How to Live an All-In Life | Pastor Dino Rizzo

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come on let's clap our hands for jesus oh come on you know it's all about him come on clap your hands on this incredible day what a great day to be alive thank you thank you god is good to god be the glory you could be seated what's going on celebration church i can't believe i'm here one of my favorite churches on the planet is right here just thank god for all this watching us online one of our campuses maybe you're watching on demand i know i watch celebration church on demand i watch many of the messages even this week and what incredible communicators you have here i just love everything i love the space riding up here of course on this amazing piece of property that god has given you and you continue to reach people which it talks that just says giving says generosity you don't walk in a space like this of course the other campuses without understanding sacrifice and you don't see things like this without sacrifices so many people sacrifice so that we could make more space to reach more people and that's what it's all about and i've i've loved this church from the early days just right from the beginning and uh you've always been about that as it relates to reaching people and and even now all that you're doing to help us plant churches and and and all the serve days that you've done and all the different ways that you've reached people you've always been that uh from day one i mean even right now come on let's pack some backpacks and let's bless some kids and so we're all about that here at celebration you just have always had a heart for others which i believe is god's heart it's a heart for others you see that all throughout scripture so i'm grateful for that and that's one of the reasons why i love celebration i was looking at the vision of this house and of course knowing your pastors for so long knowing many of the team here you've got an incredible team uh just the idea and this is the this is the reason why we exist at celebration when you read it it's amazing we exist to connect people to their destiny you say well how do we do that it's a great idea but there's there's a why behind the what there's a what uh after the why and it's uh to connect each person of course to to christ can have a good amen and then it's to the church and then it's uh to their calling and so i love that because i showed up at a church at 18 years old didn't know anything and i got connected to christ but i didn't know what to do and so i'm grateful for a church that gave me a pathway a church wasn't amazed for me i was able to for many people it's amazed i was able to figure out my next step and i know you do that here so awesome it's so good with the connection points and if you've not been a part of that make sure you jump in that pathway as well as the small groups and joining a team which is a lot of fun and so a lot of awesome things doing i love the series that you're in this life happens to doing everything you can to hear that and we'll jump into that just one moment but i just want to say how much i love your pastors delena and i have known them for over 30 years i am much much older than joe as you could tell and and to know pastor joe and just who he is i i remember when pastor joe you know got close to christ and had a radical change with christ of course to know lori champion and her heritage of her family and then i get to spend a lot of time with her kids at this team but i know joe back when back in the day we just busted people on the football field i've got a picture that i don't know if anybody's got come on how many knows you got to have that archive you know what i'm talking about it's that picture you just click favorites because you know one day you're gonna need to bring it out this is that day that i'm bringing it out check out little baby joe champion right here look at little baby joe champion he's just a little baby sixth grade he was sixth grade he's a big kid six check out what's on his shirt right there what's that jesus is my champion oh where to get that from how cute is that and so i got i pulled that out of the archives from back in the day don't you love your pastors come on clap your hands for i think the best pastors in the world you guys are amazing lori we love you guys love the love love the family and i'm gonna tell you what when you think of the champions uh the words i could talk about them all night long integrity uh you think of teacher preacher leader godly i mean i always tell people if i get sick and i'm at the hospital i'm not sure if i'm gonna make it somebody get joe champion to my bedside because that man has a power gift he knows god uh he encourages me he has such a great role in the organization that we lead together in art he just keeps us all straight in our theology and keeps us loving god he is such a gift and i just want to thank you for being a church that's so generous today you planted church number 964 in orlando you know what i'm talking all because of generosity and your pastor and pastor laurie is so key in that so we're just so grateful for the friendship it's awesome to be here tonight and i can't wait till tomorrow night come on man night i love man night because here's the deal with being night you come casual just come casual we just eat stuff we don't know what we're eating at your stuff you don't have to bathe you know what i'm talking about you ain't got a baby just come from work some men together it's not gonna be long and i'll go preach long this man can come can enjoy hey you're not gonna leave feeling horrible like you're the worst dad ever you're gonna leave being like hey i think i can make it so if you're a man hey i came from birmingham to come to band night come on you can drive over here for man night it's going to be powerful men i will see you here i'm going to look for you i can't find you i'ma come to your house right now i mean roll your yard there's no talents i want you to be here tomorrow night it's going to be incredible night i can't wait for it