A Really Good Game

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the spice cup it is now the conclusion of the third round and in the third round i was paired up against jose eduardo martinez alcantara from peru i believe he's studying now in the united states on he you might have seen him play in title 2's they might have seen him play against icarus super super strong player uh i have drawn him before in e4 c6 it was in exchange karo khan um and he also streams in spanish i think so i'm gonna put his link in the description go check him out on twitch uh and remember that all my courses are um 33 off use code spice all the shout outs are out of the way now before the game i had a feeling he was going to play e4 especially because he knows he's going to get a karo khan and online he has played this line a lot which is like super trendy nowadays and white's point is to play d-e-d-e and go for something like this um and um i didn't think he was going to do this because it's like why are you trading queens move four you know in blitz it's one thing but against like me 2360 like why would you do that um so i had reviewed a little bit but i i had a suspicion that he was actually going to play the advanced caracon and again there's c5 in bishop f5 i saw that he was playing h4 a lot and i figured that this was now the time to showcase my newest weapon because you know my whole life i have played h4 h5 sometimes i'll play queen c8 there's other moves but i finally was going to play h6 shout out to the best coach in the world wojciech miranda um i uh i was like studying this line for a very long time and i had everybody who was i was trying to get h4 against wouldn't play it against me and my line here there's a lot of lines like you can retreat this way you can retreat this way but i like to go here uh to induce a weakness of f3 and now some dark squares and now bishop h7 and white here only has one way to play for an advantage and white has to do this because um you you you need to make me damage my own structure and weaken my light squares it's a very common idea this is actually in my e4 course this whole h4 line is in my e4 course for the white side 33 off use code spice um you see clearly this gentleman has it well maybe not and so now black plays queen d6 to prompt white to take and also threaten queen g3 now theory here um runs f4 this is the critical main move of course he knows it online i very rarely get the critical main line because no one knows what the hell they're doing so i haven't had a chance to practice this but i have been studying it a lot and in my last like my norm event i thought i was going to get this so knight f6 and now white has a couple of moves bishop h3 is the most natural to try to play g5 it's a little bit slow and allows black to get back into the game with moves that i'm not going to leak because i don't know what strong players watch my recaps and i don't want them to know what my notes say that's honestly the truth but it's a little bit slow the main line is knight f3 sacrificing the pawn on g4 completely but black's king is very open knight e5 is possible now i remembered here the move h5 and uh h5 is the move that has been played the most um and uh it it's it's very sharp um and i even think like queen e6 95 take take this is all like relatively normal um and i believe you you at some point play this move g5 this is like a very important move uh and hg queen g6 like bishop h3 tries to come to this diagonal etc etc i don't exactly remember or maybe i'm just lying but i know that h5 is a move you can also just move your king out of the way but he played this and this move i completely forgot about now if you look at the database this move has been played like five times um and the whole point is that if black just goes back let's say white will go here and like here and for the cost of one pawn just absolutely slaughter black center so i figured i didn't want to go for that i was trying to remember my notes over the board and i came to the conclusion it must be the move h5 as completely insane as that looks allowing the knight to jump to both of these squares that turned out to be the move in my notes because it doesn't really matter if white ends up winning this pawn back because you still have the bishop and you still have development and white's pawns are completely split white is super overextended but of course white still has a game of chess here um and uh he played knight e5 and he blitzed it like he just played it super fast and i was trying to figure out what exactly is wrong with this and i to be honest with you the only reason i didn't play it is because he played knight e5 so fast i figured that just going up a pawn but letting him have all this control just didn't look like it made any sense even if i get a check i mean even with all this i think white is winning here and yeah white is plus 2.5 welcome to the world of the advanced carl khan like at the grand master level um so i decided to just play king e8 now i think you can also play king g8 and after this game i'm really going to work on this file like i'm just going to use stockfish and and just like you know tighten the holes of this file and it'll be great i decided to play king eight and from the deepest darkest corner of my mind i vaguely remember that there was in a niche geary game and um he played a game that went bishop g4 hg4 queen g4 knight d7 and here check anish played check with white i don't remember against two and i and i and i saw the game afterward i was analyzing the game obviously before i make this recap um and yeah he did in fact have a game you guys can look it up and you know for the dedicated fans put a comment but yes this is the way um chess works you like follow the best game i mean i'm sure maybe he knew this game as well um and the reason i didn't want to go for this is because i was like what the hell am i doing why would i voluntarily shut down my what some volunteer actually he 100 forced me to do it why would i do this and the engine thinks that you know black can play like bishop and try to like just sack this pawn i mean there's many lines you just give the pawn completely away because you just can't hold on to it um i decided that this looked really dumb and instead came up with something over the board which stockfish on a slightly lower depth i don't have it analyzed it fully likes even better than the move that was in my notes apparently apparently that move is the absolutely sexy bishop e4 and here my opponent spent like 28 minutes like he thought a long time here's the idea if he checks me and i go here and he takes and he wins my rook well his rook is hanging so he hasn't really impressed anybody um and this end game is just not any better for white middle