the protagonist's past life holding back her emotions was commonplace so pretending that everything was fine had already become a deeply ingrained habit it was unlikely that it would be easy for him to to express his thoughts at all there's no one besides the main character to listen to him bunny talks about how lonely she is too she has no one to talk to and nothing to do she's got a lot of free time on her hands all she plans to do today is read a few books if the boy wants to say something to her he can do it anytime bunny thinks about the fact that the boy is quiet now when they first contacted each other he was much more talkative bunny talks about the weather being nice today she asks if the boy is out out side the boy replies that the sun is already up the protagonist seems to realize how long ago the sun has been up the boy talks about the sky being Blue Bunny replies that it is unreachable and pure blue without a single Cloud but the boy talks about seeing a cloud but it reminds him of a rabbit bunny says it must be her the girl says it's the boy himself asking if it's a rabbit the protagonist thinks about how long it's been since she last felt so peaceful she's calm at the that moment the boy talks about the night coming again soon tomorrow The Day After Tomorrow the day after tomorrow and so on without stopping the protagonist asks does the night seem scary and endless to the boy the guy replies that he doesn't like the dark the protagonist wonders is it really that frightening the guy doesn't answer that it is bunny thinks about the guy being picky she says that in the winternight sky if you look closely you can see a rabbit if you connect the Stars they can become objects even animals even rabbits from the darkness you can't escape even if you close your eyes it will grow and get bigger because of fear the protagonist sought knowledge more and more physiognomy numerology astronomy in a room with curtained Windows bunny studied everything about the constellations she was afraid of the dark but she wanted to overcome it somehow so when night fell she opened her eyes to scrutinize the night sky in the night sky the bright moon and countless Stars seemed to rush down and she found a little rabbit there she tells the boy to find this rabbit as winter comes surprisingly it will be quite difficult but the rabbit is like the main character she watches the boy from the sky the boy agrees with the main character then bunny starts laughing she doesn't understand is it all because he's obedient bunny is quite a bit more than she Ed she says she's happy this moment of conversation with the unknown child made the protagonist forget her provisions and no one interrupted them bunny realized that to live you don't have to please other people's opinions and tolerate prying eyes next to this boy she can be herself without pretending the protagonist says that she's just trying to cheer the boy up so as before he must remain her conversation partner if they keep talking like this one day he'll open up to the girl and tell tell her what happened bunny thinks it's ridiculous to call her first and then build a wall between them bunny says she won't let the boy leave her because he's nice suddenly a rock is thrown at the boy's head three bullies appear in front of him they say that the pathetic boy doesn't even scream but not my man can't talk The Hooligans say that because of the boy their mom is in the slums and they starve every day because of him they keep throwing at me at the boy but suddenly the boy catches The Rock they threw at him and now the Hooligans start running away calling the boy a monster they say the monster wants them dead now the boy wonders if he's really the monster everyone thinks he is the sound of daggers tearing screams and painful cries if you just curl up on this street no one cares if you're dead or alive the guy hates this Darkness he has no idea what he's capable of in total darkness he feels he's becoming the monster they call him and he can't control his rage the boy notices that a cloud in the sky ey has disappeared in the shape of a rabbit but the Stars won't dissipate like the clouds he thinks he can't wait for winter to come after a while the protagonist thought about how the content of the book was radically different from what bunny had been taught by her Mentor something one of two things either he is inexperienced or he deliberately misrepresented the knowledge the protagonist thinks that the only thing she's been taught properly is the common language she wonders is it possible that their conscience has kicked in ancient writings similar to what bunny didn't think knowledge of Pak DOA would be so useful the common language is a scientific script that is easy to read and write regardless of whether one is an aristocrat or a commoner conservative Aristocrats tried to protect their privileges by combining the ancient letters of book writing with the official one and then to the protagonist surprise the ancient letters are too similar to any Chinese character she knows book writing is like Chinese writing where particles are combined to form a new word of course they are not that similar but the principle of putting particles together and making new words is somewhat similar to hungu or Chinese thanks to this bunny can quickly learn to write with just one basic book it's reminiscent of when she first started learning hung to learn Korean the protagonist remembers her Mentor saying that he would first read Samy's book as soon as it was good he'll read Bunny's book don't think but I'll be in charge of of Bunny's education again she's hoping she'll be able to manage it all at first the protagonist thought Bunny and Pak DOA had similar lives ancient letters that originated and evolved like Chinese characters are a reverse method of counting days by dividing the year into 12 months based on the Northstar custom of giving meaning to the date and time of birth the protagonist doesn't understand if it's all just a coincidence this world is the perfect place to use her powers she wonders if there is is a reason why P DOA was reborn in this world suddenly a maid comes to The protagonist's House Bunny thinks it's the same naive girl the maid turns to my lady and says that she has gathered all the maids to clean up the protagonist bunny doesn't understand is this really so necessary the girl didn't realize what was even going on bunny doesn't understand what they're even saying the naive girl tells her mistress that her arm is going to fall off but bunny replies that she'll eat it herself it's too hard for the maid the maid replies that the doctor says that mistress is undernourished that's a bad sign they don't realize how sick the young mistress must have been that she can't even eat properly a few days ago the family doctor examined bunny but the maid say they should have taken care of the young mistress's food the maids ask bunny to eat just one spoonful it's supposed to be delicious the protagonist thinks that apparently the maids think that she will break at the slightest touch or that she will be blown away by the wind the protagonist is convinced that the maids volunteered bunny just gave them the food she didn't exactly expect this probably because ofilia is the symbol of peace that everyone loves the main character reminds me of that grandmother after all DOA asked if she was alive what was the point but the grandmother replied that the girl should not say that after all if she belittles and underestimates herself she will end up living a miserable life grandma said that Pak DOA is like a spring tree spring is the time when flowers bloom on trees with the fate of the main character she will become a whole Forest of spring trees the grandmother asked why doesn't the main character wait until winter passes a spring tree is a symbol of strong Vitality it took root in the Frozen soil and overcame the harsh winter frost however Pak DOA died before that spring came but even now that she was in another body the girl's fate remained the fate of the Spring Tree the protagonist thinks that she should probably eat after all she has to eat to live she will have to survive to meet the new spring and wait for the day when the flowers finally Bloom she has to eat well to survive the winter here the maid says that mistress is a good girl on the contrary bunny should eat more of course the protagonist still can't get used to being treated like this but suddenly someone knocks on a room in front of the protagonist is the maid Angela Angela asked asks why the maids are all here didn't they hear that today's Maids have been assigned to other Maids the maids reply that they haven't heard anything about it but Angela orders the maids to return to their places immediately but the maids say that the young mistress has not finished her meal yet Angela asks in Surprise are the maids not going to obey the order but the girl replies that she means that they can't go back to their seats until the mistress finishes the meal after all even the maids are not Disturbed during during the meal so Angela must let the young mistress finish her meal Angela replies that the newly appointed Maids will take care of the young mistress's meals they must not be stubborn and do as they are ordered at this point the protagonist turns to one of the maids and asks her name the maid replies that her name is Candice the maids leave and after a while Angela tells mistress that the maids who take care of her are already assigned to her and that this decision cannot be reversed Angela is sure the mistress already knows knows that the protagonist asks in Surprise who's this decision she asks the head maid who gave her the right to call the shots here Angela replies that it's only logical that she is responsible for the assigned Maids the protagonist asks in Surprise is it really up to Angela I mean Angela is in charge of everything the maid replies that it is the protagonist thinks that Angela knows that bunny is just a front nevertheless the Grand Duke allows her to live in the palace and the headid treats her like that bunny thought the person who got the position of headid would know how to behave the headid noticed Angela's hooked nose since ancient times such a nose has been treated with great respect considering its owner as something outstanding but the most important thing is the eyes if the eyes look kind the person is brave and wise if the eyes are evil then the person is smart but with his good intelligence does nothing but bad bad Deeds the main character doesn't think the maid has the intelligence to realize what's going on she seems to have a very trustworthy Patron whom she trusts if that's the case there's someone behind Angela's back who's pulling the strings even though she may fit naturally into everyday life if the protagonist messes up the maid May cling to her right to live there the protagonist asks the maid how she thinks it makes sense for the protagonist to be courted by a maid she knows nothing about Angela replies that bunny won't be able to change the Maids who have already been assigned anyway but the protagonist decides to put it another way she wants Angela to bring the resumรฉs of those Maids better yet bring the resumรฉs of all the maids in the castle including Angela's of course because she said it was her job Angela doesn't know whether or not she has the right to be the main character bunny asks Who Dares take the maid's job the protagonist asks does Angela really want her to go and scold them because of her she asked asks does Angela think this is too unreasonable a demand Angela tries to figure out what the protagonist is up to after all if only she hadn't asked to see a resume the maid tries to figure out why bunny needs them she orders one of the girls to bring a resume after a while just as the protagonist thought the moment of birth here is a valuable