i've been excited about it so god bless you the rhythms are well our family's doing well i brought a picture of our family uh these are the rizzos i think they've got a picture of the rizzo crew there they are right there we just took that that's my my youngest that's isabella she's a junior at alabama then our other daughter she's our oldest she's she graduated from lsu but then married a young man who graduated alabama and they're doing marital football counseling every season have issues during football season they've been married about three years that's my son dylan who's close to the champion boys and then that's my lovely wife delene we've been married 32 years i've been telling everybody i've been married 34 years which would have made her 17 when we got married i know it's louisiana but that wouldn't have worked and so we've been married 32 years and so our family loves this family we feel like family when we're here i'm one of those guys i make myself at home everywhere i show up whether i've been invited to or not so i may come to your house and sit on your couch get up in your pantry i will use your toilet i am not scared and so we just family here i'm here to cajun girl i'm italian so it's an honor to be at celebration again i would have walked from birmingham to be here tonight tomorrow night so i love this conversation life happens and i want to talk to you for a few minutes and jump right in to teach what for me personally has been maybe one of the most life-changing transformative uh radical values that have probably shaped my life as my life has happened i'm 57 years old as i've watched my life happen probably this has impacted it more than anything and i want to talk around the idea for a few minutes of all in all in let's all pray father we love you i thank you for what you're doing here of course those watching us and lord we thank you for that we're in a house that loves god loves people lord we thank you that we're in a generous house just people getting together and buying backpacks for people they don't even know they're gonna be blessed lord thank you for some incredible pastors who have been so faithful or they've been faithful through so many seasons i bless the champions i bless pastor joe bless pastor lori and this team everyone here so lord speak to us for a few minutes lord help us to be all in we love you we love you in jesus name and everybody said a good amen i met pastor joe down in louisiana he pastored louisiana we planted a church in louisiana in 1992 pastor of their 20 years i'm now in birmingham alabama i've been there for the last nine years getting the lead ark and being a part of a great church like this so many similarities we've got a pathway we're we're collecting backpacks right now we're making an impact called church of the highlands but but i got to serve and pastor in louisiana and my wife and i we started a church in 1992 and it was an amazing church a little small church and in this amazing church they had this incredible horrible thing called a parsonage a parsage was such a super blessing that just came with terror also it's just incredible amazing to have a parsonage of course this is amazing if you don't know about it it's a house that they build in the yard of the church so you never leave and you're always there it's an incredible horrible thing and so you know we so we lived in this parsley we we got excited we were young we started here i was 27 years old my wife was 20 23 years old and we were at the church and here's the most incredible thing about the parsage is the phone would ring at the church only on sunday mornings but all the other time during the week the most incredible amazing blessed thing would happen is forwarded to our house and you couldn't unfold it thank you jesus i rebuked it in jesus name so it's an incredible thing and so you just the phone would ring all the time three of the morning five at the morning just get to love people at 5am people knock on your door at three in the morning it was just such an incredible blessing and so uh one day i was there at the house we were young pastors baby pastors lady calls that we only at the church for about six months there's a handful of people right down there off the jefferson highway over there by houston too and so the lady calls us on the phone she says hey a pastor dean pastor business don't need to speak listen well i'm down here about who should you over there off of antioch we don't have to buy you man shot getting ready to flood gotta come up here gonna come down here by uh by tiger tiger been gonna come on up here by houston too gonna flood and i need you to get down and get the truck get my house out of here cause i'm down about who should too can't tell them yeah that's all cages i'm finished with sentences just you when you get a truck come on down here who should you flood to buy you man should i go flood them waters up that down shop okay so i get a little pickup truck i'm about one guy in the church got a pickup truck i know one teenager he's got some muscle and i figured i'd go and be the spiritual oversight come on somebody and so i get in that truck we go down who should two we turn down about antiochus we find sisto anita we get down there realize mama's upstairs we gotta get mobile upstairs we got the kids out in the yard we're trying to get mom all from upstairs we got sister anita we're trying to get a dresser we're trying to get all this stuff we're pulling carpet out we're doing flood water coming down who should too gonna go right about the batman shack we'll come right down down talk about it shop off so we get we we work we work you ever gone on a project thought was gonna be an hour three days later are you still we work man we work we get a trailer uh we end up we we end up having to get a storage unit check the church balance we got 300 in in the balance i took half of we got a storage unit and we put our stuff up for a month and and lo and behold the flood water come out the bayou manshack they come up who should two road they flood sister onita we got over here with some