end game i mean if anybody's better here it's black i have the bishop pair his knight is a lot slower to get out of the corner i'm going to mobilize my forces i'm going to be completely fine now if he plays um queen c8 queen d8 and takes this this is something i was like laughing about i take his rook he takes and at first i was actually thinking to play rook h4 um and i probably would have ended up playing it i was also thinking to like box in his queen somehow because if he tries to get it out i'm not sure this is any improvement i actually think that black might be winning here like rook h6 rookie six like this yeah black is winning here according to the computer so i was like dude if he goes off venturing over here like everything is good for me but i can also just take take and then take on h4 and this is probably a draw it's probably a draw because i back my bishop up and play rook h1 and somehow we'll have a perpetual but i wasn't sure at all that this was good for white so he did this this and then went back he wasn't offering me a draw his idea was to force this and play rook h2 just defend the c2 pawn but his queen is no way out right and at this point we're both completely on our own now i actually thought i got the better of the opening i mean i i thought i had no problems the the only problem is it's an incredibly complicated position um so what are my options my options are knight d7 trade off the night and then trade off the queen and just basically try to say that like i'm completely fine if anybody's playing for anything it's black and i saw a couple of other ideas obviously white's next move is knight c3 to try to attack my bishop right white is going to play bishop e3 knight c3 and castle if i do absolutely nothing um if i do absolutely something the question is what do i do so i thought about playing g6 g6 was really interesting the point of g6 was to play knight c3 and just bishop f5 just bishop five and like for example bishop b3 i don't know knight a6 king c7 knight d7 i actually thought about this um the only reason i didn't go g6 was um i actually thought he could play something like c4 i wasn't sure here i thought he would just not play knight c3 i thought he can quickly do this and if i try to continue in the same way like now he just has an extra oof the the pawn is attacking my queen and yeah i don't know it's wildly complicated i mean g6 is one option but i just decided to go knight d7 and here i'm actually very this is the only frustrating thing about this entire game it was an absolutely fascinating game you still don't know the result i know you're predicting stuff because of the title but you're also confused because normally when i lose a game i'm in a bad mood so what happened did i clickbait you with the title did i win this game actually did i draw this game i don't know you're just gonna have to sit and find out i actually thought about the move queen before here or 95 here and queen before i didn't like this because i i i thought his queen gets back not there but like there but i really wanted to play queen before and i was fascinated with this move because it doesn't let him move his bishop or he can but he would lose b2 but i'm also pinning him and i'm also attacking this pawn it was a really it was a really interesting move i couldn't bring myself to play it because i couldn't help but feel like i was gonna just weaken my king too much but the engine is just unafraid here it plays this absolutely ludicrous i mean i don't even know what that is um but you know a3 like it's still a super complicated game the only frustrating thing is queen before actually would have kind of halted his development but i just kept going with my plan of trading and he played queen f2 nothing i didn't expect and now i have to consolidate okay so i was under the impression that he wanted to give me this check and not let me consolidate but actually that check does nothing because i can just trade bishops and even though my king is out in the open i bring my rook i bring back my bishop i slide my queen over i have absolutely zero problems so he decided that he was going to play bishop e3 which i absolutely expected um part of me was thinking to go bishop b4 the problem is that i think this trade is idiotic i don't care what the engine says i was so uncomfortable giving up my dark square bishop i just thought he's gonna bring his rooks his queen yeah i mean the engine is saying to go here and then like play like this but which kind of normal effing human place i mean that's just shut up you know nothing about chess stockfish stockfish 10 by the way because just.com won't load a better one anyway bishop e3 i decided to go here and this was the biggest decision of the game uh so i wanted to just play king d7 i also wanted to play bishop f5 to get out of the way of the night and i also wanted to play rook f8 immediately going like this and the whole time i was thinking what does white want if i play king d7 white is gonna go rook g1 obviously now i couldn't figure out what the hell i was supposed to do because if i slide back he will take my bishop and if i take with the queen let's not forget that i was defending the spawn i'm now down upon and my king they're knocking on his door because he owes somebody money they're about to beat his ass um so that's not very good at all um and if i take with the d-pawn i mean this is a weakness forever this is just much better for white so what i thought i had to do after king d7 was play rook g1 rook f8 danger levels but i rejected this because i think queenie 2 is super strong queen d2 fails to an absolutely beautiful move sack my queen back rank and bishop f3 or like take in bishop f3 i mean this was like fascinating that the geometry of the position doesn't let him escape my rook and bishop but the problem is and the reason i didn't go for this particular variation is queenie2 and yeah the computer agrees so i can't really be mad i didn't go for this because again the problem is that um he's too strong like he he just has a bit too much activity i need one more move to consolidate everything and i can't i can't guard everything in my position so which brings you to bishop f5 but i i just thought bishop f5 was also too slow i just thought it was all too slow because now he's gonna go knight e2 now he has another piece coming to the party rook g1 bishop g5 you know everybody's coming to the party i miss system of a down and by the way if you like system of a down you should listen to their lead singer's um solo stuff serge tankian i think is his name empty walls i'm a cultured guy all right it's not just chess here but if it was just chess i'd be gm i i'm not though so anyway just for my system of a down fans um yeah so i decided to just play