A Refresher | Pastor Dino Rizzo

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[Music] hey lifepoint family we're gonna get to the message in a moment so don't click away but before we do we wanted to share our excitement with you about this season that we're entering as a church every year around this time we engage in a very special tradition here at lifepoint that's right and we want to invite everyone who calls lifepoint home whether you are part of one of our local campuses or extended online family no matter your zip code your state or your country we together are a part of something very special and together we are making a difference in the lives of so many you know every year we set aside this time as a church really to stretch our faith align our hearts to god's faithfulness and to make ourselves available you know i think that's one thing that god really wants from us is he wants our availability we're actually theming this year here i am and so whether you feel like you have a lot to offer or a little i know this that god will multiply whatever you're willing to put in his hands when you say here i am use me and so every year we conclude this season with a very special offering we call it our kingdom builder offering because together we're building the kingdom of god that's right we wanted to personally invite you to consider giving a one-time gift in this season or maybe a recurring gift as an act of faith an act of worship and as a response to god's goodness in your life we would love for you to partner with us in sacrificial giving believing god to do more in and through us than we could ever ask or imagine you can go to lifepoint.org give to see how you can participate today you know whatever god leads you to do we just want you to know this that we're just very grateful and i know this has been a challenging season for all of us and i'm convinced of this now more than ever that people need the life and the love that is found through this ministry and so thank you for partnering with us in making an eternal difference in the lives of so many hands for jesus oh it's greatness great to be at life point what an honor it is you can be seated thanks a lot to god be the glory and just want to take a moment to welcome of course all those that are in person it's great to be back together having church and maybe you're at one of our locations thanks a lot and then uh watching online the online family uh we love you we know god is there with you and then i just want to say a special uh you know shout out to all those that are that are watching on demand maybe you're somewhere in the world and you feel a part of this house and feel a part of what god is doing here we love you thanks a lot for joining uh today at lifepoint hey church let's clap your hands for all those that are with us today fantastic fantastic and so we love you on behalf of pastor daniel and tammy floyd we just want to welcome you and i'm just so glad to be here uh man i i get to be a part of this i've been here several times and so i love coming around i'm that uncle you didn't know you had you know all of a sudden later on in life you found out you had an italian uncle he's gonna show it for the first time at christmas you're like lord have mercy jesus so that's me i may come by this later on your house later on and i want those guys to make myself at home no matter if you want me to or not i will sit on your couch i will get up in your refrigerator i may use your toilet i ain't scared it's just one of those kind of guys so i feel like family here i've always felt like family being a part of life point and i get to serve on a team in a church like this church of the highlands pastor chris hodges who uh loves your pastor and so many similarities with next steps and helping people uh discover the way god wire has wired them and so that's awesome and then a similar multiple okay seeing people baptize all over the church life and then get to serve also at ark and pastor daniel talked about you'll hear a lot about that as you lead up into your kingdom builder offering and plant churches we've planted 912 churches planted 35 churches already this year in the middle of all these things the church is wide open reaching people and i think our best days are ahead of us i just know that god is sovereign god is in control i woke up this morning celebrating jesus no matter what happens around us i'm just going to love god thank god for all his mercies and all the different ways in our world today and then also lead a more a movement called servalution and where we empower churches thousands of churches uh through relationships and resources so that they can engage their community and so as a church you're an outreach center church and all the different ways that you do serve week and how you love your city and i've loved how it's been every day during this coven you you've not gotten less you've gotten more i mean the great commission is alive and well at life point and because of your generosity so we help other churches uh discover that in their setting and so thanks a lot for providing resources and when you give in the kingdom of offerings some of that will help us expand to help more churches more people reach their cities to be the hands and feet of jesus so again thanks so much for your generosity i love your pastors pastors daniel and tammy are the real deal come on clap your hands with your pastors maybe you're watching online throw them emojis up uh i've watched what god has done with your pastors and they love you my goodness they love god and you're not around them without a minute and within a minute they're talking about you they're talking about all of your sacrifice and how much they love being a part of your life and you know when you think about the the pastor daniel and of course his amazing wife