A Quick Look At Manjaro 21.0 "Ornara" Xfce

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in today's video i'm going to be taking a quick first look at the recently released manjaro 21.0 codenamed ornera and manjaro has three main editions they have gnome kde plasma and xfce today i'm going to be taking a look at their xfce edition manjaro's always been one of the best arch linux based distributions out there manjaro is probably the best arch-based distribution as far as for people new to linux like if you're coming from windows over to linux and you're even remotely thinking about trying an arch-based distribution manjaro is probably a good starting point because manjaro really tries to remove a lot of the pain points associated with running something like mainline arch so i've already downloaded the iso for 21.0 the xfce edition the iso was 2.4 gigs in size so a pretty big iso so i expect there's probably going to be a ton of programs already pre-installed for us here so i'm going to go ahead and switch over to the desktop and i'm going to run through a quick installation of 21.0 here inside vert manager so here at the start we have settings for we can change our time key table language we can boot with open source drivers boot with proprietary drivers and help and mem test so i'm going to go ahead and boot with open source drivers which should be fine here in this vm i was doing this on physical hardware booting with proprietary drivers is probably the choice i would typically do because you know sometimes you're going to have video cards and wi-fi chips and you know that need proprietary drivers unfortunately so and now that we're in the live desktop environment the first thing i want to do is launch the installer because really i'm going to install it first before i take a look at it so let's go ahead and open the this is the calamaris installer and the first thing the installer asks us is our language and it has correctly chosen american english for me so i'm just going to click next location it has chosen the eastern time zone here in the us i'm actually in the central time zone so i'm going to change that then click next keyboard it has selected english us that is correct for me so i will click next we have the choice of erasing the disk and giving the giving manjaro the entire 25 gigs of the virtual hard drive i created for this virtual machine that's what i'm going to choose if i wanted to i could create a swap or a swap partition or a swap file i'm actually going to do well you know what let's do the swap file because it really doesn't waste any space a swap partition is kind of wasted space and a small vm i don't like doing those but i don't mind creating a swap file and of course if you had something more exotic to do with your partitioning you could choose manual partitioning and create the partitions yourself i'm going to go ahead and click next though and let's create our username and our password so i'm going to create a strong and complicated password for privacy reasons and that's for our dt user we can also set a password for the administrator account the root user or i could just click here that says use the same password for the administrator account so the password for the dt user and the password for our sudo user are going to be the same if i have this ticked on and that's what i want that way i don't have to remember two different passwords and then we have our summary screen location looks good keyboard looks good partition scheme looks good i'm going to click install and it's going to warn us that it's about to format our hard drive and right to the disk of course we're in a virtual machine so there's really nothing to be worried about in my case if you were doing this on a physical machine you would have to make sure that you actually do want to format that drive and install a new operating system i'm going to let this installation run for a few minutes typically this portion of the install process takes about five to ten minutes i'll be back once the installer has completed and the installation has completed that really only took about three or four minutes at the most now in the calamares installer what you need to do to actually complete the installation you do have to click restart now here and if you were doing this on physical hardware this is where you would unplug the usb key from your computer here in this vm it's going to take care of that for me i think i think it'll detach the iso itself and yeah it looks like it's booting up just fine here yeah and then we get our login screen let me make this vm full screen and let's go ahead and log in to our sfce desktop environment and the first thing i'm going to want to do once i get in here is just for purposes of taking a look at this i'm going to go ahead and search for a terminal because the first thing i want to do is actually change the screen resolution so i'm going to run a x-rander command x render if i don't give it any flags it will actually give us a list of possible screen resolutions that are available on our system so i'm going to copy 1920 by 1080 and then i'm gonna run this command x ranger dash s and then paste 1920 by 1080 and now we have a proper 1920 by 1080 screen resolution which is much more appropriate for the monitor i'm recording here now manjaro 21.0 was released uh about two days ago i would say and being a rolling release being based on arch there's already some updates i've already got this update uh application popping up and letting me know that apparently there are upgrades available for firefox thunderbird and the manjaro linux systems i guess that's one of the scripts that comes with manjaro i typically would apply these because these are probably important updates especially to your browser and your email client they're probably important security updates but for not wasting time on this video i'm going to decline the update for now and let's get back into the manjaro hello program so this is our welcome screen and these kinds of hello programs are really nice for new users you don't know anything about manjaro maybe you don't know anything about linux and it gives you a lot of options here on how to quickly get some information for example documentation you have a readme here if i clicked on it and then you get