relatives at our aunties at our uncle's house at a t-boys house a little cousin little little tiggy down there by tiga do plus us over there bye bye you mentioned and so all this is going on she's there for about 45 days flood water goes down we go back in there i'll never forget we had to rent i had to get to warehouse a second time spent another 150 how many's ever look at your checkbook there's three dollars there and you're like glory to god i got another day to live one more day to live and so i mean so we end up we get sister o'neil back in the house we rip out all that carpet we take out all them baseboards we pull out all that sheet rock we we lay pad we lay tax rate we lay carpet we do it all ourselves we move her back in that house i get mom all upstairs get them kids back in the yard all that about three months later we we go back down who should too we're going back to the church and i will never forget the feeling as a pastor and a friend and a servant of having this thought i'm glad i went all in i'm glad we didn't halfway move her out i'm glad we didn't leave any furniture out in the yard i'm glad we didn't leave mom all upstairs i'm glad we we spent 300 for the store junior because at that moment i was glad that i was a giver because i didn't want to be on the other side of it and be stingy i don't want to be on the other side of and be halfway and to partially help someone i'm glad we went all in the bible talks about this idea of going all in with our resources and to help people and to be a blessing because of how god aren't you glad god went all in aren't you glad he hasn't partially forgiven you of your sins aren't you glad he didn't partially restore your marriage he didn't partially heal your body he didn't partially set you free from an addiction he didn't partially save you from that alcoholism and all that pain that you were going through that he healed you from that i love these scriptures that you could find where you go to one place and you can get all you want in second corinthians chapter 9 verse 6 through 11 i'll read it slow i love all of these verses remember this whoever so sparingly will also reap sparingly whoever sows generously will also reap generously each of you should give look at that what you decided in your heart to give not reluctantly or under compulsion not some weird coercion or some some pressure that's never good for god loves a cheerful giver i want to put on pause for a moment because i think that is so odd that all of a sudden in the middle of this statement it just makes this statement about something god loves just in the middle of this teaching paul just throws in there the holy spirit just says god loves us just so you'll know god loves a cheerful giver you know when i saw this a while back i began to study throughout scripture from genesis to revelation and i began to pull the things out where the bible says what god loves what's interesting to me is there's not a lot of specifics we don't know what color he loves we don't know what food he loves we don't know if there's a favorite vacation spot we don't know if there's anything certain we know that god loves the whole world says that in john 3 16 we know that we know that god loves us but there's not it's interesting there's not a lot of places that drills down it drills down and tells you exactly what god loves but we have one here and he just says by the way you need to know there's something god loves god loves a cheerful giver you study that we're cheerful it's the greek word holaurus where we get the word hilarious if you go to the little icon speaker button in the dictionary and you press it hilarious is spoken like this hilarious guess what i love hilarious i know somebody comes at me says i've got a hilarious story to tell you i never say ben get thee behind me get behind me not today devil now some people love negative stories some people love bad news not me bring on the hilarious i need all the hilarious you can give me that's why i love your pastor we are not together for five minutes and we are tearing telling hilarious stories i need more hilarious than i've ever needed in my life and and yes i i would like it and i love how the bible says that god loves a cheerful giver when delene and i started dating i fell in love with my wife when she was still in like with me it's no fun to say girl girl look at me girl i love you she says thank you hold up brother don't get that ring gazelles yeah you better get it on layaway my friend gotta be able to bring it back and and i would say i love you then she said well i like you too that's not what i'm looking for so here's what i figured out pastor lord i i discovered what delene loved and i started loving what she loved because i figured if i could love what she loved then maybe she could change and get a glimpse of the total package come on somebody so i found out she loved pizza hut i love pizza hut too love pizza hut i found out she loved these little precious moments statues and big heads flying a kite they're my favorite i go to hallmark all the time i have a collection guess what all of a sudden she started like what's up my man ric flair i'm right here girl come on she said yes to the dress where are you at because i started loving with she loved i love how the bible says that god almighty loves a cheerful giver god loves me so much i want to love him back therefore i want to love what he loves and you know what he loves about us when we are cheerful givers not bummed out givers not negative givers not complaining givers not givers that have to do it under pressure not givers that feel like i have to give i love to give because god loves that i'll push play again god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work as is written they will freely scatter their gifts to the poor the righteousness forever now he who supplies seed to the sow and bread for food will also supply i like this and increase your store of seed and will enlarge your harvest for of your righteousness you will be enriched in every way so that there's a purpose so that so that so that you