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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to round number four of the spring i am norm round robin i've got two points out of three and in this round i am taking on nico chasin uh nico is a 23 30 ish i think uh maybe 23 12 i don't i don't remember his exact rating on the official list of the tournament yes i could have looked at it literally five seconds before i hit the record button but this is just how i live life out here you know but he's rated over 2 300 i don't think he has any i am norms maybe he has one um and um going into this game i i so this is what i knew about nico um i i knew that he plays d4 knight f6 and e6 systems so prior to the game uh i narrowed my repertoire down to three choices i was either going to play a nimso indian sideline um so i was thinking maybe g3 uh maybe e392 uh maybe queen b3 maybe e3 bishop d2 which is currently very popular um or i would play a london uh or i would play the english i mean all of these things have to be decided kind of ahead of time and i decided that i was going to play to london because i had some intel a couple of rounds ago he was black against the london and he played e6 e3 b6 his opponent played knight f3 um and there's actually a very interesting move here that's been played by some strong players which is queen f3 and the point is you attacked the rook and uh yeah it's an interesting move um you know knight c6 for example white plays here in long castle very complicated position so i was hoping he would do that or i was hoping you know we might play just the normal london or some c5 lines which are very imbalanced um but then he played here and i was like 100 certain of the fact that he doesn't play this opening at all and after the game he told me he was just literally making things up i mean maybe he was embellishing the truth a little bit but uh yeah he doesn't play this so i'm like okay um obviously i can just play a london like a normal london system uh which is slightly different against this setup because black and played in king's indian style but i decided to play joe bava london uh for a third time in four games basically because against david i played it with colors reversed and this time rather than play what i get what i did against theodore i don't know if you guys remember i played this line against theodore this is just completely equal for black i decided to play knight b5 and actually literally follow my game against david berches like this was the exact game and in that game i played this this and then h4 and david played knight e4 and the colors were completely reversed so um in this game i decided to play h3 and i was gonna slow play it and i knew i mean of course the position is equal um but he's in territory where he gets no theory whatsoever uh and i'm like all right game plan is just i'll play him you know just develop my pieces h3 is a good move because the bishop can always drop back also developing his bishop is now difficult um he plays bishop g7 knight f3 castles and bishop to d3 uh nihal sarvin has played bishop e2 here i didn't really understand the difference between bishop e2 and bishop d3 no i mean rather i didn't understand which one was better this one made sense because i'm trying to play for e4 also he can't really trade bishops with me because i can take take and i can get a head start here on just attacking him so this is a very nice thing because i haven't castled my king yet fg hg knight g4 and something like even knight e5 is super strong because i just go here and i win so yeah i mean i just thought okay bishop d3 makes sense and bishop e2 lets him go here or even b6 and you know something all right i played bishop d3 i didn't really know what his next move was because normally in these positions black tries to play for c5 but he can't really do that right now for a variety of reasons but first of all i can just take and second of all i can just ignore him so he played 96 i played bishop e5 and i figured he was going to go c5 and i was just going to leave it and then it takes takes and play uh this pawn structure this is what what i was intending to play he really surprised me here with the decision to play knight d7 um let me let me tell you why so the reason why i thought this was just kind of illogical is because i mean i thought he was going to take with the king he took with the knight i'm just like he's kind of what is he doing with this with his knights here i mean it he he he's forcing a trade but he's gonna need to spend at least a couple more moves coming back right like pushing and coming back to the center so yeah i i don't know it just seemed like kind of the wrong way um i thought about just starting an attack here but this is very silly i mean he just gets my bishop and then he can just ignore my attack completely like play c5 and okay it looks like i'm attacking but um i'm most certainly not attacking anybody oh no sorry if i actually if i take this knight then queen h5 is winning um here he would just take back okay again like it it looks like i'm attacking queen h5 queen h7 is made there's no mate here here everything is covered so i decided to trade bishops and as he is kind of going on the back foot here i thought about h4h5 now i thought this was just dumb because by the time i arrived to h5 he can just take i'm sorry he could just stick with the knight um so i played e4 which is a move i already played the move e3 i'm i'm able to do this because his knights are so scattered right like just very silly looking position i thought here um if he took we could get a tartak hour carl khan so if you played knight f6 um we're in a tactic our karo khan pawn structure so i was ready for this um i also thought maybe he would play queen b6 and uh and and go this way uh but what he played was a much more forcing solution which is the move e5 this is a tactical solution because it looks like i'm just winning a pawn i'm not i thought about e5 but i thought that what we were getting on the board was better for me um and i was very happy so i took he sacrifices his knight but the intention is to fork me uh and now win the night back what he told me after the game was he missed my response not that i can block with my queen but then i can castle long so he saw this and probably assumed i had to go short looked at this and maybe it was like this is a bit too dangerous maybe um but long castle i was very confident here um i thought that he had just overlooked this and i'm just gonna go f4 g4 f5 like you know kick his queen out of the middle just like for example how bad it can get f4 if he tries to stick around i can boot him again like just to show like in the worst case scenario i mean f5 all right knight