A Poor Girl Found And Raised A Dragon And Became His Queen He Protected Manhwa Recap

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the girl being tied with chains in a dungeon and surrounded by gold and diamonds never thought that she would die in this way the main character however may be aware of death but she did not even realize that she would die as an offering elain n is widely known as a religious and virtuous girl and thus revered as the savior of their empire the man reading the decree announces that she has been chosen as the next victim for the wicked Dragon Rebus however if Elaine knew that everything would end like this she would not have endured it until now the girl doesn't understand why she held on and suffered so much because she still has to wait a long time and she doesn't understand where this evil dragon is suddenly the girl's thoughts are interrupted by a strong wind and in the sky she leads someone she is very afraid of and is so tired of waiting out of fear the girl closed her eyes but nevertheless plucking up courage she decided to look death in the eyes seeing a large black dragon in front of her she asked God to let her die without suffering a black body with big teeth says that he couldn't even think of it because he had already lived enough but he had never seen such a beauty with the large claw of its paw the dragon touches the excited girl and asks if they have met the surprised girl reflects on the fact that she was always told that she had a terrible fate however she believed that this would be the worst day of her life and until she met Rebus however a few days earlier a meal for the poor was taking place in the church the Holy Father was looking for sister Elaine who was serving serving food having discovered the girl the Holy Father tells her that when she finishes Distributing the dish let her go to the laundry and help there because you need more free hands Elaine hearing this looked at the table full of dirty dishes and said that she had a lot of work to do here however the main character reports that she needs to deliver about 200 dishes and then also wash at least 400 plates Elaine asks the Holy Father why he should help me and cut down work for women the surprised man replies that he is not the person who should do such work the main character asks what he means by calling such work however the young lady claims that the Holy Father became a priest because he wanted to follow the orders of their God Bara Elaine asks the man if he thought that in this case he would live and work in Comfort she asks whether barah taught them to live at a leisurely Pace while reading Psalms the blonde girl assertively tells the man if he insists that she go to the laundry then at least the Holy Father should distribute food instead of her the man Furious replies that he has already said that he is not the right person to do such a job however his thoughts were interrupted by the screams of people who were shouting that they wanted to eat while Distributing food the main character thought that the same people always work while the rest are fooling around after washing the dishes the young lady also helped in the laundry and having done all the work she confidently says that that's all for today suddenly the girl heard screams and then saw two men fighting over a piece of bread one of them screaming asks if he can eat less since he is smaller than him Elaine turns to the guy and asks him to let the other guy go the girl warns that otherwise she will make sure that he is no longer seen in the refectory the guy is surprised he doesn't understand anything and asks the girl who she is the young lady was reported to be a sister of the faell temple and her name was Elaine n the girl asks if she should accept this as an act of insult to the nobility an unfamiliar guy hearing this screams at her so that she doesn't make him laugh and asks who knows who would work in such a place he claims that it seems to him that the girl does not know what an insult to the nobility is Elaine looks at the guys in Surprise and shows them the pendant and then asks them why she would lie about something like that seeing the pendant the unfamiliar guy excitedly apologizes to the girl because he has never seen a noble work in such a place the main character claims that if he does this again she will really make sure that he is not seen here again the children who saw and heard all this are discussing among themselves about the pendant which is called the emblem of Believers this pendant is an Insignia worn by religious nobility to distinguish themselves arriving at the kitchen the young lady again saw a lot of dirty dishes she rolled up her sleeves and began to work however at the end of the day the girl felt that her hands were numb and her partner encourages her because they still have more than aund dishes left to wash the main character says that it seems to her that this will never end however having done all the work the young lady reports that it is the end of the year in a free refectory for the poor in which there are only five people left which should be prepared for serving and then washed throughout Elaine thanks them for their hard work and tells the sisters to relax since they only have to finish washing the dishes at the end of the day and don't need to rush the friends say they can't imagine what they will do when Elaine leaves them how long will her interruption in the cathedral end this year the main character says that she didn't notice because 10 years have already passed since she came here and she tells her sisters that she is sorry but she will leave them in a week hearing this her friends say that she has nothing to regret because they wanted to say that they were happy to be here with Elaine Nobles usually stay here for 5 years to study religion but the main character stayed five more years the red-haired girl asks the young lady if there has been any news from count Newton hearing this question Elaine thought for a moment and answered that it was not the main character remembers the day when her father told her that she would go to the temple he explained to the girl that at least one child from every noble family must serve in the temple for at least 5 years the head of the family reports that Damon was originally supposed to go there but he is the second heir of the Newton family and still has a lot to learn having made a decision the head of the family sends aaine instead the blonde man says that the girl should be grateful that the family accepted her despite the fact that Elaine is an illegitimate child of the family Branch however after the m main character stayed in the temple for 5 years no one came to take her away and the N family then left her for another 5 years beyond that the girl thought that this was all for the better and as soon as she finishes her service she will be obliged to leave the temple she will pack her things and leave nudum told me nothing the main character thinks that she will run away somewhere far away and start a new life free and able to feel it sitting at work the girls suddenly noticed that the sky had become very dark Elaine looking up became interested that maybe a huge fire had started somewhere there at this time the girl saw a huge bird the dragon addressing them says listen to him people are full of lies and pride he claims that they must pay for their sins for humiliation and seals the sacred creatures for the last 500 years the Big Bird reports that in 3 days they will die under the wrath of black Flames because the Unholy dragon rabus has returned the dragon rabus is the 44th Dragon to appear in the entire history of the caian Empire as well as the last and only dragon to return 500 years ago Rees wre Havoc throughout the Empire causing its inhabitants to Shake in fear and it was because of this that they called him the wicked Dragon he was eventually sealed by the greatest magician of the time Lancer ainol and disappeared from history that however now 500 years later the announcement of the impending doom of the Empire which came immediately after this return proves that he is is still offended by past human Deeds the day before Elaine is appointed as a sacrifice the emperor orders the high priest Johan to be called favelo the emperor asks the priest where the holy Knights are favel replies that due to the sudden activity of monsters all the knights were sent to the southern regions of the Empire hearing this the emperor was very surprised however favell claims that he sent an urgent order to reorganize some of them to the capital but even the fastest Knight would have a hard time getting here in 3 days the emperor does not understand how unreliable this sealing ritual was since it was the dragon who had returned priest Johan FAO thought excitedly that he could not even imagine that the dragon's seal would be broken in his lifetime because all this time the priest has been collecting the bones of God knows who and calling them the greatness of the magician and worshiping them as relics claiming that they are capable of maintaining the Seal of the Unholy Dragon fav used them as an excuse to make Believers out of the nobility and extort payment from the Imperial Court of twice as much for the protection of the seal excited favell thinks that in the near future the emperor will deprive him of his head before the Unlucky Dragon destroys the entire Empire suddenly the priest's thoughts are disturbed by a woman's voice and a beautiful lady enters the room and turning to his Holiness says that she has read books about dragons the woman claims that she is worried about the Empire and has found one way to appease the black bird interested fav says that he would like to hear this method whatever it may be Miss Lina reports that in the past when a dragon appeared people of those years appeased it with a human sacrifice however when the sacrifice was made with treasures that the dragon liked he was more likely to calm down after devouring the person and return to his lair with the treasures surprised and at the same time interested the priest claims that this method is worth trying because they have a lot of people on death row and they can choose whoever they want the lady objecting says that they cannot sacrifice any criminal and instead you need to offer him a chaste and devoted girl the surprised priest asks if Loreno wants to say that they must sacrifice the holy sister the woman claims that this is what she saw in the Chronicles she explains that people offered a beautiful and pure virgin as a sacrifice favell is puzzled by the question of who among the sisters would agree to become such a victim Lorina claims that this is an emergency for the entire Empire the woman asks that his Imperial majesty and his holiness cannot issue a decree and choose someone the concerned priest asks the lady who she can recommend the woman claims that this girl should be the one among the sisters who has neither parents nor sisters and brothers however ideally someone who understands the scriptures ands the sacred significance of his sacrifice Lorina suggests it is better to look among adult women rather than little girls the priest does not understand who this lady means but suddenly he realized that Elaine nude could become this victim fav asks the lady if the count of the new family agreed to this Lorina replies that he agreed and moreover the Imperial Court knows that this heavy sacrifice for their family goes beyond a sense of Duty the woman claims that for this Human Sacrifice his Holiness will be able to buy enough time until the knights return and let him be confident that they will defeat the dragon the priest is pleased to announce that the future Earl of n has found himself a surprisingly insightful woman having written the order and stamped faell he thanks Miss Lauren for her help the Knight reads the order which states that elain n is widely known as a religious and virtuous girl and is thus revered as the savior of their empire however she is not chosen today as the next victim for the Unholy Dragon ressa the surprised girl hearing about this asks because she lived in faith and virtue and now she has become a victim only because of this Lauren addressing the girl insists that she should perceive this as the greatest honor because Elaine is the most devoted and righteous among all believers and therefore received such an honor the woman says that she will do everything possible so that everyone remembers the great sacrifice of the Holy sister for future Generations the main character addressing the woman says that she despised her for a long time and now she got what she wanted Lorina claims that this is not just what she wanted however it seems to her that count no and her husband Lars were simply happy to hear this news hearing the name Lars the young lady cannot believe it because this man was the only one from the new family who did not harass her Lars was the only one who always listened when she needed to talk however the main character cannot believe that he was happy about this news when Elaine went to the Dragon's Lair many people who sympathized with her came to see her last journey the young lady like a criminal was put in a carriage with a cage and on the way she saw her uncle with whom Lars was the uncle turning to the girl says that she is a stupid girl but she must show the spirit of the NES that she is doing this for the good of the Empire and its people he tells Elaine not to DARE show them such a pathetic expression and they turned to their son and explained that he was leaving for a short time to meet with the envoy when his uncle left Lars came closer to the girl whose eyes were full of tears and took her hand looking at him the girl thought that he would never leave her a handsome guy addressing the main character says that he is glad because she is becoming part of something grandiose the young lady was very appointed when she heard this Lars explains that instead of being sold as a second wife to some nobleman he is sure that this fate is more worthy of her the guy turns and leaves however the young lady cannot believe this because she was sure that Lars would try to save her Elaine placed all her hopes on Lars who disappointed her the father turns to his son and says that all this is thanks to Lina's brilliant idea how long they were able to get rid of this useless girl with maximum benefit Uncle says that once the dragon retreats they will take advantage of the fact that one of their gate members has become a victim to demand substantial compensation from the temple and the Imperial Palace Newton suggests that Lars and Lina attend every social round they are invited to and show everyone how devastated they were after this Valiant sacrifice Lars thinks that instead of watching another man steal a lane from him he would prefer the girl to such a fate the dragon looks at the girl you claim that they have already met and asks her if that's true the surprised main character does not understand anything and asks where they could meet Big Bird I asked the girl is trying to pretend she doesn't know him the favorite girl replies that all she knows is that he is a great Lord ress and she read about this in history books Dragon looking at the girl you understand that she really doesn't remember anything he explains to Elaine that she is the person who broke his seal the main character heard this and was very surprised because she is the culprit who woke up the dragon the dragon soul turns back into an egg once it is sealed however this requires human Blood and Tears to break this seal Blackbird claims that her Blood and Tears fell on the egg in which he was sealed and this allowed the dragon to awaken I heard this girl apologize because she doesn't remember anything about her ever breaking the seal of Lord ress the dragon claims that a lot of time has passed in human years and perhaps she really forgot however he has no doubt that the young lady is the person who awakened him because he wouldn't be able to see the mark on her forehead Big Bird claims that the Mark is visible to him as a con cont ract bound to it and other monsters however it is not surprising that the girl did not know about her the main character asks a question but somehow what kind of contract is he talking about Big Bird replies that whoever frees the dragon from the seal enters into a contract with him the Girl Again asks about what happened to her then since now she is also tied up the dragon replies let her not tell him that the people of the current ERA do not know about this the black bird addressing the main character says that he grants her three wishes as her debtor however he is obliged to fulfill them or the girl must live as long as she is allotted it is a feature of the contract to release them from it the dragon asks Elaine what her first wish is and let her name it hearing this the young lady thought that this meant she was connected to the contract with the dragon without her own knowledge since she was the one who awakened the destruction of the Empire the main character thought that she was sleeping now because she must have fainted before boarding the carriage the girl thought that she could be more brave because she was already sleeping elain asks the dragon if it makes a difference what wish she makes big bird replies that of course there are a few restrictions but a lot can be forgotten if it concerns her the young lady asks that the dragon not destroy the Empire and she thought that with such a desire she could take upon herself responsibility for awakening this destruction hearing this the black bird asks the girl in surprise if she wants him to destroy them looking at the Dragon the young lady thought that she had angered him since the bird looks irritated it stops him from taking Revenge the dragon understands that if he destroys the Empire the girl will be left completely alone and this would be quite useless the Big Bird suggests refraining from destroying the Empire while the girl is alive the main character corrects him you suggest that he better said forever ryes argues that desire should concern only the girl after all what happens to the world after her death should not worry the young lady heing this Elaine thought that this was not bad because she did not want to anger the dragon so that he would completely refuse to grant wishes the girl says that she is still alive the dragon agrees with the young lady and tells her that in order to fulfill her wish he will first have to get rid of the Unholy energy that the dragon has accumulated in his body Big Bird claims that he has no choice but to go back to the beginning how long should he fulfill her first Wishes the main character felt the magic circling around her and she did not understand what was happening and she became very scared suddenly the young lady found herself in the garden under a large tree opening her eyes she realized that something was wrong suddenly the girl felt a blow and then a pain in her head as it turned out the stone was thrown by Martin who thought that he had made an accurate throw the main character seems to understand everything and thinks that this cannot be and she can't believe it turns out to be one of these days when she could barely get enough food at Earl new's mansion Elaine doesn't understand how she ended up back in the NES Garden the girl was born without a father in the Country House of the new family when her mother who was herself the illegitimate child of the previous Earl transferred her home without a husband the little girl was christened a stain on the new family as the illegitimate granddaughter of an illegitimate daughter after Elaine was born her mother began to weaken and left for another world when the girl was 7 years old she remembers how the man screamed and called her a concoction who killed her own mother he was surprised and asked whose blood flows in her so that she could kill her own mother the new head of the family and his wife despised Elaine and this meant that her cousins got away with her torment the main character recalls that her every day was filled with countless injuries and bruises from their attacks the young lady remembers the day she turned 16 instead of congratulations the guy simply caused more injuries just like any other day the girl thought that it would be better if she returned to the time when she lived in the the temple however she still got it in the temple but at least the girl had three meals a day Elaine doesn't understand why she returned that day the dragon who was big a couple of minutes ago says that this is the third time however his shell is still annoying sitting under a tree the main character saw a small bird and asked it if he was the Lord of Rees the dragon replies that everything is correct and she is his human partner he asks the girl if she remembered where and when they first met the main character replies that she remembers this day but she is not sure that the little bird appeared in front of her like that rabus explains that it took him a long time to hatch after being sealed for a long time and most likely the girl ran away when he got out Elaine remembers that she cried a little on the ground and then got up and went straight to the mansion the main character understands that the stone that Martin threw was a dragon egg the little dragon says that if this human child gave his blood in tears then he would become his partner not her rabess claims that in any case he will be able to guess her second wish and this desire is to kill the people who bullied the girl hearing this the girl objects in Surprise because it is not true however she asks the dragon not to kill anyone the dragon asks why he shouldn't do this since these children attacked first and he asks the girl why she is not angry with them the young lady replies that she can't kill everyone around her just because she's mad at them the little bird says that this only applies to those who do not have the power to do so he says he forgot to say something since he and Elaine are bound by a contract she can borrow a little of his power this means that she can kill anyone she wants the surprised lady replies that she can't do that and the dragon asks why he doesn't understand and asks if the girl doesn't want to waste her wish on these people rebes claims that he will not count it as a wish when he borrows a little power to kill a couple of people and invites the girl to think of it as a bonus the main character thought that he was talking about the bonus as if he was selling something in a shop because she thought dragons should be sacred creatures but he acts like a child however the way he talks about fulfilling a wish is suspicious the young lady that his manners have changed slightly since their first meeting because she heard some rather unconventional proposals the main character thought that Robert behaved so powerfully and at the same time like a child and maybe it was because he was younger Now Elaine explains that if she kills everyone who offends or angers her then there will be no one left around her the bird claims that there will still be a bunch of people left even if it kills some of its Entourage the girl replies that then the Imperial Court will send Knights to arrest her however she doesn't want to be drawn into something so Troublesome the dragon claims that she just needs to become an empress and he can definitely fulfill such a wish the girl takes off the crown from her head and says that she does not want to become an empress because her original wish was for him not to destroy the world the surprised young lady asks the dragon why he brought them to this time he replies that this is the easiest way because the dragon realized that it was not strong enough when it decided to destroy the country rabus explains that he added something else to his Mana to compensate because it would enhance his power and to put it simply these are diabolical forces when a dragon replenishes its strength with the help of another it becomes very difficult to restrain its instincts for Destruction he explains that if the dragon wants to restrain himself and not destroy the Empire then he must clear his Mana from the influence of another however this would take some time bird explains that this is the easiest way to return to the moment when his Mana was not contaminated