The Reincarnated Princess is a Villainess, But All She Wants to Do is Bake | Manhwa Recap

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her daughter comes outside and hands over a towel so she can wipe her sweat she picks her daughter up and takes her inside the house as soon as they enter the house an amazing smell grabs their attention it was her dad's cooking he Praises his wife aren for working hard on the roof she sits down at the table while the dad takes care of their daughter the food that day was special as someone called Mr arton had given them some fine quality meat the daughter realizes that only her Bowl has meat while her mom and dad's Bowl doesn't even have a single piece dad tries to feed her but she insists that her parents eat before her Arena tells her daughter's dad Ural that their daughter a sha will be having her first Spirit ceremony very soon and the two of them might not be enough to complete all the preparations Uriel tells Arena that Maxim will be helping them prepare for it Asha doesn't know what a spirit ceremony is Uriel informs her that it is a ceremony where she'll be able to make a new friend however she completely rejects the idea of having a friend shocking the two parents regarding the thought that their daughter might be a loner nevertheless it was not because she was a nerd and not capable of making friends their Village was in a rural area and their house was on the outskirts barely holding up a Sha's parents were the poorest among all the villagers however the reason she didn't have any friends was because her father is a musician who plays music in his free time while her mother is a swordswoman normally commoners like them can't even hold an item that is valuable and having these two with remarkable skills made them different from the others this is not even the craziest part it is is that a sha is a reincarnation her parents think that it is their fault that their loser daughter doesn't have any friends uel and aren feel sorry for her and tell her that she can have anything she wants as decoration for her ceremony the only thing her small brain can think of is white dandelions and her father accepts it suddenly armed men barge into their home arena thinks that they are Invaders and takes position ready to attack before they can even hear what others have to say Uriel takes a sha and Sprints out of the house a sha is surprised to see her weakling Dad run this fast is the only times she remembers are him acting drunk and complaining about the emperor the Chase comes to an end when the guards surround him her mom is standing behind the guards which makes her think that maybe her mom got caught suddenly the guards tell them that they are ordered to escort Anastasia of the Imperial family hearing the fact that she belongs to the Imperial family leaves her flabbergasted the guards bring a sha to the Imperial Palace where the spirit ceremony will be taking place she is still in disbelief as to what is going on on everyone around her is gossiping about her identity and the fact that she is as thin as a twig finally she remembers everything she is the so-called vainus the Imperial grandchild Anastasia there was a story about a girl in a male lead who eventually fell in love however there was an obstacle between their love it was none other than Anastasia herself Alexa is the male lead and the cousin of Anastasia in this world even a commoner can rank up and climb the ladders if they acquire a rare Spirit while Nobles can also fall from the high ladder if their spirit is a weakling it is the same for the Imperial family someone who gets a rare Spirit gets to be the next Emperor and gets chased out if their spirit is weak in the novel she read Anastasia was born and lived in a poor family her whole life until she received a rare Spirit she became cocky after realizing that she could be the successor to the Imperial throne but her life went downhill due to her Cockiness worst of all she doesn't even remember Anastasia all that well from the novel of all the famous novels she used to read the one she gets picked for as the one she forgot she starts getting depressed thinking about how her past life was miserable and is excited to be reborn and lie of a completely different life in the end it seemed like her wish of baking sweet snacks would never become a reality however she tries to get her hopes up but the Hope vanishes the moment she hears the name of the emperor and his son being called out the door opens and the emperor along with his son alexe walks in Anastasia starts Sing for alexe the Moment he comes out his bright smile makes Anastasia wonder why the novel character decided to fight someone like him the emperor orders the spirit ceremony to begin the emperor's grandson Demitri is the first one and gets blessed by the candl Light other candidates follow and are blessed accordingly finally it is Anastasia's turn she goes inside the room and prays that she gets a loser spirit so she can return home to her mom and dad unfortunately her spirit is the same one that Anastasia got in the novel a spirit with a physical body grabs too much attention and she is scared that her life will be going according to the novel she tells the spirit to transform into something smaller the spirit turns into a chick but Anastasia wants something even smaller eventually the spirit turns into a badge Anastasia goes out and the lady asks her about her spirit she shamelessly lies that she doesn't know the spirit nor how to use its powers the lady gives her the idea to ask Maris sereta as he is someone with a contract with Insight Spirit the trouble is only piling up now she thinks that she might actually get busted Anastasia is finally standing in front of Marquee sanv the lady asks him to identify Anastasia's Spirit he agrees and analyzes her spirit she was trembling with fear that her secret would be leaked however mares sereta Pats her head and tells the lady that Anastasia has a cute bird Spirit the announcement is made that Anastasia has been blessed with bird Spirit she is still confused as to why he didn't say the real Spirit or maybe it is because he is a fool who doesn't know how to identify one afterward all the children stand in front of the emperor it is not Anastasia's turn the emperor comes and stands in front of her he looks at her with a scary look and asks his assistant Anastasia's age he seems surprised after hearing that Anastasia is 10 years old as her health is similar to a 6-year-old the emperor starts thinking that her dad yure might now be treating her well the assistant corrects him and tells the emperor that it is because Anastasia's family is broke Anastasia thinks that the emperor doesn't care about her as he already has way too many grandchildren later he asks an aate when her parents told her before sending her off she replies that they told her to hurry back home and not be sick the emperor is kind of surprised after hearing the word return and asks her if she wants to return home Anastasia agrees that she does the emperor leaves and Anastasia thinks that she might finally get to go home however there is no going home she is forced to go to bed while a maid takes care of her she asks the maid when she will get to go home the maid is surprised after hearing her request to go home and tries to bribe her with luxuries seeing how Anastasia only wants to go home the maid tells Anastasia that she will be going home in 10 nights but corrects herself and tells her that it is actually four nights if she doesn't count this night Anastasia realizes that it might be a bluff as it took her 6 days to arrive in the capital and even if her parents left yesterday they wouldn't be coming to pick her up in 5 days before leaving the maid tells Anastasia to ring the bell if she has trouble sleeping Anastasia seems confused and asks her why she has to cook this late at night the maid informed her that there will be a party to celebrate the