A wealthy family discovers an unusual request in their deceased patriarch's will. | Father Figurine

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sign here and here and here and here and here and here and here Patricia Tiffany Charles I'm so sorry for your loss Harold was a wonderful man just wonderful it's a lightful incredibly sharp hmm warm soul thank you now with regard to the last will and testament he of course left everything to you and the family however there is one clause that is a more recent addition somewhat unorthodox I don't understand a will once Harold knew that his time was nearing its end he became interested in maintaining a presence in the household and in the event of his death Harold requested that his body be stuffed and kept on display at your residence [Music] did you say stuffed yes like a turkey no like a bear or a lion they do it to turkeys too but not the way you're thinking and if I don't agree to this well then you get nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] isn't even going to eat their chicken I'm not hungry [Music] it's a new recipe usually they roasted in the oven tonight they boiled it in the back why to keep in the juices how long do we have to do this for you don't know he was never here when he was alive and now he's forcing himself on us like a rapist what's a rapist someone who makes you have sex with them when you don't want to your father's not a rapist he looks like a rapist why don't you have some chicken I don't want any chicken it's supposed to be better it's supposed to be moist what does he even done for us he gave us everything he gave us this house I hate this house I wish I was homeless [Music] it's dry [Applause] you're really old like older than other dads my Spanish teacher told me you're an hombre Malo which means bad man in Spanish I tried telling him he was wrong I couldn't because I didn't know you were never home and even when you were you didn't talk to me just patted me on the head like I was a dog but I'm not a dog I'm a person not persona we do look like a rapist [Music] I just wish you were still here or she could hear me [Music] can you hear me yes I can hear you loud and do you think that is in heaven I don't know someone at school told me that you don't go to heaven until you're buried in the ground that's not true besides not everyone gets buried some people get cremated what's that it means their bodies get burned in their ashes or put in a container burn in an oven I don't want to be burned when I die I want to be stuffed like that you never looked good even for your age you look like [ __ ] damn nice cheekbones huh you were nice to me when I was little it's my own morning I meet your office sometimes and I realized that everyone hated you and no one wanted to come over even though I told him he had a movie theater and now everyone just says they're sorry like they actually feel bad but I don't think I feel bad hmm I wish you'd let me do this to you sooner you look better hmm yeah much better I've decided to be an organ donor Oh does dad have any organs no I think they scooped them out I also thought that we could start a charity so other families can stuff their loved ones I [Music] thought you didn't like having him around I don't mind it anymore it's nice to have someone to talk to [Music] [Music] I remember when we first met was at that fundraiser for the senator who tried to kill his wife I saw you sitting across the room and you looked at me and you looked good for your age cuz your hair hadn't started falling out yet when you got up and walked over you were shorter than I expected but I didn't care I feel so far away feels like another life like one of those dreams that feels so real but when you wake up it stays with you for part of the day [Music] I loved you I love to dry hands and your chapped lips and left your crusty eyes and your weak bladder and the sound of phlegm in your throat whenever you'd call I gave you everything it was nice for a while you told me everything I wanted to hear but then you disappeared and there was nothing I could do about it I couldn't leave I thought things would be different after you died and I get what I deserve that's wrong because you always get what you want so if you want to be stuffed then you get to be stuffed and we just have to live with it you don't deserve this you don't deserve to be remembered you don't deserve to make up for lost time you don't deserve to be here because your [ __ ] statue when I tried [Music] is the time sure [Music] my [Music] and I don't see your face then very I will be [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 548,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: father figurine, comedy short film, omeleto
Id: S5Cun2afm3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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