Elaine thinks that she almost got to the moment when Freedom was one step away from her however now she will have to live through these terrible times again the girl remembers that in a past life she suffered because she did not know a better life however now everything has changed and suddenly she thought that could now live a different life the young lady asks Lord ress if he plans to stay here with her the dragon asks where she's going with this and whether she's thinking about leaving him again the girl asks who told him that she would leave him again the little bird replies that she did that last time as the dragon tried to get out of the egg and look around he was surprised when there was not a soul around the surprised girl says that she did not throw him because she simply did not know that the dragon was there hearing this the bird replies that he was just joking and suggests that she should not be such a serious girl the main character says that now she has seen everything and even the dragon's joke rabus claims that in any case he will always be on her side until he fulfills all three of her wishes Elaine ask the dragon whether people will be afraid when they see it he calms the girl down because she is the only one who sees him the main character says that now the Mana of Lord rabess is not contaminated with anything and this means that he will not destroy the empire in the future the dragon heard this and says that he will burn everything to the ground as soon as she dies Elaine asks didn't he say that the dragon had almost no strength left because he's not going to absorb another one again having heard this Rees claims that it is none of her business and called her a trifle the young lady asks the dragon why he is so obsessed with destroying the country the dragon explains that these people deceived him and locked him inside the egg for 500 years and he does not understand how such humiliation can be forgiven elain says that it was many years ago and besides it seems to her that using another was not useful for the Lord of ress the dragon agrees with the girl and says that he can die from The Recoil of this power however as they say he must be willing to pay the price to achieve his goal since now she doesn't like it let her try to turn him into a good Dragon the main character understands that now she can raise a good and virtuous dragon from Lord ress because it can stop him from absorbing another and he won't try to destroy the world hearing this the dragon agrees with the girl and says that theoretically this is true but she doesn't think that the dragon will change his plans just because of one human girl like her Lord Bara their God gave each one a special purpose however those who met the creator after its fulfillment can rest in the Heavenly lands of Eternal joy and peace and this is what is written in the scriptures Elaine thinks about how up to this point she believed that her her Destiny was to work in the refectory laundry in the yard and other places however its real purpose may be something completely different the girl reflects on the fact that her real reason for a difficult childhood or being sent to the temple instead of her cousin or returning in time after she raised a good and virtuous dragon from a wicked Dragon the main character thought that raising a dragon would take a long time and when he grows up kind then she will use her last wish and ask him for a free life young lady turning to the Dragon say that only time will tell whether he will change his mind she asks for a chance to introduce herself as attached the girl and the dragon introduce themselves telling each other their names and after that rebes suggested that the girl hurry up and say her wish which she only had two left since he could fulfill them before Sunset the young lady says that because she might rush herself and miss this chance however she should think carefully before making wishes the dragon heard this and says that she can be cunning the main character claims that at least she is cunning enough to understand that Lord Rees has a backup plan dragon ask if she thinks that Holy creatures are on the same level as o people Elaine replies that since he is a holy being she is confident that he can understand her desire to carefully handle these desires the main character says that the dragon is not so bad however it is important for her that the girl must again live in the Mansion of count n until she is sent to a monastery Elaine thinks that today is her 16th birthday and she will go to the temple next march however she must be Noble since she still has a year and a half to leave this place suddenly the girl thought that she needed to wash the blood off her body before they entered the Mansion because she remembered what happened last time when her cousin Ellie was scared by the sight of blood on her forehead and her aunt reprimanded her the main character remembers that her Aunt did not punish anyone who injured her the dragon invites the girl to go inside the mansion and at that time she noticed that Lord rabus had cured her Blackbird explains because the girl is so amazed by something so insignificant and he thinks she will still have to learn what it means to be bound by a contract with a dragon the main character thanked the black bird Elaine thinks this means that at least she is cunning enough to understand that Lord ress has a backup plan at that time the dragon thought that it looked as if he had not changed the backup plan in the first place however the Big Bird had a simple plan at first after after being released from the cage he must wipe this Empire off the face of the Earth because the plan changed once he met Elaine nude the dragon felt in her half of his heart which he gave to a certain Lancer ainel almost 500 years ago in other words elain nude is The Reincarnation of his first contracted one the only person he trusted and that time the traitor who sealed him is Arch Mage Lancer ainel the dragon understands that as soon as he is freed from the seal he will first take his manacor and half of the heart that he gave to Lancer and only after that will he destroy the entire Empire because he had been hatching this plan for 500 years rabes when he got out of the egg at that time could not find his core but he was also released after a long imprisonment the dragon understands that he cannot continue like this because he must restore his strength even if he has to use something else after all the black bird spent the next 10 years searching for the source of another p power however it was fast compared to the amount of time he spent in print rabes knew that it would be difficult to cleanse himself of the absorbed magic but he was so absorbed in his revenge that he did not think about the future at all and when he became a little stronger through a short burden the dragon told the empire about its impending death seeing his victim the dragon gave them three days to see how people fight among themselves however they decided to try Human Sacrifice offerings for the first time in 500 years however perhaps this is a sign of the fall of their civilization rabes having met a girl with a mark could not even think that he would live long enough to see such a thing because that bastard Lancer will again be the one who freed him Lancer ainol is a man whom people have placed on a pedestal calling him a legendary Arch Mage however to the dragon he is nothing more than a vile person who betrayed his trust the world knows Lancer as a man who was originally a witch in persecution because then she made a contract with the dragon right before being burned at the stake to fulfill the witch's desire to live as a magician Lancer ainel the dragon gave her part of his manacore which is his heart and transformed her into the form of a man however despite everything that rabes did for her Lancer ultimately used a seal spell on him however the dragon was not going to put up with this he dreamed that when he was freed they would meet again rabes when he was imprisoned was able to use the curse of rebirth on him however he could not imagine that his reincarnation would become bound to him by a contract and appear as her sacrifice the dragon thought that she would be surprised to see him he was sure that he would ridicule the witch for everything the Big Bird tried to make the witch Remember by talking about the stages of breaking the seal but lancer's reincarnation really didn't remember anything rabes thought that it might be for the best if this cunning remembered his previous life then he could use contract powers to taunt him blackbird is sure that Lancer is his sworn enemy but since he has no choice but to fulfill his wish therefore the dragon thought about returning his memories after fulfilling his last wish he will take Revenge by taking his core in the most brutal way possible the dragon could purify its Mega and go back in time before it absorbed the other one and restore the insufficient energy by returning the core rabes when he went back in time and hatched from the egg thought that she looked just like Lancer when he first met her the dragon thought that his second wish would be to kill people and it would be easier than he thought however upon hearing this girl refused even when the dragon said that he would kill them as a gift the young lady surprised him by saying that she would raise Rees a good Dragon the blackb bird does not understand because these guys constantly hurt her and cause serious damage however she did not intend to kill them the dragon can't understand the girl I think this might be a side effect of The Reincarnation curse and apparently she should have been born weak-minded rabes is really worried that the girl may die before she says her last wish it is a law of nature that the weak die early and this will be problematic for his contract however if the person associated with the dragon dies a natural death before naming all the wishes then the contract is cancelled if this is an untimely death then the contract will continue to be valid the dragon will have to fulfill the remaining wish after the person is reincarnated rabes Ponders what it means if the girl dies before he will have to wait longer to meet the tridium Incarnation of Lancer because the very idea scares him the dragon decided to watch the young lady until she said her last wish and just look after her a little entering the dragon's room she became interested in where they were now the girl reports that this room is her room surprised rabes asks the lady if she is laughing at him the girl replies that she hasn't even started yet the dragon reports that the girl should know that he can use his human form before imprisonment since rabess lived as a human and learned many things about the human world the black bird says that it is not how commoners live but however I have never seen Nobles living in such a musty room Elaine understands what the dragon is talking about and reports that she is a very unusual Noble woman however today she will not starve and it's all thanks to him the black bird does not understand and asks what she's talking about the young lady explains that in her previous life she missed dinner because she allowed others to see her in the red liquid taking advantage of the moment the dragon again asks the girl if she is sure that she does not want to kill those people whom they previously met the lady replies that she is sure because she has already talked about it rabes again asks if she is sure that he is not trying to act like a saint the girl replies that it is unlikely because she is a saint as she simply says that she should not kill other people for any reason the dragon claims that it seems to him that she does not fully understand and he invites her to show her how she can borrow strength from him surprised Elaine doesn't understand what he's talking about the Blackbird explains that it is quite simple and suggests closing your eyes and casting a spell while thinking about it and then his strength will sleep within her and she will gradually discover the limits of what a girl can and cannot perform surprised Elaine asks if he can just let her borrow power from him because this may devalue the three wishes the dragon replies that all people are the same because they immediately jumped to strange Hasty conclusions rabes calms the girl down and tells her not to worry because she can only use a tiny fraction of his powers and she will understand this immediately after use as soon as she tries it Elaine casts a spell and at that moment thinks about the dragon the guys who wounded the girl don't understand why she doesn't have the wound they saw the guy asks what happened because he saw Elaine when she was picking up dinner and her forehead looked like the wound had never been there the young man suggests that this time he could not see well but next time he will make sure that he hits it exactly Lars heard the guys talking and asks them what they would like to throw next time concerned the young man replies that it's nothing special because they wanted to find out who would throw the stones next however Lars claims that he heard the young man say that he would make sure to hit someone he invites his younger brother to tell him what happened however the young man says that this all happened because of Elaine who behaved very impudently although she is a disgrace to their family the girl says that she should be Noble but Elaine is impudent and Martin taught her a lesson Lars stares at the guy and asks what by lesson he meant that he threw something and hit a lane Damon makes an excuse and says that it's just a small pebble and honestly it didn't even hurt her the older brother claims that Martin is an adult and asks him when he will start behaving appropriately he asks what his father and mother will think when they hear rumors about his bad behavior lar suggests that Damon remember that his younger brother and sister look at his actions and suggests that he be stricter with himself Lars thinks that he will be angry if Elaine comes to his room again however in front of everyone she remains silent and looks at the floor since the girl often comes to his room and mutters something under her breath however she does not snitch or complain about everything around her and he will just continue to ignore her the guy never understood why everyone reacts so violently when it comes to Elaine how long should everyone pretend like I'm not here Lars thinks that today was a hard day and when the girl comes he will send her away the main character being in her room under the influence of magic feels as if she can do anything the dragon asks her if she understands what amazing Powers these are and he invites the girl to think about what she would like to do right now Elaine thought that she wanted to eat freshly baked white bread and hot soup with meat hearing this the dragon was surprised after all for him it seems absurd and he cannot believe that such a weak-minded little thing is connected with his contract the young lady objects and says that she is not weak-minded just very hungry and wants to eat however she suggests forgetting about this desire rabes agrees and says that this is better than being a cunning swindler he offers the girl something to eat and apologizes for not being able to turn it into something better the main character thought that Lord ress was very upset she thought that she had wished for something completely ordinary and that next time she would have to think about something more serious suddenly the girl girl saw freshly baked bread and soup on the table Elaine asks in Surprise what happened the dragon replies that even he cannot create something out of thin air but he can remake existing things into something similar he explains 100 these things could be called Transfiguration ress explains that if there was anything in the soup he would convert it into meat but there is nothing there the girl tried the soup and said that it was very tasty because it was creamy and she had not eaten white bread for so long after trying all this the young lady thought that she was going to cry the dragon happily says that Transfiguration this amazing witchcraft asks if the girl agrees with him Elaine replies that Lord ress is the greatest dragon in the world the pleased Dragon claims that now she understands this the young lady ate so deliciously for the first time in many years and looking at the dragon asks him how he grew so quickly into an adult dragon in just 10 years ress replies that she should not lower dragons to the level of other animals since for them an egg is just a shell that contains their souls since their size and shape change as needed they are not related to their age Elaine asks if that means he can stay in his small Dragon form rebz says that not only can he be in the form of a dragon but also in the form of a man the girl wondered what he would look like in human form the dragon heard this and replies that if you look at the fact that many people like his appearance most likely he looks quite exciting hearing this the young lady was very surprised and said that he probably meant to say that he looked attractive not exciting ress asks whether this is not the same thing Elaine explains that just because he thinks a person is beautiful doesn't mean the dragon wants to make love to him rabes asks that in her past life she wanted someone specific as her mate hearing this the girl objects and the dragon looked at her and claims that the lady is lying surprised Elaine asks Rees if he can recognize lies the girl reports that liked someone the dragon asks the lady if this man was handsome the girl replies that he was handsome however she liked him not only because of his appearance because she thought that the guy was handsome and she did not allow her thoughts to develop further the Blackbird asks with interest how it ended Elaine says that he was the only person from the new family who did not offend her the guy never drove her away even if she walked in circles around him like a fool this guy turned out to be a cool young man who was graceful and elegant in way he was so strong and unlike her so Majestic and full of confidence the girl remembered the last minutes when she saw him and remembered that he told her that he was glad because the girl would become part of something grandiose and at this time the main character realized that she didn't mean anything to the guy the surprised Dragon says whether she wants to say that the feelings that the girl tortured for him were simply one-sided sympathy the lady confirms his words rebes claims that it is quite difficult for him to to understand human one-sided sympathy the girl asks what he is talking about the dragon argues that she must hide her feelings in front of someone but the other person is not obligated to return them and the girl builds her expectations about the answer from him the dragon asks the question whether this is Humane in relation to another person the girl says confused that may be the black bird again asked the question whether she tried the mating dance that birds do rabus saw that the girl did not understand anything and explained that in any case he was asking whether Elena confessed to this man that she liked him the young lady replies that she couldn't do it because there are also a lot of people in the world who hide their true feelings Dragon says the more they talk about it the weirder it gets rabess claims that he does not have very extensive knowledge about human relationships and therefore he is sure that the girl is Right hearing this the lady replies that this is not so because the Lord said everything correctly Lane says that this is just one-sided love however she hoped that the guy would be able to answer her and was disappointed when she realized everything the girl understands that all this happened because she behaved arrogantly and did not know her place when the dragon saw that the girl was crying he tried to calm her down because that was not what he had in mind the excited lady claims that she is even grateful because she realize this however she doesn't want to repeat that mistake again suddenly the black bird has an idea and he asks the lady if he should make this guy fall in love with the girl heard this the main character asks if a dragon can control a person's mind the Lord replies that he can teach her the Art of Seduction using magic the girl does not understand what he is talking about and asks if the dragon wants to say that she should seduce Lars with the help of magic rabus replies that this is precisely what seduction is used for however first he asks the girl to stop crying Elaine realizes that the dragon was worried about her the main character claims that she does not need to learn this magic because it is pointless to try to make Lars her boyfriend because her feelings for him had long since passed the surprised Dragon asks who this man Lars is the ideal lady answers that this is not so important because she would rather know why the black bird does not like people so much the girl assumes that the magician who sealed him is to blame rabes says this story is a different matter entirely however of all the people he met met there was not a single one whom he could call decent the worried girl asks what he thinks about her the dragon looked at the girl and said that everything is fine with young people the Blackbird argues that the older people get the more unprincipled they become the main character agrees with him because there are people who have no conscience since childhood and these people are the cousins who live with her Elaine remembers the people from the monastery who mocked her and Lorina who was killed by her death because she deeply despised her from childhood the young lady holding a bird in her hands claims that she will do everything possible so that he can overcome his hatred of people the dragon invites her to try and the girl presses him to her chest hugging him however rabess does not like to hug and pushes the girl away from him the lady is concerned and says that if it's unpleasant for him that's why she apologized elain never thought scales could be so soft the dragon thought for a moment and agreed to remain in the young lady's arms she thought that she was pleased and very sweet and kissed the dragon on the forehead the surprised bird asks what it was the main character explains that a kiss on the forehead or cheek is considered a sign of intimacy among people hearing this the bird asks if the girl thinks they are close Elaine says not yet but she would like them to be close the dragon reasons that there is a contract between them and he does not think that there are people with whom he will be closer than with the girl however Rees liked the lady and offers to hug him and kiss him again he asks the girl to continue stroking him Elaine enjoyed doing this meanwhile Lars in his bed thinks about why Elaine didn't come however suddenly someone knocked on the door and the young gentleman invited him to enter the door opened and the servant reports that Mr Lars did not lock the door before going to bed the guy didn't close the door because he thought Elaine might come but since he could not tell the servant this he simply replied that he forgot to close the door large thought that he hoped Martin wasn't lying when he said it wasn't anything serious since this is how everything should be in order and with these thoughts the young Master calmed himself down in the morning while reading the newspaper at breakfast the gentleman talks about how the new head of the favell temple seems to him to be quite capable for he greatly expanded his Monastery during his 10 years in office after his Assumption of office Johan favelo turned the entire Temple upside down with his reforms and found in the basement of the monastery a 500 y- old ER with bones containing the remains of the arch Mage Lancer ainol the magic of the Unholy Dragon seal weakened because they did not honor and care enough for the relics of the arch Mage Lancer ainel the priest informs the emperor that in this case the dragon will break free and bring destruction to the entire Empire fao's statement created the feeling that the dragon could be released at any moment and he was able to implant this fear in the heart of the emperor thanks to such efforts the