war that is finally over it is also rumored that carav will be visiting as well Anastasia peacefully goes to sleep but instantly wakes up shocked after realizing that carav will be visiting while on the other hand carav is riding his horse his comrade tells him that all the preparations are complete and they get to go home carav smiles and agrees she remembers that carav is the successor of the new stat family and also a good friend of alexe the protagonist of the novel carav also Al had the right to succession but he gave it up to his friend alexe along with all the military merits he got he was a nice guy until Anastasia appeared in front of him carof suddenly became Mr Nice Guy to someone who wanted to eliminate Anastasia Anastasia remembers how scary he is and decides not to meet him as she will be returning home soon anyway as soon as she is about to go to sleep her spirit appears it starts to pull her away and Anastasia decides to go with it so her dress doesn't rip off the bird Spirit takes her outside the room room and into the kitchen she gets inside and closes the door noticing how beautiful this kitchen is the bird picks up a chocolate bar and drops it in front of her the bird then points towards flour butter and eggs letting Anastasia know about all the stuff present in the kitchen she tastes the sugar a little and instantly realizes that it is harvested from a good quality sugar cane and must be expensive the bird keeps pointing towards the ingredients Anastasia seems confused for a minute then remembers the wish she asked for during her spirit ceremony it was to go home and eat a cake she finally realizes that the Spirit Bird wants her to make a chocolate cake Anastasia starts shaking the poor Spirit violently but realizes that she might never get a chance to touch highquality ingredients such as the ones present in front of her she gives in and decides to make a kick her plan is to act as if she is making it for that old fart Emperor so everyone will let her the bird keeps on annoying her suddenly a shadow appears and she realizes that the spirit was actually warning her and the kitchen Chef has arrived she question questions her presence Anastasia tries to play the emperor's granddaughter card but the chief doesn't listen fortunately the Spirit Bird saves the day and Strikes the evil chief he starts fighting with the spirit bird while Anastasia watches him with pity in her eyes finally the bird wins however he tries to get back up and tells Anastasia to leave with her spirit bird Anastasia answers him back by letting him know that she will only leave once he allows her to bake some cookies he tries to reject but the bird strikes again he finally tells an Asia that she can use the kitchen if she keeps the bird from attacking him both of them celebrate and begin preparing the chief tries to act cocky and tells Anastasia that he will be making whatever she needs for her Anastasia shuts him down by reminding him that he doesn't handle snacks and he most likely doesn't even know how to make snacks she orders him to prepare some boiled water seeing how Anastasia is struggling with breaking eggs he volunteers to break them while she prepares something else Anastasia tells him that she will be making chocolate cake he doesn't even know what chocolate means and ends up getting mocked by a 10-year-old he seems confused as to how Anastasia will make something sweet out of something so bitter Anastasia tastes the chocolate and regrets her decision instantly while the chief makes fun of her she starts preparing the cake by double boiling 220 rasos of chocolate with 220 rasos of butter 50 rasos of cream and 600 rasos of flour finally she mixes all the ingredients up and pours the mixture into small cups Anastasia realizes afterward that she forgot got to preheat the oven however the chief makes fun of the little brain girl and tells her that the oven is always running in the Imperial Palace he informs her that the oven is heated using magic Stones instead of firewood he mocks Anastasia for not even knowing the basics and further tells her that magic Stones provide heat while the powered version of a certain magic stone is used as a wiring system he shows her an hourglass and tells her that when the sand finishes traveling the bell rings and whatever is inside is done after a while all the chocolate brownies are fully baked Anastasia looks so impressed after seeing her own creation she tells him that it is her first time making it impressing the head chef finally both of them take a bite he notices the melted chocolate inside making the diw think that it is not fully baked however Anastasia corrects him and tells him that it is how it's supposed to be she takes one bite and realizes how delicious it is on the other hand paval also takes a bite and loses himself he praises the desert and asks for its name Anastasia who does doesn't know the name herself decides to name it paval the name of the chief the loser gets angry at her for naming something after him later Anastasia asks if pable has any oranges after telling her he does he realizes his mistake luckily Anastasia is able to reel him and by bribing him about a new desert she tells him that a cake with orange peels coated in Sugar would taste even nicer as soon as the two of them leave the butler arrives to inform the chief and ask him to make a snack for the emperor however seeing as the chief is not present he takes the dessert Anastasia maid and takes off without even asking anyone the emperor and alexe are sitting together he tells his son that the war against the noctis elves is finished and Praises carav for doing his best Alexis starts to give the emperor a creepy smile after hearing car's name however the emperor then addresses the request of freeing a slave made by alexe he tells his father that the kids parents were sinful but all he did was embroider the clothes like he was ordered by his master eigor kinfe the king questions the fact that the embroidery he did cause the demise of 300 civilians Alexi gives a perfect reply and tells the emperor that the weapon was not at fault but the one who provided the goods the emperor still doesn't take the bait and asks the prince if the servant will be grateful to him if he manages to save his life seeing how his foolish son has no reply he asks the prince what he intends to do with the kids as his parents and his master have already passed away he further informs him that no government officials in the north will be willing to take a servant like him and there are no parents to adopt him or orphanage to take him in the emperor then mentions Anastasia and tells alexe that as they both are the same age it might be easier for them to get along hearing this sentence shocks the living hell out of the prince he tries to change the emperor's mind but he shuts the poor boy down simultaneously the butler brings the snacks both the emperor and the prince eat the desert made the Anastasia and are caught by surprise meanwhile paval returns and notices that two cakes are missing he goes to find out who took them while Anastasia is waiting in the kitchen suddenly the butler arrives and asks Anastasia for paval after hearing that paval didn't prepare the snacks for the emperor the butler almost loses it he tells Anastasia that the emperor called for the chief who was responsible for the cake Anastasia's little brain came to a conclusion that it would be all right if the emperor liked the cake but if he didn't then she might have to say goodbye to him eventually Anastasia decides to take one for the team and tells the butler that she made it the butler seems confused Anastasia introduced es herself as the emperor's granddaughter and shamelessly tells him that she made the cookies solely for the emperor before leaving she ask the butler what kind of expression they had on their faces after eating her cookies the butler informs her that as their Spirits allow them to be resistant