and their family even you got a great team here i'm telling you got a great team uh i'd walk from birmingham to come here work in a parking lot just for a moment it's just the real i mean just real a pure innocent uh genuine uh not afraid to sacrifice uh two words that describe pastor daniel me is integrity and and generosity just just doing it right and so you're in a safe place i gotta tell you this i'm so proud of your pastors how they've even responded during these days and let's do more let's reach more people let's let's make sure that we're sharing the love of god with our neighbor and i mean we're just going through a lot as a people and and there there are people that you can trust and i think there's a special touch on this house also on your pastors and so you pray for your pastors during this time and again i'm honored to be here and uh and especially during this time i love that pastor daniel allowed for me to to be here during this time as you're getting together you're reaching people i was reached through outreach so you talk about reaching out giving out food and distributing things to those that are you know in less situation than you and i that's how i got reached i never showed up in church i would have never just gone to church we were not church going people and so i the church came to me and so we talk about a kingdom builder offering we talk about being generous whether it's one time or or starting on that date to say hey you know what in 2021 i'm going to be more consistent with my tithe i'm going to i'm going to put god first in my finances the result of that is what you impact someone's eternity i believe that with all my heart because that's what happened to me and so i just want to say thank you on behalf of a whole lot of people that you're going to reach next year thank you on behalf of those hey that are not yet here oh come on clap your hands that will be here because of your generosity during the season and i love the theme here i am that's what it's all about it's a time of surrender it's a time of hearing from god so my wife and i we have done kingdom builder offerings for probably 20 something years uh in church settings with the family of god there's three things we always do we always pray we want to hear from god i want to hear what god is saying to my wife and i as a family as we give over and above the second thing is we we plan to be we plan to be a part of it we just don't you know we don't we don't think about it the day of we start praying now we start planning now we look at our resources we look at what's happened in our life and and we know that god has helped us even if it's tough even if we've gone through pain even if this year has been hardship we're just gonna plan uh to be a part and then the last thing is we participate so we're gonna go online and we do text to give and things like that so i just want to encourage you and then you know you do you just watch god you just watch god just bless your life and help you with your kids and help you in your marriage and so you're making a difference to i mean i was talking to pastor daniel and just the sacrifice of just food distribution i think you fed everybody in virginia can i have a good amen i mean you blessed everybody anybody who's had a reduced opportunity in this region has had an opportunity because of your provision and and thank you so much for just being that church and being those kind of people because that's the reason why we exist if you look at the mission and the heartbeat of your pastors in this house it simply says we exist so that people far from god will become fully alive in christ jesus i think i can give my life to that and and that's what we're talking about i want to jump right into the word i love this series here i am i want to talk for a few minutes around the idea and then i'm just going to give you one big idea just one simple idea but i want to talk around the thought of a refresher a refresher so let's pray father we love you thank you for what you're doing in this house and and all the formats and all the digital ways the lord thank you what's happening in this room and all of our rooms speak to us help us we need you jesus we need you we need you thank you for our pastors or thank you for generosity lord i pray god that we do have a heart to be a kingdom of god builder a builder of the kingdom of god to the least and to the lonely that's what we're all about in jesus name everybody said a good amen look at that person next to you i know you can't give him a handshake or a fist bump but you can't look at him and say man i'm glad you made it to church lord who come on look at that other person say i know you need some church lord see it all over you need some church uh i came to christ and got involved with a little beach church from myrtle beach south carolina came to christ jumped in this little church little tiny church little small church right by the beach there ocean boulevard and um love my pastor my first pastor i was there for three years then i went on to go to bible college in louisiana we planted a church my wife and i in louisiana pastored it for 20 years and now we live in birmingham for the last eight or nine years but my first pastor was something else he was a long-winded preacher preach a whole series on a sunday morning just today we're going to introduce a series and i'll be concluding a series all in the same time and long way to preach angry preachers i don't know if you've ever seen any anger only if you have been in any angry preach i i've been to some angry preachers let me tell you something right now i mean it was a little bit angry preach and so but he was good man godly man good man and but he did something every sunday for three years i was there one verse every sunday that he did during the offering and it was proverbs chapter 