monastery strengthened its position as a privileged Temple at the Imperial Court and acquired many privileges because in addition to everything the favell temple took advantage of the desire of noble families to outdo each other and set a fashion for belief Lars thinks that the monastery is now one of the most populated and wonders how many noble children will be sent there next year going to a monastery is a common practice in the Kaye Empire where religion is not in last place to demonstrate their piety each Noble family sends a child to the temple to serve if this is a young man then he is called a holy brother if a girl then he is called a holy sister such children carry with them the emblem of believers they come to the temple at 15 17 years old and can return home only when they reach 20 years of age Lars thinks that it is likely that Damon will go to the monastery from their family because excluding his heir to the family as well as Martin who will be too old for this and Ellie the only only daughter of the family the young Master hopes that Damon will spend most of his time at the monastery building personal connections however at such moments it seems to him that Elaine would be more suitable for this role at least she's smarter than other kids Lars thinks about it and it seems to him that her parents despise the very fact of her existence however he doesn't think this is necessary since they have aaine who is beautiful and smart because they must marry her off for the future benefit of their family the gentleman argues that if a girl wears the right jewelry and makeup she will quickly achieve a reputation as a beauty in High Society therefore they must raise her and marry her to a decent person Lars thinks that it may be a little late but Elaine should appear in High Society in the next year or so however the father and mother may not agree with this but he is sure that on the marriage Market the girl will be valued more than Ellie the young Master thinks that when Elaine comes to see him he will give her some chocolate entering the room room the dragon asks the young lady what place she brought him to the girl replies that this is the place where she lived with her mother when she was still alive elain explains that they came here because the girl suddenly remembered her but she did not expect the room to be so clean rabess examined the room and said that it seemed to him that a person was being held hostage in this room he asks the girl why they lived locked up and if her mother is a criminal a young lady reveals that her mother was her grandfather's illegitimate child and everything was fine while grandfather was alive but after his death and the transfer of power into the hands of his uncle they lived in suffering the dragon asks in Surprise why because he hated her because they had different mothers the girl says that it would be better if it was simple hatred because it's still scary to remember my uncle from those times the main character remembers how her uncle pestered her mother and said that she was his Destiny and he realized this as soon as her father brought her here Mom explained to him that they were brother and sister but he didn't want to hear anything the dragon heard this and says that she has a nasty uncle and he can't even believe it Elaine says she actually agrees with him rabus asks the girl if she lied the young lady says that her mother was not her grandfather's natural daughter how much did grandfather buy it in the village where the witches live the old man wanted to use magic in the family business and so he brought home her witch mother the girl reports that he often used her mother's Magic for his own purposes and called her his daughter to make it easier to take her with him everywhere however her mother did not tell her about what exactly she was doing Elaine says that all she knows is that she was haunted by endless feelings of guilt and shame however just the thought that with the money she received monthly my mother could feed her family who remained in her Homeland mom could not go against grandfather's instructions the dragon heard this and asked if she was related by blood to the new family the girl replied that in the end no one was able to find out the whole truth since the grandfather died suddenly due to a carriage Collision the uncle never learned from the grandfather how things really were and her mother asked her never to tell this truth because just the fact that she is a witch bad things can happen to her Elaine claims that the only thing a seven-year-old girl could do was keep the truth a secret and live in the new family without showing any signs of life after all now that Mom is gone and if the new family abandons her then Elaine has nowhere to go ress asks the girl if her mother told her who her father is and doesn't the lady think that it would be better if she found her father and lived with him than to live like this the main character replies that her mother did not tell her anything about her father and he argues that perhaps she was afraid that his uncle would find him and finish him off therefore she kept her father's identity a secret even from her the girl reports that if her uncle had started threatening her at such a young age she could have told him everything however there was no need to create unnecessary drama it was quite a tragedy that she was born the dragon asks the lady what is so tragic about her birth Elaine replies that her mother was originally a healthy woman but after her birth she became very weak and that's why her uncle hates her how many times did he tell her that Not only was she born from who knows who but she also killed her own mother hearing this the dragon reports that his uncle is a great Storyteller he asks what kind of brat is that blames a child for the death of his own mother however rebes claims that if it weren't for her her mother would have died even faster since she would have simply committed suicide the dragon claims that her mother lived only for her daughter he came closer to the girl and asked what was more important if she was okay Elaine replies that it still hurts just thinking about her mother because in her memory her mother was always sick the girl says that she came here and felt a little sad from the clear memories of her childhood ress asks the lady if this is why she came here and her sadness is that she misses her mother the main character objects to the question and explains that she came here to remember the suffering of that day the girl reports that she thought that if she does not want to repeat her Misfortune then she needs to specifically know what tormented her and why she experienced such emotions so that later she could overcome them the young lady remembering her uncle's words that she had finished off her own mother with her birth because with these words he mocked her from the age of seven however the girl claims that after the dragon's words she thought that she no longer needed to worry and thanks to Mr rabess she felt better and she thanked the Dragon the black bird claims that there is no need to thank him for ordinary words because he is already tired of it the girl looks at the dragon and says that it seems to her that he was worried about her all the time she smiled and said that she knew that he was not evil suddenly the dragon heard that someone was coming and informed the girl about it the young lady was scared because she would be severely reprimanded if they found out that she had entered the room rebes calmed the girl down and offered to hide them on her own a few minutes later my uncle entered the room and said that he needed to clean up the place Elaine saw her uncle go to the closet and take the clothes that her mother was wearing the girl didn't even know that these clothes were there the whole time the uncle took my mother's clothes and put them on his face and at the same time called the name Mariel he says that he should have got gotten rid of this rootless girl despite her resistance because she had to die and not Mariel the uncle remembers how much he wanted her to become his hearing this Elaine was very surprised because she guessed that her uncle wanted to finish her off the dragon invites the girl to look at him and asks if he should finish off this guy the girl does not answer however she looks sad and the dragon asks her how long she can pretend to be an angel because the death of such types will make it easier to breathe on Earth hearing this Elaine replies that you can't finish people off hearing this the dragon laughs and claims that the deceased would never have wanted this suddenly my mother's dress in my uncle's hands began to fall into pieces and within a few minutes it was completely gone come out my uncle went to the closet but as it turned out all my mother's things had disappeared the surprised man does not understand what happened and he began to scream out his mother's name but he didn't find anyone in the room so his uncle again went to blame someone the main character thought that a person cannot change because the uncle in a rage began shouting at the servants and accusing them of not being able to do their jobs he screaming asks how clothes can be changed in just 10 years the concerned maid asks if the master is talking about the dress that is in the closet however the maid claims that it was fine yesterday the uncle turning to the maid asks her if she wants to say that he is lying to her and he tells her to leave and check it herself seeing all this the young lady claimed that it was because of them that the maids were now being scolded the dragon says that's why he suggested finishing him off because it's not difficult to kill hearing this Elaine thought that Rees was originally an evil dragon who wanted to destroy the entire country however human problems seemed pathetic to him and the girl thought that it seemed to her that it would be easy to complete her Mission but now it has become more difficult hearing her stomach growl the main character said that she was hungry the dragon says that every time around this time a strange sound comes from her stomach he asks if it is because she is hungry the girl objects and says no and upon hearing this the dragon says that they are in trouble because it means that the lady is hurting somewhere Elaine says that dinner was just recently but she was already hungry rabess asks the girl if she thinks it's because the portion was too small the lady thought and agreed with him the dragon asks if they are giving her less food on purpose the main character recalls how her uncle's wife took the plate out of her hands and at the same time accusing the girl of giving her too much food because she throws it away Elaine thought that back then she thought that she had really done something serious however she now knows that adults should not behave this way towards children however if the young lady had lived only by what was given to her she would definitely have died more than once after all she still did not die and continued to live the dragon again heard that someone was coming and informed formed the girl about it the lady approached the door and ress asked her if she wanted to open it without even asking who it was I heard knocks and counted their number the girl reports that she knows who is behind the door opening the door the main character saw a maid who was worried about her and brought her dinner the maid Emily is the reason why the girl did not die of hunger in childhood Emily entering the girl's room invites her to eat potatoes which she cooked 2 days ago and therefore must be eaten quickly the main character remembered the maid for a long long time even after she got to the temple Emily was the only one who cared about her although Elaine was ignored even by the maids at first the maid could not do anything for her and simply stood nearby however after she gained experience and was promoted to the position of maid in the kitchen Emily began to help her and bring the remaining food so that the young lady would not die of hunger however when this came to the attention of the main maid Emily received punishment and was kicked out of the mansion without a letter of recommendation for theft the young lady tells Elaine that the maid's father is also a drunkard and he didn't refuse money so he sold his daughter to a bar and now her life as a woman is over because it is only a matter of time before she is sold to a brothel the young lady asks the main character if she thinks because of whom this happened meanwhile the maid Emily asks the pensive young lady how she has been doing lately the worried girl replies that everything is as usual the maid asks if Elaine feels like she has a cold the girl replies I that she gets sick very rarely and at this time she feels good Emily hearing this say that she is happy for her because the girl did not catch a cold from others the maid suggests that the young lady cover herself with a blanket since this room is very drafty however Elaine looking at Emily clearly remembers the shock and despair as soon as she heard that the maid had been kicked out and she wanted to immediately find her but these searches were useless because Elaine could not change anything the main character reflects that everything is different now she turns to Emily and says that she has relied on her too much until now however he thanks Emily the surprised maid replies that she did nothing of the kind Elaine says that now she doesn't have to bring her food hearing this Emily worriedly asks why she says this the young lady explains that the head maid will keep an eye on her but she may already know that Emily is bringing her food the main character explains that she just has a presentiment of this and tells the maid not to come again the surprise maid does not understand what she did wrong however Elaine explains to her that she is fine and will continue to be even better because perhaps next year she will be sent to the temple on behalf of the new family Emily looks at the lady and asks if this is true the main character answers that this is true but since this is not yet exactly asks the maid not to tell anyone about it the maid worriedly says that there is still a long time before the period of admission to the temple the girl replies that until then you need to be careful however if Emily is punished because of her the girl will be very upset the maid calms down the mistress and asks if she can be punished for such an insignificant matter Elaine asks Emily to do as she asks and she will not pretend that they do not know each other the main character says that she will never forget her Emily turning to the lady says since she so urgently asks then the maid will fulfill her request Emily says that if the lady needs her help then let her leave a candle by the window the maid claims that she will then come to her room as quickly as possible Elaine agrees with the girl and says that they have agreed the dragon asks the girl who this person is because this girl seems good to him in comparison with the other inhabitants of this house the young lady reports that Emily's maid is the only one who helped her however the main character regrets that she could not protect her in the past and this time she is sure that it will be the other way around Elaine asks ress if there is any way hearing this the dragon replies that it is easy for him and it is so simple that it cannot be considered a desire the dragon claims that he will not count this maid's defense as a wish however in return the main character must fulfill his request Elaine was interested in the question of the request rabus reports that next year when the girl gets to the temple she will need to find something and bring it to him the surprised lady asks what he is talking about the dragon thought about the chest but however claims that he will talk about it when they are there at this time count n and his son arrived at lady heon's mansion and happily greeted each other lady Sasha heon is the emperor's mistress sitting at the table Mr nude reports that her living room has changed last time the lady asks if they like it since she decorated the living room with memories of her home Mr nude says that everything is done in very good taste and it is clear that the lady had a hand in it the gentleman says that it seems to him that his majesty will often visit her property Sasha replies that she is still very far from Mrs N larsa's father tells his son while they are riding in the carriage that Sasha Hein was an ordinary flower seller however 20 years have passed since she attracted the emperor and became his mistress Lars asks how the mistress maintains her position for so long the father replies that the emperor and Empress are in a marriage of convenience and therefore Sasha managed to capture the emperor's heart and holds on to him very well the son claims that she is not an ordinary woman and the father objects and says that she is not that special as soon as Sasha entered the Social Circles of the capital she immediately became the queen of society since she was at the level of the aristocracy and unquestioningly followed the instructions of the empress she therefore earned herself a good reputation the woman turned out to be very cunning her son Abel who being the son of his mistress was able to enter the palace and this is an indicator of all Sasha's tricks however the throne belongs to the daughter of the empress anaise because they don't know this but when Abel enters the palace after the death of the empress his Ascension to the throne will only be a matter of time after all Sasha is the emperor's favorite and will be next to him Mr n explains to his son that this is why their family cannot break ties with Hebron because this woman will provide them with power and she will be the new Power of their country which governs the air to the throne Sasha thanks the new family for the stones she received for her birthday the woman asks if this this was his wife's Choice the gentleman confirms her words the mistress reports that every time she thanks fate for her friendship with such wonderful people because in their time it is very difficult to find a person who can be trusted and for her a person like nude is very important lars's father agrees with the lady and he says that lately baseless rumors have been spreading even among Noble gentlemen a surprised woman asks who dares to say bad things the gentleman replies that he is talking about count Armand since every time he inadvertently tries to insert something about Princess an and the gentleman heard this he says that he is sick of this Sasha asks if this is true as far as she heard count arman's wife recently hosted a tea party with His Highness the princess the count replies that it was most likely the princess's plan to lure the count to her side since the count had recently begun to make good profits from the mining industry the emperor's mistress says that it seems to her that princess annias is in a hurry because she has begun to lure people to her side the gentleman agrees with the woman and asks about who now has the Imperial Spirit and the support of many Aristocrats and at the same time he gives the answer to his question by calling Prince Abel Sasha heard this thanked her for such words and said that she and her son were still far from reaching such a status Mr n calms the woman down you tell her not to worry because he will help them the emperor's mistress says that in this case she felt calm and asks him if she can ask for a favor Lar 's father agreed the woman asks if he knows that she likes precious stones because she perceives them as a work of art and I heard that the gentleman is quite good at them Sasha asks Mr new to let her visit their family Vault after all she would like to look at a very rare and valuable magical dragon Stone Lara's father was very surprised when he heard this and asks the woman how she knew about this the emperor's mistress says that this is not a secret because all collectors of these Stones know about it the surprised gentleman says that he understands but he does not know what to say nude is told that he is very sorry but now he cannot show the lady this Stone concerned Sasha says that she feels like she asked for something inappropriate and therefore asks for forgiveness nude heard this and assures the woman that everything is wrong since this stone is now lost the woman worriedly asks if he disappeared and how lars's father explains that the former count lost his mind before his death and for this reason but suddenly Lars stopped his father and in this way did not allow him to continue the story Mr nude says that in general this is not the most Pleasant story of their family and therefore asks the woman for forgiveness that he cannot tell everything in detail Sasha says that losing such a rare Stone must be very difficult for the gentleman and she wishes them to find their family heirloom nude claims that as soon as they find this Stone they will immediately invite her the woman heard this and thanked her after a while Sasha enters the room and Malik screams and reports that there is trouble the man asks her what made such a beautiful face frown the woman screams and reports that count n's Dragonstone is missing and she would have found out how he disappeared if not for his son who stopped his father mids sentence the red-haired man says that the head of the family is stupid and that's why his son goes with him everywhere as surveillance he calms the woman down and invites her not to be angry because everything will play into their hands the surprised woman asks what exactly however she believes that he needs the stone the red-haired man agrees with her and says that he is needed and says that they think that they have lost their Stone and this means whoever finds it can take it for themselves the worried woman says that this will only happen if they find him first the red-haired man is sure that this stone is definitely in the new house because this strong energy is still clearly felt excited Sasha does not understand under what pretext to enter this and conduct a search even if the stone is there the man claims that it would be nice to find it without making too much noise but if that doesn't work out then you can always just kill everyone who lives there the emperor's mistress asks the red-haired man that he never told her why he needed this Stone however she could find him a million others the man asks Sasha why she should be interested in what does not concern her the lady replies that she is just very sad because she gave him the soul of her son Abella and the man still doesn't trust her hearing this the red-haired guy smiled and said what Charming thoughts were visiting her sweet head he explains that the reason for his quest is simple and he just wants to become stronger the man asks the lady if such an answer will suit her Sasha replies that he is the only person with dragon roots on this Earth and he asks the question is there anyone stronger than him the red-haired man replies that he doesn't ask for this enough is it not good for her he invites Sasha to continue helping him as before then her wish will come true the man reports that his lady is charming and is the one with whom he has a contract at this time cleaning is in full swing at the new mansion the surprise Dragon asks the girl if they are expecting guests the lady replies that apparently yes Rees looks at the tired girl and says that no one is watching her and asks why she doesn't ask him for help the dragon claims that if she had used his power she would have ended sooner Elaine says if she finishes too quickly she will be suspected however she does not understand why she should use his power for such simple things the Dragon states that this makes sense after all if she feels sorry for using his powers for such a simple job then the girl probably wants to become a queen with their help Elaine claims that she does not want to become Queen and heard this Dragon cry out that she is hopeless and this is a nightmare for him rabus reflects that despite the fact that the girl does not remember anything about her past life the fact that lancer's Soul remains unchanged in her however the dragon does not understand how the lady could change so much because Lancer Aquino was not like that while rebes was still sleeping in