rook cafe right away so i rejected bishop five and king d7 in favor of rook fake that's the way like chess works and of course he played the best move which i also did see we were on the same page queen g1 and i couldn't figure out what to play here the position was super annoying um if i take his queen and he gets everything he wants and it's really hard for me to protect this pawn and the damaging of my own structure so i wanted a situation where i can get king d7 some rook move and double my rooks and with the queen trade and my bishop getting out of the way i was actually fine so i was like okay i need to force him to do something okay i gotta force him to do something so what am i gonna force him to do well let's force him to trade my queen and i play the move rook f3 that forces him to trade my queen because uh or or not not trade my queen or take my do something take my bishop take my queen whatever and here we both actually it's funny i blundered it when i played it i played this move i got up and like you know he's playing super fast so like i'm down maybe 20 minutes but i have enough time to actually think and process everything and i play rook f3 and i'm like walking around confident you know when i get king d7 boom but like i'm like wait a minute i just lost the game i just lost the game my bishop doesn't cover g2 anymore he just plays rook g2 the game is over he just wins like there's nothing i mean it's just completely nothing i just blundered this just completely forgot rook g2 which means that the whole position is really difficult actually if not rook f3 maybe i play queen h7 but again knight e4 like he's gonna try to win my pawns the engines has to just play um this first which you'll see i played later and again the idea is to preemptively protect g7 um and go for this and with like g6 and or i don't know something like this and black is completely fine black is fine everything is protected um yeah rook f7 right away would have been smarter but i played rook f3 and then he played this and i was like what this dude didn't play rook g2 but it's still a problem because what i had calculated after knight takes e4 way back i calculated this back here was rook f8 queen g1 rook f3 uh knight e4 queen e4 he's going to go for my bishop because it's right next to my king and then i'm going to go back to f7 and that's exactly what happens so i played rook f7 and in my mind i was like okay if takes takes i'm not afraid of this check i'm going to double my rooks i'm going to trade queens i'm trying to stabilize i'm trying to hold and rook f2 and i was like rook f2 is not a problem it's just not this move is not an issue because i take and then i take and then i just go king e7 i just was like there's there's no problems here rook f1 is nothing i just have this and then i realized this all is very much a problem now the engine here wants me to lose a pawn uh in a rook end game so if i play g6 i'm gonna lose because i'm too slow i can defend this pawn but i cannot defend that pawn so i'm just gonna lose because he has way too much activity what the engine recommends is for me to go for this end game now i personally think this is still losing um particularly because white just has g6 like if i doesn't have that move for whatever reason i can go like here now i'm fine but the problem is that white will just beat me to liquidating my oh that would be nice to liberating my position and uh right so it's all one move um so i decided to play king e7 i got to my position i was like okay now we're in the clear picking up this pawn and then i realized that like everything i had foreseen seven eight moves ago um might still just be completely lost because even though we're material completely equal and seems like the worst is over he's he slides over here and between the control of this diagonal and the open file i can't protect my king mike the queen is completely shut off from the rest of the board so i played this to sidestep check um and uh he played king b1 to sidestep this pawn being taken with check when he moves his queen and here i thought i said an absolutely nasty trap um i thought i said a really really nasty trap and i think i can defend this a little bit better better than i did in the game um but i played rook h8 which i thought was so clever and now if he plays queen a3 to try to go queen d6 try to find the defensive move for black which saves the game i was really hoping to detonate this on him um but he unfortunately saw it queen f5 queen sacrifice for back rank mate and if queen d6 something like this now i have officially kicked his rook from the open file and i can do anything i can play a6 i can make a get away from my king and kick out his queen and okay it's probably a draw because i just have a bit too many weaknesses to actually get anything but i really wanted to hit him with that and then he played a4 and i was like uh oh i'm in danger yeah there's nothing here i mean queen a3 queen d6 is coming i tried to defend as best i could i created counter play against c2 but even just this very simple pawn march king is protected queen drills down over here and the pawns are coming and uh he broke through and right here i resigned because queen c8 is coming and there's nothing um you know this is why playing grand masters uh sucks okay um i'm not in a bad mood at all like i played all my prep for the first time like 12 moves of it um improvised at the board and actually improved on the only two games that i've ever been played here geary versus someone and some other game had a super complicated game which came down to multiple critical moments like whether or not to go for knight d7 95 or to go for g6 or to throw in queen b4 to paralyze the position and ultimately when the dust settled i was left in a position that was slightly unpleasant that i had to be uber accurate to defend uh and the way i played it was not uber accurate but he missed one knockout punch but the position was still fruitful enough that he had a lasting degree of pressure uh and right when i thought we were in the clear you know homeboy outplayed me and uh and got the win so that's why the title is what it is can't be in a bad mood i literally did everything possible everything possible if i could lose games like this to grandmasters i would be very happy all my titles of my videos would not be depressed and you wouldn't be left wondering if i'm you know gonna walk through traffic um so good fight i'm gonna go get some rest i'm gonna go get some food and i will be back for round number four get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 332,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: NmJMObtcnw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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