11 verse 25 and he'd get to the offering time he'd take a while into offering he went with him quick offering you guys we're going to pass the containers every once in a while we did the re-pass y'all you all know nothing about the re-pass we've re-passed those containers and and he would take his time and he would always say okay we're getting ready to take the offering it's refreshment time at living faith we get we're getting ready to break out the refreshments at living faith because he believed that there was no greater way to be refreshed than by being generous being generous and he didn't come up with that it's in the book of proverbs chapter 11 god came up with it proverbs chapter 11 verse 25 he'd read this every single week three years i heard this over and over again a generous person will prosper whoever refreshes others will be it's a fact it's gonna happen be refreshed most refreshing thing you can do in life is give your life away so i'm not sure about that because i don't feel refreshed i don't feel like i've experienced a refresher in my life see we're living in a world right now that many and and there's been seasons that all of us i think have walked through uh the idea and the and the pain of a dry place there's been some times of 2020 that we felt like we were at a dry place that i feel dry in god i feel dry in it with a dream i feel dry with the future i just don't feel like there's anything happening i feel like i'm in a dry place and but but the book of wisdom proverbs says and we don't have to live that way that one of the ways that we can be refreshed is it's and we sometimes think that we're only going to be refreshed in the getting and proverbs says no no no no we need to flip that the way that you're refreshed is in the giving and and the actual giving it away it's in the distributing it's in the it's in the going out it's in the relaying it's the principle that when you pour your life out to others he himself will pour into you he said well dean i've been living in an empty place not only has it been dry i feel empty on the inside i feel empty in faith i feel empty with a dream i feel empty with what's next and i just feel empty as it relates to maybe my future or my opportunities or in my family or in my dating relationships i feel like i've been empty but god says hey you're not going to get filled up if all you're thinking about is me myself and i you will be he will pour out to you and pour into you as you pour out to others god's heart is to fill you up god wants you to to live a refreshed life or refresh your life i i research that word a little bit it's an amazing it means to to freshen again to refresh it means you pick me up it's a cool down it's a it's where there is a a blast of energy or or to be radiant again a breath of new life you say well you know i've been in a dry place i've been in an empty place but i feel i just feel down i just feel down it's amazing how you experience a day in the day it's not that bad you go to sleep and you wake up down you just wake up depressed you wake up with anxiety you wake up at 5 00 am when you normally wake up at 7 00 am and you're panicking you're rehearsing the day and you're going through what's ahead of you and all of a sudden in that moment that pre-day moment right right before you get up you not even touched your phone and you sense that anxiety or that panic coming on you and you're not even out of bed yet and you feel down come on somebody at life point can you say amen if you know what i'm talking about you just feel down there's no reason to it's just it's like there's a cloud that's come over your life and and you feel like you you woke up in a desert that's the reality of life sometimes you feel low low low low low god says i have a pathway out of the dumps i can help you out of the molly grubs i can i can bring you out of the lowlands of me myself and i i can bring you out of the basement of fear and hurt and selfishness but you've got to open up your heart and you've got to open up your hand and then i will flow i will reign i will spill over into your life and my holy spirit will be a stimulus into your life and then a stimulus into someone else's life he wants to refresh us it's the truth a generous person will prosper whoever refreshes others will be refreshed i've had an interesting history and journey with starbucks i guess i discovered it probably 20 years ago first time i went to starbucks was in memphis never been to one a pastor picked me up john sibling a dear friend of your pastor pick me up at the hotel we were going to have church that night was a conference at us at his church a lot of friends were there he picked me up and when he picked me up and he said hey man let's run by starbucks okay i don't know what that is and is that sanctified i don't know where we're going so we go by and he's like no man it's just a third place it's just a cool hangout do you know when somebody knows something cool and you don't know it yet you're like okay i don't know what you're talking about i haven't done that yet i don't know what that is so we walk in i feel awkward i don't know where to stand i don't know what to do where do i put my hands where do i do my hands and i don't know what to do and you order and you're you're at this menu board and there's all these hey can i have a can i have a medium coffee we have a grande i don't know what that is i'm not sure if i want that okay i don't you don't know anything it's not he's having to coach me through it it's like you know order you know just order you know a latte it's like okay i order a latte and then and then he's talking to him i'm i'm confused people are staying people are chilling he's like their dog like on their head they've got headphones on their beats it's back in the day big beats like on their computer blogging they're