the egg he perfectly remembered the voices of the dragons who were preparing to leave the human world the number of people is growing rapidly and they also continue to mercilessly destroy nature in order to extract resources people also destroy each other and burn lands in order to increase the territories that belong to them people no longer worship God or nature the Elder of the Dragons offers to end their existence with people he gathered all the Clans and the magic cores were scattered across the Earth after which they were ready to leave this land however at that moment the egg in which ress was located fell back into the human world previously the dragons considered that ressa's egg was flatter and much smaller in contrast to a normal egg which is why they concluded that it was unlikely to hatch as a result the dragons decided to abandon him and flew away themselves for many years rebes was locked in an egg and traveled to many places studying people and the human world self during this time the dragon managed to form well and become old enough to be able to be born conditions hatched from eggs not hatched by the dragon mother are suitable for removing the seal when concluding a contract with someone Rees had no other choice except to wait until such an opportunity presents itself to him one day someone threw it at another person and subsequently the red liquid and tears flowing from it fell on the egg after which at that moment conditions were met for removing the seal which it would seem seem would never be met at all it was with great pleasure that the dragon was finally able to hatch and he was seen by a girl who was tied to a pole seeing her rabes says that she is in a rather strange situation and suggests that she start with the most important thing the dragon claims that the girl has become his contractor and therefore she can make any three wishes he invites her to make her first wish quickly otherwise at this rate she will die the excited girl asked to be saved rabess heard this and asked if she will be happy with him just saving her the dragon offers to add one more item to her wish the blackhaired girl looking at the people who were screaming and waving tells the dragon to finish off the villagers hearing this Rees says that he likes it and will gladly fulfill her first wish the villagers noticed that the fire suddenly went out and they thought that it was all done by a witch who decided to perform one last trick before her death people decided to throw stones at her as soon as possible at this time the dragon appeared to people who God as a monster Rees says that they are stupid creatures and let them be grateful that they were lucky enough to look at him before their miserable death after sometime the dragon asks the girl if she is happy that her wish came true rabus asks the little man what her next wish will be the girl replies that she wants to become so strong that no one else would be able to harm her she offers to make her the greatest magician you will not find in the entire Empire the surprised Dragon asks whether in this Empire the title of magician is not assigned to men the lady says that in cases where women have such power she immediately calls them witches and also after it turns out that they are witches and are immediately burned at the stake surprised rabess asks if the girl is a witch and how did they find out about her weak Mana that she was a witch the girl replies that she was not caught by them at all but they immediately simply called her a witch and this all happened because there was a plague in the village and she being poor and not eating any food was able to avoid getting infected the dragon offers to change her gender completely to male the girl says that all she wants is for others to accept her as a man however she doesn't really want to become a man rabess claims that as a woman she will have to pretend to be a man all her life and he asks if she is sure that she wants this the girl replies that she would rather live the rest of her life pretending to be a man so she will live as a woman who will not even be able to start a family the dragon used his magic and transformed the girl he said that from now on in the eyes of other people she will look like a man however he only had a problem with Mana rabess realized that she was quite smart because turning her into a powerful magician means that she will subsequently become stronger than any Magician on this Earth having such enormous magical power even if the consequences were that the dragon would no longer be able to fulfill his wishes she would be able to do it herself Rees claims that he really liked the little man and therefore he is ready to give him part of his manacor for so that she can become stronger than any Magician on this Earth the surprised magician asks what it is and the dragon explains that it is his heart that he is going to separate a piece from and give to him the bird asks if she knows that the dragon's heart is the essence of Mana he explains that by receiving just a piece of his heart the girl can become the greatest magician in the Empire an interested magician asks if it is possible to do this the dragon asks what he is talking about the man explains that Rees had previously mentioned that he planned to give him a piece of his heart and he asks if this will hurt him hearing this the dragon smiled and said that it sounded funny and reassures the magician so that he does not worry because the bird will take just a piece of its heart and it will not harm it in any way ress he claims that at the moment when he dares to betray the bird a piece of his core will return to him in the most useless way for a magician surprise the witch agrees with the dragon while rebz says that he never thought that he would give a piece of his core to a person however nothing bad will happen because it seems to him that this magician is a very sweet and good person Rees watching the girl thinks about what a sweet obedient dog she is Lancer was a very intelligent person and his contractor took on the name Lancer ainol however after completing just one or two successful missions her name became famous among people during the drought Lancer filled dry rural Wells and also dealt with Bandits who did not give life to the common people in addition she took on putting out forest fires that people without magic could not put out for three whole days however Lancer did not spend all her time just helping people she also took on missions for money in which it was necessary to eliminate unwanted or simply disturbing people having finally developed a good reputation for herself the witch received great Fame and a serious mission from the emperor she later became an imperial magician the dragon argues that a lot of interesting things always happened to Lancer therefore even he was afraid that when the witch would very soon Make Her Last Wish and he would no longer be able to be with her however looking at the lady who was cleaning the floor ress thought that there was something wrong with this girl because he can still forget the look with which she asked to kill all the villagers the dragon reasons that unlike Elaine now she was quite quirky and very interesting remembering the witch's eyes the bird thinks about how happy she was with such a request Elaine was The Reincarnation of Lancer who was going through the same hardships as she did then however unlike her Elaine did not at all want to take revenge on the people who wanted to finish her off the dragon thought that this might all be due to the influence exerted in the temple the young lady asks ress if he is Bored he replies that if she is really sorry and offers to finish cleaning as soon as possible the girl says that she is almost finished because she has little left suddenly her cousins run into the Hall wearing muddy shoes and trampling on the clean climate Damon turning to Elaine says that guest will come very soon and asks the girl what she is doing here the guy offers to look at the dirty stairs and asks why she doesn't do anything and at the same time called her a lazy person who is not capable of anything the Angry Dragon says that they are back at their own pace and asks the girl if she wants him to push them down the stairs cousin says they'll tell Mom everything because Elaine didn't clean the stairs properly Martin reports that the girl constantly does the job halfhazard and at the same time calling the girl a useless idiot who does nothing and is lazy confused Elaine looks at her cousins Damon asks her why she's holding back her tears and if she wants to cry the guy suggests not holding back and crying the young lady actually began to cry after hearing these words the girl thought that when she was little she did not notice that they behaved like little children although they had long been adults however now that she is already grown up their once terrible threat and teasing no longer touches her in any way Elaine says she wants to ask them something she asks if they waited until she finished work specifically for this purpose and were they following her the main character explains that she felt someone's gaze at the entrance and when she went to change the water out of the corner of her eye she noticed that they were watching her the girl says that guests should arrive very soon but apparently the cousins were more worried about her than about them surprised Damon asks Ela what kind of impudent speech she dares to make however if we assume this is not the case at all the main character looking at them asks why they still haven't changed their dirty clothes and taken a bath Elaine asks if they have a lot of free time after all the cousins even decided to give up the tasks assigned to them in order to torture others for the sake of laughter Damon screams and says how dare she say that and kicks the girl with all his might the dragon seeing this quickly with the help of magic makes the fall softer the the girl did not even feel the pain the maids ask where the young master and young lady ran away because the bath is already ready which they need to take and change clothes the guys heard their names and one of them turned to Elaine and said that she was just lucky the main character turns to the dragon and thanks him for his help because if it weren't for him the girl could have died falling from such a height rabus claims that he has no idea what she is talking about he asks in Surprise why the girl never asked to finish them off after all they can cross the border again like now the concerned lady replies that everything is not as he thinks the surprised Dragon asks if they will die without her help after all they are sick with something or maybe an accident the girl says that you can't do that because they are still children the surprised bird asks what this means and what difference it makes Elaine explains that they are still small and do not understand what they are doing now the cousins think that bullying her is normal and the responsibility for this lies with their parents who raised them this way rabess claims that the largest of them is a year older than Elaine and asks whether it is time for him to understand the essence of things at that age the girl explains that they were raised by blowing dust off them and therefore their age does not mean anything at all hearing this the bird says that it really infuriates and irritates him Elaine says that all this is nothing because worse things await her in the future and therefore she needs to take courage and should not waste energy on such Trifles suddenly the Dragon quickly used magic to clear the dirt from the floor and stairs seeing this the girl wanted to say something but the bird asked if she wanted to scold him for using magic and he tells her not to DARE tell him the main character says that she didn't want to say that but only to thank him because he did the work for her hearing this the dragon says that she cannot be cured oh fool he thinks about what had to happen for her to be born so stupid at this time guests came to the mansion and n's family gladly greeted them Madame dard not no that they change the interior and it is very beautiful because the Grandeur is simply amazing observing the guests this the dragon asks who these people are Elaine replies that these are good friends of her aunt they visit each other every month ryus wonders what they are doing the young lady explains that they are just drinking tea and talking because that is how people get closer however it turns out that Lorina came that day with her family Lorina Dil is the one who was directly involved in the girl being chosen for sacrifice before she went back in time she was the one who hated Elaine from the very first seconds of her appearance in the temple so she became Lark's wife it's the main character who doesn't understand why Lorina hated her so much since she was hated by all members of the new family as a child the girl does not think that this could become a reason for hatred for her Mrs Dell seeing Lark reports that the gentleman has become even more handsome during this time the dragon looked at Lina carefully and tells Elaine that it seems to him that this girl likes her cousin because he saw this in the reaction of the girl who wanted to copulate with Lark when Elaine heard this she said in surprise that everything was wrong after all they are children and you cannot use such words in relation to them surprised rabess asks the lady what this can be called the girl replies that Lorina just likes Lark Elaine explains to the bird that the feelings when he likes someone and when he wants are completely different things the dragon asks in Surprise how they differ and at that time he realizes that Lark is the guy with whom the girl was unrequitedly in love ress asks the lady if she likes this since he doesn't even look strong the bird claims that the girl has strange preferences elain says that one day Lorina herself told her that she liked Lark however there was no need for this since it was visible to the naked eye since Elaine and Lark liked it marriages between cousins were allowed in their country however ever she and Lark were not related by blood and whatever it was he was inaccessible to the girl however she continued to like her despite all this the main character reflects that perhaps Lorina knew that she liked Lark and maybe that's why she didn't like her so much however Elaine never had a chance to be with Lark Lorina was destined for him from childhood as much as she hated it Elaine had to dislike and envy her the main character thought about it because she couldn't forgive Lark let alone love him however she thought that this time maybe everything would turn out differently after all she doesn't love Lark now the main character noticed that the guy she didn't like was looking at her the girl decides to quickly go into the room before she is scolded she remembers and still gets a shiver from the composure in his voice because for Lark she was always just a thing that could be easily sold the main character does not understand how long she will keep such a person in her heart arriving in the room the main character lay down on the bed because she was very tired at this time the bird asks her why she doesn't want to finish them off and doesn't she want revenge the dragon says that no matter how much he listens to her in this house they only mock her the young lady explains that killing will not be the solution to all her problems and this is not the Revenge she wants hearing this the bird says that in her experience this is the best way Elaine says that she wants to rest because she is tired however the girl hears laughter outside as everyone must have gathered in the dining room she wonders if the day will come when she too can laugh with someone the main character remembers that in the past she had no friends because she was neither an aristocrat nor a commoner and therefore the girl did not fit into any of the societies and therefore lived her entire life alone after all that's probably why she was sacrificed in the end the lady realizes that no one would mourn her death seeing the bird near her Elaine thought that she was not alone and the dragon would be with her until she made all three wishes suddenly the main character heard two knocks on the door and thought that it was not Emily the girl asks who is behind the door and the maid reports that she was ordered to bring her into the Hall surprised the dragon asks who asked for this the young lady replies that I think her name is cousins entering the room the girl saw Damon holding a plate of cake in his hand he invites the girl to come in and at this time throws the plate away from her the dragon saw this and reacted with the help of magic so that the plate flew past the surprised girl thought that she had completely forgotten because every time she was called into the living room she suffered it was common for these children to bully Elaine the girl thought that now she would not silently accept their bullying an angry Damon asks the girl why she is dodging and at the same time calling her a coward hearing this Elaine laughed and made her cousin even more Angry evil Damon asks the girl if she is laughing at him elae also asks how she can stop laughing at someone like him because he calls her a coward even though he himself throws cake at her the cousin heard this and asks if she has a tongue and how dare she answer him the young lady asks why he called her because it's definitely not to drink tea Damon blushed with anger screaming and saying that if he says to come then she should come and if he says to leave then the girl should leave and asks why these stupid questions the girl claims that her uncle told her not to leave the room however if she catches the eyes of the guests then they will scold Martin who called her hearing this the cousin says that she herself understands that she is not worthy of being seen by guests Lorina turns to the girl and tells her to accept her fate With Honor hearing this elain says that she doesn't understand why she hasn't been kicked out of here yet and he asks Lorina if it's strange for her to see her Lorina asks the girl why she suddenly omitted all the formalities ask the girl why she suddenly omitted all the formalities after all Elaine is practically a commoner the main character claims that her uncle scolded her a 100 times ordering her not to do anything that could discredit the name of the new family a girl with brown hair says that she should learn some manners Elaine claims that she is also a member of the new family and if she starts acting like she is inferior to Lorina this will make the entire n family inferior to the Dell family hearing this Damon angrily screams that the girl has completely gone crazy and asks why she got theide idea that she is a member of their family Elaine suggests removing her from the Family Registry and driving her away at this time Lars entered the room and asked Elaine in Surprise why she said such a thing seeing the guy behind her the girl was a little confused Lars asks his younger brother who Elaine is if not a member of the new family Martin agrees and at this time says that she is illegitimate lar says that elain's mother was entered into the Family Registry by their grandfather and the father in turn a agreed for Elaine to continue her mother's line he asks his brother if he wants to say that he denies this Martin confused says that everything is not quite like that Lars heard this and asks him to behave appropriately from now on because Elaine finally said something right Lars turns to Elaine and invites her to never talk about being removed from the Family Registry or kicked out of the house again if she does not want to disobey the head of the nude family Lars has done things before that could be interpreted as support therefore her falling in love with him became inevitable Elaine was a person who could be won over by the slightest sign of attention however Lars left her here and tied her to him and in the end had no other thoughts on how to sell the girl as long as she already knows this truth about him her love for him seems to have evaporated the main character turning to the guy says that whoever sees it will say that this is strange because recognized as a member of the nude family she has been working with the maids since the morning the young lady claims that she was forbidden to leave her room and therefore could not even eat properly she asks the question about what difference it makes if she is kicked out of here the surprised cousin says that Elaine seems strange today hearing this the girl thought that it was not strange for these children when she could not say a word against them Elaine says if they have nothing more to say she will go back and it will not disturb their guests Lars invites the girl to return because she is probably tired when Elaine left she heard scream dreams and excuses from her cousin who doesn't know how she did it because her hand slipped and the cake hit her brother right in the face walking down the corridor the young lady asks the bird if it's any of her business the dragon replies that he was not involved in this and he asks the question whether the girl wants him to break their legs now the lady objects and claims that this cannot be done the bird says that it is precisely because of her compassion that he controls himself with all his might ryus says that he used to think that young people could be tolerable but now he has changed his mind hearing this the main character says that there are people who have been spoiled since childhood the bird reports that every time the girl refuses to let him cut all these weeds at the root Elaine claims that it will not be difficult to destroy all the people who bullied her using his power but immediately asks the question of what remains for her the dragon replies that it is probably Joy the girl says that this is not her re venge because she will not even receive repentance from them because they will die with the thought that it is she who is unfair to them the dragon remembers the words of the witch who asked to kill all the people in this Village he asks what kind of Revenge the girl wants the lady replies that she doesn't know for sure yet but is sure that she will come up with something the bird thought that she was already mowed by her kindness however the guy who threw the cake at her that arrogant girl and the guy who gave a meaningless lecture the dragon doesn't like any of them because among all of them rabess likes only one person and this girl who does absolutely nothing I saw how she trembled and uttered those confident words the bird could only pacify its artor by throwing the cake in Martin's face the dragon thought that it would be much better if the cake was bigger however it would be great if there was a fork and knife but without realizing it Rees decided to hide it by meeting the girl's eyes when she asked if it was him after all it seemed to him that the bird would be sorry if the lady suddenly became disappointed in him however no matter what it is it will be enough for him not to get caught by the Girl Again a dream about the day when the magician Lancer ainol sealed the dark dragon rebes whose face was full of disappointment when he was sealed however at that moment of sealing the dragon Lancer was overtaken by a curse and he disappeared from that place Lancer doesn't understand why he always has this dream however he doesn't like it after Lancer swallowed a dragon stone with the properties of foresight he had prophetic dreams before some important events therefore there is most likely a reason why he is having this dream judging by the fact that there are still remnants of powerful magic in society it can be assumed that the heart of dragons has one or maybe several dragons with enormous power that can turn the world inside out and Lancer cannot understand what this power is this year marks exactly 500 years since ress was imprisoned and maybe that's why the magician has a dream about him of all the dragons Lancer had encountered rabus was the only one who used his power so freely strong magical abilities and innate ability to use them all this led the dragon to a bad character and therefore his generosity towards his contract only caused laughter standing near the window Lancer thinks that