actually that information displayed right here in the hello program here that just tells you a little bit about the project how do i go back can i go back there's no forward or back button so i'm not sure we could change the language ah there's the home button i'm not used to using things with title bars i guess it's because all my years using telling window managers i don't know why i didn't see the home there so that was read me we have release info which would of course tell us about the current release we have the wiki and that would probably open a web browser to mancharo's wiki i would assume and that's exactly what it does and the manjaro wiki is actually not bad they've got some good documentation and of course being an arch-based linux distribution you can always go to the archwiki as well almost everything in the archwiki also applies to manjaro you also have links to support forums how to discover software you have links to the mailing list how to get involved with manjero how to help out with development and how to donate to the project and you also have a applications button if i click that that's a very nice list of all the applications i guess that are or these applications that are actually installed or no not all of these are installed these are applications that are available firefox is in bold so it's letting us know firefox is the browser that is installed right now but we could install vivaldi or chromium or midori or opera and of course there's dozens of other browsers as well these are just some of the more popular ones that they're going ahead and letting us know about i'm not going to choose to install any extra software at the moment the other thing is i don't want to always see this startup program every time i log into xfce so i'm going to click that slider here that way it no longer automatically starts every time i log in i really don't need to see that screen ever again if for some reason i need to come back to it i could always just open the menu system and type the word hello and manjaro hello is the name of the program now very quickly i do want to go through the menu system here and show you the applications that are installed out of the box here so i'm going to go to the accessories category and under accessories we have application finder which is almost like another menu as it's a window that pops up that shows you all the programs that are already installed and let you search for them that i guess is useful if for some reason you didn't have a panel with a menu like you can remove this panel if you really wanted to but for most people i think to search for your programs you're just going to use this menu system here anyway so i'm not sure if the application finder program is that useful to be honest there's a bulk rename tool available for us as well catfish file search allows you to search your file system so enter your query above to find the files or click the icon for more uh options so what this is is say you're searching for a file somewhere on your system you know it contains some kind of string that's a string of characters but you're not sure what directory that file actually exists in you could do a search for it so that is catfish search also under accessories we have our clipboard manager which i think is already active because i have the little clip icon down here so let me actually click that and you can see 1920x1080 is in my clipboard let me move my head so you guys can see this this is really interesting say 1920x1080 remember i copied that in the terminal that string 1920x1080 is still sitting in my clipboard the clipboard by the way is clip man settings or actually it's just called clip man but we can adjust the settings here with clip man settings and going back to the menu to accessories we have in grandpa which is an archive manager this is where you zip and unzip and you know things like that we have calculator calculator is actually a really nice gtk based calculator i always install a calculator on my systems and typically i install either calculator or another program called calculate which begins with a queue calculate dash gtk is another really good gtk based calculator but calculator is has everything you need you can change the scientific mode and it's got all the the standard functions that you would expect a calculator to have also under the accessories category we have gtk hash we have hp device manager of course that's for your hewlett packard printers we have light dm gtk plus greeter settings so the light dm gtk greeter is when you log in and you have to type your username and password to log into your desktop environment that is the light dm display manager there and you can edit that in some ways i mean you can change the background you can change the appearance a little bit i typically don't play much with light dm as far as trying to tweak it and customize it because honestly how often do you see your display manager typically when i log in to my computer my i i rarely reboot you know i can go days at a time without rebooting my machine so i don't see my login manager that much for me to worry about that but for those of you that really like rising your systems you know playing with some of the customization options for light dm is probably something you will love now let me resize this menu so i can actually see more of the descriptions and everything also under accessories we had our manjoro user guide just more documentation about how to use manjaro we have mousepad which is the plain text editor for the xfce desktop environment it's pretty standard it's just a plain text editor there's really no bells and whistles to it it kind of is similar to windows notepad right in windows notepad there's not much to it it's just a plain text editor mousepad is very similar we have our notes app here if i click on notes we're going to have a icon that will appear down here in the systray and of course we could leave a note like this is a note of course i misspelled it but it doesn't matter close that window i could always come back down here and get that note again by clicking on the little note icon here in the systray also under accessories we have our screenshot utility we have uh sensor viewers show all sensor values i'm assuming this would be widgets to display