f6 you know something like this and black loses this is of course worst of the worst but the idea is the same i mean it really felt like my attack was just gonna trampoline here like no problem um he played bishop f5 and my first instinct here was just obviously rookie one for i mean it's just you don't even think about that move if he takes rookie four you know we we play chess um but then i got to thinking i'm like what is so bad about f4 and i started looking that's what i played i was looking at f4 he's gonna keep his queen in the middle i'm gonna kick him out he's gonna go this way and then here i was like yo check out this cool variation i calculated check here and even though this is hanging i take the bishop first he really shouldn't take with a jeep on because his pawn structure is horrible but now before he goes here i have this and then like let's say he goes back to g7 i have f5 i'm just winning i mean my queen's getting in so i thought maybe he goes knight g3 and then i'll play rookie one and then if he takes on a2 i have like queen e3 queen e5 yeah looking at all these lines like all right okay and then you know if he plays queen e7 preventing me from going knight f6 all right then i'll go here then i'll go g i know g4 maybe i'll go here or the g4 so i play f4 i press the clock and i realize i'm just a complete idiot like i don't know why this has happened to me multiple times this tournament but uh these are not the only two moves there's another one which which doesn't lose but it it i don't have the advantage anymore uh he could just go back one square like somehow this move just i don't know i had a total blind spot for this move and the point is that my pawn is hit and my knight is still under attack so i can't even go here i thought about doing this actually um and then if he goes here i can like drift he he just takes my knight and then takes my pawn so now i have to go knight c3 and enter an end game where i mean i'm just not any better whatsoever so i decide to still trade uh my knight for his bishop um he plays knight e6 and he's trying to go to c5 and i want to avoid the pin so i go queen e3 he goes b6 with the intention to play knight c5 um yeah i mean again the position is totally equal um but i'm trying i'm trying uh and uh well i i think i play the best move here which is the move g4 uh stockfish agrees the point is that i wanna i wanna take space i mean i this is where i'm stronger all my pieces face this direction so even though he can play knight c5 um and he can take my bishop i control the only open file on the board right now really uh and my pawns are more advanced so i'm just gonna slowly torture him right our kings are not on the same side so i can push my pawns as far as i want here there was a tough decision of whether to trade rooks and then take with the pawn or not if i do this i really felt like my rook was passive so i decided to trade rooks and we got to this end game where black is equal you know but uh i'm trying so i had a lot of different ideas here uh first of all there's the question of do we trade queens rooks both or neither uh then there's the question of which pawn to push so i thought about playing f5 here i didn't play f5 because i didn't like that he can make a fortress and now his king can even get off the back rank uh i thought about just you know slowly improving my king uh stockfish likes this actually but it thinks that he can go like king f8 and also fight back on the e file but king c2 and probably just before i push my pawns would have been better i decided to do this and my logic was that he can't take my pawn because i always have rookie a check so queen d3 rook a check and if he takes this and if there's this and i win so i thought okay queen d6 i'm just gonna play h4 i'm so smart now my plan is very simple um well actually a6 is pretty bad but let's just say you know my plan is something like this maybe or maybe like this just something you know try to force this king to stay on the back rank um and i and i was building confidence and then he just totally dumped a cold shower on me with the move queen d4 and it's funny rookie 8 looks like it works but it doesn't the reason why this doesn't work is because this is not a check i mean i mean it is but in the other version when he takes my pawn he's not covering that square so queen d4 king c2 um i can't really trade queens because then he arrives with a fork just shooting myself in the foot so i said okay no problem it's time for the next phase of the game all right i'm just going to slowly improve my position one step at a time then i'm going to advance my pawns and what we're going to do is we're going to crack through right here so you know if he plays like rook d7 i'm gonna go b4 uh then i'm gonna go you know king c4 then i'm gonna go a4 rook d8 d4 like you get what i'm saying like this is the plan right um the problem is there's a guy on the other side who's not gonna just sit there and let me trample him uh but that's the game plan he fights back immediately with the move c5 um and this seems like a good move i mean maybe what i should yeah what i should have done here is probably played b4 straight up instead of allowing him to play c5 uh and probably what he should have done here is he should have played c5 first and he told me after this after the game he thought that you know b4 would have been a good moment for me because giving an isolated pawn weakness to me to target for the rest of the game is really not any good and the way it happened in the game is i thought i needed to like create a situation where the a7 pawn was the weakness rather than him not being able to play c5 i mean that's how rook end games go you know that's why i'm me and magnus's magnus um and i thought i would just you know slowly make progress i would play b4 d4 anyway but he strikes back with f5 and at this point the time situation was like maybe 10 minute uh the whole game within one another now it's it's growing so he from basically this point forward started playing super fast um and it made it really annoying for me because again it really comes down to calculating these deep lines of which move is better than the other and he's playing really quickly um but you know i saw him play a game yesterday where he played very quickly and had a lot more time than his opponent and still gave him chances so i was hoping maybe he would screw up something later in the end game right so f5 and listen i'm a cultured individual i know that when ambassador is there uh it's forced um but i thought about not not taking but his king's getting in the game i mean if i let his king in the game that's it it's a draw the thing is if i play rookie five now his rook gets in the game so there's ways