these are useless thoughts however no matter what he is the dragon will not be freed from captivity it seems to him that he has begun to worry about Trifles 800 years have passed since the guy with red hair began searching for the dragon Stone if he had this Stone he would not have had any difficulty in conquering the whole earth Lancer did not like Dragon society which focused on maintaining balance and peace he didn't understand why they had to leave the Earth because it is enough for dragons to subjugate these small people and then they would become their gods at first the guy with red hair tried to persuade the elders and persuade other dragons but no one supported him therefore he finished off the Elder and took his place as a result of which Lancer lost the core of his magic by 90% And was expelled from Dragon Society the man argues that he was too stupid then because it was impossible to devote so much energy to destroy the Elder however having lost the core of his magic he learned that he could use the magic of dragon Stone one day when Lancer wandered in a weak State through the Wasteland trying to use the core of the mamals he ate a dragon Stone mistaking it for a m however at this moment everything changed and his core which was almost empty was slightly filled having found a few more Stones the result was the same Lancer realized that the dragon Stone removes Magic from itself and then replenishes it in it even after he refilled his core completely his magic became even stronger when he ate Dragon Stone since this was a discovery that none of the Dragons were interested in since in fact Lancer ate the eggs of his own fellow tribesmen and he liked it because he became stronger than the most powerful elder dragons standing by the window a man with red hair thinks about the fact that on that day the enslavement of people became even closer the strong energy of the tribesmen In The House of the N family and its carrier is like a dragon stone that stores unimaginable power and as soon as Lancer eats it he will immediately be able to remove all the elders and perhaps he will be able to enslave the intermediate worlds a man with red hair thinks about whether he will own both the earth and the intermediate worlds then he can be called God who can become a deity suddenly Sasha enters lancer's room and says that she missed him coming closer to the man she hugged him and said that as soon as she saw him she immediately felt better the man asks the woman if she has come to see the emperor Sasha replies that she is so disgusted to please this old man but they cannot make Abel Emperor the woman claims that Lancer can turn this world upside down if he wants the man says that for now they need this person and Sasha suggests not to worry since he is under an illusion spell the guy with red hair says that it is not only the Emperor who worries her and the surprised woman asks how he knows her so well Sasha says that it's all because of Princess annias because every time she sees her she feels bad because they are the same women but one is born a princess and has the whole world under her feet and the other is born a witch and lives looking back every time the emperor's mistress claims that she is stronger than her because she worked on herself until she lost her pulse and has greater rights to this Empire than Crown Princess anas hearing this Lancer supports the woman and asks if it's because her strength alone is not enough that she called him here Sasha arguing that if it weren't for him it would have been very difficult to make Abel Emperor however if they continue in The Same Spirit she and not anise will become the Mistress of the Empire the woman asks to make a naise bow to her quickly the man calms the woman down down and says that there is very little left because he only needs one stone from the new family's house so he will arrange a reason for her to visit their house at this time in the new mansion the main character saw a lot of snow through the window the dragon asks her if she likes the snow because it can make it go harder the girl refuses this offer because she will still have to sweep all this snow the surprised bird asks why it needs to sweep the snow the girl replies that she is obliged to do all the hard work but oddly enough so much snow has piled up and the maid should have woken her up long ago the main character looked through the window and saw that the maids had started working a long time ago and thought that she needed to start working quickly before she was scolded Elaine went outside took a shovel and began to work the dragon asks if he should melt all the snow the girl refuses because she only needs to sweep the paths where people walk and carriages go she says she enjoys watching the snow pile up rabess says that he never thought that would beg his contract to use his magic the dragon was tired of watching the girl work and wanted to use his magic but suddenly the girl heard that someone was coming and stopped him suddenly Elaine saw Lars and asked him what happened the guy takes the shovel from her and tells her not to do such things anymore the surprised lady asks what this means and the guy tells her that she should no longer do things that Maids are required to do the dragon heard this and thought he was a sneak and was wondering what the guy was going to do Elaine objects to him him and lar says that she is recognized as a member of the N family and therefore she cannot be involved in the Affairs of some Maids because this may cause gossip and disrespect from servants and other families the guy tells the girl not to do anything that could tarnish the name of the family lady says she should have thought about this before treating her like a servant because this matter could be corrected with one word from him the lady claims that she did not choose this life for herself hearing this says that she has learned to be cocky the girl replies that if he doesn't want her to be insolent then first let him correct his habit of Shifting all responsibility onto her the surprised guy thought that Elaine had changed until just recently she could not say a word against him and never contradicted him and she spoke so that she could barely be heard if you did not listen however even on the day when Lorina arrived Elaine answered him now suddenly the lady announces that she is leaving and the guy grabs her hand and tells the girl to change her clothes to something more appropriate because looking at her you might actually think that she is a servant Elaine reports that this is the warmest thing she owns the guy thought a little and says that a little later Ellie will go to the dressing room to choose clothes for herself and he will tell her that she and the girls have picked out a couple of outfits the main character says that if he wants it that way she won't stop him since they gave her the last name nude then the attitude towards her should be appropriate Lars coming to his father's office says that by ignoring this and treating elain as a servant they ensured that the daughter of some dardel mocked their family the guy says that Lorena looked down on aaine thinking that she had already become the daughter-in-law of their family and besides Martin Damon and Ellie supported Lina's inappropriate behavior by saying this Lars changed the minds of his parents and the younger ones of course were punished by their father but even after this Elaine walks around with a shovel in her hands Lars remembers that the girl told him that she was treated differently and he thought about how Elaine dares to think about running away from him the guy is sure that this will never happen at this time the dragon says that last time the girl trembled like a leaf in front of that guy but today she told him everything she wanted however he believes that she is not such a fool Elaine asks the bird if he thought she was stupid rabess says that it is stupid to take the long road when there is a shorter road the main character asks the dragon that he killed many people and whether he liked doing it the dragon replies that he did not like finishing people off because he was fulfilling the wishes of his contractor the surprised main character asks him if it's true that his contract girl herself asked to do this the bird claims that it itself finished off hearing this the girl says that there was clearly something wrong with that person the interested Dragon asks what exactly the young lady replies that perhaps her heart was not right looking at the dragon the girl noticed that he was upset and asked if he was okay ress invites the girl to hug him and stroke him if she wants she can also kiss him Elaine doesn't understand why the dragon asked her to do this so suddenly because it seems to her that his mood has worsened rabess asks the girl if she is friendly towards him because she's the same for others the main character replies that she can only be so friendly with him and reminds him that he knows how she lived late at night when the lady was sleeping in her bed the dragon looked at her and thought about the words she said he remembers when Lancer was with him she was always a kind and good person sometimes there were moments when she seemed to have lost her soul and perhaps it was because of Heartache because she could not trust him and betrayed the dragon Rebus always trusted Lancer he reflects that the witch did not stroke him because she did not consider him her friend in comparison Lancer his current contractor Strokes him as if she should the dragon thinks that he would like to get to know this girl more however human face are such countries and he will never get used to it suddenly the bird had the idea to change its appearance to a human one he wonders if this will get even weirder the dragon turned into a young handsome guy and thought that people have such useless long arms and legs and it seems to him that they are also slow because they can run on all fours looking at his legs the handsome guy thinks that he couldn't even kill a rabbit with them however looking at the young lady who was sleeping the dragon thought that she looked better than before ress reflects that today he was convinced that the girl is not as stupid as she seems he understands that if they continue to talk he will be able to find out the reason why the lady does not want to use his magic the dragon does not know what the exact differences are between Lancer and Elaine but he feels that the current contractor is completely different although in some places she is similar to Lancer since Elaine suffered abuse in this house she most likely suffered in the temple the bird understands that the girl does not have the sullenness on her face that Lancer had the dragon thought that 500 years ago he might have wanted to see such a Lancer once ress touching the girl's hair reflects that the witch was dark like him but Elaine is very fair the young lady shines like gold under the Rays of the Sun and her green eyes are like paradot compared to her Lancer had pitch black eyes and looking into them you could feel like you were drowning in them the dragon touching the girl's hair remembers that he likes it so much when she Strokes him however it turns out that stroking someone himself is also Pleasant the guy is thinking about a kiss because he might like it dragons also Express affection by touching their heads or intertwining their tails but the most pleasure comes when a couple licks each other however this only applies to lovers kissing is also something more intimate that rabess is confident he will enjoy rabess leaned closer to the girl and wanted to touch her but he felt strange because the girl was just his contractor not even his beloved but for some reason he wanted to lick her it seems to the dragon that this is pointless because every day for 500 years being locked up he longed for revenge on Lancer ever since they returned from the past something seems to be stopping him and this could all be because the young lady is very sweet the dragon remembers that the girl was a cutie even when she was Lancer however ress called Hubert who was the family mother ressa the dragon tells him that he will need to build the county of rindle and spread rumors about him the surprised mammal asks if he wants to use his human form the dragon replies that he wants as long as he needs him suddenly Hubert excitedly says that he had been waiting for his return to the house for 500 years and therefore was emotional because of such news Rees orders to do it quickly before he eats it mam reports that he has understood and will quickly read rumors about the heir to the county of rindel SAR rendel the dragons who gathered for a meeting and heard these rumors argue that they cannot just leave it like that because the black dragon who fell to the ground turned back time the blue dragon suggests calming down as they will discuss this as soon as the Elder arrives because this is not an easy matter even though he is a dragon again this is only possible if ether is involved the old Dragon says that if God gets angry because of this then the dragons will be the first to to suffer and don't underestimate rell's Powers hearing this the blue dragon reports that he has not heard this name for a long time because rattle is a very strong dragon that is difficult to see she is the dragon who gave birth to the problematic black dragon however no one could have imagined that such a strong rle would fall in love with the weak Katan the love of these two dragons went through many difficulties and ultimately did not last long Katan who was sent on an expedition to Middle Earth was killed in a battle with a mamus after this rattel did not consider another candidate for a couple instead she gathered katan's Powers within herself and continued her business the blue dragon turning to rantal screams and suggests not to do anything stupid to her because she will not be able to give birth and carry an egg with such strength and her husband wouldn't want it either however the white dragon replies that what matters is what she wants and that is her desire no one could stop the determined rattel who wanted to leave behind evidence that Katan had once lived she laid an egg and used all her strength to do so disappearing after Katan and the Egg for which rattel exchanged her life turned out to be deformed the blue dragon remembers that this egg was left because they decided that it could not be released the egg that rattel spent all her strength on could not be ordinary when an elder joins the dragon Council everyone asks him what they should do about this situation the Elder suggests calming down first since rell's egg fell to the ground he knew that it was special hearing this the dragons asked if the Elder knew that he would make such a mess the Elder replies that he did not know but was sure that he would cause them problems the blue dragon asks why then he told them to leave the egg and leave the Elder replies that this is his fate and he could not be with them however if only for the sake of the world of dragons and people being separated he must be there this black dragon will be recorded in human history as The Last Dragon the blue dragon asks if it is possible to drag him here without ceremony the Elder replies that not everything is so simple because for the evil spirit the human world is like a house without an owner the blue dragon is sure that this is a human problem the old Dragon asks him if he thinks Middle Earth will be left alone if the human world Falls to The Ether the Elder claims that they are smaller than any other species of living beings and moreover their powers are becoming weaker when they migrated to Middle Earth many dragons died in battle remembering their deaths the Elder says that they cannot stay away and it will be difficult to interfere in the human world since they have long left it however they are left with only this dark dragon which is now in the human world at this time at the new mansion the cousins are looking at the gifts that their parents gave them Ellie was given a doll Damon was given new skates and Martin was given a horse which he's already inspecting in the stable parents inform their children that after lunch they will need to go to the temple and therefore they need to change clothes seeing many gifts the dragon asks the girl what they are doing Elaine explained that today is St Nicholas Day and that is why they are receiving gifts Rees claims that the little people have settled down well and he does not understand what this Nicholas was doing since his name was included in the calendar Elaine explains that Nicholas is a saint who protects children and therefore on this day it is customary to give chocolates or small gifts to miners the bird asks the lady if she was given one of these the girl replies that no because when my mother lived they were not in such a position that she would receive gifts and after her death she no longer had a person left who could give her anything however for this reason her cousins who received gifts laughed at her empty-handed that day they invited her to look at each other's gifts and asked which one she had however despite all the ridicule the doll that Ellie received seemed very to the girl at that time Elaine makes decisions to avoid her cousins today however even if he encounters them he will ignore them as much as possible girls of course are calmer when rabess is around since he will not stay away the main character says that she will go to the kitchen and deliver the food and invites the dragon to sit in the room hearing this the bird replies that one might think he is following her everywhere and the girl agrees with him the young lady thought that she could not depend on ress all the time and she needed needed to be stronger suddenly in the corridor the main character was met by cousins who invite her to look at each other's gifts Ellie reports that she was given a pene doll which is sold only in Mrs Fallon's store Elaine says that the girl is probably very happy and reports that she did not receive anything Ellie says that she's sorry because where can a child who doesn't have a mother get a gift Ellie says that it will be very sad if you continue and that's why she suggests going outside and eating sweets after all she heard that the temple is Distributing a lot of sweets for Orphans today the cousin invites the girls to go there and stock up on goodies for the year Elaine wanted to ignore all this at first but since there is no dragon nearby and she started to be offended the girl thought about how she could really just keep silent she remembers the words of ress who told her that she is not so stupid anymore the main character turning to the girl says that if on her advice she goes there then she can really stock up on good for the year ahead however after this unpleasant rumors will spread that n's family doesn't even have candy to give to their niece Elaine asks if they'll like this and I thought that he didn't want to be silent like a fool hearing this Martin screams and asks in surprise if they have any candy he takes the candy and throws it at the girl and at the same time she screams how dare she say such a thing and let her take it and choke having calmed down a little the guy says that she can now thank him for his generosity after counting the candies Elaine says that there are only four of them and they are the same size as his brain hearing this Damon gives all his candies to the girl and says that this is enough since there are few of them they are definitely tastier than those handed out on the street Damon suggests that under no circumstances should Elaine go out and disgrace their family the main character says that since they care about her so much she cannot help but accept their care and eat to her fill the girl thanked them and wished everyone a Happy Nicholas Day arriving at her room with an apron full of sweets the young lady was very happy and laughing the dragon met her and asked if her mind had finally gone beyond reason Elaine invites the dragon to look at the chocolates and sweets that her cousins just gave her the surprised bird claims that these demons could have poisoned the candy the lady replies that they simply could not refuse her the dragon heard this and realized that the girl was laughing with happiness Elaine explains that she hasn't done this in in the past and feels like this will be the first time she'll be eating chocolate on Nicholas's day the main character asks ress if he has ever received a gift in his life the dragon thought about it and asks if she thinks that he wants to receive anything from some people the young lady claims that it is not necessary to receive gifts from people and sets an example from her mother the bird replies that he does not know his mother and he only knows that someone gave birth to him since he has never felt the presence of his mother ress explains that his egg was formed and that was probably why his mother abandoned him the surprised girl claims that this cannot be the dragon says that there is nothing wrong with that since the egg looked like it would never hatch and it was a rational decision the main character asks the bird how many dragons lay eggs rabess replies that they usually lay only one or two eggs once in a lifetime however abandoning a baby that does not show signs of life is a natural way of survival for Animals the dragon claims that his mother did not know that everything would happen like this because to them he looked extremely pathetic Rees remembers how they asked him if he would fly with them to the middle lands since this was the decision of the council and he must obey the dark dragon replies that they abandoned him and he wondered why they suddenly remembered him the Elder replies that they only abandoned him because his egg was deformed however they could not even think that it could hatch 500 years ago his relatives found a dark dragon to bring him back to them and told him these words after all then he didn't even think to ask about his mother because there was no need to be convinced a second time that he had been abandoned by his mother however rabess wondered what kind of dragon his mother was and what had to happen for his egg to turn out like that he didn't understand why it was necessary to leave him hearing this Elaine states that she doesn't think the dragon was abandoned most likely something happened that explains the situation the surprised bird asks how she knows and and the girl replies that it is obvious because what kind of mother would abandon her child which she can only give birth to once the young lady says that animals of course abandon their young which are unfit for life however dragons are unusual animals because they can't just take someone's life the girl claims that his mother absolutely loved him and perhaps she still lives missing him the worried Dragon hearing this thought about it and did not know what to answer Elaine says that until the dragon meets his mother she will love him instead of her her hearing this rabess says how easy everything is for people but she could be glad that he is helping her suddenly someone knocked on ela's room the girl opened the door and saw Lars she asked what brought him to such a late hour and she thought that the guy came to her room for the first time Lars says that recently she stopped visiting him and so he had no choice but to come to the girl himself the guy claims that just 2 months ago Elaine she often came to him and he asked her why she doesn't do that now the young lady remembered that despite the fact that so much time has passed she still clearly remembers the words spoken by Lars that he told her not to come to him just like that because the guy gets tired of it the girl remembers that she came to Lars although she heard something similar however after this incident when she stood in front of his room she was always worried and afraid that this time he would definitely drive her away these cruel words cut her into pieces and she trembled with fear Elaine thought that Lars had never EXP experienced anything like this and she thought that he cared about her so much however now the girl realized that it was absolute indifference the young lady reminds the guy that he himself said not to come without a reason hearing this Lars replies that he said this more than once but the