to poison they always have the same expression making it hard to tell after a while the butler takes Anastasia to the emperor after hearing her name the emperor seems confused as the person he called was the head Chief not his grandchild Anastasia stands in front of him and tells the old guy that she is the one who made the cookies Anastasia tells the emperor that she was being pushy so the head Chief allowed her to borrow his kitchen she lies about how she worked hard just so the emperor likes what she made the emperor asks her if her father didn't teach her how to read or write but taught her how to bake a cake she glances at the cup and realizes that the old dude ate everything in it afterward she tells him that she learned how to make sweets from a picture book she has at home the emperor is impressed by the cake she made and asks her the secret behind its color Anastasia starts seeing colors around the emperor but she doesn't give it much thought Anastasia tells the emperor that it is thanks to something a baron gave to the Head Chief the emperor realizes the baron she is talking about is Baron catov the emperor promises to gift her something as well as the head Chief paval Anastasia noticed that the emperor's Shaw moved on its own and something invisible was roaming around the room the emperor orders the butler to take the little lady back to her room after Anastasia Left the emperor asked the invisible thing called shaml if Anastasia noticed his presence shaml calls her a peach-like thing as her hair color and eyes resemble a peach Shamel confesses that he is interested and wants to touch the little girl the emperor was surprised as someone who had lived for countless years was interested in someone like Anastasia it tells the emperor that Anastasia had little to no interest in him and all she cared about was how much you like the desert she made Shamel that asks the emperor the gift he will be giving her as the only thing she is interested in is to go home like a little kid in kindergarten the emperor realizes that the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree as her father wanted the same thing shaml is surprised to hear that she is the daughter of yuv later the emperor tells shaml that Anastasia has contracted a small bird Spirit as it was marqueis sedev who told him about it the emperor noticed that shaml was uncertain about something for the first time since they met shaml reveals the fact that whatever might be the case the only thing that is definite is that Marquee cares about Anastasia a lot Anastasia finally gets back to her room and makes a fuss that she might have to live a little longer at the palace away from her parents later she hopes that the emperor gifts her something she can later sell so she can buy baking supplies or maybe even a new roof for their wreckage of a house before going to bed she blames her spirit for everything and something answers her back she screams like a baby but soon realizes that it is her spirit talking the spirit introduces itself as the great sensory Spirit Dumbo Anastasia asks the spirit why she hasn't spoken up until now the spirit tells Anastasia that it was because she was as weak as a twig and she only was able to speak after she gained some strength Anastasia asks why the chick is blaming his inability to speak to a child who is too poor to eat good things Anastasia is still surprised to hear a spirited talk as she has never heard it before in the novel it was very rare for someone to get a visible spirit and that's the reason Anastasia used to act so arrogantly afterward Anastasia tells the spirit that she is noticing different colors around different people people the spirit tells her that she has a talent to see human emotions Anastasia starts panicking and being a nerd about it the spirit yells at her to shut up and informs her that once she gets used to this power she will be able to feel everything or nothing if she chooses to Anastasia asks her what she needs to do in order to learn this ability but the Arrogant bird doesn't know itself later the spirit tells Anastasia that it was because of him that she got to make those delicious cookies as it can do anything that requires the use of the senses it can include cooking draw drawing and music Anastasia mocks the Spirit by reminding it that the eggshell that fell into the bowl was also its fault the spirit gets Furious and starts yelling at Anastasia that even it can't use more strength than she possesses and it limits the power Anastasia realizes that she is the one who did everything and in the end the spirit is just a great recipe book before going to bed Anastasia tells the spirit that she plans to bake at least 10 times while she is staying at the Imperial Palace Anastasia informs the spirit that the reason she can only stay for a small while is that she contracted a small bird only people who have a contract with a spirit King can stay the emperor made a contract with the wind spirit King while alexe made a contract with the fire Spirit King this gives the spirit the idea to transform into the Big Bird it initially was the spirit flies off and tries to transform however the poor bird Still Remains the Same Size the spirit becomes depressed as it is now stuck in an embarrassing body and starts blaming Anastasia it becomes angry and goes inside the button again seeing how the spirit didn't want to talk anymore Anastasia went to sleep as well the next day she wakes up sweating from the heat even though it is currently winter her spirit tells Anastasia that it is fafar Alexa's Spirit doing it seemed like it couldn't control its power and caused the sudden heat around the Imperial Palace suddenly Anastasia remembers that the brownies she made yesterday must be spoiled but after doing a taste test she realizes that it was good to go both of them enjoyed the Brownie and Anastasia asked the spirit at name the spirit tells her that she doesn't have a name prompting Anastasia to give it one from now onwards the name of the spirit was Phoebe from the kitchen tool used for hot air to escape the spirit becomes angry at Anastasia for giving it such a ridiculous name and starts pecking her eventually she gets a hold of it and tells the spirit that there needs to be some rules between them Anastasia starts creating the rules the first rule is Phoebe needs to pretend to be a bird if it is in bird form the second is that the current bird form is the only one it can transform to and the third is that it is not allowed to rip her clothes Phoebe wants some rules for himself as well and starts off by telling Anastasia that the first rule is to never shake its body like a violent idiot the second rule is to make snacks every day Anastasia argues that she won't be able to bake snacks every day is that stingy Chief might not let her use his kitchen Phoebe tells her that she should be willing to do it because it's an awesome task Anastasia asks the reason and Phoebe nervously tells her that it is so spirits and humans can communicate with each other Anastasia seems agitated after hearing his weird reasoning but Phoebe tells her that she will understand eventually soon her maid lies barges into her room and tells her that the emperor has ordered her to stay and study in the Imperial Palace until she's an adult Anastasia's worst nightmare came true while her maid was dying with happiness Anastasia's mind went completely blank the maid tells her that her new room is next to Alexi's room and he will be decorating her room himself she remembers that the novel has the same plot and if everything stays the same she will meet her demise at the hands of carof later lies dresses her up and leaves soon after Anastasia goes to walk outside she realizes that there might be some hope as people don't hate her yet in the middle of her walk she hears a boy screaming he asks the butler why the twig got selected to live in the palace while he is sent back home he tells the butler