thing the date and time of birth itself the resume has a calendar system of a year with 12 months and a week of 7 days so if you convert them into a lunar her calendar luck is determined from the time of birth so it can't be changed before becoming an adult among the 10 Gods Angela has developed Jen Yin this means that there is a high probability that she received a quality education had a gentle character thanks to the help of her mother and the adults around her however from the age of 25 Fortune begins to work in a very unfavorable way strong water energy is emanating it seems that on sandpit where there is already a lot of water the fire is completely extinguished in addition the lands are colliding with each other even the Earth which can hold back water is collapsing perhaps at this time the family that supported her was in serious trouble and the balance was completely upset Angela didn't understand why she was so nervous and she figured bunny had seen enough Angela had wasted enough time bunny should be dressed as befitting the cedell family but the protagonist turns to the headid and asks is Angela pretend to be dead suddenly the maid bounces off the protagonist just as bunny thought something doesn't match what's on the resume Angela has gone to Great Lengths to hide her past but bunny knows what this woman did the real owner of her fortunetelling business when the maid was in her mid-20s her family support system was completely disrupted that's why she started having health problems most likely the problem was stomach related given the level of medicine here and her situation she wouldn't have lasted did long but the head maid seems perfectly healthy bunny says Angela is brave but the maid says she doesn't understand what the mistress is talking about because bunny talks as if she's done something the protagonist turns to the older maid saying that she probably knows what happened to princess opilia three Maids they were unlucky so they were kicked out the protagonist says that the maids dared to touch the Master's things they committed fraud by invoking The Prestige of the family and spread rumors the protagonist found out and reported it bunny asks what the headid thinks the punishment will be for someone who came with the identity of a dead man into the duche she asks if Angela can take full responsibility bunny may be a princess on the outside but she's a princess a princess who was directly adopted by the head of the family brought into the main residence which allowed her to pretend to be opilia the main character says that if the maid wants to she will personally tell the Master of the House what the headid did but at that moment Angela finds herself on her knees in front of the protagonist saying that she was wrong she interfered with the mistress's meal bunny replies that Angela threw her Maids out without permission she also introduces her men to her at will instead of treating the protagonist like a princess Angela dares to speak to her carelessly and thereby committing crimes she tells Angela to tell the head of the family herself Angela doesn't understand what the protagonist is talking about about bunny replies that if the maid doesn't want to there's a second option she has to tell that her identity is someone who's been dead for a long time Angela replies that she will do it after a while the head maid goes with the main character's room she was in a hurry to get somewhere so she ran the maid off the road the maid doesn't understand does bunny think she's going to do hers because bunny knowing Angela's secret doesn't change anything all she has to do is explain her situation to the master and ask for Mercy if it's the gentleman he's sure to stand up for her at this time a naive maid named Ruby brings the protagonist te she is happy that the mistress called her by name the protagonist asks if Ruby met the headid on her way here she asks Which Way Angela was headed not to the Duke study Ruben replies that Angela went in the opposite direction the protagonist thinks there's not much difference whether the maid goes to confess to the Duke or not not in fact it went as expected bunny thought that if she let the maid solve the case herself she would run to the culprit the protagonist does not realize who is the person who hides behind the headid and controls the whole situation but in the meantime Angela has gone to see The Duchess Angela decides that she has to go first to get down on her knees her kind and gentle-hearted mistress will have mercy on her then crying she says bunny threatened her and that it's not not fair The Duchess asks what happened at that moment the young gentleman also happens to be next to the duchess Angela tries to figure out what the young Master is doing here after all he is not as kind as the lady Angela says she has something important to say the young Master gets angry and asks did the older maid really want him to leave but Angela replies that she did not she apologizes for her carelessness salv says that if that's so let the maid say so but Angela decides to come next time but salir says that the maid herself said it was urgent the maid replies that it's a secret salir asks the headid if she knows top secret information that even he doesn't know about but the duchess replies that it's all right and the headid can say it after all if Angela says so she has secrets from the family the maid wonders if the young Master hates that girl and threw those Maids out for the good of his own sister in fact deep down he also wants to get bunny away as soon as possible even if she says so she'll make him want her even more new Maids have indeed been selected for the fake princess and perhaps the master will understand Angela says that since they don't know what other tricks bunny can pull Angela has formed a team of people specializing in covert stalking so they can control the girl well whatever this fake girl does her every move will be reported since Angela will be working in the main Palace she won't be able to control her much without the maids so she wanted to know if she could isolate the girl from the world and tame her with food only and if bunny doesn't listen she'll starve to death but suddenly salir grabs the older maid by her clothes and asks her what she's talking about is she going to starve a child who's already skin and bones does Angela really want to try it herself The Duchess is asking salir to stop because Angela is going to die Salvia replies that people don't die so easily the D just doesn't understand how her son came up with such a terrible idea after all if one is careless in directing Force at one's subordinates it can turn violent she offers to listen to reason The Duchess asks salir to release the maid but salir pushes Angela aside causing the woman to fall salir sees no other explanation except that Angela had lost her mind and wanted to die he asks why Angela would say something like that in front of her mother did she really want to horrify a man with a weak Soul salir holds out his sword but Angela shouts that it was her mistress who ordered her to say it salir is surprised he asks has Angela really lost her mind has the mother ordered the child to be watched and locked up and starved The Duchess asks in Surprise did she really say that Angela is surprised The Duchess told her to do it Angela thought The Duchess would side with her the headmate is trying to figure out why the duchess is doing this Angela thought it was what the duchess wanted after all the duchess has turned dark since bunny returned to the main Palace the maid asks how bunny dared to bother the noble lady who never said a bad word to anyone bunny insulted the lady without even knowing Angela says that bunny called The Duchess an orphan too so there is nothing wrong with her becoming a princess Angela thinks of bunny as a fake who will one day be thrown out on the street she's worked hard to get to her current position Angela says she only did it for the mistress but the grand duchess says she doesn't understand what Angela is saying she doesn't know where the headid heard such a rumor did Angela think it was for her but Angela replies that M clearly expressed her wish the grand duchess asks is Angela talking about Lily for The Duchess likes that child so much that she sometimes makes up things that don't exist the maid replies that The Duchess said that if she worked hard enough she could be promoted The Duchess appreciates the maid's potential but doesn't see what that has to do with her ter able plan at this point The Duchess becomes ill salir is frightened of his mother he asks if there's someone at the door he orders that the mad woman be taken away immediately locked in solitary confinement and not given a drop of water for a week Angela is taken away by the guards Angela screams that mistress herself said she was special and that's why she was chosen Angela did it for mistress salir doesn't even know why there are so many crazy people around around his mother the duchesses tell her son not to say that I mean Angela probably didn't like Bunny and she must have noticed it before Salvia replies that since the duchess is so nice to everyone they've lost all fear but mother is no longer a saint so don't feel sorry for the rumor salir leaves mother The Duchess thinks about the fact that she's no longer a saint but she has more power in her hands now The Duchess doesn't understand how Angela got caught in the first place the protagonist thinks about how she got rid of the older maid and took the bait now bunny thinks they're already caught after a while The Duchess comes to see the protagonist The Duchess thinks she inconvenienced the Girl by coming for no reason bunny never thought the Duke's wife would come to see her The Duchess said bunny could lie down she only came to see her face The Duchess went to the temple and prayed for the protagonist for her speedy recovery fuia the saint who saved the world from destruction before the empire was United chaos rained everywhere and Magic was rampant it was St fluvia who helped Grand Duke cell who was trying to seal a demonic Beast to block and suppress the M's schemes however due to the extreme use of her power she completely lost her Divine gift and was abandoned by the temple her associate Duke cell couldn't stand it and made the holy Duchess his second wife although the marriage was not for love it allowed the girl to gain enough respect as the savior of the world but of course of course that wasn't the only reason shortly after the age of chaos ended princess opilia was born to the Duke's first wife a daughter of the Guardians born in the age of Peace naturally became a symbol of peace accordingly the few Magics that managed to survive the chaos targeted her Duke cedell needed fluvus to protect the daughter left behind by his favorite wife though she had lost her divine power fluvia was a saint and had considerable experience interacting with Mages but in the end the Mages managed to put a curse on the symbol of peace on the day pooa turned 7 years old come to think of it it was fuia who passed the curse directly to bunny because she's the only person who knows how to do it bunny asks is something wrong the duchess's hands are shaking The Duchess replies that Angela came up to her and said something strange but the duchess can't say it for the maid's words were terrible The Duchess was so shocked that she wanted to make sure the main character was okay bunny thinks that the Dess seems frightened it's all an act though the protagonist thinks the duchess's facial features are not bad her forehead is dark her eyebrows are thick and neat the corners of the eyes are not too saggy or raised but slightly upward large lips signify patience and virtue as well as a lover of power and fame since the duchess's nose is high and straight it means she will enjoy wealth and Counting