blogging it's just so cool everybody's just so cool they do this uh everybody's chin checking each other i don't know and then they call my name dino man you all know me call my name you'll know me you know my people just don't call my name i'm italian i know people do you know my name where they he told him and they wrote it on my cup dino and i just feel so cool what's up man i go to the conference like now i'm cool so i'm just walking around the conference in the starbucks i'm dino and then i've had a journey with my drink i started out just basic latte i think i moved into macchiatta whew and then and then you know i went through like a scholastic academic time in my life it was a minute and it was in a i ordered a chai and you want to order it loud would you hey hey kevin chai what's up working on my doctorate and domino's pizza that's what i do my thesis on fried chicken i mean i'm just i'm just trying to just act cool and then it was then i got stuck on a drink for about a decade a a grande white chocolate mocha well stirred oh i'm a complicated ordered a complicated orderer [Applause] but recently i have moved because i found out i was like 800 calories in that white chocolate boca my wife trying to thin me down so now i order what they just came out with called a refresher oh about 90 calories in that mug i'd drink me like eight a day the only 90 calories they had eight of them drink eight of them hey and what hey and this is not a just a refresher this is called a strawberry acai and i have to i say it like that every time i go in i go in and say hey can i have a strawberry like wow and i get one every day at one o'clock and i drink it the same way and i've been doing this for a year i do this every single day [Laughter] [Applause] whoa brother all refreshed hey can i tell you something we are living in a world today that is dry and thirsty feels like a dress a desert feels like a dry place feels like a low place feels like a bearing place god almighty says i have the recipe i have the menu to refresh you and it's when you refresh others i want you to be that in your life god wants to help us and this is not just found in proverbs it's everywhere in the bible all across scripture there's this this idea and there's this heart of god and we see it through the example of jesus that he wants to refresh us for a purpose not just our pleasure but on purpose the bible is full of these refresher truths for purpose here's one ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 and 10 it says for it is by grace you've been saved through faith this is not from yourself it's a gift of god not by work so that anyone could boast for we are god's handiwork created in christ jesus to do good works which god prepared in advance for us to do see god put a divine to do in you that's why the enemy wants to keep you empty that's why the enemy wants to keep you distracted to keep you down and depressed because there's a divine to do in you and when you spill it over and you release it you bless and you help somebody so the enemy's always trying to tell you what you're not and how you have nothing to offer and because of all these things in your past and because of all this pain in your life and because of all this trauma in your family and because of a bad week or a bad weekend you have nothing to offer that does not alter the divine to do that's in you none of those things have changed because we've had a bad week we come back to god and the divine to do is they're ready because god put it in you before you before you didn't do anything i mean i thought about this the other day i don't know if i've ever said this but i thought about this the other day we give our family gives generously to our church we believe in the tithe and i remember giving and i thought wow lord if i believe this this verse that when i was born this gift to to to to give today to go online and and and to worship god with my tithe you put it there you knew about this the first time i gave an offering to a church when i was 19 years old 40 dollars my tithe at 19 years old god you did that in advance that even before i even knew the church even before i even knew this long-winded pastor you put that gift in me even before i packed a box of food even before i reached out to the homeless even before i prayed for those that have no bibles you put all that in me i mean god in advance you put something in me to be to be kind and to be patient and to be understanding with those that are fighting addiction you put that in me and and god did for a purpose a couple other verses it says in titus 3 8 it says this is a trustworthy saying i want you to stress these things i like that thank god for a pastor like pastor daniel who will stress the correct things i'm glad he's saying hey we're taking a kingdom better offering i'm glad we were able to pack food for everybody i'm glad we have a served day and an outreach why we need to stress these things can't hide them can't not talk about them stress these things so that those who have trusted in god may be careful to devote themselves to what doing what is good matter of fact it's excellent and profitable to everyone i think i want to live the more excellent way i think i want to live a life that profits others and then the last verse i love matthew 5 verse 14 through 16. you are the light of the world a city built on a hill cannot be hid no one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl instead it is put on a lamp stand where it gives light to everyone in the house in the same way you light must shine before people so that they may see see see see the good things you do you do and then by seeing the good things you do they will praise your father in heaven so the way i treat people the way i love people the way i notice the hurting the way i lean into those in my neighborhood who