to speak to the emperor again as there might be some kind of mistake looking at him being rude makes Phoebe act up Phoebe wants to go and kick his butt however Anastasia stops IT the boy notices Anastasia and starts coming at her blaming Anastasia for everything that happened the butler tried to stop but he slipped through the butler's butter fingers just as he is about to strike Anastasia she avoids the strike by feeding him something the boy swallows it and later asks Anastasia what she made him eat the Butlers run towards the grandchildren after forcefully feeding him Anastasia asks if it's good in taste after hearing that she made it he is about to call them trash but hears that the emperor liked them anast starts rubbing salt in his wound by bragging about how the emperor will be giving her a gift because of how tasty the cookies are Anastasia tries giving him another but he refuses and calls the treat a curse word Anastasia uses the the emperor liked my snacks card again and he instantly takes back what he said however he ends up taking the treat and returns Anastasia tells him to share it with Maxim Demitri went back to his horse wagon Anastasia seemed surprised as Demitri instantly calmed down after eating her sweets Phoebe informs her that it is due to her sweets as after they eat something delicious their mood improves eventually making him happy instead of angry later Liza arrives and notices the injury on her cheek Anastasia sees the purple light around her and concludes that it might mean Li is worried lies gets up and asks the other maid and Butler about what happened at this point the light had changed to a scarlet color hinting that lies was very angry Anastasia saves the other maid and Butler by telling lies to leave and go check their room wise's anger calms down in instantly and both of them return inside afterward lies advises Anastasia that she shouldn't go outside alone Anastasia tries to act bravely in as if nothing happened but lies reminds her about the injury on her cheek Anastasia who is a grown-up girl from the inside asks the maid to hold her in her arms eventually they both reach her new room Anastasia is surprised to see such a spacious and beautiful room everything is all right except the random door Anastasia asks lies about it and she tells her that the door connects to Alex 's room Anastasia feels chills run down her spine as a creepy boy can come to her room whenever he wants later lissy also tells Anastasia about her education and informs her that she will begin her studies tomorrow with none other than alexe seeing how alexe wants to do everything with her makes Anastasia suspicious of that boy at this point Anastasia in her mind knew that this might be some kind of trap she couldn't grasp the fact that what the next Emperor wanted from someone like Anastasia she comes to the conclusion that the pretty boy wants her eliminated it is time for Anastasia to take her classes with the prince just as she is about to talk to him Alexi tells Anastasia that she doesn't need to call him Crown Prince as even if she doesn't he still will be the prince Anastasia realizes what a duchak he is later when they start studying she realizes that he is completely ignoring her presence and only looking at his books Anastasia tries to start a conversation with him by calling him brother alexe but apparently the picky princess doesn't like her calling him brother either at this point Anastasia loses it and calls him alexe followed by an explanation of how he doesn't like to be called Prince or brother so that's the only thing left however their conversation is interrupted by their teacher after she is done with her studies she goes back to her room exhausted after spending time with the so-called Prince she tells Phoebe all about how the prince was trying to avoid her and questions the emperor's decision to make her stay Phoebe uses this opportunity and boasts that the only reason she is staying is because of its awesome abilities she instantly gets up throwing away Phoebe who was sitting on her head Anastasia would have run away only if her little brain remembered the address of her house she has a little box under her bed where she collects all the jewels for the day when she finally runs away from here she tells Phoebe that even her cousins hate her Phoebe calls the emperor a landowner making Anastasia curious later it tells her that he's managing the tenants of this expansive land making him a land donor Phoebe suddenly remembers what Demitri did to her and regrets his decision not to beat him that day this reminds Anastasia that just as she was able to improve Demitri's mood she could do the same with the egotistical Prince she went to the kitchen and peaked inside suddenly paval arrives and scolds her for running away last time she makes a vague excuse and gets out of the situation paval tells Anastasia that the emperor ate the snacks she made this made Anastasia realize that pble most likely doesn't know that she is the emperor's granddaughter or the wimp would have never dared to talk to her like this later he tells her to come and make the snacks if the emperor ever requests them she agrees but also wants to practice in his kitchen the rest of the day pble tells her that he will only allow her if she renames her chocolate from pav to something else Anastasia starts calling ASA the name her parents have called her for the last 10 years the chief seems confused but that's what she expected from him as he always calls Anastasia names like rat Chestnut and whatever afterward Anastasia gets ready and starts baking pable teases Anastasia for coming to his kitchen again Anastasia replies back and tells him that he also wanted to make a snack from his recipe again before starting she asks pble if he has any leftovers from yesterday however he tells her that he experimented using the chocolate and finished it all Phoebe who is hiding in her dress asks her if she will be making something salty this time she decides what to make and asks paval to bring her some flour a little salt cheese bacon mustard powder butter and milk poor PA goes and brings everything like a servant she asks P if he has baking powder but he doesn't understand what it is she starts to wonder if the food present in this world resembles the food served in the 18th century on Earth this gives her an idea and she asks pble to bring her some stomach medicine after he arrives she tastes a little and realizes that her guess is right the medicine's taste was very similar to baking soda as in the past baking soda was used to treat stomach aches another item she once P to bring is tartaric seeing how she is making something by mixing up medicine and tartaric makes pable anxious Anastasia knows that the correct quantity of these two ingredients has the same effect as baking soda but unfortunately she doesn't know the right amount Phoebe comes in the clutch and tells her the correct amount using its knowledge after a while she wonders if her senses are sharpened due to the contract she made with Phoebe and he agrees hearing the word contract makes Anastasia think that there might be something she has to offer as well but Phoebe says otherwise he tells her that they are just coexisting together and there is no need to exchange anything she creates the powder and starts calling it a magic powder it was now her turn to name it Phoebe starts excitedly telling her to name the power Phoebe she does what he says later paval takes care of all the cutting and frying Anastasia seems curious and asks PA the type of spirit he received and he tells Anastasia that his spirit is the sword Spirit afterward the cooking was finally complete ha is surprised to see it rise even though he didn't ferment it he gives all the credit to the stomach medicine they both pick one and take a bite after the first bite pble has nothing else to say but delicious Anastasia asks if she can pack some for herself prompting pble to