truly a beautiful shell for a saint bunny one wonders if this means that the duchess is an eternal Saint who treats everyone equally and knows how to care for the weak fia's flashbacks are exactly that the first of the credell family to approach the despised and neglected bunny the protagonist tells the duchess that the maid insulted her but she did nothing wrong although bunny threatened Angela because she was getting annoying she started making mistakes like those three Maids after bunny pointed this out to the maids Angela ran out since her father brought the main character to the main Palace she was recognized as his real daughter but when bunny said she was going to tell the Duke all of Angela's misdeeds she ran away the protagonist thinks that she did everything right if the maid went straight to the duchess bunny asks what the head maid did and when she's on her porridge Bunny wants to go see the maid but the saint replies that bunny mustn't think of such terrible things since Angela's mistake was accidental The Duchess can't do anything about it the protagonist's accusations are unfounded and the saint asks that Bunny not do it again the protagonist agrees but she thinks that if the maid were punished The Duchess would look like a fool for falling for a little girl's blackmail anyway everyone will think bunny is ignorant and indecent the protagonist tries to figure out what the duchess is really like she can't read her mind is The Duchess really the pure-hearted person everyone says she is maybe she's exactly the kind of person no one suspects but who's really behind everything that's going on it was fuia who suggested that oia's Maids be left in the castle Angelus also told the protagonist that his mother was in charge of the budget then the maid that was on the verge first ran to the duchess and also the transmission of the curse of ailia directly to bunny fluvia did it the protagonist doesn't know if her reasoning is correct perhaps because the duchess was a pure person and believed that all people in the world are good accidentally got involved in all this and seemed in such a situation but something is still bothering the protagonist at that moment Bunny looks into the duchess's eyes eyes that shine with a bright warm color like the sun from the moment she came here the pupils have remained fixed terrifyingly oscillated like a dead fish at this time the protagonist holds the credle family genealogy in her hands she reads about fluvia credell that one says she comes out of a church orphanage but there is no exact date or time of birth at this rate bunny can't make a prediction the protagonist searched the whole department but found nothing the girls saw an imperial family tree if you take the Duke's family they're also related now there's no place the cedell family can't be seen in the north where the Lost powers of magic were banished and the Demonic was sealed the hero and his brother founded the Empire it was the first Empire without it can be said that the United northern kingdom is not the the current Emperor his younger brother Grand Duke cedell the current Emperor could not have taken the throne without the military power of the credell family they are considered to have equal power and if Bunny wants to escape from the cedell family there's no need for an entire Empire to gain similar power the protagonist suggests that maybe it's the next Emperor or Temple Bunny's existence is the cel's weak spot if they find out about it they could easily use it to control the duke it would lower the Duke's status and consolidate the emperor's power but if bunny acts too rashly she becomes a tool for them to use and then she seems even more precarious than she is now she decides to see who can help her the protagonist has heard that the emperor has had many children out of wedlock bunny is desperate she thinks of the crown princes and the five princesses none of them are fit to be heirs especially the prince their power can't be counted on if this continues the Empire will fall if they fail Duke cell the famous hero will step forward maybe he'll turn the whole thing upside down and make himself Emperor then it's definitely over suddenly the protagonist hears a guy's voice through a magic artifact saying he remembers something it's his birthday the protagonist Wishes the boy a happy birthday she decides to talk for a while to get her thoughts in order the girl thinks about if she concentrates on studying powerful aristocratic families or she could join a temple the the boy says there's no one on the entire continent who doesn't resent what happened 9 years ago he thinks it wouldn't be so bad if just one person remembered that he exists in this world the protagonist notices that the boy's voice is louder than last time she asks what happened 9 years ago the boy replies that many people died because of him he was born to start a war Bunny's surprised it's trust day 9 years ago today on this day a rare Revelation took place in the main hall a dark dark-haired blackeyed child of evil was born to cause a tragedy like that of the Great War the Great War is the name given to a period of chaos when witches and warlocks were rampant everywhere the war spanned all kingdoms although it was the foundation for the founding of the Empire the war also claimed many lives a child of evil with dark hair and black eyes the protagonist doesn't understand why she remembers it now in the main character's memories there is a moment when a little blackhaired boy is beaten and told that his mother is crazy and the Sun is mute the protagonist asks is the boy really in the dump but the boy wonders how bunny found out now the guy thinks it's bad he shouldn't have told the girl about it bunny asks does the guy get sick a lot hearing the horseness in the guy's voice the protagonist thought he was sick bunny tells her where she can get medicine the guy doesn't understand what the main character's talking about but bunny replies that the road is pretty hard so she doesn't know if she can explain it in words and if the boy can find it she asks him to leave a message the boy asks in Surprise hasn't bunny heard of him he's the cause of the war but the protagonist answers the boy that it's not his fault he was just born and can't be the cause of the war the boy replies that it's a prophecy the protagonist asks the boy if he knows when he was born but the boy doesn't understand why would he be interested in the time of his birth bunny asks the boy to just tell tell her and she will prove that the boy's statements are absurd the date of birth is determined by four pillars the hour the day the month and the year predictions are not good or bad every Destiny is different in its own way just as one's appearance can change because of one's actions a person's future depends solely on them he says the main character is very strange but he says he was born at about 2:00 in the afternoon the protagonist thinks about the fact that the guy just turned nine and if you add up the year and the date of birth then it's a pretty unique case if the guy doesn't become emperor he'll be a beggar his pillars are defined by four divisions fire water metal wood that means gold or silver Treasures will be abundant lack of Earth means poverty beggy and instability with his outstanding abilities skills and intelligence he has all the qualities of a great leader capable of manifesting many followers behind him Emperor the earth on which he stands will shake under his power but he will have to start from scratch survival is not enough he must use this fragile unstable land as a fulcrum to turn things around if he doesn't do good for the country he'll end up a beggar it's either absolute power or poverty if they were in the protagonist's previous life the guy would have had a good job like a prosecutor or a military officer but in this world everything is blind trust and prophecies now Bunny's thinking about what she can do to help how best to explain it to the guy the guy replies that the main character doesn't need to comfort him he doesn't understand why Bunny's working so hard for him because these things don't matter anymore the protagonist is not surprised to hear the guy say that he's in pain but the guy asks what will change even if it's not his fault the resentment will never leave him he's already broken everyone said his birth brought chaos to this earth it's his destiny when a guy thinks of the countless sacrifices he's made who sees no meaning in his life he doesn't want to wait for winter anymore the protagonist doesn't understand what the guy's talking about does he mean he could freeze to death in a landfill the protagonist remembers that she told the guy that when night fell she opened her eyes and scrutinized the night sky in the night sky the bright moon and countless Stars seemed to be pointing downward bunny found a little rabbit there and then the girl asked the boy to to find this rabbit as winter came surprisingly it would be quite difficult the guy listened to her and waited but the main character asks the guy to wait for winter and not to listen to what others say it doesn't matter who started the war the protagonist says it's the one who made the prophecy that matters it's the man who put the boy in danger without caring about his future a 9-year-old boy suffers all kinds of bullying because of a prophecy that's not going to come true the protagonist asks the boy does he really think it's right the prophecy on this day 9 years ago caused a tragedy like the Great War bunny asks what is the true meaning of the birth of the dark-haired and blackeyed driver and the significance of such a thing the people affected by the Great War should not blame the helpless child but the emperor and the temple after all he didn't send innocent people to their Doom only people want to kill him and the boys are the only victims bunny asks if it's okay to die for these people so Bunny wants the boy to live live to his last breath the boy asks in Surprise does bunny really want him to live now he starts to cry after saying that suddenly the boy says his name is Damian after a while the protagonist thinks about the fact that in the end she didn't learn anything useful except the name bunny didn't plan to ask the boy's name until the end she didn't mean to be friendly but somehow it happened anyway there are so many unhappy kids here it's all reminiscent of the story of the times the protagonist thinks about teaching the guy about other constellations but she made her wait until winter in vain bunny tells her where the Cure is but she doesn't see how Damen can find it Winter's too cold and whether Damen can survive it more importantly bunny doesn't know if this child can survive his cruel fate bunny also thinks that maybe it's just a coincidence but the combination of daman's day and time of birth means the flame of the Sun the fire that is the basis of life in the sky it illuminates everything chasing away the darkness on Earth it Embraces all things with warmth and Saves the World Illuminating with warm light the Earth Frozen in Winter the spring Sun melts the snow and announces A New Beginning the protagonist thinks they're a good match but what if Damian becomes Emperor bunny doesn't understand how can someone who was blamed for such a terrible tragedy become emperor although even the current rulers have achieved their positions through many sacrifices during the troubled times a natural Emperor is not an easy man to be but he will be surrounded by Blood and death all his life everything is very unpredictable and almost no one can be trusted but what if bunny becomes that person for Damian bunny is his thick Leaf even if Damen only has a little Sparkle left he can ignite it in his Forest turning it into a big fire since their Fates are similar they can team up at and help each other in a difficult situation bunny thinks