are going through pain the way that i'm there for someone who is suffering the way that i'm there for someone who is going through a storm in their life you mean to tell me the way that i serve them and love them and i bring a meal to them or buy you know a a devotion for them or send them a link to watch a sermon all these things that we give out of our life you need to tell me god you can translate that and transfer that into a time where where they will then praise the god of heaven i can live my life in a way that it can turn into someone else's eternal impact i think i want to do that give me some more of that give me some more of that uh i i my wife and i will go out to eat and i love sweet tea she orders me unsweet tea and sometimes you know when it gets a little low you know my mother we've got the restaurant she said can you refresh me can you refresh my tea i think a lot of us sometimes we're just wondering can he refresh me again god has plenty of grace and mercy and healing and help for you he's not he's not lost the recipe of a miracle he can still mix up the miracle mix up the grace mess up the help that you need so he can fill you up so that we can live a life in this region where we go around and say my cup runeth over he wants to fill your cup so it runs over and impacts those who maybe have experienced hate or experience pain or have lack in their life it's the heart of god yeah i love the age that i'm at right now i'm 56 i love being 56 i don't think somebody said well you know 56 that's okay you're 56 56 is a new 36. no it's not 56 is 56. i like being old i can't wait to be 57 i love my age because the older you get the more you say what you want and go to bed when you want all these grown kids at my house they're boyfriends i got all these kids at my house all the time boyfriends and husbands and wives all about my house i just wanted to say y'all leave my house i'm going to bed get out my house you say what you want it's amazing and so when you're old you people ask you advice so i'm always on like a panel i do like the panel circuit you know like on a panel concert circuit and you know they're like okay hey let's get the people out here been in ministry forever and you know listen can y'all make it here you're okay do we need to bring the mic to you and it's just like gee thanks so i've been ministering over three decades and and again you get asked a lot of advice hey could you tell us the other day i'm on a panel the guy says hey man can you tell us you know all these years of ministry i know you've been in the ministry since the mayflower and i know you were there when rome was built and rebuilt and so can you can you tell us what are the three greatest decisions of your life i was like i don't know if i've made a lot i've made a lot of bad decisions i've made some fair decisions and i thought i think there's three great decisions i think the first one was when i said yes to jesus christ june the 21st 1982 i just graduated come on class of 82. boy you all know nothing about duran duran and cool and the gang that's 82. i said yes to jesus gave my life to jesus hey it has impacted everything second greatest decision i ever made was who i decided to marry when i asked deland to marry me and and and who you decide to do life with whether you're single single again blended family divorce whatever whoever you decide to go do life with is super important so when i asked to learn to marry me and she said yes to the dress y'all know what i'm talking about so she said yes we've been married 33 years and so you know that's a those hand claps are for her i promise you and then the third greatest decision i ever made and i wrote it down different this time when i decided to give my life to the cause of christ through and with the local church family forever i made a decision at 19 years old that i'm going to give my life to the cause of christ through and with the local church i decided then that i'm going to be a contributor to the house of god with my time my talent my treasure not just a consumer i decided that i was going to be a steward and not just a shopper i decided that i was going to i was going to sacrifice and do whatever it would take whether it whatever level and whatever stage and whatever form that looks like in the different seasons of my life i'm just and can't tell you something it's changed everything i mean i just decided at a young age that i'm gonna do i'm gonna do everything and my wife and i we've decided to give and we serve and we give our time we get to be a part and can i tell you something i have no regrets for any of it there's not a minute that i've ever given to the cause of christ there's not a prayer card that i've ever prayed over there's not a ride i've ever given there's not a meal i've ever delivered there's not a tithe i've ever given that i look back and regret why because i've always got way more from god than i've ever given the rewards of his grace and his mercy have always outweighed any regrets or any risk that i may have ever walked in it's just the way it is it's the heart of god so as i finish up there's one point i told you i got one big idea i think five applications ain't got 32 thoughts one idea here's what i came to give you today is this right here when you refresh others jesus is revealed to you can i have a good amen it's just the truth when you make a decision with my life with the kingdom builder offering with what i'm navigating with my time i'm in between jobs i'm in between schools but i'm going to go serve on a team i'm going to be a part of a life group i'm going to lead a team i'm going to go up and give my time to some things i'm going to go give out food or i'm going to go help someone at a nurse and when you make a decision i'm going to go down the street and help this person with their situation when you