can be generous on every occasion and through us your generosity look there's a result there's a result will result in thanksgiving to god you need to tell me that i could live my life in a way that i could buy a backpack somebody could get blessed by it and a person i've not even met that's in middle school that's in third grade can begin to thank god and i've never even met them sign me up for 10 of them come on somebody my life with my brokenness and my pain and all of my mistakes i can do something in my life that would bring thanksgiving from somebody else's life i want to do that with my life i want to do it my whole life because i've got so much to thank god for because he's been so good to me i love this scripture i love how it talks about giving in the context of farming and sowing and spreading and seeding i'm not a farmer but i would imagine that if a farmer had many seeds and a lot of acres he had carrots and squash and green beans in his hand or the seed before him is the land he has so much potential but if you looked into his hand and said no i don't think i could release it i'm gonna hold on to it i'm gonna hoard it i can't release all this seed because of fear or worry or lack or limit i can't bury it in the sea soil because i can't see it i i can't control it i can't rule over why would i put it in the ground no i would never be able to see it again i'm just going to hold on to it if i hold on to it i can have it you and i both know the truth that if you hoard it and you hold it there's no harvest and there's no help matter of fact the more he holds it the more he loses it and that's true of a farmer that's true of all of us it's just the truth you know when i came to christ i had a good pastor who taught me a lot of things and one of the things he taught me was giving the power of giving and i started thinking about my life and good decisions that i made i thank god for salvation when i received christ because the church did a serve day i got saved through an outreach so sometimes you wondered as a backpack or a surveyor in outreach get make a difference i would i came i would have never come to church i was 18 years old was not making a pla i had no plan to make a move towards church the church had to make a move towards me and the church made a move towards me and i gave my life to christ another good decision was who you marry who you do life with is super poor the other third best decision i made in my life was when i decided to be a contributor and a giver through the local church i see it two ways and i just want to slow down and teach on this for a bit i see this over i see there's two ways to i decided at 19 years old that i was going to give two ways i will tithe and then i will give over and above or i will go all in i think there's a difference the tithe is where you say god you are my source it's the first tithe it's the tenth he supplied a hundred percent lord you gave me ten eminem's i'm gonna give you one back worship and love i'm so thankful you gave me my job you helped me become a landscape architect you helped me be an rn you've helped me be be a door dash delivery you've helped me do all these things i'm so thankful i got paid for this year this week's work i got paid this month and my tithe i returned my tithe back to you i'm just so great that's kind of it's like you're doing it afterwards the lord bless you and then you you thank you lord for my job and thank you how you provided for me for being an engineer thank you providing me for making cupcakes that you provided i'm just afterwards i'm gonna give you timber sit back i'm gonna worship you and i'll be giving and i have tithed every job i've had since i was 19 years old i had the shark's teeth hut i was tithing laying carpet i was tithing digging foundations i was tithing and working at the health club i was tithing laying sod i was tithing i tell you something i have no regret all these years of every tithe that i have worshiped god with not one regret now i have some regret on some other things but i don't have any regret all these years of just saying lord thank you for giving me my job thank you for supplying for my family i'm going to tithe now back to the lord i believe that's that's afterwards but then i believe as i've read the scripture just in my own life that there's something called over and above i call that my all in and what and i believe that's beforehand that's like preparing its prep work it's for the future it's beforehand it's next it's where you forgive somebody and they've not asked you to forgive them it's where you're nice to somebody at work and they have not shown any niceness to you at all but you're just being nice to them come on it's when you go ahead and you get them donuts and you bring them to work and then people at work they don't deserve any doughnuts but you go ahead and guide them a dozen you just didn't get two for yourself you did it beforehand you're gonna bless somebody i'm gonna i'm gonna give a backpack to a child that i've never met yet i'm doing it beforehand that's over and above come on it's when you go down to bojangers or popeyes and you feel the holy spirit nudge you tells you to get two sausage biscuits because you possibly may run into somebody that a who needs a sausage biscuit but guess what if you don't you get the double dip come on somebody you did it before him you listen to the holy spirit beforehand it's over and above the other day i was visiting with a pastor who's dear friends with uh pastor joe and i and i was there getting to speak like this when a great church he said can you meet me early like real early i said yeah it's awesome so i get to church like 6 30 first service is eight like i just gonna pray and he said and i meet him outside like whoa about the jericho march he said walk with me walk with me we're walking come on come with me walk with me i'm walking he stops this is a big church big church like this i mean look look at that he starts crying look you know when you're trying to you're oh gosh oh gosh what are we looking at i'm getting blessed i don't know he