she can't rely on the Imperial family stop wasting her nerves and come to her senses after all she has to deal with her plight first of all she must decide whose side to take to save herself suddenly a young gentleman appears in front of the protagonist and asks why bunny is coming down from the study is she up to something again the protagonist replies that she was studying alone he asks what bunny was doing there alone the protagonist doesn't answer that she read the family tree because she knows nothing about the cedell family salir asks hasn't his older brother hired teachers for the protagonist yet bunny thinks it's highly probable that salir seems foolish since Angelus and the next Pretender to the throne for the charlatans he remains a lacquer piece the protagonist says that Angela said to wait a month for her to recover after the exhaustion after all the doctor said she should rest salv can't believe that bunny lived in the grand Duke's Mansion for 2 years and got the exhaustion that afflicts the poor he asks is bunny underdeveloped the protagonist doesn't understand what salir is talking about and it's the young gentleman of the credell family salir gets angry and says that bunny gave all the food she ordered to the servants bunny replies that she did salir asks did bunny deliberately oppose him the protagonist replies that it is impossible to eat such fatty food after exhaustion salir replies that this happens when one eats the Earth but bunny replies that it's because of the weeds salir asks does bunny state that she couldn't eat what he gave her because the girl was greedily throwing poisonous weeds at you the protagonist replies that her body only accepts poisonous weeds the prince becomes angry and asks what bunny is saying the protagonist doesn't understand why salir is like this without guessing it's clear to her that the boy is is full of anger salir asks has the girl lost her taste eating garbage at the dump after all if it doesn't wash the main character won't have appendicitis bunny replies that she's been eating from the dump stealing dog food opened up and ate it from the trees so salir is Right suddenly the prince asks why the protagonist doesn't respect him bunny thinks it's because salir is a young Aristocrat displaying his fastidiousness bunny asks if salir has ever starved for 15 days after all salir knows nothing about Bunny's life he has not the slightest interest bunny says it's only natural in a junkyard when you're starving there's nothing left in your head not a single thought except to eat something it's hard to imagine but all the people there live like that but bunny couldn't do it considering what went into the cedell family she thinks it's a good thing she didn't dare to do it the main character talks about 10 years after the end of the war but she asks if if there's anything special about this time of Peace war is when a person who yesterday talked to today becomes an enemy compared to this rag soup is expensive and tasty dish the protagonist will be grateful for that too that's what Bunny always thought as agonizing as it is compared to the time spent in the dump this place is heaven on Earth salir says that whatever life bunny has lived before she's a princess now does the girl think it's wise to talk about malnutrition now now besides she's out of money and like a fool she's been giving food to everyone bunny asks is it really that important to the prince the protagonist thought it didn't matter the real bunny doesn't now the protagonist doesn't understand the need to question her but salir replies that if the girl decides to do something she has to tell him first the protagonist asks if salir would listen to her after all he's never shown any interest in what she eats what she wears or how she feels the girl thinks she's been treated like this because no one cared about her bunny sees that salv got worried when she said she was sick and not eating enough but there was no need for that the protagonist thought salir was like this because he wanted to help her but he doesn't it's a petty sense of remorse Duke cell must have taught his son Justice to show compassion and always lend a helping hand to those in need the protagonist doesn't reproach the prince as he knows knows the girl has nothing and will have nothing for the rest of her life salir asks what Bunny wants after all he says the girl is a princess now and he says he'll give her everything but bunny replies that she was born with nothing but the titles of a fake princess and realizes that here her greed will be boundless the protagonist thinks that if it were the real bunny she would have bravely grabbed the prince's hand haunted by guilt she would have hoped to enter the Family Circle but this time it would be different the protagonist will desperately accept the occasional sympathy shown to her and regain health and vigor appropriate to her age but bunny doesn't know what will happen next and many may think she's opilia and follow her bunny thinks about what salir will do to someone who undermines his little sister's position salir says that if you put out hopes of showing the prince mercy and they crash again once more bunny doesn't think she'll ever be able to stand as confidently as she does now so bunny says that whatever she does she asks that salv ignore it as before she asks that the prince not do anything he hasn't done before salir says that the prince himself said that her health condition is not that of a princess but bunny will recover quickly so he has nothing to worry about the protagonist starts to leave at this point heel tries to catch the girl and he's angry he doesn't understand where bunny went because he's not done yet he pulls the main character by the arm but the girl starts falling down the steps at the last moment Sashi saves her bunny doesn't understand if the prince has decided to kill her there's a limit to everything the protagonist begins to get angry she turns to The Prince and quite calmly tells him to be more careful to answer that it's because bunny suddenly started to leave the girl asks if the prince knows what would happen if he got carelessly close to a girl because if he meets the wrong one he could buy his fate the protagon starts to leave the guy svir asks has bunny lost her mind she's saying some crazy things after a while the maids discuss that contrary to rumors they do not think that the main character is so much in love after all Marie candles in the hallway said she saw the Duke's Second Son threatening the princess and even the gardener saw the scene from the window they say that because of the princess's illness she was kept in the wilderness for several years even now the princess lives ically alone even though the illness has receded she eats alone no one even comes to see her but one maid says that the other Maids are stupid it's because the Grand Duke and his sons are busy but they tell her that Mr salir had nothing to do and he was completely free they assume it's because the grand duchess died giving birth to the princess after all they've heard that the Duke loved his first wife very much but they must keep their voices down because Mrs fluvia won't like it but nothing will happen to them now because the eldest maid who fawned over the mistress is gone the maids begin to discuss that because of the princess Angela's true identity has been revealed they say she's impersonated another person plus it was the princess who exposed the sins of Melissa Sarah and Emma the maids can't even count how many counts they've gotten also the older Maids once gave one girl a bucket with a wooden number telling her to come get water also Melissa stole money from others the girls are discussing is the princess really a symbol of serenity serenity comes as soon as she enters the main Palace and now they assume the princess is a saint and after the lady Lost Her Sacred power another saint has yet to appear maybe princess opilia really is a saint but one maid gets angry and says it's unacceptable to discuss the people they serve she asks what kind of frivolity this is the maids say that Candice is very proper but if the butler notices there will be serious problem they need to be careful their Butler is an aristocrat Candice goes outside and thinks about everyone talking too much peace symbol Saint if such rumors spread it will burden the princess even more a child who is so weak still if the princess really is the maid being ignored by everyone too bad for her Candace's dedication made her realize something she thought it was Bunny's fault she was treated like that the three Maids ofilia the headid Angela and the grand duchess there's an inner enemy trying to isolate Bunny at this time the protagonist is thinking that nothing will work if she just sits quietly for it is not enough to threaten the members of the credell family who remain in enemy territory she needs a supporter after all even if the protagonist ever stops being aalia she needs to find someone to follow her for the rest of her life and that's Candice the lonely made strong before the strong weak before the weak knows how to keep faith and Duty does not tolerate Injustice the headid disliked Candice for her honest character but now she can dream of a promotion the protagonist asks what Candice usually does the girl replies that she works in the laundry just as the protagonist thought Candice does odd jobs that don't match her experience like a pearl in the mud if a maid has the ambition to get out of the Meer bunny would be happy to enlist the support of such a maid suddenly the protagonist asks the maid how her family is if she has brothers and sisters Candice replies that she has parents and two younger brothers bunny notices that the girl's eyebrows look like they're about to disappear in a minor case of Discord and for fighting with her brothers in the worst case of conflict can end in a breakup or even death the protagonist wants to try and guess princess asking is the maid's brother sick with something perhaps they were separated as children or the maid's mother had an abortion Candice doesn't understand why the princess would ask such a thing Candice doesn't understand does the princess ask such things because of her family after all opilia is far from family the maid says everyone's healthy and she hasn't been separated from anyone in the family the main character asks when the maid's younger brother's birthdays are bunny asks the maid to tell her the birthdays of her brothers the maid tells her that the second was born on August 23rd the second year of Abyss at 3:00 and the third was born on the fifth of abyssus after a while the main character thanks the maid for telling her bunny says definitely that goes for the eyebrows as well the fortune telling says that the younger brother will have an accident since the constellation Gemini is in the negative he may fall for a trick but the odds are high he's a child bunny thinks about how she can say it more naturally now suddenly Candice turns to the main character and says that maybe it's off topic but not all families are harmonious Candace says that her mom had a big fight with her brother over an abortion and cut ties there are a lot of people working here who don't keep in touch with their family but that doesn't mean they're all unhappy they get married start new families make friends they can trust with Secrets Candice means that if family makes the protagonist feel sad and lonely later she will meet friends with whom she can have fun suddenly the princess starts laughing and asks what Candace is saying bunny thinks that the maid must think she's lonely after all no matter how hard the credell try to hide their attitude towards the protagonist rumors still spread what salir did in the hallway was because he has no control over his behavior they're Aristocrats they always forget that Services have eyes