make those decisions can i tell you so when you refresh others jesus himself is revealed to you because we live in a world where i need jesus in my life i need to see god where's god where's god i can't find god i don't know where god is in this relationship i don't know where god is in this in this situation i don't know where god is in the loneliness the anxiety and the depression and this addiction that keeps showing up over and over again where is god at and i need jesus man i need him in my life i need him every day i need him every day i need jesus revealed my day-to-day living i need them revealed where do you find them where can i get them where where can i see jesus because i don't see him in this marriage and i don't see him in this job i don't see him in this world well jesus said i'll tell you you can find me [Music] it's in matthew 25 40. and the king will answer and say to them for surely i say to you and as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to me it's me served a kingdom builder offering loving your neighbor helping the hurting noticing those in your community who have a reduced opportunity than you when you when you love them and you serve them you embrace them and you reach them he said you did it to me it wasn't your neighbor it was somebody that looks different than you oh that was the form and that was the way but ultimately you you did it to me you gave that offering we give it to the church don't give it to a person you gave that to me you dug that well in india you helped that aids camp in mozambique that was me there it wasn't it was me i never forget i heard a story one of my hero's mother teresa [Music] she's in calcutta she's feeding the street kids i went to one of her homes of the dying madras stood in this home 300 sick street people every day they died i gave a devotional i remember just seeing the least of the lonely and the hurting the poorest of the poor mark me for life i remember standing in a line outside of this hospital handing out rice cakes and leopards the coming by [Music] i said mother teresa group came they said we want to research your life we need to know if you've had a vision of jesus have you had a vision like others have had have you seen jesus in a vision she said oh yes many times they begin to get ready and to document it she she's had a vision of jesus they said when did you have this vision of jesus she said this morning i walked outside the hospital there was a street kid laying in the gutter [Music] and i rolled him over with mud on his face wiped off his face and i looked into the face of jesus i saw jesus today so i've never seen him oh yeah you have you look real chris you'll see him she said i see him every day hey you know what let's be that church let's be those people i saw jesus today somebody said have you ever seen jesus yeah i see him i pack a grocery bag and [Music] the other day i was a popeye's chicken come on somebody and it was somebody in front of me struggling to pay for their three-piece and their biscuit i said excuse me man let me get i'm not saying to take my story i just said excuse me ma'am can i get this for you she turned around i saw jesus at papa's amen let's be that church let's be those people let's bow your heads let's pray together father i just pray for everyone joining us lord i pray that we will be that church [Music] we don't see people we don't see people different than us we just see jesus everywhere we saw jesus today as we gave and loved and cares lord touch every heart fill our hearts up maybe you're here today maybe you're watching online or we're giving you an opportunity to say yes or just one moment one of our pastors are gonna come and help you take that next step here at life point and maybe you're here today and you just feel far from god you feel alone you feel you need a fresh start you need a new beginning in your own heart maybe there's a struggle there's a storm maybe you feel dry and empty i don't know i've been there in my own life but right now wherever you're at with every head bow with every eye closed we're gonna give you that opportunity to take a next step but i want to pray with you i want to lead you in prayer not going to have you stand or come forward but right where you at if you just say dino i need jesus i need a new beginning i need a fresh start all over the street watch it online if that's you can you just slip up your hand and say do you know pray for me i need that fresh start thank you i see hands going up thank you thank you pray this prayer let's pray it out loud all together as a church all together in all of our four months let's pray this say dear jesus forgive me of my sins i believe that you died and you rose again so i confess you as my savior be my everything give me a new beginning give me a fresh start help me in my life change my life in jesus name amen amen amen hey hope today's message was helpful for your life i want to tell you you should subscribe the reason why you can get content pushed to you all the time you don't have to wonder if you ever missed anything and also i want you to think about giving by giving you can help us take this message to so many other people that are in need of some hope needed for some encouragement and you can be a part of making a difference in the life of so many people look forward to seeing you right back here next time
Channel: Lifepoint Church
Views: 1,013
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: lifepoint church, lifepoint, church, fredericksburg, culpeper, virginia, christianity, pastor daniel floyd, daniel, floyd, richmond, sermon, Jesus, Sermons 2019, sermon series, Lifepoint sermon, rva, king George, help, selfhelp, depression, suicide, sad, lonely, god
Id: PrKceCd8nBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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