girl did not stop coming Lars looked at the girl and invites her to take the box the surprised lady asks what it is the guy replies that today is St Nicholas Day and she should receive a gift Elaine looked at the guy and asked what he wanted from her Lars angrily asks if she thinks he wants to bribe her to get something from her however the gentleman suggests that the girl not try to think with her small head and live as she lived before the main character thought that the gentleman wanted her to run after him as before and bathe him in her attention Lars reminds him that he said earlier that Elaine is also part of the family because that means he and his father are responsible for her when the young lady heard this she thought that she already knew what their responsibility would be the blonde guy claims that he as the heir now also has the right to an opinion and decision on family issues and therefore a little later he wants to tell his father about her lar says that he wants to send the girl to study or organize her debut in secular society however he can influence the question of her marriage the guy offers to trust him and just be patient a little because his father is still uneasy about her mother but he thinks that Dad will listen to his words surprised Elaine reflects that she does not understand what what suddenly happened to Lars however the girl realizes that she needs to be careful and opens the box that contained the bow the dragon asks if she likes the bow the girl replies that she doesn't like the bow at all because it doesn't suit her at all the lady understands that she will be lucky if because of him she does not get screwed by her sister or brother rabess says that now it is his turn to give her a gift which is definitely better than a gift of this type the surprised girl says that she will take these words has a gift and if she is found to have something that was not there before she will be accused of theft the dragon angrily says that he told him a million times not to think of him as people since these little people are attached to material things and he offers Elia if she wants something he will give her St Nicholas for the holiday the main character thanked the dragon and he asks if she is ready to receive a gift from him suddenly the room became very bright and the surprised lady asks what it is the Dragon calms the girl down and explains that what happens is not so immediate because this is the soul of a dead person suddenly a woman appeared in the room whom the girl recognized as her mother the dragon explains that in front of the lady is now the soul of which he simply gave a human appearance to make it easier to talk the bird claims that it cannot keep a dead Soul here for long and if there is something to say He suggests speaking faster the surprised lady hugs her mother and the woman says that it is very difficult for her without her Elaine replies that everything is fine because she is healthy and hasn't even been serving here lately the girl is happy to announce that she has a friend the daughter asks her mother if she is sick and is happy there the woman replies that she was not worried about her because her mother was comfortable there the dragon holds the magic with all his might and warns that there is little time left and offers to speak quickly if he wants to say something the daughter asks her mother if she can tell who her father is the girl saw that her mother face had changed and she told her that she didn't have to talk if she didn't want to remember him the woman replies that her daughter has no father the worried girl asks if he died mom replies that it has never been about since she gave birth and I conceived her myself the women are wondering if rubben asked Elaine for anything similar to a stone the girl remembers and says that a little later after her death he asked if her mother had left her any small black stone mom explains that this Dragon Stone was given to her by the former count nude because this Stone was very rare and special among all the dragon Stones he stayed with her after the death of the former count the woman reports that since she did not want to give it away she decided to eat the stone it was in this way that a daughter was born hearing this Elaine says that she doesn't understand anything she wonders if her mother hid it somewhere and wants the girl to find the stone the woman's Spirit objects and says no and invites her to continue pretending that you don't know anything about this Stone because because no matter who or what anyone says she is her daughter and she is a person the woman insists that her daughter should not forget this the surprised girl does not understand what her mother is talking about the woman explains that she is saying this so that Elaine will not be disappointed in her and will not hate her when she finds out about everything with little time left the mother turning to her daughter says that she has always loved her and let her remember that no one existed for her except elain the woman said says that she has to go and once again hugs the girl and says that she is her everything because she never regretted giving birth to a daughter in a few minutes the woman disappeared Into Thin Air and the main character sadly sat down on the floor the dragon turning to the girl apologizes for the fact that she had so little time to talk with her mother since it is not so easy for him to pull this off and not get caught by God Elaine hugged the dragon and thanked him for the fact that she would never have a gift greater than this the bird replied that he is glad that the girl liked it ress reflected that he was completely uninterested in the fact that people give gifts on St Nicholas Day however he saw how happy elain was with a couple of chocolates from her cousins and he changed his mind since she rejoices at such little things the bird wanted to give her something that would outshine any human gift the dragon thought that if they had a closer and warmer relationship then she would not be the same as before since the girl just wanted to meet her mother he decided to summon the dead Soul however with his current weakened Powers it was not easy therefore when he summoned marielle's soul for the first time he felt such a strong and excruciating pain in his chest however he was very glad that you weren't there in addition the dragon understood how the Revival spell works that Dragon stone that was in this house is the magical piece of it in which lancer's Soul was imprisoned and as a result the lancer's soul was reborn into a human through the body body of Mariel when she ate the stone Rees does not know how the stone ended up in the hands of the NES but the former count no definitely understood the value of the stone that is why he brought the Witch and with her help he used the power of the stone the bird does not know what happened to Mariel because she described everything so vaguely so as not to shock her daughter too much the dragon realizes that if only he could give them more time to be with each other however he could not do this due to the incompleteness of his strength the bird was worried that this would make the girl feel even worse about her however instead Elaine accepted it with joy and a smile on her face and the dragon doesn't understand why he is in such a good mood the young lady turning to the dragon says that in the last few days she wanted to share something with him however this gift was lost against the background of his gift since people will never be able to give anything superior to the gift of a dragon and and suggests not to worry since the expectations are low Elaine apologizes for not being able to give him anything else and offers him a tree which they put up for the holiday in the form of a toy the lady explains that Aristocrats bring home trees and then decorate them with various Shiny Toys the girl says that she is a little embarrassed to give such a gift but in the current situation she cannot offer anything more the dragon seeing the gift understands why she went outside without it these days the girl asks if he likes it but apologizes and says that she will give him something better when they get out of here rabess says it's an amazing gift and he really enjoyed it because it has a deep meaning after all this is a tree made from a pine cone That Grew on a huge tree the bird reports that another tree can grow from the cone and it will return to its original form and he doesn't understand how such a small toy can contain such meaning the girl replies that she didn't think that deeply the dragon reports that the young lady respects nature more than her relatives and he is happy with his contractor the bird says that today was a great St Nicholas holiday Elaine says that in fact the coming of the new year did not bring her any Joy because after St Nicholas Day on the first day of the first month there is an even more boring event New Year services on this day the entire aristocracy must go to the temple for worship the girl looks at the dress hey the dragon asks if she should wear it to the temple the main character says that the dress maker took her measurements as Lars ordered and on the day when she was clearing away the snow apparently at that time she managed to sew it how long ago I received it as a gift from Lars looking at the red bow and white dress the main character thought that she always dressed in something very non-descript that did not attract attention the dragon asks whether it is necessary to express oneself in order to serve God and he says that he doesn't like this Temple the girl agrees with him and says that she thought that her life would improve in the temple because she still follows God's path there however the temple she knew was too mundane to the everyday Elaine says that on the outside the temple insisted on modesty but in reality the temple was centered on cruelty the lady asks if the bird will go to the service with her the dragon replies that he doesn't like the temple because he can't stand it the main character asks if he has any other reason except the one she was talking about Rees replies that he has no desire to watch how little people who have no idea about God arrange his service because they use forces opposite to him the young lady recalls that when she was being sacrificed she heard the words of the priests who suggested delaying the time of the sacrifice and calling the knights from the temple hearing this this Dragon says that then he specifically hid his forces away so that while the knights were sorting it out there his forces would destroy the Empire the young lady says that the temple Knights should be stronger since they were supposed to inspire fear in Rees himself the dragon heard this and angrily replies that he is not afraid of anyone because some insects cannot defeat him Rees explains that he simply didn't want to deal with their power because it made him sick the bird claims that all the stories about how the temple Knights defeated dragons are fairy tales because the dragons did not run away out of fear but simply because they were sick Elaine claims that the fact remains that the dragons did Escape hearing this the dragon angrily says that if the girl had not prayed for him not to destroy this country he would have set everything on fire long ago and he would have done this even if all the temple Knights had been assigned to him the surprised girl replies that she understood him but says that she already has to go walking out the door the main character thought about the bird that he was as cute as Martin and Damon and maybe this is due to the fact that in Dragon terms 500 years is quite a bit at the entrance the main character was met by Martin who asked why she was so happy the lady asks what business does he have the guy claims that the girl will not get away with this Behavior because something very fun will happen today and he smiling invites the girl to wait Elaine doesn't understand what he's talking about because nothing special is supposed to happen at this year's service however the girl understands that the guy is up to something the main character remembers that the only thing that happened was that she had to go home alone because the NES left her in the temple the girl spent a long long time in the temple and therefore is well aware of its internal construction however she understands that today she will not get lost in the temple and will ride in the carriage with them the girl thinks that Martin might be planning to do something on the way and remembers that he then stepped on her dress in the carriage for how long the dress was gray and the footprint of the shoes was invisible however this time she is wearing white dresses and poor will stand out on her the girl is thinking about how she can dodge his legs Lars invites his younger sister to go in the carriage with his parents because he wants to go with his brothers and there must be at least one adult in this Carriage Lars says that he knows them and they will start being childish again Mr Lars tells Elaine that it is time for them to go and orders her to get into the carriage the guy offers her his hand and the girl asks in Surprise why young Master informing her that she will have to learn a lot because she does not even know the basic rules of etiquette the main character objects and says that she knows everything she just doesn't understand why he suddenly decided to keep them with her lar says that from now on she needs to watch her manners and suggest that she not act like a servant and not get into the carriage unaccompanied when the lady got into the carriage the young gentleman complimented her that the dress suited her hearing this the girl thought that she had suddenly found him sitting in the carriage Elaine thought about what she needed to endure until the temple however in any case Lark's presence is better than both bullying from his cousins suddenly the girl felt a kick from Martin the guy displeased asks why she's sitting so close the young lady replies that he kicked her on purpose and asks when this happened and how she will prove it suddenly Lars asks his brother what this useless noise is about and since he ruined the girl's dress he invites him to apologize Martin understands that it is useless to object to his brother and apologizes to the girl Lars took his napkin and wiped the dirt off elain's dress arriving at the temple the young Master says that from here they need to go on foot he offers his hand as support for the girl however Elaine replies that she will come out herself but the guy insists on his own and the girl has no other choice but to agree with him Lorina saw Lars holding elain's hand and became very angry however the main character thought that since she now doesn't like Lars she might have a completely different relationship with Lorina however apparently she was too hasty with conclusions because the young master forced her to agree to accompany him and even if she told Lina about this she would still be a scapegoat Elaine decides not to waste her energy on excuses because there is still no one who will let you insert a word in the temple the priest says that in this new year St Barbara will shine on their people with her grace and drought floods and diseases will bypass their country having said this the priest thought that this was wonderful since his majesty also seemed pleased he thinks that it's good that they finally repaired the temple because it costs a lot of money however the more people come here the more donations they will give the Holy Father is thinking that a little more work will be done before the construction of his personal Castle is just around the corner the aristocrats approach the priest and thank him for the sermon and for making the faell temple better and better every day he replies that it's all thanks to them suddenly an aristocrat approaches his Holiness and says that she would like to hold a meeting of wives who love St Barbara and invites him to visit him and read a sermon with them the priest thinks that just 10 years ago the aristocrats did not care about him however after a show called the process of burying the remains of the great magician Lancer ainel the attitudes of people from the Royal Court to the entire aristocracy changed the emperor actively began to use his services in case a dragon suddenly appeared and The Aristocrats seeing that the Royal Court needed him also began to come to the priest he understands what people really need is not just faith but magical stories new incidents and of course the profit that comes from it the priest noticed that count nude who was close to Lady Hein was addressing him he thinks that it would be a good idea to establish a relationship with someone who is related to Abel a man who may soon take the throne his Holiness asks the count if he has any worries for this year rubain reports that he is very embarrassed to talk about this and offers to talk in private count n is interested in a question regarding the ceremony of entry into religion this year he asks if the child must be his blood child the priest replies that usually direct blood relatives participate in this ceremony the count says that he heard that there were cases when nephews were introduced his Holiness says that this happened if there was only one child in the family as an heir or if all the other children had some special circumstances then the temple checked all the details and gave permission the priest reports that this check can be slightly influenced count n says that his second child is is already 18 this year and his third aims to become a knight however they are thinking about marrying off their youngest daughter early his Holiness says that he understands him because joining religion and the temple is not an easy matter but it is mandatory the count says that it seems to him that the temple cost a lot of money to create such beauty but the budget is never Superfluous and he would like to make donations hearing this the priest was very happy and said that his faith is truly deep and May St Barbara bless their nude family at this time Elaine thought that the service was over she would walk a little and then head to the main entrance suddenly the main character feels a push in her back and someone's hand grabbing her when the girl looked back she saw her cousins with Lorina Martin grabbed the young lady's hand and pulled her into the Temple's public Cemetery the surprised girl does not understand why they brought her here Elaine addressing them tells them that if they want to say something then they can do it without assault and and angry Martin asks the young lady what she did to her brother the surprised girl also asks what she could do with him Damon asked if she's going to make a fool of herself he says why would her brother suddenly think about taking care of her if she hadn't done something to him having heard this this girl replies so that Damon does not make her laugh she asks if he thinks that his brother would do something like this even if she did something because he doesn't even care about his family Martin angrily asks what happened to his brother all of a sudden the girl replies that she doesn't know this and suggests that the guy go and ask Lars since she was also interested Lorina looking at Elaine reports that she is hiding something because the girl became so arrogant and Lars couldn't do it just like that because the girl told him something Lorina opens the door and tells Martin that such Liars need to be punished surprised Elaine doesn't understand what this means however Martin says that lately there has been too much to allow himself he grabbed the Girl by the hand and pushed her into the middle of the Tomb Lorina says that the liar needs to be in a place where no one can hear her lies and reflect on her behavior the cousins quickly closed the door and the girl was left alone in the room concerned Elaine moved closer to the door and began knocking screaming for someone to open it for her Martin claims that he warned her that something would happen and he doesn't know what Elaine was hoping for but lately she has become too arrogant Martin invites the girl to reflect on her behavior when the main character heard this she remembered what Martin had said however the girl understands that this did not happen in her past life and thinks that maybe this happened because she herself had changed Elaine having looked at the room enough thought that she didn't want to be there but she didn't even know when she would be released from there the girl thinks that she did not want to use the power of ress but however she had no choice and she uttered these words to recruta ress after these words the main character did not understand why she did not feel anything however then I remembered the dragon's words that the temple was its complete opposite the lady understood that the temple was protected by the forces of light and Elaine thought about being locked in the Tomb at this time Martin says that Elaine turned her nose up to the skies and since they had already decided to take her with them this time they showed the girl where the crayfish spend the winter Lorina supports him and says that he is great because she also thought that Elaine allowed herself too much Damon asks his brother when they will free her and should they let the girl out before they go home Martin asks his brother why he thought that Elaine must graduate today he offers to send a maid to let the girl out tomorrow Martin claims that after spending the whole night with the Dead the illegitimate one will understand her place concerned Damon asks what will happen if she freezes to death there the older brother claims that the girl is not even on the street why should she freeze and suggests Damon not to worry about Trifles suddenly Lars asks where Martin has been the guy replies that he was just looking around the temple and the older brother asks where Elaine is Martin replies that she is probably walking somewhere because he did not pay attention to her as soon as they arrived here Lars claims that this is strange because he recently heard that Martin was dragging her somewhere hearing this the brother objects and says that this is not true Lars confidently says that he is giving him one last chance and asks again where Elaine is angry Lorina asks the young Master why he is looking for this girl so much Lars in response asks what is strange if he is looking for his relative In This Crowd the angry girl says that she only asked because it seemed to her that he cared about her even more than about his family the guy confidently says that he is asking because his family is walking in front of him and Elaine is not visible Lars looked at the girl and asked if Lady Lorina was with them however she must also know where Elaine is Lars looks at the guys and says that since they are not going to say anything he is thinking about how he can punish a person who does not fully confess the young Master asks the guys if they should return what they did to Elaine Damon says with concern that Elaine is now in the Temple's public cemetery and she is in the Tomb that is there at this time the main character is trying with all her might to break down the door but nothing succeeds except bruises and scratches on her arm however the girl screams with all her might that a person was locked inside the tomb after a while the young lady I thought that she had had become stronger after all as it turns out the fact that this family no longer bothered her was only thanks to ress and the dragon as it turns out cannot always save her elely looked around the room and thought that she needed to find something herself because only she can save herself now suddenly the frightened girl heard someone open the door and she thought that it was Martin who had returned however the main character saw a handsome young man with black hair at this time the guy asks what she is doing here the young lady thanks the guy again and again a stranger turns to her and says that thanks are enough the girl reports that she thought she would die there an unknown guy asks the lady how she ended up there and judging by the fact that the door was locked from the outside she definitely didn't get there on her own Elaine reports that the cousins decided to play a joke on her hearing this the guy was