too the protagonist thanks the maid for her concern as she thought Candace was very kind but the maid replies that the mistress is mistaken the maid thanks the protagonist for understanding even though she was rude bunny asks the maid to come closer to her the prin princess talks about Candice being nice to her so bunny will say something to her the main character asks is it really true that a child named Joey can't swim the maid doesn't understand how the princess knows that the main character says that for 15 days Joey better stay away from the riverbank since he's a prankster he probably won't listen during this time wherever he goes have someone accompany him it's good if it's an adult but a child with a strong Constitution will do the main thing is that he should be a good swimmer enough to be able to pull a child out of the water Candice asks does the princess mean to say that Joey will fall in the water and have an accident but the protagonist replies that there is nothing wrong with caution Candice doesn't know why the princess is saying that the protagonist knows that there is no concept of Divination in this place if she tells more nothing good will happen Bunny's just giving advice and it's not up to her to believe it or not anyway bunny said says to keep the boys out of the water for 15 days after a while the maid comes out of the main character's room and thinks it's as if bunny has seen the future but it can't be it's just the legends that are told about the oracles but she doesn't know if the princess could have tricked her because maybe she's just delusional because she's sick but keeping the Joey out of the water for 15 days isn't that hard all you have to do is give a few coins to keep an eye on your little brother Candice doesn't know what else her brother can do after a while Candice comes to the princess fell on her knees in front of her Candace says that the princess saved her little brother's life after all the older brother had recently brought the younger brother in his arms and told about Joey almost falling into the river the brother told Joey not to go near the water and Candice realizes that if the princess hadn't given her advice something terrible could have happened but Candice could also have ignored the princess's words now she doesn't understand how the princess could have found out about it isn't the cedell family's powers only revealed at the age of 14 but that doesn't matter to the maid now Candice asks the princess how she can repay her well bunny bends over the maid just to keep her from kneeling like Candice has committed some crime the maid replies that if the princess did save her brother she has nothing to give the princess but the protagonist replies that Candace should be her personal maid the girl asks for the maid to look at her Candice thinks about just being a loyal maid to do her bidding and that is her job bunny tells the maid that Candice was the only one who supported her when the older maid was being rude Candice replies that she just did what she had to do the main character likes that Candace takes it for granted it's natural for her anyway Candice is a good person even though the head maid punished her Candice stays the same every time just going along with her doesn't ask for anything in return and doesn't brag like it's natural the main character asks the maid how her brother is feeling the weather's been cold and he fell in the water Candice replies that her brother came down with a cold but he's healthy he'll be fine soon and he'll be as good as new and she says the princess shouldn't worry about it but the protagonist replies that there's no way to know for sure she'll tell the butler to send a doctor Candice replies to the princess that there's no reason to go to one for a mere maid but the protagonist replies that Candice is not just a mere servant her loyal maid even though bunny is stuck in her room she can ask the butler for one of these so just Candice has to accept that the protagonist picks up a book from the table and the maid asks bunny to give her this one because she wants to carry it herself now Candice will follow mistress ofilia for the rest of her life when Candace's maid opens the door to the main character's room it turns out that the maid Ruby has been eavesdropping on the princess's conversation the protagonist tries to help the maid up from the floor after all when the do open opened the maid flew off in the other direction the maid says that this is the first time the princess has treated her so kindly but suddenly behind the princess's back Candice starts yelling about how dare the maid behave like that the maid gets scared and starts running away but bunny asks Candace to leave the maid alone Candace says it's ridiculous she can't believe that the maid overheard the conversation coming from the princess's private area Candice asks how the maid can be let go since she's a spy the protagonist asks the maid to calm down but Candice replies that you can't justify it even though the girl is nosy but you have to keep yourself in a bridal her princess already and so I do not gossip much Candace realizes she said something stupid and now she apologizes to the princess but bunny replies that Candice shouldn't be mad at the maid Candice replies that it's not about whether she likes the maid or not the main character thinks that although these Maids are complete opposites they compliment each other perfectly Candace has has a lot of potential but she's quietly doing her job unwilling to move on with endless curiosity and humble energy Ruby will find the pearls hidden in the dirt and make them Shine the protagonist asks that Candice take a closer look for Ruby is a very sweet girl she Sparkles like a gemstone everyone is unique in their own way the main character is the kind of person who treats everyone with generosity she says that in any case Ruby is not just a frivolous girl she is a beautiful candle that burns makes everyone around her glow Ruby is a person who can drop everything for her loved ones the main character says that Candice is made of hard iron and is weak to fire but Ruby's Flames can melt the maid with her body and turn her into a beautiful sword bunny asks that the maid treat Ruby well after all she is quite sensitive the princess enters the study room only family members may enter and the maid Candice stays outside the door she doesn't understand if opilia really is a fairy after a while Candace's maid is approached by other maids and asked if it's true that the princess saved her brother's life she even sent a doctor Ruby told them she said the princess personally took care of the maids Candice is getting angry the princess said that if you look at Ruby she seems really nice but don't look at her and Candice doesn't get it what the princess is talking about Candice gets angry because Ruby's a silly girl who can only talk even when she's dying she'll talk about anything and everything Candice is angry everywhere she could have kept her mouth shut but she went and told everyone suddenly Candace's maid is approached by the baroness and Duchess marzelle Duchess marzelle is the Godmother of the bones children's future Guardian opilia baroness pomegranate Duchess marzel's maid of honor Candace doesn't understand why the duchess is suddenly here since fluvia came she's almost stopped visiting the Duke's residence the baroness says ofilia can't even do ordinary things and calling herself a maid they ask if she's princess opilia maid they order the maid to tell the princess that Duchess marzelle asks to see her the baroness says that they will wait in the drawing room suddenly Candace says she risks being rude but asks if she can say something the maid says that the princess has had a difficult time and has not yet fully recovered both physically and mentally she thinks it is long overdue to cut off anything that bothers the princess's mind and body the baroness becomes angry and doesn't understand why Candice is so protective of the princess opilia decides who she wants to date not Candice she asks is this what her Mentor taught the maid The Duchess stops the baroness duess marzelle says she was rude not to give advanced notice she asks that the maid Candice raise her head marzelle talks about the princess having a loyal maid and it is said that she saved the maid's younger brother from death so she's just wondering if her son has a chance the Godmother is approached by a young gentleman he asks why Duchess marzelle arrived unannounced The Duchess replies that she came when she heard her goddaughter had recovered and returned home marzelle was in too much of a hurry to hear this good news so she didn't notify her family now she apologizes for her impertinence Angelus thanks The Duchess for her kind words he says that unfortunately opilia is not in a position to welcome guests at the moment and Angelus asks why he should not do The Duchess the honor and favor marzelle replies that she cannot take up the prince's precious time marzelle asks if the young Master can escort her to The Duchess after all they haven't seen each other in a long time so they could have a cup of tea The Duchess also says she would like to speak to the Duchess of fluvia at this time Candace's maid has gone to the protagonist's room and it seems that the gentleman is not happy with this visit however she still needs to tell the princess about the duchess's arrival Candice goes into the protagonist's room and apologizes also standing next to the princess is the maid Ruby Candice wants to tell her that Duchess marzelle has arrived but bunny says she's heard about it she's already been informed by Ruby because Ruby came as fast as the wind the protagonist says it's been a long time since she last spoke to Madame marzelle so she doesn't remember her well and Ruby told her about the duchess bunny doesn't want ofilia to be so cruel to Ruby the protagonist requests that Ruby continue to tell the maid asks if she has told her about Madame marzelle being godmother to the princess and the young gentleman when they were born in the great Duke was fighting a demonic Beast he asked The Duchess to take care of the children if anything went wrong Trust In The Duchess was so great that the Duke was willing to ask for such a thing they say the marzel family has been loyal to the Duke since the founding of the Empire I'm also told that Madame was close to the Duke's late wife and grew up as her own sister at this time Duchess fuia receives her guest marzelle thanks The Duchess for making time for her fluvia tells marzelle not to take it personally after all it is her duty to serve the guests who visit the Mansion on the contrary it is fuia who has not prepared for the duchess's visit marzelle replies that it is not necessary but she is grateful for the attention she doesn't like her tea unless it's prepared by her servants and the older gets the pickier she gets though fuia said guests are the most important thing but isn't she pushing herself too hard marzelle heard that fluvia got sick because she let some Mongrel into the Mansion the maid who stands behind Duchess fluvia doesn't know what's going on she thinks marzelle is referring to the maid is marzelle implying that mistress fluvia is from the orphanage in fact marzelle seems to hate Madam fluvia Candice becomes angry with maid Ruby and talks about how if the maid keeps talking about such and such she will get angry but Ruby replies that to the princess just curious bunny asks Ruby to keep talking Ruby tells that Madame marzelle was adamantly against the marriage between the Duke and Madame fluvia after Madame fluvia came to live in the Mansion they practically stopped talking she treasured her friendship with Elanor and was upset about the Duke's decision at this time fluvia says that she is well aware that her position is far below that of the grand Duke's deceased