says look 800 parking places but parking in the dirt our people gave 1.2 million over and above before anybody parks on that concrete before anybody walks in this church before anybody checks their kids in at kids before anybody goes to a connection point before anybody goes to a small group they paid for it before but i know that people are going to park on that concrete they're going to give their life to jesus their families are going to be restored and people are going to be healed before it was beforehand that's an offering lord we'll just just move god i'm just i'm just offering i'm just listening to the holy spirit i just want to show care i want to show concern even though i may be getting ignored i want to be kind to someone who's throwing some shade at me i'm going to bless someone who's not blessing me i'm not going to wait for the return i'm not going to wait for them to step towards me i'm going to move towards them that's beforehand and god uses it we buy groceries we do a backpack we go on a missions trip we give help we commit to being a legacy person building the kingdom of god then you watch god do a work so do you know how do you how do you live that i wrote down two steps two values this all in life and we see in second corinthians chapter nine two steps to value here's the first one you just start can i have a good ambient for the first step you just start what's the most important step of any journey it's your first one what's the most important step of generosity it's the first seed you plant because remember our tomorrow starts today too many people waiting for tomorrow to start our tomorrow starts today so we start today i'm i'm gonna do something i'm gonna have have you ever ran into a person who's about to bless somebody but they never do i'm about to bless somebody but i'm about i'm about to really help some people i'm about to give about to give never helps anybody i'm about to i'm about to feed somebody they don't get fed i'm i'm about to help i'm not really i'm about to be a gift no no no no start giving you go online and you start giving you start tithing you you do the qr code right now uh you know i don't know decided when y'all do the qr code do you guys feel like somebody's about to bring some nachos or is it just me let's feel that way you just start giving right now you you start now you start now first step start now have you if you've never tithed start now did you just start here's the second thing join a team i think this is so important because when you invest in a team and you invest in a vision you sense more ownership and it opens up more involvement it's more blessed to give than to receive so you lead a small group you help with some people you do all you can to be a part of a served day because team we always do more together i can't plant 964 churches by myself we can i can't give 1500 backpacks to kids that have a reduced opportunity than i have we can't we make it do 2 000. we make it give 1800 we could we could i can't dig a well in northern india we we can i can't send a thousand tenths to haiti but we're going to all our churches together family churches will wow we could do more together i know pastor joe says this it's a joke of every occasion there's one value you don't want to live on it's called by yourself come on somebody ain't number trouble on by yourself but we can we weekend we should start today i'm just i'm gonna be a giver i'm gonna notice feel a little nudge maybe tomorrow work maybe i'm gonna speak to someone who's been checking me for two years i'm gonna say hey good morning good morning hey going to get a coffee would you like one you never know until you start join a team be a kingdom builder be a part of legacy i won't do something i can't do by myself and then there's two values two steps two values and you see this all throughout scripture you so see it in second corinthians chapter nine we see this here's the the first one is this just spill the love of god all over the place is there i don't know if there's ever been a time in the world in the world that i've lived in where people just need the love of god you know a lot of people you bump it into right now what's been spilled on you ain't real nice let's be the opposite oh didn't need to bump into you just spilt the love of god all over you i mean let's just stain our work and our homes and our campuses and our dorm rooms and our trailer parks and our apartment let's just spill the love of god all over the place that's what i love about this church you walk in that foyer there's there's stains all over this property it's stains of generosity stains of forgiveness staying with healing you bump me i'm gonna spill out the love of god not hate not hurt not judgment not anger just the love of god joy it's a good one it's not it's not bad to spill on to people right now just joy god is good all right awesome and then the last thing and i finish with this when you do that you watch jesus use your all beyond what you could ever imagine but you got to put it in circulation and i believe god that when we give what we notice when we care we go the extra mile that lord i'm just going to put it in circulation for for the hurting and for the ignored and for the marginalized for my family and then you just watch jesus move it's yours lord i'm putting it in circulation i'm believing it's going to impact eternity so i'm believing for an eternal reward i believe it's going to do something because i can't predict it but you just never know unless you do it amen the other day i've had one of those those flying days delayed man i'm in atlanta it's hot ain't nothing open it's late man i'm hot the big man is sweating it's that's no it's hot get the worst seat i'm like 85 j way in the back little baby seats i'm in the middle i sit down other people come outside i'm so sorry i'm just so sorry we're just going to be uh so close let's introduce ourselves an exchange driver's license number because we're just this close i mean it was just one of those flights and i get up at the airport last baggage hot it's late i go to my car