things like your cpu temperature and things like that yeah that's what that is and then continuing on more in the accessories category we have uh software token tools here we have our task manager so this will be a graphical task manager that'll show us how much cpu and ram we're using well that is blinding white well you know what i'll check uh cpu and mem usage in a better application later because man that that hurt to even look at that thing they really should add a dark mode to that also we have our thunar file manager dunar is the default file manager for the xfce desktop environment it's actually a really nice file manager also under accessories we have xf burn which is our cd and dvd burning application for the xfce desktop environment we do have a games category we have the steam installer and that's it under graphics we have g color 2 which is choose colors from a palette or screen so it's like a color picker i'm assuming let me click on it and see yeah it's really not much to that utility but also under graphics we do have a really neat utility called the gnu image manipulation program or is actually just a fantastic program is the program that i use to create all the artwork for my youtube channel everything you guys see as far as thumbnails and channel headers and all of that i create using we have our internet category and under internet there's actually not much in here we have the avahi server we have a firefox as our browser we've already taken a look at that hex chat is our irc client and most people these days don't use irc chat it's kind of something that was really popular 25 30 years ago not too many people use irc now but if i click the connect button one neat thing that a lot of distributions do these days is to help people that maybe don't know how to use irc if you just click the connect button it automatically connects typically to your distribution support channel but it looks like that's not the case here let me move this out of the way what is it trying to join is it trying to join the hex chat channel i think so yeah what i was hoping would happen is that this would automatically connect us to the manjaro channel so for manjaro support because again manjaro is kind of aimed for newer to linux users uh at least it kind of attracts that crowd and for those people having a quick and easy way to get support i think is a nice touch getting back into the menu system under internet we also had pigeon internet messenger now that is a program probably almost no one has a use for anymore nobody uses you know instant messaging chat clients so this would be like the old aol messenger and uh icq and things like that you know younger people probably don't even remember any of those programs but nobody really uses instant messaging anymore we have thunderbird of course as our email client under multimedia we have audacious as our audio player now that is a really interesting choice there so audacious is actually really nice you can actually theme it to to look however you want it's a pretty powerful program i've played with audacious a little bit in the past i don't have any audio of course to play here in the vm also under multimedia we have pulse audio volume control we have cute v4 l2 so that's video for linux and that would be i sometimes use v4 l2 if i need to play with settings for like my webcam and things like that we have vlc media player so this would be probably what you would use for playing your videos here in manjaro so that is vlc so audacious for your audio vlc for your video although really you could use vlc for both audio and video if you wanted to xf burn is also here once again under office there are no office programs installed so we have dictionary and qpdf view so we can view our pdfs but i'm surprised they didn't install libreoffice out of the box that's a a weird choice because they have so many other programs installed you would think they would have went ahead and installed the libreoffice suite because i think most desktop users probably would have a use for libreoffice there's an other category it looks like some more hp stuff a hewlett packard stuff uh it's probably scanning for devices that are plugged in i'm assuming is what that script would do we have a settings category and the settings category is all of your standard like desktop settings where you can change your gtk theme or your screen resolution like there's got to be a graphical way to change screen resolution even though i did it in the terminal earlier with the x randor command there is a display program here that would have allowed me to do the exact same thing i did in the terminal this is just a graphical front end to the x render program and if i get back into the menu system and just start typing settings there is a settings manager and the settings manager will list all the settings kinds of programs so you can either get all of your settings programs by clicking on the settings category in this menu and they display here or just launch the settings manager program and you have them all here as well you can think of the settings manager as kind of like the control panel in windows right it's the place you go to change all of your settings for everything there's a system category here and under system we have add remove software now that i'm assuming that's going to be our graphical way of installing and removing applications now if you want to of course you can add and remove software and update your system in the terminal that's probably what most linux users probably eventually start doing just because many times it's easier than navigating these graphical programs but if you wanted to you could go in here and browse for programs to install for example it looks like i could install arduino or blender or inkscape libreoffices here i mentioned it libreoffice if i wanted to i can install libreoffice by clicking this button so it makes it really easy you can also update the system you can see i just clicked the updates program and it's telling me i've got three updates i click apply and it would update the system for me and there's also an installed button here this lets me know all the programs that are currently installed and if i wanted to i could remove them for example i if i didn't need hex chat for any reason you know