wife no wonder Wonder Duchess marzelle doesn't like her marzelle asks how dare she be subjected to the opinion of his lordship's choices best so far marzelle couldn't interfere in the family's Affairs it must have been difficult for fluvia to take on the role of mistress of such a large family like cell's especially since she entered it knowing nothing marzelle will choose a few maids and send them for fluvus in a way they can make up for the lack of maids fluvia thanks him for his concern but marzelle replies that no thanks are NE necessary after all fluvia must be busy preparing for her upcoming meeting with Lily fluvia did not expect that Madame marzel might be interested in such a small meeting marzelle replies that this meeting is being arranged by the grand duchess Ruby tells the protagonist that there was a story that Madame marzelle was an influential person in the community and was blocking Madame fia's social activities now the protagonist has realized that Duchess fuia and Duchess marzelle are feuding Ruben says that at any rate marzelle always sent gifts to her godchildren on their birthdays the protagonist wonders why marzelle suddenly decided to come Candice recalls that marzelle said she was just wondering if her son had a chance Candace wanted to tell the princess that but Ruby interrupted the maid and told her that the duchess's son was sick so she decided to visit the princess that the princess saved Candace's brother so The Duchess is relying on the princess bunny thinks about the fate of the child marzelle she saw in the family tree if there's a lot of water in the Stream the Earth will become or stand and wash away Earth symbolizes skin so we need to be careful of skin diseases fire energy is also weakened by water when it comes to it the heart becomes weaker and the eyes can go blind bunny doesn't understand is the duchess's son so sick that marzelle came running to her after hearing only rumors but bunny can't do anything about the duchess's child meanwhile marzelle wonders how the young mistress's training is going if they have no one to teach etiquette she can recommend a lady she knows or she can teach her herself fluvia replies that unfortunately VI count Leiden is already teaching the princess marzelle finds this rather surprising she has heard that a man has no flaws in his knowledge of etiquette but she asks if fluvia has entrusted the princess's education to someone who has bought her status she has a little trouble understanding that decision the maid thinks it's because bunny is a fake princess but what will Madame fuia do but fluvia replies that there is nothing to understand marzelle doesn't understand what fluvia is talking about what she just said but fuia replies that VI count Leiden is very educated and he is the best suited to teach princess ofilia at the moment and marzelle need not worry about that after all they have no difficulties the problems that are bothering Duchess marzelle don't exist it's nothing sometime later the young Mr Angelus saw his godmother off he asks if the duchess is all right marzelle replies that she always gets dizzy after talking to gisha but she thinks she said something that would upset fluvus maybe it's because she's a person who doesn't give anything away and fluvus doesn't like that marzelle lacks Humanity Angelus asks that his godmother not be so angry at his mother marzelle asks is Angelus really talking about the grand duchess after all the woman is a duchess not a mother marzelle claims his mother is Eleanor a close friend of hers suddenly Candice is behind the duchess's back asking for forgiveness she says that the princess asked her to give The Duchess a letter the protagonist looks out the window at The Duchess and thinks that she can't make a sick person feel better Duchess marzelle is sitting in the carriage she holds the letter in her hands and thinks about the fact that she has only seen ofilia once when she was a little girl she didn't even remember the duchess's face the protagonist has written a letter saying that she hardly ever writes letters so she might make some mistakes so she asks The Duchess to be patient and understanding the girl decides to start with the most important thing The Duchess must have come after hearing the rumors but the princess has no way to cure a sick man the duchess's son was born with poor health so it may be difficult for him to live a long life anyway that doesn't mean you should give up hope although he's physically weak he'll live longer than the Duchess it doesn't mean Madame will die soon the whole parting is sad but the girl asks what could be more painful than experiencing the death of her own child after all princess you don't want the duchess to feel so much pain the protagonist asks the duches and why doesn't she think about it when a man loses something he gains something new of course it's kindness bunny realizes that a weak body doesn't mean kindness the duchess's son was prone to illness but his body is still much stronger than others his personality as well as his illnesses are maximized the personality is heart loving boundless he grew up intelligent wise and honest thanks to his mother with his consideration for others he is quite popular Good Deeds Done from the heart bring good luck the protagonist asks if the duchess has ever wondered why her son was born in such poor health if he can't wield a sword the strongest Knight can teach him it is said that each person is born with a different light the fact that the boy was born different from other people does not mean that his light is dimmer just that this glow is different from others The Duchess was surprised that a child of only 10 years of age had written such affectionate words the baroness asks Madame in wonder if there is something strange there Duchess marzelle replies that ofilia has grown so much since their last meeting and The Duchess is looking forward to meeting her goddaughter it would be great for them to become good friends after a while the Maids come to tell the protagonist that a young Master is calling for her bunny was surprised come to think of it the convalescence period assigned to the Duke's eldest son was over bunny had lost track of time since arriving in this place winter had come to the Empire abruptly and hit hard she hadn't received any messages since she wondered if Damian was all right the timing is bad it's dangerous to possess such an expensive artifact in a junkyard she thinks the boy has to hide it carefully even he told her his name Damien will be sure to call if anything happens bunny has to stay in touch no matter what after a while the protagonist was already entering the room where the young master was waiting for her bunny thought about the fact that she was seeing angelus's office for the first time they say he's a workaholic it's the next room after the conference room he's only 14 years old bunny doesn't understand why this kid's in such a hurry to grow up even though he's been confirmed as the successor Angela tells the protagonist that he's advised her to pay attention and give her time to adjust but the protagonist didn't sit still the protagonist hopes that Angelus will continue to work and duck from overwork Angelus says that he never gave the girl the right to disturb the order of the main Palace so she should not act rashly anymore bunny doesn't understand what Angelus is talking about is that what they call this chaos now Angelus asks what kind of letter bunny sent to Madame marzelle the protagonist replies that she didn't write anything so strange Madame said that she was troubled at heart so bunny wrote A Few supportive words Angelus cries out that that's not why Madam came to see the protagonist asks how everyone came to believe that bunny is the next Saint the protagonist didn't do anything special but it spread out loud in a couple days which means rotten people destroyed the existing order but bunny let the gossip develop there's nothing wrong with boosting her reputation the protagonist tells the young master that she doesn't even know how it happened Angelus promises the protagonist he'll keep an eye out if ofilia reputation is even slightly damaged bunny will be sent back to the tower that's as far as the girl goes she agrees with the young Master Angela says that if her mother hears about these rumors her heart will be broken usually divine power is only passed on to the next Generation after death he asks if bunny thought the rumor of lost power would resurface every time people saw her the protagonist realizes that Angelus isn't upset but is just trying to isolate innocent bunny the reason he brought it up is because of the grand duchess bunny is the villain fluvia the victim in the eyes of the cedell family she's a brave hero the protagonist apologizes for not thinking she'll ask the rumor mill to stop talking even if bunny told them about the duchess's suspicious Behavior they wouldn't believe her the evidence just isn't there Angelus agrees that it's not the protagonist's fault the prince says that if the gossip spreads outside the palace people might try to contact them and then bunny will be in danger too the protagonist thinks that they credell family is the biggest danger if Bunny's identity is revealed it will be a huge problem the protagonist thinks it might be because of the Saints reputation but she's glad to let the gossip spread it provokes The Duchess if it provokes conflict between the temple and the credell family it will be the cherry on the cake the name of the piece symbol's youngest daughter will be cursed they brought a child to take the Saint's place but will the temple forgive such a great Duchess and it would be wonderful if the temple would take care of the cedell family suddenly Angelus walks up to the protagonist and takes her by the shoulders he yells for bunny to focus he says it's for a reason the protagonist could be condemned for even accepting the curse he knows bunny doesn't want to end up in The Cauldron the protagonist notices that the guy's face is very serious Angelus hopes bunny understands he says that the classes will start soon since bunny is now living in the main Palace and must practice all the skills of a young lady and attend the classes perfectly when the protagonist left the young Lord's office she didn't understand why Angelus had warned her in the past he would have just counted her out and that was it now bunny is trying to figure out why he turned his hypocrisy on her but that's not such a bad thing even if it is so unpleasant in any case Angela himself admitted that the Duke's wife's Behavior was caused by the loss of her Divine Powers the protagonist is thinking about how to progress without manipulation and suddenly someone appears in front of the protagonist bunny thinks about how the contents of the book are drastically different from what bunny was taught by her Mentor something one of two things either he's inexperienced or he deliberately misrepresented the knowledge first he decides to study the book on his own and as soon soon as he's good he would read it to the girl this is VI count Liden he says he didn't expect bunny to come back 2 years ago he was in charge of Bunny's education normally it's the responsibility of a noble woman to educate the child of an aristocrat but no one would agree to educate a beggar like bunny it was VI count Liden who was responsible for bunny when the Grand Duke needed help he came from a peasant family but at the same time when magic was running rampant he sold supplies to the needy and then used the to buy a title VI count Leiden is an example of a self-made man that's why he was able to become a teacher even though he wasn't an aristocrat he had an impeccable knowledge of etiquette and culture he thought teaching bunny would take him even higher but he was sorely mistaken for in the past when the teacher was teaching