ask who she will be giving it to Anastasia starts her sad story in front of him about how all her cousins hate her and she wants them to eat some of her snacks which might make them like her somehow Anastasia seems worried that her cousin probably eats good quality food and wonders if he will like her poorly made scones pable for the first time in his life says something kind and reassures her that he will like her cooking for sure as soon as it's 5:00 she leaves telling PA to have the rest of them for himself she takes the scones to alexe confident that he will start liking her afterward Anastasia has a brilliant idea to start selling the baking soda she invented as it doesn't exist in the culinary industry it would become very famous overnight however she needs a factory to produce this much quantity she checks her funds and forgets the idea of buying something herself the other idea is to spread a rumor about a magical power and receive an investment to make manufacture that product she starts thinking big regarding how if she gets Rich all the people will be surrounding her which might make her parents think she is not a loner anymore if the business is a success she might have enough money to open a bakery as well however she returns back to her world as the idea is Far From Reality right now the important thing for her to do right now is to get on Alexa's good side she goes to his room and knocks on the door but no one comes out she tries again an hour later after dinner and also at bedtime just just as she is about to give up some stranger comes out he introduces himself as Alexa's Knight and asks her for business with the prince she tells the Knight that all she wants to do is enjoy some snacks she has with him the Knight tells Anastasia that the prince is busy studying right now sadly Anastasia gives it to his guard and goes away the Knight brings and gives the snacks to the prince he seems confused seeing Anastasia only brought one for him he starts to think that she might be sucking up to him but realizes that if that were the deal she would have brought something better his Knight uses a Silver Needle to check for any sort of danger while his Knight is checking the food the prince wonders about how ever since he got a contract with the spirit King all he receives is eyes full of hatred and jealousy however it is different with Anastasia as the prince thinks that her eyes are innocent and similar to a cat in front of a puddle afterward the Knight informs him that it's safe to eat he takes a bite and realizes how good it tastes imaginary flowers start blooming around him as proof of how delicious it is week later Anastasia starts to notice the changes and realizes that the prince most probably ate the snacks she gave him she is sure that alexe is less wary of her and doesn't dislike her anymore Anastasia makes up her mind to cheer for the female lead when she appears in the Imperial Palace meanwhile she walks towards his room to deliver more snacks but to her surprise the door of his room is already open he greets her while she is frozen due to nervousness he asks Anastasia why she always tells his Knight cilic to deliver it to him even though their room are so close to each other she tells him that it is because she does not want to disturb him when he's busy the rizzler holds her hands and asks if Anastasia doesn't like him but she tells him that it is just because she doesn't want to disturb him Alexi tells Anastasia that he always has some extra time so spending it with her won't be a disturbance however her reply shocks alexe she accidentally tells him that she doesn't want to play with him making the poor Prince sat luckily she corrects herself and tells alexe that she doesn't want to play but wants them both to enjoy the snacks she brings it is because she wants to cheer up the prince Alexi tries to act like a gentleman and tells her that he always smiles whenever he looks at her Anastasia can't handle the embarrassment and runs away after giving him the snacks the next day she is spying on alexe who is busy practicing archery she realizes that unlike her he isn't a lazy person and spends every day working hard he trains in the morning studies in the afternoon meditates and does revision at night suddenly cilic arrives and catches the lady buying on the prince Anastasia asks why his night isn't with the price cilic informs Anastasia that he only requires safety at night as during the day he is the strongest due to his contract and does not need anyone's help this makes Anastasia curious and she asks why he is training if he can protect himself during the day and cilic can protect him during the night the Knight tells her that to control a powerful Spirit one needs to train his or her mind and body which makes it easier to control the powers of that spirit before leaving Anastasia takes out a scone and gives it to cilc he is surprised to hear that she is the one who makes them seeing how she always makes stuff for the prince cilic asks Anastasia a weird question he asks if Anastasia likes the Crown Prince alexe Anastasia having no idea what else to say tells cilic that is her parents are not allowed inside the Imperial Palace the only family she has is the Emperor and her cousin alexe however she still isn't sure if alexe likes her or not cilic assures her that the prince only has her as a family member as well and he only smiles whenever he looks at her Anastasia doesn't pay much mind to it and says that anyone would smile if they saw a bird with a flower similar to her as she always comes with a scone this sentence makes cilc unexpectedly giggle but apologizes afterward Anastasia calls cilc a nice guy and gives him two packs of scones instead of one a week later she is sitting behind alexe watching him practice he realizes that she is bored and asks if she wants to give archery a try the little thing gets up and excitement and agrees Alexi helps her with the posture in the correct way of holding the bow however her tiny body couldn't handle the force throwing the arrow somewhere else Alexa makes fun of her for being the size of a pee Anastasia starts feeling hot due to his Spirit apparently the Imperial Palace has a natural heater that stays warm all four seasons due to the heat released from his Spirit he seems worried and asks Anastasia why she doesn't seem to feel hot even though she gets close to him Anastasia thinks hard for a while and comes up with an amazing reply she tells him that it's normal for attacks to not affect one's allies Alexi doesn't quite understand what it means so Anastasia elaborates that is he doesn't read novels he doesn't know about it but in novels no wizard can hurt their allies as their magic is only used to hurt the enemies after listening to her he starts smiling seeing how the prince is smiling makes Anastasia tease him he tries to hide his face like a lady Anastasia tries to remove his hand he tells him to but eventually pushes him away making her fall to the ground even though she isn't hurt at all the prince gets scared and apologizes Alexi starts walking away but Anastasia stops him he tells her that since he signed a contract with the fire dragon Spirit the powers are unstable and its powers sometimes leak that's the reason he tries not to be very emotional in front of others Phoebe appears and makes fun of the idiot Prince Anastasia asks about it but phebe tells her that it doesn't make any sense and the heat is only leaking out because fafnir is excited and it has nothing to do with Prince Phoebe tells her that there is a chance that the contractor gets better at controlling the power once he gets stronger but hiding one's emotion doesn't seem right Phoebe gives her an idea to make him happy by feeding him a lot of snacks however after using her good for nothing brain she has an idea and runs towards alexe upon seeing her he lets her maid leave and talks in private with Anastasia she tells alexe that his Spirit