very surprised and asked how you can lock a person in a tomb and joke like that an unknown guy claims that apparently her cousin's initially have sadistic inclinations the main character looking at the guy thinks that this man came to the temple for worship as an aristocrat and she tells him who he is he helped her a lot the girl asks if he can tell her his name because she would like to thank him properly a guy with black hair asks her why girls need to know his name Elaine replies that she would like to know who to repay her debt to the guy claims that if they are destined to meet again it will happen even if the lady does not know his name and if they are not not destined to cross paths again then knowing the name will be useless Elaine looked at the guy and felt strange feelings because she had never met him but for some reason she thought that she would meet him again the girl said her name Elaine n and said that she would like a stranger to know her name and she would be pleased if they met again and he called her by name the young lady says that if they do meet she would definitely like to repay him for his kindness an unfamiliar guy heard this and said that his name was Serge Rendell and the lady says she'll remember that name suddenly the girl heard Lars calling her she tells serge that this is her cousin the guy asks in surprise if he is the one who locked her here the lady objects and says that he is their elder brother Serge turning to Lars says that he has a lot of worries with sweeping up all their Affairs the blonde guy says his name is Lark and thanks The Stranger for helping his cousin the blackhaired guy says that he has very interesting family traditions because on the first day of the new year they lock his cousin in a tomb lar says that these are just children's pranks because they cannot always be aware of their actions Serge says that he will somehow sort out his younger ones himself and heal his cousin's swollen hands the blonde guy thanks the unfamiliar man for not remaining indifferent and helping the girl he asks if he can find out his name the unknown man responds by asking if he wants to reward him Lars claims that the new family never forgets kindness the blackhaired guy objects and says that it's not necessary however if you repay then only girls he says that they spent a long time in such an unpleasant place and says that he is leaving the blonde guy turning to the young lady says that she just needed to wait quietly because he would have come and quietly opened the door for her however she made such a noise that they heard her and helped her surprised Elaine says that in his opinion she should have waited for him obediently in this situation the girl asks on what grounds she should have thought that he would come the main character asks Lars if he even let her out then she was locked in the basement or closet the guy replies that someone was letting her out anyway the girl agrees with him and says that she was still on the verge of death at such moments Elaine reports that when she was 10 years old she was locked in a third floor storage room for 4 days however she really wanted to go to the toilet even though she had not been given anything to drink all this time the main character claiming that despite the fact that she knocked on the door with all her might no one came to to her she asks Lars if he knows how she chose from there the young lady says that the maid who wanted to take something from the store room opened the door however if she didn't need that thing maybe then she would have died there and after that hey she had nightmares for 2 days in a row and not a single soul came to apologize to her Elaine reports that instead she was punished by cleaning this very closet and as Juniors teased her for peeing the lady asks Lars how much he wants her to trust him and how can she believe that he will save her the main character asked the guy not to make her laugh and at this time he asks whether he is so stupid that he cannot distinguish good from Evil because it wasn't her fault that she was trapped and calling for help the girl claims that it was his brother's fault for locking her there hearing all this Lars thought that something was wrong with Helen because she couldn't be so angry the guy asks the girl what happened the young lady claims that his family always bullied her and it seems to her that he had little interest in this Lars reflects that until recently Elaine was inviolably submissive to him but when he looked at her he realized that now it was like a different person in front of him how long ago this shyness in her eyes disappeared and now she is full of determination the young Master doesn't understand why but the girl has changed the young Master having gathered his younger brothers asks why they did this to the girl Martin defends himself by saying that he immediately planned to get Elaine out of there Ellie claims that they didn't want it to turn out this way Damon convinces Lars that this girl is lying to him because they just decided to intimidate her a little Martin says that on the contrary he planned to make friends with her and find a Common Language but she still did not want this the younger brother asks Lars if he thinks his brother is lying to him Martin claims that this girl somehow influences him Lars replies that he is nice to Elaine Martin heard this and says that he does not allow her to to do housework and also buys clothes and gives gifts the young Master remembering the girl's words and turns to his brothers tells them that if something like this happens in the future with Elaine he will do the same thing they did with the girl because he will punish them all Lars told his parents all about it the father heard this and says that he is glad that a guy his age saved him but he suggests that his son be more careful in the future since something like this will happen in the future there may be dire consequences mom claim CLS that this girl also remains their problem however because of her there was so much noise and asks if they heard the woman claims that in any case she is against all this the young Master informs his parents that he has been silent until now however they should not justify their children by blaming elain hearing this mom is surprised and asks what he means Lars explains that every time elain was bullied by her siblings he thought it was all her fault because they had gone too far and he realized that they were doing this out of whim and not her fault hearing this the father says that the son himself does not know anything yet however the fact that someone saved him is a shame for them Lars asks if they think it's not elain's fault the guy claims that the parents themselves understand this and suggest not reacting so emotionally to it the son asks his father why he hates Elaine however if she is raised well she will benefit their family because this is the girl he will use in the future the guy suggests that his parents not touch her anymore rubben asks his son what does this mean Lars replies that he always thought that Mariel was an asset that his grandfather gave to his father since Elaine born from Mariel is his property the son says that unlike his father he plans to put Elaine to good use Reuben hearing this thought that this sense of ownership from Lars was the beginning of a rift between them count nude remembered that because of Marielle he became a mocker among society and quarrels with my wife began in addition he lost the magical dragon Stone which was a family heirloom the father thought that his son wanted to end up like him however the count wants his son to become the ideal successor to the family after all he can't leave everything like that at this time the dragon asks if the young lady had a good time in the temple the girl replies that an unforeseen incident occurred and the bird asks in Surprise which one the main character explains that her cousins played a prank on her by locking her in a tomb the dark bird heard this and offers to finish them all off Elaine says when she was locked up she couldn't think about anything and if she could she would borrow Lord rees's power and suggest that maybe everything would have gone well rabess heard this and laughed at what time she wanted to borrow it the bird says that the temple is surrounded by cursed divine power the young lady agrees with him because she thought about it too late the girl says if she could decide all this herself he would still not be able to enter the temple rabus says that he can enter but it will be a little difficult for him to use his power in addition the magic of invisibility May subside the bird suggests that the girl should not worry because next time he will go with her upon hearing this young lady thanked him the dragon replies that there is nothing to thank him for since he didn't even do anything special when she needed him rabus asks Elaine how she was able to get out of this place in the end the girl replies that a passer by saved her the dragon asks who it was the lady replies that he looked like the son of an aristocrat who came to stay with them however the girl thought that for some reason she had never heard of this guy Elaine explains that this guy is very handsome and she is sure he has a lot of fans after all in secular circles he is a very popular man the main character thinks that meeting someone whose name she has never heard from a past life and she will not change it in the future the dragon asks if he is about the same age as her the lady replies that he is most likely the same age as Lars the dark dragon asks the girl if she likes this man and if he is more handsome than Lars Elaine thought for a moment and said he was handsome and he seems more special but that means he is more beautiful rabes asks the girl if she likes him to that extent and if she is ready to make him a partner in her life because she likes him Elaine objects because she didn't say that the girl explains that he is simply handsome but this does not mean that she unconditionally liked this person the dragon says that people need to think about it when it comes to their partner and asks what else should a girl be attracted to in this guy and what is her ideal type the main character replies that he must look good be rich with a Charming voice and good manners however she never thought about this and nothing even comes to her mind after thinking a little the girl replies that one thing is certain because she likes the person who will really love her and he will treat her kindly and not hurt her the dragon says that he will be kind and will not offend and does this mean that she loves him too the girl replies that she doesn't know because she has never met such a person before ress explains that the first Criterion by which an animal chooses a mate is whether the male can properly protect his nest and therefore you need to choose a strong male and so that he feeds tasty food Elaine says that these are ordinary animal instincts and asks the question of what love really is the girl knows motherly love but she has never experienced love for the opposite sex the main character recalls the vague feelings she had for Lars in a past life she doesn't know if this is love because the warmth that tickles her is so reassuring suddenly the young lady thought about the man she met in the Tomb and it seemed strange to her even though she had never met him she had a feeling that she could meet this man again late at night when the main character was sleeping the dark dragon turned into a man and thought that he could not believe that he managed to show his Humane side SAR thought that while he was in hiding the Fashions were under the control of the Lindell family but no one from the Count's family had ever appeared in person lindel family's position within the empire was ambiguous so unbeknownst to Elaine as a human Serge lindle was trying to make the lindle family the most powerful in the Empire Serge wanted to meet Elaine at a time when the whole empire already knew about the Lindell family however the dragon could not think that she would try to take advantage of his power and that means Elaine was in danger rayus recalls that back then it was risky to use magical power because in this way he had no choice but to help in this form since the dark dragon joined the family this was the first time he had spotted a lane like this however if he had not been around the thought that for the girl this should have been commonplace and at that moment ress wanted to burn them all the blackhaired guy remembers being Furious and then he couldn't talk to the lady normally and he didn't want to be rude to her but Lars came and stopped him rabess looked at the girl's hands and thought that fortunately almost everything had already healed and this must be thanks to his magic the dark-haired guy kisses the girl's hand and thinks about whatever happens in the future he thinks that everything will be fine however the dragon does not understand what he is doing now and why this cute girl became his contractor because it seems to him that he has gone too far because he wants someone who will love him someone kind who will not harm him ress realizes that he knows little about love between people and and does not know how he can give kindness and love however in any case he will try his best to ensure that the young lady can find a suitable match for herself the dragon thinks that the girl is so stupid and naive and if he does not choose a partner for her as a past life she will fall in love with a strange guy with whom it will not be easy for her the black-haired guy thinks that he has so many things that he needs to take care of and also punish this sky in the morning the main character looked out the window and saw people fussing a lot the dragon States that this is not something she should worry about Lark's father calling her he enters the room and asks crying out where she was today the girl replies that she was in the room the whole time rubben tells her not to lie and asks if she locked Martin in the warehouse the man invites her to answer honestly because she did it Elaine replies that if he doubts her he can ask Lark the main character claims that she was just examined by a doctor brought by Lars the angry count does not understand who could have done this if not the girl Reuben tells Elaine not to step out of her room again however if she attracts attention to herself she will be punished when dad leaves Ellie asks if Elaine is sure it wasn't her the girl replies that she herself only found out that Martin was locked in the warehouse you invite your cousin to tell you what's going on surprised Ellie asks that living in the same house she hasn't heard anything or seen Martin since the morning because they searched the whole house to find him Martin wanted to ride a horse and while he went to the warehouse to get get a saddle someone locked him inside the warehouse the guy stayed there for half a day and no matter how much he screamed no one heard him Martin was so scared by how dark it was in the warehouse and he cried out of hopelessness hearing this the main character thought that Martin who locked her in the Tomb yesterday was locked in the warehouse today the girl thought it was a coincidence however she asks her cousin why she came to her angry Ellie says that this is understandable because no one but her would take revenge on him hearing this the main character was surprised and asked if she wanted to say that because of this incident she wanted to take revenge on him the cousin claims that even a fool can understand that Elaine decided to take revenge on Martin hearing this the lady replies that she would never do that to anyone however she was completely locked in the Tomb Elaine asks if she thinks she had a good time there the girl claims she would have known how Elaine felt then he heard this and told his cousin that his sister was terrible and was leaving her the main character thought it was strange because like last time Martin got it again now the girl thought about who was mocking him like that because she would never understand the attacker the dark dragon claims that he knows that she seems to be a saint and maybe God is just protecting her hearing this the main character wondered if this was possible Elaine looked at the dragon and said that he is always next to her rabess asks in surprise if she thinks he could do such a thing he doesn't understand why he should do this the girl asks if she said that he did it the dragon replies that she didn't say that however the girl does not understand who did this and suggests that it may have something to do with the fact that she returned to the past and does not behave the same way before Elaine understands that the meeting and the incident with Martin are events that are very different from her previous life the woman asks if she is the new student Mrs no was talking about and if she is Count n's niece Elaine replies that she is glad to see Madame balini and introduces herself by giving her name the teacher offers to sit down because classes will begin when Miss Ellie arrives the surprised girl asks if she will receive an education Lars replies that from now on she will attend classes with Ellie however the girl says that it was sudden Lars replies that he told her that he would treat her as a member of the nude family he says that all that is required of the girl is to attend classes for 3 days because the guy hopes she will cope with this task the main character remembers that in her past life she did not receive an education however even if she wanted it no one would give it to her the lady doesn't know what will happen next but strange things continue to happen suddenly Ellie enters the office and reports that her friend Lorina wants to attend the same class the young lady does not understand why this girl came here Elaine noticed that the girls were smiling and thought that they were somehow trying to insult her the teacher says that she is pleased to see nice ladies and offers to start the first lesson this year suddenly Lars enters the room and asks for forgiveness because he arrived a little late the teacher asks what it is and the guy explains that he would like to watch today's lesson and asks if she Minds because starting this year he plans to start studying for his younger brothers and sisters Lars claims that he was too busy and neglected their education he tells the teacher not to worry about him and continue the lesson the woman says he's a great big brother the teacher starts the lesson with an easy question since last year they studied the culture and religion of the Imperial Nobles do they remember how many Lam temples there are in the Empire Ellie raises her hand and says there are five in every major city and also there are two in medium and small cities and one in villages in total there are 102 temples balini said the girl answered correctly the teacher asked the next question that their empire has a special culture that demonstrates the piety of the Nobles and this is the system of saints and could they explain what know about this system Lorina says that every noble family invites one of the direct Children of the head of the family to enter the temple and this is a system that allows people to study the words of Bara Ellie claims that teenage children are being accepted into the church but the adoptees are in turn excluded from this list upon entering the church men are called Saints and women are called shrines unless special circumstances arise they will live in the temple until the coming of age ceremony takes place the teacher praised them but looked looked at Lars and asked Elaine if she wanted to answer something however the girl was rubbing herself and the teacher says that Elaine clearly doesn't know this Ellie claims that she probably hasn't even opened the basic textbooks Lorina says that the question is whether she can read at all and contact the teacher she says that she might put the girl in an awkward position if she continues to ask Elaine says that direct Children of the head of the family are eligible but in special cases even the nephew of the head of the family may be elig ible as well as the successor children with poor health children whose children are expected to marry early and children joining the ranks of the Templars also have the right to initiation however not everyone gets to have a Coming of Age ceremony at such moments the family collapses or abandons such children therefore such children usually become Temple servants after all no one is keeping them there and they can leave there at any time because basically they simply have nowhere to go and no money even for food therefore a large number of children prefer to stay in the temple the surprised teacher heard this and asks how Miss elain knows all this the girl replies that she read about this in a book bini says that it seems that all this time Miss has been studying tirelessly the woman says that in religion there is one main scripture and 12 great scriptures she asks if they can name all the names of the Great scriptures the young ladies remember but cannot name more than five and Miss elain suggests that it is better better to name them in the correct order which is recognized in the main scripture the main character names all these scriptures and thereby surprises all these people the teacher enthusiastically says that this is incredible because the lady knows the name of the minor scriptures bini says that the girl should not worry about studying because she knows a lot walking down the corridor Ellie invites her friend to shame aain right in the classroom after all she still doesn't know anything and won't be able to answer any question Lauren agrees to try embarrass her in front of Madame bolini because after this Elaine definitely won't want to show up to class anymore however after hearing ela's answer Lorina understands that if this continues she does not understand how she can look into Lara's eyes the teacher offers to look at the first chapter of their new book because in it they will learn about social etiquette which they have been waiting for so long bini asks if they know anything about social etiquette Lorina says that girls entering Society need to remember the hierarchy of each family where a person of low rank cannot be the first to start talking to a person of higher rank Lorina says that in addition even on a walk they must be with an accompanying person or partner this girl taught this last year so it won't be difficult for her to answer such questions she thought it must be difficult for elain the teacher Praises Lorina and then asks what Miss elain knows the girl replies that she does not think that she will ever be able to join secular society since she has never studied for for this bini doesn't understand what they should do because it will be difficult to change the lesson material now however Lars argues that they do not need to change the lesson material since social etiquette is what Elaine needs to teach as she enters secular society the young Master claims that the new family is not so poor that they cannot support their relative social debut and for them it will not be difficult hearing this the teacher says that she will hope for him because it is a great idea and Miss Elaine has a very generous uncle the girl thought that a person who forces his nephew to live in an old attic will never be kind and he also gives her a chance to enter the secular World Elaine thinks that either Lars made a mistake or he wants to save face in front of Madame bolini when Mrs teacher leaves Lorina tells Lars that she thinks that she has something to learn from Elaine because she so wanted to see the teacher off at the end but in the end for some reason she decided to stay in the room Lars claims that it is his fault because he neglected ela's education and he still has a lot to teach her however the guy remembers that she answered the questions quite well so there is nothing to worry about the young master was more worried about Ellie because in the first lesson of this year he decided to see how she had learned the material over the past year he asks his sister if he asked her to prepare better for the lesson Lars tells his sister to explain the awkward answer he heard in class the girl worriedly replies that she was preparing