bunny the girl complained that no one was interested she asked why she couldn't have a family why she couldn't be loved then VI count Leiden said it didn't matter because if if a girl works hard she'll be rewarded one day just don't know how bunny asked if she had to do something unspecified VI count lien replied that to win someone's favor you have to show what she's good at he told bunny to try to change her voice and behavior she thought about who her relatives liked best bunny doesn't know that person it's ofilia at first he only gave the basics that anyone could understand and didn't go into it but bunny said it was useless and she was hated vicount Liden asked does bunny think it's because she's not similar he thinks it's because bunny feels rejected bunny asked what she had to do to be like ofilia but VI count Liden didn't know he suggested that maybe the girl needed to change her outfit but bunny replied that she had no money and didn't know what kind of clothes ofilia preferred to wear then did they ask if there were still clothes in the princess's room bunny can go and have a look her room is in the main building the reason bunny wanted to steal so badly also VI count Liden said he saw a strange book in the main library it talked about changing Destiny bunny asked where the book was VI count lien replied that the book was in a corner of the library he remembered that the book is at the very end of the row he thinks there are many more interesting books there but no one would listen about what bunny went through vicount Liden didn't put his hand in it he just pushed for Action even if bunny exposes his schemes and exposes him he'll find a loophole and Escape in the eyes of other others he must seem like a patient teacher who cares for troubled children but the protagonist Smiles at the teacher and says she is pleased to see him VI count Liden was worried because he had heard that the girl had had a difficult time he is glad to see her well he says that the young lady is so sweet after all bunny thinks that no doubt she still looks silly he must have heard that the headmate has been replaced but bunny still ignores her but he's already succeeded at something vicount Liden tricked bunny into causing the accident so it's no surprise at all in fact in the long run it was far more profitable for him to train her than to deceive her gained Bunny's trust bunny would never forget his help even if she took the Helm of her real daughter a man so wise that he profited from the war and became an aristocrat he chose not to use bunny but to frame her he chose a man with real power bunny asks is the master going to teach her again vicount lien asks does the girl think he's not worthy but bunny replies that he isn't she'd like that the protagonist says that right after she returned to the main Mansion she immediately checked his date of birth she really wanted to give him a thank you gift bunny knows that the teacher is going to join the duchess's manipulations so the girl told the teacher to wait for his gift eagerly after a while he suggested to finish with the reading and start the etiquette lessons since the girl is still bad at writing he will interpret he asked asks what the princess would do if she met at an event some whom she does not know but has not yet introduced herself to him the protagonist assumes she would wait for him to say hello it's not allowed to greet someone of a higher status than the person VI count Liden says that most of them are of lower status than the lady so she has to wait for the other person to speak to her first the one with the higher rank doesn't have to speak first bunny is thinking that if she does this people will criticize her for ignoring them they might also condemn her for being too modest vicount Leiden says the princess should be a leader not a follower a modest outfit will be an indicator to people in wealthy circles the protagonist thinks that the book says that dressing this way is basic politeness nothing has changed even bunny from the junkyard wouldn't be able to understand this nonsense the protagonist wants the teacher to listen to herself from the outside the protagonist is tired and sits on a chair with her feet on it vicount Leiden thinks that's why he's teaching the a girl to be modest he says that the lesson is over for today they'll see each other tomorrow he asks that the princess remember to repeat the lessons before going to bed the teacher has evil Snake Eyes the eyes themselves are quite small with a lot of protein in them narrow jaw bones stick out a lot on the face many small scars and acne such an unlucky person bunny has never met even in her previous life the girl thinks his luck must be running out he's the epitome of the word loser right thoughts positive beliefs bunny realizes what he lacks and tries to make up for it he does the right thing with a clear mind lives without a purpose and doesn't demand anything of others he should stay away from people who try to take advantage of him because he can infect them with bad energy the protagonist thinks it all adds up he's clever with his bad luck a week later the protagonist thinks she's learned another stupid lesson but she was done for the day suddenly there was no knock on the room as the protagonist the protagonist went out into the garden and picked some flowers she saw Duchess fluvia and ran to her she called my lady mother and burst into the study where the lady and her guests were bunny ran up to The Duchess and presented her with flowers all the guests were surprised it's a lily meeting the social events at the Grand Duchess the protagonist needs to show the results of today's class the duches thanks the protagonist at this point bunny begins to greet everyone she says her name is ofilia credell but it's not allowed to greet someone of higher status than a human being even though opalia is the Duke's direct Heir she's only their daughter her status is far lower than these ladies who have come to visit The Duchess she should respect adults and behave modestly in front of them but Bunny's just doing what VI count Leiden taught her she says this is the first time she's met the ladies the girl talks about how excited she is the girl presents flowers to one of the ladies the girl says she has heard a lot about the princess and is excited to see her in person bunny notices that the woman doesn't look offended they say that they are holding this meeting to give regular donations to the alm's house it looks like their hearts are full of compassion they hear that the princess is very ill the woman asks if the protagonist is all right although it's a little late but if the princess works hard ass soon catch up with the other children they didn't think that this is already the result of her training another girl says that the princess has credle blood in her they say that opilia will grow up to be a noble daughter more elegant and dignified than anyone else at her age she is already a noble woman the protagonist thanks her guest and grabs her hand in greeting bunny expected the woman's reaction but when the woman saw such a thing she asked why the princess's hands were so stiff and they didn't understand why the girl was wearing such an old dress at that moment Duchess fluvia approaches the protagonist she says that the doctor said that in order to cure the girl's infection she has to wash her hands and body often with potent drugs and if her mother were a saint but she's so sorry fuia feels that the princess's hands have only become so cruel because she is powerless the protagonist looks at The Duchess she admires her acting skills fuia says that the princess's body has not yet fully recovered she asks why ofilia came running to this place the girl replies that she came running because because she's in a room and too bored fuia says there's still a long road to recovery and Bunny was terribly sick also so thin fluvia puts her shawl over the main character's body she says the northern Winters are terrible and a girl shouldn't go out in those pajamas even if she really likes them bunny thinks it's abnormal calling it pajamas and saying it's worn because it's her favorite the guests realized what the problem was so they decide not to bother fluvia says she'll go to the temple every every day and pray for the princess she wants her daughter to get well as soon as possible and if something happens to her again she won't survive it the woman also says the princess should come back even though they're in the greenhouse the cold air is getting in and the princess could get worse suddenly bunny lunges at The Duchess and yells at her not to cry bunny thinks about how if she was going to leave she wouldn't have come at all bunny yells that if mommy is sad opilia is too more she asks that mommy never be sad after all the doctor says she's almost cured of malnutrition the guests don't understand what's going on they see the princess's ragged dress there were holes in the skirt the duchess's daughter's skirt was not of the best quality they didn't know what kind of fabric it was it's so old Madame and her sons are always dressed needle point they assume that the lady has given these Rags because she's in poor health but it doesn't matter how weak she is because they see the state she's in nor do the women understand why the princess has not been properly taught manners are the girls hands like this really because of the medication at this point fuia starts to get angry about what the main character has done when she sees the looks on the women's faces she starts to cry she says that she couldn't really tell them what really happened but while she was away from her family and her child was sick the maids who were assigned to take care of the princess didn't do it properly the protagonist didn't think fuia would tell all the family's Dirty Secrets the truth of course he will keep silent fluvia says that the fact that the princess keeps wearing that skirt it's because it brings back memories for the princess The Duchess realizes the guilt still lingers fuia didn't think the maid she trusted was capable of such a thing the protagonist thinks that if that were the case there would be no need to talk fuia asks if there is a worse mother than her but the guests begin to pity The Duchess they ask how it can be her wine and for it is an act with a bow that betrayed the young lady's trust and if they have bad intentions it's really scary since the duchess has lived most of her life in the temple they probably thought The Duchess didn't know much about daily life fluvia is afraid that opilia won't forgive her and that ofilia will think she doesn't love her because the duchess is her real mother but the guests ask that you do not say so for she must be strong for her child after a while by count Liden was incredibly angry at the main character he asked why bunny did it the girl didn't understand what the teacher was talking about but vicount lien replies that he's talking about what happened in the greenhouse this morning bunny thinks that VI count Leiden knew about it even more than Angelus could it be that the duchesses have already read it bunny replies that she just wanted to give flowers to her mom's friends too she tried very hard to do what her teacher taught her she wore modest clothes to greet the superior first well vicount Liden is angry and yelling he says modest clothes don't mean things with holes in them but bunny replies that she wore it every day they were her cleanest clothes vicount Liden asks what about now aren't there clothes like the ones she's wearing now bunny replies that these are the clothes of the real opilia they're so luxurious it's immodest she'll be in trouble if she goes out and gets them dirty VI count Leiden is incredibly angry at that moment he pulls a pill bottle out of his pocket and presents one pill to the protagonist he says it's a Memory