wouldn't have signed a contract with him if he wasn't qualified enough she reminds alexe that during the spirit sah ceremony there wasn't a single person who smiled as all of them wanted the spirit King for themselves and if alexe is the only one who got chosen by the spirit King it must mean he is qualified Anastasia scolds The Prince and tells him that hiding his emotions won't do him any good as fafnir is the one who can't control his power and not the other way around after listening to Anastasia talk Alexi tells her that his father also made a contract with fafnir but sadly he passed away due to it it happened when alexe was 5 years old old his father was an emotionally intense man and lost his due when the power got out of control Anastasia realizes that the story Alexa is telling her is false as the story she remembers from the novel is completely different the emperor thought Alexi's father Nikolai was unfit to become a prince and wanted Anastasia's dad to become the prince instead Nikolai threw himself in the fire after realizing that he wasn't his favorite son Anastasia's father also got angry at the emperor for doing all this to his elder brother he left the Imperial Palace and the emperor later removed all the other princes as well it was after alexe made a contract with the spirit King that he was granted the prince role she tells him that he is mistaken and fafnir is only excited to sign a contract with him it's not his fault that he is getting excited Alexi tells her that even though he was made to take the contract he didn't know and thought his Spirit was a mere candle Spirit it was later that he was told by the emperor he starts to cry while telling the story and Anastasia runs at him and hugs him telling him to cry as much as he wants later lies tells Anastasia that alexe has gotten sick she asks the reason why he can't be given any medicines according to lies it is because he has resistance to poison lies tells her to go to bed if she doesn't want to get sick as well after lies leaves the naughty girl gets up and knocks on Alex's room ceril comes out and tells her about Alex's condition alexe was still sleeping and his fever was not even close to going down Anastasia requests to see his face before she leaves cilic lets her in looking at him in pain makes Anastasia worry but suddenly she hears a strange voice and is caught by surprise Phoebe comes out and shouts at faf as the strange sounding voice is actually fafnir's they both start fighting and Anastasia starts talking to fafnir as well Anastasia is surprised to see fafner talk and he tells her that it's thanks to her that it is happening as Spirits can't talk until their contractors recognize them Anastasia asks about how she is able to talk to him even though alexe is the contractor Phoebe tries to brag about his ability that let Anastasia talk to fafnir but gets cut off the candle goes out and fafnir asks Anastasia to light it again fafnir lets her know that he still is not used to the human world and that minor inconvenience is such as this happen all the time before leaving Anastasia tells fafner that whenever alexe wakes up he needs to explain everything to him nicely fafnir has no idea what she is talking about Anastasia shakes the candell stand like a maniac and tells fafnir that he needs to tell alexe that the increase in power is his fault and it has nothing to do with alexe and his emotions fafner seems sad to hear all this Anastasia tells him that he should apologize and leaves his room Anastasia heads straight to the kitchen Phoebe asks her about why she is headed towards the kitchen and she replies that she knows how to make something that might help Alexa get better Anastasia goes to the kitchen in order to prepare medicines she asks Phoebe if normal food can help the prince get better and he says it can pable is present in the kitchen she tells him about her cousin and he is shocked to hear how hard she works for her cousin Anastasia tells pable that he probably doesn't realize how hard she is working but it is also her duty to treat her sick cousin afterward she asks for ginger pears cinnamon and black pepper pable is surprised to see the lousy kid not using flour this time she tells him that she will be making a ginger cordel with boiled pear cordel is actually a concentrate made by boiling juice with sugar even though it is used as an ingredient for other Foods it can be used to treat colds as well Anastasia asks paval why he hasn't gone home he tells her that he should have left 5 minutes ago but has never seen a cordial made of Ginger before his interest in curiosity made him stay and help the little rascal while he is talking to her Anastasia accidentally cuts her finger but hides it from him fa Pats her head and they start preparing after a few steps all that is left is to squeeze the ginger juice out and after that it is a long weit Anastasia offers P that he can go whole and she will clean up afterward P reminds her that he is responsible for everything that happens in the kitchen and that leaving a kid alone is out of the question he asks the time period they will have to wait and apparently the wait is an hour or two at most after that the starch will settle at the bottom and she can pour liquid on the top paval tells her that it is not a big deal if he waits a little longer as he already is a big boy while cutting pairs he asks Anastasia what they will be used for she informs PA that they are good for colds and treats them quickly he cuts the pears horizontally and Anastasia asks if he has any cookie cutters she uses the decorating utensils to cut the peirs so they will look pretty perfect for the sick pretty prince faal who doesn't know she is talking about the prince asks her if the cousin is very young and she hesitantly agrees the decoration didn't turn out as good as she wanted it to be and they looked more like a nightmare than a decoration to make the patient happy pable teases Anastasia saying that her cousin needs to be brave to eat something like that the only step left was to add sugar and stir it over high temperature p starts to add cinnamon to it and Anastasia's expression changes and visible disgust can be seen she tells pble that her hate for cinnamon is immense but they are good for the cold after stirring for a while the ginger cordial is finally complete P lets Anastasia take a sip the look on her face tells everything regarding the taste of it she tells pble that it tastes so strong and she doesn't have much confidence that her sick cousin would drink something so horrible in taste Phoebe comes to the rescue and tells Anastasia to put milk in it she tells PA to add milk he seems confused for a while but listens to her after adding milk the color changes to a more refreshing one and both of them take a sip of it the results are mind-blowing as compared to the thing Anastasia tasted before and almost puked she starts enjoying it very much but soon realizes that it's for alexe and she needs to save a little she takes the ginger cordial and heads out towards the prince's room cilc comes out and is tired of seeing Anastasia for the third time in a single day she tells ceril that she has made something for the prince and would like to give it to her just as she is talking to the Knight the prince calls Anastasia and tells her to come in after she comes in he asks the reason for her visit Anastasia tells the prince that she has brought something for him to drink that she made herself while he drinks the medicine she cheers him on like a little baby who is eating his food he looks at The Boiled pears that are in horrifying shape she is embarrassed after seeing what it turns out and tries to make excuses however this is not what he was asking what he is curious ious about is how she made it she tells him to be grateful for the medicine as she got hurt during making it she feeds the prince with her own hands he stops after taking a few sips of it Anastasia