and her brother says that after this she still dared to mock elain he asks the girl if she understands how she disgraced herself in front of teacher bini because he almost burned with shame sitting there Ellie says that she is very sorry but her brother objects and says that he does not need her regrets and suggests that she better pull herself together because at this rate after her debut the center of attention of the nude family will be not her but Elaine hearing this my sister burst into tears after class Lorina came to Ellie's father and asked for forgiveness for distracting him from work the gentleman having calmed the girl down invites her not to worry about this and asks the question of what brought her to him Lorina claims that something is bothering her because today she was in philosophy class with Ellie and Elaine was also there Mr nude reports that he certainly managed to persuade Ellie to attend classes with Elaine however it seems to him that this will not last long the young lady says that this is not what this is about and the count suggests that she can tell the truth because he will not be angry the girl says that she is very very ashamed to say this but Elaine wants to seduce Mr Lark Lorina says she knows it's inappropriate to say that at their age but she just doesn't know how to say it differently the girl claims that Lars was present at class today and before he arrived at class Elaine behaved simply awful but as soon as he entered her behavior changed at that very second and then every time she answered Madame bini's question she smiled looking at Lars Lorina claims that those eyes and smile were so mysterious as if just one glance was not enough for her since it looked very strange she decided to tell the count everything the girl says that she heard that Lars and ela's relationship has also changed over the past few months count nude asks Lorina not to tell anyone else about this situation the girl agrees and says that otherwise she would not have come to him in person father thanks the girl and says that she doesn't have to worry about this anymore because he will take care of this misunderstanding for his daughter-in-law sitting at the table the father says that this they need to choose someone who will go to the temple and asks if they have forgotten about it mom says Damon still seems like a child and she so worried she can't let him go alone Mr nude heard this and said that it was too early for him to join the church and he was thinking of sending a lane there hearing this Lars asks why he is talking about this so suddenly he asks if it's okay to send a lane there while leaving his direct relative here the father claims as his mother said earlier Damon is not much older than his peers and he thinks still has a lot to learn Lars does not understand why he should continue to do so because at this age his father already sent him to church and he doesn't understand why they are still protecting their younger brother and asks if his grandfather would allow this if he were in his place count n says that he has already talked to the priest and they are ready to accept Elaine Lars agrees with his father and says if this is what he wants then his son will not object however he will have to give up the connections he has established within the temple the father replies that he doesn't think it's worth clinging to ridiculous rumors among children because for them it doesn't really matter the young Master asks if his father wants to say that after he sends Elaine to the temple he will no longer care what happens to her there lar says that everything is fine and offers to promise him one thing since in the future he will be responsible for elain's life and for where she will live after leaving the temple since he does not intend to abandon her or transfer her to an orphanage the father heard this and does not understand what his son is talking about and asks if this will bring them more problems the young Master asks why his father is so surprised because they should raise her better and give her to a worthy man in their family where there is only one daughter Elaine there is this Hand of Hope that they cannot lose count n agrees with his son and smiling says that it's true he says that he recently spoke with count dle and he wanted them to hold his and Lina's engagement before the initiation ceremony Lars doesn't understand why this has to happen before being ordained a saint the father says that Lorina also joined the school although initially her younger brother was supposed to go to school they say he was unable to do so due to pneumonia the young Master says to tell count dle that they will do as he wishes hearing this the parents were very surprised and the father thought that it was very good since his son was not the kind of guy who forgets about his father's responsibilities because of a girl and it seems to him that he worried in vain sitting at the table Earl n turns to Elaine and says that the reason he gathered everyone here for dinner was because of her the count reports that they decided to appoint her as a member of their family and invite her to join their Church however this was initially impossible due to her background but with great effort he managed to achieve it the girl thought that this was the same as kicking her out of the house and this favor would still not change their attitude towards her count n reports that the girl should be grateful for this Elaine replies that she understood everything because Damon is the second Heir she will go to the temple instead of him in this case larsa's father suggests that they hurry up and collect all their things the girl reports that in addition to the things provided in the temple she also needs to prepare personal belongings and therefore she will need a bag for her luggage Elaine says that she could go to the store in the city center but she has no money at all and asks if they could help her with this lar says that he has something to do in the City this Thursday and invites the girls to go together she doesn't ask if she has to go with him however as long as she has money she can take care of it herself young Master ask who else besides him will entrust her with his wallet however if they went together he could buy her a couple of new things Elaine thought about why Lars decided to intervene because it made her feel awkward however she does not want to miss the opportunity to buy what she needs and agrees with the guy count no thought this was strange since it wasn't that Elaine was seducing Lars but rather that she was trying to avoid him however he thought that he might be wrong the young lady writes down one spare set of church clothes three pairs of stockings three pairs of underwear two bars of soap one box of soap five notebooks a dozen pencils and remembers what else she will need in the temple the dark bird asks if there are too many things the lady replies that clothing and books are covered by the Initiation fee the family pays when joining the Church however consumables must be prepared at your own expense the dragon says that they are literally taking a nobleman Hostage to the temple and asks why she should pay for anything at all Elaine responds that she doesn't think the Saints should be held hostage Rees says that as people get higher in status they become more hypocritical among them the most hypocritical people are priests and Priests what happened 500 years ago is also likely Now Elaine claims that not everyone is like he said however there are people whom she truly respects the surprised Dragon asks which of them objected to her being sacrificed the main character says that at this time they hastily accepted this conclusion because it was also an order from his majesty the emperor rabess argues that if they were so faithful and loved the weak they should have offered themselves as sacrifices however they must have all felt relieved that one of them had not been chosen as a victim the dragon says that not only they but all the the citizens of the Empire including commoners felt relieved he says human nature is just a disgusting thing Elaine thought that she couldn't say that Rees was wrong however when she was taken to calore Cave the Imperial family did not seem to care who died the nobles were eager to count the prophets and the commoners were busy watching with a certain amount of curiosity the girl remembers that the priests and Priests of the Pavo Temple none of them could look into her eyes however the girl claimed that she believes that there are good people Rees claims that he knew the girl would say that and asks her if she ever met a good person the lady replies that of course she has and he already knows her Elaine explains that this person is Emily because in both her past life and present life she is a person who showed her pure kindness without ulterior motives the main character says that although she did not meet them in a past life she is sure that there are priests whom she respects however Elaine hopes that maybe in this life she will be lucky enough to meet them the dragon says that the girl is too gullible and asks her not to make the same mistake twice the lady thought that Rees did not trust people too much and I thought about how to help him learn to trust the young lady reflects that if this continues she does not think that the dragon will give up his goal of incinerating the entire Empire Elaine thanks the Dragon for coming with her the dark bird replies that it was simply an opportunity to see the human world however he asks if she knows what can happen when a lady is alone with that guy the girl replies that he shouldn't have worried so much Lars asks Elaine if she has prepared a list of things to buy the girl gave him a sheet of paper on which everything was written after reading it his boyfriend reports that he still won't be able to remember it because I didn't think that girls needed so much to take care of themselves the young Master says that he will take the list with him and also invites the girl to get into the carriage looking at the lady the guy asks if she is surprised however just don't let him tell him that she thought about going to the carriage alone the surprised Dragon does not understand what to do in the situation because the guy plays strange tricks he understands that Elaine is in trouble and there is nothing he can do about it the main character sees that Rees clearly does not like this but Lars shows too much initiative and she thinks that there is no point in resisting yet lar says that it would be more convenient to take a servant with him but the girl objects since she can carry her things herself the guy says that she is stupid because he told her that she shouldn't bother like that anymore the young Master reading the list says that first they will start with clothes for the Saints because they can order it today but they will have to wait up to 2 weeks hearing this the lady offers to take ready-made clothes Lars angrily asks if she's kidding and thinks that it would be acceptable for the new family to buy some ready-made dushman clothing the guy explains that the ritual of dedication to the Saint is a great event and asks if she wants to disgrace their family the main character remembers that she entered the temple even without special clothes about her past life Elaine answered that they will be pleased if he buys it the young Master tells the girl to be careful because she almost collided with a man he tells her to be attentive and look ahead the dragon tells the girl that this is another stupid trick however the girl does not understand how to explain to re best that this happened because of her after reading the list lar says that next they have a lingerie store and the girl offers to go there herself the guy looked at her and asked why she was so shy He suggests not to say anything stupid and to follow him entering the store the young Master orders them to give them a set of underwear for the girl and also regular and winter stockings while in the store the main character realizes that there is a lot of unusual lingerie there the saleswoman reports that they have linen made from regular cotton fine highquality cotton highquality Arabic cotton and asks what exact they are interested in L says to show them made of Arabic cotton when the girl heard this she thought it was incredibly expensive and he tells the guy that there is no need to take such an expensive thing the young Master replies that she need not worry since the new family always buys Arabic hearing this the dragon tells Elaine that this bastard shows off more often than he breathes Lars orders that he be given five sets of underwear and five sets of stockings for each season Elaine thought that she was embarrassed and embarrassed by the fact that Lars would see the lingerie she would be wearing however the girl understands that she needs to be patient until she gets everything she needs the young lady turns to Lars and says that during her 5 years in the temple her size may change noticeably and he suggest that the guy replaced two sets with a slightly larger size the green Gentleman asks Elaine how long she will continue to embarrass him Lars is told that he only went there to pay for it all and she makes him look at the set more the guy tells the saleswoman to create a book of accounts for Helen new the young Master reports that at this moment the girl does not have to worry about money since the family will pay all expenses and he offers to buy whatever she likes Elaine surprised asks if his father will mind lar says that he doesn't care because he decided to leave all the problems associated with you to him rabus angrily says that this damn family is treating her like property hey it seems to him that her uncle betrayed the right to use this property to this guy the main character reflects that lately she really feels like someone's property however in her past life she was also the property of the family where lars's opinion determined her life Elaine understands that even if he takes care of her differently than then if he still considers her his property the main character does not understand how this life differs from the Past after all she should probably stop worrying about him so much since she should become indifferent to Lars after all she has no intention of becoming this guy's property Elaine thinks that she will not allow him to twist her again as he pleases Lars reports that notepads and writing materials are next in line he says he knows a good store nearby ress asks if she thinks this guy is strangely excited the girl smiled and said that unlike her Lars is now the best suddenly Lars meets Lorina with her mother the guy greets them and says that they just decided to buy things for Elaine before her initiation ceremony the young Master says that he heard that Lorina has already joined the church and asks if this is true the woman asks if this means he is packing for his cousin the guy says since he is the eldest brother in the family he therefore has to take care of the Affairs of his younger brothers and sisters since mom is busy she left Elaine in charge of him lar says that he would talk to them more but unfortunately they don't have much time and they need to go Mrs Dell says that she does not dare detain them and tells Lina that she too should say goodbye to Mr Lark the girl says that they will see each other again and the guy agrees with her and says that in 2 weeks their engagement ceremony will take place hearing this Elaine was very surprised however the dragon looked at Lina's face and said that she always has such a face when she tries to hurt Elaine the main character thought that she would like to know the reason why Lorina hates her so much Lars walking with full bags says that he could use the help of a servant now the girl thought that it was not her idea to buy so many things suddenly the guy asks the girl to wait for him because he is going to the store of sacred relics rabus asks the girl if she likes me and when Lars buys something for her the main character replies that these are all just things that she will need in the temple because she wanted to pamper herself and so she asked to buy something that she didn't have before the dragon tells her not to say that she fell in love with this guy again the girl says no and asks why he thinks so the dark bird notices that he is once again doing something stupid and he claims that this will not happen again ress reminds the girl that if she needs something she can always ask him for it and no matter what things she has now he can always give her even better ones when Elaine heard this she laughed because in its Essence Dragon magic cannot create something out of nothing the girl is interested in the question of where he plans to get everything he needs however she has a person who cares about her the main character remembers that in her previous life the engagement ceremony took place only 2 years years later and she doesn't understand why they decided to hold it now the dragon says that this is due to the fact that a girl named Lorina has already been accepted into the church because it's not hard to guess when those two girls are only Whispering about it Elaine understands that this is not a reason to rush the engagement However the fact that she is a member of the church does not mean that she needs to get married right away because several people from his past got engaged only after 2 years of interruption in the temple rabus claims that perhaps this has something to do with her stay but in any case this event will not bring anything bad and suggested that the girl not to worry the timing for the engagement was chosen quite unexpectedly and in fact like elain's invitation to it the girl was more surprised that the lady who sent the invitation letter was Lorina the dragon heard this and does not understand the meaning of human engagements however he argues that if they are suitable for each other then why spend an entire ceremony to admit it again Elaine explains that first first of all at weddings they confessed their Fidelity and promis to be together until their death and this will at least demonstrate The Godly bond between the families of the newlyweds the main character says that she thinks that this is often what a noble marriage looks like because she heard that they were more needed for business than for the happiness of the couple themselves rabess looks at Lorina and wonders if she is expressing sincere love the main character explains that Lorina really likes Lars however sometimes such people are lucky however the young lady argues that at the end of the day being happy means being with those you love the dragon claims that her cousin doesn't look like that and it looks like he doesn't care about Lorina at all the main character remembers that Lorina used to have a happy relationship with Lars but it did not last long time passed she could not understand why he did not give her due attention as it was before Lorina really didn't understand what she did to deserve such treatment even thrown into the temple and having married Lars she still felt all the burdens that she experienced in the church full of loneliness and suffering Elaine remembers that Lorina then put her to hard work in the kitchen and it was she who prompted rubben to take her as a ward of the old nobleman from that moment on the life of the main character turned into hell because of Lorina the main character reflected on what she thought was the reason why she was not liked lay within her however in any case what Lorina did to her was nothing more than revenge the priest pH the blessing of St Bara at this wonderful time when everything around comes to life two young people will make a promise binding them to a long and happy life looking at the young couple the young lady thinks that Lorina was just lucky while she is full of joy Lars looks bored as if he was forced to do some Troublesome task Ray Bay says that he of course does not have the gift of foresight but he sees that this girl's future will not go as she imagined count n addresses the guests and says that his son Lar and Miss Lina count as Dill are engaged today and he thanks everyone who joined them on this promising evening this engagement will make the N family and the Dil family even closer Partners hearing this Elaine says that she thought so because it is just a marriage business between two families Rez says that it doesn't matter to them anyway Elaine thought about how she would never allow someone else to dictate the terms of her marriage the dragon looked at the girl and made a remark to her that she began to press too hard on sweets the young lady explains that sweet food is rarely found in the temple and therefore she is enjoying it while she can the surprised Dragon asks if she likes it because it is all so sticky and crumbles the main character says that whenever she eats cakes her mood Rises significantly however this happens every day the girl asks if Mr ress has ever tried something like this the dragon says that he can't eat human food because he wouldn't be interested because it's better that he tasted this fresh core of the demon he just killed the surprised girl thinks that she can't even imagine what a demonic core tastes like suddenly Lina approaches Elaine and says that she thinks the girl is having a good time you heard that the main character thought about why she decided to approach her Elaine replies that she is having a good time and thanks for the invitation and also the young lady congratulates her on her engagement Lorina thanks for the congratulations and asks if she finally realized that Lars is only her fiance the main character assures the girl that she always considered them ideal for each other because everyone around is also talking about it Lorina claims that the lady doesn't have to pretend because she saw Elaine wagging her tail behind her Lars after all she knows that every night she went into his bedroom and talked to him about something hearing this the main character understood what was going on Elaine remembers that because of the bullying from her cousins she often went to the young Master to complain to at least someone Elaine reveals that it is certainly true that she visited Lars occasionally and explains that she never had any dirty intentions however this was simply the only way to meet him in person Lorina talks about how an adult girl comes into the room of a stately and handsome guy at night and asks how she can be sure that she did not have any pure intentions the main character heard this and explained that she just needed to talk it out to someone Lorina asks screaming angrily why it had to be Lars girl remember that among all the cousins who bullied and intimidated her Lars was the coldest and Crest person among them the main character replies that she thought that Lars was the only only one in their house who could understand her problems however around the end of last year she realized that this was not the case and he claims that Lorina has nothing to worry about anymore since she is no longer close to the guy Lorina says that if something like this happens again in the future she won't tolerate it anymore and suggest that the lady not look so vulgar because it infuriates her as she left Lorina thought that this was enough to intimidate Elaine and yet she was still infuriated by this annoying suddenly Elaine says that Lorina should better take care of her Lars not her because the main character also doesn't understand why Lars suddenly began to care about her however she thinks the guy is up to something
Channel: Jackie RECAP
Views: 65,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa, manhwa recap, romance, romance webtoon, romance manhwa, romance manhwa recap, anime recap, romance anime recap, manga recap, romance manga recap, romance manwha recommendations, manwha top 10, prince, manwha edit, best romance manhwa, romance manga, love story, love story recap, romance story recap, romance manhua, in this life I'll raise you well your majesty, queen, empress, princess, duchess, cute baby prince, anime recaps, manga summary, manhwa summary, recap manga
Id: hqEr4wt0kLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 59sec (11039 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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