you know there's 85 checkouts they all broke coming out of the parking garage they all broke one open in jesus name and the devil is the devil is at the birmingham airport the devil is here he's right there in that checkout right he's right there it's like the portal of hell it's like a open portal of hell is right there i sense it demons are going back and forth right there i found it lord i found the portal pastor laurie i get up and i i'm checking out it's it's like eight dollars and i feel led in that bad attitude hot she says eight dollars eight dollars i i just gave her the gave her 20. i said hey keep the change keep the change she says oh lord jesus really i said yeah keep the chat glory not like tone down glory not like a casual novelty glory like we in church glory see glory thank you jesus yes i'm getting i'm like glory i'm going back at her yes she said you made my day you made my day she said i bless you i speak a blessing over your people all lined up i'm hot my 20 dollar sweat is wet i just get shot she says i bless you i bless you and i gave her another twenty dollars i was like glory i said you made my whole week i pulled out i left there i was like yeah that just happened a week ago you know what i decided i'm gonna be if i can when i'm able i'm gonna be a keep the change guy i'm gonna bless somebody mcdonald's keep that change keep that dollar i'm gonna bless somebody why not we're living in a world of pain and trauma and anxiety and depression and addiction why not be a person who just says i'ma bless you today and i said it's all about you last thing i do out of rubbery yelling out my fourth it's all about jesus trying to get it in there come on let's be that church let's be those people i don't care what hell does i don't care what anybody else does come on let's be those people let's be that church let's turn this world upside down because of generosity keep the change and let it change your life come on clap your hands if you believe that whoa [Applause] where's that church you stay standing we're that church we're those people because we're going to be all in amen sparrow heads just pray father i thank you for every person here and i thank you for a house that is just on fire to be a blessing lord it's a hard world it's a lot of pressure a lot of unknowns a lot of stuff the lord i pray that you would help us to live with open hands open eyes an open mind and an open heart if you want to be those people why don't we just lift our hands towards heaven father we love you right now expand expand our generosity expand our heart in the workplace expand us in the dorm room expand us in our neighborhoods expand us in our family help us to be all in father i just pray a blessing over every person right now father we will be those people and we will be that church maybe you're here today you put those hands out baby you're here today you just feel far from god i'm a legion of prayer that we're going to worship and then one of the team is going to help direct you to a connection point and just help you take that next step for spiritual family but all across this room if you say dino i have just felt far from god i just like that phrase far from god i don't know why but i i just i just wanna i need a fresh start i need a new beginning in my life every head bowed every i close if you hear today and just say dina i just feel far from god i need a new beginning i need a fresh start i've been so thinking about be myself and i i've been in my own head so much but all across history if you say dino i need a fresh start in a new beginning if that's you not gonna have you come forward at this point but i want to pray with you all across this room i just want to pray if that's you i need a fresh start can you just lift up that hand come on all across history if i see hands going up all across this room hands are going do you know i just need a fresh start in jesus can we all pray this prayer together say dear jesus i give you my life forgive me of my sins i believe that you died and that you rose again and i confess you as my savior you are my lord you are my savior and i surrender my life thank you for a new beginning in jesus name amen amen [Music] there's not [Music] [Music] [Music] is yeah come on celebration church hey can we put our hands together for the word that we received this evening thank you pastor dino while you're clapping there's so many hands went up all over the room and if you made that decision this evening to follow christ we'd love to connect with you we'd love to get to know you hear your story and we've made it really easy to do that you can just connect with us out at the connection centers we have a team out there and a welcome shirt and we just want to know your name and we want to resource you with a gift that's going to help you with your journey and your relationship with christ also want to remind you that we still have some backpacks out there so tonight after the service you can go out there and purchase some backpacks and help assemble those by putting in the school supplies in those backpacks and men want to remind you tomorrow night man night don't miss it you won't regret it i believe that's just a teaser for what he's going to share with us tomorrow night but it's going to be incredible and just again bring somebody with you it's going to be an incredible night and lastly i'd like to invite our pastors and elders down front and we just want you to know this evening that it will be our honor to stand in agreement and prayer with you if there's anything here this evening that you're believing god for we want to stand in agreement because we believe that god is still in the business of answering prayers so listen celebration have a great rest of your night we'll see you next week [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Celebration Church
Views: 612
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tiUyMvwlfPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 56sec (5576 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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