pill he found it especially from a lady bunny asks if she'll be a genius now if she eats the pill vicount lien laughs and says he'll see how well it works now he decides to continue with the class but after 20 minutes vicount Leiden says that he didn't tell the princess that he tells her to wear modest clothing and not to greet a person of low status first as always he was just a faithful teacher to the princess he only said the right things bunny didn't listen to the lessons and behaved as she wanted because she's distracted and stupid bunny replies that VI count Leiden is right I think she did it because she was distracted and stupid VI count lien replies that we should have done it a long time ago he asks why he went through so much trouble he says he'll take care of it this time bunny learned everything but didn't internalize it because she was stupid and now he's telling the girl to listen carefully he says that if Mr Angela sees her the girl should say that it's because she didn't remember the lesson at this point it turns out that the girl didn't eat the pill but put it in the sleeve of her sweater it must have been some kind of drug that clouds your judgment because of it the teacher started to show the protagonist his true colors ah there was no proof of him and now the protagonist has it this is the time Angelus remembered his little sister and felt sick the butler asks if the young Master is all right he has had the dream again since opilia has been like this he can't sleep because he has nightmares he wonders if he has nightmares because he doesn't get enough sleep or if he doesn't get enough sleep because he has nightmares Angelus asks is there any other cure for headaches the Butlers ask if the gentleman should rest in peace he says it's not really a job that requires the gentleman to Sleepless the Grand Duke hasn't left the front lines and since the young Master is still in the learning stage nothing will happen but Angelus begins to shout about what he has already said that everything is fine suddenly the young Master is visited by a guard who has something urgent to report he says that a few days ago at a tea party hosted by the grand Duke's wife the princess suddenly burst in and those present asked her name they say there was a lot of rude actions and words Angelus can't believe it after all bunny said she would be obedient from now on like longa if you tell ailia she'll do everything perfectly she won't do anything that would dishonor the credell family Angelus thought bunny had definitely changed he asks if it's possible that the information is false but the guard replies that there were many witnesses now Angelus gets angry and asks why he is only now getting this information the meeting happened over a week ago the guard replies that it seems that the duchess ordered all to keep quiet and not to spread rumors it's an incident that could ruin cordell's reputation plus it could still hurt the princess Angela says he can't believe it he thinks it's all his fault it's always been this way with The Lodges they don't know that the only way to curb it is with supervision and control obviously if ofilia reputation had the slightest threshold he'd send the protagonist back to the tower after a while the young Master comes to see bunny he knows the girl is smarter than he thought but he wonders what the girl was even thinking Angelus hopes someday to be able to roam freely outside the Mansion bunny isn't opilia they just resemble each each other to an unpleasant degree Angelus thinks it's his fault for being calm even though he knew it was impossible he won't listen to reason he orders that bunny go to the annex immediately even if he has to hire new hearses he will make sure that the girl never has to think about such crazy things again bunny replies that it's her fault it's because she's stupid she was so distracted she didn't listen to the lesson properly the teacher explained it perfectly it's because she has a bad memory so she couldn't bunny apologizes screaming that from now on she will be a good child and will take the medicine that VI count Leiden gave here regularly Angelus doesn't understand what the protagonist is even talking about then the girl took the Box in her hand Angela snatched this box and pills sprinkled on the floor the prince asked what they were bunny said it was medicine if you don't take the medicine something bad will happen at that moment the protagonist faints the young gentleman yells for bunny to regain Consciousness the protagonist thinks that Angelus believed her fia's method is certainly effective but bunny can also pretend to be weak Angelus is a fool who's been taught to tolerate the weak good thing he's not immune to pity hypocrisy Angelus lifts the protagonist in his arms and as he leaves the room he screams if there's a doctor around he announces that the princess is unconscious at this point the doctor runs up to him and offers to put the princess down so he can examine her bunny thinks about being caught so she decides to come to her senses the protagonist sees Angelus in front of her she doesn't understand why the guy has that complexion she asks did the Young Master not sleep well but Angelus is surprised to ask does the girl only care bunny thinks that it's because the young Master is so serious although maybe he's just worried the protagonist asks where she is Angelus tells her that it is a doctor's office and the princess fainted upon hearing what he said Angelus asks if the girl realizes what she's saying but bunny didn't actually faint because of what he said she was preparing for it for quite some time that's why Angelus was relieved when she woke up he seems to feel guilty the doctor says it's lucky the princess came to her senses right away he says the young Master could have just called out to him he's surprised Angelus carried the princess in his arms Angelus is surprised after all silence these days gave an all bunny doesn't understand is Angelus really the kind of man who would try to make amends like that you could say that his hatred for bunny has diminished the protagonist wishes it had that whole scene was just to be heard the doctor talks about how the princess was almost on the verge of malnutrition so she suddenly fainted asks if the princess has felt anything strange lately bunny replies that she's been feeling dizzy and unusual Sensations in her body these days Angela says that's strange bunny tells that she can wake up in an unfamiliar place with lights that aren't her her memories are mixed up and it feels like she's acting weird but to be honest the girl has an assumption she hopes she won't be scolded if she says it Angelus asks bunny to say it as soon as possible he promises he won't scold her until bunny started taking the medicine VI count Li and gave her with the girl everything was fine the girl says that VI count Leiden said it was a memory enhancing drug she drank it every day but of course the heroine didn't take a single pill bunny hopes they'll think she's been behaving strangely for 2 years because of the same drugs the girl says that she keeps forgetting everything and making mistakes and they advised her to take pills to feel better so she did but now bunny doesn't think it's any good she doesn't take the pills she feels like she's being sifted she asks if she can talk to the master and the teacher so she will stop taking the pills Angelus is surprised after all there is no drug that improves memory it's probably made from Golden alcohol it's a hypnotic drug that brainwashes the victim by taking it a person loses the ability to think rationally and control himself if you repeat something to him several times he'll agree and think it's true even if it's something completely contrary to his normal thoughts and perceptions no matter how unreasonable the request when the victim comes to he feels guilty also the drug itself is not addictive but if it has been several years since they started taking it because their own thoughts and thoughts that are imposed by the drug Collide the spirit of the person gradually breaks down of course this affects many things in serious cases it can lead to death things got out of hand perhaps because it was linked to illegal activities in the duy of credell everyone from the lowest laborers to vassals are under investigation besides bunny also said he told her about the book on changing Destiny VI count Leiden won't survive if he's caught perhaps vicount Leiden sensed something strange or the information reached him too quickly but he vaporized in an instant even so it would be difficult for him to escape the siege of credell the protagonist didn't think there would be such consequences next to the protagonist now sits a young gentleman he is nervous and tapping his foot the protagonist looks at the guy the young gentleman doesn't understand what is going on bunny replies that if the gentleman continues like this there will be a hole in the floor bunny asks the gentleman to stop shaking his leg because he can't control himself the young Master replies that bunny is like an old lady he just can't do that it's concerning Bunny's acting mature the protagonist would ask the gentleman not to worry about her salir asks does bunny think it's because he wants to take care of someone after all a teacher giving a drug to a child would Target the girl first the protagonist replies that there are Knights but salver says he's strong stronger than those Knights salv sees that the protagonist doesn't believe him but Bunny wants salir to guess whether she does or not at that moment the Knight says that the princess is waiting for the Lord the Knight says that he will guide the protagonist the protagonist tells the young master that if he sits cross-legged his pelvis will curve salir is angry the protagonist is escorted into the Duke's study by a night but they go down the hall bunny asks where they are going the butler replies that Mr salir has some business to attend to so they are told to wait in the infirmary at that moment bunny dropped the brooch on purpose at that moment when the girl ducked to pick up the brooch the Knight grabbed the girl and covered her mouth bunny doesn't realize what's happened and where they're taking her the protagonist is thrown into a strange room there sat the teacher VI count Leiden he says it seems to have been a success he pulls another bottle of medicine out of his pocket and says to give it to the girl and it will all come to end he asks if the girl wonders what it is he tells her it's poison only he knows where the antidote is he asks what bunny thinks what's going to happen if he tells her about it will the credles run after him because if the bearer of the curse dies what happens to the real princess bunny calls the man a lunatic but VI count Liden screams that bunny pisses him off he asks how the girl thinks he's doing it VI count lien is the reason and it's all because of himself at first glance VI count Leiden has the makings of a successful man he had the ambition to overcome the status he was born with it was as if he knew the future and did not give up the moment when great Fortune came
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Keywords: manhwa recap, anime recap, anicap, the manhwa man, manhwa, webtoon, manhwa recaps, manhwa cap, webtoon recap, high school mercenary, teenage mercenary, mercenary enro, Manga, manga, Manga recap, Manhwa recap, manga summary, manga capped, manga cap, manhwa summary, manga recaps, manga recap, manhwa capped, anime recaps, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, recap, mangacaps, mangacap, mangas, animecaps, anime plot, movie recap, recap manhwa, recap manga, Manhwa Recap
Id: AiKyw9vynL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 3sec (8643 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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