tries to feed him more but he can't eat and apologizes alexe went to bed and the next morning woke up fresh free from any cold or disease the first thing he notices is Anastasia sleeping next to him Alexa calls out her name and wakes her up she's still half asleep and asks him if his fever has gone down or if is it still the same he looks looks concerned and asks her if she was with him the whole night totally ignoring his questions Anastasia goes out to him and touches his forehead in order to feel his temperature afterward Anastasia gives him a glass of Ginger milk to drink so he can get all better as soon as possible he asks if she is feeling tired after spending the night with him Anastasia gets a rare opportunity and asks to take the study class off as she is very tired Alexa warns her that the emperor will scold her but she Dodges it and tells Alexa that it's not like she will be becoming the next Emperor it's a small only essential for alexe and she doesn't really need it anyways all she has to do is get scolded a little Anastasia tries to make him a delinquent as well by telling him that he should also make use of his sickness and take another day off Anastasia keeps on mentioning the little cut she got while making the ginger milk for him to gain his pity he dismisses the cut and asks her about the time she fell because of him which actually reminds her of something she forgot Anastasia starts telling him about fafnir and mentions the fact that all thaten happened because fafnir was excited and it had nothing to do with him alexe doesn't really take him seriously and the only choice that was left is to actually show the proof she actually lights a candle and brings it towards him Anastasia calls out fafnir and tells him to apologize to alexe there are a few moments of silence as the prince tries to process the event occurring before his eyes fortunately fafnir appears from the flames and starts talking to the prince he said that his only intention was for alexe to notice him and he didn't mean mean to do any of the other things he promises to never do it again surprisingly the prince can't see anything and all that is in front of him is a little girl holding a candle phebe bursts out of laughter and makes fun of fafnir for not being able to talk to his contractor Anastasia tries to confirm with alexe if you really can't hear anything fafnir said the prince starts getting suspicious of her and asks her if she can really talk to the spirits Anastasia realizes that the prince really can't hear any of the spirits and it's a problem if he notices that Anastasia has such powers to talk to the spirits Phoebe tells her that she can give him the power and if he can sense and perceive properly he will be able to do what she does even though his powers are different for this to work all she has to do is feed him a ton of snacks she makes Anastasia wants to make an excuse soon so the prince doesn't get suspicious alexe asks her again if she talks to the spirits this time she tells him that fafnir said sorry to him and for everything heed to make him suffer eventually promising to do better from now onwards and avoid doing such things in the upcoming future he starts talking to fafnir through Anastasia and tells him that if that happens the Imperial Palace will need some heaters which might take some time he asks fafnir to help them spend this winter warmly she puts down the candle after telling alexe that fafnir agreed however the prince is still finding it hard to believe that Anastasia can talk to the spirits and asks her once again this time she chooses to tell the truth and tells alexe that she didn't hide it on purpose and the only reason she didn't mention it was because the others didn't seem curious she contemplates that he has messed up and there is no way of knowing if alexe might raise his guard around her or will to the haters Road the prince holds her hand and tells her that he understands everything she says and asks her to not worry about anything even though he said all those kind words Anastasia couldn't help but feel bothered as he believed her this quickly Phoebe tells her to calm down as one of her powers is that people don't misunderstand her when she tells the truth however this power only works once in a while however he tells her that she needs to feed a lot of snacks and eventually she will get better at using her powers the next day she is sitting on a table alone as alexe goes to the emperor even though he is the one who invited Anastasia there is a book in front of her and as she is Bored alone Anastasia gives it a try Phoebe arrives and informs her about a mind that has glittering transparent things while Anastasia is sitting alone Alexa is with the emperor the emperor tells him that sir tarj nellan wanted to get back in Action as the leader position is currently vacant he is a strong candidate the emperor tells alexe that this man has asked for reinstatement after 10 years calling him Shameless the emperor asks alexe what he should do with the request alexe tells him that sir tar served with the emperor on the battlefield a long time ago his contributions were a lot during the war and even helped them secure the northern border alexe tells the emperor that 10 years is too soon to overlook his contribution and he deserves a second chance the emperor quietly listens and then tells alexe that his youngest son anast 's father married sir T's daughter and fled he later disowned his daughter after getting to know what she did alexe tells the emperor that he already knows the whole story and still approves of his return the prince tries to take his side and tells the emperor that The Incorruptible Knight wouldn't dare disobey the emperor's orders another reason he gives to the emperor is that soon the noctis elves will be sending a messenger to have talks regarding peace there might be some Elves among them who remember sir nellan Fain name but they will just think nonsense once they gaze upon his face he tells the emperor that he wants him to face the messenger of peace and later leaves he gets back to Anastasia and informs her about the land he will be getting from elves she stands up in Surprise and asks further questions he informs her that the elves are giving it as compensation for the war he is still unsure about the land she should pick and asks if Anastasia has any recommendations she remembers the things Phoebe told her a little time ago and points towards it she informs the prince that even though there are no exceptional benefits or drawbacks she still likes the land as there are white birds that live at the top prettier than Phoebe she also asks him if the other places are better than this one or do they have benefits that this one doesn't Alexa tells her that the land they are offering is almost the same and has no major differences this prompts Anastasia to ask him about a place called Lumen vasilis he tells her that he will be choosing What She Likes Anastasia seems surprised but he tells Anastasia that his Spirit was interested in that land as well this makes Anastasia think that he might be able to talk to fafnir now he agrees and tells her that fafnir told him he would be wearing a suit made of red silk to the victory ball she realizes that he is just making a fool out of her later the prince asks Anastasia about the dress she will be wearing at the victory ball she is still mad and tells him that there isn't anything she wants to wear alexe makes up his mind and tells Anastasia that he will be choosing her dress afterward the prince also wants to give Anastasia a present to help him choose a land Anastasia says that he already is giving her a dress and there is no need however alexe insists saying that the dress is just something he is giving to her younger sister Anastasia doesn't hesitate and tells him that she wants to go home and the excuse she makes is that she left something behind Alexi reminds her that it is impossible for