i could just click the remove button and it would automatically remove hex chat from the system now one of the things that's interesting looking at this is h-top is installed out of the box and that's really the other program i wanted to look at was h top because that's what i'm going to check out system resource usage in so let's see if i can zoom in in this terminal and let's check out h top now i've opened a ton of programs here in the last 10 15 minutes so this may be a little higher than what it should be like on a cold boot but let's check out cpu usage uh three four percent you know it's about normal we're not doing much at the moment and then memory usage 627 megs of the four gigs of ram i gave this vm that's actually pretty respectable i could easily cut that in half by killing all these programs that are running down in the system so i just wanted to see what it was with a few programs running because i'm going to hit q to quit out of h top now what i'm going to do let's get rid of our notes let's get rid of the package manager that's also checking for updates that really sucks up cpu uh especially let's get rid of the clipboard you know just let's get rid of those three things and then run h-top and let's see if there's an actual difference yeah now we're under 600 megs 589 i actually thought it would drop more uh it actually only saved us about 50 megs but again i still have it looks like i have the network manager running i'm going to leave that that's a volume control down here i could spend some time and try to de-bloat the system a little bit but to be honest 600 megs of ram is pretty lightweight i mean that's way lighter than your proprietary operating systems like windows or mac and to be honest 600 megs is lighter than most linux desktop environments gnome budgie cinnamon they're all typically one gig or more on a cold boot even without opening a bunch of programs and having a bunch of stuff sitting in the systrace so xfce is really light the other thing let's check what our kernel is i'm going to do a u name space dash r to get our kernel version and it's 5.10.23 so a very recent kernel the other thing i want to check is the number of packages installed now on my system i run an arch based system i run arco linux on my main production machine and i have a ton of stuff installed on my system i have like 2100 packages on my system it's very heavily bloated but let's see how bloated manjaro21.oxfc is so i'm going to run this command pacman space dash capital q and if i did that it will list out all the programs that are installed currently and now i'm going to take that same list pac-man dash capital q and i'm going to pipe it into wc which is the word count program and then give it the dash l flag for lines so instead of a word count what i really want is a line count 1057 so that's how many lines were in the output from that previous command which means that's how many programs are installed on the system currently 1057. that's actually pretty slim like that's that's not bloated at all in my opinion i'm gonna go ahead and close out the terminal the last thing i want to do is i typically do like to check out like the wallpapers that ship with these releases so if i go to the wallpaper program here and some of these wallpapers i think i've seen before they've probably been available in previous versions of manjaro but it does look they are some gorgeous wallpapers for example this wallpaper here looks pretty nice now we are using a dark panel kind of a dark theme so i'd probably want a lighter wallpaper that's nice that would work as well let's see if i can get something really light something oh black and white works really nice with dark gtk themes but of course it wouldn't be manjaro without throwing in some green as well that's kind of a weird abstract or actually that one there you know i think that one would grow on me i think i'll leave that one for now so that was just a very quick look at the recently released manjaro 21.0 again they have three main editions gnome kde plasma and of course xfce they also have like a dozen different community editions so yeah they pretty much cover all the popular desktop environments and many of the popular standalone window managers i know they do an i3 an awesome window manager i think they do a bs pwm as well i think they do an open box edition of course you're going to find things like mate and lxqt as well so they've got all the bases covered if xfce is not the desktop that you want to run all in all manjaro has always been one of my favorite archbase linux distributions it's always well done it always looks really nice professionally done very clean very polished and the reason i picked their xfce edition to take a look at today is because i've always thought that they do xfce better than most other xfce distributions now before i go i need to thank a few special people i need to thank the producers of this episode i'm talking about absie dale escape blue mitchell allen akami arch 5430 chuck david the other david dillon dilly dally greg gregory lewis i don't i may have messed up those names but those guys they're awesome those are my highest tiered patrons over on patreon without these guys this episode you just watched would not have been possible the show is also brought to you by each and every one of these ladies and gentlemen as well this ever growing list of names you're seeing on the screen these are all my supporters over on patreon because i don't have any corporate sponsors i'm sponsored by you guys the community if you'd like to help my work please consider doing so look for distrotube over on patreon alright guys peace when is manjoro going to make an ex monet edition
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 85,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manjaro 21.0, manjaro linux, manjaro 21, manjaro 21.0 ornara, manjaro review, manjaro linux review, manjaro xfce, manjaro 21.0 xfce ornara, whats new manjaro 21.0, manjaro linux install, linux, gnu linux, linux distros, best linux distro, linux review, linux distro review, manjaro 2021, arch linux based distros, xfce, xfce desktop environment, installing manjaro, manjaro installation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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