The Attendant | Short film about a man beating the system

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[Music] do [Music] all right cassie any news hey frankie no nothing yet so wait under here right but don't worry you know something will turn up so i hope so yeah come to 11. love one maybe we pirates bun and all you know all right we're glad what's that flavor john it's kathy at the causeway i have the brochure here in front of me now that's perfect listen we'll need about 10 000 for monday can you do that [Music] oh cathy you're all right no no paul didn't get the us sorry to hear that don't worry love i mean something will come up long you here now about three years three years i'm here 20 years i told myself i was going to retire it's 50. you have a few years yet huh 15 next week you're wearing well you're not hardcasting you're not hard no rest of the way get back to work busy today isn't it yeah nobody knows this but this is the busiest car park in the whole of northern ireland [Music] sorry kath now don't worry love something turn up did i need to turn up soon we're three months behind with a mortgage well we can pay a thousand at the end of the month maxwell at the bank wants to see me i'm sick of being worried all the time and i'm sick of having no money for us well manage i'm sick of just managing too i didn't see things being this way yeah tony it's frankie yeah listen i need to go in and pick up those euros all right i'll come in and pick them up tomorrow before work thanks thanks tony by night [Music] hello mr maxwell mr o'neill good morning have a seat can i get you a cup of coffee no thank you i'm fine well then i'm sure you know why i've called you in this morning yes i do mr maxwell and i have a check here for one thousand pounds towards our mortgage excellent however the account is still three thousand pounds in arrears the problem is that with only your wife and employment head office feels that you won't be able to make the shortfall yes i understand that mr maxwell but believe me i am going to get a job soon [Music] however you have been unemployed for six months and it's not a good time to be a quantity surveyor yes i know but i'm sure something will come along soon yes of course i'm sure it will too the problem is that my hands are tied by head office unless you can clear the arrears within 30 days mr o'neill i've been instructed to begin legal proceedings to repossess the house [Music] there it is kyle memory single hit me good mom frankie that's it isn't it it's the last one number eight yep that's the last one she's just gone yet do you want to get a drink no i've got to get back morgan tomorrow do you ever not work [Music] what happened love maxwell's give us to the end of the month if we don't pay the arrears he's going to take the house well something will turn up when will it turn up when i'm sick of this i'm sick of it i'm sorry enough i just feel so useless at the moment still useful for the odd thing ah that's the banks for you they'll give you an umbrella when it's sunny and then when it starts to rain they'll take the umbrella and you're raincoating the roof over your head that's what paul's worried about i don't care i'd i'd live wherever as long as we're together ah don't worry cathy you know what hasn't happened yet right that's me back to work you should get yourself an assistant what i don't need any help this is my car park should be giving you a bonus don't you worry about me i'm well looked after hey tony is frankie here yeah listen yeah i need to get into the safety deposit box all right all right i'll be down tomorrow morning and listen tony thanks very much for everything okay [Music] thanks [Music] happy birthday to me frankie it's kathy where are you give us a buzz all right bye-bye well kathy it was my 50th birthday yesterday i always said i'd retire at 50. please find and close my locker key now don't lose it and remember kathy something always turns up love frankie [Music] hello is that causeway borah council yes i'm calling from the causeway visitor center and i was wondering when the replacement car park attendant would be arriving well that's not our car park you should try northwest car parks okay okay thank you [Music] northwest car park hello i'm calling from the causeway visitor center a we need a new car park attendant and i was wondering if you could send somebody out i'm afraid the causeway's not our car park you sure positive try causeway borough council if i have tried right okay thank you [Music] hello frankie welcome are we all set hold on electricity's on the phone's in full tank of heating oil and the furniture's in it's all yours nice looking car you've got there that for seal everything's for sale frankie this is kind of upwards got to be worth 20 000 euros nobody knows this but this is the busiest car park in the whole of northern ireland i don't need any help this is my car park what's the deal pleasure doing business with you didn't mind taking that thing away would you don't you worry about me i'm well looked [Music] after [Music] remember kathy something always turns [Music] out [Music] you
Channel: NITVShorts
Views: 744,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R1HyisEtjsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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