her to go back home if the emperor doesn't allow her to as her wish to go home is out of his League he asks her for something else suddenly she remembers a thing she always wanted a bird cage for Phoebe the prince tries to give her more presents but she distracts him with the scones she made and tells him to eat it with Jam as it's extra delicious that way he makes a creepy face and asks Anastasia if she knows why the emperor called him today Anastasia is unaware so she asks about it the prince tells her about the leader of the knights wanting a reinstatement but she couldn't care less Anastasia is busy eating the scones she made with Jam while thinking that the freshly baked scones always look so delicious and creamy tea with them is also a good combination alexe seeing how uninterested she is asks her if she knows who the previous lead leader of Ting's Knights is it is a character who isn't properly mentioned in the novel to Anastasia who is unaware of him he tells her that the previous leader of the knights is none other than her maternal grandfather and the father of Princess Serena her mother she is startled after hearing all this and the yummy scones she was about to eat fall down from her hand she is aware that if he arrives at the Imperial Palace things might go bad before Anastasia was born her parents came to Alexa's room and woke him up he gives him a big hug and tells Al Al that he might never get to see him again and leaves after telling him that he loves him back to the present alexe tells Anastasia that her parents yure and Arena won't be able to come back to the Palace nor will she be able to meet them until she leaves the Imperial Palace so Alexi's idea is to have the maternal grandfather around as it might be good for her to depend on someone the Little P still declines his offer and tells him that he is the only one she needs listening to her talk like this makes alexe spill his tea she further tells him that even though he is her maternal grandfather Anastasia had no idea he existed before alexe told her about him she doesn't know who he is or what kind of person he might be she tells alexe that if he is doing all this just for her it's better to cancel it overall he still tries to play the family card but Anastasia tells him that he is the only family she needs Alexa tries to take his hand forward trying to do something but quickly retrieving it back in the end he tells her that he wants her maternal grandfather to face the messenger of the elves there isn't much of a choice however he tries to play the strong big brother role by telling her she doesn't have to worry about anything as all she has to do is inform him if her grandfather does something sketchy with her he promised her to scold her grandfather and Order him not to bother the little pee it was the day of the victory ball everyone was gathered at the Imperial Palace as today was the day carav returned an announcement is made and everyone gathers around meanwhile The Prince and Anastasia are sitting next to the emperor Anastasia notices that it's very loud outside as the noise can be heard all the way inside the palace Alexa asks her if she is scared of this all Anastasia is just nervous and she asks the same question to him alexe is not scared but it feels a little different than a triumphal celebration to him he tells her that he is also a little excited about seeing an old friend he tells her that if he is Alex's friend he will be Anastasia's friend as well seeing how the prince is mentioning her worst nightmare makes her empty-headed the emperor is surprised to hear Anastasia call alexe alosha and asks about it she tells him that the picky Prince doesn't like being called The Crown Prince or his name but enjoys how his nickname sounds the emperor sure was surprised to hear about it Anastasia asks the prince to call her Asia he blushes like a little girl and eventually calls her Asia Phoebe asks her and makes fun of her for liking being called Asia suddenly all the noise coming from the outside turns into complete silence the door of the palace slowly opens and carav appears he walks in with his other comrades the emperor starts talking to them and gives them his gratitude for defeating the elves and winning the tournament he calls the chief commander forward while the ceremony is going on pable notices Anastasia sitting beside the emperor and is shocked he remembers all the things he did and the way he treated her and is scared as hell the emperor asks carav about her grandmother yarina as it has been around a decade since he last met her carav replies that his grandmother is doing well as it would have been difficult to win the war without her carof stays quiet afterward as there is no other thing to talk about the emperor stands up and tells the heroes that even though it was a long and hard War for them they did well and pray that the spirits continue to bless the heroes Anastasia realizes that the emperor's speech is nearing its end in carof and the prince will meet soon she didn't want to be a third wheel and decided to leave on her own just as she is about to leave her feet slip she is just about to fall but luckily alexe grabs her and saves her from falling the prince lifts her up and starts to take her away as her feet are hurt the maids try to help the prince but he insists on taking her just as they are about to leave a stranger appears and greets alexe they both greet each other but something feels wrong the tension between them is rising and it doesn't feel like the two of them really like each other Anastasia notices that his eyes look even colder than the eyes of alexe when they first met the person tells alexe to speak comfortably as they are nephews and Uncle alexe agrees and tells him about his current life including how he is enjoying spending time with Anastasia he notices Anastasia and introduces himself as her uncle veery afterward he tells her about his son Ilia who kept talking about her she finally remembers veiler is the guy who fueled the fire of Destruction in the original story Anastasia asks about Ilia even though she has no idea who he is veiler informs them that his son is sick and won't be able to visit Anastasia calls Alexa alosa in front of her uncle he seems surprised and asks her about it after realizing what's going on he tells Anastasia that she shouldn't talk to him like this and remember the family etiquette Alexi jumps in and silences the annoying Uncle he tells him that family etiquette matters when he is talking to his uncle or the emperor but if Anastasia calls him that it is totally fine later he makes fun of his child hints to him to go back home early and leaves he apologizes to Anastasia for not letting her talk to her uncle but little does he know she is actually relieved they both are enjoying tasty snacks together and alexe asks her if she won't be coming to the victory banquet tomorrow she declines but the prince tries to change her decision in the midst of their conversation carav appears and walks towards them he walks closer telling the prince that he has something to inform him while both Phoebe and Anastasia are sweating and panicking from the inside thanks for watching comment Ginger and let us know if you enjoyed it
Channel: Real Recap
Views: 36,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Manhwa recap, Manga recap, Anime recap, Real Recap, Manhwa Tower, Manhwa Dealer, Manhwa Galaxy, Manhwa Life, Voice of Manhwa, Dronzer Recap, ManhwaCapped, Manhwa Recommendation, solo farming in the tower manhwa recap, solo farming in the tower, asura manhwa recap, dungeon anime recap, farming recap, chef recap, good manhwa recap, dungeon manhwa, good manhwa, latest manhwa recap, The Reincarnated Princess is a Villainess but all she wants to do is Bake
Id: Vm7qOipgAg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 45sec (3405 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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