for me to lose and so i took on passant he took i brought my king you know i want to go king b5 he goes here it's actually even better for him to go play here uh and uh not go for my pawn but go like this so he actually has chances himself he plays rook d6 and i play d4 and in the back of my mind i had a feeling that if we got to this end game and i was able to run this king back to b8 i was winning i didn't exactly know how i would win this um oh wow h5 wow so i was right my instinct was right he can't take because of this and i win because takes takes b4 king a8 a5 takes here here wow and this is just a winning end game that is incredible that is inc that is unbelievable this is just a winning end game i run over and take his pawn i mean can you believe that i would have had to see this 13 moves ago and i was right my instinct was that if he brought his king he would lose this end game that is actually uh i saw that wow yeah i have something to be proud of in this game and this entire sequence uh with with forcing his king to the corner first because if i rush if i play h5 now uh this doesn't work f5 king c7 he stops my pawn his promotes i have to wait for his king to go to the corner like this and then i can do that wow it's wild he didn't do that though he didn't give me an opportunity so again i'm posing these real practical problems for him so rook c6 i go here he comes down i play rocking e6 and again if he takes my pawn i wanted to do this and threaten mate at the same time get into g7 and maybe again i'm trying to win at all costs here he gives me a check though and i'm like damn it you know and if i play this hoping for a winning king and pawn end game because i'm so active uh he's not going to do that he's going to go here and here and fork me so i repeat moves and then i play b4 and again my instinct is still get in here at some point and take these pawns you know get this pawn down and win and i still do not see how he's gonna create counter play so king e7 here i play rook c4 because i don't have a lot of time um and i was actually thinking that this end game is still winning for me it's not it's actually hilarious why it's not because my pawn is already on b4 so for example if we go all the way back here you would remember that in this position i played b3 king a8 but the problem is i i don't have a move so i want my pawn back here do you remember the variation that i just showed you with the pawn on b2 b3 and white wins but right now if i play b5 my king's in jail so i'm i'm locked out and i'm out of moves it's insane king and pawn end games come down to like the the the bitter bitter end i thought i was winning it's not winning because my pawn needs to be on b2 insane he doesn't trade with me and here he even let my king walk in and i was like i have a feeling he's screwing something up what is he doing my original intention here was to just go king a6 let his king go and just like bring my pawn up and just get through but i decided to play rook c7 and i had no idea what his next move was like at all at all because i was like what is it if king e7 i just traded and i win the end game like what are we even doing here right so but then he shocked me played rook d4 and i and i again i'm down to a minute so i'm just i'm playing the moves that makes sense right so i play a5 if he takes this he loses i think because i sneak in my pawn so takes takes and here i thought he was going to take my pawn i would take this he would take this let's have at it you know his king is joining his pawns i don't know what's happening but i also thought that after rook f4 of course i can just take on h7 so i don't even have to give him the two pawns but he played h5 and this was a real shock to me because with 30 seconds on the clock here i'm starting to panic i'm like uh oh i was supposed to win that pawn now if i take take push take i'm not even i i don't know maybe i'm losing i mean it i i don't think i'm losing but i mean he's got two pawns like this looks terrifying you get what i mean like i mean imagine this situation i mean h this looks terrifying and you have to see this in advance it's a draw but i mean i think you really really think this is a draw i mean this is so scary by the way this is only a draw um because by the time his king gets to help the pawns like this i'm in time so by the time we get all the way down here he can't queen because he queens i take and it's a draw but i have to see that 17 moves in advance like i mean come on right with 30 seconds on the clock so i give him a check and my logic here was that when he goes here i check him and i cut him off and i thought okay he doesn't get my pawn my brain was just don't let him get the pawn do not let him get the pawn by any means all right go for this end game where it's one pawn each and maybe your pawn is more advanced so you know you have winning chances so he believed in my check and went king f7 and i'm like damn now i'm in trouble because he's still gonna get both pawns so with no time on the clock i repeat moves why because the alternative is uh the alternative is to take he takes i go king b7 he takes a6 something like rook a4 a7 take take and i was like again this is the same situation but it's not the difference is that in the other situation his king was more active and with the king on f7 he's cut off and as it turns out this endgame had i gone for it instead of repeating moves is winning according to stockfish which gets several minutes to think about the position and is the strongest computer in the world it turns out that the fact that the king that you know cut off is uh is winning so for example h4 king b6 let's say like g5 king c5 h3 and oh king d4 g4 his king just can't come help you know king e3 h2 rook h6 g3 king of three yeah i did not see that in hindsight i did many things i wanted to in this game correctly my whole game plan down to the wire was successful but only for one move he made one mistake on move 57 um and i thought his move was good and this is why i named the recount when i named it because like why do we even play this stupid game i i made i i tweeted after this game i was like i just spent four hours methodically systematically applying pressure to my opponent trying to get a win just to screw it up at the last moment the moment there's a win on the board i decide to call it quits because i'm low on time and i thought the end game was too risky spent four hours didn't get a win and lost half a rating point to my opponent here chess is brutal why why why
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 256,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 4Xn7DEaTl2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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